• Published 9th Aug 2013
  • 1,657 Views, 124 Comments


This is a story about a stallion.

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Story No. 20

The stallion took a deep breath and shook his head some, trying very hard to overcome the nervousness and anxiety that he was feeling.

He turned and looked for what must have been the hundredth time that day at the mare that worked in the cubicle next to him, with whom he was absolutely smitten with and had been for quite some time.

It was currently five minutes until the end of the last day of the week, and the stallion had made a promise to both himself and to his friends that he would ask the mare out sometime during the week, and now, after continually putting it off the previous days, it was his last chance to keep his word.

So now, he waited through the remaining minutes anxiously, still trying to drum up the guts to do what needed to be done, and then, just like that, as the clock seemed to move much faster than normal, it was the end of the day.

He stood up abruptly, causing what he felt was a loud noise, though no one really paid any attention, and stood at his cubicle, shaking slightly, while everypony else got up from their desks in a calm, everyday fashion and began to pack up whatever belongings they needed, which the stallion, having forgotten to, did so as well.

Soon enough, most everypony, the stallion and the mare included, was walking out, some chatting amongst themselves, some just intent on getting home.

Only a few steps behind the mare, the stallion opened his mouth, her name on the tip of his tongue, ready to call out to her, to get her attention, so that he could express his interest in maybe going out on a date with her, sometime.

And then he closed his mouth.

He couldn’t go through with it, his nerves getting the better of him, and he stared at the back of the mare’s head and watched as she kept walking, completely unaware of the stallion’s presence.

And the mare continued to walk away, right out of the doors, and then in the complete opposite direction that the stallion had to take to go home, and, even as she turned a corner and disappeared from view, he never once spoke up and got her attention.

Disappointed and angry with himself, the stallion walked back to his own home in silence, mentally berating himself for not talking to her.

And, once home, he spent the rest of the day upset, and wistfully imagining a scenario where he had actually said something, and he and the mare had ended up going on a date and had hit it off great.

Then he went to bed.