• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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220. Ocellus’s Obfuscation, Part One.

-San Fransokyo Streets, Ocellus-

If someone were to ask me if I was crazy, I might actually say yes. To that end I took up a mission control position with Mini-Max as my connection to everyone.

My first order was that Hiro and Baymax minimize the damage Nimnul and Steamer were doing to their surroundings with their machines. In fact I wanted them to encourage the fighting.

Wheel Cat was fine for taking on Motor Ed, but I added a suggestion that apparently had the cat grinning according to Mini-Max. Sure I was going to endanger myself by having her draw him in our direction, but Gogo was going to be a happy camper in pulling off her part.

I tasked Fred-zilla with finding out what Monkey Fist was after, Big Hero Six had a dossier on villains outside of their usual lineup and that meant that the guy was after some kind of monkey based artifact.

I wanted Fred-zilla to smash and grab whatever that artifact was, then run straight towards our position wherever we happen to be in the moment while playing keep away. With his suit giving him super jumping capabilities, it should be easier said than done as Monkey Fist would have to deal with terrain directly where Fred-zilla wouldn’t. He needed to give me the artifact personally before Motor Ed was drawn to me.

Bazooka Bunny was to slowly draw Dementor’s forces towards the strange robot bug cultists Plasma Paladin was dealing with. Plasma Paladin was to do the same in the opposite direction. I explicitly told Bazooka Bunny to not stick down any more of Dementor’s minions and to allow them to free themselves, I also wanted her to taunt them about the various familial issues Dementor kept bringing up. If she couldn't bring herself to do so, then I gave her a list of things to say that might get Dementor more focused on following her than actually taking her out with his group.

If there were as many red robots in the city as Mini-Max was told about, we would need the minion power Dementor had in the field.

I personally would be heading back out towards Shego and Dr. Drakken for my own personal ploy. To that end, I wanted to be captured by them specifically as Abigail Callaghan. If the red robots do what I think they were going to if Abigail was the target they were searching for as determined by the anonymous message about world shaking consequences, then things would get interesting.

Dolly had commandeered the computer in Penny’s hotel room before we left and typed out something that would help us keep Abigail safe and we already had her evacuated 'downstairs'. Penny’s Power Pets were a wild card and an unknown, they would be Abigail and Wower’s main defense if for any reason someone manages to find out about my subterfuge.

Now all we had to do was bait the trap and set it off and see if all the various factions ‘played nice’ like I thought they would with what little information I had on them.

Big Hero Six was let in on the plan, Team Possible however wasn’t. There was a reason for that and if Kim’s team is as good and smart as Penny says they are for world traversing heroes, then they will pick up on things quickly enough to avoid it.

I was quite tired of villains, they all wanted to make a mess of things? Okay then, let’s see them make a mess when they are forced to be the heroes, sure I had some personal issues with what I was about to put them through… but villains never tend to care about civilians or innocent people. Shego and Momakase seemed like the only decent people out of them morally, but I wouldn’t trust their own morality too much.

There’s also the fact that, while the villains likely knew what Dr. Wower or Abigail looked like, only Wower’s personality was well-known for her educational show. As for Abigail’s personality… hers wasn’t as known by the villains that were possibly after her.

I was going to be abuse that to Tartarus and back.

The only issue is, would the villains actually survive this emotionally? I really didn’t want any of them to die from embarrassment, but they were kind of asking for it. I wasn’t too worried about them physically, they've survived worse right?

There’s also the problem with Magica De Spell and a possible appearance by the Phantom Blot and his rogue FOWL Egghead cell, but I had plans them top. Momakase would hopefully do whatever Kim Possible’s team does. Kim Possible is the backup plan for the rogue elements causing a misstep to one of the most gloriously silly ideas I’ve ever had.

Dolly shouldn’t fight directly, not with her injuries or without her gear. Her only weapon was a leash, but that wouldn’t matter in the grand scheme of things if all she needed to do was distract and mislead. The leash was a good enough weapon in her paws.

Pom had utilized Dolly’s cunning before to take down Ammonia Pine’s siege and she has done numerous incredible assists without being prompted by Pom before. All I had to do was get Dolly to put her mind to work on how to aid my plan and let her come up with things to do. I absolutely trusted Dolly like Pom does to figure things out for herself, I was not going to tell her what to do and I would work around whatever she comes up with.

A plan is not stupid if it works and if our friends back on Equus knew what I was about to pull, they’d call me an evil genius and when you give a Changeling the freedom to act however they want with a given form...

I stepped out of the hotel and onto the streets in my cat biped form and sauntered towards Shego, Dr. Drakken and Momakase with Mini-Max at my side and glanced off to the side as Dolly ran off down a different street, looks like she was excited to do something and already had ideas.

Discord… eat your candy coated heart out!

-A few minutes later, Ocellahan-

I exited the alleyway in the form of an animalistic fox and took the most opportune moment to intervene in the clash of absurdly sharp blades and burning green energy slinging hands.

“Oh my god, are you Shego?!” I said in a bright and cheerful manner not befitting of Abigail in the slightest, as long as no one Abigail knew was around to point out how weird she was acting this would all go quite swimmingly. “You were like, the smartest member of Team Go, I’m surprised they didn’t know how brilliant you were! How you’re idiot brothers thought you would accept being forced to be hero I’ll never know.”

Part one ego stroke, positive reaction.

“Uh, excuse me we are…” Cutting off Momakase was easy to do, especially when my remark was scathing.

“Do you not see how her suit accentuates her figure, she’s also got quite lovely hair… I’m surprised that you didn’t even touch her pride while you were fighting her.” Positive reaction again, I had a read on Shego now. Oh this would be entertaining if I survived the robots when they finally spot me, I started cuddling up to Shego. “So she’s just that good and far better than you.”

“Shego, grab her!” Okay that confirmed Dr. Drakken wasn’t picky about whether he wanted Wower or Callaghan, now to dial up the airhead to extremely painful levels. Silver Stream would probably hate me for this if this ever got back to her.

“Grab me? Oh yay, please do!” I leapt at Shego and she looked surprise to catch the fluffy brown animalistic fox in her arms, more so shocked that I was showing her affection. She was totally confused, I licked her on her right cheek with one slow and long deliberate stroke of my tongue. “Are you seeing anyone, you taste divine! Also how do you get your fur to be this soft?”

I pressed my face into the tuft of fur below Shego’s neck while tilting my ears back and closing my eyes, Shego froze up and her emotions were going a mile a minute. Depending on how Shego reacted when she regained her senses, I would continue to manipulate the situation as needed.

Huh, so foxes were a slight turn on for her. Good to know and given how often she is said to tease Kim Possible… this is going to be even more fun than I thought.

“Wha…” Shego’s face was turning bright red with a twitching left eye, Momakase was equally put out and confused as she stood there with her arms crossed looking mildly amused.

“Take me back to your lair Shego, I’ll enjoy every second of you…” I looked deeply into her eyes as I trailed off and leaned closer. “When you steal my heart.”

“Gah?!” Shego dropped me like hot molten metal and backed away.

I decided to feign hurtful look, then thoughtful and finally I gave her an outright smoldering look.

“Oh playing hard to get… I know you like the color red or orange more than brown and that you have another girl that can really get your blood pumping. She really challenges you doesn’t she, but can’t you just make a little room just for me?” I sauntered up to her. Ramp up the dramatization like Rarity. “Take me away into the night oh dark princess of the five fingered discount.”

“Dr. D, I… don’t think we should actually kidnap this one.” Oh Shego, you’re reactions were absolutely delicious and priceless.

The blue Chihuahua guy flew the hovercraft down.

“Don’t care, she seems to be quite enamored with you, we can use that…” Dr. Drakken pause and looked thoughtful for a moment. “Wait, did she just imply that you and Kim Possible…”

“Oh no, no-no-no, NO! Do not go there, I’m straight! I just like a good fight is all.” Shego said angrily while lighting her hands and aiming her ire towards her employer, I simply took up position next to her legs and ironically cuddled up to her like a cat.

“Really, and I always thought you were crooked…” I said in a lovingly airy voice, both Dr. Drakken and Shego balked really hard at the brazen pun. “That’s going to disappoint your female fans like Momakase over there. I mean she dresses like she goes to the same stores you do. Also you’re fights with Kim Possible are so popular, your so much like married couple.”

The fact that I was actually getting away with this on limited knowledge…

“I do not and I am not a fan, even if Shego is attractive!” Momakase was in denial and even she knew it, she coughed into her right fist and then actually regained composure. “Though yes, that is slightly disappointing for her female fans, criminal even. Here I thought I was a bad girl, she’s already breaking hearts of every girl worldwide that wouldn’t mind being Mrs. Go.”

Shego looked fairly spooked. I still needed Dr. Drakken to be interested in taking me. Concerning the opening Shego gave me the perfect opening, I was doing the fun ploy and that Momakase even got in on it made it all the sweeter.

“Mini-Maximum Power!” Mini-Max timed his attack on Momakase, he of course missed her entirely on purpose and plowed into the street. That was the signal that the surrounding red robots were gathering around us. “… I appear to have missed. Young stalwart Abigail run, for they are villains!”

“Shego’s not, she’s apparently straight and not crooked.” We were confusing the all three of the people near us.

“Truly?! She is a grand force for justice everywhere then, but alas Kim Possible will be quite saddened to hear you don’t return her affections!” Mini-Max was enjoying playing along and he sent me a wink. “If she is here, then I am not needed to protect you! Mini-Max away!”

He flew up into the sky and out of sight, all eyes slowly fell on Shego.

“Shego… I don’t care if you’re bisexual, please grab the scientist and let’s go.” Dr. Drakken sounded like he was honestly trying to be sensitive.

“Just to be clear, I… hate… all of you!” Grumbled Shego as she reached down and grabbed me up and I cheered happily as she brought me aboard the vehicle. “Hey, don’t make this any weirder than it has to be!”

“I’m cheering because you put my head facing towards your butt, you really do care!” I started sniffling. “Would you like me more if I was male?”

“Yes… no… maybe… Don’t make me intentionally drop you and beat the crap out of Dr. Drakken!” Looking up at Shego glaring down at me, I waggled my eyebrows at her and then slowly moved a paw towards her butt. Here glare intensified as I ever so slowly placed my paw on her butt and then intentionally squeezed it. “That’s it, I’m beating you up Dr. Drakken!”

“Why, what did I do!” Dr. Drakken shouted as Shego jumped towards him and slammed a glowing fist into his face and proceeded to pummel him quite a bit. I was grinning the entire time as I turned a smile back to Momakase.

“You’re making us kidnap one of the most annoying foxes I’ve ever had the misfortune to know!” Shego said pointing at me.

“This is a kidnapping? I swear you’re just taking me because you want a better bed warmer than the Kim Possible body pillow you own, wait… does this mean that you think I’m prettier than her?!” I asked that last thing excitedly with my tail wagging. “Ooh, or maybe you just like all this fluffy fur!”

“I actually just use it as a punching bag… damn it… I just admitted that I have one!” Shego grunted completely flustered, frustrated and was not thinking straight.

“Huh, that was just a shot in the dark, but thanks for confirming that you like foxy ladies Shego!” I giggled as I was enjoying this far too much. I was going to out evil all the villains in short order if things continued as well as this. “Wait until the people on the internet hears about this!”

It wasn’t long after hastily grabbing the controls and taking the hovering vehicle into the air only that Shego had to suddenly jerk the controls to the side as a beam of energy lanced out from the nearby rooftops and multiple red robots were firing at the flying vehicle from the street below as they emerged all over the place.

The back end of the vehicle was struck and it started listing towards the ground.

“So… do I get an in-flight meal?” I said innocently.

“Drakken, the more she annoys me, the worst I will beat the crap out of you… also, you wouldn’t happen to know who owns those weird ro…” The vehicle hit the street and went skidding. Dr. Drakken went flying from the vehicle and slammed into a brick wall. I hissed in slight sympathy.

“Is Mr. Drakken going to be okay?” I asked before hopping out and walking off humming to myself.

“He’ll live, he’s had worse than…” Shego paused and realized I was getting away with a cheerful bounce in my step as beams of energy lanced out at her, she ducked and started throwing blasts of energy at the robots.

They weren’t shooting at me, but they were coming at me pretty fast, one tried to grab me and I darted through its legs. They were relatively tall things making it easy to get pass them and I started running while Shego started to attack them volatilely while chasing after me.

“You wouldn’t be chasing after me if you didn’t find me alluring~.” I stretched out the word ‘alluring’ and Shego shivered and rammed her fist through another red robot in anger and ripped out what passed for its heart from its chest. “Is that heart for me? Aw, you’re so sweet Shego, even when you won’t give me the time of day you’ll give me a cold heartless machines core.”

Shego crushed the metallic heart thing with a single clench and started glowing intensely as she roared and her arms flared with power.

“Whoops got to go, hope things work out between you and Ron Stoppable since you’re not into Kim Possible like that. Ferrets can be wonderful like foxes too you know!” I darted into the nearby alleyway transformed into my normal self and flew up to the roof where Mini-Max waited. Several robots charged down the alley and into the next street.

Having lost me since they didn’t know I can fly, they turned around and went back to help the other robots in attacking an enraged Shego in force.

The evil looking robots were really well built machines, but Shego’s fury was a sight to behold as she dented and slowly started to chew through the armor on their bodies out of raw rage.

“Okay Mini-Max, where are we on the Motor Ed, Monkey Fist front?” I moved away from the edge of the building in case anybody looked up.

“Wheel Cat needs to slow down Motor Ed, but things are going to pace.” Mini-Max saluted. “Dolly is planting evidence of Abigail’s fur we pulled from the Abigail’s brush as we speak so that Shego and Drakken will move where we need them to be. Dolly is using a small, but still noticeable enough amounts to count as shedding, but not enough to think the fur is falling out in clumps.”

“Good… point me in the direction of Nimnul and Steamer fight, then lead Dolly there.” Once the direction was pointed I turned into my dragon form, with wings, then took off in the air with a grin.

-Some minutes later-

I landed next to Hiro and Baymax, Pom made some interesting friends the last time she was in this city.

“Hey there, I’m Ocellus, first time meeting you in person and I want to be polite. So have you managed to keep them angry at one another?” This was important to everything overall, we needed some heavy hitters.

“Yes, I believe we have been quite successful in the phrase… egging them on.” Baymax the large armored balloon paused for a moment and then continue once he thought he had it correct. His emotions were sweet and sugary, he was made of nothing but pure one hundred percent love.

“Good, now to make it worse.” I transformed to look nearly like one of the red robots reportedly dotted throughout the city.

“You can do machines?!” Hiro ‘Mental Magnet’ Hamada asked in confusion.

“Incorrect, she is using a lobster’s segmented carapace and various biological animal part in specific places to give off the illusion of being a robot… it is scarily accurate, but she is still actually biological.” Baymax stated while raising a finger up. “I can tell you what animals she is using in her appearance to replicate the effect. It is rather amazing.”

“Does my voice sound accurately robotic?” I tried to imagine what these robots would sound like if they could talk and added that to my voice. Menacing, slightly deep tone, emotionless and with a hint of malice.

“That’s… actually pretty scary, but why do you need to have a robotic voice?” Hiro, I would grin if I could, but my current plated and metallic looking body wouldn’t allow for it.

“You’re about to see.” I jumped off the roof and a pair of translucent barely visible dragonfly wings lowered me to the ground, hiding the wings in the carapace of the bipedal one eyed lobster monster form I created out of a mishmash of things to recreate what the strange red robots look like.

I stalked out onto the street behind one of the machines, I didn’t know which one was Steamer or Nimnul, but I could guess from the appearance of the two machines. I just had to get their attention and deal damage with the pistol shrimp claw built into my forearm to expel hot air out my palm like an energy blast. Thank you robot shrimp for giving me this idea.

I aimed my palm at the two machines, both were unique, but I was aiming at the clockwork unicorn that was spewing fire from its head and missiles out of its chest. The other was obviously Nimnul some kind of haphazardly built four legged crab robot. Concerning the fact that I saw Dolly setting up something for it specifically and that she seemed to have a personal grudge to settle for that particular mad scientist from her feelings that she knew Nimnul, I chose to damage Steamer’s machine and let Dolly have the other guy.

I tightening the pistol shrimp claw in my forearm as I aimed the palm of my right hand towards the horn on Steamer’s unicorn machine, I opened the claw as wide as it could go and then snapped it. The resulting beam of heat and pressure lanced out and lightly damaged the flame spewing horn.

“What the…” Steamer shouted as his machine stumbled from pilot error.

“Who the… WHOA?!” As Nimnul tried to turn his machine to left to face me the front right leg moved forward pulling the leash wrapped around it and machines right hind leg and it toppled to its right.


I unwrapped the leash from the mechanical legs and then hopped up onto the machine to blow a kiss from my paw at Nimnul.

“You, Caper Canine, you’re still running about you mutt!” Nimnul was furious to see me and I was only happy to ruin his day, I leapt off and started running behind the machine as Nimnul tried to get it standing. I passed by Ocellus in a freaky realistic replication of one of those red robots and waved a paw as I did.

Ocellus nodded back and proceed to move forward in a robotic manner.

-Hunter-Cellus Drone-

“Baron Von Steamer and Crackpot Criminal, you are under arrest by the San Fransokyo city robotic defense department. You have ten seconds to power down you’re machines and comply!” I started loudly counting down from ten. “Ten, nine, eight…”

“What? Since when did San Fransokyo add a robotic defense force to their budget?! Though with Krei Tech that does make some sense…” Steamer seemed befuddled, good…. GOOD…

“What, I am not a crackpot, I am Professor Nimnul you stupid machine!” He was thankfully buying my mechanical act.

“Failure to comply, engaging!” I fired blasts out of both my hand both of them turned to attack me and I quickly backed out of the way of their machines energy blasts, missiles and that wonderful beautifully attractive flamethrower.

No, bad, Ocellus! Don’t go into the fire, Smolder makes enough fire for you for free… even if the fire is so hauntingly pretty. We Changelings are not idiotic giant moths!

I backed around the corner into the alley way and then turned around and stopped acting robotic entirely by sprinting down the alley as the end where I was became a destructive fire storm from a variety of odd weapons.

“There’s more of those robots on the rooftops!” Steamer stated before firing a missile at one of the red robots, this of course was a mistake and it turned the robots to attacking them, Nimnul’s crab machine fired an explosive that blew one’s head off.

“I’m not being captured by some poorly made police robots that can’t recognize my genius!” Nimnul screamed as he and Steamer started actively working together. “When I’m done with them I’m coming after Caper Canine and finishing what I started!"

Author's Note:

For those wondering, I'm a big fan of Malkavian Vampires.

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