• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 4,215 Views, 208 Comments

King Spike - Norwegian boy

Spike finds out that he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom

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Chapter 6: Twilight in Jail

Spike was enjoying his breakfast with his mother and it wasn’t so bad as he thought, he found out that she was a kind ruler so was his father. Spike’s father king Rock Crusher, he really wanted to know where he was but now was not the time. He had trouble comprehend that his mother was over five hundred years old, to be honest he didn’t know how old dragons could get, they could be up to a thousand years old. Spike almost fainted when he heard that, almost.

Garnet happily listen to spike’s story of his time in Ponyville, she knew what has happened since Celestia gave her egg to Twilight but right now she didn’t care, she was happy to hear it from her son. Some of his story made her sadder then happy, she was glad that he enjoy his time but he sounded so naïve, he didn’t understand that some of his friends took advantage of him. Rarity used him as pincushion and Pinkie scaring him almost all the time. There was one thing she didn’t understand and that was his love for a comic called Power Ponies, Garnet couldn’t understand why someone would read a comic. Maybe she was too old to understand.

Their breakfast was interrupted when the door to the dining room open and a black dragoness walk in. She was wearing a pair of black pants, a black t-shirt and a black jacket. ‘She must really love black.’ Spike thought to himself when he saw her.

“Hey Raldrin, your back.” Said Pethayrth with a smile on her face but that disappeared pretty quick when she saw her friend facial expressions, she wasn’t happy.

Raldrin walk over to Garnet and then whispered something in her ear, Garnet wasn't happy by the news she got.

“Please tell me that you’re joking Raldrin.”

Raldrin took a step back. “I’m afraid not my queen.”

Garnet couldn’t help but groan. “I was hoping that this would be a nice day, next time I’m not going to jinx it. Help me up.” Raldrin and Pethayrth help up their queen from her seat.

Spike had just watched the whole thing. “Is there something wrong mother?” It didn’t fell wrong when he called her mother.

“Apparently a certain unicorn had gotten herself arrest by attacking my guards.” Garnet wasn’t about to lie to his son, he’s been lied to for eighteen years and that’s enough.

Spike know who she was talking about and somehow he wasn’t surprised at all, Twilight has been acting weird ever since she had heard that Spike was a prince, it was like she didn’t want to lose him.

“Can I talk to her?” The room became quiet when he said that, they didn’t expect to him to say that.

“Not now, let me talk to her first. Is that okay with you?” Spike just nodded. “Good, follow me Pethayrth we are heading to the dungeon.” With that said, they left the room. Once they were in the hallway Garnet couldn’t help but smile. “Did you hear Pethayrth? He called me mother.” The queen couldn’t be happier. Pethayrth was just happy for her queen.

Back in the dining room, Spike keep looking at Raldrin who finally notice him. “So, this it the young prince.” She then bowed. “It’s a pleasure to meet you prince Spike, my name is Raldrin and I’m a dragon knight.”

Spike wasn’t sure what t say, he was still getting use that other dragons bowed to him. “Nice to meet you?” Raldrin had a smile on her face as she got up, she then walk out of the room.

Rilda just rolled her eyes of Raldrin behaviour. “You have to excuse her behaviour prince Spike, she is always like that.”

“Don’t worry, I wasn’t offended.”

Rilda was relieved when he heard that. “Good, why don’t you finish up your breakfast.”

Spike look down on his plate and saw that he had eaten half of his food, he then realized he wasn’t hungry anymore. His hunger kind of disappeared when he heard what Twilight had done.

Spike pushed away his food. “You can take it away, I’m not hungry anymore.”

Rilda was a little surprised. “Are you sure?” Spike nodded. “Alright then, let me take it away.” She pick up his plated and disappeared into the kitchen. Spike just hope that Twilight was okay.

“Oh, my head.”

In another part of the castle, Twilight had finally woken up from her nap. Somehow she had a splitting headache and she was lying on a floor, a stone floor. Twilight managed to sit up while rubbing her head, she then look around and saw that she was in jail. Twilight got up and walk over to the bars and poke her head out, she could see that she was in a dungeon and not far from her sat a dragon behind a desk. He had his legs on the desk while reading the newspaper.

“Hey, you behind the desk.” The dragon didn’t answer her. “Let me out, I don’t belong her.” The dragon still didn’t answer her. Frustrate that the dragon didn’t answer she took a few steps back and notice that she was wearing a collar. “What’s this?” She was about to touch it.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” That the dragon spoke took her by surprised but she didn’t stop, when she touched the collar she felt electricity flowing through her body, she scream as she fell on the floor. “Told you.” Said the guard.

“What the hell is this? Why did I get shocked?”

The guard let out a sighed. “That collar around your neck is a anti magic collar, the collar stop you for using your magic, even Celestia couldn’t use her magic if she were wearing that. it’s also meant to give you a shock if you try and remove it, only the one who gave you that collar can remove it.”

Twilight didn’t believe him. “Do you take me for a fool?” She then tried to use her magic, nothing happened. “My magic, it’s gone. What did you dragons do with my magic.”

Twilight then hear the guard let out another sighed. “We haven’t done anything to it, it’s a collar, you idiot.”

Twilight was about shout at him but then the door to the dungeon, that got the guard to stand up and salute. “Queen Garnet.” In walked five dragons, one was a dragon Twilight had seen in papers before, queen Garnet. Then there was a dragoness in a white dress, the two guards that attack her and the dragoness that capture her.

Garnet walk over to Twilight’s cell. “So, Twilight Sparkle, Celestia’s personal student we finally meet.” She then look at her up and down. “You have some nerve. Attacking my guards in public.”

Twilight walk over to the bars and grabbed two of them with her hands. “I only did that self defence, they attack me first.”

Garnet wasn’t sure why she was lying or not. “Is that so.” She look over to her guards. “Is what she is saying true? Did you two attack her first?” She asked the guards.

The guard Twilight attack step forward. “That’s not true your highness, we happened to see her while she was walking through town, we asked her if she were Twilight Sparkle, when she said yes we told her that we had been ordered to escort her to the castle, she then started to say that she knew what’s going on, she then said that she would get arrest when she arrived at the castle. Then she fired a beam at me and ran off, we were lucky that Raldrin was there to stop her.” Garnet look at the other guard who confirmed what his fellow guard said.

“It’s all a lie.”

Garnet just ignore Twilight. “Raldrin, are they telling the truth?”

“I would say that, I didn’t see Twilight attack the guards but I saw her running away from them so I stop her with my magic, which had to admit was pretty easy.”

“No, it wasn’t like that, they…”

“SILENCE.” Garnet shout made Twilight quite. “This morning I got a letter from Celestia that you were on your way to bring my son back with you so I order the guard to bring you to the castle so we could speak like adults but I can see that’s impossible, because I’m looking at a delusional unicorn who can’t tell the truth. We have witnesses that you attack first and it’s a crime to attack my guards, which means two weeks in jail but since you are Celestia’s student and that you have taken care of my son for eighteen year, one week in jail. If you will excuse me, I have to write a letter to Celestia, something tells she is going to be so proud of you.” Garnet then walk towards the door and every dragon followed her, expect the guard behind the desk..

“No, you can’t write a letter, YOU CAN’T” They didn’t listen to Twilight’s yelling.

“What are you yelling about? I think you got lucky,” Said the guard as he sat back down in the chair and started to read again. “just shut up and let me read.”

Celestia had just finished her breakfast with her sister and was now heading to her room so she could prepare her day, which was talking to ponies who wanted to talk with her. Sometimes she wonder why she bother to do it, only nobles comes to the castle to ask for money, none of the common ponies wanted her help.

Then all off sudden a scroll appeared right in front of her, she managed to catch it her right hand, it was a letter from queen Garnet. “Oh no, please don’t tell me she went to Wiacaster to bring Spike back.” She said to herself as she open the scroll, she then read the scroll and she wasn’t happy by what she read. “Damn it Twilight, I told you not to go. I have to talk to my sister.” She then turned around and started to walk to Luna’s room.

Once there Luna’s guard saluted for her, Celestia walk to the door and knock a few times. “Come in.” Celestia open the door and walk in.

Once inside her sister room she could see Luna siting by her desk, she was brushing her hair. “Sister, is there something you want?” Luna asked her big sister.

“Yes, I have to travel to Wiacaster, Twilight got herself arrested.” Celestia told her sister.

Luna stopped brushing her hair, she placed the brush on her desk and turned around to face her big sister. “Didn’t you tell Twilight Sparkle not to go there?”

Celestia nodded. “That I did but it didn’t work, she managed to get arrested by attacking Garnet’s guards.”

Luna couldn’t help but raise an eye brown when she heard that. “That doesn’t sound like Twilight Sparkle I know.”

Celestia didn’t know why she frowned. “No it doesn’t, I just need you to watch over the castle while I travel to Wiacaster and talk to Garnet, I will also have a talk with Twilight, she has some explaining to do.”

Luna nodded. “Sure, I can do that for. Do you want me to tell Twilight’s parents and friends of what she did?”

Celestia shook her head. “No, she is my student, I will tell them when I get back.”

Luna nodded again. “Alright then but don’t tell me you are going by train?”

“No, I have teleporting spell for that but it will take a loot of magic so I will return back tomorrow.”

“Try not to kill Twilight.” Luna told her sister.

Celestia turned around and walk out of her sister room. “I can promise that.”

Author's Note:

It's not a good chapter. sorry.

Alright, as you all can see I have added a romance tag to this story because there will be romance for Spike in the future.