• Published 9th Aug 2013
  • 1,656 Views, 124 Comments


This is a story about a stallion.

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Story #33

The stallion woke up early one morning to the sound of his alarm going off.

Still half-asleep, he blindly reached out and, after a few seconds, managed to switch off the shrill alarm, and sat up in bed, sluggishly rubbing his eyes.

A quick glance at the window told him it was barely light out.

He sighed, and wished that he didn’t have to get up at such an offending hour, especially on a weekend, but he simply had too many things to get done to just let the day go by.

With a grunt, he began to get out of bed to start the day, when an intense yawn stopped him

He sat there, on the edge of the bed, for a moment and looked around his room, before finally settling on the clock once more.

It was only two minutes past seven o’clock.

The stallion blinked a few times, yawned again, and just gave up on trying to accomplish anything so early, mentally resigning all the work that needed to be done to some other time.

As he yawned a third time, he fell back into his bed, unceremoniously threw the covers over himself, and quickly went back to sleep.