• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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284. Server City Ransom Pt. 9.

Author's Note:

I'm basically giving away the secret behind Pom's 'anti-magic wool' for the less attentive or more importantly a key detail that is very specific to Equus Pom.

This is a good time to remind you that Pom is not a 'black sheep' among her people and does not have super strength, a black sheep is a lambkin that easily gains ridiculous strength and are know for their high end combat capabilities.

That said there are some things that Pom should have already been entirely capable of up to this point already, one of which will be quite apparent to the audience if you were not aware already.

It first came up in Pom's 'Dispel Grace' tournament fight back in Airship Mauled and it'll come up again quite soon.

You should not be surprised and should already know this... for I am not subtle and it's been there the whole time.

Also is it me or do Caster's tend to get the short end of the stick in every Fate series?


Data log 1.

The object is a marble sculpture, we thought it was another ‘Are We Cool Yet’ death trap. The sculpture was found in a dog kennel in [‘REDACTED’].

Are We Cool Yet is an organization of artist that create deadly anomalous artwork, usually in the vein of memetic hazards, which is why we thought this might be one of their works. (Note: We have since discovered that this is not the case for this particular anomaly.)

The sculpture depicts four small canines sitting protectively around a sheep like entity. The four canines are puppies of the sheep dog variety. The sheep entity has been determined to be female and is not a true sheep, but something akin to one with larger eyes and something of a feeling of being more intelligent than her surrounding puppy protectors.

Any canid, when placed within the presence of the statue for a length of time will receive the following attributes, notably increased lifespan, slightly increased intelligence and a strangely notable devotion for the central depiction. Overall personality of the canid changes very little aside from that, but they will protect the statue if intent to damage it occurs and will not tarnish it or the surrounding guardian puppies personally.

The worship of the statue seems benign and respectful, dogs that will usually feel unease around other anomalies find complete comfort in this one and don’t fear other anomalies while in its presence.

Another anomalous property is when a light is shined on the five statues in question. The four puppy statues cast normal shadows. The sheep like entity however casts the shadow of a wolf.

The wolf shaped shadow seems entirely benign, other than the feeling of it watching. As if judging the intentions of those looking upon it.

So far no danger has been found with trying to interact with the shadow, as if it was trying to imitate the existence of a normal shadow. That is unless someone with intent to damage the sculpture enters the room which leads to the next anomalous property, where the shadow seemingly gains two glowing dots around the head region as if suddenly watching the aforementioned intruder with open eyes.

Anyone that attempts to harm the statues of the sculpture will suddenly find themselves incapable of wanting to do so, for various feelings of guilt or life threatening retaliation depending on the personality of those sent in.

Criminals or people who have histories of violent behavior are very wary of the statues in the sculpture, especially the center one that seems to be the most harmless at first glance. People of good natures feel complete safety in the presence of the anomaly.

Data Log 2.

We let loose a low level anomalous threat in the room with a live worshipping dog. The anomalous threat refused to approach the dog or any of the statues, the anomalous threat was considering dangerous and capable of killing the dog. The dog stayed in front of the statue as if to protect it from the threat, the anomaly refused to attack despite being one that is known for being aggressive and was showing signs of direly wanting to.

After a five second blackout in the room from unknown causes, where a watcher saw a single red glowing spot where the central statues head was for a few seconds, was when the only known proof that the statue could be dangerous occurred. When the lights came on and the threatening anomaly was torn apart viciously.

The dog was peacefully curled up in front of the central statue and was deemed not responsible for the test anomaly’s destruction, given it looked to be rendered into offal by a giant wolf and the dog was completely clean, safe and happy.

We have a near endless amount of the low level anomalous threat to test here.

Data Log 3.

Anomalous canid are a lot calmer and safer in the presence of the sculpture, mostly the presence of the central statue.

Once such anomaly tested was 953.

953 made a believable comment that the organization were currently dealing with a memetic boon for canids that was entirely benign in nature, but it was best not to push its kind and gentle disposition.

953 being an anomaly that was likely a kitsune, who is known for her lies, violence and deceit in her attempts to escape the facility, is very much less so within the statues presence and refers to ‘her’ as ‘husband’ near constantly.

This strangeness is furthered when she is greatly saddened to leave the presence of the central statue, 953 didn’t resist being put back in her chamber and requested to see the sculptures center statue again eventually.

We will be looking into this strange interaction further.

Data log 4.

953 revealed information we had not previously considered when she muttered in quote, “Tamamo no Mae will be a good vixen wife for the Canine Queen yes I will!”, while being stuffed back into her cell after a fourth interaction with the statue.

The sheep like entity has several unusual connotations behind it, one in particular being hidden danger. So far no injuries or fatalities, aside from the death of the testing anomalous threat, have occurred in the statues presence thanks to its anomalous property of giving off prior warnings before a specific line is crossed.

The ethics committee does not want anyone to cross said line, we believe that’s because a good number on said committee are dog lovers and have safely expanded their dog’s lifespans.

All dogs are still under watch, but are happy, healthy and most importantly not any more threatening than an average dog in physical strength. Expanded life spans may increase growth somewhat, but not exponentially.

Data Log 5.

We likened the statue to the tales of various mythologies, even an Amarok Wolf or Japanese Okami came up in research in reference to what the central statue seems to do. The key themes of the sculpture are ‘protection’ (For anyone in need), ‘strength’ (At least for canids extended lifespans) and, if we are getting this correctly, is a depiction of a living descendant of a mythical entity.

953, who we now have all but confirmed to be the infamous fox spirit Tamamo no Mae, confirmed some of these findings and if the last data log is to be believed confirmed the central statue of the sculpture to be a depiction of a ’queen of canines’ or ‘the doggy messiah’.

The canine attraction to the central figure is possibly in reference to most of Theophane’s suitors having been turned into protective wolves by Neptune from the origin story of how Crius Chrysomallus came to be. The ‘Golden Fleece’ represents leadership, royalty or possibly sacrifice according to legends, said fleece was also said to have incredible mystical or highly anomalous properties.

The particular finding Tamamo confirmed is it being a depiction of ‘a’ Crius Chrysomallus, not necessarily ‘the original’ Crius Chrysomallus of a known Greek legend popularized by the story of ‘Jason and The Argonauts’.

The Chrysomallus species have been noted as not being sheep, but a mythical species of creature that act as much more intelligent kin to them that were born with the manifestation of the Aries Constellation from the first Chrysomallus.

Tamamo gave us this information quite reluctantly after being allowed a chance to bask in the central statues presence again.

Having brought in some sheep to confirm some findings, they were entirely docile in the presence of the central depiction and seemed to show some form of recognition of it. They were somewhat wary of the four little guardian puppies surrounding it, but remained docile all the same.

The central statue apparently has an addictive quality to canids who have no owners, explaining some of Tamamo’s oddness around it. While the addiction is not always romantic in nature and can be friendship based, it can be detrimental if a 'bad dog' seeks to hoard the sculpture all for itself and doesn’t intend to share. This might lead to fighting, we have since found it is a little safer to introduce dogs one at a time to the sculpture.

The sculpture can and has been thus far used to remove, weaken or nullify dangerous canid based anomalies. We're still testing the effects to see if we can fully commit more space to the sculpture.

Note: Any form of stray canine has the 'addict' effect until someone that is willing to raise them properly is found.

Note 2: Testing with the real statue of Hachiko has resulted in [REDACTED].

While the Statue of Hachiko was returned, its anomalous properties have not since ceased, thankfully the added anomalous properties are benign and are not very noticeable. Our [REDACTED] branch was oddly okay with this.

Data Log 6.

Tamamo is notably far less lustful and murderous these days. Her last breakout attempt resulted in no deaths and she ended up in the cell with the sculpture and has somehow acquired and garnished the entire room with accoutrements in the form of a shrine worshipping the central statue and her four little guardians.

She is currently acting as the self-proclaimed Miko for it, which has increased her anomalous strength as far as protecting the sculpture is concerned. It has also made her far less volatile or willing to escape the confines of the facility as long as we keep providing resources for her Miko based duties and food.

As an odd side benefit, this has weakened a few of the more dangerous anomalies in the facility within the new area of effect generated by the shrine that reduces the power of anomalous actions within a specific range.

Tamamo will likely still kill people if given a chance, but she has since miraculously lightened up on committing to fatal interactions with personnel considerably. After being left with the sculpture Tamamo AKA 953 has mostly been docile, but Tamamo is not entirely safe as she will still commit to mauling those who bother her too much.

The injuries can range from light to permanent, but have since ceased to be completely outright lethal or performed with cruelty that Tamamo was known for prior.

Data Log 7.

The true name for the central figure or her guardians have yet to be found in any mythology throughout known history and thus far the worship effect only happens with canids that are natural. As such Scientist ‘Kaine Pathos Crow’ who we brought in to study this sculpture has been mostly unaffected having been turned into a dog via anomaly… aside from a small urgent need to make sure the statue is undamaged and that nobody will do anything to it.

The sculpture may be having a benefit of extending Kaine’s life supernaturally, but results so far are currently inconclusive as of yet. Also 999, The Tickle Monster, appreciates the sculpture and that's a good sign as to it being a benign anomaly.

Most canid based anomalies have been nullified, weakened or even become equally benign when introduced to this sculptures presence. We have since made it a primary storage space for canid style anomalies and expanded the space it occupies.

We have decided to name the central figure in the anomaly ‘Protective Overlady of Mutts’ or POM for short.

Addendum- Dr. Bright is not allowed to start a card game with any canids in the same room as this anomaly ever again, no matter how much of a sore loser he is that he’s down ten boxes of dog biscuits.

This did bring up interesting details in canine related intellectual boosts, still not up to our standards, but enough to understand us and card games apparently. This is only mildly worrying, concerning the fact there are far nastier things this anomaly could be doing, such a thing has happened with most other anomalies with a regularity that we've come to expect it outright if something seems benign at first and turns out to be utterly horrifying.

Data Log 8.

Never call any of the little puppy figures ‘mongrels’ or ‘mutts’ in front of Tamamo, especially do not insult the central figure or even imply insult. It will not end well.

There are many things here you’d rather wished had killed you outright as one poor researcher found out the hard way recently. Said researcher needed three rounds of the strongest amnestics conceivable to fully forget what was done to her, she will make a partial recovery eventually and now suffers from acute Fennecaphobia despite the cause of her injuries having being rendered impossible to remember. This already adding on to the scientist’s prior paranoia that chickens were out to get her.

Dimensia De Ville has a noted history of hating canids, especially Dalmatians. No cause can be found as to why as she has never physically seen, interacted with or even met a Dalmatian in her whole recorded life aside from what she’s likely seen in pictures. She and our top Scientist Kaine have had a long and notable adversarial history, yet has survived many dangerous anomalous threats by being more vicious than they were.

Side note: The ethics committee is still trying to figure out if we're actively trying to get Dimensia killed or not, given she's usually working with the most obviously dangerous anomalies to even be near and is the boogeyman of D-class personnel.

We will need to detain Dimensia for further possible anomalous study given the overly anomalous resistance to Amnestics. We’ll also be looking closer into her family member, Artisia De Ville.

Note: Those who interact with POM anomaly should remember to be respectful and maintain a distance around Tamamo while she’s performing her Miko duties. Dogs are entirely safe during these times, personnel are not.

Again 953, ‘Tamamo’, is still a dangerous Keter Class threat and is not a nullified anomalous entity in the slightest.

Second Note: Also make sure that no dog haters interact with POM anomaly further just in case that sets off something even worse. We rarely get powerful benign anomalies like this that are not actively trying to kill off our entire race.

Data Log 9.

We are still trying to find out how the POM anomaly sculpture connects to or relates to a recent discovery of information on an anomalous being known as FHTNG, not the first time we've dealt with terror inducing demon cults and this wouldn't be the last, a demon of knowledge who seems to have a strong connection to unicorns or at least one unicorn in particular.

We have recently banned all knowledge of how to correctly pronounce FHTNG’s name and are simply calling him ‘Fred the Demon’ due to the nature of his actual name causing [REDACTED, REDACTED, REDACTED, WHATEVER ALMIGHTY BEING THAT IS TRULY BENIGN OUT THERE PLEASE, REDACTED!].

Note: POM anomaly was a perfectly safe place to be during ‘Fred the Demon’ incident. The massive loss of D-class personnel was quite horrific, one most notable D-class death involved a Mr. Beezle B. Bug who was in fact an anomalous subject that was the first to be killed by the ‘Fred the Demon’ based anomaly that wasn't actually the demon himself and assumed to be a proxy. It has been since judged impossible to figure out how the anomalous Mr. Beezle ended up in the facility or its systems in the first place. The dead subject, worryingly enough, was bleeding hemolymph when found as a puddle of chunky salsa and had been more than halfway across the facility from where the incident initially originated before [REDACTED] seemingly beelined straight for them like a '504, Critical Tomato' heard someone tell the worst joke in existence.

-Digital Realm, Server City, Southeastern Slums District, Ogremon’s Warhouse Warehouse, Canard-

I quickly looked for the nearest spot to go to for safe cover, going back outside this warehouse was a death sentence as there was too much open space for the living tank to focus us down. I’m going for the steel barrel nearest to me and hope I don’t get shot through it for trying.

I quickly took several steps and judging the distance, I dove forward into a roll and put my back to the barrel as it started getting blasted by the rapid fire machine gun cannons that Tankmon had.

“Sami… we’ve run into a snag with fighting Ogremon, if you know how to deal with a Tankmon we could really use your help now!” I stated into the Digivice as I watched Frizzle run for it and made it behind a cargo container with numerous bullets trailing after her. Once behind the container she started fighting off the Goblimon that were outnumbering her ten to one in a swarm, I don’t there were nearly enough of them to really harm the bread lizard personally.

Pom had leapt up and kicked off the wall to the walkway above and to the left of me and was firing jets of air from her legs at the higher strength Goblimon along the walkway trying to shoot fireballs down at me as I was pinned behind the barrel by the continuous fire. Said barrel was slowly being worn down under numerous impacts and I could hear the nose cannon of the Tankmon taking aim.

After a blast of a fireball did nothing to Tankmon, a blazing streak in the shape of a purple dragon deflected Tankmon’s nose down before it could blast me, I looked up at Dazzle crawling along the wall to position the right side walkways between her and the Tankmon that was still rapidly firing both his guns.

A bolt of lightning ripped from a yellow spot on the front of Tankmon knocking his left arm upwards and away from my cover. I was quickly up and moving to get behind a cargo container like Frizzle. I was left wondering what Dolly was doing until I realized where the Tankmon’s left arm stream of bullets were going, because that was Lit who just gave me an opening to get out from behind the barrel.

The Goblimon behind the container raised their weapons and swarmed at me like they did with Frizzle, I raised my hockey stick ready to give them a body checking they’ll never forget.

“Hey who did that electric thing, I’ll blow you up!” Tankmon shouted as I started to beat back the Goblimon horde with no one at my back, I had to keep my guard up here. “Also fire is not going to work on me, gahaha I love causing a blast, not having one!”

Guy was built like a tank and acts like one too, I slapped away a club with my stick and kicked the Goblimon in the face with my right boot knocking a few others over as they tried to push me back out into the open.

“If you won’t come out into the open or you’re going to stay behind that skateboard, then I’ll just have to come to you!” Yeah, we’re not taking Tankmon down anytime soon.

“Is that a Tankmon?! Oh my goodness, I hate those guys, always going on about explosions, fire and their dakka! If you guys can give me a few minutes Canard, then I can have my new weapon ready for deployment.” Sami stated from the device. “Also yes, I have been working on other things in here other than studying the Backspace System, but we were going to be dealing with champions or even ultimatese, then I needed to work on some extra fire power! I made it specifically with guys like him and Tankdramon in mind!”

“Well you better hurry up we’re split up, being swarmed and we’re doing barely anything to the Tankmon when we do attack him!” I grunted as I swung my hockey stick about and forced my way forward regardless of any injury I take, taking a hit from Tankmon would be nine times worse and aside from just taking a nasty blow to the thigh I was perfectly fine to continue. “Lit’s lightning did nothing, and all Dazzle’s dragon beam thing is doing is redirecting his limbs and lightly scorching him!”

“Trust me, what I’m bringing into the fight will be worth it against tankmon, just give me some open space to come out from the Digivice at and prepare my weapon when I’m ready to join the fight.” Sami responded.

“Fight might be over before then!” I warned Sami and started to swing the hockey stick in wide arcs to batter back the Goblimon.


I was slowly being pushed back by the left arms constant fire, doesn’t this guy ever need to reload?!

Lit just helped out Canard and he was already to safety and being completely ignored by everyone who doesn’t seem to notice him because of his size, I’m the last one still in the open and barely holding up to the onslaught as I was being pushed back first into the wall to the right of the entrance.

“Life Shield!” Tank Dom started coming towards me and his form was soon doing the same glowy treatment that Sham-mon gave to his allies a while ago, his nose started to raised up. My board would be fine, I wouldn’t be if the shockwave pasted me into the wall.

Its times like these that I’m glad that my board is near indestructible, but come on, he give me a break here. I received an image from Pom on where to the throw the bone if I was able, Glancing to the right I saw that Dazzle was having some trouble as the Goblimon were trying to knock her off the wall as she fired another dragon beam thing into Tankmon.

That was kind of effective, if I could tell if the glowing tank had any damage on it. Okay, I lifted the bone slightly and sent it flying over my head in Dazzle’s general direction where it struck a Gob in the back of the head making him drop his fireball, catching him and another one on fire. The bone was on its way back when it was blasted off course by a stream of bullets from the right arm and the cannon nose was now aimed squarely at me.

Uh… Pom, a little help please? I’m about to get smashed between my board and a wall here!

I looked to see Pom punching her right hoof into a Gob’s face on a walkway above and quickly turned her head to the right to quickly fire a Bark Buster over her shoulder and the liquid magic stuff exploded as soon as it hit the Tankmon’s right shoulder. The flash of energy went into his right eye and only blinded Tankmon for a second as he was about to fire and I quickly cartwheeled flipped to the side.

The wall was taken out behind me leaving a large hole and knocking me down onto my face to go skidding forward and to the right.

Wait, where did the bone go? No time to think, move! I quickly got my board down and boost my momentum towards Frizzle avoiding as stream of bullets as I slid in behind her and popped up to slam the bottom of my board into a Gob’s face.

-Right side walkways, Dazzle-

Dolly made it too safely and I saw Lit running for the bone, Tankmon seriously couldn’t notice him? Well that was a good thing in this case, that thing fired like it was a Grovyle using Bullet Seed and my attacks could only divert it for a few seconds.

I ducked back as the club slammed into the railing, I screeched and popped a blast of flames up and into the group and blew them off with a flame burst.

That’s when the Tankmon thing turned to me and I threw myself to the floor of the metal walkway as rapidly fired projectiles swept along the walkway where I was. You’d think the tank thing would be weak to me being a steel type, but no it wasn’t a Pokémon and I had to remind myself where I was.

I angled my head up slightly and blasted a blob of purple liquid, one blast of flames from the arms of that thing immediately rendered my Toxic into nothing. That guy wasn’t nearly distracted enough for me to get an attack off on him.

At least the Goblimon couldn’t approach me thanks to the projectiles he sprayed up here. His nose rose up towards me and I immediately leapt for the wall as his next shot destroyed a large section of the walkway and dropping it onto the floor.

I quickly crawled along the wall as projectiles started shooting up my way, they almost hit a few Goblimon that I positioned between me and the projectile launching limb.

“Hey, watch it Tankmon, you almost shot my Goblimons!” Ogremon shouted.

“Almost, I didn’t hit them!” Distracted by that Tankmon thing, I was struck by a fireball from one of the Goblimon hitting it with their club at me.

I blinked… aside from some irritation and a small flinch that didn’t hurt at all. Oh right, they didn’t know I was a fire type or what a Pokémon was did they?

“Is this thing broken?” One of the Goblimon said while scratching at his head and looking at his club.

“The club I sass, is soon to pass, through the air with this sound of mass~!” My singing Round sent them over the walkways railing.

“Hey!” The Goblimon next to him shouted and I pelted him with a Flame Burst knocking them off as well, then I had to start moving to a safer spot as more projectiles were fired in my direction once the Goblimon were out of the way.

I had to stop when a blast of water struck the wall in front of me and splashed me slightly, it was one of those blue Goblimon that had the ice breath. The ice breath wasn’t worrying, the water they could throw at me was.

“It’s so hot in here the snowball melted after I threw it…” One of the blue Goblimon muttered.

“Yeah, and she didn’t mind the fire, but did she just avoid the water?” Another one stated and then, the two looked at each other and grinned my way.

Yeah, I’m with Pom on not liking how this day is going. I crawled upwards toward the ceiling for my life as water blasted behind me threatening to knock me down, this included fast flying slush balls.

-Left walkway, Pom-

So Tankmon would actually shoot at a walkway… disturbing and there goes my hope for using knocked out Goblimon as a shield. Dolly was helping Frizzle, Canard had his own problems, Dazzle looked like she needed some help and I could drop down there to help Canard… but where was Lit?

I ducked under horizontal swing and brought my left hoof up into the Goblimon’s chin and unleashed a Thousand Spear that sent them flying across the warehouse and past Ogremon who was just standing there with his arms crossed and watching patiently.

The guy was probably waiting for us to weaken and he was fairly smart to have another Champion on hoof to help him out, one we were already having enough trouble hurting and Shamanmon just had to make it all that much harder to deal with.

I ducked as Tankmon’s right arm sprayed bullets at the walkway, said walkway was starting to crumple under the hundreds of impacts a second. I noted it didn’t seem to run out of projectiles to fire and would have to move soon.

The Goblimon weren’t a huge issue overall in comparison to the Tankmon, the very thing we were all trying to actively avoid at the moment considering it no-selled a Bark Buster without damage. Dolly probably couldn’t do anything with wind to it and it was basically immune to fire… yeah, that Digimon was going to be a hard one to take down without Dazzle hitting it with a Toxic to eat away at its defenses.

Suddenly the room lit up and Tankmon growled a bit, but the lightning coming from his back didn’t seem to do much or any damage to him, the lightning just caused him to seize up slightly.

“Who’s doing that, I’ll blow you away once I find you?!” Tankmon was quite angry at not being able to locate our little bug friend, at least I knew where Lit was now. I jumped to the wall and slid down to the floor avoiding the fireballs that chased after me as I did so and kicked off to hit a Goblimon in the spine with my front hooves plowing into their back.

Skidding forward slightly, silently apologizing for the Goblimon’s face I was scraping against the floor as I did so, I leaned down and scooped up the Stone Bone in my teeth and then jerked my head to the right to slammed it into the back of a passing Goblimon’s head.

Another explosion ripped throughout the warehouse, as I hopped forward off the Goblimon I was on and slammed the bone across the face of another and then landed next to Canard.

“Ahhh… oof!” That sounded like Dazzle.

I looked behind Canard as he stalked forward and continued to beat back the Goblimon hoard and saw a hole in the ceiling of the warehouse and saw that Frizzle had caught Dazzle and was blasting the blue Goblimon off the walkway as she ducked behind a series of boxes that were quickly being shredded away by the two rapid fire projectile shooters that were Tankmon’s arms.

Lit was crawling up to Tankmon’s head, what was he going to do? His lightning wasn’t working on Tankmon. I quickly raised my back left leg and bucked a Goblimon in the belly and turned back to the fight as Canard was managing to hold them off quite well despite having three Goblimon clinging to him.

I had to help Canard and hoped Lit could take care of himself.

-Lit the Joltik-

Chitter… squeak!

Body bulging, building up for web…

Hopping backwards… spit huge round wad at back.

Web ball unwrap, trap arms into pointing downwards.

Success, yay!

Ow… hit face on floor.

“Agh, what the, where did all this sticky stuff come from!” Hop on big guy again, climb quick. Arms spew fire. “Do you think this will keep me trapped? I’ll just burn it all away!”

Crawl up to nose without being seen.

Will clog with web, then no hurt friends with booms!


Okay, ow… nearly took a direct hit and was blasted off the roof, then… I didn’t hit the floor?

Where… I’m in Frizzle’s arms? Okay, this felt rather safe.

Dolly barked as she swung the front end of the board by holding the back end with both paws and smashed a Goblimon across the face with it knocking a tusk free from their lower jaw.

I shook my head to collect myself as Frizzle kicked away a Goblimon and unleased a fierce sphere of explosive fire into pack of Goblimon. We were behind a large box and I heard something that was likely Tankmon moving.

“Tankmon, block the entrance! Shamamon, turn on the factory machinery and make the walls impossible to run around on! Goblimon crush them between you and Tankmon!” Ogremon ordered loudly and Shamanmon started to move and I looked back at the entrance as Tankmon swerved around into place and got his arms free of Lit’s Electrowebs pinning his arms with flames coming from them. “If they can get by all of you gobbos, then I’ll possibly consider getting involved. Given that they can’t even scratch the Tankmon, I’m not impressed enough to do the whole villain shtick and jump in with these weaklings.”

Ouch… not that what he said wasn’t true and the Goblimon just kept coming at us. I saw Ogremon stalk along the pathway and started heading towards the far side of the warehouse beyond the machinery slowly coming to life.

Frizzle noticed I was awake and put me down and lashed out the chain to wrap around a Goblimon’s neck and she slammed them into the floor several times like a giant flail until they disappeared into a vortex dropping a lot of Digi-credits.

“Thank you for catching me…” I said quietly, Frizzle turned a smile to me and gave me a friendly wave as Dolly leapt up blocked a fireball going for Frizzle. We all scrambled to move around the box as Tankmon started attacking us again. “Now if only we can figure out how to get me close enough to launch a Toxic attack on him, that’ll do some damage and corrode his armor at least.”

Dolly barked something that sounded a little panicked as she poked her head around the corner of the box and I looked to see what had her worried. On the underside of that Copperajah length straight nose that fired powerful explosive projectiles was Lit carefully crawling towards the end of it while trying to avoid being noticed by Tankmon, what was he planning?

I wanted to be able to help here and even my most powerful attack wasn’t doing much to that monster.

I could try to force myself to evolve… which I was highly reluctant to do given the connotations behind what the Salazzle evolution entails. Or we needed a Champion of our own and Sami wasn’t about to do that because she doesn’t want to be what is called a Sealsdramon.

I looked to Frizzle… as Canard and Pom moved to safety while under fire and used Goblimon as living shields that quickly disappeared into vortexes.

“How do Digimon Evolve?” I heard they could like Pokemon, but nobody explained it. I mean I’ve never seen it in action.

Frizzle pointed to the device at my hip, she then back clawed a Goblimon with her left arm without looking. That Goblimon had been sneaking up on her and everything.

Dolly was tripping another one trying to charge at us with a spear.

“The Digivice, how?” I saw Frizzle shrug and turned to help Dolly who was getting pinned in place narrowly avoided a blade jabbing around her board for her belly.

Well a lot of help that was… unless… hm… what would happen if I suddenly pumped the device full of normal type Dimensional Energy? I did know that’s how some Pokémon activate super powers back in Ransei.

I focused and started trying to give the device my energy, it was rather hard to do, but it was taking it and absorbing it. Then I tried something that might help, since my normal type energy was based in the ‘Round’ move… would singing my feelings help?

“We need a hero to evolve and stand tall, someone strong enough to help us all, or else we will fail and fall~.” I closed my eyes and concentrated my feelings into desperation and a need for strength, come on we needed something to really put this fight back in our favor.

“Digivolution activated… Guilmon digivolve to…” A white light surrounded Guilmon and her body seemed to shatter, her form turned into nothing but lines and I was confused. Had I done it wrong?

Thousands of 0’s and 1’s flowed as the outline of what was once her body stretched and grew taking a new shape, slowly an egg shaped swirl surrounded her and from what little I could see through the swirling lines her flesh started to return to her filling in then new outline until…

“Growlmon Normal Type.” With a final pulse the glowing cleared up and now… now Frizzle was twice her normal size and took one step to squish a Goblimon under a foot where I vaguely saw the flash of a vortex activating.

“Normal Type? Also where was that voice coming from?” It certainly hadn’t come from my Digivice, but it did tell me that Frizzle was now a Growlmon at least. Also wouldn’t Frizzle be a fire… oh… oohhhh no… my dimensional energy.

So did I just cause an unnatural evolution? I mean Growlmon is supposed to be mostly white and grey right with red hair right? I have no idea what I just did, but I hope it was a good thing...

Frizzle took a huge explosion to the face that toppled her.

“Frizzle!” After the smoke cleared up, Frizzle was perfectly fine and already getting up.

If the look in her eyes were telling me anything, she was just enraged by that attack and it showed when she roared what sounded like the move Hyper Voice that shook the whole room and froze every Goblimon for a moment.

"Frizzle...?" I felt myself pushed to the side as Frizzle stomped through where I was and started charging straight for Tankmon in an out of control rage and started to glow as if she were using the bog standard of all normal type Pokémon moves, Tackle.

Tankmon, who had already been blasted backwards through the entrance closed by the Goblimon with the Hyper Voice like attack, was promptly rammed further out into the streets and out of sight by Frizzle.

Dolly barked something and looked as shaken as I felt.

“Yeah… I don’t think Frizzle’s entirely in control of her faculties at the moment either…” My blank statement was met with a disbelieving stare as Dolly held out both her paws to the large hole opened in the entrance of the building leading into the streets. I understood that gesture as ‘You think?’ quite clearly. “Hey, at least she isn’t attack us.”

Dolly dragged her paw down her forehead and barked something while gesturing something small or about something small, oh right… Lit was still on Tankmon wasn’t he. The out of control large lizard monster that used to be Frizzle was now Tankmon’s problem, it was kind of like watching a Charizard or a Dragonite after evolving. I hoped Lit was smart enough to not get squished in that struggle.

Dolly flailed her paws gesturing to all the Goblimon surrounding us and readied her board, I looked across the warehouse to see both Canard and Pom looking as spooked as they held off attackers of their own.


Frizzle just went out of control, so this was just one of those days where another problem was added to the pile. How were we going to deal with Frizzle or Tankmon depending on who won that fight? Not to mention this warehouse with what seems like an endless stream of fresh Goblimon, who were pulling weapons from the nearby crates to continue their assault.

I'm almost rooting for Tankmon, because I really didn't want to fight with Frizzle as she was right now.

I sighed, stood up on my hind legs and the wool on my hooves clamped down on the stone bone.

“I know how you feel, let’s hope Frizzle comes to her senses soon…” Canard held up his hockey stick at the ready.

"Almost done prepping my new weapon Canard, you better not be dying out there when I come out!" Sami stated in a worried tone from Canard's device.


Okay, that… that was actually interesting.

The machinery in the warehouse came alive and the floor started shifting about randomly. The entire floor of the warehouse was made of hidden conveyor belts, not that the intruders noticed that or the traps that were now coming online as they were too busy fighting the Goblimon horde.

They all started to trip up as the floor started shifting in directions randomly underneath them throwing off their balance and my Goblimon started to get in a few good hits here or there from it. What added to the chaos was that boxes and containers were also moving around now, the walls also started glowing slightly.

"Heh heh heh..." I sat down on my throne, that I built out of weapons we made here. Things were going to be far more entertaining than I thought, maybe they'll actually even give me a fight.

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