• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 7,288 Views, 276 Comments

The Adventures of Charm Feather, In Just Me, and possibly her Chronicles. - R-A-B-G

what would you do if Sheogorath Comes threw your TV, or what if you suddenly lost your previous gender and age, or suddenly have to take care of a little filly? probably best see what I had to do.

  • ...

Luxurious Castle Tour

Chapter Twelve

‘Well... this is very awkward.’ I mentally thought as I had now found myself in the bath house of the castle, with three other women... ‘Mares.’ I mentally corrected.

After the food incident back at my room, Princess Celestia had invited us to join her in the baths, ‘Seems she is rather relaxed around children.’ I noted because if she noticed that I was in fact was in my mid twenties, and male, she wouldn’t had even been tempted to invite me to join her, unless we were lovers…

‘Darn it brain!’ I mentally yelled not at all amused at my brains antics.

'Well she does have a nice and toned body, but her butt is a tad big.' Guiding Star said in my head

'Not helping sister!'

Since Rarity has a home and parents to worry for her, she requested to be send back home as soon as possible as she was still grounded, she also had to tell them about the offer, more like order to join Celestia's school for gifted unicorns.

Celestia had replied that she had already notified her parents on her whereabouts.

So after that I found out that Princess Celestia has an illusion placed on her, or a transformation of some sort, or she placed one on herself to be less intimidating to us, she is now shorter than her former self and now has a light pink that is almost white coat, with a bright pink mane.

She looks rather pretty and cute in this form, my guess not many ponies see her in this form where the stress of politics and such forces her to be regal and proper, but it’s nice seeing she could now and then just let down her hair as it were.

‘All in all I like this version of Celestia better than her regal form.’ I thought as I try to wash myself.

'Yes, she looks rather beautiful like this, too bad I don't have a real body or I…' Damn trolling sister!

'Star, drop it please, I can hear it too!' thought a blushing Rarity


The water is warm and has silky soaps, herbal remedies and whatever bath oils are in the rather large pool. Soap bubbles gently wrap around my fur as the stress of the past week slowly melted away in the warm water.

Of course Rarity still asked me to check the pool for any plant traps, ‘I know she is going to develop a phobia towards such things, I know it.’ I said not at all amused since I am not prepared for future events involving her and baths with everything when she wants one.

'Yet one of her bigger fears is still a world with horrible fashion taste.' Upon hearing that Rarity hugged me for comfort while I sent a glare to Guiding Star. At least that made the spirit disappear and stop bugging us. Fluttershy said 'Eeep' and hid behind Celestia, noticing that it looked like I had glared at her, I smiled and told her I was sorry.

Then I wondered why Celestia had not seen my big sis, she must have used her trick to alter our five senses instead of the astral projection like thing she usually uses.

The tub or would it be considered a swimming pool as it is enormous, looked like it could support several ponies the size of Celestia. Pipes on the edges of the pool constantly pour water into the large pool, they are decorated to look like ponies are spitting into the water, and it is a rather silly thought that made me giggle at the idea of us swimming in spit. Still with a smile I reach for a brush with my hoof figuring my matted and tangled fur could use a brushing.

As I was about to do some personal grooming a rubber ducky slowly floated by me, I watch it pass me as I watched it rather amused. But rather chase it down and give it a squeak I return to my fumble attempts with the brush, then I noticed my plight at the realization at the fact that I had no idea how to do this.

Shortly after Celestia’s head pass by me following the duck, she was utterly focused on the rubber ducky she had ignored my presence as she passed. Again I just stared, she floated right up to the ducky and bite down onto the duck giving it a squeak. Ignoring the very odd supposed ruler of the world playing with her rubber ducky, I returning back to my rather awkward brushing. I then started to ignore my surroundings as I was still trying to figure out how to brush my fur or even my mane and tail.

I then noticed that I hadn’t really bathed, there was the time at Rarity’s or the pond in the underground oasis, but I didn’t use soap or fur or mane care products so I have no idea how to use these. Well, I did had a shower in Rarity's house… I think. Did Rarity give me a bath while I was sleep? That was a tad creepy.

I had in the past just dunk myself into the water, then scrubbed my fur of any muck and go on with life, then I would either air dried or towelled myself off. This is what I had done the few times I had ever needed to bathe in this form as it had felt weird to me at the time.

Now I had suddenly find myself utterly perplexed at my current situation now that I had time to actually needing to use these things. So I try to balance my brush with my hoof to be able to comb my mane.

Only to make a bigger mess of it then it already is.

Noticing my plight Rarity moves her way from across the bath towards me, she looked amused at my utter mess of a mane I now currently have.

Without saying a word she takes my brush from my hoof with her magic, I blush embarrassingly, I averted my eyes out of embarrassment as I look at that rather interesting looking soap bubble. I turn around for her so she could see my mane more clearly. she then starts to brush the knots out of my fur and mane.

"Honest darling, you should really learn to groom yourself, I even had to give you a sponge bath when you were asleep!"

Okay, so she did give me a bath when I was asleep, but now I find it heartwarming as it must not have been easy to give me a bath using a sponge for a small filly like her.

I smile and nod as the soothing sensation of being brushed slowly bled my stress away.‘This is rather nice, I enjoy this all too much.’ I couldn’t help but to feel slightly sleepy from the soothing sensation.

While this was going on I could hear a song which caused me slowly nod off to sleep to dream of nice things.


Rarity giggled as she noticed that Charm had fallen asleep from her gentle brushing. humming a soft tune to sooth her friend even further, the unicorn was so engrossed on her friend she hadn't noticed the other pegasus had made her way to them.

Slowly she made her way to the white unicorn until she spoke catching her attention.

“Um, ah e-excuse me.” at this Rarity not halting in her brushing turned her attention to Fluttershy.

“Hum? Oh my, why hello dear how may I help you?” Rarity smiled warmly at the yellow pegasus still remembering to be polite.

Smiling softly as she pushed her wet mane out of her face to try to be more assertive with herself she tried to introduce herself. “M-my name is F-Fluttershy, a-and I h-helped Charm w-when she h-had been k-knocked o-out.” She tries to introduce herself stuttering as she had subconsciously hid behind her mane.

Smiling as she had remembered Charm giving a brief summary on what happened she remembered that she met and recruited a pegasus to help her.

“Ah I remember you, Charm here told me all about that, my name is Rarity, nice to meet you.” Rarity said beaming, while Fluttershy couldn’t help but to blush at this.

“S-she did?” Fluttershy blushed rather flustered.

“Indeed, said you helped her set up that spell circle that helped defeat the hydra.” Rarity said with praise and a smile. Looking down at Charm as she continued to brush out Charms mane to get it knots free.

“I-I did?” Fluttershy said somehow achieving a whole new level of blushing at the praise in Rarity’s tone.

“Yup she also said there was no way she could have had the time to be able to do that with the hydra on her tail.” Rarity said not at all noticing how Fluttershy was now looking rather faint.

“I-I buh bwah?” Fluttershy said now unable to form words properly as her blush had deepened impossibly deeper. ‘H-how come being praised is m-making me feel this way?’ she thought unable to voice her words.

“Yes. She was going on and on about how the battle was going for her then, and on how much it was taking to keep out of the reach of the beast, then right when she arrived at the spot she was practically dreading that you didn’t had enough time to set up the spell, and to her shock and joy noticed that everything was set up.” At this Rarity still using her magic to brush Charms fur reached over and placed her hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulders. “You had accomplished the task needed of you when Charm needed it most, you are a good friend Fluttershy.” Rarity said looking into Fluttershy’s eyes with absolute gratitude.

“Thank you for sticking around this silly filly.” at this she pointed at Charm Feather who was fast asleep and snoring cutely, “And because of that you have made two friends this day.”

After saying that Rarity was very confused when her new friend Fluttershy had fainted with her head face down in the pool.

Gasping in shock the unicorn rushed to the pegasus helping her sit up as she held Charm Feather in her magic hold to prevent her from drowning. And using her hooves she held up Fluttershy to prevent her from drowning as well.

“W-what just happened?” Rarity asked confused completely at her current situation.


It had been several years since she had seen her friend, when he went to the tear to travel the universe.

But that was a long time ago but now it has been several days since she had gotten the feeling that her friend was in danger so pretty much dropping everything she was doing she gathered her old gear and made track to the throat of the world to assist her friend. The enchantment alarms that were blaring in her mind had lessened considerably, meaning he isn’t in immediate danger, but that could change very quickly.

When they had used the elder scrolls to send him away to his home universe only for the scroll to do something unexpected and send her dear friend to another universe, afterwards the scroll dropped and the light it once glowed with when one opened it had dulled considerably.

She thought she wouldn’t be able to see her friend ever again thinking maybe he could find happiness in the other universe.

His amulet a gift she had given him had many enchantments in it. She had presented it to the Mages College in Winterhold as well as several other wizards able to give the necessary enchantments.

One such enchantment was meant to communicate to her a warning if her friend was in danger of dying then continue to broadcast his current health to her afterwards.

Or at least that was what was told to her would happen.

Reaching the location on the highest mountain in the world, the throat of the world she could see with her senses the exact location of the tear in space and time.

It is now night and the sky was clear displaying the incredible sight of the glowing lights above, the norm for Skyrim.

She gazed out towards the top noticing nothing had changed one bit since Zach left, the same old barren mountain top with the same old dragon who resides here.

Upon spotting her friend Paarthurnax who stood at his perch on the wall of words which still holds the dragon language written upon it.

He turned his focus from the sky above to look her in the eye, ‘if I didn’t know any better I would have thought he was angry to see me.’ She thought smiling at her friend’s happy but although hard to tell if you don’t know him smile.

“Ah Dovakiin it is good to see you again.” He greeted with his deep voice

“Hello my friend, I fear I’ am on business rather than pleasure.” She said nodding as Paarthurnax sighed at being denied a friendly chat.

‘I only hope I’ am not too late.’ She thought with dread as the night moved on.


I stare out of the tower towards the land below, the land of Equestria home of the ponies it would seem.

I had a long chat about the world I now find myself in thanks to Fluttershy who was all too eager to display her knowledge to me.

After the long talk about Equestria and its many wonders that are still unknown to the world Charm Feather smiled as the sunset was giving her some peace of mind.

“Heh I have been around here for nearly two weeks, and in that time I meet a real friend, saved a town and got to meet the ruler of Equestria." I said watching the suns golden hues start to turn purple as the sun lowers in the horizon.

“Yeah that is rather strange.” Had not noticing her presence Rarity speaks causing me to jolt in fright.

“Oh my gosh! Rarity you scared me half to death!” I announced as Rarity giggles into her hoof at my current flustered state.

“Hah ha, sorry you were just so focused on the sunset that I couldn’t resist.” Rarity said still giggling at me and beside her Fluttershy joins her in the merriment.

I couldn’t help but to giggle myself as her laugh was infectious.

“So what are you thinking Charm?” Rarity asked me as I watched the sunset.

“Not much really, just recalling the past few hours.” I said starting to think of the conversation we had with Celestia earlier.

oOo Flashback oOo

After the bath Celestia had showed us Canterlot castle, starting with her personal quarters, which I got to say is pretty average, ‘I guess living in high class for eons would get old sooner or later.’ I had mentally thought at the time.

‘Or this is luxurious for ponies.’ I thought intrigue slightly.

She had also showed us the many guest rooms and the enormous banquet hall, all of coarse rather luxurious and looking rather expensive.

I made sure not to touch anything as I had the fear of breaking anything here.

Celestia had also showed us the massive library here and although I had seen bigger it was still rather impressive. Plus is not like she was gonna show a mere visitor the place where she keeps the restricted books.

Within the hallways we had traveled in Canterlot castle, there were paintings of all kinds mostly of Celestia or of nobles, meadows and sunrise and sets. But they were too bright and cheery for my tastes, but I did enjoyed the rather few night paintings that exists, the colors were mellow and calm, the kind of colors I enjoy most.

Last was the throne room, it was like everything I noticed looking rather expensive, there were two thrones one gold with a red seat cushion, and one onyx with a bright blue seat cushion.

I didn’t put much stock into them figuring there was another ruler I do not know of as I’ am fairly new here.

Celestia sat on the golden throne she then took a few minutes to stall as she tries to adjust to get comfortable.

“Ah that’s much better.” Princess Celestia said now comfortable.

I sat there waiting while Rarity gawks at how everything in the throne room looked very expensive and was filled with very breakable objects. I tuck my body closer to myself to prevent any unwanted movement.

“I had brought you here today to officially request the both of you to become my students as I had noticed that both of you are extremely talented in magic.” Celestia had said being very formal and regal.

But all what was going through my mind was ‘I am going back to school?’ to say I had a bad schooling history is an understatement and it showed although I don’t think Celestia had noticed.

Rarity on the other hoof has a look that looked conflicted over something. Why? I already knew she had to go to the school and be followed by royal guards for life and she had picked going to the magic school.

“I am sorry Charm… but… would you like to be my teacher?” Rarity asked hesitatingly while I watched the look of curiosity on Princess Celestia’s face.

“Uh… really?” It was one thing to share knowledge with her, but to officially become her teacher?

Rarity then cleared her throat to become more assertive within herself she speaks clearly and full of determination.

“You are the reason I know Healing magic at all, that's why.” My mind had displayed an error screen for a moment as I processed this information. While Celestia was looking at me really interested.

“Interesting, how could she be able to teach you magic when she herself seems to be just a student?” Celestia said then cast a spell over me and I glowed orange for a moment "Oh I see, that explains it."

"Uh?" Rarity and I said at the same time.

"Did you know your friend Charm Feather is a reincarnation?" Celestia said with the same calm somepony else would have said in a casual conversation.

"Really? Well… that's okay." Rarity said giving me a look that basically said that she really was okay with it.

“Anyway, while I will go your school princess, the only way I can improve my Healing magic and my Alchemy is if I have Charm Feather to help me. But I know she would not want to go to a school where they would look at her like a freak for being a pegasus that can cast spells. Hence why I am asking her to be my teacher." Rarity said then bowed to me and have me a puppy dog eye stare.

While all I did was teach a little about my style of magic and let her read a few magic books… I guess that being her teacher won't be so bad, plus this way we would not have to reveal Guiding Star existence, so I guess I am a teacher.

But in the end I can’t teach her all that she needs to know, since I have no clue how unicorn magic works, not I am myself a unicorn. So her having me to help improve her Healing magic and Alchemy while she also goes to learn unicorn magic balances things out. I noticed how I was thinking, before I would have argued that I was not really proficient in magic, but since I was the only spell caster pegasus around that argument would fall on deaf ears. Plus my magic was easier and more powerful since I became a pegasus, to the point Guiding Star had argued that I needed to learn to cast it without using shortcuts.

"So, yes or no?" Rarity asked sounding impatient, I must have been staring at nothing for a few minutes while I thought about it.

"Yes, I will be your teacher in Alchemy and Healing magic." Then I looked at the ruler of Equestria. "However I would like to point out that myself cannot do Healing magic not teach it to anypony else. If you want ponies to learn that you will have to wait until my student Rarity becomes a teacher herself." That was a way to cover both of our tails and help to hide Guiding Star existence.

"Very well, I assume than by what Rarity say, there is no way I can convince you to go to my school?" Celestia asked with a resigned tone, thinking about it, it was quite logical that being a pegasus, Miss Charm Feather would be unable to learn unicorn magic and so her going to her school would be pointless.

"Yes, I would be unable to learn unicorn magic, plus having Rarity as a student I will have my hooves full. Not to mention the type of magic I can do myself is not really that impressive. It takes a lot of time to learn and master, and save for healing that not everypony can do, most unicorn mages would probably kick my tail."

Charm Feather was downplaying her magic and what she could do on purpose, but since she was used to feeling inferior when it came to magic, it came out sounding sincere.

"I see, would you not be interested to teach your style of magic to non unicorns then?" Celestia asked. "I would of course, pay handsomely to you for doing that."

"No, your majesty. I am sorry, one student is more than enough for me at the moment, and probably for the next few years. After I think that Rarity had learned all she can from me I might take your proposal into consideration."

"Very well, I expect miss Rarity to pass the test to enter my school with flying colors, and shall she fail, I will give her a personal tutor. If anything else, she needs to learn her limits and not try to kill herself with her own magic."

"Sorry your majesty." Rarity said blushing deep red in embarrassment and bowed.

Then she looked at me "Miss Charm Feather, I would like to keep the fact that you are a reincarnation a secret, unless I give it my permission, no pony that doesn't already now should find out." Celestia then looked at Rarity. "The same goes for you young lady, unless I authorize it, you can't tell anypony about what Charm Feather is."

I wisely decided to not ask why. "Yes your majesty, as you wish your Majesty." Both me and Rarity said at almost the same time.

"Good, now that's done, let's invite you two for lunch!"

oOo End of Flashback. oOo

After a very filling lunch were Rarity stayed behind with Celestia to talk about "Unicorn stuff", I headed to Fluttershy’s room, with assistance from a butler of course. I then spend most of the time just sitting around and generally being lazy with Fluttershy, she is a real sweetheart to be around, she talked most of the time about her animal friends and how they are so fluffy, cuddly and adorable.

That was what I had done mostly until Rarity interrupted my musing while I watched the sunset.
Coming out of my musing I look back towards Rarity and Fluttershy who smiled at me, the two of us had grown closer over the day.

I found out she has a love for cute little animals, and don’t laugh at me but even when I was a human, I could not help but to cuddle with cats.

It’s no wonder why I was probably turned into a female pony and am dealing with it better than most people I know who would totally freak out by now, ‘I was more attached with my feminine side than most men.’ I thought.

I turned back towards the land beyond. ‘Hard to believe Celestia controls that massive ball of fire and gas.’ I noted rather amused about that tidbit of information.

'Well, this world literally runs on magic, don't be surprised if you suddenly become part of a live musical. Then everypony acts like it was normal.'

I was about to argue then that would never happen but after remembering the fact that I almost killed myself and that Guiding Star could read Rarity memories, I wisely decided to shut up. I would later find out that was a smart choice.

‘I wonder if I could think up some does this orbit makes me look fat jokes.’ Unfortunately not much came to mind I shrug and turn back to the others.

Glancing back to Fluttershy I remembered most of what we had been doing we had a lot to speak about and from what I understand her friend Rainbow Dash isn’t so open to the shy mare at least that’s what I had gleaned from her stories Fluttershy told me.

“I have accepted to join Princess Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns.” Rarity said more for Fluttershy than anything else. I then hugged Rarity and congratulated her for her good luck.

“You go in there and show up those other unicorns with your awesomeness my friend.” I said slightly blushing at my emotions towards Rarity, as I noticed how much I am going to miss her while she is gone.

'I can have you two having shared dreams once every two days, not every night as otherwise it would be too tiresome.' Guiding Star said showing that she might be a troll but also was an awesome sister.

Yeah, she is my sister, dunno why, she just is. Just like I accepted her ability to manipulate my and Rarity five senses, becoming a mare and that friendship made me feel awesome since I became a pony.

Rarity although unbeknownst to me is silently crying, I look up at a slightly awkward pegasus filly motioning her towards us I invited her into the embrace.

Tomorrow I would return to Ponyville with Fluttershy and without Rarity, as she would attend the school for gifted unicorns for the next few years. Not that I don't plan to visit, I have to, she is my student after all, but mostly it would be a day or two a week. I could stay in Canterlot but it would make hard to practice my magic, not to mention I want to become Zecora apprentice and trade with her Alchemy tips. Plus I have to learn how to be a pegasus, make potions and… damn, I really have a lot of things to do.


Celestia although wasn’t mad, she wasn’t also glad the chestnut brown pegasus Charm Feather isn’t going to be her student, but she could feel the truth behind the words of the small filly. Plus she got a future healer grandmaster in Rarity, and Charm Feather was gonna have to visit if she planned to make good of her offer to be Rarity's teacher.

‘The future holds many curious secrets, only time will tell if they would benefit Equestria, or destroy it.’ She thought grim at the possible outcome. Then decided to hit herself for being so negative, while impressive, what Charm Feather had done was not the most powerful magic she had ever seen, or the most dangerous. She was mostly interested in Rarity healing ability than anything else.

Celestia has cast a spell to get a peak of who Charm Feather really was when she cast that spell to figure out Charm was a reincarnation. It wasn't mind reading or anything really invasive,

But she got a good look at Charms moral compass on who the mare would prefer to be, and much to Celestia’s relief, it seemed Charm Feather prefered to avoid seeking conflict and would rather help when she could and be a good pony.

But she still would rather place some agents to watch Charm Feather... just in case, since corruption of the soul isn’t an unknown concept to her. And that the victim isn’t always willing to be evil.

'No.' A small part of her said, and unlikely many times before, The princess of the Sun decided to accept the advice. Ponyville was a great town full of honest and caring ponies. Charm Feather lived there and would be visiting regularly to train Rarity in her unique branch of magic. If she spied on the pegasus all the time, it would just seed distrust.

'Trust in harmony and hope for the best.'

Celestia was not a nice pony, she had done many things that most ponies would find bad to keep the peace of her beloved Equestria. But she had the hunch that both Rarity and Charm Feather had an important role to play and going behind their backs too much would come to bite her back in the behind.

Besides, she had Twilight Sparkle to train, that was more important than anything else, with Nightmare Moon release coming closer every year.

End of Chapter…

Everything is set and the hour is near,

For the heroes at hoof would step to the stage,

To banish the darkness,

For the stars above would set her free,

For in a few years the threat of night time eternal would try to take over once again.

But that time has yet to come, there is time to play and dance, and for certain pegasus to try dresses and be girly, much to her shame.

So ladies and gentlecolts, I hope you've been enjoying our little tale.

"Hi, I am Pinklestia, the story co-author!" A pink Celestia appears on stage then drags RandomAncientBadGuy, who looks a lot like Charm Feather, only as an adult mare and wearing glasses, and with a paper and quill cutie mark. "And this is the Author, lets call her Ranan!"

"My name is R-A-B-G!" The brown pegasus mare protests, then tries to leave the stage but is tackled by the pink alicorn

"Ranan sounds more cute!”

“And I am really a guy! now release me pink demon!"

"Oh really? Cause you aren't one right now."

R-A-B-G blushes and tries to escape yet again, only to be lassoed back to stage

"Anyway, here is a treat for our beloved readers, you can ask what would you like for the beautiful Ranan to do and we might use your ideas in this end of chapters segments. That also includes any idea to might usually be too silly and weird to do in the story. Who knows, we might even do a full Omake out one of your ideas!"

"Wait we doing what now? No, no way, not doing it, nope!" R-A-B-G runs away

"Don't worry guys and gals, we are still doing it. Now I will go get some ice-cream and chocolate to bribe her. goodbye!"

There was a poof of pink smoke and the stage and the pink princess was gone.

Author's Note:

Co-writer Pinklestia