• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 4,215 Views, 208 Comments

King Spike - Norwegian boy

Spike finds out that he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom

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Chapter 14: Family

Author's Note:

If you guys don't have anything to 'say' about the chapter, then don't bother to write a comment. I'm tired of getting almost the same comments, nice chapter and good work.

This chapter has a lot of grammar mistakes, I already know it.

It’s been a few days since Twilight got released from jail and she was glad for that, not her conversation with her mother, Twilight thought her mother would kill her. She was now currently walking towards Sugarcube corner and the reason for that? She had promise Applejack that she would explain to her friends why she went to Wiacaster to bring spike back, she wasn’t really looking forward to this. As she got closer she could see her friends sitting by a table outside, probably enjoying Celestia’s sun.

As Twilight got closer she could hear them talking. “I really hope that nothing is going to happened to Spike, considering that there was spy in Ponyville.” Said a concern Fluttershy.

“I know what you mean Fluttershy, it’s concerning.” Said Rarity.

Twilight knew what they were talking about but what she notice was that Rainbow Dash was quiet, the blue pegasus had arms on the table and her head was lying in them, she look sad.

Pinkie was the first one to notice Twilight. “Hey, it’s the jailbird.” Twilight flinched when she heard that, Pinkie was almost right, she isn’t a jailbird anymore.

“Pinkie, that wasn’t very nice.” Rarity scolded her friend. “I expect that Rainbow Dash, not you.”

Pinkie pointed at Dash. “She’s not in any condition to say that so I thought I would.” Dash didn’t even bother to yell at Pinkie.

“What’s wrong with her?” Twilight asked Applejack as she sat down on a chair by the table.

“Did you hear about the spy in Ponyville?” AJ asked her unicorn friend.

Twilight nodded. “Yes, I heard it from some dragons while I was in jail. What about it?”

“Rainbow knew the spy, his name is Wild Ace and he was her mentor when she started as weather pony here.”

Rainbow then let out sad sighed. “I can’t believe he would do it, I knew him as an honorable pony.”

Twilight felt bad for her friend. “I’m sorry to hear that Dash.”

Dash gave her friend a small smile. “Thanks Twilight.” Dash then sat up. “Now, care to explain your action?” All eyes were now on Twilight who felt very small right now.

“Right, the reason for my behavior was that I was afraid of losing Spike.”

Twilight watch her friends take in what she told them and their reaction was the same, they weren’t surprised at all. It was like they knew what she was going to say.

Then Rarity spoke up. “You know that Spike isn’t yours, right? I remember telling you that when Drake and the others arrived.”

Twilight didn’t want to be remember of that part. “I know Rarity, princess Celestia managed to talk some sense into me and then she decided that I not her student anymore, as punishment.” That got her friends to react, they never thought that princess Celestia would do that to her.

“Are you okay with that?” Asked Fluttershy.

To their surprised, Twilight smiled. “Yes, I deserved it and I don’t mind.” Her friends was proud at her, they were glad that she was so calm about it.

“What about Spike? Is her okay?” Asked Rarity.

Twilight became a little worried. “To be honest, I’m worried. One my last day in jail I heard from some dragon that Spike’s uncle killed his own brother, just to get the throne.” “That shocked her friends.

“Oh my Celestia, first he murders Spike’s siblings and then his own brother. What kind of monster is this Joserth?” Said Fluttershy while trying to hold her tears.

“What do you mean by Spike’s Siblings?” That was the first time Twilight had heard about that.

“You mean, you don’t know?” Asked Rarity.

Twilight was lost. “Know what? Can one of you tell me what happened to Spike’s siblings.”

“Princess Celestia told us they were murder before they were hatched from their eggs.” Rarity told her.

Twilight felt like throwing up, first this Joserth kills dragons that aren’t born yet and then his own brother. Fluttershy asked a very good question, what kind of monster is he? Then Twilight thought that Spike would be next but if he was, he would be dead already so why isn’t he? She then shook her head, she couldn’t think like that, Spike had dragon that could protect him. She hope that was enough.

Back in the town of Wiacaster Drake was standing in front of a mirror, he was trying on different outfits for his diner with her family, Drake really didn’t want to go, not because of his mother but his younger siblings. He got along with Rilda, Diner and Anil, but the rest? Not so much. They kind of lost contact with each other after their father died in battle fifty years ago, their mother took it the worst. She loved him with all her heart and she was heartbroken when she got the news, his younger siblings, Azzo, Bymrum, Naryth, Anil blame Drake but not Tydha.

Drake look into the mirror and saw himself then it change into his father, an older version of himself. His parents was shocked at first to see that Drake look like his father when he was born, but it didn’t last long. Drake grew up listing to his father tall stories that he was a dragon knight and that made Drake want to be one himself, so he trained for years until he became one and it the happiest day of his life, his parents was proud of him, his siblings was proud of him but it didn’t last.

Drake took one last look at himself and let out a sad sighed. “Time to have dinner with the family.” He told himself while putting on a jacket.

Then a voice came from the living room. “Your probably the only dragon I know of that are nervous about eating dinner with family.” Drake just rolled his eyes as he walk out of his room.

When Drake arrived in the living room he saw Tomias sitting on the couch with his legs on the table reading a book. “Remind me again why we are roommates?” He asked his fellow dragon knight.

“You said that the rent was too high and you needed a roommate.” Tomias told him.

Drake nodded. “Right, Well, I’m of to have dinner with my family, don’t wait up.” He then walk to the door.

“Got it dad.” Drake just rolled his eyes again.

It didn’t take long before Drake arrived at his mother house, it was fast when you have wings. Drake just started at the house, he had so many memories from this house, good and bad, most good. He play hide and seek with his siblings, they fought a loot and their mother had to break them up, good times. He took one deep breath was to the door and open it.

Once inside Drake could smell something good, it was his mother cooking, it was some sort of meat, she always knew what they wanted.

“Well, well. Who do we have here?” Drake look in the direction of the voice and standing in the entrance to the living room was a black dragon with blue scales. “I didn’t think you would show up.”

“Hello Bymrum.” Bymrum was the youngest of Drake’s siblings, he was a farmer and lived just outside Wiacaster. “As you can see I showed up.”

Bymrum wasn’t too happy by that. “Damn, that means I lost the bet.” He then disappeared into the living room.

Drake just started at him with disappointment, every time there’s family dinner his siblings will beat on if he’s coming or not, he hated it. Drake step into the kitchen and standing by the stove was an old dragoness who was pink with blue scales, she was currently stirring in a hug pot.

“Hey mom.”

The older dragoness stop what she was doing and look at her son with a smile. “Drake, it’s so good to see you.” She walk over to him and gave him a hug, Drake return it. “How are you doing?” She asked him as they broke the hug.

“I’m good.” He told her with a fake smile, it wasn’t going so good considering he had to find a spy in the castle.

His mother still smiled as when went back to her food. “That’s good to hear.” Drake knew that is mother saw through his lie but she didn’t say it. “Have you seen princess Celestia lately?”

“Yes, I saw her a week ago.”

His mother nodded. “That’s good, I think that you two a cute couple.” Drake just want to died right now, he always hated when his mother started this conversation. “I still don’t understand why you two won’t get married.”

“It’s not going to work mom, she is a princess in Equestria and I’m am dragon knight.”

His mother just waved her hand. “Details, details. At least you can give me some grandchildren, Rilda is the only one of you that have kids.” Then she saw Drake started to look in drawers. “What are you looking for?” She asked him.

“A knife so I can end this torture.”

Drake’s mother only rolled her eyes of her son behavior. “Stop being a baby, get you tail in the dining room, dinner is almost ready.” Drake didn’t hesitated at all as he disappeared, his mother just shook her head. “Kids.” She went back to her pot.

When Drake arrived at dining room, he could see Azzo sitting there reading one of his comics. “Azzo.” Said Drake as she sat down by the table.

“Drake.” Said Azzo while not looking up from his comics.

Then a new voice spoke up. “What the hell are you doing here?” Drake and Azzo look at the entrance to the dining room and saw a blue dragon with red scales, it was Naryth, she was the youngest after Rilda. Like Azzo, she owned her own store but unlike her younger brother, she sold antiques.

Drake just gave his sister a blank look. “I’m here for dinner.”

“Hell no, I told you last time that you’re not invited and…” That was all she could say as Rilda came in and smack her on the head. “What the hell Rilda?” She asked her older sister while rubbing the back of her head.

“You might have told Drake not to show up last time and I told you shut up, he has every right to be here.” Rilda told her as she sat down by the table.

Naryth didn’t like that her older sister hit her in the head or that she defend Drake. “He has right to be here? Are you kidding me? Not after her did, he…”

Before Naryth could finish her sentence, Rilda got up and was right in her face. “Don’t you dear to finish that sentence, it was not Drake’s fault our father died and you know it so shut up.”

Naryth wanted to say something but Rilda’s eyes said otherwise. “Fine.” She sat down by the table and crossed her arms in anger.

Then a new female voice spoke up. “I can see that something never change.” Walking into the room was a female dragon, she was yellow with white scales. “You see that you still blame Drake, Naryth.” She the dragoness as she sat down at table, on Drake’s side.

“Kiss my ass Tydha.”

Tydha just smiled. “Tempting, but I’m already dating someone ells. Thanks for the offer.” Tydha was a report for the local newspaper, Morning Star Daily.

Bymrum was about to sit down but they didn’t get very far because their mother slammed the pot on the table, hard. “You ungrateful little brat, why do you do this every time? All I want is a normal family dinner but no, you have to ruined it every time by blaming Drake for something he didn’t do.” Said their mother while looking at Naryth.

“But mom…”

Her mother cut her off. “Don’t you mom me, it’s not Drake’s fault that your father is dead, it’s his own fault.” The entire room became quite, none of the siblings knew that. “I promised your father not to say anything but if it stop this bickering, then I will break that promise.” The siblings waited for her mother to continue. “Drake wasn’t the only who convince your father to go to war, it was your father.” All of the was shocked when they heard that. “I have no idea how you got the idea that Drake was the one who was responsible Naryth but it wasn’t his fault, your father want on his own free will.” Their mother let go of the pot. “I can’t do this anymore, this is the last family diner and I don’t want to see anyone of you here, ever again. Eat and leave.” Then she left.

The siblings didn’t know how to think after hearing that their father went to war on his own free will, Azzo, Bymrum, Naryth and Anil had always blame Drake and they didn’t know why. Maybe they knew and it was easier to blame Drake? They weren’t so sure anymore.

Then Drake stood up. “Where are you going?” Rilda asked her brother.

“What does it look like, I’m leaving. Naryth kind of ruined my appetited and it looks like mom is in bad mood.” He then left.

Rilda gave Naryth a disappointing look. “Nice work Naryth, your ignorance might have broke up this family for good.” Rilda didn’t want her sister to feel bad but right now she didn’t care.

Once Drake was outside, he remember that he should talk to Tydha about something, not wanting to be here anymore he decided to wait outside Tydha house.

Drake didn’t have to wait long before Tydha landed outside her own house and she was a little surprised to see her brother waiting for her there. “There has to be something important if you are waiting for me outside my own house.” She told her brother.

“You can say that. I need you to come to the castle tomorrow, the queen asked me to get a report and since I know one.” He told her.

Tydha nodded. “Sure, I’m guessing this has something to with you and the twins flying over the city bout week ago, maybe her son.” Drake’s eyes widen when he heard that.

“How the hell did you know that?”

Tydha snorted. “Oh please, I’m a reporter, a very good one and beside, when a dragon knight flies over the city it usually important.” Drake was speechless, he knew that his siter was good but this? “Also, yes I can come to the castle tomorrow, I have to talk to my boss first but I don’t think I don’t mind. I’m guessing that the queen is going to make it official?”

Drake managed to cover from the shock. “Yes, she wanted the kingdom to know she have a son.”

Tydha starched her arms over her head. “I can understand that.” She walk to her house. “See you tomorrow.” She then disappeared into her house.

Drake just shook his head as he started to head home, he always forget how good Tydha really is.