• Published 29th Aug 2020
  • 2,295 Views, 1,200 Comments

Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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277. Server City Ransom Pt. 2.

Author's Note:

Music: Main Theme- River City Ransom.

-Digital Realm, Server City Riverside, Pom-

“Stop, can’t we talk this out?!” I was at least going to try to make a token effort to talk them down, the one Canard shot got back up and aside from bruise he, seemingly enough, was perfectly fine with taking a flaming hot hockey puck to the skull.

In general the monster green, two large bottom fangs sticking out from their lower jaws and in general wielding clubs. Must have a really thick skull, which made the following conversation the only lead to obvious conclusion I was trying to ignore coming.

“Nope, we’re Goblimon, the most generic of minions to most violent Digimon or more importantly Ogremon and he’s choosing to work with the self-proclaimed King of Digimon. We are literally called Evil Digimon and live up to it, it’s not a stereotype if it’s true!” The goblimon stated flatly. “We are the boys that what never stop fighting or hurting those we need too to hold our territories, also we like taking more territories. If you get in our way like Bearmon tried, then you gets pounded on. Do you honestly think you can stop our gangs from causing trouble with flowery words? Good luck with that.”

“Yes, I actually did, but I’d rather we talk thing through and try to work out our issues.” Did violence really need to happen here? All the Goblimon raised their weapons high up while glaring me down.

“Yes, that’s what we do. Causing destruction is fun for us, but we also don’t mind being hurt doing it either!” I reached into my bag and pulled out the Stone Bone to block the Goblimon’s wooden club and was sent skidding backwards on my three legs, since I didn’t brace for impact with any of them and took the force of the blow. So these guys were physically strong, but there was no thought or skill put into it. Also somewhat lacking in speed because I actually blocked that easily enough. “Now if you are done talking about stuff we don’t care about, then fight! Don’t worry about our health, because we certainly won’t about yours and you couldn’t kill us if you tried. You’ll see what kind of problem we truly are presenting soon enough. So fight with all you have, we gobbo’s will eventually grind you into dust!”

There were at least twenty of them here alone and I stayed protectively in front of the bear to protect him. Canard came up to me wielding his puck pistol and I held the bone shaped club defensively, Dolly was readying to sling her board outwards from my back and our friends bringing up the rear were preparing ranged attacks. Lit was sitting there in Dolly’s fur, likely biding his time before taking action.

“Okay punk, what do you mean that you don’t have to worry about your health? You guys tend to get wiped out pretty fast when you start causing too much of a ruckus.” It wasn’t just Canard who was curious as to why they seemed unafraid to take a beating.

All the Goblimon were spreading out and ready to start attacking, they didn’t seem to particularly care about their lives or there was something we were missing here.

Speaking of missing, the two Uvers Courier Team members were off looking into information and summoning their friends. Hea-Gatomon was seeking information on her own quietly in safer places and would be in the area around Jijimon’s home for safety. Uver teleported off to get in contact with and bring in his powerful high speed, rather capable in combat, friends to come in as support for finding Etemon.

This meant my group of Dazzle, Dolly, Lit, Canard, Frizzle, Sami and myself were going to be looking for clues to Etemon’s whereabouts actively as a group. We would also be helping any innocent Digimon that may be getting attacked in the city like the strange bear I was protecting.

“Um there sure are a lot of them, are you sure you don’t want to just… you know… run for it?” Looking down at the cowering bear I gave him a friendly smile.

“Don’t worry about us, we can handle this.” I just had to get over my distaste for violence, because here they come.

“We’re all about ruining someone’s good day, Gabbah Gabbah!” The Goblimon in the vest and shorts charged forward and I was getting Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from the highly noticeable resemblance to the Pukwudgies of Equus cry before they assaulted you with malicious intent despite their small statures.

These guys were a lot bigger than pukwudgies and well they seemed to share an aesthetic… oh no…

To my horror, I have just realized that the Goblimon were this worlds Pukwudgies and that peaceful negotiation was never going to be an option.

The Goblimon tried to smash me with his weapon again and I braced all the wool on my right side in place along with both hind legs, his weapon landed and didn’t move my right leg as the bone held up to the impact. This seemed to stun him and I brought my left front leg around to slam my hoof into his belly.

“Barf!” Why in the world did he make that noise as I sent him sliding across the ground? I unlocked my wool to deflect another club, the Goblimon were all attacking at once.

The Goblimon that attacked me was kicked in the face and launched over the nearby fence into the river by Canard, he turned and fired his pistol into the skull of the one he had shot previously taking them down in a swirl of light that left behind some weird objects.

Several bullets flew past, all of them having tracers as Sami started to fire at the Goblimon on our right slowing them down. Another went down and also disappeared into a swirling vortex, what was going on? That didn’t look how it was described when a Digimon evaporates back into the Digi-tama reincarnation system.

Two Goblimon tripped over a metal bar on the left that was knocked over by Dazzle’s Flame Burst hitting it in a way to topple it into their paths.

That’s when Frizzle joined the fight with a wild look in her eyes with a trash can held above her head had and slammed it down on the two Goblimon making them disappear in swirls and leave behind more strange things on the ground. She kicked the trash can and sent it rolling through the air into one of three Goblimon unlucky enough to not be able to dodge the trash can in time. Letting out a growl, she held up her left clawed arm and caught a chain that wrapped around it and pulled the Goblimon to her to bite him in the neck and he quickly disappeared in a swirl of light. She seemed upset about something and then took to wielding the chain in her left hoof to smack down another incoming Goblimon.

I stayed in front of the Bear Digimon who was looking curiously on as another Goblimon disappeared leaving behind more strange stuff on the ground.

“What’s that stuff they are leaving behind?” I asked.

“It’s Digi-credits, something is off… why would they leave money behind like that?” The bear answered and then asked a question of his own as Dolly slung her board around to the left knocking down a Goblimon trying to capitalize on my inattention. “Also how are they disappearing in swirls of light, it is not natural. Someone get those incoming Falcomon!”

“Orders received!” Sami belted out and turned her weapons fire upwards at the birds gliding in for us as one tried to dive bomb me only to have its wing shot out and it went spiraling into the ground and erupted into yet another vortex. “Leave them to me!”

Canard moved forward and stomped on the Goblimon, which Dolly had knocked down, twice and upon the second stomp with his boot it disappeared leaving a pile of Digi-credits behind and a large concerned frown crossed his beak.

Even Canard, the pushing eight foot tall muscular alien duck wearing slapdash armor and was pretty strong if he’s survived stuff like this for so long, thought something was off with the way the Goblimon disappeared after taking too many powerful hits.

I didn’t have much time to think on it or the information I was slowly piecing together as Digi-credits were being left all over the street and some of the other Goblimon were going for them.

As another came at me and I flicked the bone club up into its hand and disarmed it with a second speedy blow after loosening its hand, my left hoof went forward and slammed him in the face taking him down. We’re not killing them, I knew that much and while slightly thankful… something was up.

“Okay gangs of Server City, hold up you fighting for territory for the moment and let the defenders have a moment to rest, I got some information to dish out for those who aren’t fans of the King of Digimon… that’s right it’s Etemon talking to you all live and the fighting in the streets is epic!” A voice announced sounding loud and throughout the city, the ten or so remaining Goblimon stopped for a moment and so did the seven Falcomon who landed from their glides on the edges of the building to our left. They were all listening in to this even if it wasn’t too important to them. “It seems like a few of you guys under me are already losing some fights. So let me inform everybody of the latest product now on sale for any Digimon, since the proof of concept is… a resounding success, yes we’re doing a live testing of the knew Backspace System. You can even look at the code yourself and see it is on the up and up, buy one for yourself after I finish my announcement and try it for yourself. If you defeated one of the gang members then you’ve noticed swirling lights and them disappearing instead of dying and turning into Digi-tama after taking too many nasty hits right? Well that’s the power of the Backspace System, it helps a Digimon retreat from a fight to heal and come back after you later for revenge! All you need you need is some Digi-credits to make it work and a safe place to return to, so if you have a base and some territory this will backspace you right into relatively safety where you can heal and lick your wounds from a rough fight. Giving all the little guys a chance to fight as much as the tough guys, if you enjoy a fight and don’t want to die at the end to have your data consumed by your much stronger opponent you definitely couldn’t handle, then the Backspace System is for you! The only downsides to using it is that it’ll use up whatever Digi-credits you’re holding onto to evacuate you away as soon as you take too much damage, you’ll also leave a lot of Digi-credits behind too, it also doesn’t prevent pain so that’s more incentive to win fights if someone else has the system! If you don’t have Digi-credits or a place to safely return to, then the Backspace System is going to be quite ineffective. The gangs roving the streets are already equipped with this system, so those of you who don’t have it… well you better be fighting for your lives long enough to buy one! Those who don’t have a Backspace System, well you’re out of luck as far as defeating the gangs is concerned. As I may have implied previously, the Backspace System is on sale for any Digimon willing to buy one, decently cheap. The Backspace System, erasing total defeat as long as you have the dosh to use it! Note the Backspace Systems can be found in the shopping district to the north of the Riverside area where some of my thugs are already losing. Get back in there and fight harder you hear me, I want more dosh to work with to get my singing career off the ground! We’ve already got a few Goblimon and Falcomon resting off their injuries, they’ll be back out there soon enough harassing all of you in no time… I assure you… welcome to your fight for a slice of Server City~!”

This Etemon guy sounded both hammy and scarily devious... yet he was doing this to become rich and famous, by sending gangs out as incentive to buy this Backspace System thing? Who would be dumb enough… actually, yeah, I would probably want one of those Backspace Systems too if it would have been useful to save Dormarch. However Dormarch’s virus would have made it a moot point judging by the way Etemon said it works.

“Well that’s going to be annoying, we can’t actually permanently defeat any Digimon unless we can buy one and figure out how it’s doing what it’s doing. That or we’ll have to beat up a Digimon enough that they run completely out of credits and maybe take one of the systems off of them before they reincarnate. We’ll head towards that shopping district after we’re done here.” Carnard grumbled as he held his pistol up and clenched his left fist ready to continue fighting the Goblimon and Falcomon, the Falcomon jumped from the roofs to our left and the Goblimon charged forwards.

One Falcomon was immediately hit with a flaming puck and crashed into the ground in to a split second of a swirling vortex.

Dodging to the left away from a wooden club with screws poking out of it, Canard threw a particularly painful hook into the skull of another Goblimon sending credits spewing into the air as it disappeared.

I gripped the stone bone club in both hooves and blocked one attack, Dolly jammed the nose of her board into the Goblimon’s face staggering them and then swung it outwards and to the right with increased momentum to deflect another one doing a lunging swing with his right arm.

Being hit in midair by the board threw off the Goblimon’s aim and he barely landed on his left foot and was flailing entirely off balance.

I brought the bone up into the left side of the Goblimon’s chin in front of me and then continue the motion into the blow to spin to the right strike the left temple of the Goblimon on the right taking them down in a vortex, the Goblimon in front of me was trying to get up.

I still disliked fighting, but… if it was unavoidable, then we might need to cost these Digimon something for coming after us. I was about to let off a bark blast and when the bear ran by me and slammed his left claw into the Goblimon and a vortex sucked up them up in front of me.

“Sorry, but you looked conflicted there and I figured it was better that I do it.” The bear said rubbing at the back of his head underneath the blue cap he was wearing, he had a weak grin and didn’t seem to take pleasure in having to do that either as he went back to being behind me. While grunting and holding his right arm in pain, he didn’t look too healthy.

Three Falcomon fell from the air in a blast of flames from Dazzle and were pummeled into their Backspace Systems disappearing through vortexes by Sami with her rifle leaving behind money that Frizzle was quickly scooping up as she rammed shoulder first into a Goblimon and bit another one in the arm like a rabid raptor before it could complete its swing.

Frizzle was getting kind of scary as she slashed a metal meter pole and kicked it into a Goblimon making them disappear in a vortex from the force they were hit with, she followed that by leaping up and tearing a Falcomon from the air with her teeth. A few bites on the poor grounded bird it disappeared. She did that with… her… teeth… eeh…

I’m beginning to think Frizzle was a natural battle maniac and there weren’t very many Goblimon left for her to brutalize. Even Dazzle looked a little spooked with how Frizzle was fighting.

Dolly was watching my right and I was paying attention to my front, so imagine my surprise when Lit leap up from Dolly’s back and fired a powerful blast of lightning into the Goblimon that went wide and around Canard who missed kicking him and leapt for me.

As soon as the bolt hit the pained figured disappeared into a vortex and the bolt bounced to the next and so on.

Sami gunned down any remaining Goblimon. She also took care of any Falcomon, the gliding bird monster, which just showed up and hadn’t immediately started fleeing the area after watching what Frizzle did to one of theirs. Speaking of Frizzle the Guilmon, she seemed to have calmed down and the intelligent look in her eyes was less bestial than it was a second ago she tested the chain she wrapped around her left and nodded to herself.

“Okay, I thinks that’s all of them around here… can you tell us what’s going on?” I turned to the bear and he shivered looking around and then turned to me.

“Thanks for protecting me, all kinds of Digimon started rioting in the shopping center, maybe it’s because Etemon wanted to put a shop there for selling those Backspace System. I think that’s where the Kamemon are still running wild when the Goblimon ran me off for trying to fight back, didn’t know Falcomon were involved too… I guess it is true, not all vaccine types are good Digimon.” He smiled at me weakly. “I’m Bearmon nice to meet you by the way. I’d have helped more, but I’m kind of weak at the moment. I think I might have saw some Monitamon over there too, so watch your back they like to sneak attack from the rooftops like the Falcomon. They are monitor headed Digimon with colorful ninja aesthetics, surprisingly stealthy even if you’re not looking directly at them.”

“Head towards Jijimon’s area of the city, that’ll be our rallying point for injured Digimon or Digimon that want to avoid the fighting.” I pointed to the west and Bearmon nodded to me and quickly set off.

“Come on, the shopping district is to the north and one street over.” Canard motioned us forward and set off with the others, I was about to stow my bone club when Dolly stopped me and held out her paw expectantly.

I gave her a look and she nodded, I thought about it for a few second and put the stone bone club in her paw and she hopped off of my back and was taking on a two legged stance while wielding the bone. She rested the bone over her right shoulder and pushed her board forward with her left leg, Dolly was going to wield it as unwieldly as it would be for her because it was somewhat heavy. If she could get some momentum going it would be a more devastating in her paws as I was better with my bare hooves.

Lit squeaked and clung to Dolly’s shoulder and looked about before giving us a determined look. We went to follow the others as they turned to the left onto the street leading to the shopping district, Dazzle waited for us to catch up and when we got to the shopping district there were Digimon already fighting by the time we arrived.


As a mechanical vaccine type Digimon of law and order, it was my job to stop chaos and it seemed like the entire city has just broke out into that since I couldn’t catch that elusive criminal Canard. I watched as the sheep entity that fell out of the sky and joined my quarry turn down an alleyway heading towards the shopping district.

My spinning blade hand rammed into the Goblimon I was holding and it disappeared into a vortex before it could take enough damage to be forced to reincarnate in the Digi-tama system, this Backspace System was making it quite problematic to uphold the order of this digital realm.

Fortunately for them, they were across the river from me, or else I’d have attacked them immediately and I was already dealing with scurrilous curs as it was. They were everywhere and ruining this cities bright future! I turned and stared down the various Goblimon that looked a lot braver in trying my patience.

“Criminal scum like you are going to be reincarnated into model citizens by the time I’m done fixing what’s wrong with this city!” I used my move copy and paste to lock on to the enemy viruses and then started to fire off crescent blades of lightning.

I would find Etemon and make him pay for creating this horrible Backspace System!


There was a bipedal blue dog Digimon with boxing gloves that was having issues with the Kamemon, as described quickly to me by Sami as being armored turtles with spherical wheels on their belly for ramming attacks. She charged out and started looking around carefully, she wasn’t attacking anyone wildly like anyone that went near Frizzle who was wildly wailing on someone with the chain wrapping around her left wrist.

The others were already stuck into fighting several of them, more Goblimon and a few strange green slimy looking slug things throwing strange curled up pink stuff around that smelled horrible even at this distance. Dazzle blasted some of that gross smelling pink stuff as it went sailing our way and quickly crawled up and along the wall to get a better angle on the fighting.

Looking back to the blue dog, it reminded me of an akita dog. One that was wearing a red bandana around his forehead and was having issues with getting close to his opponent as they kept pelting him with blasts of water. The Kamemon resembled Squirtles a little too much and there were several sliding around and one just knocked over Canard.

I saw something leap from the nearby roof towards the boxing gloved dog. Dolly, focused as I did and shot forward kicking her board off the ground into an air spin she brought the bone around building momentum as she did and slammed it into the right side of the strange box head creature which was about to hit the blue boxing gloved dog with a fireball.

I quickly ran forward and fired a Bark Blast as the strange heading pudgy bodied creature barely took the blow and had twisted with it, bark busters required a bit too much energy even if they were stronger, and the battered creature disappeared into a vortex.

It was becoming hard to tell who to fight given there were so many Digimon fighting one another.

“Stop it with the water already… also thanks for the save you two!” As the dog turned to thank us for having his back the turtle tucked into itself, landed on its belly and shot forward. I moved in front of the dog, crouched down and quickly stuck all my legs to the ground and shifted my front legs to angle upwards like a ramp.

The turtle slammed into me and went slightly up my legs from momentum. I rocked with the blow and slammed my chin downwards, the turtle flipped and flopped onto its back where it helplessly flailed.

“Dolly!” Dolly entered a manual on her board and went spinning forward towards the turtle while using the spin to raise the stone bone. With one final spin she brought the club around in a golf swing, the turtle went spinning away and slamming through a crowd of the green slimes, several of its armored helmeted friends up until it punctured the side of a dumpster. It eventually vortexed out given the dumpster glowed after a few seconds.

“Hmph… I don’t think I needed your help that much. You might be good looking on the eyes and I can get to know you later, but I’ve got a brother to find. Names Gaomon, since my big brother isn’t here I guess I’ll see you later when I’m done searching for him.” The blue dog quickly ran off into a nearby alleyway and out of the fighting going on in the street. “I would like to get to know you more, but now isn’t the time for that when these punks are likely overrunning my favorite training gym!”

I quickly made my way over to Sami who started shooting the green slime creatures.

I crouched down behind the orange soldier lizard and she glanced at me and then went back to shooting the green slime creatures.

“Ugh, I thought I had enough of these darned poop throwers after that Sukamon mission where three Commandramon drowned under a deluge of… egh… I’ve heard of crappy details, but that one was one of the worst. I’m still not sure that was worse than having to outright kill one of my best friends who went Raremon.” Sami looked like she wanted to throw up, also that pink stuff was poop?! Dolly and I looked at each other with slightly green faces. “Numemon, nasty sewer Digimon, don’t go near them unless you actually want them to fling their digi-poop at you. The box head you took down was a Monitamon, keep a wary eye out if there’s one, then there’s probably more around here. Some Commandramon went out in horrible ways to guys like Numemon as much as their even worse evolutionary version Sukamon which look like large poops and throws even more of it at you. If you see a large yellow poop shaped monster similar to those pink poops those Numemon are flinging about, it’ll have two arms, a large tongue and wild cracked eyes, then please warn me so I can start an early fighting retreat. I’m definitely not going out like that, I have too many friends to live for!”

Sami raised her gun and fired a series of shot into a Goblimon that was trying to sneak up on Canard who had finished wiping out three Goblimon and was distracted by a Numemon trying to throw that pink poop stuff at him.

I wouldn’t want any of that one me either… I glanced at Dolly to see if she wanted to go forward into that mess and she shook her head no and glanced at her board. Canard seemed to have things handled for the moment despite more Falcomon and Goblimon, possibly even the same ones we defeated, came onto the street to back up the Kamemon that were regrouping.

We needed to check one of the nearby shops to see if we can find some information on these Backspace System things.

“Which shop should I check?” There were plenty of weird shops and the Digimon inside seemed a bit worried about all the fighting going on in the streets out here.

Another blast of exploding flames and several Monitamon went flying and disappearing due to Dazzle as they seemed to be trying to cover themselves with lighting while leaping for Canard who was front and center of the action.

Lit lit up a slime monster with a lightning bolt from Dolly’s back as it tried to charge for us and they popped into a vortex. So they were also trouble causing Digimon part of the aggressive gangs attacking everyone… either that or they just recently bought Backspace Systems. This was quickly becoming a mess and the only way to tell who was a bad guy here would be if someone was being ganged up on or if I was being attacked outright.

“That one, here take some Digi-credits with you.” She shoved a square thing into my hoof and started shooting as more green slime creatures popped up from the nearby sewer hole and attacked absolutely everyone. So were the Numemon chaotic neutral? That’s just adding even more questions. “Order a large for me, I’m going to need the energy for some DCD Bombs today!”

I took the credits in hoof and ran into the nearby shop Sami pointed out with Dolly following me as the fighting in the street worsened.

“Hello and welcome to Mc-digi’s!” The pink bird behind the counter said in a friendly tone. I looked up at the menu and blinked. “I’m Biyomon, how can I help you today?”

“A smile?” Why was that on the menu as free?

The Biyomon smiled at me brightly, her happy beak brightened up the entire room by several degrees. Whoa, that was quite a powerful smile and the shine of her happy bright face filled me with a temporary calming peace. Then my paranoia about how this day was already going and how it would inevitably end won out.

“Would you like anything else?” Biyomon said in a continued chipper tone despite all the noise and fighting going on outside, it was like she was not fazed by it all in the slightest.

Dolly was sending me images of what was going on out there. Canard was getting swarmed, but he was doing pretty well despite that with punching, kicking, stomping downed opponents and just in general shooting anything that moved with a flaming puck.

The number of Rookie Digimon weren’t very threatening when Frizzle was going wild with a baseball bat on them in her right hand and whipping about a chain in her left. The quiet bread loving Digimon was disturbing me by quite a bit, as she seemed to be delving into all the carnage so easily. That she was also picking up a lot of Digi-credits was curious, bread money maybe?

“Some information and… a large for my Commandramon friend named Sami out there.” I said as I held out the Digi-credits, Biyomon took it and swiped it through something with a wing and then gave it back a cheerful grin never leaving her face. I took it in hoof. “Uh…”

“The large will be done soon, the Agumon will be working on that in the back. Meanwhile I’ll try to help you with information if I know anything for free, ask away, what do you wish to know?” The Biyomon smiled, but not as brightly as the ‘free’ smile. Guess you have to ask for that, the customer service in this realm was almost as good as what I would find back on Equus at a Hayburger.

Too bad that I wasn’t sure if digital or information based food agreed with me, much less fast fried food at that… but Canard survived off it so it couldn’t have been too horrible… right? Well Canard did cry a little when he got some real food from Uver, how long has he been stuck getting into these situations exactly? The time disparity of the digital worlds must be brutally long winded, meaning you could live for thousands of years and only have a year pass by for your body physically.

“Can you tell me where they are selling those Backspace Systems, also what’s going on out there… I mean aside from the obvious?” I pointed my hoof outside as Canard had somehow got a hold of a hockey stick at some point and was now mercilessly beating down Digimon left and right with it, he seemed to be far too good with using that thing as a weapon to be normal. Then again his religion was hockey… so it probably checks out. “What’s you’re take on all this?”

“Well… Etemon’s got those Backspace Systems being sold in a store three shops down to the left as you exit, so a bit up north from here. They aren’t a bad bit of coding either, no hidden tricks or viruses whatsoever and they do what he says they do. They prevent an early reincarnation by having your data shredded and eaten by a more violent Digimon and evacuate you to the safety at the cost of Digi-credits for the convenience. I’m surprised as anyone else that it’s not a scam Etemon’s selling… they tend to do that a lot.” Biyomon stated that last part dryly with an equally dry look on her face, before she returned to her bright cheeriness. “It’s equally suspicious to see Etemon marketing a working product, I doubt Etemon came up with the Backspace System on his own though. So you might want to try looking for who created that if you’re planning on dealing with that nuisance that’s started a city wide riot. I don’t like all the fighting, but the Backspace Systems apparently are getting some very good advertising from all of it. If any good, preferably paying, Digimon needs a place to go or heal, then tell them they can reliably set Mc-digi’s as their safe base to recover at. We have a mini-firewall barrier on this place to prevent those thugs from getting in, but they can still run off all our customers from out there or even keep them trapped in here so we can’t get anymore customers, big hint there for when you leave. We may not be handing out any food for free, but my smile will always be! Here’s your order, if you intend to be a part of the fighting to save our once quiet city, then please do so with my heartfelt wishes that you succeed at doing something important to help prevent this mess from getting worse!”

“I will be trying at least, thank you for the smile and the ‘large’ whatever this is.” I took the bag from Biyomon, smelled like cooked meat and various other things grilled and dipped into a vat of oil to be flash fried.

“You’re welcome, come again sometime!” The one called Agumon stated while waving his claws to me before hugging Biyomon and going into the back.

I was about to go out the doorway, but stopped.

I motioned for Dolly to go first, she zipped past the doorway and avoided a wooden club smashing down into the street. The Goblimon that had been waiting for us didn’t avoid my right hoof smashing him across the face for trying to ambush us a second later, as he disappeared into a vortex.

I sighed, okay where was Sami? Wait… what in the world was that thing?! Frizzle went flying past me missing both the bat and the chain, having been thrown by a hulking monster to go sliding across the ground.

Dazzle struck at the monster with an exploding fireball and he simply held up his left hand as it exploded against it, singing it moderately.

“Abobo the Bulkmon is enjoying his day, also you all seem like good fighters!” I’m suddenly reminded of Jock Hawk from just looking at the large bruiser of a monster with his fist crackling with lightning as he stared down at the much smaller and backing away Canard. The large lizard flexed and his muscles seemed to grow even larger. He was like a combination of Shocking Awe and Jock Hawk, what kind of Tartarus is this world where something like that even exists?! “All this fighting is awesome, let’s do some more! Maybe King Etemon will pay me tons of Digi-credits for taking out his dissenters… wouldn't that be you guys? Fun!”

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