• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 7,288 Views, 276 Comments

The Adventures of Charm Feather, In Just Me, and possibly her Chronicles. - R-A-B-G

what would you do if Sheogorath Comes threw your TV, or what if you suddenly lost your previous gender and age, or suddenly have to take care of a little filly? probably best see what I had to do.

  • ...

The journey starts[Rewritten]

Chapter three
Re-Written by FordPrefect <- because he did
Edited by: Pinklestia <- cause you did
Supervised by: R-A-B-G <- cause I only watched O_-

We needed to find our way out of the forest. Unluckily, I was unskilled at illusion and therefore didn't know any scrying spells. Rarity hadn't carried a map with her, nor remembered which direction home was. So we decided to stay in the safety of the camp until I learned to fly. Once I could do that, it would be easy to figure out where Rarity's hometown was.

That was the plan anyway…

Reaching for the sky, I felt the wind blowing over my mane and fur as I jumped. My wings beat furiously, feeling my mana react to the wind around my form as I soared... for about three seconds, until I dropped like a rock from the tree I had climbed. My hopes had been in vain that my pegasus nature would kick in to prevent me from face planting into the ground. Obviously that idea didn’t work as I whimpered in pain on the ground.

“Well, it serves you right for thinking that jumping from a tree would give you an advantage.” Said Rarity as she poured a healing potion down my throat. I could feel my bruises disappear and my cracked ribs mend.

“Well birds learn to fly like that, why can’t I?” I said, wincing from my aching muscles as I stood up.

“Those birds don’t use magic to fly.” Rarity said. She pushed me and I fell back down to the ground with a groan. Feeling weak, I thought ‘I think I’ll stay here for a few days on the nice, soft, ground.’


“These past few days in the forests have been so dark and gloomy, and filthy and let’s not forget about the mud from that rain.” Rarity said to Charm feather in hopes of them heading back towards camp.

Charming had long ago tuned out Rarity's complaints, instead concentrating on finding various flowers and leaves. She examined them as if they were the most interesting things in all of Equestria. ‘Honestly I don’t understand it. Yes that patch of flowers are very beautiful and looks tasty and yes, those blue flowers do indeed look very nice. Oh, she isn’t going for them...' Rarity thought mentally. “Argh! Charming, is there a pond or a lake someplace so I can get clean?”

Deciding to look for a place to clean herself, Rarity walked off further into the forest. After a minute, she found a nice little pond with crystal clear water surrounded by large leaves and rocky terrain. It simply looked divine to her. Rarity practically belly flopped into the pond in her excitement.

Sighing, Rarity settled into the water. She scrubbed the filth off of her coat and mane with her hooves. After getting as clean as she could, without soap, she laughed and swam around playfully.

Then something happened that changed how she would look at baths forever. Suddenly the leaves around the pond snapped up, with her trapped inside. In the dark she screamed, for she was in a stomach of a plant monster with no way out . Around her, disturbed by the plant's sudden movement, bones of the previous victims bobbed to the surface of the water.

This spurred Rarity to scream even more while a green luminous liquid started to seep into the water from the walls of the pool, mixing with the water. She could feel a tingling sensation from the rising acidity of the water. She felt foolish for leaving Charm. She cried out with all her might. “HELP ME CHARMING!”

~ Change of Perspective to Charm ~

“Argh! Charming, is there a pond or a lake someplace so I can get clean?” Rarity complained as we marched into the forest to get some plants for my potions as I'm running low of alchemical ingredients. Not that I knew if we will find the plants I need or not, this was a different world after all.

Rarity joined me, saying she needed to get some exercise. Of course every time I tell her to be quiet she gets appalled at my attitude towards a ‘lady’. This has been going on for roughly an hour now and I had managed to tune her out. My trip was proving frustrating as, while I had a few plants that were magical, I was not familiar with them and being stuck inside a dangerous forest was not the best place to do experiments.

I sneaked my way towards an interesting bug specimen. 'I hope it cant see me.' I thought nervously. It resembled the dragonflies back in Skyrim, but this one had an extra set of wings on its rear. With a quick swoop of my hoof I caught it in a jar. Smiling, I wondered if this bug is rare or common in this world. Wait, why can’t I hear Rarity? Looking around me I noticed she was gone. I started to panic as I looked around frantically, seeing neither fur nor mane of her.

“Oh... crap.”

What the hell was I thinking? She is just a small girl, yet I ignored her in the middle of a forest full of dangers! I looked around the area shouting frantically for Rarity. I galloped back, retracing my steps until I found the point where her hoof prints left my trail. I reached a clearing with a large plant that looked kind of like an artichoke bulb. I looked around the clearing, searching for more of her hoofprints, but to no avail. All I could find were her prints where she entered the clearing. My ears fell back as my overactive imagination started playing out scenarios on how she died.

“Oh no, no, no, no!” I started crying as I yelled, feeling guilty for ignoring Rarity.

“Help me charming!” I whipped my head towards the voice so fast that I almost gave myself whiplash.

‘That was Rarity’s voice!’ My mind registered this new found hope. I rushed to the plant and put my ear to it, hearing the sound of muffled sobbing. I knew where Rarity was. Not taking any chances I quickly used a spell to cut the plant's top off.

Looking into the plant I saw Rarity in slightly green tinged water, no doubt acid of sorts. Reaching down to the now hysterical unicorn filly I pulled her out of the acid. I gave her a healing potion to help with the mild acid burns she had been developing. She then passed out, probably from emotional exhaustion while she cried. I quickly cleaned the acid out her fur, mane and tail by conjuring ice then melting it over her using fire. It was still cool and she shivered a bit. Once I was sure no acid was left over her I hugged the little unicorn filly in joy and relief. I placed her on my back and carried her back to camp.

Once in the camp I warmed her by lighting up a campfire. It also helped up to dry my robes. Later that day Rarity woke up screaming. It took five minutes to calm her down enough to get some answers from her.


It’s been five days since I told Rarity I'd get her home.

Rarity’s once beautiful purple mane was uneven and unkempt from the abuse of the forest. To make her feel better I gave her a ... mane cut? So her mane is now considerably shorter.

“So are you going to stare at me forever Charming?” Rarity said bluntly as I was snapped out of my musing. Blushing and smiling sheepishly I diverted my eyes to an interesting looking plant on the other side of the clearing. “I mean I look good and I wouldn’t fault you for falling for me, but I'm not into mares.” Now I've gone from slightly blushing to a solid red. ‘Curse you brain, you've betrayed me!’ I thought as I found myself staring with disbelief at Rarity.

“I... what... no... I mean ah... grrah!” I stammer out as Rarity giggles at my flustered state “You’re like six or seven, how do you know these things!” I shouted as Rarity goes from giggling to full blown laughter.

Rarity is surprisingly mature for her age. I had found out she is only '7 ½ years old.' Since we're somewhat the same size, my body is probably about the same age as her but maybe a year older since I am taller. I think I'm a little jealous since she can already do magic at such a young age, while it took me a long time to learn as an adult. But then, she is a unicorn and I was human, so is not fair to compare.

I looked at my flank at my cutie mark which is ‘a symbol of your special talent’ is what Rarity said. My cutie mark is of a silver sword with blue energy swirling around it, the emblem of enchanting. I remember when I first found out my talent was in enchanting it was a few years ago at the college of Winterhold. I couldn’t even get a spark of magic out until I tried my hand at enchantment.

I was then pulled from my musings as Rarity laughs again about what she did to me. I grumble about little fillies and their knowledge about stuff they shouldn’t know yet. Then I headed off to my tent to prepare for another attempt at flying.


Rarity watched Charm Feather walk into her tent, no doubt getting some healing potions for her next bout of flying lessons. Rarity was dejected at the thought of Charm hurting herself while learning how to fly. She didn’t like her friend getting injured.

Since Charm Feather hadn’t told Rarity anything about her life, Rarity had been imagining reasons for Charm's situation. ‘Oh to live a life where her parents couldn’t teach her how to fly!’ Rarity teared up at the image of a poor Charming begging on the streets for bits in the cold. Struggling to live, day by day.

Charm looked at her wings and flapped them experimentally, only to lift from the ground by a few inches. Then writing her results in her journal. Rarity watching as she writes in her journal in an unknown language. ‘I don’t think she knows I can’t read what she's writing.’ Rarity thought as she ate some snowberries.

Rarity no longer felt the need to stuff her face with them. “Maybe I'm getting used to them.” Rarity said, as she mused about the taste of the odd fruit. It's tangy and sweet, like strawberries were combined with blueberries, with an orange aftertaste. Not to mention that they are cold to the touch. Rarity’s musings were interrupted as Charm yelled out rather loudly.

Rarity stopped eating and rushed to Charm. She was hovering off the ground with the biggest smile to ever grace her face.

“I DID IT!” Charm yelled in glee and angled her body, causing her to bank as she flies around the clearing. “Yes! I did it, I did it, I did it!” she yells with joy as she starts picking up speed and moves around faster. Although Rarity had seen better flying, she couldn’t help but cheer her on.

Rarity smiled at the now joyful pegasus as she practices flying. Although Charm crashed sometimes and had to rest every once in awhile, Rarity could see how determined her friend was to perfect her technique in flying.

There is no way she was ever going to make her stop as the smile on Charms face makes her feel happy. ‘Her smile is beautiful.’ After a moment Rarity given a start at her thought process, but dismissed it as she prefers the smiling pegasus, to the serious studious pegasus, although it is one of her quirks she could enjoy.

It had been a few hours now and Charm is feeling more confident in flying. She was able to fly above the tree tops and spotted Ponyville. Charm told Rarity that if they took a safe route, avoiding dangerous creatures, that she would be home within a day or two.

They spent the rest of the day preparing to leave for the trip to Ponyville.

Charm stashed away unnecessary gear that they didn't need, in order to make their loads as light as possible.

“Alright the enchanter table is packed away and buried along with the alchemy set.” Charm said, checking that everything was ready for the trip. “I've made several healing potions for any surprises along the way.”

“We each have enough food for at least a couple days, in case one of us becomes separated from the other.” Charm said as she marches in front of Rarity like a drill sergeant in front of his troops. Rarity sat there with a stony expression as she floated a list of things to do and makes a check mark on the parchment.

“Tomorrow we will set off on the journey to return you home” Charm said as she looked at Rarity with a guilt filled smile, Rarity returns it with a more happy one as she goes to her friend and hugs her.

“I wouldn’t trade my time here for anything in the world. You protected me and showed me some fascinating new things with your magic and knowledge in alchemy that I couldn’t even dream of.” She said hugging her friend.

Tomorrow the both of them would set out to Ponyville…

End of Chapter…

Two lost souls learn to adapt in the harshness of the world. One learns to master her body to save her friend because of her folly. While the other learns to master the forest. Both set off to the peaceful world of Equestria outside this dark, dangerous and monster infested forest.
For tomorrow would test their limits and their friendship.

Author's Note:

I'd like to thank those who had helped edited and reworked my story, you all made it all worth wile and fun to do this story again.

Thank you