• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 4,233 Views, 208 Comments

King Spike - Norwegian boy

Spike finds out that he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom

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Chapter 22: The Next Day

The sun was rising over the dragon kingdom and the city of Wiacaster, dragons was waking up to do their daily routine but there was one who had been awake a while and that’s Spike. Spike had been awake ever since he saw his mother lying in her bed, dead. He tried go back to sleep, but no avail.

Spike look at his window and saw sun shine through it, it was a beautiful morning, not for Spike. He have lost his mother, he had lost a father he never meet or known. He felt anger and hatred towards the dragon who did this to him, his uncle. Why would someone do this? Kill his own family? It made Spike sick.

Anger, Spike had to listen to his father words, don’t let anger cloud his judgment which wasn’t easy at the moment, all Spike wanted was to kill his uncle. Joserth, that made Spike’s blood boil. As he saw it, he didn’t have any uncle, his uncle was a murder and he didn’t want anything to do with him.

Spike took one deep breath, it was about time he step up and became the king his parents wants him to be, a kind ruler. He was going to make sure that his ex uncle never became king. Spike got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom, it was time he step up and became a real dragon. After the he showered, he got dressed, it was time to act like a king.

Spike open the door and saw some guard standing here, guarding his room. The all reacted when he open the door. “My prince, you are not allowed to leave your room.” Said one of them.

Somehow, Spike knew they would say that. “I am prince and I order you to stand aside.”

All of guards was shocked to hear him say that and they didn’t know what to do. They had to obey him but Drake told them that the prince was to stay in his room, should they listen to the prince or Drake?

Then a new voice spoke up. “You heard the prince, step aside.” They all look in the direction of the voice and it was captain Mideos.

All off the guards saluted. “Captain Mideos, sir. We were order by sir Drake to keep the prince in his room.”

The captain nodded his head. “I see. There is only one problem, Drake and the others are supposed to take order from the royal family and so are you, right now prince Spike is the only one left and that mean you have to listen to him.” All four guards didn’t know what to and the captain saw that. “You got to be kidding me.” He mumble to himself as he tried not to lose his patience, he lost it. “IF YOU WONT LISTEN TO HIM THEN YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO ME, LET THE PRINCE GO.” That got the guards to react, they left and Mideos couldn’t believe how he’s guards acted. “Unbelievable.” He then bowed to Spike. “I do apologize for my guards my prince, I didn’t believe they would act like that.”

“It’s ok, I’m not offence or anything. I’m just a little shocked that they didn’t listen to me.”

Mideos stop up. “You are to humble my prince.” He then look in the direction of the queen’s room. “I’m guessing this is Drake’s work, I think he’s taking your mother’s death a little too seriously. But that’s no excuse to lock you in your room, so let’s find out what his problem is.” Spike thought that was a good idea, they both decide to find Drake.

Spike and Mideos didn’t have to walk far to find Drake, he was standing outside the queen’s room, he didn’t even notice that they arrived.

Then Mideos spoke up. “Drake, we need talk.”

That got Drake to look in their direction and his eyes widen when he that Spike was there. “What the…? I told the guards not to let the princes out of his room.” He look at two guards that was standing by the door. “Take the princes back to his room.”

Both guards walk towards Spike and he was about to say something when Mideos step in front of him. “Stand down, both of you.” Both guards hesitated. “THAT IS A DIRECT ORDER FROM YOUR CAPTAIN.” That got them to stop.

Drake on the other hand wasn’t too happy right now. “What are you doing Mideos? You can’t just…”

Mideos cut him off. “What am I doing? Maybe you should ask yourself that question, I just found out that you made the prince a prisoner in his own castle by posting guards outside his room and not letting him out.” Midoes explained to him.

“We did that to protect him.” Drake was getting annoyed.

“To protect him? By locking him in his room? You don’t have the authority to do that,” He then pointed at Spike. “as prince you have to listen to him, we all do. That’s the law.”

Then Raldrin step out of the queen’s room. “What’s going on here?” She then saw Spike. “What’s the prince doing here? I told guard to keep him in his room.”

That got Midoes attention. “Wait, you made him a prison in his own room?” He asked Raldrin.

“Of course I did, I saw his mother lying in her bed, I didn’t want him to see her. I also did it to protect him.” The dragoness told Midoes.

Midoes couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Again with the protect part, you can’t make a prison of him.” Then three dragons started to argued.

Spike just watch as three grown up dragons argued, he thought that grown up dragons was wiser than this, he thought wrong. There was one question, what should he do? Should he let them argue or say something? He had no idea. Maybe he should say something, considering they were acting like children.

They keep on arguing and Spike had enough. “WOULD YOU THREE SHUT THE HELL UP.” That shut them up, they saw that Spike wasn’t too happy. “What’s wrong with you three? Why are you bickering like children when my mother is lying her bed dead? Aren’t you supposed to get ready for her funeral?” All dragons that was standing there was astounded by Spike, they never thought he would act like a king already. “And since my mother is dead I am now in charge here, that’s what she taught me, does anyone of you have any objection?” None of them said anything, they didn’t dare. “Good. All of you leave, I want to say good bye to my mother.” He then walk in to her room.

Drake and Raldrin was still in shock while Midoes was smiling, that is a king he would follow to the end of the world.

When Spike entered his mother room he saw Pethayrth. Her upper body was resting on the bed, she was also breathing heavily. “Pethayrth?”

The nurse look up at Spike with tears in her eyes. “My prince, IIIII couldn’t save her. I failed her.” Then the dragoness fell on the floor while covering her eyes, still crying.

Spike did the only thing he could think off, he walk over to Pethayrth and gave her a hug, she return the hug. Spike wanted to say something but he had no idea what, what could he say to make her feel better? “Pethayrth, I think my mother would say that you shouldn’t blame yourself.” Was that the right thing to say?

“But I did fail her, I couldn’t heal her.” It didn’t help.

Then Spike look at the door. “Guards.” Two dragon guards enter. “Can you two take Pethayrth back to her room? I think she need some rest.” Both of them nodded, they then picked up the dragoness, who was too weak to protest, they then carried her out of the room leaving Spike alone with his mother.

The young prince look over at the bed, his mother was lying with her eyes closet and her hands was lying on her chest. Spike was over to the bed and placed a hand on her arm. “Mom, I swear I will be a king you will be proud of and I will make my so called uncle pay for what he did to you and my father, I promise.” He gave her one last kiss, he walk out of the room.

Once Spike entered the hallway he saw that only Midoes and some guards was there. “Where is Drake and Raldrin?” He asked the captain.

“I think Drake went to speak to his brother, I have no idea where Raldrin is.” The captain answered.

Spike nodded. “Can someone get Rilda? I want her to take care of my mother funeral.” One of the guards saluted and then he went to find Rilda. “What happened now?” Spike asked the captain.

“Well, we make sure your mother is buried, of course. We send out invitation to the different nation, I think Drake has already send one to princess Celestia and her sister, they will probably arrive tomorrow. After the funeral we make preparation to make you king.” Midoes explained to him.

“I have to become king right after the funeral?” Spike couldn’t help but question what Midoes said, it didn’t make sense to him.

“I know it sounds strange but that has always been the chase when royalty has died, the next in line always become the next ruler after their funeral.”

Spike didn’t like it but he didn’t want to argue. “Fine, it doesn’t sound like I have a choice.” Let then let out a sighed. “I need some air, I’m heading to the garden.” He started to walk and one of the guard followed him, he didn’t argue.

Drake was walking towards his brother room, after they had brought the dragon who murder the queen, Diner had vanished. Drake knew that his brother felt responsible for the queen’s death.

When Drake arrived at his brother room, he could see he was packing his stuff. “What are you doing?” He asked his brother.

Diner didn’t stop. “What does it look I’m doing? I’m packing my stuff, I failed as a Dragon knight so I’m leaving.”

Drake walked in and gabbed his brother hand. “Would you stop? You didn’t fail, I did.”

Diner couldn’t help but question what his brother said. “How can this be your fault? I’m the one who reacted to late, I should have heard the intruder earlier then the queen would have been alive.” He said with regret in his voice.

Drake let go of his brother hand. “That’s true, maybe she could be alive if you were fast but this wouldn’t have happened if my spells was weak, I’m the one who placed them on her window. It’s my fault she is dead, not yours.”

“Again, how can this be your fault? The culprit had a anti magic crystal, it fell out of his pocket when they were carrying him to you, Remember? I showed it to you.” Drake remember. “I doesn’t matter how strong your magic was, he would have gotten in either way.” Diner clenches his fist. “I fail the queen and the prince, it’s my fault he lost his mother.”

Drake wasn’t sure he could say anything to his brother that would make him feel better, but maybe another dragon could. “Then let’s ask him.” Diner look at his brother. “Let’s ask the prince if you really failed him and if he hats your.”

Diner didn’t want to, all he could think of how much prince Spike hated him. But maybe, just maybe he could have some of his honor back. “Alright, let’s talk to the prince.” They both decided to find Spike.

Spike had managed to find the garden, he sat down on one of the benches, the guard gave some space. The last twelve hours had been hell for Spike, at least he thought it had been twelve hours. He had no idea. Seeing his mother lying in her bed, dead. Being lock up in his room, seeing grown up dragons fight like children. It’s been interesting and horrifying at the same time. Spike let out a tiring sighed, something told him things would only get worse.

Spike then happened to look to his right and he saw Drake and Diner walking toward him, Diner look sad? Spike had no idea why.

Both stop in front of him and bowed. “My prince, how are you doing?” Drake asked him.

“I have been better. Is there something you two want?” He asked them.

Both stop up. “Yes.” Drake pushed his brother forward. “Diner has something to say to you.”

Spike look over to Diner who had trouble coming up with the right words, he decided to just say it right out. “I am so sorry my prince.” He went down on his knees, he then placed his upper body on the ground. “I am so sorry that I failed you, if I had been faster your mother would have been alive right now, I failed as a Dragon knight.” He then started to cry. “I don’t deserve to be a Dragon knight.”

Spike look over to Drake to confirm that his brother was serious or not, but Drake had the same shock look on him. Spike had to say something.

“Diner, look at me.” The blind dragon did that. “I’m not mad at you for not saving my mother.” Diner didn’t expect to hear that.

“But I…”

Spike held up a hand to stop him. “As I said I’m not mad at you for not saving my mother, the one I’m mad at his my so called uncle. I’m pretty sure that it was him that gave the order, which is a little difficult to confirm now.” He was right. “What we have to be is strong and not let my mother dead do stupid decision, like you are doing now. You can’t blame yourself, you did your best and I’m pretty sure that my mother would have been proud of you. I know I am.” None of the dragons didn’t expect to hear that. “You managed to catch the killer.”

“But, he took his own life.” Diner told him.

That was news for Spike. “I didn’t know that. Look,” Spike stood up. “As I said before, I don’t blame you, I don’t blame any of the Dragon knights. Yes, you didn’t managed to save my mother.” Spike then realized what he just said so he took a few seconds to gather his thoughts. “I am really not good at this. You don’t have to quit but maybe you should take a few days off, to gather your thoughts. The last few hours has been exhausted for us all, especially me.” He then look at Drake. “Has the invitations to my mothers funeral be send to the other country yet?” He asked Drake.

“Not yet my prince, I was going to do it after I had talk to my brother.” Drake told Spike.

The young prince nodded. “Do it, the sooner we bury her the better.” Drake left. Spike walk over to Diner. “please, don’t blame yourself, because I don’t.” Then Spike and the guard left leaving Diner alone. He decided to listen to Spike, to take some time of so he could gather his thoughts.

For the rest of the day. Spike keep to his room for the most part, he went to the dining room to get some food. Spike found out that Raldrin had gone to the Dragon knights training room, she wanted to let out some anger, he wasn’t about to stop her. The twins didn’t came to castle at all, they were still in shock. Tomias decided to help Pethayrth, she was still trying to heal the queen, it wasn’t pretty.

Spike now had to wait to be king.

Author's Note:

Sorry that it took so long, I have been busy.

I know it's not a great chapter, none of them are.

Tomias belongs to Ebonis.