• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 7,288 Views, 276 Comments

The Adventures of Charm Feather, In Just Me, and possibly her Chronicles. - R-A-B-G

what would you do if Sheogorath Comes threw your TV, or what if you suddenly lost your previous gender and age, or suddenly have to take care of a little filly? probably best see what I had to do.

  • ...

Chapter 18 Summer Break

Chapter Eighteen

Summer Break

Rarity was currently at home in Canterlot doing some cleaning in an effort to stave off the madness that is Charms non-existent cleaning habits honestly that mare needs to pick up after herself.

Where the heck did she even get fish this far inland to have it just laying around!

With disgust and a note to berate the mare of this later her thoughts drifted elsewhere.

She had plans for the summer, everything is perfectly laid out!

Some light study to keep her skill sharp, some alchemy to keep their stores stock.

Then it's off to the beach! Meet some colts who would be willing to pay for their meals! Less spend on such things mean more to spend on other stuff! She could hardly wait!

Then.. disaster struck.

Charm flew down the stairs, looking ragged, as it was early in the morning, she doesn't do mornings all that well.

Or afternoons for that matter.


Charm had knocked over a bookshelf in her haze and flopped down onto the ground with a groan.

With little effort she just lifts up the shelf and its contents back into place. Yay magic!

While she could be a decent flier when she tries, the truth is that Charm just doesn't have the grasp of her pegasi magic all that well, if that was even possible.

She can fly in a loose term as she uses her wings to fall with style as Rainbow calls it.

But she tends to struggle flying up to gain altitude or traveling very fast in a straight line. Without hurting herself at least, breaking in midair is also a hazard.

Charm proceeds to set up a simple meal for breakfast then looked over at her.

“M’ning.” She mangled the equestrian language to greet you, zombies do exist and they aren't morning ponies. I just shrug and smile with a nod.

Eating her oats and milk, she proceeds to ignore my cleaning efforts.

Once she had eaten and had waken enough to be a thinking and living creature among us again she perked up by a lot.

That's how the morning went as I give some light nods to her as she mingled around the house.

Then the subject came up.

“Oh right Rainbow had invited me to join her in summer flight camp, I thought it be a good way to sharpen my flying skills my lots so I just agreed, I should be gone for most of the summer although we do get the rest of the month off before summer ends.” She smiles brightly at me and all my hopes of a beach summer holiday just flew out the window as Charm prepares to leave.

“Ooh that's good news! I had been noticing on how you needed such lessons, after all, birds may learn by being thrown out of the nest doesn't mean you can't always learn to sharpen what you already know.” is my smile straining? I can't tell if I'm straining it!

With that Rainbow Dash had just derailed her whole plan to get Fluttershy and Charm to join her in at the beach. It just wasn't fair!

Rarity definitely wasn't happy about this, she wanted to join in with her sister and friend, at least then she wasn’t totally alone. Maybe she shouldn’t have wait for so long to tell Charm, she tends to jump at opportunities when presented to her, in fact I don't think she ever reacted well to surprises now that I think about it.

Guess she could hang out with Lyra however Lyra was only going to be there to keep her company for a little while. Lyra was just gonna be with her for only for a few days, as she already had plans for the Summer.

But then again, she thought about her two friends who, were admittedly bad fliers, both Fluttershy and Charm could use more flying lessons. And she could go back to Ponyville after Lyra left, spend some time with her family and baby sister… and maybe talk with Zecora about some Alchemy lessons.

With that thought she marched off to finish her work of keeping the house clean.

The madness that is dirty alchemy lab on the other hoof is another story.

She needs to get more armor plates to tackle that mess.


A few days had passed already… and already Rarity was bored out of her mind, Lyra has left to do her own thing for the summer while she was stuck at home to study, or lay around the house with nothing to do.

A really big problem for sure.

With an explosive sigh Rarity stood up from her prone position in the living room, she needs some kind of device to distract her when she doesn’t have anything better to do.

Even training would be boring for all she could do is repeat the same action for several hours, restoration is one of the more harder branches of magic. Really it's all about repeated practice however she doesn't have that kind of mana pool to handle it, which just means study would have to suffice for the time being, which brings her to this problem now. She didn't feel like studying right now.

So she watches Guiding Star make her way out of the room with a absent wave, even her ghost friend is bored enough to leave her.

She proceeds to lay back down in misery. Papers and other projects lay forgotten at her desk in her room.

Her baby sister was of not much help, she was a curious one always on the move, and checking things out. While adorable, it was tiring as all-get-out.

I hear hoof steps and I would investigate to find her in the kitchen, under the sink! She almost gave me a heart attack! I sigh, while I try to keep busy I really need to put a bell on her.


She was the dragonborn, she was a hero, she was an idiot. She sighed loudly, she was bored. She had missed him. Time was a funny thing, she guessed it had be nearly a hundred years after Zach had left, when she no longer was needed and at the end of her adventures in skyrim she would follow his path, a whole other world! Right for exploration to new things. So she decided to use an Elder scrolls to find her friend.

Somehow, that had ended with her being stuck for months in a dark and damp place and now, she was a baby. But not just a baby, a baby unicorn, a filly.

'I'm starting to be freaked out by these creatures, sure I am one now, but the way they treat me is as if I'm a bab- oh right I am…' She grumbled to herself in dismay.

A baby unicorn foal, at least I am still female, if I had been reborn the opposite gender, someone's heads was going to roll.

This one, the white one is my caretaker, I haven't learned the language just yet, I wasn't blessed with instant translation.

Still, considering that she is younger than my new parents and that we are family, is most likely that she’s my big sister. She stated the obvious to keep her mind busy.

Today I plan to make a break for it, mostly to check out the general location, see if this land has any noticeable landmarks for me to use in the event of a dragon attack, I may be small and puny but I don't plan on being useless.

At last I still can use magic, but not all spells work, just the most basic ones, and my Dragonborn abilities seem to be locked away. Although I find it hard for it to be totally gone as it's pretty much my soul here.

'Oh look at the mighty Ponyborn! Such a cute baby girl!' A tick mark appeared as I scrunched my face in anger.

"Hey who said that!?" I would had bolted upright to face the accuser and I would had loved to have said that out loud in anger. But all that comes out is baby gibberish. Then I had fallen on my face, muzzle.

A deep blue colored Unicorn wraith with impossibly long mist like mane flowing in a astral breeze appears before me and smiles as she leans in, I lean away to keep my distance from the spirit, as there is no other way to explain it as her ethereal appearance and the fact I can see though her. 'Does the name Eve sound familiar to you?' I nearly stumbled at the name, but my face remained stone face… if a baby fat face could accomplish anything beyond cute grumpy that is.

I square my shoulders as if ready to attack, all I accomplished was make the wraith coo at me, patting my cheeks, I nearly bit off the offending appendage if I knew it would do me any good."If you were Eve, you should be close to Zach." I barked out… adorably.

Sheepishly she answers. 'I kind of cheated, I had also linked to Rarity, ah the white unicorn.’ She supplied an answer to my confusion. ‘I had played around with the amulet you had given to Zach. And Rarity is sleeping next door, you got her tired by moving around so much.'

"What? You can't do those things, that's not how it works!" At least to my knowledge, I'm rather ignorant of spirits from other realms and what she had told me back in Nirn.

'Really? First of all this land is not Skyrim, but then again magic works the same anywhere you would go, but however the rules are different, second had I not interfered, you could have ended being reborn as anything. From an animal, to a dragon to a griffon to a monster from the Everfree Forest. I literally guided your soul to the past so you would be reborn as Rarity's sister. I also had to, don't wanna explain why, let's just say time travel mechanics give me a headache.’ At that remark we both end up rubbing our foreheads at that, that's so true time travel is complicated.

“So what you are saying is that once you meet this Rarity mare parents, you sensed I was their unborn daughter, so you had to manipulate things so it actually happened to avoid a paradox? Or conflicting convergences?” It is kind of funny on how many big words I'm saying as a baby, it must sound adorable to most… much to my dismay.

'What are you, a dictionary?' She snarked at me sarcastically.

"Lets just say Zach loved to talk about the most crazy of things and leave it at that." The baby unicorn said blushing. “I also have some experience with time travel, although I wasn't informed as much as he was. I handle the big picture stuff, point me in direction and I blow it up sue me.”

'Ah yes, she is such a crazy mare.' Wut?

"Wut? A Mare? What are you talking about?" I said rather confused at this sudden turn in the conversation.

'I won't say anything else unless we form a bond.' Eve said and Leona, Sweetie, could swear that she saw the weird unicorns mist like mane twinkle in such an odd way.

"You already have two ponies, wouldn’t three be a tad much?" I said to compromise I wasn't really knowledgeable in the arts of spirits after all.

'That is true. Maybe you could get a wolf summon?' She mused to herself tapping her hoof to her chin in contemplation.

"To what? Split the load between the two of us? I don't think that's how it works, by adding more a load to the link." I said matter-of-factly.

'True, I guess you will have to learn the language the hard way…' She gave up and rub her forehead in frustration.

I shrugged I’m too young to be able to speak full sentences anyways besides I can just picture the look on, um Charms face when I started showing some rather uncanny knowledge about her and the reveal. I waved off Eve as I started thinking up my big escape of this baby hell and explore the town.


I started in utter stupefaction, because Cloudsdale was amazing! The ponies have built a whole freaking city in the clouds! unbelievable. And they also make solid stuff out of clouds!

With my feathers fully grown back, and Guiding Star insisting I should not cheat, I was learning to fly like a pegasus in the proper way. To my surprise I found out that I could actually manipulate the wind and my weight without casting spells, even if it was a lot harder. I guessed most pegasi must do it by instinct.

Not everything was good, I had to leave my cloak behind, since there was no way to fly without casting spells with it on, but I had the blue jacket Rarity had made for me months ago. I also had to leave behind any potions, magical items or charms, as jewelry would make me appear to be too girly, and magic items would have caught attention since I am not a unicorn.

'Quit complaining, how will you learn to be a pegasus if you keep using crutches?'

'You seem okay by helping Rarity to cheat by making it easier for her to memorize and practice spells.' I complained.

'Hush little sister, I do the same for you. But you need to train your pegasus abilities as much as you do your magic. Fluttershy has been trying hard without any of the advantages you have, and she is doing amazingly. Rainbow Dash is probably the faster flyer of her generation, and she also isn't cheating. Granted, her landings could use some improvement, but still. Plus you don't want to be a squishy wizard, do you?'

'Fine.' I went back to doing wings push ups. I hated to admit it but my big sister was right, since I became a pegasus and magic came to me easier I could not stop casting spells, even for simple things. Using my natural pegasus abilities was also less draining than casting spells, so I should really work on it. With Rarity's classes not starting back until the Fall, the shop potions restocked, and being stuck in a pegasi camp were my magic would not go unnoticed if I tried using it, it’s not like I had any other choice anyway.

I kinda wondered how much Eve had changed when she became Guiding Star, had this worlds different magic system really affected her that much? How much was it also changing me? Would I become attracted to stallions? I shuddered at the thought. Using magic to become male just did not seem to work, due to apparently being a child of the Everfree. And I had noticed my magic being stronger there. Heck, my summons seemed to be their strongest the closest they were to the Everfree forest.

But in the other hoof, would my new friends even accept me if I had went and changed into a colt one day? Being a pegasus mare… it felt right. I felt better than I ever had, been back on Earth, or as a third rate magus in Skyrim.

Had I been offered a way back to Earth, back to not having magic, to leave my pony friends behind, I did not know if I would take it.

I finished my wings push ups and went to drink some water.

"Hey Charm, are you okay?" Rainbow Dash asked noticing my serious expression.

"Yes, I was just thinking about… stuff. By the way Dash, how come you are in Ponyville if you are such a great flier and seem to think the place is too lame for you?"

"Eh… well… I am training to be weather mare there and… I kind of felt guilty for Fluttershy. I almost got her killed once. And when she left after that, I had to decide if being a hot shot flier was more important than my friend.

Granted, I still want to be a Wonderbolt one day, but not if I have to dump my friends to do that." That was a surprising answer, but then again, Rainbow dash can do that to you by her hidden depth that she has.

Fluttershy reached over and pulled her into a hug making Rainbow Dash blush, as she nuzzles Rainbows cheek. "Dashie, I didn't knew you cared so much!" She cheered happily.

"Oh, look at those losers, hugging each other and stuff, is disgusting!" A voice suddenly said spoiling the mood.


Griffons, they were griffons, predators. So of course my first reaction was to scream and hide behind Rainbow Dash, the griffons laughed and said ponies were a bunch of wussies. Then they left because it was time for more flying lessons. Charm Feather had to hold Rainbow Dash by biting on her tail to avoid her friend starting a fight.

It was stupid, I could go and face one headed hydra, talk down a hungry wolf, and was okay going to the Everfree Forest as long as Charm was with me, I could round house a bear and beat it into submission and fight Charm easily while dodging her spells. But as soon as I faced something dangerous that could actually talk I was a scaredy cat. Well, that and dragons, but only somepony stupid would not be scared of a dragon.


Not to far off in Ponyville Sweetie Belle sneezed.

"Oh my Sweetie, are you okay?" Rarity picks up her baby sister and looks her over, watching for any signs of sickness.

"I am okay." Sweetie Belle said in a squeaky voice at least try to, baby gibberish doesn't translates to well.

Still I feel rather offended someone had struck my dragonborn pride! Grumpy baby unicorn filly is adorable and I grump again at that thought.


Charm glared at the disappearing griffons snorting in anger. “Ignore that lot Flutters they trying to prove they are the strongest, strong people don't need to prove themselves as strong, not to anyone.”

Fluttershy smiled at her friend, she always seemed to know what to say to cheer her up, her advice made perfect sense to her, she doesn't have to prove she is stronger than them, it only counts when it matters not anytime else.

“Besides its normally the weak ones who are the loudest.” At that Charm chuckled getting a nervous chuckle from Rainbow only to receive a head rub from the smaller pegasus playfully. “Ah don't worry about it Rainbow I know you are strong when it counts.”

Rainbow dash couldn't help but return with a smirk and a challenging glint in her eye. “Heh if you're such a big shot lets race!”

With a chuckle I couldn't hold back I figured I'll join in the fun with my friends.

Softly I said. “I will join in to, um if that's ok with you two.”

I could tell Rainbow wanted to accept but hesitated, I know she is still hurt that she almost hurt me it was sweet so I couldn't help the mischievous of an idea that popped into my head and I yelled out.

“One,two,three,Go!” I took off surprising the two and gotten exclaims of ‘no fair’ for that as I took the lead.

It turned out to be a great first day of flight camp.


I almost crash during the flying lessons. As I clumsily avoided a collision with the cloud pylon.

"Watch out loser." A rude pegasus colt said to his friends getting chuckles and sneered comments about how bad she was doing. Charm wished she had not promised to avoid casting spells during the camp, a well placed thunderbolt would shut up that jerk right quick.

It must had shown on my face on how I was getting angry at them, because my ever watchful companion had made herself known by flying next to me. "Come on Charm, just ignore it, please. " Fluttershy pleaded with puppy like dog eyes.

I sighed it was hard to argue with Flutters, and boy does she know it. "Fine." This was gonna be a long Summer. Charm was glad that she had gained some resistance to cute, mostly by being a cute little pony herself. Because if she was still human she would be squealing like a little girl at how cute that was. Although Fluttershy was very effective at it.

Thinking about it, once Fluttershy became an adult, by pony standards, she would be quite beautiful.

'Well, you sure got a good taste about mares, don't you honey?' My big evil sister was trolling me again, but secretly I had to admit that she was right. Still at least I only tended to admire the mares I knew, not just any cute mare I saw.

Anyway I had to focus on flying or I would crash like Rainbow Dash tended to do. Even if in her case it was mostly because she tended to go way too fast to have any control over it.

Unfortunately, apparently while a tad tomboyish looking, I was getting a few stares myself. Were we teenagers or something? Well Fluttershy apparently was, due to having longer legs and that, and I guess I got some attention just by hanging out with her.

'This is gonna be torture.' Insults I knew how to deal with, compliments and colts wanting to date me? Give me a dragon to fight any day, it would be easier than this!

Sweetie Belle was hurt, she had tried to sneak outside, she had succeeded, but being so small she had instead had gotten tossed around by the busy streets of adults and Sweetie had found herself helpless, Rarity had then came to her rescue and had taken a potentially deadly blow for her.

Rarity had ran in front of a cart and push Sweetie out of the way and had broken her leg in the process.

She was brought to the hospital where she used her magic to heal her and then herself in a more sterile environment.

Sweetie Belle stared at her big sister. She never had been in a family before like this. Rarity saved me.

My big sister saved my life, in her eyes it was the tipping point. For so long she had been, that white unicorn. Never truly connecting with her as she felt like an intruder an invader. She loves me… she loves me enough to suffer what could had been fatal. It had all suddenly clicked, I have a family.

Walking across the room she looked at her big sister with big pleading tearful eyes, she stared at the older unicorn, without any hesitation she was picked up by her magic and hugged by her.

"Please.. please promise me you won't do any dangerously stupid stuff like that again sweetie, at least not until you are older and you have somepony to watch your back, okay?"

Sweetie Belle had started to cry, and Rarity consoled her. Leona did not know how to deal with this, her emotions were unstable and it had been a long time since she had been seen as weak and defenseless. But having a family, having a big sister that loved her, it had felt good. It gave her an unknown but comfortable warmth in her heart.

Where it would stay.

Chapter end.

Author's Note:

*shifts around uncomfortably* Believe it or not, I was gonna switch Sweetie belle gender to a colt, then I got the feeling my head was gonna roll so I changed my mind.

So here it is! Chapter 18 whoo! I did it! :fluttercry:

Comments ( 49 )

yeyyy, new chapter!

Awesome an update, hope the rest of Charms time at flight camp goes better. Hope for a next update soon :pinkiesmile:

It's Alive!

Don't want to use those other "It's Alive!" Vids.

POV isn't consistent in individual sections, leads to a bit of confusion.

Heeeeyyyy, you aren't dead!

Good chapter, a little bit wordy, but still good overall. You might want to keep the pov from jumping around so much if you can, but other than that, you're solid.

It lives! Good chapter, nice to see this story isn't dead.

Heh...So our Dragonborn is Sweetie Belle.
And she doesn't know Charm is her old friend yet...We'll see how that goes soon enough, hopefully.

Flight camp...No idea where this is going yet.

As for head rolling with Sweetie being a colt...Uhm...I'm not sure about that.
That said, we will know for sure if you can pull a Dragonborn normal Sweetie Belle first before venturing to uncharted territories.

Any estimate on update speed? It's been quite a while since last chapter.

OMG UPDATE YAY:pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy:

Glad to see you updating, good work. :twilightsmile:

I preferred the version where she ended up in a dragon's egg and came out as a baby dragon. Making her Sweetie Belle seems a little too out there.

zombies do exist and they aren't morning ponies


An idea I had for the future: Maybe have Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon have something to do with Vaermina's meddling?

And I'm still pissed that you cockblocked all of us by abandoning all plans for Charm to show-up the Nobles at their own game, despite all the build-up,


Making her Sweetie Belle was mostly because we loved the idea of "baby/filly adventures of the dragonborn." Half of this chapter was ready a year ago but the Gala stuff was basically a nightmare to write, we had to cut a lot of stuff or it would have lasted five chapters and introduce a lot of one use OCs.

SweetieXSpike? :unsuresweetie:

Despite the errors that pop up in my path like a lego to an uncovered foot. This is the second story I've ever came across that held two world transfers and a reincarnation.

The first is an asian web novel of a renowned wizard dying and reincarnating as a japanese girl, living and learning in a new world till she's transferred back into her home dimension. To clarify, reincarnating into another universe counts as world travel.

Enough of my rambling, this has my interest and I want see it through. Fav'd, liked and followed.

7640198 Just watch, the temptation to slay him for his soul versus the desire to defend her sister from the infatuated dragon :rainbowlaugh:


To be honest, the whole, "might of the thalmor thing" was my idea. Though i do admit that the original idea was to have her bite back at them. Thing is Charm sorta was in over her head when she decided to go all elflike and we had to cut down the Gala chapter cause it would have gone on and on if she were to continue with her plan.

The thing with Blueblood was a remnant of the original draft idea i think.

7642167 That's kinda weak, man. We have all the build up but no climax.

7642167 Then you shouldn't have got us all hyped for it in the first place.

Yeah, I shouldn't have, and for that I apologize. Needless to say I think I'll just stick to checking over minor things for future chapters.


Got a link to a translation of said web novel?

7678615 Here, title is I'm back in the other world?

Story only been translated to chapter 15 and hasn't been updated in a long while, so read at your leisure. If you want, that site has other stories, mainly reincarnations as otome game villainesses and trying to stop their "Bad End" fates. My favorite is the one turning into a magic otaku.

And for the author, here's one to give inspiration for an independent female lead, creating her own company and managing a fiefdom on the side.

Duke's Daughter

Another reincarnation as a villainess in a world based on a game she knows, and how she steers her life from the "Bad End" fate dealt her.

*Edit: What's funny is that, the gala arc actually reflected a chapter there :rainbowlaugh:


Acording to reviews the story starts to suck after chapter 30 but no site I found has translated it so far.

And cosidering how short light novels are, what the hell, I could write something like that myself

7679228 The reality of LNs/WNs, they're like any story we find here or in any site can churn out, many just get popular enough that they get licensed as full fledged books :rainbowlaugh:

Know what, being called back here reminded me to say something. While we complained about how the gala arc fell flat, we haven't considered how things should've been for Celestia's perspective. Though she did go along and played social chicken with Charm, one upping the other and had their fun, how does she feel for the aftermath? Their fun was spoiled, a maiden traumatized and a gloating nephew going about how he woo'd her, surely there is guilt, embarrassment and most definitely fury.

An epilogue of sorts for the arc through her may just tie in the saltiness of the situation. After all, Charm is through Celestia's own admittance, a lady of a foreign land, some set of laws or noble etiquette must've been broken from Blueblood's actions.

Dude, I don't even remember reading this.


Yes the horror of it all eh? Although this was before I found out horses can eat meat, although its super disturbing.

Well what do you know, it works. Was a bit doubting there in the start but the story goes onward pretty solidly, sure there is quite a bit of time jumps but they are not really that annoying.

Story is good and you grow to care of the characters, even if in last few chapters i started to dislike Celestia... then again i always see so many ulterior motives from her due inaction, and actions.

I wish Charm Feather murdered Blueblood on the spot.

I want to see more of this. I can tell you that as is it would get a 7.5.

8474561 Yeah, so do i. I'm just playing the Straight Man.
And i'm also fond of a good Running Gag.

8477076 i think my first manga was Mai the psychic girl.
Also, i'd seriously love to see more of this story.

I want to continue this but
R-A-B-G has been very lazy.

The chapter's good, but what's with the size of the text? It's way bigger than the ones from the other chapters.

Played Skyrim again, thought of this story, wished it would update...

This is still my favorite store I have ever read I want more than anything for more chapters to be made.

3-tap #43 · Mar 1st, 2021 · · 1 ·

If you liked this story, i think you may also enjoy this, if you haven't read it already


That's a completely different story in both tone and premise.

It was merely a suggestion

I really loved this story im sad its gone.

Agreed this completely drove me up the wall making me look up guides and the settings in how to fix this. I thought I was the only one!

Apparently there's a thing in the formatting on the left of the color wheel?

Yeah. The "Font Size".

oi continue it we all want to see more soon:heart:

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