• Published 9th Aug 2013
  • 1,657 Views, 124 Comments


This is a story about a stallion.

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Story the Seventeenth

The stallion stared into his refrigerator and marveled at just how empty the shelves inside were.

Letting loose a grumble of frustration, he slammed the door closed and turned and opened his pantry door, only to be met by a similar lack of food in there as well.

It was breakfast time, and he was completely out of any food in his house.

And he was starving.

With his stomach slowly digesting itself, the stallion decided very quickly that he needed to go out shopping immediately, even though he had a few hundred things to do before the weekend came to a close.

Gathering up some bits and slinging his saddlebags across his back, the stallion hurried out the door and down the street to the market.

The streets in question were bathed in the morning sunlight and crowded with other ponies of all shapes and sizes, all going about their own days.

If he were not so pressed for time, the stallion would have liked to stop for a moment and admire the mid-morning sky and soak in the hustle and bustle of the city.

But he did not.

Half-galloping and half-walking through the streets, the stallion quickly arrived at the grocery store and practically burst through the doors in his haste, startling the few cashiers there.

Composing himself slightly, the stallion was silently grateful that the store was open so early, and began to walk through the mostly empty aisles, browsing the shelves for any sort of sustenance, all the while tormented by his stomach.

At the end of a few minutes, he walked toward the cashier, his saddlebags bulging with a variety of vegetables and fruits, and oats, cereal, milk, bread, snacks and other assorted goods.

He smiled at the cashier, a young, very bored-looking mare, who merely stared blankly at him, obviously very annoyed at having to work so early.

His smile faltering, the stallion quickly paid for all of his food and left the store, relieved to know that he could finally eat something.

And then he went back home, ate, and continued with his day.

Author's Note:

[This story suggested by Dark Avenger.]