• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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287. Server City Ransom Pt. 12.

Author's Note:

Music I listened to on loop: TMNT Arcade Stage Four (AKA the turtles cartoon battle theme).

-Digital Realm connected to Ransei, Southeastern Slum Sector, Server City, Sami-

Imagine my surprise that a team of Commandramon busted into Ogremon’s operation, but not the true place where his Backspace System was set to if he was to be believed about going to Etemon’s current location.

What I’m more concerned with is why these guys showed up in what I had to guess was an all-terrain armored digital transport with no roof that seemed to be mostly a flatbed with the exception of the chair and controls at the front. I could probably design better, but this thing felt like it was built to survive large and heavy digimon jumping on it or take a thrashing.

The vehicle was to Commandramon specs then, built stupidly tough and simple to the point that any failure in the vehicle didn’t render it immediately useless. Which was a good thing when we had an out of control Frizzle on our backsides.

“Shift left!” Canard looked dashing as always and that fight with all the Goblimon and Ogremon made him work up quite a sweat, the Commandramon driving the vehicle did so and we avoided a cylindrical mass of vibrating air.

The buildings ahead didn’t as they collapsed into our path and we all held on as the driver forced a hard left onto the next street where we saw Goblimon on the rooftops of the surrounding buildings. The Goblimon started to throw fireballs our way, but their aim with moving objects was horrible. I wasn’t worried about us being hit by them unless we came to a complete stop.

Frizzle took a fireball in the eye, for all the good that it did aside from making her madder, and roared several Goblimon off the building into immediate vortexes.

Looking to Pom she seemed to be having some kind of existential crisis, seems like her default state really. As she sat in the middle of the vehicle with her wool clinging to it. Her eyes were darting about and wide, like she was taking in everything going on around her.

Dolly was next to Pom hugging Lit to her chest, happy to have the little electricity eating parasite back if her wagging tail was anything to go by. The feeling was mutual for Lit, who was snuggling against her chest while squeaking.

As for Dazzle, she was looking back at Frizzle with clear worry. Given that Daz caused her to go into some kind of battle frenzy and Digivolve weirdly, she had to be feeling responsible for Frizzle’s current state.

As for me, I was curious about something.

“Hey, I have to know, why do we have to get out of here?” My question was met with the driver answering the question, the other Commandramon were a bit busy firing on all of the Goblimon on the nearby buildings attacking us and trying to jump into the vehicle to get at us. The Goblimon were just as aggressive, numerous and somewhat stupid as they ever were. “You obviously didn’t know about Frizzle back there when you showed up and she’s… kind of a friend whose brain has currently gone AWOL.”

Pom snapped her attention to us and her ears flicked as she met my gaze, she was paying absolute attention to what the response would be with a keen interest.

“Well… there’s been a system wide warning of a ‘game cube’ possibly landing in Server City, do I need to tell you the exact predicted landing sight?” When the driver stated that, I could feel my spine freezing over. The Goblimon soon let up on trying to board the vehicle or attack it. They looked to be fleeing the southeastern slums.

“Okay, yeah, that’s bad and we need to get out of here like yesterday! Uh… what do you think will happen to a biological if they gets caught up in one of those?” I had a few guesses… some were horrible.

“If it’s any consolation Sami, they’d probably survive it with little personal injury to show for it if the user doesn’t target them for any reason. They don’t have data to corrupt, delete, fragment or completely derez if things go horribly south.” At least the driver had the right idea, we didn’t so much have to worry about the biologicals as the digital entities that may or may not get caught up in a game to the death with someone who won’t die. “Uver, a little help!”

The entire vehicle lifted off the ground with the sound of a crash, turning to look back I saw Uver finishing a spin on his mode of transportation, having just tripped up Frizzle and was speeding up to us on Pistmon.

Pistmon was a cross between a motorcycle and a plant, a lot thinner and smaller than a Machmon and his bottom half looked like a bicycle and a majority of his torso was basically above the rear wheel and on his back was Uver looking behind us as Frizzle was back up and stomping after us in no time.

“Maybe Frizzle’s hungry? Sami, can you go into Dazzle’s Digivice and get some bread she likely has stored in there? Would that calm her down?” My attention was drawn to Pom and she look like she wanted to ask what a ‘game cube’ was. “We need to get out of here fast because something really bad is coming right? Well we’re not doing so without helping Frizzle. Besides it’s the only thing I can think of after watching her try and eat the Goblimon.”

“Well if you can do it fast, that would be very helpful as our bullets are doing jack all to her and is just making her angrier.” One of the Commandramon commented as the four of them were gathered at the back where they were pummeling Frizzle’s body with round after round from their rifles. Their weapons were having very little effect to the digital Rex. “Also, I want the specs for that bazooka CO!”

“For your own safety. Please don’t put me in charge of anything right now, especially not you guys!” I whined, I would rather be led then lead and Pom seemed to share the sentiment as she nodded at me. “Also, since you brought attention to it, this should slow her down long enough for me to grab some bread.”

I crouched, raised my recently created weapon and fired a rocket into Frizzle’s open mouth causing the building force to explode and knock her onto her back. She clawed wildly at the air and would eventually figure out she needed to roll over.

“It concerns me that she’s can almost run faster than this vehicle can go and I’m pretty sure I saw that she was suffering from battle damage before we showed up.” The driver stated looking at Frizzle dropping behind us a fair distance away as he turned to the right to head north only to find the path blocked. He turned right again. “Darned Goblimon, they created roadblocks on their way out!”

“Work on that and keeping away from Frizzle. Dazzle, may I have access to your device please?” Wincing slightly, the poison fire lizard nodded to me and I immediately leapt for the device at her hip.

I entered into Frizzle’s Digi-home space, a bakery which I quickly entered as the door wasn’t locked. I started quickly looking around for the closest source of bread, anything I can toss into a possibly starving Digimon’s mouth to calm them down before they go Skull from energy expenditure or injuries.


“Is this vehicle amphibious?” I just wanted to confirm something.

“No, we can’t cross the river. We came across the bridge to the north, there’s no bridge to the west side slums and our exit is to the north as there’s one way into the southeastern slums. Unless we want to swim that is and with a confirmed Octomon around… that would be a terrible idea sir.” At least the Commandramon driving gave it to me straight out of the gate. “We might need to abandon the vehicle and make a run for the bridge on foot, but we don’t have Backspace Systems and I don’t relish the idea of having to fight a ridiculously high tier Champion. Also even if we did have those systems, we don’t know how they’d interact with a game cube.”

“Yeah, none of us are relishing having to fight that thing, best we can do is slow her down or topple her with explosives.” Another Commandramon stated. “Hope we can navigate out of here in time or else we’ll get caught in the game cube that was forecasted to hit this zone.”

I’ve heard of ‘game cubes’, it’s related to someone in reality doing something that’s highly taxing on a new digital realms systems and is a highly dangerous stress test before the digital realm becomes strong enough to not be damaged by them. If the person in reality wins the game, it burns out and overloads some of the systems in the local digital realm and does a lot of damage. I’ve heard it could be malicious or entirely unintentional, I’ve never actually seen a ‘game cube’ and they are said to be rare occurrence, but are entirely lethal to all digital entities that get caught up in them as much as destructive to the area they hit.

“Why did you guys risk yourselves to come rescue us?” They didn’t have to come here, they didn’t have to save us and most importantly, if I was correct, then Uver could have better spent his time securing the southwestern slums across the river.

“No Commandramon or good friends dies alone if we can do something about it, and we don’t leave allies behind in enemy territory if we can help it!” The Commandramon driving this flatbed vehicle stated with a tone that brokered no argument.

“Oorah!” The other four Commandramon shouted in agreement, as we turned a corner to go around another road block and that’s when Frizzle burst through a building behind us.

“I will at least admit that I’m scared of the prospect of getting caught in a ‘death cube’.” Another name for a ‘game cube’, but the Commandramon looked to me with a smile. “We’re still here and we managed to pick you up swiftly enough, maybe we can actually make it in time?”

“Dazzle, we need a Dragon Pulse!” Drawing our attention to Pom, Dazzle looked like she didn’t want to. Looking back at Frizzle getting close enough to bite down on the vehicle in a burst of forward movement, the attack Pom called out might be warranted.

Dazzle went to the back of the vehicle and propped her claws up on the rear guard and opened her mouth, but hesitated as Frizzle grew closer. A purple build up and a dragon shaped blast of energy escaped her mouth before Frizzle could bite down on the vehicle, Frizzle’s claws flailed and she was taking a lot of energy to the chest and face washing over her as she faltered.

Eventually the energy knocked her over and Frizzle seemed to be less wild than she was a second ago.

“It’s a good thing we’re not dealing with the Goblimon anymore, but we really need to get out of the area before the system announces the ‘game cube’ spawning in or else we’ll be in for quite a crunch.” As the vehicle skidded around the corner it came to a stop. “Darn it! Guys those Goblimon left mines behind, I need you guys forward now!”

The four Commandramon rushed to the front and started firing their rifles into the explosives to clear a path, but this slow down allowed Frizzle to catch up.

“Keep clearing a path forward, I’ll… I’ll distract her!” Pom, despite sounding horrified at what she was saying with wide eyed fearfulness as she looked at the large beast turning the corner. She still jumped from the vehicle to the wall of a nearby building.


I bark blasted the side of Frizzle’s face and got her attention, didn’t seem to hurt her one bit as she turned her head and snapped at me with her teeth, I hopped higher up the building as she took a section out of it with her jaws.

Her left claw raised and slammed into the building as she dragged herself up and tried to slash at me with her right claw. I turned and climbed the wall and looked to see how the Commandramon were doing with the obstruction.

It wasn’t going to fast, I looked down and saw Frizzle building pressure in her mouth for a roar only to take a bolt of lightning to the right eye distracting her from getting off the attack. I’m quite certain a sound attack would go completely through my wool, so…

My wool rippled as I clung to the side of the building and I took on a wolf style wool shift and fired a bark blast downwards into Frizzle’s face to make sure she didn’t go after the others on the vehicle.

Frizzle roared and I leapt to the left out of the way of the sonic blast, my right leg had been caught in the attack as I clamped to the building with my left. When I checked on the agonizing pain in my leg, it had some painful ruptures all along it from the sound attack and was bleeding profusely. I quickly shifted some wool to stitching all the wounds together and shut before hopping further up the building as Frizzle’s gnashing teeth chased me up, nearly catching my wooly wolf tail in her teeth.

“Coming through!” I was grabbed by the strange bicycle shaped motorcycle Digimon as he and Uver passed by Frizzle going up the building, where Uver smacked her head to the side with his bag. They avoided another cacophonous roar that atomized a portion of the building above us as we reached the top and toppled forward over the edge onto the roof. “You okay miss?”

“Yeah, but our friends or going to have problems if Frizzle turns on them.” I received an idea from Dolly and I gave her the go ahead if she thought it would work. “The mines won’t be a problem soon enough at least.”

“Is you’re leg alright?” Uver asked as he helped me hold onto the plant motorcycle.

“I’ll be fine, I’ve had much worse than ruptured flesh along the entirety of my leg. We need to start looking into a path to the bridge for them down there.” Uver nodded and then gestured to the Digimon we were riding.

“Pistmon start roof hopping, we need to get a path going forward for the guys down there, they are not going to survive a direct fight with that Growlmon.” Uver stated as Pistmon launched us off the building and onto another rooftop.


Right, Pom was injured, but okay.

I pointed a digit on my right paw to the mines that the Commandramon were clearing.

“Lit, help them clear the way!” I barked as I looked up at Pom getting rescued by plant motor guy and Uver.

The little guy squeaked and leapt for onto the front hood of the vehicle and then a streaking blast of electricity surged from him and traveled along the road creating numerous explosions from the stray sparks of electricity that came from the electrical beam.

Sure the road looked horribly chunked up afterwards, but we cleared a good path through.

“Go! Pistmon and Uver have Pom. We need to draw Frizzle’s attention back on us!” Canard fired his puck pistol into Frizz’s right eye and was joined by the four Commandramon in firing on her. Dazzle included another dragon beam and that definitely earned us Frizzle’s attention again.

Frizz lunged off the building at us, but the driver already had us moving forward and out from under her, she landed on a few mines and popped up into the air in a roar of pain. Stomping forward, Frizz started to force her way through the explosives, how was she still going after everything she’s been through?!

“Goblimon with enough smarts to use mines, an out of control distorted Growlmon, what next? It better not be a flying fortress full of Jetmon.” One of the Commandramon grumbled as they started shooting the mines behind us to knock Frizz off balance with explosions she would have otherwise avoided.

These Commando guys looked cool in principle, but in action they weren’t very strong combatants and their weapons weren’t up to the task of dealing with things like what Frizz became.

Kind of puts Sami’s story of going through numerous horrors into perspective for me, given I’m fragile to weapons like what the Commandramon.

“Turning, grab onto something.” The driver took us into a sharp left and we were back on a path, at least I hoped we were. We were passing by some of the signs that pointed us towards Ogre guy’s base.


I didn’t know Frizzle all too well. Aside from the unusually high lust for bread, Frizzle never really talked or express anything other than a cool demeanor with a possibility of liking fighting a little too much.

This… what she became, was entirely my fault. Maybe if I check the Digivice thing. Taking it from the belt and lifting it towards Frizzle, I asked.

“Uh… Yggdrasil.Sys right… is there anything we can do for Frizzle aside from killing her?” The screen on the device lit up.

“Depleting unknown energy that caused unstable evolution to return her to Guilmon state is advised, the plan to throw bread at her might also work in bringing her to her senses.” Wait did Yggdrasil just imply… Frizzle can do what?!

“Excuse me, but did you just say she can stop being evolved and return to her previous form?” Pokémon evolution was one way and in general we got bigger and more powerful.

“Most Digimon evolutions are not fixed quantities, Digimon can be saved from bad evolutions as there have been several incidents in the past of such a thing with a Digmon known as Skull Greymon or Megidramon. Erasure is not necessary user Dazzle. It is entirely based upon energy efficiency for a Digimon to return to rookie state outside of combat while in the bonding process with a digi-destined. Digi-destined help with their companion digimon’s evolution through emotional bonds of varying levels of friendship or love, bad evolutions occur when Digimon is forced to evolve due to circumstances or is treated horribly.” That… was strange, so she could become a Guilmon again and then become something else? “Some Digimon are more set in their evolutionary paths than others, in particular Growlmon is Guilmon’s most notable champion stage evolution. SKULL type Digimon evolutions are quite hazardous to everything, please avoid ever causing them.”

“Nice to know, but it isn’t exactly helpful here now is it?” As Canard spoke another several story building was torn down by Frizzle as she roared and continued to chase us, albeit much slower now.

“Take your next left, two rights and then a left after two streets to bypass some trouble ahead after that three streets down and one more right.” Uver’s voice stated from somewhere. “Pom’s mostly okay, we’ll be directing you from up here on roofs in case the situation changes.”

“Roger that procurement maestro, I hope we can get out of here before that ‘game cube’ is announced as confirmed or even hits!” Stated the Commandramon driving this thing as he steered around a corner and we avoided another devastating howl from Frizzle. “Now if we could do something about big and crazy back there, then that would help.”

“Could you press on the breaks for a second, I need to hop out of Dazzle’s device and I don’t want to do it at multiple miles an hour to hit the street and become immediate roadkill!” Sami announced from my device.

“Give me a minute to make these next few turns!” The guy finished some turns and we were… I think, three streets away from making the next one. He hit the breaks the machine came to a hard stop that nearly made me fall over, but the other Commandramon propped me up. “We’re stopped.”

In a flash Sami, popped out of the device that apparently belonged to me and Frizzle, she pressed her bazooka against the floor of the vehicle as Frizzle was upon us with a wide open jaw and wild eyes.

“You can go back to driving now, B-loader.” Sami announced and her tube weapon flashed and she hefted it onto her shoulder. “Can’t believe I made this modification to my weapon just for this…”

Sami didn’t seem happy about something.

“Fire in the hole!” A large brown boxy mass exploded from the bazooka and into Frizzle’s maw as she was about to bite down and step on the back of the vehicle that started forward again. Said brown mass slammed home into Frizzle’s mouth and, despite her still giving her chase, her wild eyes widened and her pupils dilated into becoming big and round to fill out her eyes and a slightly dazed smile came to her face. Sami pressed her weapon against the floor of the vehicle and reiterated the thing she did to fill the projectile shooter. “B-loader.”

Did her weapon actually just shoot what I thought it did?

“Okay, now I’m really interested, how did you get it to shoot bread?” The Commandramon flinched when Sami glared his way as she took aim.

Yes, it apparently did fire rocket propelled bread as the Commandramon just confirmed.

“I don’t want to talk about it, but I’m definitely going to be fixing my new weapon after this.” Sami stated as she fired another round into Frizzle’s mouth after she finished swallowing the first bread loaf. “Stop the vehicle!”

The vehicle came to a screeching halt as Frizzle wobbled back and forth, groaning a bit. Surprisingly she soon toppled over closing her eyes and began shrinking down back into a Guilmon after being cocooned in a bunch of swirling ones and zeroes.

“What did you put in that bread?” Another Commandramon asked with confusion.

“Enough Mammothmon tranquilizer to kill a Commandramon at least twenty times over, she’ll be guaranteed to be out for quite a while.” Sami promptly kicked the ramp down and pointed to the Commandramon. “Now go drag her sorry unconscious butt into this vehicle, that’s an order soldiers, I don’t want her death on my conscience if she ends up in the game by herself!”

“Yikes, definitely would like her as a CO even if she doesn’t want the position!” The Commandramon stated wide eyed as he ran out to help the others pick Frizzle up and started hauling her back. She was laid out in the vehicle and soon the ramp was up and we were moving. “Should be smooth sailing from here.”

“Warning… incoming game…. warning… incoming game.” The sky started turning purple as a feminine voice that sounded familiar seemed to be announcing that to the entire world.

“I wonder who would be playing games in the realm we’re currently connected to, there’s not that much advancement…” The same Commandramon stated with a slightly weak grin as his buddies and Sami glared at him.

-Ransei Region, Valora (Steel Pokemon Kingdom), ???-

“Okay, let’s see if it’ll work correctly this time, hopefully this isn’t too much for the computers systems after the last showing…” The mouth at the back of my head was crunching into a bucket of fried okra as I started on the controls, I pulled my goggles down and booted the program up.

-Digital Realm, Pom-

“Okay which of you jinxed us this time, I know one of you said something and it definitely wasn’t Dolly this time!” I shouted into Uver’s communication device as the vehicle below started moving at full speed for the bridge after getting Frizzle onboard.

“Pistmon we need to get across the bridge like yesterday!” Uver stated in a less than calm tone as Pistmon launched us across rooftops.

“Guys, problem, the bridge has several blockades and the Goblimon are going to try and prevent our escape.” Blinking at Uver taking the communications device back, I looked ahead at the blockade after Pistmon launched us over several roof tops. “We’ll try to break it up a bit! The game cube is going to drop any second now and we don’t have time for a protracted battle, ram everything out of the way that you can and if you have to abandon vehicle, then do so and make a run for it.”

I looked at the sky glowing an even darker purple and black as the air in the sky started arcing with strange electrical energy as a black void of a circle formed overhead.

“How bad are these game cube things?” I needed to know in case I get caught in one.

“For biologicals, not very dangerous aside from some heat and mild discomfort regardless of the outcome of the game, with the mild exception of a kind of game where the user has to kill absolutely everyone to win. As for every digital entity caught in one however, they are likely to get killed by it if they don’t do the right things if they get caught inside of one. Thankfully this realm was created to prevent outsiders from damaging things through game cubes after the last few digital realms systems were overtaxed. In the case of a player actually winning the game, any digital entity caught up in the cube will suffer erasure or something along the lines of a fate worse than death. It is best to win the game at all costs as you can’t actually hurt the user physically and ganging up on them is definitely advised!” Surprisingly Pistmon was the one to tell me this. “I’ve been in one or two game cubes, it’s how I evolved to being a pistmon. I decided to go impossible mode in the racer game I got caught up in and managed to grab and eat some data when I won the game, saved plenty of lives that day.”

“Can you fight with your right leg messed up?” Uver asked as we stopped at a building ledge and Pistmon slowly rolled his front wheel over the edge.

“Yes, I’m good, but I probably shouldn’t attack directly with it.” I’m not going to mention the internal injuries from Ogremon’s shockwave attacks, I was doing relatively great today in not being half dead all the time.

“Good enough for me, let’s get in there!” Pistmon rode down the wall of the building and then we were at the bridge where the Goblimon opened up with fireballs from the far side that he had to swerve around.

Pistmon looked like part mushroom, part bicycle rider and bicycle all in one. He stopped for a second to let Uver and me off to do our own fighting, then charged forward and fired a sweeping rapid fire amount of thorny projectiles to weaken the barricade he tore through a second later with his front wheel, he was blitzing the Goblimon formation personally.

“Cubes coming down, we need to bust through before it hits!” Uver stated and I turned my sight skyward to see the edges of a large box slowly coming out of the massive circle above this portion of the city.

I gulped and looked forward to see Uver using his bag to smash the barrier and was helping Pistmon, I slowly made my way forward and then took control of my body with my wool.

Galloping forward I leapt up and charged up a bark blast to tear apart a ramshackle barricade made of bathtubs, a screen door and sheet metal causing my throat to get a little itchy as a warning that I was pushing my limits with my bark attacks.

At least the Goblimon were panicking and running from Pistmon’s sudden assault of spores flying off his back, we had to clear these barricades like yesterday because I could already hear the Commandramon’s vehicle on approach.

“We can’t let him through Ogremon wants them to be challenged on their way out as well!” One of the Goblimon shouted.

“Is now really the time to be largely obstructive nut bars?!” I shouted.

“Yes, strife makes for good heroes to fight!” The same Goblimon shouted back.

I sighed audibly and started rubbing my forehead in little circles with my hooves.

Giant death cube for digital entities falling on us, with some possible chance of the game being lethal to biologicals, and the Goblimon erected several barricades for us to break through.

No pressure at all Pom, just your digital entity friend’s lives being in grave danger like any other day of my life.


Ugh, those green guys were ahead and Pom was fighting on an injured leg, with a few other injuries and light burns to go along with that recent bit of bad blocking the way. Also what’s so scary about a game? Sure the sky was purple and black with a large ominous cube of energy slowly lowering on us, but that couldn’t be portents of doom.

“Warning… incoming game… warning… incoming game.” Okay given that Icky Sis was announcing that again, it was actually probably a really big deal. That and the Commandramon definitely seemed freaked out about it.

The vehicle soon came to a stop as Pom, Uver and Plant Bike were trying to break the barricades as the cube started falling over this section of city.

“What are you doing?!” Sami asked the driver and he looked at us.

“Get out of the vehicle, if I’m going to be breaking through those barricades I don’t want you getting hit by anything from the impacts.” Sounds like a good idea to me, before hopping off I grabbed Lit and wrapped the stone bone in my skateboards strap. “You after lost the ability to load you’re new weapon with explosives didn’t you?”

“Urk… yeah, that’s why I’m upset, it can only fire bread now.” So Sami ruined her new weapon for us? “At least it helped stop my friend from mauling anyone important. I can still use the Commandramon standard DCD-Bomb though.”

“Good, because you’re going to need to follow behind me at a run and be prepared to bust through barriers, the cube is coming down faster every second… so no more time for talking!” He floored the vehicle into motion and I watched as Uver, Pom and that Planty Mcgee dodge out of the way as the vehicle as it started plowing through barriers.

The guy driving the vehicle took several hits from the bits of trash the Goblimon was using and soon the vehicle was stopped by a barricade that was made of sterner stuff. Two barricades away from getting completely through.

We were already running forward and the commando lizard driving the vehicle ducked under the wheel as attacks from the gobs started concentrating on him.

“Game Cube impact imminent, five minutes until touchdown.” Icky Sis announced from the device I had at my neck as I followed the five charging commando lizards lead by Sami as they fired bullets at the Goblimon trying to stop us from reaching the barricade.

“Pom, you okay?” I asked as we charged past her.

“I will be eventually.” Pom stated as she ran back to get Frizzle.

Oh yeah, we kind of left her behind in the rush after we offloaded her for the driver guy.


“Guy on the right!” A Commandramon gunned the goblimon target down as we reached the barricade the flatbed personnel carrier was lodged in a slapdash fence. “Can you put it in reverse?”

“It’s stuck!” The driver answer, he eventually found the time to start firing back with his own rifle and the Goblimon were taking large losses in Digi-credits.

“DCD-Bombs, V-pattern toss! Driver get the right.” I pulled out a grenade on a stick and hurled it at the left side of the barricade as two other Commandramon followed my lead with a pineapple grenade and a cartoon bob.

The driver and the two other Commadramon threw some C4, a breaching charge and… was that an acid bomb? I needed to ask about that last one later, provided we get through all the troublemakers in time.

The fencing to both sides of the vehicle freed up and the driver pulled back and let the fence fall down before pushing the damage vehicle forward as much as he could. It battered the last barricade and partially climbed it to make a ramp, a cement barricade that wasn’t made haphazardly out of random junk as all the others had been.

Where was Pistmon? I saw everyone else except him and Pom pushing forward. I looked back and saw Pistmon carrying Frizzle with Pom on his back, good he could get them through. We just had to finish clearing the path, then… though I just had to ask.

“HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU IDIOTS MANAGE TO ERECT A CEMENT BARRICADE IN SUCH A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME?!” I was a bit irate as the driver got the ramp lowered before running up the angled vehicle and jumping on top of the barricade to start gunning Goblimon down.

“Basher Bullies just be that good at being annoying!” A goblimon responded and I put a bullet between his eyes immediately, he disappeared into a vortex with a possible migraine as I hopped onto the Barricade and was joined by the other four Commandramon and Canard in firing on anything that was ugly and goblin shaped. I looked up and saw the cube was three fourths of the way and was about to finish slamming down on us. “Everyone up and over now, that cube is about to hit!”


Pistmon ramped up the vehicle and over the barricade, only I was struck by something and fell away screeching as I bounced off the center of the flatbed vehicle and slapped into the ground behind it belly first.

“Pom!” Dolly came up to me and I felt a burning sensation in the left side of my neck. Picking myself up, I looked and saw that I had a knife in me.

One of the Goblimon managed to throw and hit me with a knife?! I seriously doubted they did that on purpose, I carefully wiggled the knife free and then stitched my shoulder shut with my wool.

“Sami there’s no time, go! Keep looking for Etemon, I’ll stick with Pom!” Canard came back down the vehicle and was staying with us because we were his ticket back to his friends.

“Canard!” Sami yelled.

“Go, we’re more liable to survive this than you!” He yelled as he picked me up, I whimpered.

Sami quickly leapt away off the barricade with the other Commandramon and an upset Dazzle looked back before looking up. I mouthed ‘go with them’ to Dazzle, she nodded weakly then leapt off the barricade as well.

I closed my eyes as the cube slammed down on us.

I was expecting the cube to have a little weight or cause some pain, instead… nothing aside from the pain I was already in.

“Pom? Pom, say something!” Dolly tried to get my attention as my head swam and we appeared to be in some stands in some kind of dome.

“I think… I’m a bit lightheaded from the blood loss of having the flesh on my right leg ruptured, taking that knife to my shoulder didn’t help either and I have a few internal injuries from when Ogremon hit me with a shockwave directly.” My whimpering and dazed state didn’t mean I couldn’t look about or try to focus on my surroundings. “Where are we?”

“Welcome to the game ‘Battle Beasts’, hope you can help us win this because we want to get out after getting stuck in here from when the cube last dropped in the digital realm.” I blinked at the glowing green eyed, yellow armored, bipedal robot with guns built into his arms and a weird single horn that split into two that looked like it spewed fire. Next to him was a white robot with a large pincer extending from his right arm and two longer and larger horns on the side of his head that bent inwards, he looked like a white knight and built for speed. “I’m Metabee, the blazing gun specialist. This is my buddy Rokusho, a close up blade master. We got caught up in this game cube the last time it dropped and was in use, we didn’t want to die so we loaded ourselves as part of the game to survive! Now we kind of need your help in kicking the user’s backside so we can finally get out of here!”

“They’re biologicals, they might want to know more than that Bee. We technically count as Digimon, we just don’t have the ‘mon’ designation.” Rokusho seemed to be a calm reflection to Metabee’s utterly excitable nature. “We’re of the ‘bots’ designation, so we’re technically Digi-bots. We’re basically the same as Digimon and we’re somewhere between rookie and champion in Digimon strength terms.”

“Don’t we get the ‘mon ‘designation when we fuse together though?” Metabee crossed his arms and looked to Rokusho while tapping a foot.

“That’s because fusing causes us to cease being Digi-bots and turn into a ‘mon’.” Rokusho said blandly.

“Oh right, so fusing is actually kind of a thing with us then huh!” Metabee stated smashing his left fist into his right hand.

“I can kind of see why you two got stuck here.” Canard state blithely as he carefully laid me out on the nearby steps.

“You’d be correct in your assumption that it’s his fault.” The red eyed beetle bot tilted his head towards Metabee.

“Hey, I wasn’t the one that got us stuck under the cube the last time it was in use in the first place!” Metabee stated irately as his horns let off a burst of flame.

“Pom how many fingers am holding up?” Dolly, you don’t have fingers, you have paws and Lit is like a cuddly plush toy. “Yeah, your heads all sluggish, but your mind is still as sharp as ever.”

“I think I need some medical aid, disinfectant at the very least and something to eat to make up for the blood I’ve lost.” I groaned out as my wounds throbbed.

“Well, this place has got you covered there at least!” Metabee stated jovially. “This game has good medical stations and a food court, whoever made ‘Battle Beasts’ really wanted some realism involved despite most of the gameplay centering on the dome’s various interchangeable battlefields.”

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