• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 7,288 Views, 276 Comments

The Adventures of Charm Feather, In Just Me, and possibly her Chronicles. - R-A-B-G

what would you do if Sheogorath Comes threw your TV, or what if you suddenly lost your previous gender and age, or suddenly have to take care of a little filly? probably best see what I had to do.

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Unrather graceful landing [Rewritten]

Chapter 1

Edited by FordPrefect

The Throat of The World, the tallest mountain in Skyrim had been the only scar in time and space I had found. Wish I had thought about how high I would be, because I was several thousand feet in the sky falling towards my death!

'Shit!' I thought as I rapidly fell towards the ground.

Then I felt it, the elder scroll’s energy enveloped my form. With the feeling of being plunged into a pool, I was shoved out of my body. I watched with sick fascination as my body continued downward, unimpeded by my soul. It hit the ground with a meaty THUD, leaving behind a rather impressive crater and scattered gore.

As I floated there, I could see my meaty remains start to knit back together. Upon closer examination, I could see small fibers of magic, so complex that they make my spell relays seem primitive, pull magic from the surrounding environment and feed it into a sequence of spells. Extremely complex version of spells like resurrect the dead, healing, transmutation and many more I could not identify.

Whoa. Trying think of how those spells worked was mind blowing.

I'm pretty sure it would take me a hundred lifetimes to recreate the spells unfolding before me. I watched in rapt attention trying to learn all that I could. The strings of mana continued to wrap around and finally stopped shaping my body. With the transformation part of the spell finished, I could see that my body has taken the form of an ashen gray pegasus in an outfit similar to my adept robes. The tail and mane were brown. The ... oh you have got to be kidding me! Guess what everyone... the elder scrolls are a bunch of trolls! Why else would they not send me to Earth and change me from a male human into a female pegasus!

Before I could curse the gods and the divines, I felt a powerful wave wash over me. I looked down at my hands I could see a hoof fade into existence. 'Oh joy... a spiritual transformation... that’s just great. Hope this doesn’t mess with my memories' was my final thought as I was sucked into my newly formed pegasus body.

I sat up groaning, as my entire body ached. “D-damn you elder scrolls!” I cursed. I could feel my new fur rubbing against my clothing. Turning my head I could see that my bags were now ten times bigger than me. I wiggled my way out of the heavy backpack and used my teeth to drag it out of the crater.

I noticed that my new body instinctively knew just what to do. When I felt for my magic, I noticed that I could feel both internal and external ambient mana at the same time. As a human I had to concentrate to feel either one or the other, but I never could feel both at the same time.

I reached the rim of the crater and looked back at where my body landed. I could see a vague impression of my human form and I could see how small my current body was in comparison.

“Wow.” I said. My mind started to realize that my voice had sounded younger and defiantly female. “OH, COME ON!” I yelled out. The realization hit me that I was no longer a guy or a human and I began to hyperventilate. 'Don't panic!' I slapped myself, causing me much more pain than I expected. “Owie” I whined pathetically as I laid on the ground.

“Note to self, hooves hurt you idiot. Ok, let’s recap here, left Skyrim, fell to my death, watched as the mystical god like item knitted my broken form, changed species, gender and age... well crap today has just been perfect.” I deadpan while staring at my old backpack. “The kind of day were I wish I could climb back into bed and sleep off whatever effects of a foul failure of a potion I took.” Sighing I took a deep breath and then exhaled, several times as I felt my stress bleed off.

I decided to start working on survival. Marching up to my now rather heavy backpack, wishing I had packed lighter, I opened it with my mouth and started to take out it's contents to set up camp. Not only did I need to get accustomed to my new body, but I had to survive in a forest that could contains who knows what. I was gonna need a new name as well, Zechariah isn't very feminine. Bitter and tired, I wondered what fate had in store for me next.

~ Not so far away, in the Everfree Forest ~

A little filly was terrified. The day had started out nice. She had been working on outfits for the school play. She thought the outfits needed some gems to be complete, so she decided to use a spell to find gems. Following the spell, she could sense that there was a cache of gems a little ways into the forest. Since it was daylight and they didn't seem too far into the forest, she decided that she could go in and bring them back by herself. She had found the cache and had been wondering how to carry back all the beautiful gems when things started to go all wrong.

For a second, the sun had gone black, the ground trembled and there was a very loud noise! There was then a roar and the filly saw a large and rather grumpy manticore coming her way. She quickly ran the away from the manticore, realizing seconds latter that she was being chased towards whatever had made the horrific noise!

She galloped as fast as her little hooves could carry her, tears in her eyes from the fear and desperation overwhelming her. There was a source of firelight ahead! Maybe somepony was there who could save her! Then the bane of all fleeing damsels occurred, she tripped on a tree root. She fell into a heap, exhausted and out of hope. Tears blurred her vision and she saw lightning and fire swarm around her. 'No one told me … that dying was beautiful' she thought as consciousness left her.

Several hours latter her eyes opened and she found herself in a sleeping cot near a warm and inviting fire. The rugged cot wasn't very comfortable, but that didn't trouble her because of how happy she felt at being alive. The cool night air, the sent of burning wood, the beautiful night sky, and the feeling of being safe made her giggle at how crazy her day had been.

Looking around she noticed that the cot and the tent nearby were made of animal skins and fur! She started to panic, worrying. ‘Did... did I get caught by some kind of barbaric uncivilized beast!?’

“Oh you’re awake!” A cheerful voice sang out from across the fire, with a squeal the white unicorn tucked her head underneath the blankets of her sleeping cot.

“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry if I frightened you ma'am.” Managing to peek out from her sanctuary of blankets, Rarity looked up, spotting a nervous but friendly looking chestnut brown pegasus filly with a chocolate brown mane, she was around her age maybe a little older, she was giving her an awkward smile.

“O-oh right sorry, just um... ahem.” Taking a breath, she relaxes while pulling herself into a proper sitting position. “I am Rarity, and I’m... very lost.” Rarity finishes rather lamely as she starts to notice her predicament.

“Oh, um. Hi Rarity, I’m Za – Ahem- Charm Feather” Zach, aka Charm introduced herself. “But you can call me Charming if you want!” Charm said with a playful wink in attempt at humor.

Rarity couldn’t help but giggle at the awful joke. “Well Charming.” She said playfully getting the gray pegasus to blush sheepishly “Thank you for looking out for me, but I was wondering what happened after I passed out.” She said now losing her smile as she remembered the fire and lightning.

The humor died rather quickly as the pegasus smile instantly falls and her eyes darken considerably, before brightening again when she smiled. “Not much, managed to scare it off, helped you into the cot and watched out for predators while you slept. I also set up camp.” Charm said, shuffling in her own cot to get more comfortable. Her shuffling resulted in Rarity to gasp, which caused Charm to wince as she knew what Rarity had seen. Sighing Charm stood up and allowed Rarity to see her bandaged right side. Rarity looks quickly to Charm’s wings and sighs in relief that they seemed untouched.

“H-how did... this happen?” Rarity stutters out as she felt responsible for Charm’s injury.

Charm sighs, “Miss Rarity, do not blame yourself for this. This happened because of me being careless.” She looked back into the fire fondly. “A story for another time I suppose, it has been a rather long and tiring day for me Miss Rarity.”

“O-oh of course, forgive me Charm, I had forgotten.” Rarity said rather disappointed at not being told the story on how she got injured, the yawn that escaped Rarity’s mouth causes her to blush sheepishly.

Giggling at Rarity’s embarrassment, Charm said “Looks like I’m not the only one in need of sleep.” While smiling sweetly.

Rarity giggled from embarrassment while pulling the blanket on top of her with magic. Charm stood up suddenly, thereby startling Rarity into dropping the blankets haphazardly.

“Was that magic?!” Charm said eagerly causing Rarity to raise an eye brow in confusion as she fixed the blankets around her.

“U-um yes it was, why?” The white unicorn filly stutters out still feeling shaky from her mild fright.

Taking a deep breath to calm her before speaking, Charm smiles sheepishly at startling Rarity. “Sorry just that never seen magic focus like that before.” This startled Rarity, because 1/3 of the population in Equestria was a unicorn.

“Really... well its nothing special, just basic telekinesis” Rarity replied after thinking about it some.

“Oh well that’s pretty amazing, never seen it performed before. Though I’m no expert in anything magical.” Charm said. “But enough about this, we should sleep.”

“I- of course” Rarity said glancing at the wound on Charms side, dropping the issue all together.

Rarity laid her head down on the soft pillow and watched the fire danced. Finally feeling safe from the dangers of the forest, she nodded off quickly into blissful sleep.

Charm was similarly tired from the fighting. “Oh by the divines, I'm going to be aching all over.” She muttered quietly to herself as she slowly nodded off to sleep.

Author's Note:

Here ya go another chapter for you lot!