• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 7,282 Views, 276 Comments

The Adventures of Charm Feather, In Just Me, and possibly her Chronicles. - R-A-B-G

what would you do if Sheogorath Comes threw your TV, or what if you suddenly lost your previous gender and age, or suddenly have to take care of a little filly? probably best see what I had to do.

  • ...

Summer Gala part 1

Chapter Sixteen

Not that Gala

‘It’s morning.’ I thought groggily. I stood up from my bed, I make my way to the bathroom not at all paying attention to my surroundings, I would normally keep everything around me in check, I almost trip over a stack of scrolls I must had discarded last night, reaching my bathroom I would had nearly bolted to assist the damage to my state, but I’m too tired to do that.

I looked in the mirror, I see myself, I almost jumped in surprise at the sight. The image although blurry from my late night studying could still be made out. My short purple mane was a disheveled mess, my blue eyes are strained in red from the late night, and I think my horn needs a good filing to smooth it out a bit. After looking in the mirror long enough I blinked to clear the image to make sure I do look like that, after confirming I do indeed need good cleaning I made my way to the shower to do just that.

Once done I see myself clean and proper again, smiling I make my way to the door... then turn back around to make use of the toilet. Once done with the dirty deed I make my way down stairs.

After a bit of sitting there a plate of pancakes was placed in front of me, ‘Ooh my favorite.’ I thought with a smile on my face, and then a cup of OJ was also placed in front of me, ‘Yum I could go for some juice about now.’ Not thinking clearly I reached over to the juice with my fore hooves and took a big gulp of the orange juice. Sure I could use magic, but since I tend to overuse it with my spells, I hold things the earth pony way when I am at home. But then, this time I am not magically exhausted, and magic makes it less messy.

I Take a fork into my levitation field I started to eat the pancakes, chewing slowly to enjoy the taste.

After finishing I hovered all the dishes into the sink, getting up while cleaning them I look at the calendar to see the date.

But before I could reach it, my thoughts caught up with my brain and I froze in place as I noticed the fact I didn’t prepare breakfast.

Turning around I see a chestnut brown pegasus garbed in practical blue robes, ones based off the design similar to her old ones, the hood is pulled down giving me a view of the brown mane underneath, its more decorated than her old ones. It’s none other than my best friend Charm Feather, who is waving at me from the living room. Squealing loudly I ran up to my friend and hugged her. Is nice to see she has been taking care of the robes I made her. She even got silver bracelets in her hooves with magical carvings to help her magic. Yes I finally talked her out of using boots, but only because it is Summer.

Of course she knows what my favorite breakfast for the morning. Well Lyra does too, but since it's Summer holidays she went to visit her family.
It’s been a few weeks since I last saw her. She makes these trips to the Everfree forest to master her magic arts away from preying eyes. And to take Alchemy classes with Zecora, so that combined with the fact I had midterm exams before the Summer holidays started means I really missed her.

“Welcome home darling!” Charm Feather hugs me, Lyra has teased me saying that Charm is my marefriend, but at most I see her as a true friend, nothing else.

A stray thought enters my mind, ‘I wonder what Big Mac is doing now a days.’ Shaking my head I return my attention to Charm who chuckled at the attention she’s getting from me.

“Heh, hey, sorry I couldn’t come yesterday, but I did make you a gift for your birthday.” Yeah that’s right it was my birthday yesterday, and I also had my last exams before the Summer break that day. That sucked.

Then I felt something bumping my nose I look down to see a nicely wrapped gift box bumping me in Charms levitation field, her magic is always so beautiful to behold. Her feathers would light up in a spectacular display of lights. Her levitation magic would light up her primaries and a faint hum could be heard, it’s her primaries that would start vibrating the air and would echo around the room.

‘Heh bringing the Charm in her feathers, making her name literal.’ I chuckled loudly as I brought the box to my fore hoofs with my own magic.

Charm tilts her head with a smile on her face.

Opening the wrapped box I see its one of Charms, well um Charms... it’s a beautifully crafted horn ring, I could see a faint glow coming off from it, and squealing loudly I hugged her causing her to say "Oof" in discomfort. This is the first time I see Charm make an enchanted item for someone else, she says is because the items need constant adjustments because she has not mastered that art yet.

What we sell in our magic shop, that we end calling it "The Bottled Spells" is all potions. Gentle Breeze ended quitting the school for some reason, well, actually she retired, and now works at the shop attendant there as a way of thanking me for fixing up her bones.

Now, while my spell did make her look like ten years younger, she was one of the oldest mares in the school, so is not like she really looks young or anything, she has just lost some wrinkles and has no more aching problems.

Also, turns out the mare natural coat color is pink, and her mane is blonde, she had been using green and gray dyes to look more professional or something!

"What does this one do?” I ask excited to know the effects of this wonderful gift.

Smiling her wonderful smile Charm started to speak, only to be interrupted by a loud thudding sound coming from outside. Looking at one another we made our way to the door, opening it we see it's none other than Fluttershy. She rubbed her head, she wince slightly muttering a soft, ‘owie.’ She looks up to see Charming standing behind me, she jumps up to her hooves and runs to her giving her a big hug.

Of course I was in the way and now find myself trampled with her standing on my back. A good thing she is a pegasus or else she be heavy.

“Omigosh, Charm! Your back!” she yells out loudly, Fluttershy had been coming over during my Finals to make sure I don’t overslept, or starve, or forget to bathe... I forget sometimes ok?

But only when I have exams, otherwise I try to look my best, it’s not like I am Twilight Sparkle.

Talking about that purple unicorn, I could swear Princess Celestia has been arranging for us to get together or something, how else can you explain me ending sleeping at her bed in the castle every time I go there? Or how many project the teachers made us do together?

And yes, Fluttershy is also not my marefriend. Yes I know Canterlot is not that close to Ponyville, but I healed a few of her animals and she feels like she owns me, okay?

'Mmm, I wonder where I left that poster Lyra have me as a present? It got Mister Equestria in it.'

“Oh, hey there Flutters, um I think you’re crushing Rarity there.” she points down at my current position, at this Fluttershy looks down as if noticing me for the first time. She flaps her wings to gain height and moves further into the house. Getting up from my spot on the floor, I take a good look at the butter yellow pegasus, she took flying lessons with Charm and Rainbow Dash, so she got better, but she is still a tad slow.

“How was your trip this time Charming?” Fluttershy asked softly now less excited from her earlier outburst, than she gasps out loudly. “Did you get to see any baby manticores?”

Chuckling Charm opens her mouth to answer the question. I was about to listen in on any juicy stories, but then suddenly I heard a gasp, turning my attention from the two chatting, I look to the stairs I see my baby sister there running to the unsuspecting pegasus.

"How did you get here?" I said and pick up Sweetie Belle. The baby unicorn is barely a month old, yet she has powerful accidental magic, but getting from Ponyville to here is a tad too much

"Hi my little treasure." I heard my daddy voice and see both my father and my mother at the door. It still does not explain how my dear sister got to the stairs, but makes it more reasonable.

We expend the rest of the day talking, Charm plays with Sweetie Belle, and Princess Celestia drops in a totally expected surprise to tell me I passed all my midterm exams with flying colors.

Yes, one would think I would be more awed about Princess Celestia taking a personal interest in me, but since for one reason or another I end up seeing her every ten days or so, I gotten used to it over time.

Granted she was somewhat right to praise me, since I had started in Spring and now was the beginning of Summer, so I had done quite well for just having been in school for a few months. Yes, the whole dragon egg hatching stuff had made me and others start quite late.

Since first year was basically to "Weed up the losers" as the stuck up Nobles said, it did not really matter how later you started first year as long as you passed it.

My parents of course are very proud of me, with the Unconquerable Sun coming to visit me and that, not to mention Fluttershy hid under the bed and stayed there until the princess left.

Anyway, it was an exciting if tiresome day, my parents and baby sister finally left to catch the last night train to Ponyville and Fluttershy went with them as she had stayed in Canterlot too long.

That left me and Charm alone together, just like I had planned.


"Oh come on Charm, it’s not so bad!" Rarity said as she watched the chestnut brown pegasus mare get measured. "Everypony else will be wearing clothes too."

"But it’s a dress!" Charm protested earning an eye roll from Rarity.

Rarity sighed “I know Charm but dearie, I NEED somepony to accompany me, Having no one else but those nobles is going to give me a migraine! Even with Lyra there I couldn’t guarantee a shred of enjoyment! Besides you owe me this. We hardly saw each other for weeks. You are going to this party and you will enjoy it."

Charm stilled, her ears drooped, she was right; leaving Rarity with those fools would only ruin her night. 'Well at least I only have to wear it once.'

"Oh, once your dress is measured, we have to go to the spa, then to the mane stylist, and I have to find what perfume goes best with you and..."

'Why did I have come to visit her in Canterlot? Why not stay in Ponyville? Ah right, our magic shop needed more potions. And I owed her a birthday present.'

'Curse those nobles!' Charm thought, 'All that, because of their stature and birth and all!. And because they annoy Rarity, I have to wear a dress!'

'Why not teach them a lesson?' Guiding Star said inside the pegasus head

She stared out the window; there they were, all in their little group, laughing, acting all proud, Still, this was nothing compared to the Thalmor, or any Altmer really

Charm stilled, her mind coming to a grinding halt.

Nothing compared to the Thalmor..

“Nothing compared to the Thalmor…” Charm’s eyes widened, her mind moved, gears setting place, oh yes she could have fun with this.

“Something on your mind dearie?”

Charm turned from the window, hair fluttering in the wind as she did so, an uncharacteristically positive grin spread on her face

“How long until the Summer Gala?” she asked somewhat more chipper than she’d ever been all month.

“Two weeks dearie.” Rarity replied, her brow rose in confusion. “But why-“

She was cut off as Charm placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“I’ll go; I just have to make plans”

And with that the Pegasus left for her room, giggling all the way.

Rarity remained staring wondering just what the flying buck happened to her friend.

"So, were you able to measure her?" Rarity asked the dressmaker

"Yes miss Rarity, she is not the first filly I had to take quick measures on before running away." The dressmaker, a mare old enough to be Rarity's mother, said her face clearly showing that she’d witnessed something similar countless times before.


Gilded Setter sat, gazing forlornly at the clock, it was a slow day, he mused, though well enough, he’d already made enough money for the day,

But in his heart he felt bored, There just wasn’t anything new to do, all that was asked of him were simple things! Nothing at all complicated, All those nobles asked of him might as well have been done by some pony fresh off his apprenticeship!

He craved for something new, something that brought him back to the joys of being a jewel smith, something elegant! Someth-

“Excuse me, are you Gilded Setter?”

He spun around, quick to follow protocol and give a smile.

“Of course lass, what’dya need”

The lass was a Pegasus, chestnut brown, probably here on holiday he mused, he looked, she was carrying an awful lot for a tourist.

“Well, you were the only Jeweler in the city with the credentials I’ve been looking for.”

He stared, credentials? Ah, finally somepony who acknowledged his former apprenticeship!

“I’d like to commission something, and you’re the only one I’d trust at the moment.”

A commission? So she wasn’t here to buy some random trinket then. A smile formed on his face, yes here was somepony who understood the capacity of a true jewel smith.

“Come on inside lass, it’s been awhile since I received a commission.”
He stared at the parchment, his face well fixed into a wide grin, yes, finally something worthy of his caliber! He made note of the jewels the lass brought with her, the design matched them perfectly.

“I also brought the material needed to make them.”

A thud, and a bag of very large coins, spilled onto the table.

The unicorn inspected them, lightweight, all somehow worn on one side, while some sort of diamond design lay etched clearly on the other.”

“I’m not from around here, as I’m sure you can tell.”

He took a coin into his hoof, bouncing it to gauge its weight

“It’s light”

The Pegasus mare nodded, “Mithril infused.” She replied.

“Mithril?” The stallion stared at Charm Feather, clear surprise and confusion on his face.

The mare shifted uncomfortably, “Yes is that going to be a pr-“

"No. no it won't be a problem; it’s just, I’ve never heard of it outside of old legends."

Charms jaw dropped "Really? Uh...so you can't do it?" That explained why she had been unable to trade her septims, but apparently, what was valuable back in Tamriel didn’t translate here, her coins had been labeled, ‘interesting but impure’.

He stared, taking in all the details needed, "I will need to test the metal first, but yes, I think it can be done." He stared at the coins again, continuing to gauge their weight

“Give me a week and a half.” He said, a pleased nod echoing his sentiments.

“How much would it cost me?” The mare asked, no doubt ready to hoof out some bits.

"The weight of the finished product in bits."

"That much? Uh okay." She nodded, "How long will it take?"

"About a week and a half"

"Well then, see you then." Charm said with a forced smile in her face. But of course, she had no alternatives other than Canterlot, prices there were outrageously inflated. Most jewelry the stallion probably made was fancy, decorative and for the Nobility.

“Yer not gonna check up on it?”

“I trust you well enough to make no mistakes, besides, is not like I’m a smithee myself. So I’d best not keep you from working any longer.”

And with that she left, leaving an eager jewel smith heating his kiln like a newly accepted apprentice.

A week and a half later a smiling Charm left Canterlot’s market district with a bag, a smile on her face and a mischievous glint in her eye

Rarity’s face when presented with the dress she wanted was one of pure joy, and exploded into more once Charm revealed that she had gone through all the trouble to procure the materials needed to make herself look fabulous.

“Why, it’s nice to know, you’ve put so much effort into this darling!”

“Rarity, you have no idea…” In fact if it had not been for Guiding Stars encouragement and her reluctance to disappoint her friend, she might’ve quit. So much etiquette and posture lessons had to be drilled by her so-called big sis! The horror! Still, if it worked, it would be totally worth ‘it.

All that was needed to complete the package, was a smidgen of pride, only emulating the Thalmor could match, thankfully continued exposure to one in the past had all but impressed the most key elements needed for her ruse to begin.

“Hmm, said something dearie?”

“Oh nothing.”

And so it was on the day of the occasion that both of them entered one of the city’s spas to prepare

“It’s the big day dear!, now all that’s left is to relax, and prepare, I’ll have a carriage take us to the palace when we’re all done~!”

“If you say so Rarity.”

Most of the day after that was full of hooficures, general pampering, and making sure that Rarity didn’t peek at what she had gotten ready for the nights festivities.

The look at the spas mane stylist when she presented how she wanted her mane to be done, was equal parts wonder, giddiness, and surprise, but nonetheless conceded,

“Are you sure Madame? This seems…”

“It’s traditional manestyle, from my homeland. And I figured it would be proper. Can you pull it off?”

“Why of course!”

“Charm? Charm dearie are you ready?”

“Just a minute Rary!, I just gotta finish getting ready!”

“I appreciate your dedication, Charmie, but with all this, it seems like you’re more conscious of yourself than I am., not that I mind of course.”

Charm stared at the mirror, so far none other than she herself had seen the finished look, even the mane stylist was told that she herself would make the final braid, something she was able to do with ease,

“I wonder what they’d think of me?’ she mused, ‘Well guess it’s time to find out”

Her dress was on, her jewelry was ready, and with a stroke of her hoof, the door opened.
Rarity sat waiting, passing the time with one of the latest magazines, musing on some of the designs present and heavily critiquing on others.

A creak of the door alerted her to her friend being finished with her preparation.

“It’s about time dearie, I’d wondered when you’d finally leave! Now come on let’s see how you.. you..”


Rarity stared, jaw uncharacteristically dropped, Charm stood, in all her finery, Her hair was braided in a strangely natural looking style, as various braids looped around each other, on her forehead a golden circlet sat, centered around a sapphire, it too looked as it the gold was woven rather than smiled.

Her dress was emerald green, with white and gold to balance it out, the brooch she wore added immensely to her image

“How do I look?”

Rarity snapped out of her reverie, shaking her head.

“Well darling, I- I have nothing to say, you look grand!”.

The carriage arrived, as both of them left the spa smiling, and ready, Watching the carriage leave, the trainees waved, smiling as it took off towards the sky.

“Did you understand what Lady Feather was saying towards the end?”

“No, not a word.”

“She was talking? sounded like a sonnet to me!”


“Alright now dearie, whats this all really about?”

Charm blanked, her eyes widening a bit, she snapped out of her reverie, having been staring out of the carriage window for most of the ride up till then.

She closed her eyes, sighing, knowing well that she had been caught.

“That easy huh?”

“I’m afraid so darling, anypony who doesn’t know you as well as I do wouldn’t notice.”

“What gave me away?”

“Well, the giggling you did two weeks ago for one.”

“Couldn’t that just be me being excited for all this?”

“Charm, one thing is being excited for an event, and there is being excited because you want to do something, the giggling i saw? that seemed very much like the latter now that i think about it.”

Charm paused in thought, Yes her little… display weeks ago would fit that picture.

“Though I would say, with that you would definitely outclass any mare in the Gala.”

Charm stilled staring at the white unicorn even more, before having her face change into a vicious smirk

“You’ve caught on.”

“Indeed I have dearie, now, what do you really want to do?”

Charm looked back at the window, once again The Nobles District stood lavishly outside, they were close, just several more minutes.

“Simple, I want to beat the nobles at their own game.”

Rarity stared, before breaking out into a chuckle

“Seriously Charming, only you, only you could come up with a ridiculous plan like this.”

'Oh, let's think about it. my little sister trying to be all fancy, it’s gonna be hilarious!' Guiding Star said in both of her heads. ‘Of course it was all my idea!'

Charm continued to stare, rolling her eyes and ignoring the spirit, before staring back out the window.

“Watch me Rarity, Watch me.”


“Those nobles act all proud, they act all Haughty, High and Mighty, but that’s the whole point, they just act.”

At seeing Rarity’s raised brow Charm saw fit to continue her explanation.

She reclined deep into the shadows present in the carriage, shrouding her body in darkness, All Rarity could see were Charms eyes, which glowed with expectation, and mischief.

"These nobles don't even know, what being Haughty, High and Mighty is like, I’ve been with worse, and compared to them, these nobles are nothing, not even a speck of dust.’ Watch me Rarity, and I will show you how to be High, Haughty and Mighty, and how to turn it into an art form."

The last words seemed to flow from her mouth, like a viper waiting to strike, Rarity looked at her friend.

'My little girl is growing up, I am so proud. Also,she doesn't even realize that she’s dropped the tomboy act for this? She is going to be a proper lady!' Guiding Star chuckled out.

For the first time, in that hour, Rarity thought that those Nobles didn't stand a chance.

Then she caught on what Guiding Star had just said 'You’re planning something, aren't you?'

'You just got that from a few words?'

'I know you. You think Celestia’s pranks are actually funny, and this is an important social event, is too big of a target for you to ignore.'

Rarity then smiled 'Go for it!'


“Charm, there's been an issue..” A voice said out of the blue. It took a moment for Charm Feather to realize who it was, since it sounded so somber.

Charm’s eyes widened, that didn’t sound good…

‘Star?’ She asked curious and with a hint of fear

‘..Yes’ She answered

‘What’s going on?’

‘Well, remember that passive translation magic you usually have?’

‘... I wasn’t aware of that’

‘Hence it being passive, I guess I never told you. It was the work of the Scrolls’

‘Okay, so what about it?’

‘It’s failing.’


‘You be the one to tell Rarity about this. She’s the only one who can understand you.’

‘So, what DO I sound like?” Charm asked, only to hear nothing,


‘You’ll find that out, soon enough~! Have fun at the Gala! I’ll see what I can do.”

And with that, Charm Feathers mind grew silent.

“Something the matter dearie?” Rarity asks Charm in concern.

“Ah… there’s been an issue..”

“What is it darling?”

“You know what, nevermind.”


“Charm, I’ve made some progress..” Guiding Star said from out of the blue, Charm started at the sudden voice but didn't show it listening into her, it had been awhile now and they are approaching the castle..

Charm feather sighed, looking out at the passing buildings in Canterlot. “What is it this time Star?”

“That issue with the translation magic?, I might just be able to fix it.”


“Yes… just give me 12 hours.” Guiding Star said sheepishly.

“T-twelve hours!, Twelve hours!” She stuttered her voice echoing loudly inside her mind causing Guiding Star to wince at the volume.

“Minimum…” Guiding Star squeaked.

“B-but were almost there...” she whispered in horror.

‘Yep, now go back to telling your friend…”

Her mind grew silent again, While Rarity stared, clearly not convinced that what was happening was “Nothing”

“Now dearie, what did Star tell you?”



It was quite a strangely festive affair, say what you would about nobility, but they knew how to throw a wonderful soiree when they needed to, much less combine some measure of enjoyment with class.

Celestia sighed, every year had been the same, perhaps, something would have to liven up the festivities once in a while. Looking from the alcove, she smiled, the healer and her friend were here, perhaps she would learn a few things about that Pegasus..

“Hello my little ponies; it’s been awhile since I’ve seen you two.”

Both bowed, The White one added an obligatory response.

“It’s a pleasure to be here princess.”

The Pegasus, Charm was it? Moved to give a similar response, Celestia smiled, this was probably the first she’d been in a formal event in quite a while.

Celestia however had not been prepared for the following.

It was melodic she thought, like an opera, a cacophony of notes, coming from one source. Little Charm blanched, before covering her mouth, her friend Rarity had her eyes wide,

“My apologies your highness, the translation magic usually present isn’t working, I’ll be following her for the most part, to act as her translator.”

Celestia stilled, mulling over the revelation, that was her language?, her true, untranslated tongue? She nodded, telling them that it would be no trouble, before urging them to follow onto the main hall.

Watching them leave up the stairs she smiled, before greeting the last line of guests.
Perhaps this gala wouldn’t be so quaint after all.


They stilled, entering a long line of expected guests. Lyra ran up to them, giggling in anticipation, but Rarity knew that it was all an elaborate mask, as the place was full of nobility and there were none who the mint mare hated more than the nobility, The hall was grand, a red carpet stretched from below them, all the way to the end of the hall, far on the sides silk and various other exotic clothes lined up the walls of the grand hall.

All in all, not that different from the banquets that would occasionally be thrown at the old College, Though Charm noted, Winterhold, for all its magic couldn’t hold a candle to others when preparing for any sort of festivities.

“I don’t suppose you’ve been to anything similar before Charmie?”

Charm snapped out of her musing, she flattened her ears grinning sheepishly.

[“We used to have banquets in the old College during the festival days, though nothing like this, this looks like something the Synod could do with ease.”] she said smiling towards Rarity.

“Hmm?” Wondered Rarity

[“The Synod were always the more political of the remaining Mages Guilds”] She answered the unasked question.

“Now that I think about it dearie, yes, this DOES seem like a massive political fair doesn’t it?”

[“Yes quite.”] Charm said with a smirk.

They turned, only to find a wide eyed Lyra, staring at them, though a secondary glance pointed out that she was staring mostly at Charm

The mint green unicorn stared for a few more moments, before schooling her expression once more, such behavior was unbecoming for the occasion she thought.

“What was that?,” she whispered to them both

Rarity, ever so conscious of the situation moved towards her friend.

“Charm’s translation matrix isn’t working well, she’s been speaking in her own language for most of the day.”

‘Wait, She’s Talking?” Lyra responded, her brow raised.

“Why of course darling!, what else could she be doing?”

“Sounds like singing to me, lovely too!”

They all stilled, the line continued to move, and as the gala slowly approached its beginning as the three’s eyes slowly widened.

[“This,,, this just got a bit more complicated.”] Charm said

“For once dearie, I’d have to agree with you..” Rarity said in deadpan.

“What’d she say? I was caught up in all the notes and stuff”

Ten minutes, twelve if they counted the opening fanfare, twelve minutes until the line finally reached them. And twelve minutes to figure out what to do.

There had to be something, the plan could still be salvaged, they just had to put their minds to it,

[“Any idea’s?”]

“I’m afraid not darling…”

[“Star, any more progress on the translation matrix?”]

“I told you; give me Twelve hours, minimum, the actual process would take weeks.”

[“Weeks?!”] She yelps out.

“If I was working at a fair pace, I’m giving it all I got here...”

[“But - but I-“]

“I’m sure you’ll figure something out Charm.”

[“Don’t just leave me hanging!”]

“It’s your plan isn’t it? I just took the credit.”

[“Did you know that I hate it when you have a point?”]

“Did YOU know that I don’t really care either way?”


“Now enjoy the party~!”

With another sigh, Charm focused once more, slowly taking in her surroundings again.

“I suppose Star wasn’t any help at all?”

She looked to the side, Rarity looked to her with concern, Lyra also shared a similar look further back.

Charm weighed her options, she could try, not all was lost, she just needed more time to figure out how to get her plan back on it’s rails.

[“Okay, Rary, here’s how it goes, i need time to think something up, do I have to follow the protocol?”]

Rarity stilled, mulling over the question.

“No, you don’t have to, neither do we, but we’re obliged to greet the delegations as per the sequence of events.”

[“That’s more than i hoped for, good.”]

“Have something up your sleeve?”

[“I need you to deal with them for me,who knows if they’d get the wrong idea or ask questions.”]

“Don’t worry dearie, I’ve got just the idea!, Lyra, i think we’ll have to do a bit of acting..”

[“What about me?”]

“You just act all silent and elegant darling, we’ll handle the rest…”

[Alright, if you say so.”]

“No doubt, they’d find you “Charming” either way.”

[“Again with the puns…”]

“I aim to please~!”


Celestia sighed, from her place at the end of the Grand hall she surveyed all before her, everything was as usual, The Unicorns sat closest to her, with the Pegasi at the second highest tier and the Earth Pony Gentry at the lowest

A small Balcony leading to the Palace gardens lay reserved for Foreign dignitaries, Not that it mattered, though with the current lining of events she had made some last minute changes, namely a single table ready at said balcony

Politics, it had all come down to that, The Summer Gala had been something different once, though the Allure of gaining connections, connections one could use when needed was something too strong, too valuable to pass up.

Hence the current arrangement, At the bottom, The earth pony Gentry sway, though significantly larger than the other two delegations when compared one to one. Though numerous and highly influential due to their hold on various lands and food production, They were only valued for their support, the nobles of the Unicorn court never really seeing anything more than potential favor to be called in.

The gala was supposedly a way for students to gain connections, both personally and for their respective Families.

Though throughout her musing her eyes had only kept focused on one trio of attendees.

Her various sources in the City had told her of Charm’s movements, mostly of her apprehension at having to attend said event. Her few discussions with her Unicorn friend Rarity had only received the usual response, that Charm wasn't liable to attend such a formal event.

Though shortly afterwards, her sources had confirmed the opposite, that Charm was making preparations in order to attend and if the reports were to be believed, she was making Heavy preparations, with quite the amount of enthusiasm.

A trip to one of the city’s jewel smiths, a week at the city’s trade center perusing various silks and cloths. though if one of her earlier reports were to be believed the young mage was giggling herself silly as if she had found something immeasurably amusing to do.

They arrived, Unicorns at the front, as if it were some escort, The mint green one, followed not quite far ahead from Charm, and seemed to be waiting on her beck and call, no doubt in a bid to decrease attention to themselves, as most attention was focused on the more… Affluent students of the school.

Celestia grinned, Really now, all that preparation? only to wish to be ignored? though she hadn’t paid much attention to the Pegasus mare’s attire, being lost in the chorus after a short encounter with her melodic language, She had at least acknowledged that such potential to liven up the Gala would not be wasted.

“Oh my sweet summer child… all your preparation, and you want them to look away?”

She looked to Charm, still shrouded in mild shadow.

“Well we can’t have that now can we?” She whispered, giggling to herself,

A glow of her horn, and a slight shifting of a chandelier, as well as a few more pieces, and her game was set.

“You’d do well to survive my test little one, My court can be a bit rowdy after all…”

It seemed that the extra balcony table was needed after all.


I can do this, I can do this…

The plan was simple, all she had to do was remain calm, They had made significant progress past the entry Arch, and from her point of view were on the way for an uneventful entry, hopefully the delegations would be more focused on the guests behind them, she really hoped so,

I can do this, i can do this…

They were already halfway to reaching the first delegation,

Thank the Nine for that.

In front of her, Rarity looked back, a small smile set on her face, She maintained her balance, well aware to keep her gaze forward in between looking back at her friend

“You see dearie, everythings going to be al-”

Then the light for some reason went out of whack the lights scattered, before reforming…

Specifically on Charm..

I can’t do this…

Oh damn it all, and things were starting to look up too…

Charms mind was in overdrive, what to do, WHAT TO DO, she took stock of the situation, keeping sure to keep her expression steady, To the outside observer it would seem as if she was momentarily put off from the sudden light source.

I can’t do this!, just when i thought things were going my way this happ-

"That we are superior to men is an established fact. For example, take this belief in Talos. The "ninth" Divine. Heh. Certainly you don't believe such things? Or perhaps there's something you'd like to confess?"

She blanked, momentarily put off by the memory, It was in that moment that she took a brief look at the delegations before her.

Her mind returned to her memories of preparation. All the etiquette, all the lessons with Star, all those memories of those knife eared walking golden pincushions.

Be graceful, yet maintain the air of superiority, ready to fight, but elegant in your fury...

She took stock of the situation, freeing herself from her brief reverie to look at each of the delegations.

Her eyes scanned the crowd, giving a warm look towards the assembled earth ponies, before scanning the other two delegations more thoroughly.

It was to her momentary glee that she noted both of the other delegations flinching collectively at her scrutinizing gaze.

You know what, buck that I’m doing this

"Be warned. You have been marked by the Thalmor."

For once, she and her memories agreed.


Bell Fount stood resolutely at his table, it had taken ages to secure a seat for him and his associates at this gala, and even then the most he could do was secure a good word for his family,

It had taken compromises, and various words throughout the Senatus to get him and his friends a decent chance of securing a place among the Delegation,, most of which were composed of the patricians, no matter, his status as a mere citizen had allowed him little in terms of leeway.

Though for some reason her highness had accepted him as a member of the delegation, for reasons he and his compatriots didn’t know, it had given him some form of respect on the forum floor and even some measure of respect from the Senatus, he would bring honor to his family, he swore it..

His eyes darted through out the various students in line, noting the various crests present on some of their capes

“Alright, lets see here, we have the Silverhooves, the Goldbrands, the Bluebloods..” His eyes continued to scan the room, taking note of the traditional attendees of the party

“Then we have the Proudhooves, Harhooves, Brandybucks, “ His gaze flickered over to the Earth ponies present, some of the more influential and affluent of the Gentry showed, not that he had anything against, for all the status of his family, they had been doing quite well partnered with some of the Gentry families in recent ventures…

His gaze faltered however at the brief loss of lighting, He blinked once more, trying to regain his visual bearings, before noting that everypony else's gaze was focused elsewhere.

He raised his brow in confusion, even noting that his companions were in a similar position before turning to see what all the fuss was about.

Oh, so that’s what all the fuss was about.

She was glorious, he mused, a Pegasus, about three years his junior, the light shone her well, She paused, probably from the sudden shifting of the light onto her. She stilled, probably thinking on what to do next, all eyes were on her.

Bell stared, this must’ve been very stressing moments for her then, judging by the sudden stop she had most likely planned to enter the gala without notice, lost within the other more visible delegates, to fade into the night.

Her head rose, and for a brief moment he looked away as the light shone off her finery, her eyes rested on the Earth Pony delegation, currently a level below his, before shifting up to his.

He remembered the stories of his grandfather, He spoke of moments where he had to journey to the Surface and trek into the forests, his grandfather would warn that there were certain instincts that kicked in depending on how one as being looked at.

As her gaze scanned his delegation he felt a sudden chill run up his spine, his gaze shifted to his fellow pegasi, the rest had taken an involuntary step back, others flinched, as her gaze roamed the delegation

Her gaze began to move, upwards, towards the Unicorn delegation, They too had taken a step back, some flinched a lot more noticeably, others had been unconsciously wiping a cold sweat.

He himself could feel it; it was as if a thousand manticores had found their fill for the day only content to survey their future prey, He noted that some of the delegation above remained unscathed, probably left alone by the mare below.

Upon noticing the various reactions the mare grinned, Fount wiped the sweat from his brow, it was as if she’d found prey, Her eyes closed once more, her frame seemed to shrink, and for a moment she seemed statuesque

Then she moved, nudging her unicorn hoofmaiden they strode forward, making the rest of the way towards the first delegation. She gave off a warm smile, the unicorn in front of her greeting the delegation with ease after a few words from the pegasus mare,

He was far enough not to hear anything. as was the rest of his party, but from what they could see, the Earth ponies seemed to be in a trance, before returning to their senses and giving curt bows, which were returned by the three mares.

The three continued, though at a slowed pace, it was a slightly shorter distance up from the earth pony delegation to his. Along the way the three engaged in idle banter. though strangely the mint green Unicorn ended up being left out of said conversations from what he could observe from afar.

As they slowly neared he observed the brown ones gait, she moved gracefully. Though her grace betrayed many features that were about her. Her eyes narrowed, and what little of her wings that were exposed sharpened in posture, and ever so slightly her movements retained some form of rigidity.

She approached his delegation, he noted that the light cloud carpeting his delegation was afforded began to crackle with faint streaks of lightning as she neared. As she came closer he couldn’t feel but tense up, it was like being scrutinized by one of the elders whenever they’d turn up at the city Forum

Her eyes upon approaching the delegation, scanned each one within her distance, Her gaze faltered however upon a yelp from behind her.

Turning attention away he turned to the source of the yelp, Behind the three one of the elderly delegates had tripped, landing quite ungracefully on the red carpet. quickly, too quickly he noticed, the young mare turned, helping the old mare to her hooves.

Not that anypony noticed initially, most were too preoccupied with making themselves presentable, the old lady’s fall was simply drowned out by the idle chit chat, It was when the young lady turned to help that the old matriarchs current state was noticed.

The young lady helped the older one get her bearings, taking care to make sure if anything else happened,

she's well mannered, he concluded,she was graceful to boot, her previous actions notwithstanding, she probably had an idea or two of what to do in these sorts of functions, which spoke well of her possible stature.

Then she opened her mouth to speak.

Silence, he focused again, noting that for a moment he’d slightly been off-put, Her voice glided across the air, like a soft melody, her face was one of concern, The elderly mare, quite preoccupied with getting her bearings straight, smiled back and assured her. despite her initial confusion regarding the young lady’s language.

The young lady in turn brought her focus back to her path, before noticing that all eyes were on her, and not in the way she’d wanted, upon noticing, she frantically scrambled to revert to her previous persona, forcefully adopting the serious stare she carried earlier.

Bell Fount stared, no , that would not work, a few of them had already seen beneath her mask, though the Unicorns thankfully been focusing elsewhere for the time being, He smiled back at her, as did most of the pegasus delegation, Noticing that her small ploy didn’t work she then dropped her stare, finally deciding to wave and greet in turn.

Taking a slight step forward, Font moved towards a companion of his, before stopping for a slight moment near her.whispering to her as he passed her by.

“They didn’t see that, so your guise might still work.” Bell Fount said unsure as to whether or not she could understand him.

With a nod of recognition, she moved forward, mulling over his words, before continuing on her way up once more.


“What was that about?” Rarity questioned curiously at the display she witnessed.

Charm was almost forced to pause mid stride, turning her head to Rarity she noted the confused and somewhat mirthful stare the unicorn gave towards her.

[“Oh just a bit of a heads up, though I don’t know how long it stays that way.”] Charm said trailing off quite a bit.

“Equish dearie, I still don’t get where you’re going.” Rarity said with a sigh placing a hoof to her temples at Charms rapid firing speech.

[“My little facade might still work, The Unicorns were focused elsewhere when I went to the pegasi,”]

“Oh?” Rarity questioned tilting her head ever so slightly Charm couldn't help but to smile, confound these ponies they were so cute.

[“My little staring contest might’ve put them off for the time being.”] Charm couldn't help but chuckle softly, oh yes, quite put off indeed.

“Alright, we’re approaching the final delegation, I trust you’d continue this little game of yours?” Rarity said as she walked next to Charm.

[Why Rarity, you know me too well.”] She said with a smirk.

“And what was that with the colt before we continued on?” Charm blushed but shook her head and glared at Rarity.

[“I told you, he gave me a heads up on the Unicorns.”] She deadpanned towards Rarity.

“Is that so dearie? seems to me that he was quite ‘Charmed’.” Rarity giggled into her hoof giving a soft snort.

[“Again with the puns.”] Charm grumbled unhappily while rolling her eyes but she couldn't help but smirk, she did love puns.

“Can’t pass up an opportunity dearie~!” Rarity sing songed.

Charm paused, not too far away was the Unicorn delegation, Her gaze settled, on them, though her gaze was firmly locked on those who were known for their.. flair and higher stature. She made sure to focus less on the lower houses, Noting that those ones or the most part didn’t deserve the various cold sweats she gave them earlier.

Though with the gala about to start in full soon enough, and the fact that word would spread fast, Charm suspected that her little facade wouldn’t be as convincing for some.

They neared the delegation, only to falter slightly as Princess Celestia neared, Behind her two rows of guards stood, most likely a ceremonial formation.

The Princess neared, and Charm stood, brow raised in confusion, before widening, as the Princess stopped short oh her and bowed

“It is an honor to have you here Lady Feather.” Princess Celestia said with a polite smile, but a glint in her eye caught Charms attention.

Charm stilled, noticing something, her gaze narrowed, to the outside observer her face carried an air of grace, she bowed back, Her plan was halted, and she was so close to the delegation too...

Well played princess, well played…

“Tell me about it..” Star said disappointed.

“Aren't you supposed to be fixing the spell?” Charm thought out curiously hoping Star wasn't being lazy, a smack was heard and a feeling of sheepishness felt out in her mind.

“Just checking…” A feeling of someone leaving the room and Star was back to work leaving Charm slightly confused.

The Princess then stood once more, before turning to the delegations,.

“Lady Feather has been having issues with her translation spell as of late, so it is quite a relief that she has decided to attend at all.” Celestia had said to the nobility as the nobles seemed to nod in agreement among each other.

She turned to the three. “Come, your tables by the balcony.” She said with a glint in her eye.

Damn, she was placing her somewhere obvious as well, not that it went against her plan, it just made for her to be a more obvious target for the various delegates to approach.

She bowed once more, before her and her small party accompanied the given guards to their designated table..

“Do you think she saw into your plan?” Stars voice suddenly echoed into her mind, Charm, startled by her voice nearly tripped, before regaining her balance.

Her head took a brief turn back, noting that the Princess Celestias eyes narrowed accompanied with a victorious smirk.

“I think so Star, I think so” She sighed out.

Their seats were taken, and after the last of the guests was seated, the Gala was officially, started…

Charm moved, shifting her gaze to her two companions.

[“So… now what?”] Rarity looked to Lyra, and with a smirk the two started planning, leaving Charm out of the conversation.


Noticing that Charm Feather was suddenly and literally in the spotlight, Lyra Heartstrings whispered something into the pegasus ears.

["Singing? Are you insane?"] Charm Feather said and Rarity translated.

"Hello? Big fancy event here, we usually have singing and at least one musical in one of these. See my cutie mark? Is music based, I know what I am talking about."

The pegasus then turned to look at Rarity ["Please tell me you are not okay with this."]

"Sorry Charm dear, but I actually think is a good idea."

'And you have a beautiful voice.' Guiding Star added, making the chestnut pegasus blush.

["But even if I do it, how that works for my intro?"] Rarity translated that.

"Just sing how you feel, make it come from your heart, don't try to make it an art, it doesn't matter what you say, only Rarity can understand you now anyways." Lyra said and winked


While she sang the song, Charm couldn't help but smirk a bit, while the lyrics seem kind of ordinary to her, the ponies around her seemed almost smitten.

One thing the elves in Nirn were, an that is they have lovely singing voices.


"That… that was beautiful." Lyra said in awe.

While no pony but Rarity, and certain spirit understood the song, she had sang with such a passion, with such a heart, and with such a lovely voice that everypony clapped their hooves together. Charm noticing the crowd of onlookers meeps at the sudden attention and her ears lowered as she looked out towards the many ponies now paying attention to her. Even if it was her idea she was never prepared for being center of attention.

Celestia found herself crying a single tear for some reason, that song, it touched her heart, she didn't know why, maybe it was a song about loss?

Rarity had to plant her hooves firmly in the ground to avoid breaking protocol and hug her friend.

Author's Note:

Co-written by Arroz and Pinklestia

Song suggested by Pinklestia

song is "Walkin' After Midnight" by Patsy Cline

"English Lyrics"

I go out walkin' after midnight
Out in the moonlight, just like we used to do
I'm always walkin' after midnight
Searchin' for you

I walk for miles along the highway
Well, that's just my way of sayin' I love you
I'm always walkin' after midnight
Searchin' for you

I stop to see a weepin' willow
Cryin' on his pillow
Maybe he's cryin' for me
And as the skies turn gloomy
Night winds whisper to me
I'm lonesome as I can be

I go out walkin' after midnight
Out in the starlight, just hoping you may be
Somewhere a-walkin' after midnight
Searchin' for me

I stop to see a weepin' willow
Cryin' on his pillow
Maybe he's cryin' for me
And as the skies turn gloomy
Night winds whisper to me
I'm lonesome as I can be

I go out walkin' after midnight
Out in the starlight, just hoping you may be
Somewhere a-walkin' after midnight
Searchin' for me