• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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282. Server City Ransom Pt. 7.

Author's Note:

Well this one took a while to write, I'm not exactly on the ball am I? I've been feeling some melancholy lately.

If anything is wrong with this page, then so be it.

Music: References.

1. Pico - Friday Night Funkin'.

2. Everybody's a Rockstar - Tall Paul.

-Digital Realm, Server City, Night Life District, Tempomon’s Night Club, Canard-

The beat filtering through the building was starting to make my head throb and all the Digimon were at least enjoying themselves and not attack me.

Pom was unconscious, but I think that was out of shock of having caressed a spark into a fireball and subsequently a beam lance of destruction. She looks so innocent and yet was quite dangerous, like Dolly or Lit in the small, cute and capable department.

“Keep close and don’t let Pom out of your sights here.” I grumbled as I stalked forward and looked at all the Digimon dancing and or enjoying themselves in a completely clean manner. “So where do you think we’ll find Tempomon?”

“Where anyone would find him dood!” Prinnymon stated and then pointed towards the empty booth a little bit above the large open hall with lights, a bar and a dance floor. This place seemed pretty nice, if a little bit loud for my tastes and it was probably meant to be that way. “He’ll have to head towards the DJ booth eventually, wouldn’t be called Tempomon if he didn’t love to play music dood!”

I looked to the booth and saw a large robotic bipedal Digimon with a volcano sticking out of his back playing the music currently, he was a mass of mechanical muscle wearing a hat with a V on it.

I believe by description that that had to be…

“Volcamon bringing the beats and warming up the place for my dear friend Tempomon, the Digimon Maestro of this joint! Things are heating up, can I get a yeah?!” Volcamon shouted and several Digimon might not even know what they were yelling about, but they were enthusiastic all the same and Dolly joined in with a howl. “You see, that one gets the enthusiasm that goes on in these places and they look to be bobbing with the beat. They know how to have fun!”

Dolly in particular seemed happy at the recognition and held up a paw and bent her middle digits inwards as she nodded her head to the beat and swayed her held high paw left and right.

“Come on. I see a good place near the entrance, we’ll set up at that booth in the corner.” It was a little unusual to me that nobody questioned us bringing an unconscious Pom in with us.

Maybe it was the fact that Digimon just didn’t understand when there was some oddness around, since they were purely bizarre a lot of time judging by how information gets interpreted around here into strange monsters. What was odd for us was just normal for them really.

We took a seat at the booth and watched as the red Muchomon, their purple colored cousins Penmon and a few Prinnymon were working around the area and would likely be keeping fights from breaking out. Not that they had much trouble with that, most of the Digimon already here seemed quite tame from what I normally deal with and were just having fun.

I personally thought the indoor floor to ceiling several story bouncy castle was a bit much, but who am I to tell the Digimon enjoying themselves that? This place was rather spacious if it had a three floor bouncy house that took up a quarter of the club.

I didn’t expect to see anything raunchy, because Digimon probably didn’t know what raunchy was and I haven’t seen a female duck in hundreds of ‘virtual’ years. When Digimon wanted to make an egg that didn’t naturally or randomly come from the system for Jijimon to raise, two or several Digimon working together would usually form one from combining any excess data and likely had to wait for the system to approve of its existence.

The realm didn’t want to overload it’s systems with too many Digimon for several good and highly obvious reasons, since Digimon are still talking about what started the King Yggdrasil incident.

Shaking my head and taking a seat at the table with the others, I raised my right hand and a waiter shuffled over to us on peg legs.

“Hello and welcome to the Musical Maestros headquarters that is Tempomon’s night club, neutral dealings and fun to be found here dood. I’m quite sure you’re surprised to see that we’re not all penguin Digimon here and we welcome any Digimon as long as they stay within the rules, you got that dood?” The Red Prinnymon stated, she seemed to be the chipper sort. “If you’re wondering and are just seeing a Prinnymon for the first time. Prinnymon is Rookie, Red Prinnymon is champion also known as Blood Prinnymon, King Prinnymon is an Ultimate with a specialty for being immune to almost all forms of small time virus attacks due to a particular protective ‘icepick proof’ coding. The final evolutions Pringermon X is our Mega form and doesn’t explode if thrown dood. Aside from that we can also go anywhere from Muchomon to Daipenmon, that is if we weren’t going to follow the line of Prinnymon based evolutions dood. Only Pringermon X looks entirely different from the rest of us and more mechanical aside from King Prinnymon being green and wearing a crown dood. So what can I get you dood?”

“Would asking for a conversation with Tempomon be too much?” The worst thing I can think to happen around here is a Giromon to come crash the party, those floating sphere shaped ultimates with two arms were terrifying with their grenades and chainsaws. It seemed this realm thankfully didn’t have defenses like those guys, the Machinedramon were basically almost enough to scare any invader off and any bad Digimon here were homegrown.

The only detriment to not having incredible internal defenses is Etemon causing trouble in the city… at least we think he is beyond causing the gangs to form.

“Not really, I’ll get him to talk with you, but be aware he will challenge you… not necessarily to a fight, but he does love to play games dood. Write down some information on this dood.” Red Prinnymon held out a notepad and writing implement to me I signed my name and reason for wanting to talk to Tempomon, she took the pad back and glanced at it. “Yeah, I’ll hand this to him personally dood. Hey, it’s nice to see another Prinnymon around dood!”

Red Prinnymon stuffed the note away in her pouch and waved to the Prinnymon still hanging out with us.

“Right back at you Red Prinnymon dood!” Prinnymon responded with a smiling beak and a waving flipper. “The difference between a red prinnymon and me is the explosive yield when we’re thrown, like the difference between a shrapnel grenade and a ballistic missile dood. However she’s more likely to explode in the direction of the impact after thrown so she’s much safer to be around than me dood.”

“Anything else, food, drink, free hugs or an interesting conversation starter dood?” Red Prinnymon seemed friendly enough, so I looked to Frizzle to see if she wanted anything. Now that I’ve tasted real food again again… I really didn’t want to go back to eating Digital food. Sure digital food was nourishing, but the flavors were always so bizarre… I’m quite tired of knowing exactly what the color purple tastes like. “If hugs, don’t lift me up too far… if you don’t know already Prinnymon explode due to unstable coding in our makeup, some bits of which are Commandramon in nature and that explains a lot about us Prinny dood.”

Digital food, being made purely of information and energy, was an acquired taste in many regards.

“I’m good but the others might want something.” I noted that she didn’t even pay one bit of attention to Pom nor did she seem to care as Dazzle was keeping her in comfortable position in the booths seat. Dolly seemed excited to be here and Lit seemed to match her mood by glowing a bit, all we had to do was wait. “Any of you guys can go do whatever you want, but be careful and don’t leave the club. We also need someone watching Pom and our stuff at all times.”

I saw Frizzle ordered something by writing it down, I’m already suspecting that it’s bread, and passed the pad to Prinnymon to see if he wanted anything and he wrote something down too.

“I don’t mind just sitting here.” Dazzle stated pleasantly, trying not to remind me she was one of the most poisonous things alive from her home realm, I’m certainly glad she wasn’t a Saurian. Terrifying poison aside, she really was as nice as she seemed. “I can watch Pom and anything we leave sitting around here.”

I still had a distaste for lizards, even if I was warming up to three of them. Sami and Dazzle were okay, but I really didn’t know Frizzle much beyond her fighting ability and the whole drug like addiction to bread thing, she doesn’t say anything and keeps mostly to herself.

Lit and Dolly, I was perfectly fine with those two and Pom being around me at all times. Pom should be scarier given what she’s feasibly capable of, but I couldn’t see her as a threat… to me at least.

Dolly put Lit on the table and barked something at Lit and the little electric tick nodded back to her and saluted with a tiny blue leg. I think he was able to understand what Dolly was saying almost as well as Pom does considering he stayed at the table as Dolly left her gear behind. The bone, helmet and skateboard where now bound in the skateboards strap and was wrapped around Pom’s torso while she was still out cold.

Lit sat down and looked about at the dancing colored lights with some wonder.

Having wandered out away from the table seeming to take in and enjoy the beat of the music, Dolly at least recognized that staying within sight is a good idea and was starting to enjoy herself by dancing to the beat of the loud music.

A few minutes later, Red Prinnymon came back with a basket load of sugary baked goods, something that hopefully tasted better than it looked.

-A short time later, Dolly-

Aw yeah, this place was bumping! Even if it was a little loud, at least it was not high pitch enough to cause me serious ear pains.

“Digital entities and anything else, the Digimon himself has entered the building!” At Volcano’s voice, cheering rang out and I stopped dancing about to turn and looked to see who the spotlight was on. “He’s got the face of a botamon, he’s a rhythmic butt kicking capoeira master, he’s a dance instructor and he knows how to carry a beat from nothing to everything, Tempomon is here and he’ll light up the night with games, music and more!”

The guy looked like a biped from my world. Only on continuing to look at this Tempomon did I recognize something weird. The guy was wearing headphones around his neck, he had a blue jacket with a penguin head motif for the hood of it and white pants. Among the other things the guy was wearing clawed boots and fingerless gloves red and yellow, he was covered in something like a cross between black downy feathers and fur judging by his exposed arms and the major thing about him… he had a huge speaker in his torso. That and his face consisted of two yellow eyes beneath the penguin hood and not much else.

“This Tempomon is in the building, nice to see all of you enjoying my place, remember not to come here too often if you have jobs or prior arrangements. Remember that this establishment is clean, otherwise can you enjoy yourselves and care to make some noise?!” Everyone in the building including myself cheered, this guy was hype as he hip hopped in place. Red Prinnymon approached and handed him something and they spoke for a bit. “Thank you for the noise folks, but I’ll be a bit before I start running my sets. DJ Vivid Visualization will take the booth, floor or will come up with something to entertain you eventually, don’t fret folks! I got to see to something first.”

I also realized that he was using a speaker the speaker in his body and not a microphone to talk to the entire room. Tempomon was the guy we came to meet right and he was already heading over to the table.

“Hello, hello, what do we have here, I think I recognize you Castaway Canard the biological that was swallowed alive by a Digimon’s nightmare fuel and lived to tell about it to end up here in the digital realms. Nice to see a sweet chica like that Guilmon here enjoying some sweets, the biologicals are pretty cool too! That little yellow one is so fluffy!”

I hopped on the table and looked under his hood, nope… still don’t see a mouth on him.

“Can you not call me that? Also I’ve been stuck in the digital realms long enough to have worn that out.” Canard huffed and glared at Tempomon as he hopped, skipped and danced in place.

“So what did you need from the leader of the Night Life District? If you’re going to ask me to fight the other gangs I’m too busy holding this territory and making Ogremon sweat just trying to beat me.” This Tempomon guy was moving with the beat and was enjoying himself while talking to Canard. I started bouncing my head with his movements. “The green guy is annoying.”

“You… are… so cool…” I said starry eyed with this guy.

“Little white with black spots or are they dots? I think you’re in awe of just meeting me, you must be a music fan dude.” Glaring at him I barked twice, he patted me on the head tenderly and immediately apologized. “As a correction on my part and for that last word, I apologize dudette.”

I nodded at him and then we turned back to Canard.

“So… I need information, I’ve been stuck in the digital realms for so long and I have finally have a way out and an almost sure way home. Unfortunately the first step on that way home is currently being held by Etemon.” The muscular large bipedal duck that was Canard was taking Tempomon’s peppy, high energy attitude fairly well. “I need to know where he is or more importantly… where he currently isn’t.”

“Ooh… heavy stuff, don’t bring me down like that Castaway. Etemon isn’t here in the Night Life District and he definitely isn’t going near Jijimon’s little slice of heaven what with the Skate Scamps calling an alliance to him. I have an idea that that whack and odd Octomon knows where Etemon is, but I’m not about to give you the information to finding Etemon so freely through him.” That earned Tempomon a frown from Canard. “I also know where Ogremon can be found, guys got Goblimon constantly running all over the place doing small errands and roughing up Digimon for Digi-credits. He keeps stepping on my toes and is most certainly not a good dance partner to have in any respect, guys got two left feet and they are both trying to shove their way up my backside if you catch my meaning.”

“What do you want for that information that can lead me to Etemon?” One could almost feel the mood Canard got from Tempomon in the way his lower eyelids lifted upwards in a smile.

“Well first, I want a free-style rap fight and then a dance off… after that I’ll give you the information you want. I’m in the business of entertainment after all and if someone among you can entertain me tonight while helping me entertain others.” Then Tempomon’s lit up brightly. “That or you can try to take me on in an outright fight, but I’ll be dancing the entire time.”

“No… I’m not suicidal enough to actually fight you, my Digivice reads you as an ultimate level Digimon. At best I can handle low end champions.” That was probably the quickest way Canard could have taken the fire out of Tempomon’s constantly shifting body. “An outright fight with you would end in tears for me, even if you weren’t going to kill me. Also I’m a biological.”

“Aw man… do I have to go to Kangarumon for a good fight anymore? That guy can actually keep up with ultimates and knows how to throw a mean flaming hook.” Tempomon wilted and sat down in the nearest chair to the booth, but kick bouncing his right leg over his left knee to the rhythms Volcano was putting out.

“We came from his gym to end up here, said you’d be showing up soon and he wasn’t wrong.” Canard muttered.

“Like I’d miss a ‘gig’ and ‘a-byte’ of fun!” Tempomon threw his arms up while performing jazz hands with the music.

“Hey, I want to try him!” I can rap and I can dance. If this guy was tougher than Bulkmon, and it was kind of hard to tell from appearances, then fighting him directly was a bad idea as Canard said.

“Hmm… what’s with Dudette here?” Tempomon looked to me.

“User Dolly, do you wish to activate translation function?” Translation function? Oh right, Dormarch did have a hand in teaching other computers and AI’s to understand dogs. Then again those Fetch devices my family played with for a day or so did that too, so it was only a matter of time before that knowledge spread and goodness knows what will happen in my world when people find out that dog has already been translated into a known language.

“YES!” I said wagging tail and pressing my paw to the device at my neck.

“Translating will proceed as soon as you start speaking from… now.” Don’t know who Icky Sis is, but she was obviously connected to these devices and willing to help.

“Okay… woah… that’s new… anyway, I want to take you up on that challenge for a rapping good time and a dance off!” I pointed a digit on my right paw at Tempomon. “You know, if it’ll help you give us that information… also because I want to have fun and can I just say that you’re somehow dripping with cool?”

“Yes, you can say that as my heart is not ice cold and I’ll accept your challenge.” Tempomon considered us all for a moment and then sat up and leaned forward with a cheerful look in his eyes. “Huh… how many of your party has Digivice’s and partners?”

“Between all of us, three Digivices, two Digimon partners, one is in my device which has my partner Sami a Commandramon, another is right there eating her snacks as you’ve noted and is partnered with Dazzle. The last is… well the situation made them impossible to recover with the Digi-tama system, they were partnered to Pom and Dolly here.”

“Yep, I’m Dolly D. Dalmatian. You ready for a throw down Tempomon?” Seeing as I was receiving an eager nod from Tempomon, I jumped from the table. “Then get some microphones out, we’re going to duel with our voices and I’ll be using my actual voice for it.”

“Yo, Volcamon, bring some mikes down here, I got a rap off already ready to go!” Tempomon motioned me forward and I started to pad after him, only to feel someone put a hand on my back.

I stopped and looked up at Canard.

“You sure about this?” Canard asked looking worried, it’s not like I was going to physically fight the guy… still it was nice to know he cared.

I nodded to him and gave him a gesture that I’ve got this, then set out for the dance floor which was quickly cleared of all the Digimon as the Muchomon set up the stage for me and Tempomon to throw down.

“We’re about to have a dissing contest here in a minute folks!” Volcamon stated and tossed two microphones down to Tempomon, he tossed one my way and I caught it in my teeth and spat it out into my left paw and went to standing on my hind legs. Shanty is going to be so upset that she missed hearing this, I just know it. “Tempomon has a strange challenger and they are a small one.”

“She’s a cool little dudette and we’re going to start with our names and then we’ll start insulting each other in tune with the music, how well do you think we’ll do when free styling folks?” Tempomon walked to one side of the floor and stood in the light and turned to point at the other one. “We can dance while we’ll sing too, but that’s not entirely necessary for a rap battle.”

“Icky Sis turn off translation, I won’t need it for this.” I stepped into the spotlight and stared down Tempo across the dance floor from me as we held our microphones.

Volcano put on the music and that’s when Tempo started us off.

“Yeah, I’m Vivi, yeah yeah I’m Vivi, oh~. Yeah I’m okay, yeah yeah I’m ready, let’s go~.” Tempo pointed to me and I started up in a similar manner to him.

“Yeah, I’m Dolly, yeah yeah I’m Dolly, yeah~. Yeah here we go, yeah yeah here we go, bleh~!” I stuck my tongue out at him and then pointed to him with a wink with my right paw.

“Now DJ Vivi’s number one, he’s fancies lots of fun, he knows when he’s already won, now rebut me if you don’t just run.” He belted out as he moved his legs to the beat and he did a split, do I call him DJ Vivi or Tempo?

“If you think I’ll just run, then you don’t know me a ton, you’re squawking like this is done, I’ll show you how to rap on the sun~!” I sang back as I bounced on my hind legs left and right like a boxer and on finishing my rebuttal I twirled and pointed my microphone back at him.

“If you think you can burn me with your cool rhymes then I’m just going to have to say alright, then I’ll just have to drag this rap fight for a time into the long night~.” He did a twirling hand stand and slid on his knees to the center of the floor and hopped up and back while pointing toward me.

“Are you that scared of facing someone in the sun in the long light, I think we know who the coward here is and he’s really quite up-tight~.” I grinned at him as kept my cool and stood there bouncing to the beat and shifting my hips with my right paw firmly planted on my right side as I sang, he flinched as I pointed to him with a glare.

“Ooh…” The Digimon around the room intoned, calling a guy that liked to move loose and free uptight.

Instead of getting angry, Vivi calmed like I did when he held up his microphone.

“They know that I’m king of the night, do you think I’m going to fry~? I’m the glacier that never melts in the light, you’ll soon be frozen over with your last sigh~!” He swayed left and right and held his left arm straight out at me as he sang into the mike in right hand.

“You sing like your king of the kite, the one who’s going to fly~. You can’t freeze volcano’s might, you’re also such a bore that I’ll die~.” I put my right paw to the back of my head and flopped to the floor on my back, then kicked up onto my hind legs and pointed to him. He pointed back and we nodded.

We started to sing at the same time.

“Black and white baby going to cry, do you need to be put to bed for the night~?” Tempomon sang. “Your barely getting by, so why don’t you take the next flight~?”

“Yeah you’re really quite the floppy hopping guy… but your already running away so- I say by-by-by~.” My voice mixed in with his and I finished off.

He paused and I took advantage of it to continue

“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, I’m rocking this tune as you know and don’t doubt~.” I took advantage of his slight confusion and continued. “Now don’t you dare pout, you’re the jester here you dancing lout~.”

“Now you don’t get to kick me out of my club when I’m breaking out the fancy beats alright, now check it because this is almost the end of our fight~.” Vivi gestured at me for to hit him with a good one and was grinning with his eyes because he doesn’t think I could pull one last verse.

“You seriously want to even call this farce a real fight, I’m not the one who was fighting dissed and mentally unarmed all night~!” I dropped my microphone and crossed my paws over my chest as the music ended.

“Who do you think won this rap off? DJ Vivi our Tempomon Musical Maestro.” Volcano stated and held up a hand towards Vivi, he got quite a crowd. “Or this little sassy canine brat, Dolly?”

The roar of the crowd was telling and I grinned at Vivi, I started bowing to all the other Digimon and I saluted Volcano for giving us an awesome beat.

“Rapping isn’t my specialty as much as dancing and physical fighting is. I’ll even give you the fact that you schooled me there.” Vivi stated as he came up to me and I shook his hand with a paw. “Good on you, now let’s see how you do in a dance off where it’s my area of expertise and specialty. Positions… Volcano, music.”

“Everybody’s a rockstar~!” Volcano sang out and started up the electronic beats as Vivi and I started to sway to side to side.

We moved as one tapping and stepping towards each other and look in one another eyes as we danced, he pointed to me to go first.

I turned to gesture to Prinnymon and had a quick translation for some glow sticks to juggle, once he got them and threw them I hopped into position.

I caught two glow sticks and slapped them against the floor lighting them up and start to rhythmically wave them around, then twirled them while twirling myself and tracing paths of light through the air and the dancing colorful lights moving about the dance floor. I was bouncing up and down and left and right, showing joy in my movements as I joyfully hopped about.

Tossing the glow sticks up in the air, I hit the floor on my back and twirled to use my break dance movements to juggle the two glow sticks, using kicks from just my hind paws as I kept my front paws crossed over my chest. Learned this trick from Shanty and some of Pom’s memories of it.

Vivi kept dancing lazily in place and watched me bust a move, until I kicked the two glow sticks high into the air and rolled back onto my hind legs and caught both of them in my paws to go back to twirling them.

Vivi held up his right hand and gestured, I tossed the glow sticks to him and decided to take a break by slowing down my dancing. He flicked the sticks up into the air with the back of his hands and hopped back slightly to go into a squat, was he going to do a Cossack Dance?

He started kicking with the toes of his boots into the glow sticks from the crouch so they arced near each other in the air, almost touching one another as they flipped and passed by over the course of several kicks.

I watch in amazement as Vivi skipped forward with each kick and then went into a handstand and continued to juggle the two glow sticks on his heels. He started dancing with his arms, using them as legs while bouncing the glow sticks from the outer to inner of the three talons claw on each boot and then reversed it.

Balancing both glow sticks on the outer of the three metal talons on his boots he crouched and did a donkey kick straight up, twisted in the air and landed on his feet and twirled as the two glow sticks came down.

“No… way…” The glow sticks were now balanced on the beak of the hood on his jacket, on top of each other as he started doing disco finger dance without the glow sticks so much as shifting on the curved bill of the penguin face hood.

When he started to jitterbug like he was an earthquake and didn’t manage to drop the glow sticks perfectly balanced on his hood.

That was when I knew he had me completely outclassed, this guy was a dancing machine as he was switching into swing dancing and still keeping the two glow sticks balanced.

With a downward tilt of his head, he popped it upwards slightly and one of the glow sticks flew to me as the other one fell into his waiting left hand.

Catching the glow stick in my right paw, I guess we were finishing this in style.

I went into a front left paw hand stand and tossed the stick up and kicked it with my left hind leg, he was bouncing his glow stick off his knees and kicked it straight at me.

I twisted with the impact with my right hind leg and quickly caught and balanced it on my nose and started to shuffle to the left and right all four of my legs into it. Vivi was treating the glow stick I sent back at him like it was a bouncy sack with the way he was bopping it off his shoulders, elbows, wrists and knees while being a pop and locking robot.

Yeah, no way was I going to beat that… still I might want to see if I can trip him up. Charging momentum to my tail as I flicked the glow stick upwards from my nose, I started spinning rapidly and slapped the glow stick with my tail at him.

The glow stick went flying and miraculously, he added it to his pattern without missing a beat and was even managed to match the cymbal hits with each glow stick bounce as he twisted and turned like a pretzel and yet never stopped looking so loose. This guy was a not a knot at dancing and that flexibility was insane.

When the music ended, I wilted as he caught both the glow sticks in his hands his left leg extend to the ceiling and his right leg straight on the floor, he slammed his leg down and waited. Vivi was just staring at me with the haunting blank yellow eyes and seemed to be much taller than he was a second ago.

I bowed my head letting my ears hide the look on my face.

“Looks like the challenger can’t take on DJ Vivid Visualization in a dance off. Still… let’s give a round of applause for the plucky pooch for some really impressive tricks, but even she can’t knock Tempomon off his rhythm!” The cheers were heard throughout the Night Club as I made my way back to the table a bit sullen, I hopped up onto and sat down and whined a little.

Lit was instantly on me and cuddling my neck with all four legs, Dazzle ran a claw up and down back and even Canard patted me on the head.

“You did really good out there Dolly, but I really didn’t expect you to out dance a guy literally programmed with all forms of dance into him.” Canard was being quite placating and if Pom were awake I’m sure she’d agree with that sentiment. “You tried for the team Dolly, we’ll still figure something out.”

“You were awesome out there dood!” Prinnymon threw in his two cents as well waving a flipper at me with a smile on his beak.

Frizzle picked me up in her claws carefully, gently hugged me and then sat me back down on the table before going back to her bread. It said enough that she stopped eating the bread to comfort me.

“Well now I guess it’s time to tell you the information you wanted before I take up my position in the DJ’s Booth.” We all looked at Vivi when he came up to us and dance music was once again started up by Volcano.

“Wha…” He’s still going to give us the information?!

“I never said you had to win the challenges, but you certainly have a competitive spirit and I like that.” Vivi stated with a finger rubbing across his face where a nose would be. “Also, I like that you’re not a sore loser and have good friends willing to comfort you in the case of a loss. Ogremon is in the southeastern slums, his Backspace System is set to send him there so if you can pin him in that location there, he can’t go back to anywhere else. You can get him to talk about Octomon and Octomon can tell you where the boss of the Falcomon is and if you know where they are, you’ll likely find Etemon from there. Give Ogremon a smash in the face for me will you? I’ve got some sets to run here, but… if you plan on staying to listen to a few I’d appreciate your patronage all the same.”

“One last thing then, do you have any smelling salts?” Canard gestured to Pom and Vivi nodded, knowing what I do about the digital world… it’ll be a wakeup call for Pom alright.

-A minute later, Pom-

“Okay… ow… smelling salts are not supposed to smell like that!” I felt like I just took chili peppers up my nose and I had tears in my eyes from it as I walked out of the club passing by the bouncer Daipenmon as I went. Now I wanted popsicles for some reason.

“Welcome to my world, I’ve had to subsist off digital food for quite a while. I know that feeling far too well.” Why were you smirking about it Canard? “Anyway the southeastern slums is our target and we need to look for Ogremon there.”

“You know I had this weird dream where I gently caressed a spark into a fireball and then…” I was quickly cut off by Dolly as we set out and it was quite later out.

“That wasn’t a dream Pom.” Dolly said flatly.

“Oh…” Well exceedingly lethal technique aside, it took forever to build up and I would never have to use it… right? “Can we at least stop by Kangarumon’s Gym to rest for the night and then try the southeastern slums of Server City in the morning?”

“Hmm… I’m okay with that.” That was surprising of Canard, I thought he would be rushing to get out of the digital realms and instead he’s pacing himself. “Don’t look so surprised, I’ve failed to get out of the digital realms several times precisely because I didn’t have patience. Also I think we need to rest after spending most of our evening training at the gym and sitting around Tempomon's Night Club. We need to be ready for the challenges ahead when facing Champion level Digimon head on, especially one known for cheap shots and low blows.”

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