• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 4,231 Views, 208 Comments

King Spike - Norwegian boy

Spike finds out that he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom

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Chapter 28: The Royal Ball part 2

It was a new day in Wiacaster and Rilda was walking towards the local post office, she had some letters to deliver. Well, Rilda wasn’t the one to do it, Spike wanted a mail dragon to do it and lucky for him, Rilda’s husband work at the post office, he was the dragon in charge. Rilda had arrived at Wiacaster post office.

Once inside, Rilda saw her husband Alress working behind the counter, sorting letters. He had his back to her, so he didn’t notice his wife enter. Rilda walk over to the counter and knock on it to get his attention.

Alress stop what he was doing to turn around, he was happy to see Rilda. “Well, this is a surprised. What does my beautiful wife doing here?” He asked with a smile on his face. “I would love to give you a kiss but I’m kind of busy right now, there are so many letters I have to sort out.” He told her looking at the letters in his hand.

“That’s okay. I was hoping to borrow one of your mail carriers.” Said Rilda.

Alress stop what he was doing to look at his wife with some confusion .”Okay… do you need to send some letters?”

Rilda held up twelve letters. “Yes, they are from our king, and I was hoping to use someone you trust.”

Alress was in shock, he would never believe that king Spike would send letters by using the post office. “Why use the post office? I heard that the former king and queen used magic fire to send letters.”

Rilda nodded her head. “That is true but the king didn’t want to, he said and I quote; ‘sending these letters by using the post office is the right way’.” It sound a little dumb, but she wasn’t about to question king Spike’s order, even how dumb it sounds. “Also, these letters I have with me is for his friends in Equestria, it’s for the royal ball.” They could send them by magic fire, but Spike didn’t want to do.

It took a few seconds before Alress spoke. “I guess that makes sense? So, he want to use one of my mail carriers?”

“Well, he didn’t know of this place until I told him that you work here.” Rilda told her husband.

Alress blink a few times. “Alright then.” He look at a door. “AZEOS, GET YOU LAZY BUTT IN HERE, NOW.” He shouted. It didn’t took long before Rilda her movement in another room, then the door open and in walk a dark blue dragon, with light blue scales, he was wearing a post office outfit. The dragon saluted. “My wife have some letters for you to deliver that’s from king Spike, so you better do your job properly.” Said Alress while pointing at his wife. “Azeos is one of my best mail carrier, he will get the letters to their destination.” Alress went back to whatever he was doing before Rilda walk in.

Azros walk over to Rilda and stood in front of her. “Mail carrier Azros, at your service.” He said while saluting.

Rilda wasn’t sure how to respond. “He takes his job very seriously.” Azros told his wife while sorting letters.

Rilda managed to find her voice. “Right. I have twelve letters that need to be delivered in Equestria, five to Canterlot and the rest to Ponyville, it’s for the royal ball.”

Rilda handed Azros the letters and he look them over. “Okay, two is for the castle, which should be easy, and I can find the others.” He then notice the last letter. “What the…? The Everfree forest? The king want me to deliver a letter to the Everfree forest? Why?” He wasn’t too happy that he had to travel into one of the most dangerous forest on the planet.

“One of the king’s friends live there.” Rilda told him.

Azros REALLY didn’t want to travel into the Everfree forest, he had heard some nasty stories about that place, and I could not understand how someone could live there. “Alright, if I change into giant form, I should be in Cantrlot in a few hours.” He had to do it, it was his job.

That made Rilda smile. “Great, here’s the money.” The maid placed a bag of coins on the counter. She said goodbye to her husband and left.

Azros just started at the door. “I guess I should get going.” He headed to the back to get ready.

Azros flew towards Canterlot as a giant dragon, he was on a mission and that was to deliver the letters from king Spike. Working for the post office might not be the most glorious job on the world but Azros took his job very seriously. After some more flying, Azros could finally see the city of Canterlot so he change back to normal dragon, he didn’t want to scare the ponies there. He decided to land just outside the city, he then walk to the castle.

Azros had arrived at the castle, and he couldn’t help but stare at it and the only thing he could think odd that it was very shine, why was it shiny? He like the castle in Wiacaster, it look old and normal but this? It actually hurt his eyes. Azros had to rub his eyes for staring at the castle to long, he then walk to the castle main door.

Azros saw that the doors was closed and there was two guards standing guard, why was the doors closed? He wonder. The two guards pointed their spears at him, not a very warm welcome.

“The castle is closed so you can go back to your own country dragon.” Said one of the guard.

Azros wasn’t about to leave. “I’m here to deliver a letter to princess Celestia and princess Luna, so please open the doors.” He really hope they would listen.

“I’m sorry, but by the order of prince Blueblood, the doors will be closed.

Azros couldn’t help but question what he heard, when did this Blueblood get to be in charge? The dragon thought that the princesses was in charge.

Azros was about to ask one more time when the doors open and out came Celestia, she was a little confused, that’s for sure. “Mind telling me why the doors to the castle is closed? They should be open.” She asked the two guards as she walk out.

“Prince Blueblood told us to close them, he didn’t want anypony to disturb him while he was taking a nap.” Said the same guard that told Azrus that the doors was closed.

Celestia shook her head in disappointment. “Why am I not surprised. Well, the doors stay open, and Blueblood don’t get to give order in this castle. Only me and my sister, got it?” She told the guards with a little anger in her eyes, they saluted and said ‘yes princess’ at the same time. “That’s good to hear.” Celestia said with a smile, she then notice the dragon. “Oh, hello. I’m guessing your from Wiacaster and by the looks of your clothes, I’m guessing you are here to deliver something. Right?”

Azros stood up straight. “Yes. My name is Azros and I’m here to deliver at letter to you and your sister from king Spike.” He went for his bag that was hanging around his shoulder, he open it and took out an envelope which he handed it to Celestia. “Here you go.”

Celestia gladly took the envelope. “Thank you.” She open it and read the letter, she then smiled when she saw the handwriting, it was from Spike and an invitation to the royal ball. She look at Azros. “I can deliver the envelope to my sister for you, if you want.”

“No, it’s my duty to deliver them and I take my job very seriously.” He said in a determine voice.

Celestia couldn’t help but chuckle a little. “Very well, my sister is having some lunch at the moment, let me show you the way to our dining room.” Celestia started to walk and Azros followed her.

Luna was sitting in the dining room, eating her breakfast while reading the newspaper and she couldn’t understand why she do eat here. The night princess want’s to eat her breakfast in her room like a normal pony but no, her sister insisted she had to eat in the dining room. Luna loved her sister but sometimes she could be a pain in her butt.

Luna was about to take a sip from her glass of milk when the door open, scaring her in the progress and spiling milk on her sweater. “Son of a bitch.” She said while taking some paper to wipe the milk off. “This better be important sister.” Luna said with some anger in her voice.

“How did you know it was me?” Said Celestia with some curiosity in her voice.

“Call it a hunch. Now, what do you want?” She look over at her sister which she saw a mail dragon standing with her. “What the hell do you want?” She asked the dragon.

Azros walk over to the night princess and handed her the envelope. “A letter from king Spike.” He told.

Luna took the envelope and placed it on the table. “I’ll read it later. Now, leave and let me eat in peace.” She went back to her food. Azros said nothing, he had a job to do so he left.

Celestia decide to scold her sister. “That wasn’t very nice.”

At the moment, Luna didn’t care. “Whatever. Let me eat in peace.” She told her sister as she took a bite of her food. Celestia just shook her head at her sister behavior and left.

After Azros left the castle, he had to ask the ponies in Canterlot, considering he had no idea where Twilight Velvet lived and one thing was for sure, he didn’t like the ponies in Canterlot. Every pony he talk to just left with their nose up in the air, it was like he wasn’t worthy to talk to them, the dragon just want to punch them. Then Azros ran into a unicorn stallion and his wife who happily showed him where Twilight Velvet lived, he was glad that were at least one helpful soul in Canterlot.

Azros landed in front of Velvet’s home and it didn’t look that fancy like the rest of the houses in the city, he just hope that they were friendly then most of the ponies in this city. He walk to the door and knock.

“One moment.” The voice was female which means it had to be Velvet. The door open and out step a female unicorn with grey fur, she was wearing a sweater with apron. Velvet became a little wary when she saw Azros. “Can I help you?” She asked him.

“Twilight Velvet?” She nodded her head. “I have a letter to you from king Spike.” He handed her an envelope, which she took. “I also have a letter for Night Light and Shining Armor.”

“My husband and son is out right now, but I can hand them the letters when they come back.” She told him while looking at the envelope.

Azros wanted to deliver the letters to them in person but he had to go to Ponyville and get home before it got dark. “Very well.” He handed Velvet two more envelopes. “Make sure they get them.” Velvet just gave him an assuring smile, Azros then left. “A letter from Spike, I wonder what he wants.” She told herself as she went back inside.

Azros had one stop before he could return home and that was Ponyville, there was also a letter to a Zecora who lived in the Everfree forest. Who in their right mind want to live in the Everfree? The most dangerous place in Equestria, one can wonder. When Azros saw that there was a farm near Everfree, which he assumed was Sweet apples acres, he decide to deliver the letter to Applejack and then ask for direction to Zecora.

The dragon landed in front of the door to the main house, he walk to the door and knock, it didn’t take long before the door open and out came a orange mare with a cowboy hat on her head.

The mare became a little nervous when she saw the dragon. “Can I help you?” She asked the dragon.

“Applejack?” She nodded her head. “I have a letter to from king Spike.” He took the envelopes from his bag and handed it to Applejack.

Applejack was a little hesitated. “Just what is it that Spike want?”

“it’s an invitation to the royal ball, it’s held once a year, I don’t know what it says in the letter, I’m just here to deliver.” Azros told Applejack. AJ wasn’t sure why she didn’t trust this dragon, Spike wouldn’t do her any harm, she happily took the envelopes. “Great. You don’t happen to know where Zecora is living?” He asked her. “I have a letter to her to.”

Applejack didn’t expect to hear that. “Spike has invited Zecora?” Azros just nodded. “I didn’t think they were that closed.” She placed the envelope inside her jacket, she could read it later. “Sure, I can show you where she lives. Follow me.” She closed the door and started to walk towards the Everfree, Azros followed her.

Zecora had just gathered the ingredients and when she return home, she was surprised to see a dragon mail carrier and Applejack waiting for her. She was even more surprised to get an invitation to a ball from Spike, she wasn’t sure if she even wanted to go but lucky, she had a week to answer. Once Azros left the forest with Applejack, he headed to Ponyville to deliver the last letters.

King Spike’s friends was weird, that was Azros thought when he meet them. Fluttershy became scared when she open the door and saw Azros, she slammed the door in his face and didn’t want to open the door, she was afraid of dragons, which hurt him. Azros couldn’t understand why she was afraid of him, she didn’t know him and she couldn’t know if he was dangerous or not, he just left the letter in her mailbox.

Rainbow Dash didn’t care about the letter, she just wanted to race a dragon. Azros wasn’t there to race, he had a job to do. Dash look like she was insulted, she took the letter and flew off, cursing. Azros just shook his head.

Rarity was pretty normal, the only thing issue Azros had with her was that she wanted to make him a new mail suit. Azros had to say no, the one he was wearing was stander and his boss would probably fire him if he got a new one, or she made some changes to the one he was wearing.

Then there was Pinkie which was probably the most crazies ponies he had ever meet, she wouldn’t shut up. She keep talking about throwing him a party because he delivered a letter to her, a ‘thank you for delivering a letter party,’ which Azros thought was pointless. He just pointed at the wall and said that something was there, Pinkie look with a smile which gave Azros the change to leave the letter and leave, he just wanted to get away from this pony.

Azros landed in front of his last addressee, Golden Oka library, home of Twilight Sparkle. Azros hope that she as normal, unlike some of the others. The dragon thought about knocking on the door but this is a library after all, he just walk in the front door.

The first thing Azros saw was books which made sense, it’s a library after all. “Anyone home?” She had to be home, considering the door was unlock, Azros wanted to be sure.

Then a female voice spoke up. “One moment.” It didn’t take long before Azros heard footsteps and in walk a purple unicorn, who was a little surprised to see a dragon in the library, who happened to be a mail dragon. “Can I help you?” She asked the dragon.

“I have a letter for Twilight Sparkle.” Azros found the envelope and presented it to Twilight. “it’s from king Spike.”

Twilight mind started to panic when she heard it was from Spike, why would he send her a letter? Was it to lure her to Wiacaster so he could punished her for what he did? No, that’s just stupide. Maybe it was one of the Dragon knights that wanted revenge for what she did? Maybe he just wanted to be nice She didn’t know and she didn’t want to find out.

“I don’t want it, you can take it back and tell Spike that I appreciate generosity.” She told the dragon as she took a few steps back.

Azros had no idea what Twilight meant and he didn’t care, he was here to do a job. “I don’t know what you have against our king and I really don’t care, I’m here to deliver a letter to you and your friends, it’s an invitation to the royal ball in two weeks. If you are going or not is not, that's my concern.” He placed the envelope on the table and left, he closed the door.

Twilight just started at the letter, an invitation to the royal ball? Did she even want to go? She didn’t know.

Author's Note:

Another crappy chapter.

Next chapter, a long train ride to Wiacaster