• Published 9th Aug 2013
  • 1,657 Views, 124 Comments


This is a story about a stallion.

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Story No. 37

The stallion sat at his desk one night, head propped in his hooves, staring forlornly at the spread of bills and bank statements covering his desk.

He sighed and ran through the numbers for the umpteenth time, only to come to the same conclusion he had been coming to.

There was no more money left.

He could hardly believe it, but there was just no possible way he could pay his bills, loans, and other expenses without going bankrupt.

Cursing under his breath, he slumped further down in his chair and rubbed his eyes, completely at a loss as to what to do.

Taking another loan out was out of the question, he knew that much, as was finding another job in time.

Feeling a mix of dread and anxiety set in, the stallion got up from his desk and paced around his small apartment nervously, running over possible solutions in his head.

But there was just no conceivable way he could come up with the bits he needed.

And that was when it hit him.

He went over to the hall closet and opened the door.

Up on the top shelf was a lone, unassuming box, inside of which was what remained of his parent’s belongings and heirlooms.

The stallion got the box down and hesitantly opened it.

Inside was everything his parent had left him after they had both passed away.

He looked at it for a moment and sighed.

There were certainly enough valuables there that he could probably get fair amount of bits for them if he were to sell them at a pawn shop, but the stallion was uncertain about the idea.

Was he really so desperate that he was willing to pawn off his parent’s belongings just for some quick cash?

After some thought, the stallion put the box back in the closet and turned away, deciding that his parent’s few remaining possessions was simply not worth it.

At the very least, he would try and find some other source of money before resorting to that.

He then went to bed, and the next day, he managed to scrounge up some other money from various places, and got by just a little bit longer.