• Published 7th Jun 2012
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Letters From A Disgruntled Friendship Student - milesprower06

Twilight Sparkle is being sent to Ponyville to learn about friendship. She's not happy about it.

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The Cutie Pox

Letters From A Disgruntled Friendship Student
by milesprower06

The Cutie Pox

Dear Princess Celestia,

Would anyone care to tell me why Ponyville has a bowling alley? While we're on the subject, who the flying fuck invented this sport? Shove a ball down a lane and try to hit as many pins as you can. I guess that would seem sort of entertaining to unicorns, except not a single one used their magic!

Sweetie Belle, following the tradition of every degenerate unicorn in the building, tried using her head to bowl in the wrong way. Are we sure Scootaloo isn't pretending to be a Pegasus, and is in fact an earth pony? She kicked that ball so fucking hard it ricocheted off of three surfaces before going all the way across to the other side of the alley. I haven't even seen Applejack buck anything that hard. Last but not least, Apple Bloom tried using her mouth to bowl. Yeah. Well, if she can do that, she won't get a bowling cutie mark, but I know a great way she can make some extra bits on the side. Hint hint.

Oh yeah, you read that right, a few ponies in this town have bowling cutie marks. Well, guess what you get to do for the rest of your days! Have a nice life, you poor bastards. After Apple Bloom witnessed another pony get chained to this hobby for life, she gets all depressed after just one turn. Yeah, you don't have to practice or anything, you stupid cunt, you were just supposed to be instantly good at it.

You know, that just cracks me the fuck up. After all the stupid, brainless, and sometimes, downright dangerous things they've done, NOW she gets depressed. And nothing cheered her up, either. Not a cupcake, not a party, not even one of Rarity's giant hats. You'd think that just maybe, she'd look inwards, and discover that she has to focus on what she's already good at. But no, she wanders off into the Everfree Forest, trips over a root, and runs into our resident zigger.

For the record, I blame that witch for everything that happened today. She took Apple Bloom back to her hut to fix her chipped tooth. Again, mistake #1: Taking Apple Bloom to a hut filled with potion ingredients. It's a good thing that she doesn't share her tooth-healing potions, or make a business out of it. She'd ruin every dentist in town. Colgate would have a hayday. So after that, does she kick Apple Bloom out and send her on her way? No. Mistake #2: Letting Apple Bloom stay in the hut. So after taking a look around, Apple Bloom thinks Zecora can make a potion to give her a cutie mark. Now, at this point, if I were Zecora, I'd have seen the disaster coming from a mile away. But no, she runs out to get a missing ingredient. Again, mistake #3: LEAVING Apple Bloom ALONE in what is essentially an ALCHEMIST HUT.

Apple Bloom shows up for school with a cutie mark! After wowing the class with her amazing hip rotary skills, another cutie mark appears. Instead of listening to Diamond Tiara and calling bullshit, Cheerilee gives the class to Apple Bloom, and she leads them on a parade through town, performing all sorts of circus freak tricks. Well, at least I discovered something new about Fax Machine. It doesn't have to BE Rarity to give him a hard on, it just has to LOOK LIKE Rarity.

I'm not sure what happened next, but early the next morning, Applejack comes to the library with Apple Bloom, who is now sporting three cutie marks. Doing a little searching around medical journals, I discovered a great way to give someone the trots. This is gonna be an entertaining weekend. Oh, and I also discovered Apple Bloom has an ancient disease with no treatment. Coincidentally, the Cutie Mark Cunt is in a conundrum with no cure and I don't care. Say THAT three times fast, you fucking dragon.

More and more cutie marks appear at an increasing rate. Pretty soon she starts speaking in Fancy. Better than her sister always speaking in Git R Done, if you ask me. Knowing that only a black-magic practicing freak could help out, we went to get Zecora, who just happened to be coming into town, when I explicitly told her to stay out. What the fuck, can she not listen? She told us about the missing Heart's Desire, and brought a plant that would only grow when somepony tells the truth. So let's see, as the Element of Honesty, Applejack can't tell the truth herself, so instead yells at the town to get someone else to do it. Pinkie can't admit the true scale of her binging and purging, so finally Apple Bloom admits to poisoning herself into a mega-talented state. The admittance causes the flower to grow, and upon her eating it, her marks disappeared. Personally, I would've liked to see what would've happened if it kept getting worse.

After ALL of this bullshit, she learns her lesson. For about ten fucking seconds. Then the three of them go chasing after Zecora to become potion makers. While I would like to see if they inadvertently create a meth lab, I've got better things to do.

Like styling my hair with a loopty-hoop and making Fax Machine my sex slave.

Your about-to-be-satisfied former student,
Twilight Sparkle

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