• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 4,231 Views, 208 Comments

King Spike - Norwegian boy

Spike finds out that he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom

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Chapter 1: Prince Spike (Edit)

Author's Note:

This chapter was edit by DGJabberwocky.

Three gigantic dragon flew over the land towards Equestria. Their mission, to bring home prince Spike. Their destination, a peaceful little town called Ponyville where the prince lived with his caretake a pony named Twilight Sparkle.

"I can't believe were going to pony land, I hate ponies."

Drake and Nallir look over to Zaldren with a deadpan look. "We know already, you have told us this a thousand times." Nallir told her brother with annoyance. "The only problem for me is that I had to hear it since childhood."

Zaldren just rolled his eyes over what his sister said. "And I still stand for it." He then look at his leader with narrow eyes. "Why do I have to go on this mission when you know that I don't like them?"

"If I had left you two alone in capital then you would probably have started an argument, my brother can handle things there while we are gone."

Zaldren just snorted. "Maybe, I just hate them so much. They act like they are the superior race, they arrived to this land long after the dragon, griffin, zebra and the panthers and now they act like they better than us. I blame most these elements of harmony," He snorted again. "friends is magic, what a lot of crap. These ponies has never been to war, in war kindness, laughter, honesty and laughter doesn't apply, the only thing that work there is loyalty."

The two other dragons hate to admit it, Zaldren have a point. The ponies had never been to war before and most of the elements would be useless in a war. He was right but they would never tell him that.

Drake decided to scout ahead, and he saw the town. "We are approaching Ponyville, let's land outside so we don't scare the ponies who lives there." The twins nodded in agreement.

On Sweet Apple acres lived the Applejack, the most honest pony in Equestria. She was busy bulling a cart filled with apples back to her house. As she walk her ears perk up, she could hear something that sounded like wing beat, giant wing beat. "That can't be Rainbow, can't it?" She tried to find out where the sound were coming from and it was coming from the Everfree forest. "No, it's not her. Dash would never fly into the forest and back, she isn't that dumb." She was certain that is was not Dash, it sounded bigger.

Applejack was about to look towards the forest when three giant figure flew right over knocking her hat off her head. "Wow nelly." She just watch as the three dragons flew towards Ponyville. "I wonder what's going on." She picked up her hat. "I have to find out what those dragon are doing." She started to drag the wagon towards the house, in double time.

It didn't take long before Drake they saw the town, so they started to fly towards the ground, when they were a few meter from the from the ground, they started to glow and then they shrunk into more normal size, they landed on the ground. "We walk from here." And with that said, the three dragon started to walk towards the town.

The ponies of Ponyville had a normal day, they would wake up and go with their lives. But they didn't expect that three dragon would walk through their town, one can say they were surprised. The ponies in the town had never see a full grown dragon before, the only dragon they had seen was Spike and he was just a teenager. Some of the ponies look at the dragon with awe while other look terrified of them.

"Look at them, they are acting like they haven't seen a dragon before." Said Zaldren while they were walking through town.

"Of course, they haven't. They only dragon they have seen is the young pince and he's a young dragon." Nallir told her brother who just crossed her arms. "And that idiot who decided to take a nap just outside this town."

"Would you two cut it out," Drake told the siblings. "we are here." They had reached their destination, a giant tree in the middle of Ponyville, Golden Oak library. Drake turned around to face the siblings. "No pony gets inside, expect Celestia, understood?" They both nodded. "Good." Drake then walk in while the siblings took their position by the door.

Once Drake was inside the first thing he saw was books, a lot of books stacked beside each other on shelves. There was hundreds books, but he have seen more in the royal library in the castle. He didn't seen any dragon or pony.

"Hello? Is there someone here?" Drake asked..

"One second." Said a voice that was male, and Drake knew who it belong to, it was the prince, and he was right. He heard a door closed and then he saw a purple dragon with green scales step into the room who was at least eighteen years old, he was holding a tea set in his hands? "Welcome to the Golden Oak library, what can I..." that was all Spike could say when he saw the dragon in the room.

Drake went down on one knee. "My prince."

Spike dropped the tea seat on the floor, and it shattered. Then a new voice spoke up. "Spike, what did you break this time?" The voice was female. Drake saw a purple unicorn walking down the stairs, he recognise her as Twilight Sparkle, the one who Celestia gave Spike's egg too. She then saw what he had drop on the floor. "Spike, how did you managed to drop my tea set on the floor?" She scolded him.

Drake decided to speak up. "Don't talk to the young prince like that, it was my fault that he drop it." He said while getting up.

Twilight notice Drake for the first time. "Who are you and what do you mean by prince?" She asked him.

"My name is Drake and I have come her by order by queen Garnet to bring back prince Spike to the dragon kingdom, if he wants to."

Both Spike and Twilight was stunned when they heard that, they didn't know what was going on right now.

Twilight was the first one speak. "Prince Spike? What are you talking about?" She look at her assistant. "Your royal Spike?"

Spike blinked a few times before answering. "No, I don't think so." He shook his head. "I don't even know this dragon."

Twilight walk over to Drake with fury in her eyes. "How dare you come here and tell him lies like that?" She said with anger in her voice.

Drake wasn't affected at all and he expect this, he took out a scroll from his jacket and handed it to Twilight. "Here, send this to princess Celestia and she will explain it all."

Twilight studied the scroll and saw a royal seal on it, it belonged to the royal dragon family. "Fine." She took the scroll and handed it to Spike. "Send it to the princess and she will sort this out." Spike took the scroll and used his fire to send it.

Drake just watch what happened and he was disgusted by what he saw. "You use the prince to send your letter to the princess? Can't you do it yourself?" He asked Twilight.

"Of course, I can but why do it when I have Spike to do it for me?"

Drake couldn't help but question her logic. "So, he is your servant?"

Twilight was offended by that. "He is not my servant, he is my assistant, he does everything I ask him."

"That dose sound like a servant to me."

Twilight pointed a finger at him. "You listen to me, when princess Celestia arrive and proves you wrong I want to out of my library and my town."

Drake couldn't help but question her, again. "Your town? You're from Canterlot and the only reason you came to Ponyville is that Celestia told you to, then you stayed so you could study friendship."

Twilight was shocked of what he said, how did he know all that?"How... how do you know all this?"

"Celestia gave you the prince egg, off course we kept an eye on you."

Right now, Twilight was furious. This dragon was not only lying he was spying on her and Spike, she was about to tell him to get out when the door to the library open and Celestia step in.

"I came as fast I could sir Drake." She said as soon as she entered.

Drake bowed a little. "Don't worry about it."

Then Twilight walk over to Celestia. "Princess, can you tell this dragon that Spike is not a prince."

Celestia closed her eyes. "I'm afraid that it's true Twilight," She opened them and look at Spike who hadn't said a word for a while. "Spike is the prince of king Rock Crusher and queen Garnet.

Twilight had trouble believing in her mentor at the moment. "What? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I promised them not to." Celestia let out a sighed. "I will tell you later Twilight but right now I need you to leave."

Twilight eyes widen when she heard that. "Why?"

"Because this conversation dosen't concern you Twilight Sparkle." Drake told her.

Twilight look at Drake with anger in her eyes. "Dosen't concern me? I have raised Spike since I hatch him from an egg, so don't you dare..."

Then Celestia cut her off. "That's enough Twilight." Twilight was shocked by what her mentor just said. "I promise you that I will tell you what this about but not right now, me and sir Drake have to talk to Spike alone, is that understood?"

"No, I don't understand, I have the right now know..."

That was all Twilight could say before she disappeared, Celestia look at Drake who's eyes were glowing. "There, she is gone." He said s his eyes went back to normal.

"Did you just teleport her outside?" Celestia asked him.

"Yes, she didn't listen, so I did what was necessary just be glad I didn't kill her." The dragon told her.

Celestia placed a hand over her eyes. "Yes, I am glad you didn't kill her." She said with relief in her voice.

They then look at Spike who had watch the whole thing in silence. Spike didn't know right now what to believe, there was a dragon who is telling him that he is a princes and that his parent is the ruler of dragon kingdom. He had so many question but there was one question he wanted the answer for and that was, why did his parents give his egg to Celestia.

He was brought out of his thoughts by Celestia. "Spike, I understand that you have many question."

"You can say that again, but there's one thing I want to know, why did my parents give my egg to you?"

Celestia didn't know what to say so Drake decided to speak. "If you let me, I can tell you that my prince."

"Don't call me that." Spike snap at him.

Drake waited a minute before continued. "You parents gave you egg to Celestia to protect you Spike."

"To protect me? From whom?"

"Your uncle."

Spike was even more confused. "My uncle? I don't understand."

"If you let me I will explain." Spike just nodded. "You see Spike, your father have a little brother and he has always been jealous of him because he never could be king and when your parents decided to have children... let's just say your uncle didn't take that news very well."

"You said children, does that mean I have siblings?"

Drake let out a heavy sighed. "Not anymore. You see Spike, your sibling died before they were born." Spike's eyes widen when he heard that. "They were kill by a deadly toxin before they were hatch."

Right now, Spike was horrified of what he just heard. He look at Celestia and she just nodded in agreement. "Who... who kill them?" He asked them in a shaky voice.

Drake let out another sighed. "It was your uncle, dragon named Joserth."

"Why? Why did he do it? Why did he kill them?"

"Because he's a jealous jackass who has always been jealous of your father because he was the older brother, Joserth wants the throne for himself and he will do everything in his power to obtain it and that includes killing young dragons that isn't born yet." Drake was now breathing very heavy, he look at Celestia. "Can you take over? I need to calm down a bit." Celestia just nodded and Drake was over other end of the library.

Celestia saw that Spike was in shock and she couldn't blame him. "Look Spike, your parents decide to hide that your mother was pregnant with you and before someone could get to you, they gave your egg to me in secret. You know the rest."

Spike look down on the ground. "And know they want me to come back?"

Celestia let out a sighed. "Only your mother, your father died a year ago."

That got Spike to look up. "My father is dead?" Celestia nodded. "Then why did they came now?"

Celestia was about to say the reason but Drake beat her to it. "Because your mother is dying and she only have about a month left, all she wants to is spend time with you before she dies."

Spike wasn't sure what to believe right now, he had always wonder where he came from and now he found out that his father is dead, and his mother was dying. This was too much for the young dragon.

Spike placed both hands on his head. "I don't know what to believe anymore."

Celestia and Drake couldn't help but feel bad for him, he got a lot of information in the last ten minutes. It couldn't be easy for him.

Then the door open and in walked Nallir. "I hate to interrupt you all, but we have a problem outside. Twilight Sparkle has gather her friends and they are trying to force their way inn." She told them.

"Are they causing any trouble?" Drake asked her.

"Not yet but the peagsus with rainbow colour hair is getting aggressive, my brother is about to attack her."

Celestia couldn't help but shake her head. "Thank you Nallir, I will be right out to deal with it." She told the dragoness who just nodded and walk out. Celestia then look at confusing dragon, she bent down and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Spike, I don't expect you to believe any of this but if you chose to travel to Wiacaster with sir Drake I will not stop you just remember to send me a letter so I can talk to Twilight, something tells me she is going to overreact if you do travel with sir Drake." Spike couldn't help but chuckle of that last part. Celestia then got up and walk out to deal with what was going outside, leaving Spike alone with Drake.

It was a moment of silence before Drake spoke. "Look Spike, I'm not here to force you to come, your mother told me not to do. You are your own dragon and if you don't want to come then I will respect that but just remember that your mother is dying, and she just want to spend time with you before her time is up."

"And when she gone I will become king and that's something I don't want to."

"Yes and no." Spike look at Drake with confusion. "If you chose not to come then your uncle will be become king and I hate to think what that egotistic bastard will do with the dragon kingdom, he would probably start a war with Equestria and the other countries." Spike was terrified when he heard that. "It may sound like I'm trying to scare you to come but that's not the case, it's your decision. Me and twins will be camping just outside Ponyville by a rive for twenty eight days, if you don't show up then we will leave." He place a hand on his chest and bowed, then he walk out leaving Spike alone with his thoughts.

When Drake step outside he saw that Zaldren was arguing with blue pegasus and Twilight Sparkle was talking with Celestia.

Drake look at Nallir who was just watching. "What happened?" He asked her.

"After you teleport Twilight Sparkle outside, she demanded to be let inside again but we said no. She tried to teleport, but we stop her with our own magic, she didn't like that. Then she got the rest of her friends and then my brother started to argue with the pegasus who calls herself Rainbow Dash, I think they are about to kill each other."

Drake nodded, he decided to stop it, so he walk over to them. "What do you mean we can't enter the library?" Dash shouted at Zaldren.

"Are you deaf or something? I already told you that we were given the order only to let princess Celestia enter and you don't look like her at all, none of your friends doesn't look at her and I don't care that you are the element of loyalty, you can take that loyalty and stick up your ass."

Right now, Dash was furious right about to attach Zaldren when she flew backwards a little and landed on the ground. "Hey, who did that." Walking towards Zaldren was Drake and his eyes was glowing. "Do you have dead wish?" She got up and was about to attack again.

Then Celestia spoke up. "Enough Rainbow Dash, are you trying to start a war?" That got everpony around them to stop dead in their track. "Sir Drake here one of the most important dragon in the dragon kingdom and the queen personally body guard, if you attack him then he can decided if that is act of war so don't you dare attack him."

Dash didn't believe it. "You expect me to believe that?" She then flew towards Drake who was calm as he was ready for anything, but Dash didn't get far as a she was stop by Celestia's magic and then she was thrown away, landing on the ground, again.

Celestia walk towards Dash who was still on the ground and she was furious, Dash was terrified right now. "I told you not to attack him and you still did, what's wrong with you?" She stop and look down on the terrified pegasus who was shaking in fear. "You are going to leave right now, or I will have you arrested for disobeying an order, nod if you understand." Dash nodded. "Good, now leave." Celestia pointed a finger at the town and Dash got up flew as fast as she could, home. Celestia took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. "Unbelievable." She look over to Drake. "Are you done talking to Spike?" She asked him.

Drake nodded. "Yes, I think he's still thinking about what we said, and I can't say I blame him, we dropped a lot on him in five minutes. We are going to camp not far from Ponyville for a while in case he want's to leave with us." Celestia nodded in agreement. "Nallir, Zaldren. We are leaving." All three of them started to walk.

Once they were gone Celestia look at Twilight and she could see hat her student wasn't happy. "I want to know what does dragons want and why one of them called Spike a prince."

That shocked her friends. "Wait a minute Twilight, your weren't joking?" Said Rarity.

Twilight look at her friend with furry in her eyes which scared Rarity. "Why would I be joking? There are some dragons here that want to take Spike away from me."

Celestia couldn't believe what she was hearing, she knew hearing that Spike was a prince would affect Twilight but not like this.

"Bbbut, how is Spike a prince?" Fluttershy asked in her normal shy voice.

"He is not a prince and he is not going anywhere, I won't let him leave, I forbit it."

That was the last straw, Celestia had enough. "You forbit it?" Right about now, Twilight could fell a lot of magic building up right behind her, she turned around very slowly, and she could see her teacher was trembling, she was very angry. "You ignorant little brat, I let you stay in Ponyville so you can learn about friendship and this is what you have learn? How to make Spike your little slave?" Celestia walk to Twilight so they were face to face. "Twilight Sparkle, by my power of one of the rulers of Equestria you are going to let Spike leave with Drake and the others if he wants to and if I find out you tried to stop him in anyway, you and I going to have a problem. Nod if you understand." Twilight nodded. "Good. And if you all want to know why Spike is a prince, that's because he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom and his mother is dying, that's why they are here." Celestia used her magic to teleport away.

Twilight friends was in utter shock by the information they just hear. Pinkie was the first one to speak.

"I can't believe that Spike is a prince." She then got a big smile on her face. "I'm going throw him the biggest party I have ever thrown." Then Twilight then gave her a look that made her smile disappeared. "No party?"

"You are not going to throw him a party because he not a prince."

Then Fluttershy spoke up. "But, didn't you hear what princess Celestia said? He is a prince."

"I don't care what she said, I won't allowed Spike to leave."

Then Rarity crossed her arms. "You won't let him leave? What's the matter with you Twilight? Why are you so naive?"

"I'm not naïve, Spike doesn't belong with some dragons, he belongs with me." Twilight half shout.

Rarity and the others couldn't believe what they were hearing. "He belongs with you? Spike isn't an object you can control, he is his own dragon, and he can do whatever he wants." The others agreed with Rarity.

Twilight wasn't happy right now. "Which side are you girls on? I thought you were my friends."

"We are your friends Twilight but right now you are acting very strange, your acting like you need Spike in your life, and you won't let him leave."

Twilight let out a frustrating huff. "I don't need to listen to this, I'm going to tell Spike that he can't leave." She then walk home.

Rarity and the others was very confused right now. "What just happened?" Asked Applejack.

Rarity answered her. "I don't know Applejack, but something tells me it won't end well for Twilight." Her friends thought the same thing.

Once Twilight entered the library she couldn't see Spike anywhere. "Spike?" She didn't get any answer. "Where are you?" Still no answer. She knew where he was, in his room so she headed there.

Once there she knock on the door. "Spike, open the door, I know your in there." The door didn't open, and she still didn't get any answered. 'I don't care what they say, Spike is no prince, and he is not leaving.' She placed a hand on the door and then her horn glowed, then a sealed appeared on the door. 'Try and get out now.' She thought for herself with a smile on her face.

"I want to know what the hell is wrong with you Rainbow Dash." After Celestia had jelled at Dash, the blue pegasus had flown home trying to get away from the princess wrath, it didn't work. Not long after Dash had gotten home Celestia had showed up at her door step and she wasn't happy. "I said not to attack sir Drake and yet you still did it, I want to know why."

Right now, Dash was curled up into a corn with Celestia towering over her and she really have to change her underwear right now.

"Twilight said that some dragons was here to kidnap Spike, so I thought..."

Celestia cut her off. "You thought what? To ignore my order? I could lock you up in the dungeons if I wanted to, we are lucky that Drake didn't took offence of your little stunt." Celestia pointed a finger. "Tomorrow, you are going to find sir Drake and you are going to apologize to him, do I make myself clear?" Dash nodded like crazy. "Good." Celestia took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. "I'm heading back to the castle to calm myself down and I want you and your friends to stay away from Twilight for a few days, until she calm herself down. Is that clear?" Dash was to afraid to answer so she nodded again. Celestia was happy with that.

The next day.

Along the river the runs past Ponyville stood three tents and sitting by a campfire was Drake who was making breakfast for his friends, then Nallir open her tent and came out in a t-shirt and some panties.

"Dame, it's been a while since I have sleep in a tent." She said while starching her body, then she scratched her butt. "I have forgotten how much I hated it.

Drake couldn't help but smirk as he stirred in saucepan with a spoon. "I'm surprised you didn't shared a tent with your brother."

The female dragon couldn't hep but snort. "Oh please, I shared a room with him for fifty years, I'm not doing that again."

Then they heard some movement from Zaldren tent. "Would you to shut up? I'm trying to sleep."

"Sleep? The sun is up and it's almost time to eat breakfast, why would want to sleep now?" Nallir asked her brother.

"Because I can, we aren't at the castle now so the rules we have to follow there doesn't matter here." He answered her.

Then Drake spoke. "He has a point."

Nallir then pointed a finger at her leader. "Don't you dare take his side."

"I'm not taking his site, I'm just saying that he has a point." He said in calm voice as he keep on stirring their breakfast.

Then Zaldren spoke up again. "And beside, we don't know who long we will be out here. We don't know if the prince will even come."

Then Nallir happened to look in the direction of Ponyville. "You might get back to the castle sooner than you thought brother." Drake was curious why Nallir said that, so he look in the direction she was looking, and boy was he surprised when he saw who was walking towards them.

Then Zaldren poked his head out from tent opening. "What the hell are you... you got to be kidding me." Zaldren and the others saw none other then Spike walking towards them with a backpack on his back.

Then Nallir realised something "Oh crap, I'm in my underwear." She then ran to her tent and shut the opening.

Zaldren just had an annoyed look on him. "Well, there goes that vacation." He disappeared into his tent. "I guess I can get dress."

Drake couldn't help but chuckle of the behaviour off his fellow dragons. He then stop making the breakfast to great Spike as he entered their camp.

Drake placed a hand on his chest and bowed a little. "Prince Spike."

Spike stop in front of him. "Even if that right or wrong, I don't think I ever will get used to that."

Drake couldn't help but smile. "I guess not. I can see you decided to come with us to the dragon kingdom."

Spike nodded. "Yes, I want to find out for myself if I am really a prince or not and the only place I can find the answer is there and besides, after what Twilight did last night I don't want to be with her at the moment."

Drake was a little intrigued. "Might I ask what she did."

"She placed a sealed on my door, she locked me in my room."

That made Drake sick but before he could say anything... "She did what?" Then Zaldren came out from his tent fully dressed and he was very angry. "That pony dare to lock our prince in his room? I'm going to teach her a lesson she will never forget." He was about to fly off when Drake stop him. "Don't you dare try and stop me Drake."

"I know your angry right now Zaldren but teaching Twilight Sparke a lesson this is not the answer."

"Then what should I do? Nothing?" Zaldren shout at his leader.

"Yes, you are just going to make thing worst and besides, I think the prince has already send a letter to princess Celestia." Drake look over to Spike. "Please tell me you did that."

Spike nodded. "Of course, I did right before I left and she answered me right away, she is probably at the library right now talking or yelling at Twilight."

Zaldren managed to calm himself down. "Alright, it looks like our prince have solved this, then I guess I can let her live."

Then his sister spoke up from her tent. "Hallelujah, my brother can us that brain of his."

"Shut up Nallir." Nallir just laugh of her brother. "I guess I can pack up and take down my tent." He decided to do that.

Spike, who had watch the whole scenario, spoke up. "Are they always like that?" He asked Drake.

Drake just smiled. "Yes, they are twins after all. Is okay with that we eat breakfast before we leave? We haven't eaten yet." Spike didn't mind at all, he had eaten already.

After the three dragon had eaten breakfast and put away their tents, they were ready to leave. They ask Spike to step away so they could transform, then their eyes started to glow and before Spike knew it, they were at least ten feet taller than they were before which Spike thought was awesome, Spike wanted to learn how to do that. Then Drake bent down so Spike cold ride on him and with that, they all took flight and where headed towards their capital, Wiacaster.