• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 7,282 Views, 276 Comments

The Adventures of Charm Feather, In Just Me, and possibly her Chronicles. - R-A-B-G

what would you do if Sheogorath Comes threw your TV, or what if you suddenly lost your previous gender and age, or suddenly have to take care of a little filly? probably best see what I had to do.

  • ...

My big sister is trolling me

Chapter Eleven

My mind is groggy as I woke up, the first thing I noticed when I had finally come to was that I was in a soft and warm bed, the blanket is comfortable, it feels like it’s been forever since I last slept in a real bed.

Not excluding Rarity’s parents kind hospitality of course,’ I feel fine...’ I thought confused. I open my eyes to see I’ am in a dark room, I could see the curtains and behind them light but was being blocked currently. ‘Some time around noon maybe.’ I thought taking stock of my current location. “Guess I’ am in the hospital, I better be,” I said aloud rather annoyed.

'YOU IDIOT!' That voice is just Guiding Star, I ignore her for now despite her glare that could scare a puppy to death.

“Because if I was anywhere else besides Rarity’s place, I’ am seriously going to consider burning this place to the ground.” I grump out not in any moods to suddenly find myself kidnapped while I was unconscious, this happened before in Skyrim too, a bandit group thought it be a good way to commit suicide by kidnapping me so they can get the Dragonborn to do whatever they want.

That didn’t go so well for them in the end, but of course Leona did all the heavy lifting. ‘argh, I hate playing damsel in distress. It’s just so... cliché, especially when I was supposed to be the one doing the saving,’ I thought rather annoyed at everything currently.

After what feels forever of just staring off into space, I had started to imagine all the spells I am going to use because I was now seriously considering burning this place to the ground.

“Argh so booored!” I said in frustration as I had noticed how long I had been sitting here doing nothing in for forever!

I look at the clock and noticed how long it has been.

Then Guiding Star finally gets fed up with me ignoring her and I feel like if I had been kicked in the stomach. Yeah, probably I should not have said I was bored out loud, not only it was rude, she clearly wanted to talk to me.

'Fine, I am sorry for being whiny and ignoring you, what do you want?' I ask using my thoughts since even if my guardian spirit is mostly with Rarity lately I know she can still read them.

'Why the hell did you almost kill yourself? Your magic reserves were not even half full, and if it wasn't because those gems were almost depleted and you are a pegasus so you have natural resistance to lighting, you would be dead!'

'Wait… that's why you said that it wasn't the amulet what saved me?'

'That amulet was calibrated for the human you used to be, not a pegasus pony girl! The only reason it didn't hurt your pegasus butt is because your soul in the same place, so the only thing the amulet protected was itself, and despite that it still cracked! It might have acted like a lightning rod and got some electricity in itself, but most of it went to you and the one headed hydra."

'Uh… I was I was quite stupid, wasn't I?' I feel my face being slapped a few times by hooves, "By the way, how come my body is fully healed?"

'Princess Celestia lend her power to Rarity to heal you, otherwise the stupid filly would have killed herself by using all her magic in one go.'

"Ah, okay then." I said out loud, then I am happy nopony else seems to be around, since I don't want to end in the mad house by talking to myself. Wait…


'Yes, that one.'

That's it, my life as a pegasus mare is over, I will get arrested then cut into little bitty pieces to see how my magic works.

'Ah well… can I have a belly rub before Celestia kill me or worse?' Guiding Star looks at me like I was crazy, and I might be, but then I fell like my belly is being rubbed so I don’t care. My mind wanders thinking about how realistic this is, wondering just what else she could do to me, then my face gets red as a tomato when I realize what else she could fake doing to me with her manipulation of my five senses.

This wasn’t the first time I got weird like this, but before it only happened when I started to write my journal after I became a pony. I would start writing then all of a sudden I start doodling little cartoons in the pages, but lately with the many dangers happening that it helped keep me focus, now that I had finally sat down time seems to have slowed down to a crawl, it’s very annoying so far.

Of course, the belly rubs help a lot, I almost ask for a massage then decided that if I start yelling about how good the massage is, damn sensitive mare body, it would catch too much attention.

The door opened and out walked a white earth pony with a nurse cap on, with little red cross on it to boot, she is pulling behind her a cart of sorts with some food stuff. To my annoyance the belly rubs stop, and since the nurse is not given me weird looks it seems she did not hear me talking alone.

I blinked as my attention is caught by the cart she is pulling, I am used to the trolley humans push around in front of them, but it seemed the pony race pulls theirs, the cart has a harness to which the pony would hook themselves in and pull it around with them, it has two wheels on the sides with a kick stand to hold it up when they need to keep it leveled, this of course was what I found out when she did just that when she unhooked herself, it is rather silly but functional.

'I will make so anything you eat will taste bad, so don't get too enthusiastic with the food.' Damn, Guiding Star must be really mad at me, and Rarity still has to show to yell at me. The unicorn probably is still sleeping due to the effort she did healing me. I wonder for a moment how I became so accepting about the spirit manipulating me like that, I guess I… kinda started to see her as a big sister of sorts.

‘Focus Charm now is not the time for your mind to wander!’ I mentally yelled frustrated at my attention wandering over little things and not so little things... ‘Wait did I just call myself Charm?’ I noticed rather shocked that the name I had given myself is now starting to replace my old name. ‘Sigh, it is for the best I guess, I am no longer Zach anymore,’ I thought slightly dejected. Then I felt like I got a hug despite the nurse not being the one doing it, that means it was Guiding Star.

'Thank you big sister.' I end up thinking… wait, what?

'Okay Eve, are you SURE you aren't messing with my head?' I think her old name just to annoy her.

“Oh! You’re awake!” the nurse pony exclaims snapping me out of my stupor. I know Gui… Eve… Star AHHH, I know the spirit won't talk to me until I get alone again or with Rarity, so I better focus on the nurse right now.

“Oh, um, hello ma’am a good day to you,” I stutter out trying to be polite in front of the stranger before me.

She giggles and smiles, then sets up a table that was hooked to my bed so that it is in front of me. The nurse then places food stuff on it, food such as hay and oatmeal and an apple, with a side of a boxed apple juice.

She then opens the curtains to let in the sunlight to pool into the room, putting everything into stark clarity, now that I could see better now that the dark room is now more clear I took a closer look at the room I found myself in, I seem to be in a normal hospital room, a window to my right, and to my left a door to what I think is the bathroom, I do not need to use it yet so I do not have to worry about it.

In front of me leads to the door the nurse had came from, the door has a full sized mirror on it so I can now see myself, and the tiles are pink with the curtains being pink too, my bed sheets are also pink.

‘Somepony is a fan of pink.’ I deadpan mentally looking at the large pink room.

"Actually its Salmon pink." the nurse said unexpectedly I looked rather spooked at that reply
The nurse done with her duty leaves the room leaving the trolley with more food stuff for me to eat later, upon leaving she closed the door leaving me alone, now that I’ am alone I look at my rather bland looking food. 'Wait… did that nurse just read my mind?'

'No, you just got so bored that you said it out loud.'

'Okay whatever.' I mentally thought dropping the issue and pretending nothing happened. Yes, I did not thought Guiding Star was my big sister, not that I was thinking on much much yelling Rarity was gonna do to me once she was good enough to walk into my room and tell me how much of an idiot I had been. Nor did I thought about PRINCESS BUCKING CELESTIA knowing I am a magic using pegasus, and probably her finding out I am an alien, nope, not at all, no sir.

Taking the apple in hoof, I had gotten better at manipulating items with my hoofs although I use my wings like I would use my hands more often, I take a bite, and I would have liked to say that it was the best apple I had in a long while now, even better than the apples I had been eating apples from Skyrim for a whole week.

But nope, Guiding Star had made good of her promise of making the food taste bad, so while I could eat it, it tasted like the food I don't like to eat.

'Oh, such an awesome apple! you should totally taste one, oh right, I am tasting it for you and you feel like you are eating something bad instead.' Yes, that's my big sister, the troll.

I try to ignore her and focus on eating the rest of the food. Moving onto the oat meal I noticed there was no spoon, shrugging since I was no stranger to eating like a dog or cat... not that I used to do so as a human, just I had been doing so for over a week lately. So I digged my face into the bowl I finished it off pretty quickly mostly because my mean big sis and her cruel 'food tastes' bad punishment.

Looking at my nemesis of foods stuff, I give it the evil eye as I take a small hoof full of the stuff then take a bite, all the while treating the thing that calls itself food like it was going to jump up and punch me in the face. Is all rather silly since everything will taste bad and I know it, but I was bored and apparently not getting more belly rubs and or hugs for the moment.

After the evil has been vanquished I look at the juice box in slight confusion as I noticed the tiny straw that is currently strapped and wrapped in wrapper on the side.

“Um, how am I supposed to get that?” I noticed as I looked at my bulky hooves, then at my bandaged wings as I had just noticed those just now.

Shrugging again I bend down to mouth the thing free and then chewed the wrapper free of the straw I then start to expertly manipulate the straw into place.

Smiling at my accomplishment I take the juice box into my forelegs and drink happily…. or I would if my temporarily altered sense of taste didn't make it a bad experience. I looked up at the mirror and saw the weaponized cuteness setting of eleven reflecting off the mirror right back at me. Even the grouchy face I had because I did not like the taste of the juice was bucking adorable.

I almost choked on my juice as I noticed that is some potent cute right there. Putting down my juice as I managed to catch my breath I announced my displeasure of my own adorableness attacking me, “Oh come on that’s like the second time that happened, quit it!” I could just hear the universe chuckle at me.

Wait it was not the universe, it was my mean big sister.

'Oh Charm, you silly pony.'

Then to my horror I saw an image of myself wearing a frilly pink dress. That's it, my sister is not mean, she is pure evil!

Grumbling about it and blushing slightly at my own embarrassment and hoping nopony, or worst of all someone ever see me in THAT.

'Sorry, I am quite sure the dresses Rarity will make you wear will be of a much better taste than that pink monstrosity.'

I quickly hop into the denial train and took a one way ticked to nopeville and just lay there looking up at the ceiling NOT thinking in my pony body wearing cute dresses.


Rarity was going through a similar thing than Charm was, minus the trolling spirit big sister. She has found herself in a hospital room, she wasn’t covered in bandages only having suffered minor mana exhaustion which was fixed when she had requested the nurses to bring her a potion that was stored in her room. They were about to deny her request when it seemed somepony higher up approved her request.

To say the nurses were shocked when Rarity was not only allowed to self medicate but also was later walking around, feeling fine, when she should had been bedridden for a week at least: was amazing to them.

But to be sure she still has to wait here over night before she could be discharged.

After she had healed her friend and passing out from exerting too much magic into the spell, that she now recognized would have killed her had not that strange power surge that felt like the sun helped her, Princess Celestia had teleported the four of them to Canterlot castle’s infirmary right after she had passed out. She was promised by Celestia herself that Charm would be taken good care of and that she gets to see her when she finally awakens.

Then right after the promise, she got a two hours lecture about how much of an IDIOT she had been for overusing her magic like that. Only to later be praised for both being able to use an apparently lost school of Healing magic, and being such a loyal and generous friend to Charm Feather.

Then she kind of had to promise to enroll in Equestria School for Gifted Unicorns, since otherwise Celestia would post a pair of royal guards to follow her around so she did not try to kill herself using Healing magic again. While Celestia had not told her, Rarity was quite sure the power that had helped her and feel like the sun had been Celestia's magic helping to power up the Restoration spell, so of course Rarity did not even protest and accepted enrolling in the school as soon as she both talked to her parents and her magic reserves got fully recovered.

Rarity also knew that just because she felt physically fine, it did not meant her body did not need rest, food and relaxation. The "Ace Moonlight and the Phoenix Stone" book the princess had left her helped with the relaxation part. Is not like she could read one of Charm journals, since those were back home, and Guiding Star was probably too angry to answer her questions for today.

A white earth pony walks into the room, causing Rarity’s focus to be drawn to her from her line of thought, Rarity takes in the nurses details closely, the nurse is wearing a cap with a red cross displaying her rank as a healer of sorts, her cutie mark is that of a needle with two band aids crisscrossing each other, the nurse has green eyes and a two tone teal and brown mane and tail.

“Good day miss Rarity.” At this she nods formally to Rarity while giving a kind smile to the filly she continues, “I’ am here to take you to your friends bedroom.” the soft spoken nurse said with a smile.

Rarity perked up at the news and was instantly over by the nurse’s side with a smile beaming up at her.

Together they left and headed for Charm’s room, with Rarity smiling in eagerness and slight worry for her friends current health and to see her again.


Fluttershy had her own room set up, although it wasn’t a hospital room as she wasn’t hurt during the hydra attack.

After the nights rest she is now currently taking time to figure out her situation now that she has time to calm down and think.

It has been nearly a day since she was brought here by the princess and was offered the bed for the night in one of the guest rooms. The princess had promised she could visit Charm Feather when she wakes up, she then wonders if her animal friends would be ok right about now.

Now that she thinks about it, would Charm be consider her friend now that she is worrying for her health and safety?

She remembered how cool and collected the chestnut brown pegasus was when the hydra had attacked, how she fought the hydra, she has pretty good eyesight so she watched Charm draw the attention of the beast by shocking it, then to her amazement slash it with ghostly wing blades.

She shivers at that memory as it was unpleasant to see some creature injured in front of her like that, even if it was a really mean hydra that wanted to injure and eat ponies. Thankfully no pony or monster had died.

Now that she thinks about it Charm… she… she had went and faced the hydra like a true hero, not caring about herself, that was quite heroic. Yet life was not like one of the stories she liked to read. The pegasus almost died if it wasn't because of Princess Celestia and the white unicorn saving her.

Thinking about it now she wondered if that little white unicorn is ok, she hadn’t seen a lot of unicorns in her life as most of her time was spent in Cloudsdale and she hasn’t been living in Ponyville for very long. ‘I wonder if she would like to be my friend too,’ she thought absent minded.

She hasn’t bothered making friends since most ponies she knew picked on her for her weak flying skills, and Charm had showed she was like her friend Rainbow Dash and was willing to be her friend during the attack, and the unicorn seemed nice enough that she could try to make friends rather than shun most ponies.

Then the door to her room opened and a white unicorn pony wearing fancy tuxedo walks in.
“A good day to you miss Fluttershy, I am here to tell you that Charm Feather is awake and that I am to take you to her room.” the butler said. "Also, Miss Rarity woke up a while ago and you can visit it too if you want."

Miss Rarity? Rarity must be the white unicorn with the bird and gem cutie mark name,

Nodding slowly, Fluttershy followed the butler closely as not to offend him she was then lead to Charms room to see Celestia looking rather silly all pressed up against the wall as she appears to be eavesdropping.

“Princess?” she had said softly but it was enough to cause Celestia to lose herself and whirl around too quickly that she tripped on her own shoe causing her to fall into the room then a series of things happened causing the Princess to be covered completely in food.

There was a silence as a startled Rarity, Fluttershy, and Charm stare at a now very embarrassed ruler of Equestria.


Celestia, even if she had meetings today with nobles and dignitaries and having a lunch and high class dinner with them as well, dropped everything when she heard that the little filly pegasus was awake and well, somethings are just more important.

So nearly galloping down the halls of the castle she made her way to the infirmary, when she had finally made it outside the door to Charm Feathers room she hesitate before walking in as she could hear the two speak.

“I can’t believe you used such a dangerous spell in town like that, what were you thinking Charm?” she heard Rarity yell loudly, opening the door slightly as to see what is going on.

“Um, well, you see ah, um well none of my other spells seem to be even hurting that thing.” She heard the small pegasus say.

‘Other spells? I wonder how many spells can she do?’ Celestia thought frantically now realizing the possibilities, contrary to popular belief Celestia is a scholar for anything magical in nature; she has been since she was a filly. Of course Luna was always better at magic than her, Unfortunately, since Luna was such a shut in and a bookworm, that did not help her to make friends. Celestia was always much more social and outgoing, and well, things did not end well between the two.

Celestia imagined a younger Luna jumping into that room yelling ‘Yes’ over and over again like a filly at finding out new magic.

“Besides the spell had a focus or target to aim for, it’s just the town hall was in the path to that monster.” From her vantage point she could see Charm idly tap her hoof tips nervously as Rarity sternly looks at Charm.

"Focus my horn! You went INSIDE THE DAMNED MAGIC CIRCLE, WHAT THE BUCK WERE YOU THINKING?" Rarity started to shake the pegasus like a doll.

“Princess?” was the only warning that she got when the voice, in her mind at least, was a yell in the hallway behind her, whirling around to quickly acting like a filly caught with a hoof in the cookie jar, but she lost her balance when her hoof shoes came loose from the unexpected turn causing her to fall down into the room behind her.

Upon falling she hit a cart causing some of the food still on the trolley to be flung into the air and land on the Princess messing up her coat and mane with mucky food and sticky juice.

There was a silence as Celestia just sat there stunned into silence at being caught like this and how she had acted.

“Um, wow that lady is huge!” was the rather blunt exasperation of Charm Feather gawking at a now even redder faced princess.

‘This day has just been perfect.’ Celestia mentally thought in utter confusion and dismay.

‘This has just been perfect.’ though a very amused Charm mentally, only to blush as she noticed herself admiring the bigger pony body, thankfully there wasn't that much to see due to the food covering it.

End of Chapter…

Nothing to report, nothing much is happening yet, but the plot… ‘NOT THAT ONE’ moves forward as a now embarrassed royalty was caught peeking in a conversation she was not meant to hear.

Stay tune for more on. Just me, and possibly her!

Charm Feather finds herself looking older, like an adult mare "What the buck?"

"Oh dear, you look fabulous! There are so many dresses I want to test on you!" an adult Rarity says, her cutie mark looks different, being three gems unlike the Phoenix and gem of the Rarity she knows.

"Eeep!" Charm Feather says hiding her face in her now longer mane, while Celestia appears out of nowhere and takes pictures.

"Damn it Rarity, this isn't funny!!"

"Oh, darling, don't be like that, this is not canon anyway." Rarity says as she measures the adult Charm Feather

"Ah well, in that case…" Charm Feather teleports to Twilight Sparkles library, then gives her a kiss. Then Charm has to run away out of an enraged and blushing lavender unicorn, "Worth it!" she calls.

Author's Note:

Co-writer: Pinklestia