• Published 9th Aug 2013
  • 1,656 Views, 124 Comments


This is a story about a stallion.

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Story #42

The light in the ceiling overhead was flickering, which made reading his daily newspaper more difficult than it should have.

The stallion sighed and set aside his paper, glancing up at the light bulb with the slightest exasperation.

He got up from his chair, which he had just gotten comfortable in, and trotted into his kitchen, taking care to turn off the light switch for the troublesome bulb as he passed.

In the kitchen, he opened the cabinet that contained his replacement bulbs, and an assortment of other miscellaneous objects, and fished out a brand new light bulb.

He carried it back over to the living room and set it down on his chair to await its new life of providing light.

The stallion’s horn flared to life and he gently unscrewed the broken bulb above with his magic, silently glad that he was a unicorn and did not have to climb up and remove it manually.

He placed the bad bulb down and scooped up the new one, screwing it in with no trouble at all.

Nodding in affirmation, he crossed the room again and flicked on the switch, and the light snapped on and stayed on without any sort of flickering.

Smiling at a job well done, the stallion threw the old bulb in the trash and went back to reading the newspaper.