• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 7,288 Views, 276 Comments

The Adventures of Charm Feather, In Just Me, and possibly her Chronicles. - R-A-B-G

what would you do if Sheogorath Comes threw your TV, or what if you suddenly lost your previous gender and age, or suddenly have to take care of a little filly? probably best see what I had to do.

  • ...

Nothing can go wrong now

Chapter Nine


Charm walked down from the bathroom, to see her newly adopted parents fixing up breakfast. she smelled the air, smells she isnt familiar with filled them. Confused but hungry for anything she greets them with a smile and wave.

It was slightly awkward speaking to these ponies as if they were her family.

'Still, I am hungry, and this smells good.'

Stumbling slightly at the hard surface of the floor she pulls herself a seat, a fluffy cushion on the floor, ‘strange’ I thought.

It wasn’t long till Rarity comes downstairs looking refresh and cleaned, so unlike her when she was in the forest, she seemed to radiate.

Placed before me was a strange dish of something, it smells good… but… it looks like cooked garden plants there were other stuff too, but she was mostly focused on the plants, something humans can't eat.

Charm was staring at this odd thing before her, this thing to mock her intelligence by saying it is food for a growing pony, daring her to eat it and to love every second of it. Still, she had eaten flowers as snacks, so why the hay not?

Rarity stared at Charm to see her stare intently at her plate of food, with a cup of orange juice.

She couldn’t help but giggle at the odd sight, ‘Guess she had never eaten home cooked food before.’ She wondered what the pegasus would do with the food in front of her.

With slow careful movements she watches Charm take a small bite of the food. “... “ Charm chews the food slowly taking careful note of the flavour to see if she would get sick from it.

‘You win this round pony taste buds,’ she swallows the garden plants and although it does taste like well… eating herbs or something like that... the plants weren't wasn’t bland and bitter like her human tongue would had announced, which would had caused her to spit it out in disgust.

But the plants she just ate were surprisingly okay, somewhat like eating veggies what was for most human kids. Not her, she always loved broccoli despite cartoons saying she was supposed to hate it, so she went to take another bite. ‘I guess I could get used to this, but I am sticking with fruits and veggies.’ Charm thought now eating some of the eggs.

After breakfast Rarity took Charm Feather to her room and started to measure her.

"What are you doing?"

"I am measuring you to make you a new robe, you told me I could, remember?"

Charm sweat dropped at that, she kinda forgot about that, she chuckled nervously as she tries to back away.

“Ah right, heh” after that, she almost face hooved right she should get that down, she was feeling rather exposed, a rather unexpected chilling air has highlighted some things on her she didn't want to think about at the moment.

"Stay still! I know pegasi like to move but this is delicate and… I am not a professional, okay?"

So the pegasus did her best to stay still as she was measured, prod and pinched "Ouch!"

"I told you to stay still! Okay, I am done. What fabric do you think would work best?"

"Uh.. I can't use leather, right?"

"No, that would be criminal! Literally." Rarity protested

"Well… whatever fabric is not made of animal skin that can have runes engraved in it, and also resists several enhancements?"

"Uh… not a clue about that. Still, is not like I can buy it yet, not with my allowance. Oh ideaaa, I got a gem finding spell! What if I used it to find gems and sell them for cash? Anyway. There is something I been dying to do for a while and I got just enough for the two of us, have you ever went to a spa?"

Charm tapped her chin, she had been, back when she was human, as a pony never, it would be nice, just hope they don’t dress her up in makeup.

"Well, I guess that would be nice." Charm said with a smile, there is no way she would regret this. And why did she feel like she just doomed herself?


They were using a file in her hooves, it was not annoying, it was somewhat like using a nail file in fingernails, they got her hoofsies all nice and symmetric. And how did she even knew what hoofsies were?

'That's probably me, I tweaked your translation spell to make you use pony terms.' The voice of Eve, or she now preferred to be called, Guiding Star said in Charm Feather head.

'Wait, are you the reason I been acting more girly and I am somewhat okay with being a mare?' Charm Feather just had to know.

'No, that's all you honey. Now enjoy your bath, then having your mane and tail washed, and then there is the mud bath. and then another bath to remove the mud.'

Despite herself, Charm ended enjoying her stay at the spa, and talking with Rarity about insane things, and had to resist not eating the cucumber disks over her eyes.

Of course it was after the spa treatment that the torture began.


"Wha!? what are you dabbing into my face, hey! careful you might poke my eye out with that!" Charm said flinching away from the stick with black smeared onto it. she is regretting this!

"Stop struggling, and I won’t." Rarity said a little frustrated at Charms struggles and pleas for help. It was just a bit of makeup, honest, is like she never had done this before.

Thankfully they had already talked about anything two fillies who were not yet interested in stallions could talk about during their spa time. Plus the fact Charm Feather had been trying to escape meant the make up session had been mostly silent, save the pegasus protests. Despite charm protests and struggling, and Rarity having to redo the pegasus make up more than once, at the end Charm was finally done and stared herself in the mirror.

"Who is that beautiful mare in the mirror?" Charm Feather asked really surprised, then blushing realized it was her. she was an adorable and beautiful young pegasus mare.

"Wow, you look really good darling, it helps that you are older than me, so you are more developed." Rarity said with a hint of envy.

"Nonsense, You look really cute, and you know what being a cute filly means, right?"

"Charm, I am a tad old to scam candy from adults, and too young to get discounts by flirting."

"Oh, I just meant that it gets you tickled!" And despite the unicorn protests, the pegasus started to tickle her, both fillies ended ruining their make up because of that, but at least they had fun.

"Charm, look at what you did, we look hideous!" Rarity protested, but after her time roughing it up in the forest she really didn't care that much.

"So what? we clean our faces and later I got some weird coins I can at least trade for the metal. Then we go and get ice-cream since you are such a cute filly, even without make up on."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea."

"Why do you keep trying to talk like that Rarity? It sounds fake."

"Well, I do want to live in Canterlot someday. Don't get me wrong, Ponyville is nice, but there isn't much I can learn about unicorn magic around here."

"True, now lets get clean."

Once the two young mares got cleaned, Charm Feather discovered to her horror, that gold and gems were actually worth less in Equestria. It kinda made sense with things like gem finding spells, and Rarity having explained that you could dig gems out the ground, and sometimes find them inside rocks. And for gold, well, she was quite sure the Equestrian bit was mostly gold, not pure gold, otherwise it would be too bland, but it had quite a lot of gold in it.

Ah well, nothing that setting up a magic shop to sell potions would not fix eventually. Granted, Ponyville was a tad small for that, and she did not like the idea of competing with Zecora, how about having a partnership? Maybe she could even learn about herbs and potions from Equestria thanks to the zebra. After all, just because Equestria had magic, it did not meant the flora was gonna match the one found in Skyrim. Once she ran out of ingredients, she needed a way to replace them after all, and better ask somepony who knows. that to risk lives testing experimental potions until she got them right.


Rumbling could be heard coming from the Everfree or more specifically a cave with a caved in entrance near a cliff side, a few rocks would tumble out of the way every so often.

A hungry looking manticore walks up to the cave sniffing the air to see any possible pray. And with a crash a monster bursts out scaring off any birds in the area and the kitty away.

It let out a terrifying roar to the heavens above, and with a large sniff of the air, it could smell it’s prey of the day before, and with a toothy grin it followed the scent of its meal, and in high hopes to exact its vengeance soon.

Not far off a certain zebra heard the monsters roar, and not taking any chances headed for Ponyville as she fears for her life if the monster is in a hunting mood.

~ Back to our heroines ~

It had become a cloudy day, most of the sun was blocked out by the clouds overhead as the pegasi were preparing for a downpour, something Charm was excited to see for herself since weather manipulation was not part of the Wonderbolts show she had seen using Rarity memories.

So after their ice-cream she stared up at the sky to see the pegasi move clouds she was ecstatic at such a use for magic, ‘So this is pegasus weather magic,’ Charm comment mentally as she watched the pegasi move the clouds in the sky.

She didn’t know how long she watched them perform their routine but it must had been a good couple of hours, to the point Rarity had to drag her inside the house so she didn't get wet. When the rain ended and the pegasi were just getting ready to move the clouds away when a figure came rushing out from the road leading to the Everfree yelling at the pegasi in the sky, to which they respond by flying off to go do something.

Confused at the sudden odd behaviour Charm Feather looked at Rarity who was currently reading one of her books titled ‘Herbalist’s Guide to Skyrim,’ not that it would be of much use as it was quite unlikely all the herbs of Skyrim existed in Equestria, but it would give her an idea of what to look when they finally needed to replace potion ingredients with Equestrian herbs.

“Rarity there seems to be something going on right about now,” The pegasus interrupted Rarity, who put down the book to look at Charm questionably.

“Just moments ago when I was watching the pegasi, somepony came running from the Everfree, soon all the pegasi flew off after hearing who ever that was.” Rarity looked worried at the news and asks her own questions.

“You were still looking at them? I mean, did you notice anything else peculiar Charm?” she asked hoping to get more info at Charm Feather shake. She got up to look outside to see the clouds still hanging over head with not a pony tending to them, this was worrying to Rarity as even if sometimes pegasi got lazy, today the weather schedule said the sky should be clear by now, so it meant the pegasi had left their posts for a disaster.

That and the fact somepony came yelling from the Everfree meant it was probably a rampaging monster.

“Yes I don’t like the looks of it either,” the brown pegasus sudden voice rang next to Rarity spooking her a bit, but she nodded at Charms deduction.

Not long after that comment a pegasus came swooping down and landed at Rarity’s home front porch knocking at the door to speak to her father, watching as Hondo Flanks suddenly gots a scared look, then thanked the pegasus and headed back inside.

“Cookie we got to go, get the fillies we need to hurry!” at his sudden panicky tone of voice Charm Feather looked at Rarity who also looked scared.

“What’s going on?” Charm asked fearfully at the sudden situation presented to her.

“Normally when something like this happens, I hear it is because a monster is wandering too close to the village,” Rarity looked worried as this was bad news, and depending on the monster it could cause a lot or damage and even injure or kill somepony before it was dealt with.

Cookie Crumbles came out of the kitchen to pick up Rarity and place her on her back while Charm took to the air to follow her as they left the house in a hurry; Hondo Flanks explained that they are evacuating the settlement in hopes that the monster would just leave them alone.

Before Charm could continue to follow the trio she was shoved in the air by more faster and stable flying pegasus causing her to lose control and fly straight into a wall in an alley knocking her out cold.

Nopony saw this save for one pony, she was on the other side of the street, and although scared she persevere threw her emotions and went to help this pony. So with speed and reflex she didn’t knew she had she managed to make it across the street by dodging the crowd of ponies to make it to the chestnut brown pegasus side.

But before she could do anything to help a loud roar announced the arrival of the beast as it came rushing out of the forest.

The ponies in the area all noticed this and started panicking as they started galloping as fast as they could, while this was happening the monster took notice of them, but sniffing the air it wasn’t interested in the crowd, but it looked at the now shocked pony who turned quickly to Charm Feather in hopes to wake her up, she started shaking the unconscious chestnut brown pegasus in hopes that it will wake her up.

Groaning Charm woke up with a bit of a bump on her forehead, “Owie, what hit me?” she said aloud while rubbing her head looking up she saw a butter yellow pegasus, with a pink mane and a trio of butterflies for a cutie mark not to mention tear filled terrified eyes stare back at her.

“Oh hey... “Before she could say anything a loud roar announced its presence as it started rushing towards them, again betraying its size with the speed it is currently displaying.

Shocked at the monster before them just about to lunge itself at the both of them, Charm reacted quickly by body checking the terrified pegasus next to her allowing the monster to pass by them as it crashed into the building behind them.

With the yellow pegasus in her forelegs, Charm flies close to the ground into another building hearing the sound of the monster roaring again but this time in anger, she flew to the back door of the house and kept going as she rounded back again to Rarity’s house, opening and closing the door she placed the shocked pegasus down onto the ground as she rushed to the closet to get her saddlebags.

“Darn it I can’t believe I forgot these.” She muttered as the yellow pegasus stares in confusion, “Oh hey names Charm Feather nice to meet you, sorry for not introducing myself I was interrupted by that rather rude fellow outside.” With that she pulled out her saddlebags full of potions and gems all ready for use. “What’s your name?” Charm asked the yellow pegasus out of the blue startling the shy pony.

Although she was scared the calm and assertive pegasus before was enough to calm her own self so she answered a bit low but enough to be heard, “m-my name is Fluttershy,” she said feeling embarrassed.

Charm wasn’t paying attention but was able to hear her name regardless, “a good name, anyways Fluttershy I need you to do something for me.” At this Charm stared at the clearly uncomfortable pegasus before her.

“I need you to take these gems and place them around the town square in a Dodecahedron pattern, got it?” Charm looked at the now confused pegasus before her, sighing as Dodecahedron pattern does sound like a mouth full and to a filly she wouldn’t know what that is.

So in a just in case she does not know what shape Charm Feather was talking about she pulled out her journal and flipped to the correct page and showed the other pegasus what she meant on how the arrangement was meant to be placed, all in pictures too, since her written language was different to that of ponies.

“Just follow the steps and you should do alright, ok?” Charm said with a smile full of confidence in her. “I will hold off the monster long enough for you to do this ok?” Fluttershy nodded scared of the monster outside but with Charms confidence in her she hurried along with the gems and left out the window in the kitchen galloping away to town square.

The monster outside managed to track down it’s pray inside the house but before it could do anything to the house a sudden rush of air singles its prey had just exited the building and the monster felt several stings of magic striking its hide.

Turning around it saw the pegasus that hurt it floating in the air several meters away, roaring it starts charging her as it rears its head back and strikes out with its long neck.
Charm evades its attack and flies into the air quickly gaining altitude, when she had gained enough height she dropped her wings and trade flight for falling as she summoned her blades and angled at the now confused beast as it looked for it’s prey.
With the speed of her fall she manoeuvred herself with her wings towards the beasts head and with her momentum she pierced its scales but her wings weren’t long enough to draw blood.

With the monsters attention clearly gotten she turned around and flew towards the center of town dodging the monsters attempt at killing her by throwing debris at her general direction.

But Charm wasn’t a pro flyer so she was already losing speed and the beast saw this and put more effort to slither on the ground to gain more speed by trading lumbering steps, to the more quicker form, and it managed to catch her in its claws, it held Charm down on the ground as it hissed in victory looking down at its prey it was about ready to strike.

Charm smirked as she could feel the charged air around her, singling the success and completion of the ritual circle, she turned to the butter yellow pegasus who stared shocked with tears in her eyes as she was about to see this pony die, Charm smirks at her as she waved a hoof at her.

“Just in case I don’t make it, it was nice meeting you Miss Fluttershy.” the sound of charged particles hummed threw out the whole town blocking out most of what Fluttershy heard as she stared shocked at the pegasus who was smiling at her while the monster was about to kill her.

But before the beast could lunges at its pinned pray, highly charged lightning in a form of a 3D dodecahedron formed around the two.

The visible lightning started discharging the gathered power causing a massive explosion of lightning in the center of the spell, all of it was focuses at one point, that point being at the monsters head was, more specifically the cut it had suffered from the little pegasus blade wings from earlier.

But everything was blown in blinding light as the energy was discharged completely hiding Charm who at this point was still smirking at the outcome.

‘Sorry Rarity seems I don’t get to see yea grow up.’ Were her final thoughts, the feeling of searing hot pain started coursing through her followed by unconsciousness as the world started fading.

Normally, such a powerful spell should have killed both of them due to how careless Charm Feather had been, but the fact was, Charm Father was still suffering from magic exhaustion. That combined with the beast, some kind of one head Hydra, magical resistance, it meant that Fluttershy watched in horror how electricity electrocuted both creatures until it almost killed them, the keyword being almost. It would have killed both of them had the gems been fully charged with magic, but they were not, our heroine arrival to Equestria had left those gems mostly depleted, and thankfully she had forgot to recharge them.

End of Chapter…

A monster was defeated not by cunning and swiftness, our hero fought stupid. Will she survive long enough to get yelled at?

"Charm you idiot, if you weren't a pegasus you would be dead!" Rarity said

"Hey wait, you are supposed to wait for the next chapter." Charm Feather weakly protested

"Next chapter my horn, you were a moron and I am gonna yell at you for it!"

Ehem… anyway

Stay tuned for more here at just me and possibly her!

Author's Note:

Co-writer: Pinklestia