• Published 9th Aug 2013
  • 1,657 Views, 124 Comments


This is a story about a stallion.

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Auxiliary Story A.

The stallion sighed and opened up one of his kitchen drawers, the one that contained all of his silverware, and began taking it all out to pack it away in a box.

He had been spending practically the entire day, and several of the ones before, packing up his belongings in preparation to move out of his house sometime later that day.

Luckily, he had managed his time wisely, and only had the rest of the kitchen to pack up, utensils, pots, pans, and the like, before the movers arrived to take away all the boxes and furniture.

Finishing up the silverware, the stallion moved on to the next drawer, which contained some miscellaneous items like whisks, spatulas, scissors, and other things he never really used enough to have made buying them worthwhile, and began to put them all away as well.

Less than an hour later, he had managed to cram everything in the kitchen into about three large boxes and one smaller one, and, after taping the final one shut, he took it and pushed it into the corner with the other three, not even bothering to stack them up.

And so, after weeks of planning and preparation, he had finally finished packing up all his possessions, and now all he had to do was to wait a few hours until the movers arrived to haul it all away.

With a satisfied smile, the stallion turned and surveyed the living room, which was filled with stacks of even more cardboard boxes, all sealed shut and ready to be taken to his new home along with all his furniture.

But, as that would not be for a few more hours by his count, he maneuvered around the boxes and fell down onto the couch, both mentally and physically exhausted, and intended to get a small nap in before the moving ponies arrived.

The stallion laid on that couch for a few minutes before falling asleep, staring wistfully at the ceiling, somewhat sad about having to move out and leave the home he had lived in for so long.

He would certainly miss a lot of things about the house, but he had already made peace with it and knew that he had to move on and make new memories, meet new ponies, and make the most of wherever his life took him.

And then he fell asleep.

When he woke sometime later to the sound of the moving ponies knocking on his door, he was well rested and ready to start moving out, or, rather, let the movers move everything out for him and ensure that they didn’t break anything.

He stood and took one last look around at his house, trying to picture how everything had been before he had packed it all away in the boxes that now filled his vision, and then let the movers in to begin their work.

And so, finally, without much hassle, and in a relatively short amount of time, the stallion successfully had moved out of his house, and was left standing alone in the barren living room, the moving ponies already gone.

He simply looked at the room for a second, silently saying goodbye, a slight smile on his lips, before turning out the lights and leaving, closing the door behind him for one last time.

Author's Note:

Hello again, everyone; did you miss me?

Don't expect for this to start up again. I always figured that if I had a particular idea that I needed to write, that I would write it out, but I'm still not going to be actively devoting time to writing this any longer. It is still complete.

I could very well never touch this again after this, but there's an equal chance that I might. We'll both be pleasantly surprised whenever that happens.

But, besides that, the stallion in this particular story is inspired by myself.

I've moved four times since last August, and will be moving a fifth time before this coming August is out.

I will have lived in six different places in a year's time, and I'm just exhausted by it all.

That's exactly what inspired this story about moving, as I wrote it hastily at midnight, edited it a bit that next morning, and then published it a few days later after some more minor tweaks.

Well, as we may never see this story update again, so goodbye again, everyone.