• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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223. Consequences: Magica.

Author's Note:

The dice was rolled.

Magica threatens Dormarch's Team without support. Ocellus's team is routing or at the very least being surrounded by threats as they are retreating.

Offscreen actions by Wheel Cat and Team Power Pets occur, the condition of Phantom Blot's group also becomes an unknown capacity.

The two scenario's that are not being written are as follows, to give you an idea as to how far reaching I'm actually considering things in advance.

1. Consequences: Failed Masquerade.

Ocellus kept Wheel Cat on for her personal defense destroying a larger number of red robots and dealing even more damage to the Heavy Hunter Drone, however Phantom Blot and Magica devastate both Ms. Shuttle's group and Penny's Power Pets are pushed to their limits.

Though Penny's Power Pets managed to successfully avoid having their magic stolen and manage to retreat from Phantom Blot with moderate injury to both sides barely in favor of the Power Pets.

Abigail is seen being somewhere else by a red robot. The masquerade falls apart quickly as the second Abigail is caught before the unknown support from the south could arrive for who they thought was the actual Abigail.

This leads to a dire battle down the line with Ocellus acting in a solo capacity to make things right. Somehow manages to cobble together a number of villains together into an effective force to solve a huge issue, this group does not involve Magica or Phantom Blot.

Ocellus's Relationship with Smolder: Highly strained, Smolder sees Ocellus as acting greedy or something like Chrysalis.

Watching Entity: Would have the best bargaining position to acquire Pom's services thanks to Ocellus's failure to keep the masquerade going. Reaction to these consequences are be more gentle and understanding towards Team Leap Lamb, would abuse the bargaining position subtly.

Dormarch makes a decision.

2. Consequences: Phantom Blot.

Ocellus sent Wheel Cat to support Ms. Shuttle's group. Shanty, Dormarch, Smolder and Ms. Shuttle will end up lending continued, if limited, support at range and through various means.

They managed to intercept the red robots before they can spot Abigail and retreat with her back to the safety of Basemax.

Magica has offscreen movements that are highly and quite incidentally detrimental to Ocellus's Abigail Masquerade thanks to having been diverted from Team Leap Lamb's group by Wheel Cat.

She shows up to attack a weakened Dolly Dalmatian at a critical moment severely injuring her in front of Ocellus when they can't defend themselves.

Phantom Blot actively becomes a villain protagonist telling his full story and finally takes out Magica permanently and then nearly kills Ocellus, he eventually becomes a key person in the battles to come against an evil dark magic sorcerer. While he doesn't let go of his hatred of magic, he can see there's a functional reason for it to exist and that there is such a thing as good magic. He will continue to not trust magic, but will at least be open to ignore magic in some capacity as long as it's beneficial to him.

Ocellus's relationship with Smolder: Smolder thinks Ocellus is coddling her and is moderately upset with her girlfriend.

Watching Entity: Highly questionable bargaining position for Pom's services, approaching as highly cruel but tries to play it off as a necessary evil. Forces the issue because Team Leap Lamb doesn't have the position to really refuse given now three of their members are badly crippled, Ocellus being one of them.

Smolder makes a decision.

-Music- Kandy Pop by BIS.

-Equus, Ponyville, Gallus-

“Today you’re training will be with the most dangerous thing in Equestria.” Stepping to the side, Fizzle revealed my supposed adoptive older sister Jaded.

“Jade, really?” I said dully.

“No, shr said thing, ugh… I will reveal the trickery!” Tianhuo grabbed at the scenery which shifted and when she pulled, I blinked at there suddenly being a Zampony here.

“Aw, my baby’s camouflage… that took hours to paint.” Jade whined as her ears wilted.

“Did someone say camel-flage?” A camel lowered a similar sheet to the one that was on the Zampony, the camel was notably dressed like a stereotypical ninja with a clear Saddle Arabian theme.

I wasn’t surprised to know they had someone spying on Jaded La Perm, Saddle Arabians certainly had good reason to given Snickers took over the country with durians. No matter how much I think about that last sentence I still find myself thinking about how insane that sounds.

“No.” We all responded. Jade didn’t even look interested in the fact that she was being spied on by Saddle Arabia.

“Oh, okay then.” He raised the sheet back up and didn’t look like he was hiding in front of a tree.

“Anyways… tough cookies my cuddle kitty.” Fizzle stated blithely to Jade, while Jade just kept whining.

“Ignoring Jaded’s whining for the moment. This is Jaded La Perm’s Zampony, it has been recently classified as an airship on a technicality and has also been labeled a submarine for reasons you wouldn’t believe even if we were to tell you. It literally has to be seen to be believed given there’s somehow an anti-cognitive function to it that makes it only believable if it is seen doing it, it’s considered a class ‘pure chaos’ magical anomaly by the Capture Bridle Defend organization that was specifically made for this kind of mind melting insanity. Jaded has legally acquired a Zampony operating license… I pity your bureaucracy and guards for having to deal with this thing.” Tianhuo muttered that last part while shaking her head. The four Canis Minor puppies were just being playful as ever, but they kept eyeing Jade with suspicion every now and then. “Jaded also has licenses to repair and modify a single Zampony as she sees fit, Jaded La Perm cannot specifically own more than one Zampony after ‘the incident’. I’m not even going to get into it as that would take all day to make absolutely sure the Zampony is not illegal even if we knew it was by instinct alone and that Jaded is getting away with it. Also I don’t generally care about ice rinks run by reindeer or why they are willing to hire Jaded to pave their ice, that she actually does the job perfectly is also something we’re not getting into here either.”

“Be prepared for a true test of courage, skill, strength and perseverance Gallus.” Fizzle stated with narrowed eyes. “All you need to do… is knock Jade off her Zampony in under two hours. I can do it in twenty minutes with some preparations, but she never makes it easy. Also if you can stop her from going anywhere near Princess Luna with a bucket of ice, I’ll give you an instant rank promotion. Yes, Luna and Jade are still at war with one another. I’m just surprised that Luna is giving as good as she’s actively getting.”

“It was originally one hour, but they decided to give me a handicap.” Jade stated calmly to me with a big toothy grin, while rubbing her face against the side of the Zampony in a loving manner most disturbing as she hugged it.

-Northwest side of San Fransokyo heading south, Dormarch-

Hearing Ocellus redirect Wheel Cat away from us when we were going to come under attack was disheartening. Smolder seemed perfectly alright with this decision, which was infuriating because she was actively dating Ocellus, doesn’t she see even a slight betrayal in that?!

I didn’t know who the Power Pets were personally, but it had better be important… well considering Abigail Callaghan was with them. They were running the defense against anyone finding out the subterfuge and hiding Abigail was in keeping up with the ruse that Ocellus was Abigail.

Still though, how were we going to deal with the sorceress? Come to think of it I didn’t know what Magica was fully capable of, aside from getting cracked or broken ribs near constantly.

At least Smolder could actively survive magical attacks from Magica, explosions and who knows what else even with her spinal injury that wasn’t going to heal on its own. Honestly… having thought about it, I can see why Smolder isn’t personally worried. It took an insane amount of pressure to actively cause enough damage to leave her unable to walk much less fly because her tail was unable to help her steer in the air.

“She’s still tracking us, how is she doing that? I really don’t understand magic all too well, you guys are the experts on the subject.” Ms. Shuttle was at least keeping an eye on things while I was distracted. She was important to keeping mom alive. “It is vitally important that we make it to Base-Max, to that end we need to lose the duck following us and figure out how she’s tracking us.”

“It is being quite unfortunate that none of us be magically inclined in such a way as to detect how she’s doing it.” Shanty stated as she shoved some snacks into her mouth and swallowed them all down, she looked like she was preparing for a fight by eating as much as she was. For once she wasn’t drinking rum and was actually consuming water. “Maybe we can be getting Magica to talk about why is after us?”

An idea, Magica is a known quantity in loving to explain her plans while in a position of power, very comic book villain really. Not exactly the brightest thing to do in real life.

“Caper Canine is down.” Mini-Max reported from Ocellus’s team, I winced. Dolly was already in poor health, how much worse off was she now?! “The larger red robot threat is really hard to bring down, but at least it’s slow. Also I forgot to mention, Caper Canine is down to exhaustion and not injury, but her prior injuries certainly wouldn’t help her. New injuries include full body bruising and a lightly burned ear. Some previous cuts have reopened, but the bleeding is light.”

That’s a slight relief.

“Anomalous energy detected.” Ms. Shuttle suddenly veered to the side as Magica appeared in the air in front of us and tried to blast us with a beam of energy that tore up the street behind us. “Apparently I can detect teleportation, but she’s right on top of us now.”

“I might not be able to move much, but I can keep her out of here if she manages to teleport inside.” I nodded to Smolder and thought about how we were going to deal with this.

“Ms. Shuttle is our top priority, she can’t be allowed to be damaged for a variety of reasons.” She’s mobile, has some armored, she can easily hold off targets that weren’t magical and the most important of note is the fact that she was currently running Pom’s life support. “Shanty can’t fight for very long and should stick to a defensive capacity like Smolder.”

“I beg to differ, we can be fighting her off!” Shanty state bravely despite wincing as her bandage pulled at her legs and torso.

“I’m the only healthy one here aside from Ms. Shuttle.” Suddenly I found myself falling face first into the floor as Ms. Shuttle suddenly veered sharply and I saw a flash of energy shoot by behind her backside.

As Magica turned the corner, Ms. Shuttle fired a chemical shot and Magica just wrapped it in a magical field and launched it back towards us. It hit the ground and created a large gelatinous blob narrowly missing our rear end.

At most, that shot only slowed Magica by having to fly a little bit higher and over the mass.

“Yeah, my chemical cannon isn’t going to be very effective against someone who can do that.” Ms. Shuttle stated with a whimper.

“Can you slow down a bit so I can be climbing on the roof?” If Shanty was going onto the roof, then I would to.

“Opening access ladder to the roof and roof access…” Ms. Shuttle stated, it was right next to where Dolly reloaded her chemical cannon. The chemical cannon retracted and moved out of the way as a ladder came down.

“Come on Dormarch!” Shanty shouted as she practically leapt up the ladder.

Sighing I climbed up after her and stopped to look at Pom’s slow heartbeat.

“How do you start a heart song?” I asked Smolder, because the last time we used a heart song it produced a lot of energy and Shanty could use some strength like that right now.

“With music or needing to get your heart out of your chest for a while. It’s really annoying to get sucked into one, they include spontaneous unpracticed near perfect choreography, singing to the best of your abilities and you can do things like what we did at Cape Suzette.” She said lazily as she propped herself up with her arms. “Why, going to use that to boost Shanty while on the defense defense? You’re tied to Pom so you might have some Equus rhythmic magic kicking around in you too due to the familiar bond and Shanty is an Equus native. The both of you can start a heart song easily enough, but you might need some good music to kick start it.”

“Ooh… I have some music, just tell me when to start it!” Ms. Shuttle said cheerfully. “I want to see this Equus related phenomenon personally!”

I clambered up onto the roof and Shanty was already staring down Magica as she approached, Ms. Shuttle was ready to make evasive maneuvers. Shanty couldn’t be thrown off if she sticks herself down, but I’d have to teleport back with Search Hunter if fell off. I’d rather conserve my energy and not get knocked off more than once.

“Why are you attacking us?!” Shanty shouted as I took up a position behind her and was quite.

“Why do you think? You have Caper Canine… or… wait… a familiar bond?” The floating duck was looking at me when she said this and she suddenly chuckled dryly with a broad smile that unnerved me. “Caper Canine isn’t here is she? Her bond partner is though… as are you. I take care of you here and you’ll no longer be a problem for me later, she’s quite near death isn’t she? Surprised the reaper hasn’t taken someone so weak. Besides hunting Scrooge’s number one dime can wait, my obsession was getting in the way of being able to plan a good offensive anyway. I might actually succeed at getting some revenge today against the people who definitely would stop my rise to conquering this world to do as I will? It would put a feather in my cap and make me feel better to put you mutts and your partner down! Oh I have so many reasons to utterly destroy you.”

I got the feeling Magica read Pom’s health just from looking at me and the bond I had with her. Also she wouldn’t be calling Pom weak if she saw how hard Pom can fight when pressed into it.

A blast of flames flew out of the staff and struck Ms. Shuttle causing her to swerve wildly before regaining control, Shanty clamped down and I clutched at the roof.

“Guys minor damage to rear tires and lower back end... please tell me you guys can effectively defend me.” It was going to be okay Ms. Shuttle, if it came down it I would force you into the PET and wouldn’t let you die.

“Play that music Ms. Shuttle, Shanty will need it.” I stood up and prepared to start firing retriever barks. Shanty would do the hoof work in moving around. “Shanty you’re on defense!”

A guitar tune started playing, was this pop music?

“Hmmm… magic, magic~.” Shanty sang slightly trying to get a feel for the rhythm as she tapped her front hooves two times and then did three alternating taps with her rear hooves. Her head started bopping to the music, a grin slowly spread across her face.

“Patient health has entered an anomalous state, her heart is beating… with the rhythm?!” Ms. Shuttle said with wonder.

Pom’s heart was beating to the music? Well that wasn’t terrible if it kept her alive without needing to shock her.

“Bah music, what good is that going to do you against someone like me!” Building up for a lightning blast, Magica took aim.

“Warn us when you’re going to turn so I can brace myself Bunny.” I said, before I felt it, the rhythm seeping into me.

“Okay!” Ms. Shuttle kept driving down the street. “Nice to know I’m on a first name basis with you, I’ll try to keep us steady unless I need to make necessary emergency maneuvers.”

“Magic, magic, can’t be stopped~? Deflecting down, spike it up~!” Shanty hopped to the back edge of Ms. Shuttle’s roof and slashed both her hooves downwards and the lightning gathered at the slicing arc her hooves created. Said energy promptly slammed into the street in an explosion that Magica had to dodge. Shanty put her hooves together and knocked the incoming icicle, fired a second later, up into the air with a volleyball strike and it shattered against the street behind Magica when it landed. “Magic, magic, can’t be stopped~? Never let the beat drop~! Magic, magic, can’t be stopped~? Slashing down, blast it up~!

Shanty slashed her left hoof down and the arc of water split the next fireball into evaporating, she gestured to me and I sent a retriever bark as Magica tried a raw blast of magic and my bark collided with it cancelling it.

“What the… how are you doing that?!” Magica screeched, but Shanty didn’t answer as to how she was reacting to the attacks. She kept tapping out the two-three beat rhythm.

One two, one two three… I started to really get into it and feel it myself and tapped out the rhythm with my claws.

“Magic, magic, from the top, don’t let that music stop~!” I sang as Shanty pulled out a water bottle and fired off a riptide at Magica who used a blast of wind to deflect it with a swing of her staff. My eyes focused on the jewel at the end of it for a second.

“You’ve got the brains, I’ve got the brawn~.” Shanty said continuing to bounce with the rhythm as she deflected attacks. “She wants us to stop, we’ll just keep going on~.”

“Turn!” Ms. Shuttle stated, I braced and held on as she took it a bit sharply to the left.

“I’ve got the brains, or so you say~.” I sang before launching a retriever bark that was blocked by the barrier Magica produced as she continued to fly after us. We ducked as a crescent blade of wind threatened to take our heads off. “Maybe I’ll have an idea, to handle this in some way~.”

“Would you stop it with that incessant singing?!” Magica shouted after us as she sent several smaller blasts that were too fast for me to track and get all of them. Apparently Ms. Shuttle was on top of dodging them and the ones she couldn’t I targeted.

“We’ve got better things to do~.” Ms. Shuttle sang along bouncing left and right with the tune she was blasting out as she veered about avoiding another volley of magic aimed at her and striking the street around us. None of the blasts hit us and the streets now unfortunately had a pothole problem.

“We need tactics~.” I sang as I considered the staff again with more scrutiny and my scanners active… it couldn’t be that simple right? I needed more evidence to come to that conclusion.

“Then hang around fighting all out with you~!” Ms. Shuttle hit her breaks and Magica slammed into her back popping the magical barrier.

Bunny kicked up the speed again and Shanty and I hit her with a retriever bark and riptide that knocked her onto her back while she was dazedly stumbling about.

“How climactic~!” Shanty sang as she split a blast of green goo that Magica launched forward with a horizontal swing of both her front hooves. This stopped whatever the goo was from enveloping her.

“We’ve got places to be!” Ms. Shuttle sang as she swerved around a red robot that started to firing on us distracting Magica slightly.

“Fighting drastic~.” Shanty and I sang together in response as Magica started catching up again and I started peppering her barrier with retriever barks. I couldn’t do well enough damage to break it.

“Remember the most important one here is me~!” Ms. Shuttle took a hit from a fireball that damaged her back left end, after going wildly out of control for a few seconds she managed to right herself.

“Doing fantastic~.” I sang sarcastically looking off the side at the damage.

Magica let loose a raw mass of power and Shanty swung her hooves with an arc and water added to the razor edge that sent the power flying back.

“Magic, magic, does it stop~? Not real, far too much~!” Yeah, getting that feeling too Shanty as Magica bounced the attack back at us with a simple swing of her staff. “Magic, magic, does it stop~? Can’t tell, what is up~!”

As Shanty sent the magical attack back at Magica with another splash, the sorceress twirled her staff and struck. The large mass of energy split into five orbs that curved towards us homing in and were coming in fast.

“Make sure that music doesn’t stop~!” Because it was working and it was aggravating Magica who wouldn’t know harmony if it bit her in an infectious manner.

Magica was using way too much energy to have it all coming from her, all that power was centered in her staff. Shanty didn’t know what was up, but I certainly did. I had to get it from Magica while her attention was elsewhere and without her having a defense up.

“Magic, magic, hold that back~. We must, stop those attacks~!” Shanty sang as she and I split our focus, I managed to block two with my barking from the left side and Shanty dropped to the back of Bunny Shuttle and deflected the other into the street harmless with two kicks of her rear hooves, one slammed into the back window next to Shanty shattered showering her with fragments of armored glass and cutting her up a bit.

“Magic, magic, pick up the slack~. We’re fighting, on our backs~!” Smolder shouted from below after sending fireball to slam into Magica’s barrier and cracked it. “Please don’t let this heart song pop~.”

Smolder continued to spit fireballs, I’m kind of glad Pom wasn’t in direct line of fire, but if Magica got close enough…

“Turn!” Ms. Shuttle stated, I instantly clamped down as the vehicle swung wide to the right and was nearly hit with an explosion that tore up the street and rocked Ms. Shuttle onto her two left wheels almost toppling her. With a quick bit of steering Ms. Shuttle got herself back onto four wheels and Magica behind us was pounded by a number of energy blasts from a number of red robots that were also firing on us. “I can’t take much more of this, figure out how to make her go away.”

A number of shots slammed into Bunny Shuttle’s front half and damage her even further, I noted mentally that those shots could have taken out the life support systems and was glad that they were only damage slightly. Not enough of a problem yet.

“Whoa-oh-oh, soon enough~!” I sang as I had an idea and I glanced at Shanty and pointed to the staff, she nodded.

“Whoa-oh-oh, soon enough~!” Agreed Shanty as she still kept to the beat as she climbed back up to the top with me looking pained, but she was keeping the beat. Being showered with glass had taken a lot of the fight out of her.

“Magic, magic, can be stopped~. Distract her now, I’ll take it up~.” I sang, as I fire more retriever barks and figured out how to bring her down. A wild bark might do it, but that would be putting myself in close with a power magic user.

“Magic, magic, we will stop~. Just don’t let the music drop~!” We sang together as we enacted a plan born of desperation.

Shanty back up and water gathered around her hooves, the fact that it was colored red was highly disconcerting as to Shanty’s current state of health.

“Magic, magic, can be stopped. Rush down, get close enough~!” In sync we acted as one, Shanty charged forward and leapt from the vehicle first.

I leapt off to the side at a light pole and kicked off, while we were doing this Magica sent a blast of magic upwards and it exploded into several arcing beams of energy that veered down towards Ms. Shuttle.

“Magic, magic, we can top. Bouncing blades, all bloodied up~!” A red covered Shanty slammed into Magica’s barrier and broke through in a constant series of slashing red blades that carved a lot of damage into Magica’s body before she could think to retaliate or counter.

Magica had clearly been surprised by the clear audacity of both of us leaving Ms. Shuttle defenseless.

“Magic, magic, we are tough. Search Hunter, steal it rough~! I immediately teleported and erupted in the air from behind Magica who was wide eyed as my teeth clamped around the staff and my claws ripped into her right wrist, I kicked off and landed spat it towards Shanty.

Shanty uncurled from ripping up Magica and shot upwards to grab it.

“Magic, magic, water erupt~!” Shanty aimed the staff and fired a literal tsunami into Magica’s body, inertia was a cruel mistress as she hit the wall of water like she was hitting a brick wall at more than a hundred miles an hour, then came the road rash from Shanty blasting her back down the street with her own staff. “Please don’t let the music…~!”

The music immediately stopped when all the curving magic beams struck Ms. Shuttle, my heart sank at the sight of Ms. Shuttle taking a series of brutal hits.

My mind moving at the speed of an AI, I quickly teleported beneath Shanty and took the brunt of the fall and the street bit into my fur, skin and the flesh underneath. Gritting my teeth I bore the pain and persevered through it, the PET started glowing for some reason.

“Digivolution… error… digivolution cancelled.” The strange voice in my mind stated as I struggled to stand up as Shanty rolled off me.

Struggling to my paws… ugh the pain was almost unbearable.

“C-c-cure… Li-liquor…” My flesh and skin quickly knitted back together from the road rash and the pain was still quite present, but my fur was already quickly growing back after having been rubbed off by the street as soon as my flesh knitted itself back together.

Magica, if she survived that, would be in a hospital for months.

“Time… to… to be getting rid of this…” Shanty closed her eyes and had a slight look of concentration on her face, the staff then disappeared in her hooves. “There being no magic for her now.”

I made my way over to Shanty and helped her up and slowly aided her with moving towards a badly damaged Ms. Shuttle. Looking behind us I saw red robots coming out into the street from the nearby alleyways.

“Come on Shanty, we can’t stay here.” I propped Shanty up and started helping her walk, her injuries were much worse now.

“Do you think… they’re okay?” Asked a badly coughing and shivering Shanty who was likely going through shock, her body covered in blood at least half of it was her own. Shanty wasn’t asking about Smolder, she’d survive the devastation done to Bunny’s body.

The question was, did Pom?

We made it to Ms. Shuttle and I slowly help Shanty up the steps and looked about, those magic beams did a lot of damage.

“Ms. Shuttle, are you alive?” I asked tentatively as I slowly looking towards where the stasis field was and to my relief Pom was still alive and the life support was still working, she didn’t looked to have been hit by any of magical beams that pummeled Ms. Shuttle. However mom’s heart rate was slow again, she better not flat line any time soon because we needed to know what systems were damaged and if the defibrillator was offline... “Bunny!”

“…” The whole interior of Bunny Shuttle was quiet and dark.

“System restart… ow… okay… taking stock of the damage.” Glad to hear Ms. Shuttle’s voice, I sighed and looked to Smolder whose body was covered in scorch marks as she laid next to the stasis field. She managed to get in the path of several beams that would have hit Pom. “Chemical cannon operational at a thirty percent capacity, firing not recommended unless absolutely necessary. Lost left rear wheel and front right wheel… power systems hit, reserve power is in effect for essential systems. Only two emergency lights are working. Life support systems, damaged… critical systems… thankfully intact. You need to reestablish those destroyed drip feeds quickly.”

“I’m…. I’m okay.” Smolder said slowly from the floor where she was face down. She rolled over groaning. “Is Pom… did she make it?”

“Alive… ish… can you move Bunny?” I asked Ms. Shuttle.

“… chances of reaching Basemax with current damage… seven percent. I can still move a little, but steering is going to be a hassle. Wait… chances rising to ninety percent.” I tilted my head wondering what she meant and then two Skymax’s delivery systems came in and latched on to her rear end and started to push her. “Baymax has ordered the Skymax drones to begin pushing us safely to Basemax, he’s even ordered them to do so even if it damages them severely.”

“This is Team Injured Lamb, we’re alive, but we’re not going to be able to do much of anything. I will have to tend to the several new horrible injuries… Bunny Shuttle has taken excessive damage and is inoperable for the foreseeable future.” My voice was dull and hollow and I felt the same shell shock Shanty must be going through. “I just hope for your sake that you made the right decision Ocellus.”

I couldn’t keep the bitterness out of my tone as I started to cry, why were things always so horrible around me?!

That’s when Shanty finally passed out and I quickly took up the medical kit, quick scan… Pom first, then Shanty. Pom was still far worse off.

Smolder was alright, but emotionally… I don’t think any of us came out of this unscathed. Except maybe me physically, as the worse damage I’ve taken is large loss of energy from having to heal. I couldn’t rest yet, despite how tired I was from expending so much energy, I had to secure Pom and Shanty, then help I would help Smolder up off the floor.

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