• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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407. Metal Hound Chaos! Pt. 11.

-Moon Cell Realm, Mare Melum, Underground Region, Devastation Zone, Pom-

I needed to consume a Sitrus Berry before the blood loss gets to me and I was already lightheaded. The gashes means that any of the blood veins in those areas of my neck were no longer working and everything was already getting colder.

Unless I was under the effects of haste and using Dancing Flame to the peak I feasibly could use, I wouldn’t be able to keep up with Jack Wolf.

My current speed was useless.

My magic could be deflected and or defended against, he can even break Dolly’s Float, but I’m chalking that up to his sword. Anything Dolly or I could do wouldn’t handle that monster.

My current magic abilities were useless.

The amounts of strength he could put behind the blow meant he was definitely far stronger than me, with literal mechanical precision and a cyborg body. Robots didn’t have souls, nor did they smell like they still had flesh, he was a cyborg with a machine intelligence canine partner that obviously didn’t control the body between the two of them. The first I heard of such a horrifying concept was back on Elhorn… also when I looked into what was happening on Mobius.

My current strength was useless. Wished I had super strength, but that’s Arizona’s department. I was never normally strong physically to begin with, been mostly making up for it with physics and magic.

The guy cut straight through the wool on either side of my neck and I’m currently having breathing problems, mind you the two large gashes in the sides of my neck weren’t helping as I was mentally stitching up my own arteries shut with my wool. Magically charged electrum was what I had relied on to survive that blow.

My current defensive abilities were mostly useless.

I performed a wobble counter combination of redirected force with a charged up blow from Fou, using Dolly’s sharing her momentum control ability with me and the outcome didn’t do nearly as much damage as I hoped for.

I think a Thousand Spears: Huo would work, but who would survive that guy for five minutes and would I want their deaths on my conscience?

I’m glad that Jack wolf only sought to disarm me of the paralance with the first nineteen blows instead of dismembering me outright after I was left open. The twentieth blow could have killed me just by crushing my esophagus alone, why am I still alive again?

Oh right, I locked my wool to play dead and my wool was creating a small cavity underneath so that when I try to get some precious air in my lungs, which was hard to do with two bloody holes in my throat, it wouldn’t look like I wasn’t moving at all and I did let myself bleed some to sell the illusion.

When will the hurting stop?

Jack Wolf was more focused on fighting Fou, who I’m pretty sure just recovered from what would a permanent spinal injury for absolutely anyone else who couldn’t recover from such an injury.

Dormarch was trying to think of something and was asking if he could use the armor Dolly and I used to even get here for something. I silently gave him the go ahead if he could ultimately do something with it that would be better than what Dolly or I could. Don’t know how he was going to pilot it unless he turned into Dobermon D-Type, but piloting it didn’t feel like it was his intention.

Dolly was trying to move the paralance over to me, despite total exhaustion from supporting me and having to puppeteer me up to this point. If Dolly had some magic I’d ask her to send the armors heal beam at me. If I could recover some magic aside from what was going to suppressing the whole Chrysomallus thing so that I can live to the ripe age of thirty one, if not that then two months from now since I doubt I’m going to live longer than that... then, well yeah, maybe I could come up with something.

I unlocked my wool and carefully rolled to the side, while making sure not to put my left gash wound directly against the ground.

Had to wonder, why hadn’t Jack realized he hadn’t kill me? Was he expecting me to bleed out? Did he think he cut off my head? Didn’t Blade Wolf say that ‘True Ripper Mode’ thing would only end if he killed ‘a’ target? Not necessarily me. It did imply that his regular Ripper Mode had a time limit before he activated the true version of it.

I wonder what people had to face that terrifying metallic monster when he was alive and not being used in some sort of necromancy based manner like what Moon Cell was doing here.

Should I consider myself lucky enough to still be capable of feeling pain or unlucky enough that my own bell being lodged in my throat didn’t manage to kill me because of the small amount of wool I had to cushion it? At least I was staying calm in this situation and using my wool to push the bell outward and allow me to rasp some air in.

Just had to grab a Sitrus Berry… so weak… I reached back with my front right leg, since I couldn’t currently lift my further head. I had Dolly send me a mental image of what Jack wolf was doing, I was safe to move around a bit. I got my leg into the pack and grabbed at the largest berry in there, one Oran Berries and a few status healers.

I weakly lifted the berry to my lips and opened my mouth and then hastily bit into it, the juices were enough to bring color and extremely painful noise back to the world. The insides of my neck were slightly on fire as the wounds sealed up and blood vessels reconnected and tissues regenerated.

I took a sigh of relief as I finished chewing the berry down. Sitrus Berries could only recover health and some stamina, it didn’t recover my magic.

Sitting up, I checked my bell and blinked at the damage done to it. The sheer force required to damage magically charged electrum was hard to find and I had ultimately found it.

I… was… actually rather angry as that there was a large line dented into my bell where that blade struck it.

Okay… now I really wanted to take Jack down, but how would I go about doing that when being within ten feet of him was nothing short of a death sentence?

I sat up and Dolly soon collapsed next to me with a smile and a tail that would never quit wagging as she smiled up at me, she had dragged the paralance back to me. She looked so feeble, like one of my Canis Minor puppies after an incident where they got hurt, but she was glad to see I was up and alright.

Dolly didn’t say anything as I patted her head affectionately and quietly pointed her in the direction of the Commandramon. The Commandramon were keeping the area around them mostly clear of EPs, APs and Zombies. I also noted we were getting some APs in support here, at least we weren’t being totally crushed.

After having angled her board in that direction, Dolly started to slowly push herself away from me with a silent ‘good luck’ sent back my way. She had no complaints about me benching her from the fight and I had the paralance again.

“Guys, can one of you pick up Dolly for me? She’s heading your way.” I got an affirmative from our soldier dragon friends. Dolly acknowledging her limitations left me feeling sad for some reason, like I had failed to make her capable of taking on entire worlds.

If I could break Jack Wolf’s sword, then a lot of his combat prowess would go out the window, but how would I do that when bark breaker got… howl breaker? I had howl blast that could slow down opponents. I had as many techniques as I was going to ever need, really didn’t think I needed to complicate my move pool anymore… I just needed to refine what I could do and refining the bark breaker into a howl breaker would go a long way to stopping the cyborg, given his body was made of multiple relatively rigid materials. Getting rid of his sword would be the target.

I was going to need to rest for the energy to even do a bark attack. I glanced at the body of the Excelsus turning yellow, said indication of the machine turning into a zombie was almost to the head on that thing. The only reason it was taking so long was because of its overall size.

We could hopefully deal with Jack soon, but the Excelsus and those Eater things were going to be the real problem afterwards. Fou mostly just wants to use me as a chew toy and as long as he didn’t kill me, I’d gladly oblige if he kept distracting Jack for the moment.

-Mare Melum, Warped Farmlands, Castle Alexander, Ocellus-

“It seems Canard has the unknown machines attention with Dodo, I’m fairly certain it’s Moon Cell’s response to Castle Alexander being here.” We’re holding, but we kind of needed Pom to finish off the zombie problem quickly or else we won’t be able to get Castle Alexander on the offensive to start taking territories again. Wait… Castle Alexander wasn’t an Allie Program, it was a Plant, so couldn’t it…

“Commandramon in the back right tower from the head, fire on these coordinates.” A second later a territory erupted in a blue flash meaning we just took one. “Thank you for testing that for me.”

“No problem ma’am!” The soldier stated back politely. “Returning to artillery support, call out if you need another specific shot.”

“Can confirm, Canard has called in the scans from our digivice being so close to that thing. Canard says that it has managed to deduce the enemy machine is called Metal Gear Ray or The Ray, it’s apparently an anti-fortress model of machine. Heavy focus on missile bombardment, two machine guns for infantry and light armor. I’m really happy that Canard hasn’t been shot down by that thing yet.” Sami called in from the castles walls. “It’s apparently amphibious, so if it pushes us back to Cape in Dike Land, then we’re done for if it fights us from the sea. Without water it doesn’t have access to its water laser weapon. Take out the two large wing like arms and we’d cut its combat potential to kicking in melee range and the water laser which is a devastating torso weapon that requires environmental support.”

“How much water and how deep does it need to use the water attack?” We already dealt with biological water lasers, now we were going to deal with mechanical which might be even more powerful.

“A lakes worth at least.” Responded Sami as I heard her sniping something in the background. Hearing that I checked a map and saw a nearby lake it could start attacking us from. The Ray was currently starting to attack through the jungle covered upper districts to get at us in the warped farmlands

“Gazimon, does Torneko have any more mines and do they work underwater?” I asked as the warped farmlands did have large masses of water around them thanks to the swamps that weren’t there previously along with a lake. “We need you to go out and lay some.”

“Go out in all of that? We’d die!” The head of the Gazimon team wasn’t wrong, the Pokémon were showing quite the resolve in holding our front line. “Please remember that we’re rookie level volunteers and not high end combat capable digital monsters.”

“Can you find a way to launch the mines into position?” I asked as I watched Shanty direct a retreat of the Dhelmise back into the castle for healing purposes, they had taken quite a lot of damage and those flamethrowers wielding zombies were not Steel Type friendly.

Quetal and his team were holding thanks to Curdle taking a lot of punishment for them, having a body made of regenerating cream and sugar really helped. Lit was taking out more than anyone on the field of battle and he was able to fit into my hoof, now that was a terrifying little guy in battle and he seems to have gained a massive amount of stamina from all the fighting in Cerebrum. I’m surprised he hasn’t evolved yet.

“The Gazimon can use the Skein Flyers I’m manufacturing, provided they aren’t shot down they can air drop the mines into position.” Welch called up. “If you’re doing it for the reason I think you are, then we’ll make sure the enemy anti-fortress will be prevented from getting into any water… it also might help to take out the tail, which looks to be a water intake tube for the liquid ‘snake’ laser.

“Why did you just say ‘snake’ randomly? No, never mind, Sounds like we’re about to get some air bikes, we’ll gladly do it if we don’t have to be on the ground anywhere near all the chaos.” The Gazimon leader responded. “It’s much safer to be in the air.”

“Then get down there and help Welch make those Skein Flyers and then load them up quickly. Canard and Dodo can only keep The Ray busy for so long out there in the city and it’s currently making its way for us.” Said Ray, now that I looked at it, did look something like a walking manta ray if you were to lay it out flat. “And the city is crawling with enemies of all kinds. I’m only somewhat glad that the Ray seems to be immune to the Zombie Coding thing.”

“The code zombies don’t seem to be very big on ranged weapons and Ray is all ranged weapons, it would be kind of easy to take out if it wasn’t at some level of immune to the infection.” Sami called in.

“Yeah, but we’d have to take it out twice if it wasn’t. Commandramon have another order for territory bombardment, check the map.” My hoof tapped several locations and the towers started to fire on those spots given a lull in activity around our defenses. There was silence after as we took another territory out of the three indicated firing zones. I continued to watch Jeanne command the field from the front, she was holding our territory with an unbreakable force of will and kept our people rallied with her banner waving… as much as peircing, bashing and smashing everything coming at the castle in a brutal display of raw force of will.

I hoped Pom, Dolly, the Commandramon and Dormarch were okay down there, along with the odd harmony programs things. Friendship was in fact an oddly infectious form of magic, not that it was a bad thing and I hoped to discuss all this with Principal Twilight Sparkle later.

-Undeground region, Pom-

Did I have enough energy? I don’t know since I was going to be trying something new for the first time, but I had to get up and move away from the Excelsus before it got up and only incidentally crushed me.

Carefully getting up on my four wobbly legs, I calmly started walking in the direction of Jack Wolf while getting a decent grip on the paralance in my right hoof to start dragging it with me.

I made sure Dolly made it to be next the Commandramon still heavily embattled with random raptors, flying bats and the occasional quadrupedal monstrosity like a giant bubble blowing elongated weasel fox thing. Driver and his buddies were paying some protective attention to Dolly. I wondered what Dormarch was doing in the Magitek Armor we piloted?

No matter, I was trying to stay out of sight and not look tasty to the NPs. I was also trying not to alert Jack Wolf to the fact that I was moving or up while he was entirely focused with Fou. Fou was getting sliced up pretty badly, but he was just as viciously damaging Jack through the pain and suffering that red blade was causing with his claws and rabid biting.

“Nice to see you up Big Boss Lady, ma’am how are you feeling after that last blow?” Driver asked over the headset as he led the four other Commandramon into keeping the area clear.

“Gashes in neck… crushed throat… very painful…” I rasped out and took in some air. Just needed at least enough strength for one howl, an enhanced bark breaker. I believed that without that sword, Jack Wolf would be far more manageable than he currently was and I really didn’t have to worry about killing him. If Rider Totsugeki’s soul was freed like Shanty thought it was… then Jack needed to be taken away from Moon Cell before he gets used on anyone else. “Bell damaged… angry now…”

Anger was a motivator and I could be very motivated when I tried.

“We’ll watch out for Dolly for you, she doesn’t look too healthy. Also we have an odd Caerbannog that is watching the missile truck Dormarch brought here.” Nice to know Driver, but I was about to do something dumb again. Said dumb thing was getting within range of Jack Wolf, I think he forcibly stopped being a servant when he went berserk if the red glow and heightened aggressive tendencies was anything to go by. “Are you sure you want to get close to those monsters?”

“Yes…” Was my quick reply, even as my voice wavered I opened up the paralance and held it to block out the fake sunlight overhead as I placed it over my right shoulder and continued a steady three legged walk towards the two embattled warriors I didn’t have a hope in Tartarus of actually beating in a fair fight. ‘Fair’ being the key word there.

So why was I doing this again? Maybe because I thought I could save two souls for the price of helping take out Jack’s body.

Huh, don’t worry Dormarch, I think I can at least slow him down if not damage him heavily… yes I’m aware he already actively deflected my bark breaker before, but can he deflect a more powerful howl?

Sure, just don’t get hurt and only jump in if you think you can help, just don’t endanger yourself unnecessarily my little puppy.

Yes, I’m going to somewhat help Fou even if he does attack me. I’m aware of that fact Dolly, just stay safe and get some rest… like with Dormarch’s friend in that missile truck.

Even if I was terrified to get close to the guy, I was still going to do it and I hopefully had enough energy to pull it off without completely destroying my throat. Sitrus Berries can only heal wounds and lightly restore some stamina. If a berry could give me a full night’s sleep without nightmares and restore half my magic magic and make me invulnerable to injury for the next hour, then that would have certainly been fairly helpful right now.

Some would call me strong, but I still think I’m fairly weak. Since armoring my wool isn’t going to help, I can wool shift to sheep’s clothing to trade up my defensive abilities for the augmented speed and strength. I’m going inevitably going to need my Bestial Mode for the Eaters or the giant robot zombie nearby, so I’ll ultimately save that for later. I’ve really come a long way as a fluffmancer given I have full body environmental adaptation down, I think Paprika would be proud… and when is she isn’t?

I was half a football field away from the two monsters, I was kind of missing knowing what the recorded number of losses the lambkin team of Meadow Hills is up to now. Never won a single game, not even when both the main and secondary team football teams were playing against each other, beggar’s belief that both teams lost that match when they couldn’t come up with a winner after the entire field lit on fire.

Focus Pom, even if thinking of silly things about the lambkin having issues with sports is somewhat calming… time to do something gloriously stupid.

“Hey, forgetting… ‘echhak’… someone!” I called out, okay coughing was bad for what I was about to do and immediately Jack Wolf turned and started rushing for me while preparing his blade. Fou was fairly upset at his opponent suddenly ignoring him to come kill his favored prey.

Jack was definitely going to make sure I was dead this time. I managed to block thirteen hits… no, I can’t block this time. I still had to find the frequency for the breaker part to take effect and deal damage, but I could start it up before got close enough to skewer me. I can only hope my vocal cords have grown stronger since, if I couldn’t get this to work then Dormarch at least reassures me he’ll make it in time.

“Dalmamon warp digivolve to…” Dormarch could be vaguely heard shouting not too far away, Warp Digivolve? Shouldn’t that be impossible if he doesn’t have access to his Ultimate form yet? From what I knew about informational entities he needs to go from his champion form, to do what he’s about to do, then go on to Ultimate first to even set up the warp evolution.

I inhaled sharply as Jack Wolf was almost upon me, his bipedal on foot speed was slow and it was unfortunate that his arm speed wasn’t.

Beginning to charge my magic to my throat, I didn’t have much time to do this with so I had to make this one attack count. I opened my mouth and exhaled the howl in an unusual manner.

All the sounds going on around me immediately blanked out of existence, it was safe to say there were no sounds around me anymore… there were just vibrations. I think I just temporarily sacrificed my hearing or I just cancelled out all sound around me with the vibrational frequency of my own magically enhanced voice.

It was quite disconcerting and made me feel like I just went deaf, though both Dolly and Dormarch assured me mentally that they could hear it quite clearly. It was a bit weird to them really, they expected it to be shriller and not flat or dull.

Saber Jack Wolf, who had been quickly rushing at me, started taking damage and brought his blade defensively in front of him as I started working to find the most damaging frequency I could make.

To my less than honest surprise, he was starting to cut through my attack that was threatening to make me permanently mute and maybe even incapable of breathing if I continuously held it for five more seconds. I stopped after four.

A Howl Blast focused magic in a wide cone in front of me, the Howl Breaker instead focused in the area around me and relied less on magic and more on my throat.

This left me just staring at my target, incapable of doing another howl like that any time soon, it had been disturbing how quickly the absence of noise happened and how quickly it came back when I finally stopped.

Staring at Jack as he was still standing from being within the sphere of damaging vibrations I unleashed. I tried to say something only to have nothing come out of my mouth as my throat constricted painfully, ugh… my throat was not good after that.

A Howl Blast was still safer than Howl Breaker, same as the difference between barks, I started wondering what a Howl Buster would do and would rather not test that in a combat scenario. My vocal cords were stressed beyond belief and my body recognized that using them was a bad idea at this moment. The Howl Breaker confirmed to be as bad as Bark Breaker or even worse was when I first started using it.

So I couldn’t scream when Jack Wolf kept coming at me, his body was lined with some cracks and his sword barely seemed to have too many discernible fractures. He still ran forward at me, lunged and swung his sword down for me despite having taken some damage, this was the end…

Until it turned into a mistake for him to not pay attention to his surroundings as Dormarch had finally finished his newest digital evolution. It was like it took an entire minute to do so.

Dormarch blurred to being in front of me so fast, I couldn’t even follow how he did it without using Search Hunter. I knew it was him because of our bond and Search Hunter was responsible for the speed he just showed.

“Garummon!” Blinking to take in Dormarch’s a new form, I smiled a little. My eyes darted to where the Magitek Armor was, just to see that it was now entirely gone. “You’re not hurting my mother.”

With a single heave forward of his right golden yellow blade wing connected to his back, the red blade finally showed the real damage that I had dealt to it and finally blew apart from the stress.

Jack Wolf quickly fell backwards and flipped into quadrupedal mode as the shimmering bits of his own blade sliced through him like butter and dealt quite a bit of damage to his moderately damaged body. Could he a do that Zandatsu without his blade now? If not then we needed to finish him off.

“Oh come on, you have High Frequency blades attached to your back?! We only got Low Frequency chainsaws, I feel cheated!” Might feel sorry for Blade Wolf, but I didn’t feel sorry for Jack in this instance as the mechanical canine bodied enemy stared down Dormarch and popped out his two chainsaws and began revving them.

This evolution for Dormarch seemed to have gone from dog to more wolf like, Dormarch was covered in a brilliant white armor with blue stripes and gold lining and highlighting parts of him. He now had two wings made of thick bladed swords that weren’t very long and had ankle armor with wheels behind all of his paws. He looked a little bit more mechanical in appearance, but I could feel his strength had jumped exponentially.

Dormarch could look like whatever he wanted to, he was still my cute little puppy at the end of the day… though I had a slight problem with the name though.

I sent a mental thought of…. ‘Seriously Dormarch, Growling Machine Monster’?

“Well excuse me for having forced a rare digital evolution out to save you mom! Apparently this one is a one to one of an ancient digital monster due to a bunch of random data cobbled together by our recent experiences. I didn’t come up with the name, it existed long before we got here.” Dormarch wasn’t angry, but he was somewhat embarrassed about the name of the evolution. Even as he said it Jack wolf lunged for Dormarch and his left paw not only held off Jack Wolf, he sent him flying backwards and Jack’s death hungry red aura dimmed drastically in that single slap. “Thankfully we took out his main weapon. This form might be why I’m currently classified under Shielder Saber Beast. Both my cores are running hot and I don’t know how long I can actually hold this unstable form for mom, but I’m going to make sure to take Jack down! Yes Dolly, I’m somewhat sorry I ate that armor to fuel this after you called dibs on it.”

I could actually even see where parts of the Magitek Armor was used to create this new form, it was kind of interesting that Dormarch could even do that. I’m sure most Digital Monsters can’t get evolutions nearly this fast unless they are like Sami and have a history of buildup and refusal to evolve.

‘Can you handle Saber Jack Wolf?’ I mentally asked Dormarch after he just said he was unstable. Jack leaned forward letting out a tinny distorted mechanical howl that sent shivers down my spine as his chainsaws started up, he actually sounded like he was in pain. (See Buzz Lightyear of Star Command- ‘Wirewolf’ transformation for more details.)

“I’ll have to. Huh… Kendogarurumon bipedal mode not applicable, Garummon mode only? Well that doesn’t matter to me, can you protect yourself from Fou while I deal with Saber?” Nodding at Dormarch’s back, he started glowing brightly after I did so. I noted that the revving rotating blades of the chainsaws slowed down drastically and that Jack Wolf seemed to weaken considerably in the light that Dormarch was giving off. “Howling Star!”

Dormarch blurred forward like a bright shining star and collided with Jack bowling him over to start attacking him aggressively with his claws. Their claws immediately began scraping against one another’s armor plated bodies after that painful collision for Jack, they started to add wild biting and there was a clash of their back mounted weapons.

Dormarch was doing fairly okay as he defended himself from the chainsaws with his blade wings until Jack forced him off and managed to slap a paw across the left side of Dormarch’s face staggering him. Dormarch however wasn’t taking nearly as much damage as Jack was, which made me hopeful for Dormarch.

Without his sword, Jack Wolf was on the back paw and Dormarch’s wing blades seemed to be capable of matching Jack’s chainsaws safely without damage as he forcefully pushed Saber Jack Wolf away from lunging me with his chainsaws. It even seemed that Jack had weakened even further as soon as he made contact with Dormarch, which was strange.

“So that’s what Counter Hero does…” Dormarch stated curiously with a tilt of his head. “Well that means you’re fighting on my level!”

No, I’m fairly certain Jack Wolf was still more skilled than you Dormarch, but you had the raw power in this situation and… oh gods and goddesses Fou!

I snapped the paralance forward as Fou collided with me and tried to claw at and bite me over the canopy of it. I was forced down onto my back while fending off Fou’s sudden attack and started to kick up into his belly with my rear legs several times only to hear him grunt, I grit my teeth and flexibly launched my left rear hoof up into his chin staggering him.

A blade fired from Jack’s right hip while his was locked in combat with Dormarch. Given the trajectory, it would have hit me in the face, only it got deflected by Dormarch’s armored tail suddenly flexing into its path and changing its direction entirely.

Said tail deflected it right into Fou’s spine causing him to howl angrily and turn on Jack, letting the pressure off of me. Dormarch hadn’t done that by accident, it had actually been rather calculated.

Fou actually started helping Dormarch in attacking Jack without bothering Dormarch, despite him being the reason why he had a molten knife still lodged in his spine. I wondered why, until I remembered that Fou might respect Dormarch somewhat after what he did when he got his body back during the Skull Chaosdramon X fight, Fou certainly respected or was drawn to raw strength or power. So Fou was notably paying attention to the one responsible for launching the attack.

Getting up and backing away from the fight, I heard a loud sound and looking behind me from my position on the ground. I could see the now fully zombie Excelsus was getting up. There was also some oddly painful static noise in my ears coming from… what in the world were those things!? They looked so alien, almost like a nautilus in appearance, but something was very off with their existences.

“Eaters, the Eaters are here!” Announced Driver loudly as the five magitek armors fending off the random monsters trying to get in on what could loosely be termed as a fight, as all the NP monsters suddenly changed course to start for the eaters and… were swiftly devoured from existence.

A zombie gekko tried to infect one of them and managed to land it’s tentacle into it, only to prove the thing to be entirely immune, and then quickly got erased from existence as the Eater ate it. Not only did it not affect the Eater, it seemed to make it slightly larger.

“Oh Yggdrasil. As the Dark Area falls upon us once more, may we see the light of the Royal Knights, the Ancient Heroes or The Devas in these trying times…” One of the Commandramon stated in terror, it sounded kind of religious.

The area was starting to fill with the swarming black and white checkered monstrosities. A number of said nautili horrors were attacking the zombie Excelsus, instead of erasing with it… they looked like they were trying to fuse to it.

“Focus fire, do not let any of them near you. If we’re to get out of this alive, we need to work together and cover each other’s backsides!” Driver barked out as an order from nearby I could feel where Dolly was and sighed in relief, even as I turned to watch as Jack Wolf continues to make both Dormarch and Fou struggle with putting him down even without his main weapon. Jack was apparently just as dangerous in quadruped mode as he was in bipedal with a sword, his chainsaw were certainly bloodying Fou quite a bit and Dormarch was mostly focusing on defensive maneuvers with his wing blades. I really doubted that Jack’s chainsaws could kill The Beast that is Fou, bloody and injure him yes, but kill him… after what I’ve seen Fou survive I wouldn’t put it past Fou to survive this situation by sheer force of will and brutality. “Ma’am in the missile truck, fire all those missiles at Excelsus and stick with us. In fact, fire immediately whenever you can cycle more ammunition, that thing needs to be destroyed. Stay focused entirely on the giant machine and don’t let them fuse to it and make this even worse by creating an Eater Mother!”

“Mm… scared…” Whimpered a voice from the truck, as multiple bipedal black and white checkered figures started appearing all around us. Even saying that, the truck still started to fire missiles and knock the Eaters off the Excelsus which started recovering from the damaged portions of it that were eaten.

Just what we needed, a giant regenerating zombie machine… one that was spewing fire from the broken barrels on its heads at the eaters for all the good that was doing to the things. Nothing seemed to really effect Eaters much other than overwhelming force.

“Oh trust me, we all are! The Pure Eaters have started to produce Eater Soldiers, we do not want them to actively field any more dangerous combat forms!” Driver was getting rather hysterical as the bipedal things started to move towards the nearest moving thing in a slow meandering almost contemplative manner. Whenever they got close to something, they lunged deceptively fast and latch onto said moving thing with their tentacles and started to erase it from existence. I felt sorry for the raptor that just got eaten, as it sounded like it was in agony as it disappeared. “If they do, then that means we’re about to be at the epicenter of a possible universe destroying event! Every Eater is dangerous in the same way, do not make physical contact unless you’re an ultimate or mega level digimon. We only have one of those around and it’s quite unfortunate that they are busy!”

Everything around me was pure chaos… and I looked up to see one of the bipedal eaters on approach for me slowly shambling forward deceptively. I hoped the paralance was as indestructible as it appeared, at least Dolly was picked up and safely riding with Driver.

The Commandramon turned their guns on the Eater Soldier near me and it was slowly gunned down by the five Commandramon quickly starting to form up around me in their armors as they even gave the Eater Soldiers a wide berth. The armors seemed so much bigger now that I wasn’t in one. The speed at which they gunned it down took thirty solid seconds of shooting from ten different streams of shots to finally destroy it. Just one among the fifty or so Eater Soldiers that started appearing in the area, they were not going to be able to deal with them all in a timely manner if it required that much concentrated firepower.

While a raptor would be blown apart in a second, the Eater Soldier just seemed to absorb being hit with so many shots until its toughness was completely and entirely overridden… in the one section of its body that took hundreds of rounds to even get to that point.

The bipedal Eater Soldier creatures were vaguely shaped like the bipeds from Dolly’s home world, but they were still nautilus as their heads and torsos were shells and their arms and legs were made of swirling and spiraling tentacles that ended in strange wires that acted like fingers. Dormarch and Fou were too busy with Jack to really help with these things as they kept encroaching on the surrounding programs enemy or not.

“New mission orders from Moon Cell, unknown danger has been given threat level maximum, Jack… Jack? Jack?! JACCCCCK?!” It seemed that Blade realized that Jack was no longer listening to Moon Cell’s orders, or at least I was interpreting it that way and didn’t know if that was a good thing or not. Jack didn’t seem to care as he continued to fight Dormarch and Fou. I watched as Jack Wolf’s tail surprisingly tore through one of the Eater Soldiers that tried to eat him instantly by stabbing it through its core and was swiftly flung away without a second though. “Turning off Blade Wolf limiters for continued survival reason. Doggy messiah, I know this is going to sound odd, but please stay away from Jack… he’s gone completely rogue, but I kind of need him to be alive so I can live too. So if you can just not die for the time being while I try to figure out how to fix my best friend?”

A core which took the Commandramon with five Magitek Armors thirty seconds to bust for just one of these thing had been under constant concentrated fire. Jack Wolf was still ridiculously strong even without his weapon.

I honestly didn’t know what to be more terrified of at the moment. The Coding Zombies, the Neutral Programs or the very miniscule number of Enemy Programs still fighting for Jack, Jack himself or Fou who seemed to have suddenly allied with us temporarily mostly due in part to the given situation. The Eaters were the more terrifying and alien ones here and they were ludicrously resilient to damage, so I think they won the vote for scariest thing we were facing at this moment.

Our APs were at least giving the Eaters a wide berth and weren’t even trying to fight them up close. The Caerbannogs were at least throwing knives at them for all the damage strange exploding paper tagged knives could do, the killer bunnies also these strange golden grenades with crosses on them that apparently had a four second timer on them and made a strange musical sound before going off that sounded like a chorus singing ‘hallelujah’ for some reason.

The golden grenades the Caerbannogs were throwing were a bit more effective, even if the damage was minimal, it was still damage. It is just that the Eaters seemed like they were highly impervious to damage.

All around us hovered what were called Pure Eaters eating everything in sight, including the ground, the trees, the rocks… just absolutely everything was disappearing near them!

“Eep!” I looked towards the truck as it came up next to me and I saw a yellow Caerbannog with wings quivering in the right seat. Next to her in the driver’s seat was another regular Assassin Caerbannog with a green headband, dark eyes that have seen things and a cigar sticking out of the left corner of his mouth. The Caerbannog motioned for me to grab on and I gladly did so. He pointed at me and then the Commandramon armors, maybe the AP had an idea? They certainly seemed intelligent enough for it.

“Uh guys stick with the missile truck and… protect it?” I asked questioningly and the Caerbannog raised a thumb at the order and tapped the yellow Caerbannog making her jump, he pointed up and then down.

“Oh right, okay…” Said the odd buttery sweet winged Caerbannog that could probably assassinate hearts with sugar overdose. That’s when a strange humming yellow PLANT with butterflies and flowers imprinted on it came down and hovered next to the truck humming softer than most PLANTs usually did. Apparently our odd friend was in control of it. “Hi I’m Cuddlestare… it’s nice to finally meet you Pom.”

I pointed at my throat and shook my head that I couldn’t currently talk, my body was refusing until my throat healed up. I still patted her on right shoulder gently and she hid her face behind her long pink hair with a blush.

-Origin Space, Arceus-

“Well that’s not good, it seems the eldritch energy beings from between worlds are being drawn to that realm by the existence of zombie virus. Gaining physical forms is making them quite cranky.” We were barely getting images of what was occurring in Moon Cell’s worlds, but it didn’t look too good for Pom at the moment. I sighed, how does Pom attract so much trouble?

“Cranky, that’s your word for wildly consuming existence itself as soon as they gain bodies?” Bahamut stated as he and his sister Tiamat watched as the Commandramon protected the missile truck and tried to deal with the ever increasing number of problems. The Eaters were getting exponentially worse.

“Yes.” I at least knew that the Eaters were supposed to be benign cleaners, but in this case… they were dangerous, like extremely dangerous, even dangerous to someone of my stature in my current avatar. I could easily beat them though, but Pom… she wasn’t that lucky.

“Time around the Moon Cell realms is slowing down to match real time father.” Mew announced. “Our neighbors the digital realm is starting to fall into real time with us as well.”

“Hmm…” I contemplated what that could mean, Pom’s very existence inside of Moon Cell was corrupting it quite badly that it was slowly breaking up the time disparity between us and the computational realms. “When the realms are one to one in time, have all legendary Pokémon inform my children of the invasion of the two worlds and tell them to start trying to save our neighbors. They are currently badly on the back foot and the local Yggdrasil Prime sorely needs our help.”

“That’s going to be a problem, we have a horrible invasion going on in Viperia. The poison types are having problems. Moon Cell has gained a naturally occurring foothold into our world and doesn’t need Yggdrasil to hold it.” Yes, that is true Mew, but I have accounted for that.

“All that needs to happen is for King Evan to unite the kingdoms, then I will take the field and the fight to Moon Cell. Mirage Mew is already setting up an access point for us as soon as Pom and the others open a path to the inner reaches of Moon Cell’s realms.” I paused as I watched the hectic scene. “Give them time, I trust that they will make it alright… even through this. Mortals are more resourceful than most beings give them credit for.”

-In a different Moon Cell Realm, Mash-

My name was Mash and I was currently the creature of shields, whereas my friend King Arthur or Arty was the creature of blades. We were currently having a major problem with what Moon Cell sent at us this time.

I still had trouble believing that Moon Cell was throwing the souls of multiple child soldiers at us!

“Exo-Taranis, fire the managarm!” Shouted a bipedal cat child from the massive tank Arthur and I were fighting on paw and had been trying to deal with for the last few hours.

It… wasn’t going well…

I activated my shielding abilities and managed to stay standing through the massive beam that I just took to the face. The light from it sure was painfully blinding though.

“Arty, do something. I know they are children, but they are still servants of Moon Cell!” Moon Cell sent an entire pack of ‘Casters’ at us, said Casters had apparently been part of a horrible war where they made an incredible tank as their own territory with little idea of how to do actual magic aside from using their emotions to power said magically driven tank to victory through willpower.

Said tank had a magic cannon and, horrifyingly enough, a more powerful cannon that literally fired freshly tortured souls at people.

Arthur wasn’t handling this too well after one of the kids fired their screaming souls at us, it didn’t take us long to figure out that Moon Cell summoned that soul again back inside the tank thirty minutes later. Just so it could be used again in the same manner not too soon afterwards, it was actively torturing the souls of those children to try and bring us down and there was some magic involved in making sure the souls couldn’t escape Moon Cell’s grasp or the tanks as long as said tank existed.

That even the famed Excalibur was having problems with piercing the magical death tank was saying something about the trouble we were having with it. Arthur didn’t have access to the Rhongomyniad and we even knew who had it, but not where they currently were. Could have really used the piercing power of that thing if Arthur wasn’t so upset by having a nasty negative with being anywhere remotely near it.

Can’t say that the soul cannon on the tank wasn’t threatening either, given how powerful it is and has almost already wiped out half of our entire territory that we worked so hard to build up to take the fight to Moon Cell. All we were doing was slowing down the tanks advance and our friendly programs couldn’t do much to that thing either.

Author's Note:

Sorry, haven't been in a good writing mood recently... or a good head space.

I'm okay, just feeling somewhat melancholic.

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