• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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285. Server City Ransom Pt. 10.

-Equus, Seaquestria, underwater throne room, Queen Novo-

I so loved to play music in my spare time, the acoustics underwater were always interesting. Being the goddess of the hippogriffs and sea ponies was exhausting sometimes, but I made sure that the hippogriffs were at least doing marginally better than the griffons. Truthfully the Hippogriffs are thriving and the griffons have been as well as of late thanks to the grouchy griffon Gruff.

The good thing about being underwater all the time is that the pressure builds a strong body, so when I transform into a hippogriff I’m at least several times stronger. It’s been a while since I’ve practiced with my trident, it could also use a good polish.

“Mother, can I ask you a question?” I immediately stopped playing music, put down everything and turned to my daughter with a bright smile.

“Yes my little Skystar?” I always had time for Skystar, always.

I wondered what it was this time. It better not be another clam bake incident, goodness knows my daughter gets into so many accidents and she’s quite hard to protect.

“I really want to know, what is the thing about you and the marmalade?” The moment Skystar uttered those words, I felt my expression flattening out and my eyes going slightly wide. “That is your ‘I so don’t want to talk about this’ face. Don’t tell me I’m old not enough mom, I’m basically an adult and I actually want to do things! Even cousin Silver Stream gets to do stuff on the surface world, she’s even dating this cool griffon named Gallus.”

“Was it Silver Stream who asked you to ask about that?” Okay… it’s okay Novo, don’t panic… it just might be a regicide attempt gone wrong.

“Pinkie Pie, she’s been researching how to make Lambkin smile in her spare time and sent me a letter telling me that you might know something about it.” Oh no… and Skystar is too interested in learning about this.

Definitely not a regicide attempt, I usually like those for the comedy of it all. It’s usually visitors that try that though, never a griffon or sea pony.

Well this won’t end well… but… I guess I really should tell her or sink my affection score with my beloved daughter further than I did when I tried to write off the surface world. Being a goddess of the sea and queen of two races is hard work.

“Well first off I must warn you, the tale will make you see me in a slightly bad light…” My daughter crossed her fins and began staring at me, waiting expectantly for what I’m about to tell her.

“No less weird than knowing what goes on between you and Celestia.” Clearing my throat at the dig to my slight issues with being far too affectionate sometimes, I prepared myself.

“Well it’s like this…” I started.

-Two hours later-

Skystar looked somewhat traumatized.

“So you’re the progenitor of the lambkin?” She said blankly.

“Yes.” I hissed through my teeth. “They were known as Chrysomallus’s back when I was first tending to them.”

“How many am I directly related to?” Skystar was asking the hard questions now.

“Directly? Definitively more than half of them at least, if not all of them. I did transform quite a few outside intelligent creatures into Chrysomallus to help the species not have inbreeding issues.” I answered.

“That’s horrifying! How are we ever going to have enough money to buy enough missed birthday presents for all of them?!” Sometimes my little Skystar made me worry about the things she prioritizes, then again she was learning to effectively be a party pony underwater.

“I don’t think that’s an issue we need to worry about.” I’m fairly sure the lambkin really didn’t care about me missing their birthdays, not since the first seventeen I raised and left on the west side of the continent in what became Meadow Hills, I made sure they knew how to farm and build a civilization before turning them loose after my first son died from old age surrounded by family. My divinity hasn’t caused them great issues thus far, aside from that one lambkin prophet called Cassandra. “Also, aren’t you even a little concerned that I’ve had children before you?”

“Why would I be, the lambkin are still alive and are a… somewhat thriving civilization I guess. So you must have done something right with raising the first batch that they became their own thing right?” Skystar was missing the fact that Lambkin are anxiety riddle, many were hypochondriacs and there’s the whole setting themselves on fire at the drop of a hat thing that disturbs many a psychiatrist. If you could be an effective psychiatrist in Meadow Hills, then you would be a well-known one anywhere else in the world. “Say… could you maybe introduce me to them and do you still know what your ewe form looks like?”

Well… it couldn’t hurt to check up on them, wait… no! Bad Novo, you promised not to baby them like Celestia does with the ponies. The ponies are really, really, exceedingly bad at putting up a fight until the potato chips are put down, her royal guard is the laughing stock of the world and yet their nation is the best known for diplomacy and outstanding amounts of luck when dealing with nigh unstoppable problems like Discord.

“… I take it you want to go to Meadow Hills?” My daughter got starry eyed and started nodding rapidly with a cute begging face.

“Can we go, please-~?” Skystar was trying the cuteness ploy… sadly enough, it was working today.

There’s a reason why lambkin were so good at figuring out shape shifters and I can partially be blamed for the changelings and them interacting quite poorly, not that that was a bad thing back then when the changelings were acting in malice.

Not that I’d ever tell Twilight Sparkle about that… she’d be quite rightfully upset with me for creating her worst headache in the form of Lambkin kind. I wonder what the young goddess of friendship would do to me if she were to find out about that.

Maybe I should invite Jiutian the longma goddess of war, ‘love’ and longevity. Xuanna loved fluffy things and I can use her being there as a scapegoat for my being there.

Later on I’d see how cute my daughter was as a chrysomallus, no I didn’t go on the trip just for that or to see how my erstwhile descendants were doing. I was going to make it a business trip… once I figure out what kind of business I could have with the lambkin and I knew Jiutian wouldn’t say no. Just so long as she doesn’t spook the lambkin, somehow, things ‘should’ be okay.

-Digital Realm, Server City, Ogremon’s Warhouse Warehouse, Pom-

We quickly grouped up after… whatever it was Frizzle just became and basically rammed Tankmon out of the building like an angry bull. The new horns she had certainly helped with that and I’m pretty sure Tankmon was still intact and barely hurt even after that.

“What was that about and why is the floor suddenly trying to move all over the place?!” I asked as I tried to keep a steady hoofing, the floor was shifting underneath us and only us. Dolly was less affected because she could hover and glide as needed with a hop while we fought off our attackers.

The floor wasn’t bothering the Goblimon at all and their fireballs weren’t technically magic, probably information coalesced into the form of fire and this was a world of information so it made some sense. Likely the reason my wool wasn’t doing the golden glowing thing to reflect them.

While the floor was shifting, it wasn’t moving too ridiculously fast and was more of a trotting pace, still one could easily sprain or break an ankle on this floor with how it jarringly shifts so suddenly to spread ones hooves out or push them inwards.

“I may or may not have helped Frizzle evolve… unfortunately she’s gone a little berserk because of what I did to help her.” A slightly upset Dazzle was doing better at keeping her footing with the constant movement of her legs and was blasting fire at the surrounding Goblimon coming at us from all sides. “I don’t think she would almost step on me or ignore me as a friend otherwise, at least she was pointed in the right direction… towards the nearest threat and challenge to her.”

“Thank you for confirming some of my worst fears here.” I ducked and a fireball passed over me, the slightly more advanced fireball throwing Goblimon were at least being smart in staying out of close range with us.

The one’s who couldn’t shoot fireballs were coming at us full tilt while we were having problems staying still or standing, given the floor was actively working against us. It also didn’t help that a huge pit suddenly opened up in the middle of the warehouse and the floor was trying to keep us disoriented as it tried to drag us in that direction if we were close to falling over.

It was certainly moving boxes, shipping container, weapons and other random weapon into the pit and many of those things started dropping from the ceiling at us from some kind of floating disc I couldn’t identify. I hopped back and then had to dart forward and around the crate that just exploded into a pile of wooden clubs with rusty nails and spiked maces.

“We seriously need to think of something to get to Ogremon, this is getting more dangerous by the second!” Canard pulled his puck pistol with his right hand and blasted a Goblimon that was about to chuck a fireball at us and took him out with a puck between the eyes. He quickly brought the hockey stick around in his left in an outward wide swing arc that pushed back several Goblimon and over that were about to lunge at us. “Sami says she has something to help with Tankmon, which will come in handy if Tankmon… or Frizzle… comes back.”

I slapped a Goblimon with the back of my left hoof and swung around my right to slam them across the face with the stone bone and knocked them down, I raised the bone club high in both hooves and slammed it down into them causing them to suction away into a vortex.

The floor under my front left hoof shifted forward and the floor under my rear hooves moved back, I had to hop forward slightly to reset my stance and noted something as I crouched down and slammed my forehead upwards into a Goblimon’s chin as I stood up.

The destroyed walkway that Dazzle had been around, it didn’t have the same problems as the moving floor down here did.

“Dolly, can you create a ramp leading to the walkway above?” I blocked an incoming blade with the bone in my right hoof and Canard slammed his hockey stick down on the Goblimon’s left shoulder with a nasty crunching sound. The Goblimon quickly disappeared and the Digivice on Canard’s belt started to suck the Digi-credits in.

“On it!” Dolly popped into the air to start gliding towards the nearest wall veering around fireballs that started aiming for her and avoided a Goblimon attempting to jump up and swing at her with a blade. Most of the weapons here were of the short ranged variety.

I had to wonder how many Digi-credits these guys had that they could keep coming at us like this. Also we were down a member with Frizzle gone.

This made it quite hard for the four of us to keep up with the Goblimon’s constant numbers, especially with Dolly off to do what I asked of her.

I deflected a spear into the floor with the bone and then reached forward with my left hoof to tug the Goblimon into the path of a fireball that scorched them instead of me, I clubbed the Goblimon I just used as a shield to finish them off.

As I told Shanty once. There is no honor in fighting for your life, only survival!

I aimed my left leg and fired off a Thousand Spear that caused a fireball to violently explode in a Goblimon’s face taking them out. Another Goblimon went down in the same many when a flaming puck passed through their fireball to strike them in the chest as the fireball blew up in their face. It was a good thing that most of these guys weren’t immune to fire. Only the red ones seemed to be fire resilient, they were mostly getting into close combat with us so it didn’t matter if we couldn’t light them up as Dazzle had that covered.

An entire line of Goblimon were blown back and down by a Dragon Pulse from Dazzle, dragon energy wasn’t fire either so the red ones were going down to it. Dazzle looked a little queezy after that dragon shaped blast tore through a number of the local version of pukwudgies. They were coming at us from all sides and we weren’t going anywhere fast, at least we were providing a valiant effort at trying to stay in place and were trying to hold a formation.

Please hurry up Dolly, I don’t know how long we can keep this up.

Canard and I had to keep moving to stay close to Dazzle as the floor shifted again and almost made me fall flat on my face with a misstep, instead I stumbled forward and was almost skewered by a spear. Canard, having taken care of that Goblimon with a thrust of his hockey stick, was equally having problems with keeping his footing unless he tried balancing on one foot.

We were trying to keep them from encroaching on Dazzle who was arcing Flame Bursts into the crowds around us. Some Goblimon separated from said crowd and those Goblimon generally came charging at us with weapons raised, even when fireballs blasting forth from the others at the same time and had a chance of hitting them as much as us. The floor was making it hard to dodge, who designed this place to work like this?!

Oh right Ogremon, the guy that had a dangerous Tankmon waiting for us as soon as we got here, I saw an enlarging shadow beneath me. I instinctively dove to the right and in front of Canard as several tied together spear racks fell upside down into the floor and impaled it slightly.

Trying to get up I took a burn across the right side of my forehead burning the skin and scorching some of my wool.

“Agh!” Okay that stung pretty badly, at least the fireballs weren’t hurting Dazzle when they connected with her. Canard and I on the other hoof have been scorched at least once, but at least we weren’t burning as it almost seemed like they were making a concerted effort to set us on fire.

I tripped when the floor shifted as I put my left hoof down and quickly slung the stone bone up with my right to deflect another spear upwards, gathering wool around my left hoof I broke the Goblimon’s face so hard he immediately disappeared as I used the wool to grab his spear from his grasp.

Reoriented spear in my left hoof and stone bone in my right, I took up a defensive stance on my hind legs.


Canard, Pom and Dazzle were getting hammered and I was having problems getting up to the walkway to actually use Pom’s idea. For some reason I couldn’t run up the wall, even using my claws didn’t help me stick and I could get my skateboard to stick and use momentum to get up it. Mind you I was making the first few attempts with the board on my back to block the fireballs, when I found out my board wouldn’t connect or allow me upwards momentum I decided to turn around and start fending off the Gobs.

Pom, problem, I can’t get up to the catwalk! I think that Sham guy is doing something to the wall to prevent us from climbing up there.

Also the stairs up to the catwalk above were on the far side from the entrance near the throne, probably built that way on purpose so intruders like us couldn’t get to them easily.

This ‘O-Grr’ guy is really annoying. I could get to him by gliding over the pit, but… I’m not nearly stupid enough to fight him alone. Even if I could reach the stairs there are too many Goblimon over there waiting to intercept me, I knew I could get by them but I really didn’t want to be that near that ‘Oggle’ by myself.

Huh? Right, meet you there Pom! I flipped over a fireball and started to boost my momentum to quickly glide along and bounce off the various Goblimon’s heads.


Good, now we just had to fight our way to meeting up with Dolly. Once Dolly, Dazzle and Canard are able to cover one another I’ll jump to the catwalk and make a ramp across that gaping void.

The flying saucer on the ceiling launched a large metal sphere that nearly crushed Canard, until he ran out of its path and it rolled towards the pit and into it before the floor could change its momentum enough to turn it around to come at us.

“Push towards where the destroyed portion of the catwalk is sitting!” I rushed forward and to the left and unleashed a charged bark blast, the explosive force launching from my throat pushed a number of Goblimon out of my path as Dazzle and Canard followed me. I can see where my Bark Blast could be better in some regards to my Bark Buster.

Once we got there I watched as Dolly slid under a bit of railing of the portion of the destroyed catwalk that Tankmon shot down from above. The Goblimon’s weapon bounced and Dolly was leaping out him to smashed him across the face wheels first.

“Okay what are we doing here Pom?” Dolly looked to me as I motioned to Canard and Dazzle to get on the broken pieces of fallen walkway.

“Can you really jump that high?” Canard asked as he realized what I was about to do, he knew I could cling to walls and required a wall kick to get up there previously jumping a good eighteen feet straight up would seem a little unusual to him.

“I’m very lightweight, also alpaca’s are known for this technique. Give me a minute!” I said before spreading my rear hooves out while crouching and then sprung from the floor, before it could trip me up, using my wool to assist my jump. I puffed up my wool before I slammed into the ceiling and waggled my hind legs wildly to float forward and over the walkway.

“We’ll give you more then one if we can!” Canard fired his puck blaster into the regrouping Goblimon from on top of the collapsed walkway, no long being on the floor so that it messed with his ability to stand up straight.

I was now on the upper right walkway of the warehouse and I quickly slashed at the wires holding up the end of the damaged portion of the walkway with the spear in my left hoof.

I got to another two wires making the walkway sag downwards as I moved forward and that’s when I had to hop over a fireball launched by a Goblimon and some of it singed my tail.

They were rushing me on the catwalk to stop me from making a ramp for my friends down on the floor below, friends who basically had their backs to the wall and a good twenty or more Goblimon pressing in on them.

Narrowing my eyes I raised the spear in my left hoof and chucked it forward spearing two of the Goblimon with it and threw the bone so that it curved around and hit the third goblimon behind them.

The third Goblimon stumbled from the stone bone blow to the head and fell over the railing into the yawning void that was the pit as the other two disappeared into vortexes one taking the spear with them.

As the bone was on its way back to me I clawed two more wires and caught the bone in my right hoof as the walkway finally finished tilting and crashed into the floor below creating a ramp up to right side walkway.

“Dazzle first!” Said Canard as fireballs flew across from some goblimon on the other walkway, he fired on them and pushed back the goblimon with several swings of his hockey stick as he backed up towards the ramp.

Dolly hopped up to block a fireball or two for Canard as he made it to the ramp and then she was grinding up the railing to land beside me as Dazzle passed by.

“Keep moving!” Canard didn’t need to tell me twice as I found my hooves and pass the bone to Dolly, ahead of us Dazzle was clearing the walkway with a Dragon Pulse beam tearing through a number of Goblimon along the straight walkway.

Canard was bringing up the rear as we started crossing the walkway to other side.

“Hah, you’re doing better than I thought you would! Move the construction device over to this side Shamamon and get ready for my fight!” Ogremon called out from his throne of weapons. “Also collapse the right side walkway entirely to give them more trouble.”

He said that as we were halfway over the huge void like pit. The entire walkway to the right of the throne started collapsing immediately and tilting to the left towards the pit. I clung to the walkway as it crashed into the floor sideways on both sides of the pit.

Canard and Dazzle were gripping onto the railing, Canard having managed to put up his pistol and had a strong grip on his hockey stick that he place on his back down his shirt using the blade of the stick to keep it in place as he got both hands on the railing to pull himself up.

“You okay down there?” Dolly was on top of the right side of the walkway looked down at us.

“We’re good Dolly, get to the other side and make sure they don’t try to collapse the walkway into the void!” I walked along the walkway sideways towards the other side. Dazzle clambered up and moved along the top and I looked back to Canard. “Are you okay Canard?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Canard pulled himself up and put his boots to the left railing beneath him and was using the railing above to keep himself steady. “You know, it’s weird to see you standing and walking on something sideways like that.”

“Well I’ve honestly seen and felt weirder, don’t know how much weirder this can get for you Canard.” A huge crash was promptly heard as soon as I finished my statement making us both look towards the left side of the warehouse. “I’m used to it at this point.”

We saw Frizzle rolling into the warehouse to end up on her back. Tankmon rolled on through the hole he just made with Frizzle’s much larger body looking a bit battered and he no longer had that aura shield thing. Raising his arms Tankmon unloaded into Frizzle who stood up and covered her face with her claws and started stomping forward lowering the front half of her body down as she did. She grabbed both his arms, her palms stopping his guns from shooting and bit upwards into the bottom of his cannon for a nose before it could fire into her face.

As the two struggled, I shook my head and made for the part of the walkway that was on the other side of the warehouse and dropped to the floor where Dolly and Dazzle were waiting for us and fending off some Goblimon. I turned around and made sure Canard made it across to the other side before turning around and seeing that the Goblimon were less numerous, but still being aggressive as they ever were.

Ogremon was sitting up and taking notice of us, but he has yet to come down from his throne of weapons to attack us. He was watching Tankmon and Frizzle beat on each other with interest, Tankmon had firepower, but Frizzle was both tough and fast.

Speaking of Frizzle being fast and tough, she was stomping on Goblimon, her tail was thrashing them as they tried to help Tankmon and she even snapped up one in her jaws and he thankfully disappeared into a vortex before she chewed them up. It was horrifying to watch her in action as her body seemed to absorb fireballs without flinching or even causing any damage, but the thirty or so Goblimon on the other side of the pit trying to help Tankmon weren’t lasting very long under Frizzle’s violent onslaught.

“Pom, we need you over here, we’ll worry about Frizzle later!” Canard brought my attention back to him kicking a Goblimon over and gunning it in the face with a puck projectile.

“Right…” I quickly turned about and moved forward only for a goblimon to force me onto my back and I quickly raised my hind legs and fired the coiled wool into his backside sending him flying into the pit before he could stab me with his knife.

“Ready, coming out now!” Sami shouted and a second later, she popped out of the Digivice going up into the air and looked around before propping up the tube she was holding onto her shoulder. “Digital Infantry Mechanized Mangler, DIMM-One Bazooka!”

Sami with an orange skin and equally orange star on her helmet grinned and pulled the trigger and the ten or so Goblimon quickly evaporated into an array of quickly disappearing vortexes in a fiery explosion. She slammed the nose of her explosives firing weapon into the ground.

“Program… M-Loader!” A flash and she lifted the weapon back onto her shoulder, she turned and fired it at Tankmon, the rocket toppled Tankmon onto his side. She slapped the nose of her weapon against the ground again. “Woohoo, that works! M-Loader!”

Another flash and she raised it to fire at Ogremon, to our surprised he caught the rocket with his large left hand, looked at it disinterestedly and then calmly flicked it off to the side where it exploded a chunk of the wall.

“Going to need more than gimmicks to deal with me, keep at them boys! Soften them up for me and really get them riled up!” That’s when twenty or so Goblimon jumped down from the left catwalk, the floating saucer came to hover overhead to drop more stuff on us and Goblimon hanging around the right side of the throne charged down the stairs from it at us. More Goblimon came from the doors at the top of the stairs to the left and right that would lead onto the walkways. The one on the right, which was missing its walkway, only had the stairs leading to the throne. “Also try to push them into the pit if you can.”

“Do us a favor and deal with the floating saucer Sami!” Canard, Dolly and I moved forward while Sami and Dazzle took up a backline position behind us.

I mentally noted that our backs was to the gaping void with no bottom in sight, I didn’t even know if there were spikes at the bottom and I didn’t want to find out what would happen if I fell in and I couldn’t climb the walls to get out.

“That flying digital printer? It’ll run out of materials eventually, but it would be a good idea to take care of it if it’s being a big problem I guess. On it commander… woah… can you lend me a little help with it Dazzle!” Sami just dodged a bunch of exploding rubber ducks, with a punk aesthetic to them, which started raining from what she called a digital printer. “Keep them off us and we’ll bring it down in no time! Though you’ll lack fire support in the interim.”

“Right, let’s go!” Canard stated taking forward center and moved to the left and Dolly took the right side.

A sudden explosion knocked me over and Dolly was immediately in front of me. Looking up I saw the saucer taking a hit from Sami’s weapon and it knocked the saucer away from us as it tried to drop a large ball right on top of us. The saucer was then struck by a Dragon Pulse starting to take some damage as the hovering saucer started smoking.

“Pom, you okay?” Dolly asked as she launched the stone bone forward into a Goblimon and caught on the rebound, she kicked up her board to block a fireball for me and landed while tossing the bone out again.

“Yeah, I’m okay Dolly… what happened?” I was a bit disoriented.

“Tank guy is back up and shot at us from behind, even dealing with Frizzle he’s still trying to take us out.” Dolly said glancing across the warehouse towards Frizzle’s fight with Tankmon, I’m actually kind of glad we’re over here and that Frizzle far too busy over there to pay any attention to us. No Goblimon that went near Frizzle lasted more than five seconds in that rampage. “So we’ll have to watch our backs while we’re fighting for our lives from the front. Also I’m sorry that I tempted things to go this pear shape!”

“It was going to do that anyway Dolly, I seriously doubt you were the one that made things worse just by saying things were going alright up to this point!” I got my hooves under me and leapt forward to start slinging magical claws into a group of Goblimon clawing them up and tore through five of them in seconds.

“Still feeling kind of responsible Pom!” Dolly kicked the front of her board down as she hopped up and landed behind it to shield from a fireball and reached out with her left paw to catch the stone bone.

“Blame it on my luck Dolly!” Firing a charged bark blast I sent a group of Goblimon flying and paid attention to my throat was feeling, need to hold back on any more bark attacks for a bit.

“Or mine, I haven’t had very much in getting out of these realms since I got into them!” Canard shouted as he charged into the center of the a group of Goblimon and then swung his hockey stick outwards in a full sweeping circle knocking down a number of them and the ones he didn’t knock down received a hockey puck to the body. Canard stopped firing his gun when it looked like it was turning red. “At this point I’m willing and ready to take just about any reality!”

I leapt up above Canard and the downed Goblimon and fired off a series of Thousand Spears from all four hooves trampling the Goblimon under multiple blasts of coiled wool powered jets, the recoil from repeatedly firing off my coiled wool kept me in the air until I finished hitting them all.

Upon landing beyond Canard I rolled back dodging a stabbing sword and then brought up my right hoof and fired a Thousand Spear, taking out the Goblimon that tried to run me through. That’s when Shamamon came down and the goblimon started gathering, I noticed something…

“How many Goblimon do you think we’ve gone through so far?” I lost count after one hundred and three, counting the ones on the way to the southeastern slums. I blocked a club and wobbled into a devastating counter that knocked the Goblimon into two others.

“Not nearly enough!” Canard answered and he slammed the hockey stick’s blade down on a goblimon skull making it disappear into a vortex where it dropped a small smattering of Digi-credits that sucked up into his Digivice.

I noticed there were less and less credits the more we defeated, they were probably running out them by now what with our Digivices sucking up most of them.

“You’d be right, if you can still deal with Shamamon after all I’ve put you through, then I might entertain a fight to see what you’re here for.” Ogremon announced from his throne with a grin as Shamamon leapt down the stairs and landed on the ground in front of us and raised his club and had five other goblimon with him.

“Now I’ll show you I’m no ordinary Gobli…” He raised his club and was probably about to shield all the Goblimon up and then an explosion rang out.

The flying saucer that Dazzle and Sami were dealing with crashed into Shamanmon’s group and exploded sending a number of vortexes flying everywhere. He certainly disappeared like all the other goblimon when defeated.

“Trick shot, aw yeah!” Looking back at Sami, she and Dazzle slapped their claws against one another in celebration. That left about twenty five or so Goblimon left to deal with, they all charged for us.

I pointed my front two hooves at five of them on the far left and unleashed a burst of alternating Thousand Spears that took them down.

“We’re lighting the lamp!” Canard, wielding the hockey stick in both hand, swung hard and downed another five.

“Pineapple scented explosives!” That was random, but the green colored pineapple Sami tossed smelled nice after it exploded inside a group of unfortunate Goblimon and they were down seven more. “That’s the sweet smell of victory! M-Loader.”

She loaded her bazooka and hefted it to fire another round only for Dazzle to drop a Flame Burst on the group she was aiming for and they were scattered and quickly taken out by a green whirling wind generated by dolly the nearly blew out the rest of the remaining Goblimon into vortexes.

Dolly skated forward leapt up and slung her board around with the strap and smashed the last terrified looking Goblimon with a skateboard to the neck.

“Hmph… so you are going to be troublesome heroes.” A flash happened behind us and I looked away from Ogremon to see where it had come from, it looked like Lit was trying to knock some sense into the rabid Frizzle who was still locked in combat and slowly being whittled down by Tankmon. Tankmon didn’t look good being covered in bite marks, scorch marks, claw marks and had definitely seen better days. Not that Frizzle was any better covered in bleeding holes, explosion marks, looked like she got ran over by Tankmon’s treads at least twice and possibly had broken bones by how she was breathing. “Hey, don’t pay attention to the merc…”

Ogremon leapt for and slammed his bone club against the floor knocking us all over with the shockwave of his landing, I came close to falling into the pit and looked over my shoulder into the void. I quickly scrambled to get onto my hooves and move away from the edge of the pit, Ogremon was both fast and strong.

Dolly even had to glide back to the floor as the shockwave had nearly launched her all the way across the pit.

Okay, now I believe Ogremon probably didn’t fight us because he didn’t see us as much of a threat before now. Now he does and he’s taking us seriously after we’ve already exhausted ourselves somewhat… oh joy.

“Not when you should be paying attention to me after you took out most of my boys, I am the Basher Bullies leader Ogremon and you currently have my full attention!” Ogremon grinned. The two goofy curved tooth tusk sticking out of his upper jaw seemed to be more menacing. The metal spikes lining his shoulder seemed to sharpen and gleam. His horns seemed to gain more prominence darkening as they bracketed his thick grey hair hanging down the middle of his back. His muscles bulged as his left big fist with metal knuckles clenches and his smaller right gauntleted fist held the studded bone club with an impossible to break grip. The skull symbol on his bicep screamed deadly and his shorts looked haphazardly patched together, the belt was nice at least. This green, tall, mass of wild, was the epitome of the word ‘ogre’ and ‘monster’ smashed together. “I don’t have a Leomon to fight and Tempomon isn’t too into a combat rivalry despite my attempts to rile him up, I need someone to push me to my limits, so all of you will possibly have to do! Don’t care for your names or backstory, give me a reason to learn those and come back at you with more force than ever before! I’ll be your worst nightmare for sure eventually. So beat me into the ground so I can rebuild my strength and eventually have my revenge story, for I will personally make you regret my continued existence… WAAAGH!”

Author's Note:

Once again the 'Marmalade' thing has been brought up and is apparently Queen Novo's noodle incident.

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