• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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275. The Skateboard Scamps.

Author's Note:

Music- Doodle Champion Island Games- Skateboarding Theme

Next page: River City Ransom references.

-???, Oleander-

“So… this egg will hatch into a strange dog creature if you hug it?” I was looking at the person of this strange space fleet we came across in an odd dimension where the personifications of evil called Dark Falz were causing problems.

Darkness wasn’t a hated element… but it wasn’t very good in fighting Dark Falz and the people here use it for other monsters.

“With horns, wings and magical abilities, yes.” The robot behind the counter said.

“Why are you doing this, don’t you think she has enough dogs?” Buttina Stalliona, my traveling bicorn companion, I know for a fact that Pom loves dogs. I don’t think she can actually have enough of them! Sure it might be a bit hard to take care of so many, but I’m sure Pom will appreciate my unique gifts of interdimensional canids that will protect her to the point she’ll never ever be bothered by low class villainy again. “You said she has like ten already, isn’t this a bit much.”

“For my friend, NEVER, MUWHAHAHAHA!” Why did my laughter sound so evil?

“Ollie you’re making me blush, TO THINK PEOPLE THINK I’M THE EVIL ONE!” Fred stated loudly spooking the living robot behind the counter slightly.

“Uh… I know you look and sound a bit… sketchy… but you did save some of my friends on that mission you took and it’s the right amount of meseta at least. Before I give you the egg, would you like to adjust its element focus? You can have lightning, wind, ice, fire, darkness and a popular one for Dark Falz, the element of light.” Hmm… the robot was a bit wary or maybe even leery of Fred. Better not push it.

“Light please, my friend would prefer that element.” Hey it’s not my favorite element, but this was for Pom. After I made my purchase I was holding a black egg with what looked like bright purple flames at the wider bottom end of it, it was of course how the egg was naturally colored. I was also passed a collar with a blue crystal for the puppy to wear eventually and thought of actually acquiring more help traveling around. “Say, how would I go about getting an Auxiliary Assistant Android I’ve heard about around here?”

“I know this might be a bad idea, but…” The robot actually trailed off wondering if he should tell us or not.

It ended with us getting a small bipedal kitty robot that looked like an Abyssinian with black fur, long lustrous purple hair and bright vibrant red eyes. Kityan the bipedal kitty android was born and ready to help us out happily with anything.

-Digital Realm, Server City, Skate Park, Dolly-

Sure I was using this really unique and really weirdly designed, ridiculously fun, skating park as an excuse to get away from my feeling, aside from a little surprise at something Pom didn’t seem to be having any trouble with whoever was causing her to feel suspicious.

With Pom safe and not mentally stressing out too much, I could do some really awesome tricks without worrying about Pom or our strange adventures and live in the moment.

Down the ramp up to the top of the three-fourths pipe and went spinning off the top upside down to flip into a sideways rail grind, then popping off down a half pipe further down and once on the other side of the pipe I performed a nose stall and held it balanced precariously one edge of the halfpipe.

I took a whiff of the fresh air around this park in this very odd world, it was ridiculously clean all things considered… maybe even too clean. Don’t know if this place was odder than my world... well I can’t exactly call it my world, because Pom is my world now.

I took another breathe to relax and try not to suddenly go rushing off into the unknown in the hopes of looking for that one little piece of my little digital brother that may or may not exist. Still not giving up on that, though from what some people say it’s impossible.

Some of the things Pom does are close to impossible. I have magic, but I now know that magic wasn’t everything and using it too much was a costly pain on my skull.

I took another breath and considered trying the twisty DNA shaped thing in the middle of a spiraling ramp leading to the ground, those looked fun. Eh, maybe later, skating parks like this wouldn’t exist in normal places because it would be too hazard to normal people. I’m not normal and I love that.

Ah yeah, this was the stuff, balancing my board perfectly on an edge and close to hurting myself on this wildly designed place. Now into my drop…

I hopped back slapping my front paws on the back of my board. It went flipping backwards as I went flipping forwards while moving backwards. With a few more flips I planted my feet on the board to stop both our spinning, I angled it behind me to slide up the ramp backwards into a sideways grind along the edged using the back of my board, did a kick flip over a gap and then went down another ramp that swept around to the right into the middle of a half pipe after crossing the air a few feet.

Not using my flowing motion, not using my momentum control or anything like that, I just wanted to be all pure skill here. I could very well beat anyone with those abilities in a skateboarding contest, but I’d rather stick to legit natural talent as magic isn’t the answer to everything as I very well know now, but it is the answer to prevent me from taking a bad spill.

I dropped out the other side of the half pipe after traveling down its center and started skating over to Variance.

“Way cool, you sure know how to board!” Variance seemed excited, but it was still kind of hard to look at a three tailed fish dog with goofy claws without expecting a voice nagging us about our health. “I’m not nearly that good yet.”

“Considering how many times you’ve flopped off the front of your board Variance, you should practice simpler stuff before doing anything more advanced like that. This biological here, she knows her stuff… and likely physics, even with how weirdly designed our skate park is. Our park is most certainly not beginner friendly like that upside down rail grind she pulled a few minutes back.” The big wolf himself seemed to be a skateboard critic and he was crossing his arms as he towered over Variance. “You could learn a thing or two from her.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know I’m not exactly the best at skateboarding and she’s a quadruped, but I have big goofy claws that most Digimon seem to end up with. Maybe if I could digivolve into something else that’s better at this… why are all of us Dalmamon so hampered?” Giving Variance a look, I gestured at her with a paw. “It almost feels like the system recreated us and is watching us for something we obviously lack or don’t have that the original did… do you think maybe…”

“That it was a crest, there are some that the system can’t make and they can come out of nowhere.” Coming up to us was a yellow and white fox with a lot of floof over her chest that wore gloves with yin yang symbols on them, I recognize the symbol from watching my brother Deepak meditate and his face kind of looks like one. She also had purple symbols for… I think it was crab? Anyway those were on her knees. “I believe that Yggdrasil.sys is always looking for a particular one that appears with a digital partner and a digi-destined involved in highly dangerous situations. These crests come from out of nowhere, without any warning and even the system doesn’t know how these crests forms, but they are the stuff of legends.”

“There are no legends here, this world started barely a few years* ago. We Dalmamon are barely more capable in combat than a Bokomon is and our progenitor had some rad amazing powers even if he was incapable of digivolving and was more cautious about getting up close and personal despite having more close range combat programs than ranged. The dude was totally accurate with his ranged attacks.” Variance paused for a few seconds to let it sink in that my brother wasn’t a battle happy adrenaline junkie. I would think I know Dormarch better than her. “Before you say anything, even a Neemon can beat a Numemon and they exist to keep Bokomon out of trouble. Well they can beat a numemon if they weren’t half asleep and full on raring for the fight, rookies should be able to be at least some trouble to champions Digimon, we Dalmamon would barely survive other rookies! I don’t know why the system made us or is even humoring us with guardians like that Jijimon, we’re basically useless… at least we don’t have anything to important for so we have a lot of free time. What’s the use of a bunch of ‘search engines’ if you’re not going to have us look around for stuff and coop us up in this city?!”

Yeah, I can kind of feel that, kind of felt cooped up in Camden Town sometimes, but I had good friends to keep me from running off by myself to adventure. Now that I am on an adventure and being Pom’s plucky sidekick, I think my friends back in the world I originated from were some of the best a dog could ever have asked for and then some.

“Calm down Variance, you can be whatever you want within the confines of the city… there really isn’t much beyond it aside from some wild Digimon and they’d eat you alive.” The bipedal fox tried to be placating with raised and Variance growled at her slightly. “Even you’re brother Pickle wants to see what’s in the deep digital sea, but even he knows that he shouldn’t dive into that death pit without being more capable.”

“Couldn’t you train me or at least give me a few attack programs I can use to practice with, I want to be able to do things freely and if I can fight then I wouldn’t have to be stuck in this dead end city with a bunch of… huh?” Variance looked at me and I gave her a smile, she needed to cooldown and I was the dog to do it.

I slowly inhaled as I kept my paw on her and stared at her with a serene grin, she followed my inhale. I slowly exhaled the air I took in and I followed and she did the same. Deepak’s method for stopping panic attacks, he was one of the order keepers in our family and I learned a trick or two from him. After a few repetitions she seemed to have calmed down greatly.

I had stopped her before she said something she regretted.

“Sorry… I was about to say something really bad before… doll face here stopped me.” Sure Variance might not know my name very well, but I’ll take it! I might not know the beings or people they were talking about, but I mostly understood everything else.

Being stuck in Camden Town without many prospects of a future beyond it was something to be expected for me, I still kind of want to do the firefighting dog thing. Being a professional skateboarder would have taken me too far from the family and as I have stated numerous times, being a show dog just wasn’t my scene and skateboarding would have led that way if I went professional. Still when Pom came, I jumped on the opportunity presented to me when we connected.

“Well at least you have a safe life and more time to figure yourself out than I would have ever been given if my situation continued the way it did. Try being stuck in a single building for most of your early life with the threat of being experiment on if you don’t perform well enough or if you do far too well.” Sami walked up to us. “Getting the chance to leave, to see other sights would have been amazing for me at the time if the mortality rate of my people wasn’t above eighty five percent. At least you have a family where most of them died horribly, you have the freedom to run around an entire city and you have a Jijimon. I never got a Jijimon to look out for me, to hold me, to even care about my existence like a good grandfather would, I just got a number and marching orders to a possible early death.”

“What would you know about… oh… a Commandramon…” Variance was about to go off on Sami bringing heat back into her voice, that heat suddenly died an ice cold death as she cringed away from Sami entirely when she turned around and saw the orange Commandramon standing there. “I… I’m… sorry, very sorry.”

It seemed Variance knew what being a Commandramon meant, so she knew something of the story behind Sami. Given what Sami told us, all that stuff about being a surviving soldier is hardcore, but also sad to know that it’s true enough that even she realized she couldn’t beat a Commandramon in having a life with little freedom. Sami had a lot of freedom, she just chooses to bind herself to Canard if what I’m understanding about the situation is right.

“Well now, we could use a distraction… do you have anything?” The fox asked of me and the wolf guy, I pointed at the cubes of light fluttering away in the wind. “That might do-ooooo-… who is that beautiful being…”

The fox looked like they just took a gut punch at first sight of Pom coming through the entrance of the skate park next door to the more natural park.

“I believe that’s a recreated Strabimon, you know Renamon it’d be kind of weird if you had a thing for guys with pants considering you hang out with…” Bipedal wolf guy was quickly elbowed in the gut and he laughed through the sudden pain.

“Not him Weregarururumon… her~…” The fox purred as she looked at Pom front to back dragging the guy into the skate park with her right and her tail started getting faster as she stared. Pom stopped to talk to Dazzle and Lit hanging around the entrance. I did not like the way the fox was looking at Pom. “Never actually seen a Sheepmon that doesn’t put me to sleep by being insanely slow… and she looks so fluffy, rowr-~.”

“Down girl, she looks biological and something tells me she won’t be as interested in you as you are her.” Werewolf guy put a paw on her shoulder and squeezed it firmly. “Also I don’t know what you’re seeing right now, but I’m see something small, scrawny and looks like a few nervous wrecks away from being a completed train crash. Do you really want to run up and introduce yourself so enthusiastically to her?”

“Yes.” The fact that the fox said it with so much want was disturbing, she received quite a few stares.

“I didn’t quite catch her name before she sent doll face off with me to do some skating, but she does look interesting.” Variance seemed to be on the general dog appreciation and attraction level, the fox went straight to highly interested and into something close to love judging from the body language… as for the werewolf, nothing but idle curiosity. “Let’s go introduce ourselves before my brother Pickle sticks a cucumber into our business.”

“You could have phrased that better you know, also Renamon… take it slow or you’re going to be greatly disappointed when she tried to let you down gently.” The werewolf guy had a stable head on his shoulders, I wonder how strong his was in comparison to the surrounding monsters native to this realm.

The other dog like guy Pom dragged, was also another nothing from how dogs normally acted around Pom. From what I could tell from Pom’s interaction with the dog guy with the white seemed totally shy, awkward and like my brother Dante in being moody looking.

Okay what did Werewolf and werepuppy have in common that seems to make them immune to Pom’s magnetism whereas the fox and Variance are looking at her with affection? Was it because they were bipedal… but the fox was bipedal too. Unless she could run around on all fours, but that couldn’t be it hm…

-Several minutes later, Pom-

“So can you help me learn to ride a skateboard?” Sami was asking Weregarurumon for help with learning how to skateboard after watching Dolly and Variance for a bit.

I think I’d rather call the Weregarurumon just plain Garu, because his full species name was a bit of a mouthful.

“I think I can help you find you’re balance, give plenty of tips and maybe help you with a digi-board, so yes.” Garu was like the guru of this skate park and he protected it like it was his territory with a fierceness from anyone who would cause too much trouble. Otherwise he seemed friendly and down to earth, running this place was his favorite activity when he wasn’t patrolling the city for any Digimon possibly committing malicious actions. “It’s up to you to put in the hours and do so far more safely than her, she obviously learned most of her stuff through pain, suffering and life lessons. Broken coding is no fun and those patch casts always itch.”

Garu gestured to Dolly and she nodded that that had happened and she couldn’t deny that.

Sure Garu knew the skate park had some oddities that would make a skate park like this exceedingly dangerous to normal beings to try and skate on if they didn’t know what they were doing, but we weren’t exactly dealing with normal beings here now were we. They were capable of taking nasty spills with less horrible injuries, that and Dolly was a professional at this point in everything but name.

Unlike Hiandromon, this Garu accepted us being here without as much as a single blink for being different, I appreciated that and how he and Strabimon didn’t seem to magnetize to me. Probably didn’t see us as a threat… apparently he was an ultimate type Digimon. One level above champion and above that was mega, mega was where Digimon started getting their deadliest.

It didn’t take long to find out that Chaosdramon was a Mega, Chaosdramon X was a Mega Plus. There weren’t many X Digimon, but what there were was always far more powerful than a Digimon of the same name without the X. Whatever was causing the X had to be taken away or altered in some manner.

Of the most awkward introduction to one of the Server Cities ‘Skateboard Scamps’, the local Digimon skateboarding club, was meeting Renamon for the first time.

“Hi, I’m Pom Lambchop and you are?” My innocent question was met with eh most flustered being I have met, well worse than my first time talking to Tianhuo at least.

“Narenom, beautiful to can you beat so are no one you. I mean it’ll go so pleasantly… ugh sorry, I must be glitching something fierce I swear my data matrix is in order, I’m glad to meet you! Not so much as for it to be awkward… yes… that. It would be quite awkward if I find myself flung tide, tongue tied, I meant to say tongue tied!” The bipedal fox was flustered and tapping her claws together in an adorable manner, blush and her tail was excitedly wagging. She saw me watching her tail and grabbed it to stop it and then grinned at me in a sheepish manner, she cleared her throat, stood up tall with her arms behind her back and tried to take on an air of sophisticated. She was failing horribly. “Can I start over, I’m Renamon… and you’re very pretty and fluffy like a Sheepmon. Did I just say that out loud? Please tell me I just didn’t say that out loud… checking the data of my core matrix running my brain to mouth module. Let’s see here, it says ‘currently set to foot in mouth’? WHY IS THAT EVEN AN OPTION IN MY CODING?!”

I’m sorry for this Renamon, but that made me burst out laughing. Don’t honestly know what the fox saw in me aside from my magnetism, but it must be hitting her harder than my strange aura normally hits canids if she’s this flustered and obviously crushing on me at first sight. It was about as flattering as Geoff was, despite his irksome attempts at trying to make me feel better about my scarred and very average appearance among lambkin otherwise, but she wasn’t very confident and was having a hard time getting words out making it cuter than anything.

Too bad I had to let her down.

“Sorry to do this to you, but… happily married and friend zone.” I said immediately.

Renamon wilted and in a blink was sitting off in a corner of the skate park facing a wall holding her skateboard to her fluffy chest with her tail wrapping around her waist. She was looking quite dejected.

“Still could start a cult in her name… would have to compete with Lillithmon, but I think we could pull it off a victory.” I could barely hear Renamon muttering, that… wasn’t worrisome at all, nope, couldn’t be any less worried about that if I tried.

Okay if I find out where the cult is when it forms, I can stop it before it goes too far. I’m already creeped out by the odd Doggy Messiah stuff popping up randomly, I do not want that getting worse.

“Ouch, could you have been any faster with slapping her in the face with that?” Stated a dry sounding Strabimon. He glanced at Garu and the two sized each other up, then nodded in approval of the other. Canine like attitudes, but I’m glad they aren’t attracted by my canine magnetism. “So where do you get your boards around here?”

“Wow… it’s like she teleported over there, hope she finds someone eventually.” Dazzle mumbled looking sad for the fox. “I like you a lot too, but at least I’m friend zoning myself on principle of several logical reasons as to why I shouldn’t begin to try getting into a relationship and that was before hearing about Tianhuo. I’m just glad to be your friend, like I’m hoping she’ll figure out too eventually. I seriously hope that doesn’t bother you that I still think highly of you, even if you won’t think highly of yourself.”

“Well… that’s interesting and all, but I really don’t see how anyone can compete with the best boarder around here.” Variance gestured to Dolly and she seemed to be thinking about it instead of proclaiming her glory or trying to hog attention. “That being her.”

Dolly gave her a flat look, cleared her throat and I could vaguely hear the peppy tune that was from Dolly’s own heart. It sounded like her theme music even.

“I’m not the best, but hey I try~!” She performed a nose manual and then went into a regular manual before stopping and performing a paw stand on the back of her board with the nose precariously balanced beneath her. “It won’t be a bother to tell you that- I’m not the best~!”

“You seem to be really quite confident, an incredible talent, as we can well see~.” Variance joined in looking confused, probably doesn’t know about Heart Songs or how infectious they were. I wonder if Equus magic would have an effect on this world to…

“I’m not the best~! I’m betting even someone as unskilled as you, can beat me too~!” Dolly pushed down with her paw and her board spun on its nose as she flipped and landed with both her hind legs on the back of her board and managed to maintain balance, incidentally stopping the board spin. “You just need to train your skill and gain some will, then show me a true grinning bright attitude~!”

“I’m not the best~! I’ve got clumsy claws… been through my share of falls~!” Variance said waving her claws while leaning on her skateboard.

“I’m not the best~! How do you think I learned to be this good, it’s not like I had learned in a day~!” Dolly toppled the board onto its right side and kick flipped it onto its wheels with a hop of her hind legs. “I’m not the best~! So what can I say to you, to get you to… understand that talent is about having and finding that brightness-and not being such a big brood~!”

Dolly popped up and did a full three sixty nose grab, landed on the back wheels of her board doing a reverse manual and then popped into a backflip to land. All of that done on flat ground.

“We’re not the best, but hey we can try~.” I watched as Dolly moved next to Variance and popped the front wheels of her board up, then motioned for Variance to do the same and she did it shakily. Dolly motioned at her tail and flicked her tail out straight. “Don’t bother to tell us why- we’re not the best, but we can all have an off day and be in a funky moo-ood~!”

Dolly popped the board up and landed in balance on the front wheels staying quadrupedal the entire time and motioned for Variance to do the same. Variance tried to hop the board onto its front wheels and Dolly quickly veered her board forward and caught Variance before she face planted. Dolly then motioned for her to try again after she did the same back to front wheels hop.

Variance balanced on the back of the board and popped it forward, only she quickly fanned out two of her outer three tails this time and managed to get the board balancing on its nose with a strange balancing act that almost had her face planting. This time she actually avoided it and seemed to have learned something from watching Dolly’s quadrupedal skateboard riding style, because she smiled at Dolly.

“We’re not the best, so what can you learn in a day, anyway~?” Dolly and Variance sang with smiles. “Even if there’s pain coming your way, its okay to get back up and into that groove~!”

I felt something crawling up my back and saw Lit squeaking the cheerful tune Dolly and Variance had been singing to before they trailed off and focused on techniques together.

Dolly would proceed to show tilting a board up onto the edge of its right wheels and then motioned for Variance to copy her in her own way. It took a bit, but I can see Dolly was teaching her balance and was being humble, bright and cheerful. She was trying to focus on her positive attitude and it was infectious to Variance who seemed to be a bit happy to be practicing skate board balancing with Dolly, it’s why Dolly could even move on her hind paws so well when I started teaching her how to fight with her bare paws and her skateboard.

Though the skateboard was an unwieldly weapon, it was Dolly’s and she had effectively made it into her own unique combat style in so many ways… teaching was fun. Both Shanty and Dolly were good students even if they could be a bit rambunctious and easily distracted, they learned by doing well enough and sometimes they need to be told why doing certain things was a good or bad idea.

A calm red lizard with strange markings on their chest and other parts of their body showed up with a skateboard covered in orange and blue flame patterns under their right arm and in their left claw was bread in the shape of the red lizards head with bat wing ears included.

They were slowly chewing through the bread with a small smile as they watched Dolly and Variance practice balancing on their boards in various ways.

Something glowed at the lizard’s hip, they seemed rather chill as they held the bread in their mouth and pulled out… another Digivice?!

It was glowing brightly and they started to wave it around, after a moment they smiled slightly as the glow grew more intense in my direction. They came towards me, then walked right past me and over to Dazzle.

The red lizard with the fan ears went over to sit next to Dazzle to watch the two train, she idly passed the Digivice into Dazzle’s confused claws without so much as a word and lazily broke off a piece of bread for her that hadn’t been in a part of their mouth and offered it.

We hadn’t eaten yet and it had been an hour or two since we left Uver to his business of getting food for us.

“Huh? Hmm… this is really good sweet bread, thank you, I was getting quite hungry and we haven’t eaten since we were going to before we came here.” Having watched Dazzle taste the bread and even enjoy it, the red lizard nodded in appreciation with a satisfied smile then pointed at the device. “Huh, this device like what Dolly and Canard have, why did you give it to… oh…”

Dazzle apparently just passed a strange test as a digi-destined somehow. For a second I thought Pokémon couldn’t be digi-destined when they were already dimensional monster, but it seems like I would be wrong.

“Who are they?” I asked pointed at the Digimon that just showed up lazily and even acted lazily about finding a partner in Dazzle. Seemed like a good match to me.

“That’s a Guilmon, Frizzle is a rather quiet and calm one for her combat capable species. Guilmon are also all absolutely obsessed with bread… anytime a Guilmon comes into existence it becomes a priority for them to focus on how to bake bread first instead of learning how to defend themselves since they are already unnaturally good in battle. That symbol on her chest… it means digital hazard, she can become danger to this realm. It doesn’t mean she will, because Frizzle is the calmest Guilmon I’ve ever seen.” Garu said as he came back with a spare board for Sami to use. “The bread obsession they have comes from the first Guilmon created in another digital realm by a kid that lived in a bakery, that Guilmon went on to be quite a legend among Digimon kind. It’s been kind of hard coded into every Guilmon from then on to love bread and it stems from that one guy. Not that bread is bad for them, it is quite the opposite actually. When you burn as much energy as a Guilmon does daily, it actually helps in the long run for them to always have some bread on claw.”

“This has been a fairly strange day…” It’ll only get stranger than this Strabimon, stick around and you’ll find out by how much.

“Is Renamon going to be okay?” Breaking someone’s heart made me feel pretty bad.

“She’ll be fine…” Garu huffed with his arms crossed and idly rubbing at his right shoulder that wasn’t covered in a shoulder pad. He glance over in Renamon’s direction. “Probably... As a member of the Skateboard Scamps, I am honor bound to try and help her through her feelings.”

“Speaking of feelings, guys, pack it up, we have to get back to where Uver is going to be waiting with the food!”

“Get that skateboard master over there to help you learn how to use that Digi-board, it’s yours Sami.” Garu made a friendly gesture to Sami and started to mosey over towards Renamon. “I’ll go take care of Renamon and get her in a better mood, come on and help me with Renamon will you Variance?”

“Once a member, always a member Frizzle.” Variance said before she picked up her board fell into step with Garu as they made their way over to a sulking Renamon, Frizzle made a lazy gesture of a happy wave to them.

Frizzle came over to us and smiled. With that we gathered up Hea-Gatomon from an absurdly playful pack of Dalmamon and headed back to the slums with me carrying a portrait, wondering how I was safely going to… Uver can transport it back to Ransei and leave it at the guild for me when we see him. If you have a dimensional hopper on hoof who was an expert courier, then get him to do a quick service for you as needed.

-Ten minutes later, less than a slum hideout, Dazzle-

“How…” I asked as we entered the place to find that it has changed entirely, I was now wearing Frizzle's belt with the Digivice thing she gave me.

When we left this room, it looked run down and very much dilapidated for a living space in a slum. I think I’d prefer a slum over the luxury that seemed to have exploded here.

Now the room we shared our lives in looked like a fancy ballroom and I hated the aesthetic on principle of being an escaped princess of the Kingdom of Viperia. I actually wanted to stay in this world, if for no other reason than to stay as far away from Viperia as I could

“I had some spare time to do some remodeling.” The response from Black-Tailmon-Uver led me to believe that these Digimon could be as mysterious and nutty as we Pokémon were at times. “Also made the bedrooms far less ratty since I had time to pick up some beds, mattresses, nightlights and really if you’re going to sleep here… I’m going to make it as comfortable as I can for an old friend that’s saved my backside more than a few times. It’s the least that I owe Sami.”

“This… is a bit much Uver.” Sami stated at the opulence that permeates the entire room along what with the fancy music playing in the background just to express how opulent this all was. “Thank you very much though, so about that food?”

Uver would proceed to pull out a lot of hot food from his small bag as ordered by us, what a truly amazing guy!

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