• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 4,231 Views, 208 Comments

King Spike - Norwegian boy

Spike finds out that he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom

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Chapter 32: The Royal Ball part 6 (Redux)

Author's Note:


As you all can see, this chapter is back and it's a little longer. Let me explain why;

As I was reading some the previous chapters I notice something, I forgot to write Zecora into the story. So, I had to write her into some of the previous chapters and this chapter a little longer. I added a scene with Zecora and her father, I gave Zecora a little back story. I hope you all like it.

Abyssal Shield belongs to Shadow Hero.
Tomias belongs to Ebonis.

Twilight and the others was standing in front of the dragon castle and they couldn’t help but marvel at it, it had to be twice the size of the castle in Canterlot. Even Dash was impressed and she has a big ego. Celestia and Luna wasn’t impressed, they had seen it before.

As they walk up the stairs they couldn’t help but notice the guest that was walking with them, they didn’t look royal or important, they look like citizen. “What’s going on? I thought this was a private ball?” Dash asked Tomias.

“No, everyone can enter the ball but they have to be invited by the king to enter the throne room.” Tomias look over to Dash. “Didn’t princess Celestia tell you that?”

Dash could fell a pair of eyes drill into her neck, Celestia wasn’t happy. “Maybe?” Dash had to swallow that big lump she had in her throat.

Once they arrived at the top of the stairs, all of the ponies saw that the gate was open and two guards was standing guard, Twilight became very nervous when she saw the two guards, it was same guards she attack when she tried to bring back Spike. Both guard saluted when they saw Tomias and the ponies, they keep an eye on Twilight to make sure she didn’t do anything this time. The unicorn just hide behind Applejack, the farmer was a little confused.

Once they entered the castle they saw a dragon sitting on a chair near the door, he kind of look like Drake but he’s eyes were closed. “Tomias, I can see that you have arrived with the king guest.” He then look them over. “Why is almost everyone of them so nervous?” He asked them.

Everyone was surprised, not the princess, they knew what Diner meant. “How did you know we are nervous?” Rarity asked the dragon.

Before the dragon could answer, Tomias spoke up. “If you let me explain, Diner here can use magic to ‘see’ the heartbeat of every living thing.” The ponies was impressed.

“I use magic because I’m blind, I have been blind all live life.” Now they felt bad and Diner ‘saw’ that. “I don’t need your sympathy, the only thing I want know is.” Diner then point at Pinkie. “What’s wrong with this one?” Everyone look at the party pony. “Why does your heartbeat sound like a bouncing ball? Every heartbeat should be normal but your is not, why not?”

Every pony and dragon was now looking at Pinkie who was clueless. “Why are you all looking at me? I don’t know.” Diner eyes started to twitch.

Rarity decided to say something to Diner. “Try and not think about too much darling, if you do you might go crazy. Just ask Twilight.”

The purple unicorn blushed. “She’s right, just accept.” That wasn’t the answer Diner wanted.

Celestia then decided to change the subject. “Diner, do you know where your brother is?”

The blind dragon let out a sighed. “Yeah, is in the throne room with the king.”

Celestia was happy to hear that. “Good.” She then grabbed Dash’s arm. “You still ow him an apology.” She then started to walk towards the throne room and Dash could only tag along. The others deiced to follow, they wanted to see Spike. Luna was the only one left with their luggage.

The princess of the night look over at Tomias. “What about our guards? Do they have to protect us tonight or can they just relax?” She asked him.

“That’s up to them. If you will excuse me, I have some patrolling to do.” He then bowed and walk off.

Luna then turned to their guards. “If you all want to work tonight, I’m not going to stop you but it’s your choice. Just remember to have one of you to protect our luggage.”

The guards look at each other, then Shadow spoke up. “We have talk about and we agree to just relax, there are enough guards in castle.” Luna nodded her head, that was fine with her. Luna decided to find her sister to try and stop her while their guards headed for another part of the castle with their luggage.

Dash was led by Celestia through the hall of the castle and she was embarrassed, all the guards was looking at them. “Princess Celestia, is possible you can let go? I promises I won’t run away.” She said to the princess.

Celestia didn’t listen. “After that stunt you did two months ago, not a change. Also, I heard from Twilight that you can be reckless at times so I’m not taking any chances.” Dash hate to admit but Celestia had a point, she could be reckless, a loot. “Where here.” Dash saw a giant door that open and standing on each side was the two dragons she saw around two months ago. On the left was a dragoness, she was blue and had yellow scales, the male was yellow with blue scales, she got in an argument with the male one. Now that had a closer look at them, they kind of look a like each other. Twins? Then Celestia spoke up. “Nallir, Zaldren, I can see that it’s you two who are guarding the throne this evening.” Nallir was wearing blue dress while Zaldren was wearing a tuxedo and a tie.

Zaldren frowned. “Yes, we drew straws and we got two that was the shortest.” He then crossed his arms. “I swear, I think I’m cursed or something.”

Nallir just rolled her eyes by her brother behavior. “Would you shut up with the straw already, it’s bad enough that you are wearing a tie with your tuxedo and not a bowtie.” She wonder how she could handle her brother whining for the last 200 years.

Zaldren look at his sister with annoyance. “I have said it before and I will say it again, bowtie does not look good with a tuxedo, a bowtie is not cool.”

Celestia had to do something or the twins would start fighting, she has seen it before and it’s not pretty. “Can one you tell me if Drake is in the throne room.”

The siblings decided to stop fighting. “Yes, he’s standing bedside the king, so is Rilda.” Zaldren told her, Celestia thank him and walk in with Dash right behind her, she didn’t have a choice. “That pegasus look familiar.” Said Zaldren as he watch them walk in.

Nallir was looking at some paper. “She should, it’s the same pegasus you argued with when we visited Ponyville two months ago. Rainbow Dash” That’s right, Zaldren almost hit that one.

Once Dash entered the throne room she could see a bunch of royalty, she couldn’t see any decorations on the wall or celling, it look normal and she actually like it. She couldn’t help but wonder how Rarity would react, she hope she wouldn’t pass out.

Spike was sitting on his throne and he was bored, he knew this ball would be tedious but all he has done was sit on his ass and great the guest. Spike knew how Celestia feel when she hosted the grand galloping gala. Spike couldn’t help but yawn a little and then he happened to look towards the entrance to the room and he wasn’t sure what he saw, it look like Celestia was holding Dash’s hand and they were walking towards him? No, they are walking towards Drake who was standing on spike’s left.

Drake was a little confused, he saw Celestia walk in with Dash right behind her. The dragon knew why they were walking towards him but he couldn’t understand why it look like Celestia was on a mission.

When Celestia and Dash was in front of Drake, the princess spoke. “Sir Drake, I think Rainbow Dash has something to say to you.” Celestia pulled Dash’s arm which made the Pegasus stand in front of Drake. “Say it.” Celestia demanded it.

Dash had to rube her wrist from Celestia’s pulling her. “I know.” Dash took a deep breath, she didn’t like but she had to do it. “I’m sorry I tried to attack you two months ago.” Dash as actually relieved to say that.

Drake was dumbstruck, he had no words for this. To him it look like Celestia forced Dash to say that but it didn’t, Dash said it by her own free will. “I appreciate you apologize rainbow Dash but I don’t accept it.”

This time it was Dash’s time to be dumbstruck, even Celestia was lost for words. Spike was also lost for words and so was Rilda, who was standing on Spike’s right.

Dash managed to find the words, in a way. “Why…? Why… why not? I attack you out of pure anger.”

Drake nodded his head. “That you did but was mostly my fault, I could have handled the situation a little better, I might have acted wrong when I went to bring king Spike home to his mother so maybe I’m the one who should apologize.” He then bowed. “Rainbow Dash, I apologize for my behavior when we first meet.”

Dash’s mouth almost fell to the floor, she had waited over a month to apologize to Drake and then she is the one who are getting an apologize, she didn’t expect this. There was one pony who was more shock the Dash and that was Celestia, was Drake right? Was it his fault? When she thinks about it, Drake did act a little out of character. He usually are calm and collected but not they day he came to Ponyville, maybe he didn’t want to fail queen Garnet’s order.

Drake then got up and look at Celestia with disappointment. “And you.” Celestia actually froze. “Why did you drag Rainbow Dash here against her will, something tells me that she wanted to apologize to me.”

Celestia didn’t know but she actually blushed. “Well, I wanted to make sure she did apologize the right way. I have heard from Twilight that Rainbow Dash can be brash at times.” Dash wasn’t about to argue with that, she was brash at time.

Drake spoke again. “By doing that, everyone ells is looking at you.” Celestia look around and saw that Drake was right, they were look at her and she could see that they were judging her. Celestia felt like an idiot. “Is this what you want them to see you as a ruler that just commands the ponies of Equestria to do what you say?” Drake didn’t like to do this but he wasn’t too happy how Celestia had acted.

Celestia really felt like an idiot now, this was not here. “Your right Drake.” To Dash surprised, Celestia bowed. “I’m sorry Rainbow Dash, I shouldn’t have drag you her against your will.” Dash didn’t know what to think right now, she never thought that Celestia would apologize to her. “if you all will excuse me, I’m going to find the alcohol.” The princess of the sun just walk off to the nearest table.

While Celestia decided to get drunk, her sister and the others had arrived. Then pinkie spoke. “So, this is a royal ball. I kind of like it.” Twilight and her friends look over at the party pony, they never thought she would say that, considering she love balloons and decorations. Pinkie saw that her friends gave her a look. “What? Is so wrong for me to like that is ‘normal’?” They weren’t sure what to say, Pinkie just rolled her eyes. “I’m going to find something to eat, I will say hello to Spike later.” She then walk over to nearest table.

Twilight and the other was still in shock until Rarity spoke up. “Well, I didn’t see that coming.” None of them did.

Then it was AJ’s turn. “I’m more surprised that you didn’t pass out when you saw this place.” She aid to Rarity.

The fashion diva just frowned. “I might like a little more flare to this event but sometimes I like it simple.” AJ felt like her brain was to explode, this was too much for her.

Then Velvet spoke up. “Would you two just stop whatever you are doing and let’s go and saw hello to Spike, can you all do that without bickering?” AJ and Rarity nodded their heads. So, they walk over to greet Spike. Luna deiced to find her sister and stop her for drink all the alcohol.

While Twilight and the others said hello to Spike, Pinkie was busy with eating cake and it was good. It wasn’t as good as the Cake’s made, but it was eatable. While the party pony was eating, two female noble dragons was walking towards and they weren’t too happy of what they saw.

Then one of them spoke. “Excuse me.” Pinkie stop eating to look at them, she was a little confused. “Just what are you doing?” The dragon asked the pink pony.

Pinkie blink a few times, she had no idea why the dragon asked her that. “I’m eating cake?” Yes, she answered with a question.

The dragoness just frowned. “I know you’re eating cake, what I want to know why are you here, in the throne room? Only those who get a special invitation are allowed to be here and I hardly believe that a pony like you are allowed to be here, which means you had too snuck in.”

Pinkie tilted her head in confusion. “I didn’t snuck in, I went through the main door with my friends.”

That just frustrated the dragoness even more. “Liar, no one like you could have been invited by the king, you have no manners.” The other female noble agree while Pinkie didn’t understand why she was scolded. Maybe if she tried to explain that she knew Spike they wouldn’t scold her, but before Pinkie could do that or the noble could scold her more…

A new voice spoke up. “Is there a problem here?” Coming up behind Pinkie was…

“Lady Raldrin, can you do us all a favor and throw this pony out of the throne room, there is no way she was invited by king Spike.” The dragoness said with disgust in her voice. Pinkie just rolled her eyes, she had enough of this dragon and decided to go and say hello to Spike. The pink pony just ate the rest of her cake and walk over to Spike. The dragoness didn’t like that. “Hey, were are you going?” Pinkie just ignored her. “Can’t you do something lady Raldrin?” The noble asked.

“Even if I wanted to, I can’t. That’s Pinkie Pink and the king invited her and her friends from Ponyville, they are his friends when he lived there. They are his personal guest, VIP.” The two dragoness mouths feel open, they wanted to believe what they just heard.

“THEY DID WHAT?” All three dragoness look over at Spike and he didn’t look happy, Pinkie must had told him what happened to him. They then watch as Rilda tried and calm Spike down, somehow it work but he gave them a look that he wasn’t happy with them.

Raldrin was a little surprised of that, she thought that Spike would throw them out. “Well, that happened.” She look over to the noble dragons. “I suggest you two should watch what you say from now on, I don’t think the king would be as nice next time.” She then left leaving the two dragoness very confused.

After Zecora had talk with Spike, she moved to the other hall to get something to eat. Zecora was sitting alone and watching others have fun, she couldn’t help but wonder why Spike invited her to the Royal ball. She wasn’t that special and she didn’t know Spike as much as Twilight and the others, Zecora felt like she didn’t belong here. There was one thing that Zecora like and that was to see other zebras, it reminded her of home, which she missed at times but there was one person she didn’t want to see. “Zecora?” A male voice made Zecora freeze up, she look at the direction of the voice and it was the one zebra she didn’t want to see, her father.

“Is there something I can help you with Sanni?” Zecora asked with hatred in her voice.

Sanni flinched. “Would you please call me dad or father, I am your father after all.”

Zecora frowned. “Since when? Ever since mother died you stop being my father and became my master, you pushed me in potion making and it was the worst days of my life.”

Sanni sat down on the other side of the table. “I did that so you would take over my position as potion maker at the castle, I wanted you to take over when I retired.”

Zecora look at her father with hatred. “That was your dream but did you ever consider my dream?” Sinni wanted to answer but Zecora didn’t let him. “NO. All you cared about was your dream and not mine and that’s why I left, I decided to follow my dream and that’s was to travel to Equestria and help the ponies there, which have done many times. It’s was your dream to make me the next potion make at the castle, not mine.”

Sanni knew that Zecora was right, it was his dream, not his. But there was a problem, he was to pride to admit it. Ever since Zecora’s mother died Sanni became to obsessed in training Zecora that he lost focus, he did regret it eventually.

Then a new voice spoke up. “That’s not very nice thing to say to your father Zecora.” Both zebras was surprised that it was queen Nishi who spoke.

Zecora wasn’t to happy that the queen decided to intervene. “No offence your highness, this does not concern you, this is a family matter and your not part of this family.” Zecora said with some force in her voice.

“I think this concern me, I have know Sanni for year and I think him as family and you should not talk to your father like…”

Zecora had enough. “WOULD YOU SHUT THE HELL UP.” She shout as she got up and slammed both her hands on the table, taking Sanni and the queen of guard, they didn’t expect Zecora do that. “What the hell do you know about my father? Ever since my mother died he ignore me, he only did what he thought was best for me, he never stop and ask me what I wanted. I lost both my parents the day my mother died, I left because I couldn’t take it anymore.” She then look into Sanni’s eyes with hatred. “Your not my father, he died a long time ago.” Zecora then stormed out of the room leaving everyone in the room wondering one thing, what just happened.

Sanni then got up and look at the queen. “What were you thinking? This was probably me best change to talk to my daughter and you had to ruined it, I know you want me and my daughter to make up but as she said, this doesn’t concern you and now she hates me even more.” Sanni let out a heavy sighed. “You know what? I quit, I don’t want to be the royal shaman anymore.” Before the queen could say anything, Sanni left.

Other than the event with Zecora, her father and queen Nishi, the rest of the night went without a hitch, Twilight and the others talk with each other, with some of the other guests. Abyssal and Dash dance a little to the music that was playing, some of the dragon even ask the others to a dance. Everyone accepted a dance, except Fluttershy, she was to afraid. Luna managed to stop her sister for drink all the alcohol.

The ball eventually ended so Spike’s guest went to their room in the castle to get some sleep, they could hang out with Spike the next day.

Comments ( 2 )

Surprised on the Zecora bit.

Now that I think about it, wonder how Smolder will react to the whole thing with Spikis now king and such?

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