• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 7,282 Views, 276 Comments

The Adventures of Charm Feather, In Just Me, and possibly her Chronicles. - R-A-B-G

what would you do if Sheogorath Comes threw your TV, or what if you suddenly lost your previous gender and age, or suddenly have to take care of a little filly? probably best see what I had to do.

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Prologue: The journey forth to tomorrow [Rewritten]


Edit by FordPrefect

A man wearing an adept's mage robe, a fully packed satchel and scrolls hung loosely around his belt looked down at all of Skyrim. He shivered and pulled his arms across his chest to conserve body heat because of the freezing temperatures. Sensing his friend’s presence behind him he looked over his shoulder and saw her marching up the slope, clad in a heavy winter cloak and armor.

“Good evening Leona, do you have the scroll?” The man said as he looked back at the captivating view of the land below.

“Yes,” Leona said simply while pulling the elder scroll out of her pack in all of its glory.

“That’s good.” I hardly looked at it, I rather stared off in the distance.

“Are you sure you want to go? I mean you could stay at my place if you want. Divines know that dusty and cold college you been living in these past few years isn’t a great place to live in.” She said, managing to get him to chuckle at her joke, encouraging her.

“I’m sorry, really I am, but you know I cannot stay.”

“I know.” She said, her hopes were crushed causing me to cringe at my rather monotone response.

Looking over Skyrim one last time, he starts thinking about how he first came to be here.

oOo Begin Flashback oOo

It was a rather warm day, the sun was shining, birds were singing and the wind blew just enough to cause the trees to pleasantly wave in the breeze. Cars practically raced down the highways, people rushing to and fro across town, kids roared in laughter as they played outside and this was all ignored by one guy who was still asleep.

Knock... Knock... Knock

“Argh... wha?” I grunted out half asleep, after hearing the sound of my door being knocked again I became alert enough to answer the door. I stood up from my bed, clad in my typical t-shirt and shorts, bed hair and morning breath. My name is Zechariah or just Zach to my close friends. Normally I don’t sleep in but I must've if someone was trying to wake me up. I got up and opened my door to see mom on the other side. While yawning, I said, “Morning, what’s up?”

“Morning? It’s around noon.”

“Ergh” I grunted out, feeling rather sheepish about waking up so late. “Sorry, guess I stayed up too late. So what’s happening?”

“Your dad and I are heading out to the cottage, if you’re interested you can come as well.” She said with a smile.

“Hum...” I pondered my options. “Nah, I think I’ll stay behind.” I didn't feel like going out on a hike today, besides I need to catch up on some gaming.

“Oh.” Mom said with a bit of a frown, “Alright then, you have a nice day. We're heading out right now then. So we will see you later.” She joined dad and they got their shoes and jackets and left the house.

Feeling some relief at being alone, I turned back to my room and turned on my Xbox. Feeling the need for adventure, I put Skyrim in and started the game with a new character in mind.

“I feel like trying to be an imperial for once.” I muttered while waiting through the loading screen. I've been all the other races after all. Then something different happened, normally the cut scene involves you riding in a cart with some other prisoners being taken to the executioner's block. This time, it showed me unconscious in the back of the cart not character me, but freaking real life me in my shirt and pants that I' am wearing right now me! ‘... What?’ was my only thought on the matter as I watched on.

*Huff* “Dammit I was too late!” I hear a female voice say which had sounded as if she had been running all day and was beet tired.

“Crap, crap, crap this just had to happen!” The scene then moves further out as if it was some kind of movie done on youtube. I see a brunette woman in ragged and worn out clothing, she is slightly dirty as mud coated her cloths and face, she seemed very exhausted as she leaned onto a tree for support. She stared at the 'me’ in the cart with sorrow and anger. “Way to go Leona,” she whispers to herself my TV picking up her voice clear as day, also helpful subtitles at the bottom. “You got an innocent involved.”

This is some freaky stuff happening right in front of me, 'was I hacked?' I wasn't even plugged into the internet on my Xbox how is that possible? What the hell is going on? Then right before my disbelieving eyes something emerges from the bottom of the screen, a hand had appeared! Startled beyond reason, I stood up because of all the freakishness occurring with the TV. "Nope! not happening!" I seen much to my regret horror films with such a motive as what was happening here.

When the whole arm up to the elbow was out a light rushes out at me from the hand and before I realize what was happening I was paralyzed! All my body couldn't move anymore I couldn't even wiggle my toes as I had fallen helplessly back onto my chair. Helpless and couldn't do anything I had watched as more of the arm came through the screen, soon followed by a head. I recognized at once who it was that was before me. “Sheogorath.” I was rather stunned, as it’s not everyday that you see the Daedric Prince of madness coming out of your television or learn magic is real pretty much at the same time.

“Hero!” Sheogorath said cheerfully as his eyes gleam in mischievous glee. “It has been too long my friend!” He laughs as he pulls an arm to help support his body, still trying to come out of the TV. “Say I haven’t seen you since you helped me in the Shivering Isles! Of course now you are doing stuff in Skyrim I see!” He said as he struggled to get his torso out rather comically however, like a cartoon character of sorts, it was rather weird.

“Now you might be wondering, ‘whys my good ol’pal Shery doing here?’ Why, I am here to take you away from this boring and dull of a life you have here. Yah know, as a reward for helping me!” He said while fully coming out of the TV to stand before my paralyzed and prone state. “I am going to take you out on an adventure to better yourself across space and time!” He said with a pose with one arm on his chest and the other holding the Wabbajack was pointed towards the ceiling. “Though I’m pretty sure I’ll forget about the whole thing afterwards.” He said with fake pondering. “Oh well where to start off... hum... Oh! I know how about Skyrim! Eh? Ah hah ah ha!” He laughs with a wink as he gestures to the screen behind him, as just as suddenly as his appearance he disappears in an explosion of flowers and butterflies.

They had surged towards me and sudden I had control of my body again. I only managed to gasp as my mouth was filled with the insects my muffled screaming could be heard from the mass as I was swarmed.

Before I start thrashing in sheer panic at the creepy crawlies in my mouth, I had suddenly found myself outside in a small cave on the side of a cliff near the bottom. Gasping for breath and holding my throat I coughed loudly as some brightly colored butterfly's leaps out of my mouth causing me to gasp again as I covered my mouth to prevent it from trying to get back inside. After making sure nothing is suddenly going to crawl down my throat again I dusted myself off and made my way outside of the cave and looked up. There in the sky were twin moons and the most colorful northern lights I had ever seen. I gaped at the sheer fact that I was here ... Then I proceed to freaked the fuck out. “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! H-how is this? I don’t... wha? But... I... I... bwah? Deus ex FUCKING MACHINA!” I screamed out to the sky, then with sudden clarity I was stricken by the sheer fact that it was very cold outside. “... Ok... Ok calm down! Calm down!!” I yelled as I placed my arms around my chest to conserve the little bit of body heat I had. The sight of Skyrim and the cold air proved that this was real! Sheogorath had brought me here for shits and giggles! If I had known this was going to happen I would had avoided all the games containing him, like they were the mafia that wanted to break my knee caps for owing them money!

I sighed in relief as I reached a road. At least I had a direction to go to, at the split of the roads I see a sign that points the way to... Helgen... and other places but knowing my luck I am about to...

Before I could complete my thought I was tackled to the ground, flipped a few times and was completely disorientated and bruised. I found myself on top of a woman with my hand groping a feel. Yep, I'm going to die here, were my grim thoughts of manga and anime enter my mind about such scenario. managing to wiggle my face out of the chest of the woman I looked up to see a rather pretty face of a woman with brown hair and brown eyes, her face was kind of rough and serious but she seems like a nice person, but still my involuntary squeeze of her chest got a reaction from her... and me, I soon realize even further the kind of shit I was in right now I had just feel her up again!

Her eyes sharpen as the blush increased and her face formed a scowl. But before I could cry, “not the face!” An arrow landed next to us. It was a rather unassuming thing you normally don't see back home, I had seen plastic ones with bright colored shafts, but this was a wooden one with feathered tail end. I couldn't see what the arrow head was made of due to being embedded into the ground. But the message was clear. If you don't want to end up like Dr Rodney McKay you better run boy. With such a crystal clear message we both stood up but I found myself shoved off by the woman as she had dashed off faster then I could follow as I stumbled and tripped back onto the ground. My brain still reeling from that, I got up from my prone position and found myself surrounded by the imperial guard. Something hit me in the back of the head and I was out like a light.

oOo End flashback oOo

Zach thought of his time in Skyrim. Although he wasn’t the dragonborn, he had experienced the dragon razing Helgen to the ground. Leona had saved him from that fiery death by dragging his butt out of the executioner's court then though the tunnels full of spiders and bears, before that it was full of Stormcloaks and Imperials all mistaking them both as one or the other. That was the most terrifying moment in his entire life, besides Sheogorath in the flesh of coarse. Luckily, the dragonborn, being Leona, had killed Alduin The World Eater in the following months. It had ended his reign of terror of the skies and brought a temporary and uneasy truce between the Stormcloaks and the Empire.

While he wasn't part of it due to his inexperience Zach had spent this and years after at the College of Winterhold, studying alteration, enchanting, conjuration, and alchemy or going on misadventures with Leona across Skyrim. Leona had paid for his admittance to the college to help him start out in Skyrim. However being uneasy with this arrangement had made him seek odd jobs to earn coin to repay her.

Now in his mid twenties, Zach had become rather renowned for his revolutionary theories of soul gem batteries and spell relays. Which was pretty much a rediscovery that while known, wasn't understood by the minds of the era. While studying the mysteries of magic, he continued his search of rumors and spells for leaving this world to return to his own. While he admit it was fun being with Leona he was sick of being in a world so filled with violence. The truce between the Legion and the Stormcloaks hadn't lasted and the war had started up soon. The fighting was still happening however the Empire is winning as the Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak had died in battle by Leona's blade.

Zechariah, was now a an Adept Mage of the College of Winterhold now, he had learn some magical secrets he just knew he was going to abuse the fuck out of when he gets home, I mean who wouldn't want to use telekinesis for everything? or the key to extended life? Over all he couldn't wait to get home, the adventure here was wonderful, and the friends he had made had kept him company. But overlooked the whole of Skyrim from the top of the Throat of the World, the realization came to him from the tallest point of the mountain. This wasn't his home... He had always held hope of returning home to his parents. his family. If this doesn't work here he would remain and make a life here, or anywhere really. It was rather cold here but being from the north did helped as he was used to winters, not this cold however, but still used to it. Shaking off the topic he turned to Paarthurnax who stood still nearby on his perch on the word wall, with his impressive stature looming down over him as he views Skyrim one last time. Next to Paarthurnax, Leona stood idle with the elder scroll in her hands with a sad smile, for this was hopefully their last goodbye.

Sighing fondly of old memories, Zach turned around to Leona. She gave him a hug and punched him in the arm, giving a small smile while some tears rolled down her face. Returning her sad smile with his own, Zach mouthed. “Thank you,” as nothing else was needed to be said anymore. Looking down at the scrolls in his arms he opened them and with their complicated godlike magics and with assistance of Paarthurnax the world zoomed away and Zach went through time in space, hoping of home.

In a Universe far, far away....

Princess Celestia was having her afternoon tea, awaiting on her student to arrive. She was relaxing from the morning politics, which mostly consisted her saying no to various greedy nobles wanting bits. While tea and biscuits are nice, she couldn't get rid of her melancholy that morning. She had remembered her sister during morning court and even though it had been over nine hundred years, she still deeply missed her. Her thoughts of sad remembrance were cut off as a filly came running into the chamber.

“Princess, princess!” The little purple ball of adorable fluffiness came running into the room with an eager grin. “I'm ready for my lesson!” Her antics making Princess Celestia to giggle into her hoof.

“Alright Twilight, today you will learn a bit about history.” Celestia said with a smile.

Then with a sudden jolt, Princess Celestia stood up. A ripple of a magic she had little exposure to had flowed through the ether, startling her. She tried to pinpoint where it had come from but it had dispersed far too quickly to locate. Celestia would had admit it to to any who ask, but she isn't a god of any kind, she and her sister had stumbled onto immortality by mistake, anything they do not know is a potential danger for the future. However after her sisters banishment, one who had looked after some of the things she herself were to busy to handle being gone had left her in the dark for some time now.

It wasn't a rare thing that something she normally left to her sister had acted up and caused havoc on the countryside before the army could deal with it.

Like now, a magic her sister normally handles. Creation magic the source to everything in creation. Celestia had always been the political of the two it was her sister who had handled the magical, doesn't mean she was no slouch in that area however, she had always been the better teacher then her sister ever was.

But creation magic was a whole field she herself does not know fully, she does know it's what allows her to raise the celestial bodies and fuels her immortality, it was also the fundamental power in Star Swirls time magic. But how it works or what causes it is unknown to her, and there was a sudden burst of the thing caused by something else she isn't familiar to.

“Princess?” Twilight Sparkle asked, with a tilt of her head, staring curiously at Celestia.

Sighing, 'nothing I cannot do however.' Creation magic isn't used for evil that much, it could be a filly who has a talent for it had just gotten her cutie mark in the field it isn't anything new to her as it had happened before. Heck technicality she has a cutie mark in the field, but only in the area that it allows her to raise the sun. However this was something she can deal with for the future.

So Celestia let the matter drop and would keep a eye open for any who would have any creation magical talent out there. Who knows, they could revolutionize the understanding of magic. With that settled she went to reassured Twilight that nothing was wrong and they returned to the lesson at hoof.

End Prologue

Author's Note:

The rewritten works for viewers enjoyment! :twilightsmile:

Forgive me if this had changed so much, after doing some editing I noticed I could had done more with first chapter so I did just that, hope you like it!