• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 4,230 Views, 208 Comments

King Spike - Norwegian boy

Spike finds out that he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom

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Chapter 12: The Truth About Joserth

Twilight was currently lying in her bed in her cell with her hands behind her head staring at the celling, there wasn’t much to do when one is in prison, and she was bored out of her mind. Usually, she have a book she could read but not now, she was just happy they let her out of her cell so she could go to the bathroom and take a shower when she need it.

Then all off sudden the door to the prison open and that got Twilight to get up of her bed and walk to bars to see what was happing, she could see some guard caring two dragon who was unconscious and both of them was wearing a collar around their necks, just like hers.

The dragon who was on guard, which was the same as before, look up from the newspaper and raised an eyebrow when he saw the two dragons.

“What do we have here?” He asked the guard as he put down the paper.

“These two was following the young prince and Tombias managed to catch them, he told us to bring them here and place them in jail.” Said one of the guards.

The jail keeper nodded his head. “Alright, I can only keep them for twenty four hours and then I have to let them go.”

“We know and it’s enough time for the queen to talk to them, she wasn’t happy when she heard about this.” The same guard answered.

The jail keeper let out a sighed. “Just placed them in one of the free cells, it doesn’t matter which one.” The guard nodded and they carried them over to the cell.

Twilight watch as the guard carried the unconscious dragon to their cell, she wanted to ask the guards how Spike was doing but she didn’t want to anger the guards, considering what happened last time. Twilight just watch as the guard placed the two dragons in different cells, they then closed the door and locked them, then they left without saying anything to Twilight.

Twilight just look at the two unconscious dragons wondering what they wanted with Spike, they weren’t going to kidnap him, if that was the case, they would have done it already. They were probably following him for a reason but what.

“What’s on your mind unicorn?” The jail keeper voice scared her, she didn’t expect him to talk. “I guess I frighten you unicorn.”

Twilight look at guard. “Yes.” She then look back at dragons they brought in. “If you don’t mind me asking, who are those two?” She asked the guard.

The guard sat down behind the desk. “I don’t know who they are, but I know that they work for prince Spike’s uncle, Joserth.”

Twilight had no idea who Joserth was. “How’s that?” She asked the guard.

“Like I said, Joserth is prince Spike’s uncle and he’s a jealous bastard who want’s the throne, he even kill his own brother to get it.”

Twilight was horrified when she heard that. “He kill his own brother over the throne to the dragon kingdom? That’s just despicable.” The guard agree with Twilight on that.

Then a new voice spoke up. “It’s not despicable, it was necessary.” It was one of the dragons that brought in, they were waking up. “Lord Joserth it the true ruler of the dragon kingdom and he will lead us into glory.” Said the dragon who was closet to Twilight.

Those words made the guard to frown. “If you mean go to war against the ponies, griffon and the rest? That’s not glory.”

Twilight was terrified when she heard that this Joserth would go to war against Equestria, she know that her home doesn’t have the largest military force. Sure, they have princess Celestia and princess Luna to protect them, but could they do that against an army of dragons? She didn’t know.

“Hey, Twilight Sparkle, the one who raised the prince.” That got Twilight back to reality.

“How do you know my name?” She asked them.

The dragon had an amusing smile on him. “Celestia wasn’t the only one who had a spy in Ponyville, lord Joserth knew that the queen gave the Spike’s egg to Celestia.”

Then the other dragon spoke. “What the hell are you doing? You can’t tell her that, lord Joserth would kill us.”

The first one look at his companion. “Does it really matter? Lord Joserth is the true ruler, and he will win in the end and…” That was all he could say.

“Alright, that’s enough of you.” Twilight look over at the guard and saw that he’s eyes were glowing, he had probably cast the same spell he did on her when she first arrived. “Don’t listen to them Twilight Sparkle, the citizens of the dragon kingdom would never accept Joserth as their king, they know he kill his own brother and…”

Twilight didn’t listen anymore, she was horrified when she heard that Joserth kill his own brother. Who in their right mind would kill their own flesh and blood? A monster, that’s who.

Twilight just sat on the floor, she hadn’t said anything since she heard that Joserth kill his own brother, the former king of the dragon kingdom. She had no idea how long she had been sitting on the floor, not moving at all. The guard who there was starting to get worried about her, he had brought her some food, but she hadn’t touched it.

The guard was about to say something to her when the door to the dungeon open and Drake walk inn, the guard got up to saluted. “The queen is here to talk to the prisons, she doesn’t want Twilight to hear anything.” Said Drake as he placed a silence spell on Twilight’s cell, he then notice that she was just sitting there, not moving. “What’s wrong with her?” Drake asked the guard.

“I think she shut down when I mention that Joserth killed the king, something I shouldn’t have done.” Said the jail keeper as he walk over to his desk and sat down.

Drake knows the felling, he didn’t talk to anyone for a while when he heard the news but right now, he had to protect the queen. Once the silence spell was placed on Twilight cell, the queen came in to ‘talk’ to the two dragons, it didn’t go well. Both of the refused to answer her question, the only thing they said was that Joserth was their true ruler and not her, or Spike.

After around five minutes the queen had enough and decided it was pointless to talk to them. She was about to leave when she saw the state Twilight was in, Drake told her was had happened to her.

“I see. But a silence spell on the prisoners and open Twilight Sparkle’s cell, that an order.” Drake cast the spell while the guard for the prison open the door, the queen walk in and sat down in front of the unicorn. “Twilight Sparkle?” She got no responded.

Then the queen did something that took every dragon of guard, she slap Twilight in the face, that got her back. “Why did you that?” She asked the queen while rubbing her cheek.

“Because you were out and since you didn’t answer me when I said your name, I thought slapping you in the face would work, and it did.” The queen said with a smile while Drake and the others couldn’t help but laugh, Twilight didn’t think it was funny. “I heard that you shut yourself out when you heard what happened to my husband.” Twilight nodded her head. “I know how you feel, I didn’t talk to anyone for two weeks but then I told myself I couldn’t act like this, it would only make it worse.” Twilight wasn’t sure if that would work for her. “Look Twilight, I know that murder is not common in Equestria but in the dragon kingdom, it is.” That didn’t help. “Look, don’t feel bad for my husbands dead, you didn’t know him.” She was about to get up. “Oh, if my son comes to visit you, don’t you dear talk about his father death, I will tell him when the time is right.” Garnet got up and walk out of her cell, the guard closed the door and lock it.

Once the queen and Drake was outside the prison. “Drake, there’s a spy in the castle and I want you to find him/her by any means necessary. Is that’s understood?”

Drake nodded his head. “Yes, my queen.” With that Garnet went back to her room to write a letter to Celestia.

Queen Garnet talk with Twilight didn’t help the unicorn that much, she know that she didn’t know the king, but it didn’t help that she felt bad for him. All her life Twilight was taught that friends is magic, it seems that doesn’t work everywhere.

The rest of the day Twilight just sat on her bed, looking down on the floor. She was felling a little better after the queen talk to her, but she couldn’t get the dragons word out of her mind, Joserth kill spike’s father. Just what kind of monster would do that.

Twilight thoughts was interrupted by the door to the prison open, in walk Rilda who walk to the guard behind the desk. “Is there’s a silence spell on the two prisoners?” She asked him.

The guard gave her a nod. “Yes, I placed one on each of the cells considering they won’t shut up.”

Rilda nodded and then walk to Twilight cell. “The young prince want to talk to, so I suggests you don’t talk about what you heard from those two.” She said while giving the two dragons a look that could kill. “Or you and I are going to have a problem.” She said to Twilight.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell.” Rilda was happy by that.

Rilda then walk to the entrance so Spike could come in, Twilight watch as Spike walk in with a smile on his face, that made her happy. She also notice a book under his arm, was that for her?

“Hey Twilight, how are you doing?” he asked her once he was at her cell.

“I’m doing fine but it’s a little boring here, I don’t have anything to read.” She said with some annoyance in her voice.

Spike couldn’t help but laugh of what she said. “I thought so, so I bought you this book for you.” He showed her the boot and it read; dragon culture. “Now you have something to read on your last day here.”

Twilight got up and walk to the bars to take the book. “Thanks Spike, I appreciate this.” She said with some tears in her eyes. “I guess your mother let you out of the castle.” She said while looking over the book.

“Yes, got to see most of the city and I got to by some new comics in a story by the name of Tales of Time and it’s own is Rilda’s little brother.” Rilda just frowned.

Then an awkward silence came. “I guess your going to stay here when I go back to Ponyville?” Twilight asked Spike.

Spike nodded. “Yes, don’t get me wrong I loved the time we had in Ponyville but I never felt at home there. But here, I do feel at home. The only problem I have is that I will become king on day, I’m not sure I will be ready for that.”

King. That’s the only thing Twilight was worried about, when he becomes king, his life will be in danger thanks to his uncle and Twilight couldn’t help but worried about that. “Are you sure you want to become king? That’s a lot of responsible.” She really hope that he didn’t want to become king.

“I know that but if I don’t then my uncle will take the throne and then he will probably go to war against Eqauestria, do you want that?” Twilight was shocked when she heard that, she didn’t know that Joserth would go to war, he is more dangerous then she thought. “And besides, it’s kind of my birth right and I can’t run away from it.” That made them both to laugh.

“Well Spike, if you chose to stay here then you have my blessing.” Twilight walk over to her bed. “Now, if you will excuse me, I have some reading to do.” She told Spike as she sat down on the bed to read her new book.

Spike just smile. “Great, I have to go, my mother has invited my to dinner and I don’t want to be late.”

They said goodbye to each other, and Twilight just watch as Spike exited the prison, she really hope that nothing bed would happened to him, only the future would tell.

Back in Equestria, Celestia had finished her duty and were now sitting in her room by her desk reading a book while drinking a cup of tea. “Nothing can ruined this moment.” AS soon as those words eft her mouth, a scroll landed in her lap. “Next time I’m going to keep my mouth shut.” She told herself as she picked up the scroll, it was from queen Garnet.

Celestia took a sip from her tea as she read what was on the scroll and then she spit it out. “That fucking bastard, how dear he use one the ponies in Equestria.” She got up and headed to her sister room with the scroll in her hand.

Once Celestia reached Luna’s room, she went straight in. “Luna, are you inn here?” She didn’t saw her sister but then she heard the water running, Luna was in the shower, so she deiced to wait on the bed.

It didn’t take long before Luna came out from the bathroom wearing a bathrobe and her hair was rap in a towel, she saw her sister sitting on her bed. “Tia, what do I owe this visit?” She asked her sister while walking over to her desk, she then took of the towel and started to groom her hair with a brush.

Celestia got of her sister bed. “I got a letter from queen Garnet, and I thought you should read it.” She walk over to her sister and gave her the letter. “Just try and control yourself when you read it.”

Luna took the letter. “I’m not sure why you said that.” She then read the letter and boy was she angry now. “That fucking bastard, I’m going to kill him.” She said while getting up.

“Luna, try and calm down?” Celestia told her sister.

“Calm down? Joserth used a pony in Equestria to spy on Twilight and Spike for two years, I want to kill him.” Luna said with anger in her voice.

“Believe me Luna, I know how you feel but right now in want to find out who this pony is and I was hoping you could go into their dreams and find out who the spy is.”

Luna was breathing heavily. “It would be my pleasure. But what should we do if this pony have left Ponyville?” Luna asked a good question.

“Then we will find the spy and make him/she pay for their crime.”

Luna nodded in agreement, there was no way this spy was going to get away with this.

Author's Note:

I hope you all like the new chapter, I'm actually pleased with it.

In the next chapter we will find out what happens to Twilight when she return to Ponyville and Celestia hunt for the spy.