• Published 9th Aug 2013
  • 1,656 Views, 124 Comments


This is a story about a stallion.

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Auxiliary Story E.

The stallion winced as another flash of pain jolted through his upper jaw.

He grimaced and held a hoof to his mouth, silently cursing under his breath.

For the past five or so days now, one of his teeth, for he could not quite tell which one, had been causing him a lot of discomfort.

It had started out innocently enough, just as some minor cold sensitivity, but as time went on, the slight pain in his tooth became a constant, throbbing one.

So much so that it was now having an impact on his daily life, to the point where he had to leave work early because he could not concentrate due to the intense and now persistent aching in his jaw.

That night, he even had to take pain medication just to fall asleep, because it hurt just enough to keep him awake.

Even eating was a sordid affair, as he had to take care to chew all of his food on the other side of his mouth, since any sort of pressure near that tooth would send another spike of pain through his jaw.

And, to top it all off, he had absolutely no idea why his tooth was in such a state, and that was almost just as annoying as the actual pain itself.

The stallion brushed regularly, did not eat much junk food, went to the dentist twice a year, and just generally took good care of his teeth, and, even though he flossed only occasionally, much to the chagrin of his dentist, he felt that that was not a likely reason he was in so much pain right now.

It was utterly mystifying.

He did not know why his tooth was hurting so.

But, he did know that he would have to do something about it very, very soon, because it was now unbearable, even through the medicine he had been taking.

And so, he took the next day off of work and went into the dentist's office in the hopes of getting this issue resolved.

By about noontime, he was done and his tooth no longer hurt, though the entire left side of his face was completely numb and he could not eat anything for a few more hours, as was expected.

With that done, he went back home and relaxed for the remainder of the day.

Author's Note: