• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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291. Server City Ransom Pt. 16.

-Outside Fury Clan High School back entrance, Metabee-

“Did you see that?” I wanted to bust some bad mon’s up with my guns and missiles, this Digi-bot was ready for action. “Why aren’t we getting in there to help them?”

“Patience Metabee, we are needed for Etemon and we can’t risk weakening ourselves too much before that fight.” Rokusho stated with his eyes closed and waiting calmly. “We need to hold onto enough strength to perform a fusion evolution.”

Rokusho does know that I’m hardly the patient type right? Looking at him standing there trying to be all cool and silent. Also it looked like Pom’s group just ran across an Ogremon with a revenge tilt to them, because they were going complete psycho ONI mode at the moment with that purple aura.

“You do realize we need to be in sync to do that right? We’ve only done it like… uh… three times.” All three times were under duress and they were sharing a goal when acting as the systems earliest form of defense.

Their coding was brought in from the more Digi-bot specific digital realms to help make sure this particular new digital realm grew and prospered, we were warned this realm was going to wildly experiment and the digital-mecha in the works was interesting to say the least. I’m kind of jealous that Hiandromon got first dibs on the prototypes.

I didn’t mind virus type Digimon, they were a natural and fun part of good digital realms ecosystems in my opinion. Some of them were even nice and quite good conversationalist, it’s not like bad Digi-bots didn’t exist either.

Rokusho and I were meant to be actively using our combat prowess to make sure nothing went as horribly wrong as some of the previous formations of digital realms… like the King Yggdrasil incident that no Digimon or Digi-bot was going to let Yggdrasil.sys live down.

Given the whole Etemon thing going on the western crescent of this strange digital realms continent… well it could be much worse than one Etemon causing some trouble. That was usually just a Tuesday for us, hopefully we wouldn’t run into any Guardromon, Giromon or Hiandromon, those guys were absolute stiffs when it came to order and network rules.

Thank Yggdrasil.sys for actually enforcing the rule about keeping those soulless Machinedramon completely outside as outer defenses to the realms.

At least Rokusho was able to bend rules when it was in our best interest to do so, our new friends wouldn’t have to worry about us even if their presence was moderately disruptive… things would be too boring and stagnant without at least something chaotic happening in any digital realm every once in a while.

Still the Backspace System was something we were going to investigate more closely and we would be having a word with Greymon Expert in the near future, after we were done helping our new friends here that got us out of jam.

-Fury Clan High School, backside entrance area, Etemon Seekers Versus Ogremon-

Pom was laid out on the floor after being blasted back inside by the vastly stronger Ogremon.

Those who were not busy fighting Gawappamon and Shawjamon all looked towards the nearby entrance and flinched when Ogremon crashed through the wall next to another outline of Pom. His glowing purple aura flared, glowing red eyes narrowed and a nasty fang filled grin soon followed.

Frizzle was the first to challenge him, while Sami ran for a nearby pillar. Dolly was heading towards Pom to help her up.

Canard raised his puck pistol and took a stance ready to start firing, fairly aware that Ogremon probably wouldn’t even feel the pucks hitting him in this state.

Ogremon’s focus was squarely on Pom and Frizzle narrowed her eyes, looking between.

With a lunge, Ogremon passed by Frizzle and brought back his left fist and tried to thrust it forward as Pom was getting up, only it was stopped and fired off a Pummel Whack into the ceiling as a chain wrapped around Ogremon’s wrist.

With a heave, Ogremon slammed Frizzle into the floor back first and stomped down on her crushing her into the floor in a painful display of brutality, before lunging after Pom who was up thanks to Dolly.

Pom pushed Dolly away with her left hoof, and brought her right leg up in time to block the bone slamming down on her.

Gritting her teeth as her entire body shuddered and wobbled violently under the blow. With tears in her eyes from using her right leg to block, Pom thrusts her left hoof up into his belly returning the force.

Ogremon basically skidded back half an inch and hardly felt any damage he might have taken from that.

Much to Pom’s surprised he retaliated quickly with a Pummel Whack that she had to dodge by flopping onto her back, ball of purple liquid hit his glowing aura from the right and basically evaporated upon touching his aura.

“Hit him with something a bit more solid Dazzle, like this!” A rocket slammed into Ogremon staggering him for a split second before his bone could crash into the floor where Pom had been. The rocket having been enough time for Pom to get out from under his next attack that shattered the floor tiles digging another hole in the world with his massive fist. “Here’s an idea, hit him hard while he’s focusing his efforts on killing Pom!”

“Can I please not be the live bait?!” Whined Pom as she hopped left and right while moving backwards dodging more Pummel Whack attacks.

“Yeah, if we can hit him with anything he’ll even feel in his current state!” Several pucks fired from Canard’s pistol punctuated the point as the flaming pucks slammed into Ogremon’s digital muscle for very little effect.

Slamming his bone down, Pom was sent flying by the shockwave and bounced off a wall near a set of doors. Quickly getting up, Pom ran through the doors to find out that they led into a lunch room. She glanced around at all the chairs, metal lunch room trays and tables and then looked behind herself. It didn’t seem like the room had been in use for quite a while given the mild layer of dust in the room.

Pom quickly threw herself to the floor as the door was blown off its hinges by the roaring Ogremon who stomped his way through the entrance and focused the entirety his ire on the lambkin as the door hit the far wall.

He stumbled when a bolt of lightning struck him from behind Lit putting his all into it and the end result was only a flicker of Ogremon’s aura from the attack.

Ogremon’s only response was to then he smack a thrown Stone Bone Club into the nearby wall, where it got stuck three fourths of the way impaled as he turned and idly fired a Pummel Whack behind him without looking at the destruction he caused. He focused his attention on the target of his ire and raised his club as he lunged for Pom.

Pom scrambled under the nearby tables and avoided the shockwave from the impact of Ogremon slamming his bone down that sent some of them flying across the lunchroom.

Canard ran into the room grabbed up a chair and then Lunged to break it on Ogremon’s back, actually managing to make him flinch as the chair broke from the impact.

Ogremon retaliated with a backhand from his bone, only for Canard to quickly roll to the side and avoid the flying shockwave that blasted from it.

Dolly was busy struggling to pull the Stone Bone Club from the wall while making sure to keep Ogremon in sight, she was smart enough about not getting anywhere close to the monster personally.

Lit was paying attention to the fight with Gawappamon and Shawjamon just outside. Taking moments to blast away flying discs launched by Gawappamon with electric webs, covering Dazzle helping to get a battered Frizzle back on her feet.

“Frizzle… I know I may still have my hangs ups about my evolution and that you have helped me through some of it, but how can I help return the favor with your evolutionary ability?” Dazzle knew her new evolution had been one way and she was a Salazzle for life and with that knowledge came all the new things that such changes entailed. She was bigger, faster and stronger, all of her offensive ability were much more powerful, aside from Toxic which was only visibly larger.

Frizzle had worked with Dazzle to control her knew form and had been entirely curious that Dazzle was going to be stuck like this for the rest of her life. Frizzle herself had tried to avoid any mention or focus on her personal evolutionary abilities given what happened when she first became a Growlmon, admittedly they could currently use the firepower that beat a tankmon and continued to rampage beyond that. Frizzle was quite scared of her mindless bestial side coming out again.

The expression Dazzle saw made her heart break a bit as Frizzle looked away with her winged ears lowered as the sounds from the lunch room grew ever more destructive.

Inside the lunchroom Pom was breathing roughly and she glue the her wool to the underside of the ridiculously clean table on its side that just absorbed a Pummel Whack that cracked the entirety of the table she was taking cover behind.

Canard was throwing chairs and metal trays at Ogremon to little effect aside from annoying him a bit from focusing down Pom.

Ogremon began charging up some kind of attack with his left fist.

Dolly eventually gave up on trying to wiggle the Stone Bone Club free from the wall and watching what Canard was doing, decided to give a metal tray a try… with as much momentum boosted force as she could put behind it as the table Pom was behind was going to shatter under Ogremon’s next attack.

Dolly kicked off the wall the bone was stuck in brought her skateboard around, bounced off the top of a table with it while leaning down to grab up a tray with her teeth and then slung her board out and around by the strap to go into a spin and build momentum before throwing launching the tray at Ogremon’s back.

Ogremon managed to launch his charged up attack before the tray struck his left thigh and caused it to bruise lightly as it had been moving fast enough to break through his aura.

Dolly focused her sight on the attack as she landed on a chair and Pom was receiving the information in real time.

Pom was wondering curiously why Ogremon aimed the attack to the left of the table, also the shape the attack took was the size of Ogremon’s body and matched his shape entirely and it was pivoting too... which would mean…

Taking in a sharp breathe of air time slowed down as her eyes darted to the left and saw the energy shaped copy of Ogremon slowly moving to punch its left fist forward. Information received from Dolly showed Ogremon was about to bring his club down in the direction she was about to be flushed out into.

The coalescence of a pummel whack from the energy clone made her exhale sharply detach her wool from bracing the table and jump straight up to the ceiling.

Time returned to normal speed as the right end of the table erupted into shattered bits when the shockwave struck it and the pummel whack the quickly disappearing energy clone launched destroyed the wall between the entrance and exit where one would return used trays and dishes in to be cleaned.

Pom was stuck fast to the ceiling and Ogremon looked up at her with glowing eyes, keeping up with her despite being in a Dancing Flame state.

Not only could Ogremon launch flying shockwaves with a swing of his bone, he could now also launch Pummel Whack Clones of himself that could then fire a normal Pummel Whack remotely and even keep up with Pom moving at ludicrous speeds.

With a rightwards twist while holding the bone straight outward, Ogremon swung the bone outwards. Not for Pom, but for Dolly.

Dolly suddenly felt Pom take control of her body and let Pom do it freely, she found herself inhaling sharply and when she exhaled she was leaping to the left and bringing her skateboard around while starting to sparkle with the power of ‘Flow-Motion’ to start grinding along the table.

Pom managed to get Dolly out of the path of the shockwave. When the shockwave did hit, the portion of the table Dolly was on angled upwards and launched her into the air.

Looking towards Ogremon he was in the middle of thrusting his large left fist for Pom’s body.

Pom quickly took control of her body again and continued running along the ceiling to Ogremon’s right as the Pummel Whack ruptured a large portion of the ceiling behind her causing large chunks of it to fall. Dolly had thankfully got her body started on moving and relinquished it back into her control.

Managing to move far enough to avoid the falling from the ceiling, Pom ducked around a pillar and turned to see Dolly catch herself in the air.

Dolly looked to be breathing roughly, she was not capable of handling the taxing stress Dancing Flame could put on one’s body and probably couldn’t do that again without being injured or worse as Pom could feel all of Dolly’s muscles were on fire from being forced into Dancing Flame and ‘Flow-Motion’ by Pom.

Changing her sight to Ogremon slightly, she saw Canard swing a metal for all he was worth as he leapt forward and manage to smash the left side of Ogremon’s face to stagger him. The blow was followed by a high explosive missile to the back by Sami taking cover at another pillar knocking him onto his face.

Ogremon was up a second later and slammed his left fist down in the direction of Canard who was already retreating away as pillars of shockwaves erupted in motion towards him ripping up the floor as it did so.

A ball of fire slammed into a section of the floor ahead of the traveling shockwave of pillars before it could reach Canard as he jumped onto a table and rode it when one last pillar shaped shockwave erupted beneath it kick up that end.

Canard went flying off the table, but he managed to kick off a wall he was launched at to end up behind another pillar and fired a shot into the Ogremon’s left eye, possibly blinding him for a second for all the damage it was doing to the champion.

Among the six pillars, Canard was behind the mid left, Pom was far back right, Dolly was front left from the entrance they came through and Sami was front right. Frizzle and Dazzle were out in the open and staring down Ogremon in the middle of the front pillars out in the open.

Ogremon, whatever was wrong with him, was still going strong with his dark aura as he stood up and hefted his bone on his right shoulder and tilted his head left and right with sharp cracks punctuating the silence as he looked about at where everyone was.

Either Ogremon’s mind was possibly calculating all the positions of his enemies in the lunch room and the fact that he was outnumbered, that or he was possibly excited to be having a proper fight thrown at him what with all the wimps that usually couldn’t get through the Goblimon to take back their stuff he helped steal so someone could actively challenge him.

One thing was for sure, Ogremon direly wanted to fight Pistmon or Moosemon, both of which were busy with Gawappamon and Shawjamon. He raised his massive glowing fist in preparation for an attack and glanced between all those who opposed him.

-Elsewhere, near the schools front entrance, WereGaruru-

Ugh… this guy is tough, high tier champions like Bulkmon are nothing to sneeze at then.

“Abobo is enjoying the fight!” The bulkmon stated while flexing his muscles and glowing with electricity.

“Let’s see how long you enjoy it after this, Mach Punch combo!” I charged forward with clenched fist, making sure to check on Renamon and Bearmon were doing out of the corner of my eyes.

They were handling the Kamemon of King’s Kame just fine, there weren’t any Goblimon around for a cheap shot.

There were a few falcomon coming in from outside to help stop our little invasion. The nearby Commandramon team were taking them down quickly enough and only a handful that could even make it in were greatly injured trying to do so, they were swiftly sent packing not too long afterwards.

“Mach Kick combo!” Lobomon said coming in from the opposite side of Abobo matching my movements, he’s come a long way since he befriended the Skate Park Scamps on Pom’s recommendation to do so. Back when the wolf armored guy used to be a Strabimon, he was so awkward.

Now he became something of a little brother to me and I made sure he knew how to fight.

As such the two of us Werewolf Digimon were going to beat this Abobo guy black and blue together!

Maybe after all this the gangs will leave my skate park and the many innocent Digimon in this city alone, they can have whatever territory nobody cares about. The city was big enough for all of us to begin with, but if some Digimon were going to get too greedy, then they’ll have to deal with us Skate Park Scamps.

-Lunchroom, tense silence, Etemon Seekers Versus Ogremon-

Ogremon continued to pour malevolent energy into his large fist as he glanced about, possibly preparing for a big attack that had the fighters on edge.

Dolly looked up at the top of her head when she felt something hop onto and crawl up her back, Lit nuzzled her and then squeaked.

“Oh dog, is this ever tense… I don’t even think I could take a direct hit from one of the guy’s shockwaves, even with my board blocking the attack.” Dolly readied her board and started sparkling with ‘Flow-Motion’ active, preparing to move at a moment’s notice. She glance over in Sami’s direction while trying to ignore her aching muscles from the Dancing Flame burst Pom did with her body leaving her a bit messed up. “You ready little guy?”

Lit squeaked and sparked a bit with electric energy.

“M-Loader…” Sami stated quietly as she kept her gaze on Ogremon from behind her pillar, planting the nose of her bazooka to the floor so that it reloaded correctly. She was on the front lines and soldier who knew death came at you fast. She would reincarnate for Canard even if she couldn’t remember him, she’d hopefully know instinctively that he was someone quite important to her if she were to be taken out.

Pom near the top of the pillar she was behind started charging a bark blast in her throat.

Dazzle closed fists were glowing with flames and there were licks of flames poking from her mouth. Frizzle had a slightly wild look in her eye, but was keeping her head as her mouth also had flickers of fire coming out with every breath. The two hazard lizards weren’t afraid to be directly in the path of the monster’s gaze.

Canard held his pistol at the ready behind the pillar and was leaning out trying to figure out what he could do against Ogremon. He might not have any abilities in comparison to Lit or the girls, but he was ready to find a way.

“Drop the entire roof on him maybe, is there any other way to disrupt his data? Think Canard, you’ve seen worse than this… more than an entire planet and a few digital realms worth.” Canard Thunderbeak muttered in thought.

It was around this point that Ogremon decided to break the minute long silence and finally show off what he had been charging up for.

“OGRE WHACK!” Raising his fist high up Ogremon slammed it down into the floor and huge shockwave flooded the room send every chair, tray, table and anything else not nailed down flying towards the nearest wall as everyone ducked behind the pillars for safety and they took the brunt of the initial portion of the attack.

The only table that hadn’t flown towards a wall was completely destroyed as Frizzle and Dazzle braced both their bodies against it.

What followed the initial parts was multiple Ogremon’s made of energy began shooting out from Ogremon in all directions.

Pom was the first to realize what Ogremon just did, however Canard was the first to react.

Canard fired his puck pistol two times at the three images coming at him and moved in front of the pillar. Two of the energy blasts shaped like Ogremon winked out of existence without resistance, they were feint attack illusions.

The third blast of energy thrust a punch towards Canard when it got close enough, he simply dove to the side as the pillar behind him had a large chunk taken out of it. He was back behind it a second later and firing pucks at the ceiling.

Pom stopped the illusionary attacks and actual attack with a single wide cone of a Bark Blast.

Lit fire several webs, only stopping one illusion and leaving at least two more and an actual attack incoming.

Dolly, with Lit on her head, charged up the pillar as one of the energy attacks passed by the pillar and aimed for her.

The energy clone fired a Pummel Whack at where Dolly was and damaged the pillar, after wards Dolly carefully slid down and dropped to the floor behind the pillar.

The illusions and attack aimed at Sami were dissipated by a burst from her rifle and the actual attack passed by the pillar to fire a Pummel Whack at her. She immediately hopped up and triggered her bazooka to fire backwards and flew straight up over the attack using the blast to boost her out of the way, took out most of the pillar she had been taking cover behind.

Dazzle slashed both her claws forward lashing out two whips of pure fire to destroy the illusions and slow down the actual attacks which were quickly blown out by a blast from Frizzle before they could launch Pummel Whacks or tackle them personally.

“Can you guys take out these pillars!” Canard was still firing at specific spots on the ceiling as everyone looked his way like he was crazy.

The pillars were kind of the only things that would stand up to Ogremon’s shockwave attacks and they weren’t doing that all too well.

An imaginary lightbulb went off above Pom’s head as she figure out what Canard was asking for and looked towards Ogremon already starting his next attack.

“Sami, Raptor Sparrowmon has arrived, we’re not going to be able to hold them off, but we’ll try to keep their attention.” Sami pulled a device from her combat gear and looked at it.

“Roger that Commandramon Squad, pull out if the fire gets too hot. We’re currently potted lobster as well!” Sami was already moving for the pillar Dolly was taking cover behind to reload and to prepare for what Canard had in mind as she had figured it out not too long after Pom did.

While they were dealing with the first Ogre Whack which was a mixture of all of the attacks Ogremon had, he had already finished charging up another one.

“OGRE WHACK!” The left fist once against slammed the floor, none of them even had much of a chance to retaliate against Ogremon before he managed to launch this attack. The shockwave cracked all the remaining pillars and they again took the brunt of the force.

Unfortunately for both Frizzle and Dazzle, being caught out in the open during the shockwave, slammed into the wall near the entrance to painfully fall into a piles of twisted somewhat broken metal from the chairs and tables that used to be fixtures in the lunchroom.

The follow up illusions and energy ogres were as hard to tell apart, some were aimed in the general direction of Dazzle and Frizzle and angled themselves for Sami, Dolly and Lit’s location or for Canard. The remaining spread out in Pom’s direction

In the midst of this attack Ogremon leapt towards the pillar Pom was on as she dropped from the pillar quickly to avoid several Pummel Whacks launched from the Ogre copies. Ogremon brought his bone around and slammed it into the pillar where Pom’s head was when she reached the floor.

Pom tumbled forward under the attack that caused the sudden complete destruction of the now shattered pillar. She kicked out into rear leg slide between Ogremon’s legs and he immediately turned to slam his fist into the floor half way up his forearm. Pom flexed her wool to launch from the floor before Ogremon’s big fist connected.

Having flipped onto her hooves Pom turned her head and fired a blob of Bark Buster that exploded in a flash of light that blinded Ogremon as he swung out a horizontal pressure wave from the bone in his right hand.

Pom fired two rear wool springs to launch off the floor in a backflip and, while upside down, fired two Thousand Spears from her front hooves that impacted with Ogremon’s chest doing little damage to his body through his aura. Completing her flip she hopped onto the pillar and jumped upwards as Ogremon’s fist tore a chunk out of the pillar with a swing.

While this was happening Canard was clipped by a Pummel Whack from an Ogre clone and knocked to the floor with a pained grunt and his left shoulder was nearly wrenched out of the socket as the pillar he was at was destroyed.

“Dolly, Lit, start digging Frizzle and Dazzle out and get them to moving towards the entrance… Canard set this up at the base of the middle right pillar and then clear out back towards the entrance!” Sami tossed a pair of DCD Bombs with the configuration of a remote detonation device in Canard’s direction, then promptly slapped one on the pillar Lit and Dolly had been using as cover. Taking a moment to breathe, and to make sure she wasn’t overdoing the DCD BOMB program as to cause a disastrous self-destruct, she created another DCD Bomb a bit more carefully and set it up. “I’ll blow the two remaining pillars once Pom is somewhat clear of Ogremon!”


Okay, Ogremon has definitely stepped up his threat level significantly… I ducked and a large section of the pillar behind me was just missing.

I quickly threw a left, right, left into Ogremon’s face, to little or no effect… certainly didn’t stop the glowing red eyes, the scary grin or the whole demented purple aura thing he had going. I would definitely think he was serious about getting revenge if this is what he could do with the several weeks we were separated by the Game Cube.

He retaliated to my pitiful attempts to fend him off by stomping the floor and the shockwave simply knocked me into the air.

His right arm moving to bring his bone about in a swipe, I reflexively inflated my wool, I was sent flailing and spiraling through the air out of control and thankfully enough avoiding a direct his from the bone.

When my flailing led to me being mostly upright I saw a Pummel Whack flying straight for me and deflated my wool to flop onto the floor as the attack struck the ceiling.

“RRAAAGGHHH!” Ogremon leapt towards me and his arms started to blur as he started launching feint attacks and my eyes was having trouble tracking which one was an actual attack.

I quickly backpedaled towards the center of the room inhaled slowly as my lungs burned from all the dodging. Ducking, hopping and shifting out of the way of his frantic attempts to hit me with numerous Pummel Whacks, Ogre Clones that could fire Pummel Whacks at me from the side and various pressure waves from every swing of his bone in his right hand.

“Pom, get out there!” Hearing Sami, I turned and looked behind me as I couldn’t inhale anymore and saw them frantically waving for me to move towards them.

My eyes went to the two remaining pillars and… I exhaled in relief, also I disappeared in a blur back towards the entrance as several Pummel Whacks were coming at me from all sides. To create a small glowing and swirling purple star in the air where I had been standing barely a second ago before I used Dancing Flame to get dodge.

I exhaustedly fell into Canard’s arms and he hefted me up from his crouch and quickly pulled me beyond the doorway.

“Fire in the new hole!” Sami screamed. Two powerful, quite deafening, explosions went off and the entirety of the lunchroom and some rooms above it collapsed inwards towards Ogremon.

It took minute or two for me to get my eyes open again as the dust filtering through the back entrance of the school and I saw a mass of debris had collapsed on Ogremon… I also saw some flare of purple and the massive amount of rubble shifting.

“At best, I think that just slowed him down…” I said wide eyed.

“Well we’ll hopefully have plenty of time to reach Etemon before then!” Canard turned to me to see Moosemon bucking Gawappamon in the head and Pistmon was skidding about currently avoiding getting in close with Shawjamon.

The two evolutions of Kamemon of the King’s Kame gang were badly roughed up and Pistmon looked a bit bad. Moosemon still looked somewhat fresh, then again anything that’s related to the word ‘moose’ were always scary and powerful.

-Streets outside Fury Clan, Commandramon-

I flopped onto the street in pain as I was blasted out of my perch. The screech of the incoming Raptor Sparrowmon chilled me to the bone as they came diving at me with their talons wide open.

Raising my rifle I fired it on full auto and it did little to deter the strong champion digimon, two other Commandramon were focus firing on him and that wasn’t slowing Raptor down as they closed in on me with their six knife like talons aimed right for me.

One Commandramon timed a DCD as Raptor Sparrowmon passed by and the sudden explosion going off in their face shook them slightly, but they were still on a path to shred me. I was about to pull a DCD bomb and go out when Uver leapt forward in front of me and swung around his red carry bag.

I watched with awe as a leaping Black Tailmon Uver slammed his bag up into the Raptor Sparrowmon’s chin and flipped the entire Chrome Digizoid jet bird Digimon backwards to belly flop into the street.

“You okay there soldier, any heavily injured should immediately report to Hea-Gatomon!” Uver carefully helped me up onto my shaky armored feet. “Do you know where the flatbed is Driver?”

“A-Around the corner and out of s-sight.” I muttered shivering at the idea that I was about to be a pile of shredded ones and zeroes a second ago. “Also I think I’m the only currently injured, everyone else is still fighting capable.”

“Good, then you know where Hea-Gatomon is waiting then and are coherent enough to get there on your own, get moving and fixed up while I back up our boys.” Uver stated before he marched forward as Raptor Sparrowmon picked themselves up and screeched, more Avalanche Avians were coming down on them by the second at the call of their gang leader.

I was up and moving as quickly as I could, I wasn’t going to be out of the fight for long if Hea-Gatomon had anything to say about it.

Turning the corner I didn’t see just Hea-Gatomon, I also saw a Labramon… Uver brought in extra combat support? Good, we needed all the help we could get out here!

-Fury Clan High School, back entry hall, Dolly-

“Holy dog… did we seriously collapse several rooms on the guy and he’s still active?!” Horrifying was the word for this, as I saw flashes of purple light coming from the massive amount of rubble again. I think the mass of collapsed building even shifted slightly.

Goodness knows I wouldn’t have survived something like a large portion of building collapsing on me unless I got stuck in a small rigid air pocket or something.

“Yes, which is why we should hurry up and get through the back hall entrance and make sure Etemon doesn’t escape.” Pom answered as we turned to watch Pistmon and Moosemon continued to fight. “He’s likely highly aware that we’re coming and is preparing for a throw down with all the noise we’re making, I mean he can’t still be where the Commandramon said he was at this point right?”

-Currently in the fourth floor Principal’s Office-

Etemon, the monkey suit digimon, continued to sleep in bed and snuggled a plush toy of himself and mumbled once or twice about being the greatest advertisement program ever and accepting an award for being most viral singing sensation of the year.

He quietly rolled over and snuggled into the comfy bed. Nobody else was going to use the High School so he made the place his secret castle.

Despite all the gunfire from the Commandramon team, the various explosions, the excessively loud fighting at the front and back entrances and a portion of the relatively empty school collapsing…

He just continued to sleep through most of it.

-Back entrance hall, Canard-

“You okay Canard?” Sami was checking my shoulder over and flinched when the rubble shifted a purple glow erupted from it for a few seconds.

“Got clipped in the shoulder by a Pummel Whack…” Which seriously hurts. “We should be more worried about Frizzle and Dazzle.

“I’m… still good, I don’t know about Frizzle.” Dazzle looked to a groggy Frizzle as she raised a claw in a sign that she was ‘mostly’ okay. Dazzle was slightly injured, but still strong. “I guess that means she’ll be good in a minute or two…”

I’ve noticed Frizzle being a good bit closer to Dazzle, like how Sami seemed to be fussing over my shoulder injury. It was something I could easily walk off, a direct hit would have been far worse.

What was also noticeable was that our morale was tanking quite badly all around.


Okay so I couldn’t handle a champion like that without being a champion myself… but I really didn’t want to go crazy and lose control again.

It made me feel like a hypocrite with getting Dazzle to feel okay with evolving, when I was currently completely and utterly reluctant to do so when it was sorely needed for the firepower. Ogremon would eventually get out from under all of that eventually and when he does… would I be able keep my head and control my odd Growlmon form?

It made me so tough and powerful. I know forcing an evolution was bad, but not evolving when your friends need you the most and were absolutely in trouble felt even worse.


My new form made taking hits like that shockwave much easier, I’ve been much stronger since the sewers… but I still had my mind.

I heard about what happened to some Pokémon when they change in personality drastically due to evolution, I guess the changes and new size didn’t thankfully go to my head.

Still a bit bruised and I really didn’t contribute much to the fighting Ogremon… I might trade out Toxic for something that can’t be evaporated or blocked, even if it was a signature technique of my people.


Still catching my breath, I checked Dolly’s health and winced at the various aches she had from when I forced the Dancing Flame technique on her.

I owed her a big apology after this.

“I know we’re not exactly doing great, but we’ll get through this, you’ll see!” Very motivational Canard, wish I had your charisma and could actually feel that level of positivity.

“Trust me Canard, things are about to get worse somehow.” Whether Ogremon breaks out from under the rubble or…

Canard was about to say something when a flash occurred and a vortex opened up to plop a large battered purple octopus near the back entrance and Moosemon and Pistmon were still fighting to open a path inwards.

“I’ll just let the Black Widow take care of that Hiandromon then I’ll just go back to my territory… now for some…” The battered purple octopus stated, then turned and saw us. I’m going to guess that the pot covering the octopus’s head meant it was Ultros the Octomon, said octopus had weird teeth poking out from under the pot in an odd manner. I didn’t know if the teeth were natural or not given how weird Digimon generally were. He held a cutlass in one tentacle and was wielding some kind of projectile weapon in another. “Huh… what’s going on here?! Have I died and gone to digital heaven? Oh… ohoho…. OOHHH THE BEAUTIES!”

“Yeah, things just got far worse.” I said flatly as the eyes showing in the broken portions of the pot turned into hearts.

I don’t know why, but some instinct tells me that this Digimon was somehow a pervert far worse than any Wooloo, even Geoff... especially Geoff.

"Hey look, the Stone Bone was blasted straight through the wall from where it was stuck!" Dolly said as she picked up the Stone Bone Club with a wagging tail.

That really didn't even things out universe!

Author's Note:

No excuses, I've just been playing Live A Live and a recently updated Subnautica.

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