• Published 9th Aug 2013
  • 1,657 Views, 124 Comments


This is a story about a stallion.

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Story No. 29

The stallion had finished his shower and was about to leave the bathroom when something rather concerning caught his eye in the mirror.

He stopped, returned to the mirror, and studied his body, noting that he seemed a bit…heftier than he seemed to remember, especially around the middle.

Experimentally, he poked at his stomach and grimaced as his hoof sunk in more than it should have.

He swore under his breath and looked at himself again, taking a moment to process the fact that he had gained some weight, simultaneously wondering just how it had happened and how he had not noticed it before.

How exactly he had put on weight, the stallion could not understand, considering he had not been eating any differently, as far as he could recall, and was still maintaining the same level of activity.

But the fact of the matter remained, that he was getting fat, and he needed to begin doing something about that.

The stallion made a resolution right then and there that he would do his best to eat healthier and to start working out some, and with that in mind, immediately went to go fix himself a healthy, nutritious breakfast.

But, as time went on, he grew more and more lax with his new, beneficial lifestyle, and after only two or so months, he had stopped exercising completely, and had returned to eating the foods he was accustomed to.

And, though he ultimately did not lose much weight, the stallion did not gain any either, and with that, he was perfectly content.