• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 4,230 Views, 208 Comments

King Spike - Norwegian boy

Spike finds out that he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom

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Chapter 20: Death Magic

It’s was night and two dragons was flying over the city of Wiacaster, one was a Dragon knight and the other was the dragon who had murder the queen.

“There’s no escape so just give up.” Said Diner to the murder.

Diner might not be the fasted dragon, or the strongest, but there was one thing he had and that was good sight. Sight isn’t what one would say about a blind dragon but Diner was different, since he could do magic he trained so he could use magic to see and thanks to that he can see better than the rest of the Dragon knights.

The murder look over his shoulder. “Why did it have to be him?” He then flew backwards and fired away a beam from his mouth, Diner saw the attack and managed to dodge it with ease. “Shit.” He then turned around and flew faster.

Diner notice that the murder picked up his speed so he did the same, but there was nowhere the murder could hide thanks to his sight.

Then the murder decided to fly towards the ground, maybe he could lose Diner in the street. Once there he started to fly between the buildings but it didn’t work, Diner was right behind him. “Fuck.” Then the murder almost flew right in to a wall. “Crap.” Right before he flew up, Diner tackle him from behind and into the ground.

Diner pined the murder to the ground. “Why? Why did you kill the queen?” He asked the murder.

The dragon just look up Diner with a grin. “I was just business.” Diner then felt magic on the dragon’s back and then he died.

Diner just look over the body, he had no idea what just happened.

Two guards was standing in front of a house, this house was the home to Drake and Tomias and they were terrified, they had to tell Drake was had happened to queen Garnet and they were not looking forward to Drake’s reaction.

“You tell him.” Said guard number 1 to number 2.

Guard number 2 eyes widen. “Why me? Why can’t you tell him?” He asked his fellow guard.

“Because I want to live.” Said the first guard.

“I want to live to so you can tell him, you have been a guard the longest and I have just started, I have a bright future ahead of me.”

The first guard look at the second guard with narrow eyes. “Are you serious? It’s only six months difference, that doesn’t make me the older guard. Now, go and knock on the fucking door.” He told his fellow guard while pointing at the door.

The second guard swallowed the big lump he had in his throat as he walk to the door and knock on it, then they had to wait. They waited but no one answered, so the second guard knock again and this time they could hear movement inside, one of them was up.

When the door open the two guards saw a very unhappy Drake. “This is the first good night I had in a week so it better a very good reason why you two are knocking on my door at 3 am.” He was very angry.

Both guards was very nervous, they really didn’t want to tell Drake what happened but they had to. “We are here to tell you that the queen has been murdered.” Said the first guard.

The guard watch as Drake rubbed his face. “If this is some kind of sick joke, I am not amused by it.” Both guards gave each other a concern look and Drake saw it. “Oh my… you’re not joking.” He was awake now.

The guard that knock shook his head. “No sir Drake, your brother ask to get you, he probably chasing the culprit now.”

Drake’s face became white. “No.” He disappeared back into the house. “Tomias, wake the fuck up. Someone has murder the queen.” He shouted.

The guards heard movement in the house and it didn’t take long before Drake and Tomias came out fully dressed, they then flew towards the castle as fast as they could.

Spike was sleeping peacefully in his bed not knowing what had happened to his mother, but then the door open and two guards walk in, waking him. “What…?” Spike sat up and rub his eyes, he then saw a guard walk over to his window, looking through it. “What’s going on?” He asked no one in particular.

“The prince is security.” Said the guard by the window to his fellow guard by the door.

Spike was still half sleep so he had no idea why two guard was in his room. “What’s going and why are you in my room?” He asked the guard who didn’t answer him. “I asked you two a question so answer me.” They didn’t want to but they had to.

“There has been an incident with your mother.” Said the guard by the door.

That woke Spike. “What?” He got up. “I want to see her.”

The guard by the door block is path. “I am sorry my prince but we have been order to keep you here.”

Spike didn’t like to be trap, it was Twilight all over again. “You are going to move and that’s an order.”

Both guards gave each other a worried look, it was the captain that gave them the order and it was the prince who had more power than him, the guard step aside so Spike could pass.

Spike walk towards his mother room and he saw more guards than usual in the hallway, something was wrong. Once he reached her room Spike was shocked, her mother was lying in her bed and she wasn’t moving, he could see Pethayrth standing over his mother and her hands was glowing.

When he saw his mother he feared the most. “Mom?” That got every dragon around to look at him. “No, MOTHER.” He tired to tun to her but was stop by Raldrin. “Let me go.” He tried to get loose but Raldrin was to strong.

“I can’t let go in my prince.” She told Spike while holding him back.

Spike keep struggling, he wanted to get to his mother. “I said let me go.” He said with tears in his eyes.

Raldrin look at the guards that was watching. “Can someone please take the prince back to his room?” Two guard walk over to Spike and grabbed him, they had to drag him back while he was kicking, screaming and crying at the same time. Raldrin just watch at his reaction, it was heartbreaking. “Pethayrth.” She look over to her fellow dragon. “Please tell me you could save her.”

Pethayrth collapse on the ground, she was breathing heavily. “No, I don’t know what kind of poison that was used on her and I don’t have a spell that can counter it.”

Raldrin feared the worst. “Don’t tell me…”

Pethayrth look at her friend with tears in her eyes. “The queen is dead.” Raldrin had a dreadful look on her face.

Drake and Tomias had finally arrived at the castle with one of the guard, Drake told the other to get his sister Rilda, something told him they need her to calm prince Spike down.

“What happened?” Drake asked the guard that was meeting them.

The guard had trouble speaking. “I… I… him, he… he… killed the queen.”

Drake wanted to strangle the guard but Tomias walk over to the guard and placed hand on his shoulder. “Calm down and tell us what happened.”

The guard managed to calm down. “I was standing guard by the queen’s room and then I saw Diner running towards me, he then open the door to her room and standing over the queen was a dragon and he had a syringe to her neck, then culprit flew out the window. Diner then told me to lock down the castle and protect the prince, he then flew after the culprit.”

Drake didn’t wanted to strangle the guard anymore, he wanted to kill the dragon who kill queen Garnet. “Where is my brother?” As soon as those word left his mouth, Diner walk in with a dragon on his back. “Diner, you got him.”

“Not exactly .” Diner dump the culprit in the ground. “He’s dead, took his own life. I also felt some kind of magic on his back, magic I didn’t recognize.”

Drake walk over to the dead body, he then turned him around and lifted his clothes. “No, it can’t be.” Drake fell right on his ass and it look like he had seen a ghost.

The other dragon that was there had no idea what happened to Drake so they took a look at the culprit’s back and in it was a skull with a dagger right through the skull.

“Death magic.”

Author's Note:

This chapter was not easy to write, I am not great when it comes to sad stuff. It was shorter then I thought it would be, I hope it was okay for you guys.

Tomias belongs to Ebonis.