• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 7,288 Views, 276 Comments

The Adventures of Charm Feather, In Just Me, and possibly her Chronicles. - R-A-B-G

what would you do if Sheogorath Comes threw your TV, or what if you suddenly lost your previous gender and age, or suddenly have to take care of a little filly? probably best see what I had to do.

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A home to call my own (New Version)

Chapter Eight

The long night the two fillies had experienced was very enlightening for the two of them. Charm Feather had seen what a pegasus could do thanks to watching Rarity memories about the Wonderbolts, while Rarity had finally found out what her cutie mark meant. While both fillies were anxious to use the shared dreamscape to learn more things, Guiding Star cut their time short due to the fact both girls had used a lot of magic and needed their rest.

Now it was the next day and the two were both excited, Rarity especially, on going to Ponyville, they were both surprised to find out both of them had sleep for ten hours straight, it seemed that the combination of magic exhaustion, physical exhaustion and their use of their shared dreamscape had not been a good combination. So that's how the group of three ended heading to Ponyville in the afternoon.

After an hour of walking along the path they finally exited the forest and Rarity nearly cried in joy when she saw the small village, Charm smiled as she observe Rarity as she was basically galloping to the town while she stayed behind with the Zebra.

“Hah heh, she sure is happy being home now eh?” Charm said to Zecora who nodded still with her hood on after just leaving the forest. “You know you should take that off now, or else the ponies would be hard pressed to trust you when you go looking all mysterious and creepy like.” Charm said bluntly as she was slightly put off by Zecora’s glowing yellow eyes under the hood.

Zecora looked startled and then chuckles warmly at the filly, “That sounds like good advice, is better if ponies think that I am nice." Zecora said chuckling as she takes off her hood displaying her Mohawk and face for all to see.

Entering the village brought about some ponies who then started pointing their hooves looking rather startled at Rarity, whose enthusiasm has waned when she suddenly notice the sudden influx of onlookers all of course looking at her.

“Um... Charm... why are they all looking at me like I am some sort of ghost?” Rarity asked rather put off by the other ponies behavior.

~ Change of perspective ~

Hondo Flanks was comforting his wife Cookie Crumbles as it has been over a week since their daughter had disappeared. While the Royal Guards have been searching for her, the fact that no news had arrived yet and that Ponyville was so close to the Everfree forest meant that the chances of Rarity being alive were quite low. His wife had reached the point it had to be conforted every time anything reminded her of their daughter.

Almost all of Ponyville has heard of the news of the filly’s possible demise and are in mourning as it is a very sombre day today.

It was sometime early morning when Cookie found herself wondering around the kitchen when she broke down sobbing, Hondo was there when it happened and started comforting her and has been for almost an hour.

“I-it’s going to be ok she will come home you’ll see, she is stronger than she appears.” The colt said hoping it would get through to his wife as he has been repeating the same thing for awhile now.

Suddenly there was frantic knocking at their doorstep, getting up and wiping his eyes of any tears, Hondo Flanks headed towards the front door.

Upon opening it he sees a brown mare with a bubblegum pink mane look up at him with utter happiness on her face, a face that isn’t suppose to be up today he noted, “you aren’t going to believe this! Rarity is alive! I just saw her exit the Everfree and is currently in town!”

The news was surprising and the small ember of hope was suddenly flared to an inferno, and he wasn’t the only one as he was suddenly barged by his wife who pushed him out of the way to face the mare.

“Rarity is here where?” Cookie Crumbles basically yelled still tear filled eyes but eyes full of hope now.

“Last I saw she was somewhere in the middle of town hall.” And that was all she managed to getting out as Cookie was already half way down the street. Hondo Flanks got up, thanked the mare and joined his wife on running down the street to see his little treasure.

~ Back to our two girls and their Zebra companion ~

Rarity found herself surrounded by the ponies of Ponyville and it was unnerving on how everypony was acting.

“GET OUTTA MY WAY!” She heard somepony called out and like the parting sea, the ponies moved out of the way and Rarity saw her mother who started bawling out loud, Rarity joined her as she ran up to her mother and gave her a fierce hug.

“You are so grounded!” Rarity heard her mother say, but she didn’t care one bit she was home and she kept crying and saying how much she missed her mom and how much she loved both her parents so much.

Then her father joined in the reunion and it was a happy sappy moment, as all three cried tears of joy at the whole thing, when things had finally cleared up all of the ponies who were there left to leave the family have their moment, all except a chestnut brown pegasus and zebra mare who waited patiently.

Rarity who managed to calm down from her emotional moment, broke off from her parents embrace and walked up next to Charm, who was smiling at her rather happy for her friend to be reunited with her parents.

“Mom, dad this is Charm Feather, the one who saved and protected me from the Everfree forest,” Rarity said trying to act all polite, acting as if her crying in public haven’t happened at all. “And this is Zecora a Zebra who provided the two of us shelter and had saved the two of us from a rather large monster of the forest.” She introduced the two who had done so much for her.

Without so much as hesitating Cookie Crumbles marched right up to Charm and gave her a crushing hug of gratitude, while Hondo Flanks walked up to Zecora and gave her a hoof shake.

“Thank you so much for helping our daughter in her hour of need.” Cookie said to Charm while still giving the poor pegasus a crushing hug.

“Yo-your very welcome, can't, breathe” Charm Feather said feeling like she had broken something.

“O-oh right sorry” Cookie said releasing the young mare from her death hug.

Taking a breath Charm remained silent when Rarity came back into the conversation.
“Charm doesn’t have a place to stay; she had been living in the forest for who knows how long… and her parents are meanies and kicked her out!” This startled the brown pegasus, since while she had heard Rarity said that her parents would probably let Charm, she had kinda forgot about it with all the excitement.

“Of course we welcome her,” Cookie Crumbles said further startling Charm “Wha-what? No, no I didn’t help you to receiving compensation, I-I, wha? B-But.” The pegasus said not knowing what to do, this type of kindness and gratefulness really confusing her.

Rarity noticed her friend’s hesitation and remembering both her promise to be Charm Feather true friend and the pegasus low self esteem, walked right up to her friend and gave her a gentle hug. "Stop protesting, until you find a place to stay you will stay at my house and you will like it! And stop thinking you don't deserve it because you are an hero!"

Charm Feather face got red as a tomato by all the affection she was receiving, it felt well, really good, in fact, she did not remember mere hugs and praise affecting her so much, was this yet another pony thing she would get use to? Or it was just part of being female?

“You saved our daughter, if she wants to offer you our home as your own, then we welcome her choice to do so in the matter,” Said Hondo with Cookie nodding in agreement.

“I-I never, knew anypony who was this nice,” Charm Feather said so quietly that only Rarity could hear it as she was right next to the pegasus, and was just slightly shorter than her height. Why had Charm to be taller? Well probably because Charm seemed to be at least a year older than her, maybe even two.

“Get used to it, ponies in Ponyville tend to be nice, especially to heroes.” Rarity said with a smile as she could hear her friends heart rate rise at that statement.

“Welcome to the family Charm Feather!” all three family members said out loud now catching Charms attention who was horrified as she could see other ponies also welcome it. Not to mention Zecora who was forgotten giggle at the heart warming scene.

“Oh pony feathers, what have I gotten myself into now,” the pegasus muttered under her breath, blushing as the three started announcing it to all the world of her honorary family member status.

Wait… was Rarity's mother fat or it was something else, and why the heck did she paid attention to something like that?


Rarity stood up rather abruptly in her bed, her breath was slightly laboured as if she had been running for half an hour at full tilt, and then barely avoided screaming in fear.

“Wha-what was that?” she asked the room at large as she wasn’t expecting an answer. "It was horrible! Everypony was wearing dreadful clothes… and green! So much green!"

"That was a nightmare, is really your worst fear to live in a world with no sense of style?' This startled an already on edge white unicorn as she meeped in surprise, she looked at the source of the voice to see Guiding Star standing on top of the dresser in her room, sitting like a dog in a what Rarity guess is an uncomfortable position, mostly because the dresser was barely big enough to hold an adult sized pony over it.

The moonlit night casts shadows threw out the whole room, but the light turns slightly purple tinged when it pasts threw the ghost unicorn, her blue eyes reflect the moons light giving them an otherworldly glow to them,

"And why the hay I dreamed about that?" Rarity asked concerned slightly, her nerves are starting to become normal along with her breathing.

"Magic is a reflection of your soul, your emotions and feelings affect your magic. I am sorry little one, but until you master that fear, I will not teach you more magic."

"WHAT? No way, does Charm know about this?"

"Charm Feather cannot use the school of Restoration magic so she can't help you with this. Those who can heal, can also destroy. The same basis used in a healing spell can be twisted into killing any living being." Rarity then was hugged by the bigger pony, it was strange, it felt real.

"Uh… why do you feel like a real pony, I am dreaming right now?" Rarity asked, then noticed the ghost like unicorn mist like mane and tail now had a silver coloring. "And why is your mane and tail silver?"

Guiding Star patted Rarity mane "Since I live in your head now, I can trick your senses so it seems like I am real to you. Anyway the point I wanted to make was, that overcoming your fears is needed to master your magic. Otherwise, if you use a healing spell without control of your emotions, you will end hurting or killing instead of healing."

Rarity pouted "Is not fair! I wanted to learn more healing spells now!"

"Oh little one, I am sorry, but the path of a healer requires way more discipline that the path of a warrior, to kill is easy, to heal is not."

"Okay… isn't there any spell I can learn anyway? Even if its not healing?" Rarity said, relaxing as the bigger mare rubbed her tummy.

"Well, don't you have a book about basic unicorn spells?" Guiding Star pointed to a small shelf with a bunch of books on it. "I looked into your memories and I think you might be able to do advanced levitation and the illumination spell at your current level."

"Oh, but I am not good at memorising things." Rarity pointed out, not to mention a mere light spell seemed lame compared to healing, and that levitation, even if it was many objects at once, was not any skill she could really show off.

"As long as I am awake and with you, you just need to read something once, then I will remember it and share it with you in the shared dreamscape, and anything you learn there is hard to forget."

"Really? Cool!" Rarity then turned the lights on and went to read the book to test it.

~ The next day ~

I stare blankly at my image in the mirror, I see a chestnut brown pegasus with large brown eyes, and a long dark brown mane, it clings to my face and although I had moved them out of the way to stare at the mirror, a strand or two would get in the way every so often.

“This is me now,” I said with slight sadness. I enjoyed being human, and I may had a thing with cat girls or such morph variations of human animal things on the internet years ago, from before my adventures across the multiverse.

“But being human was unique on its own,” I said sadly while still wearing a sadden face.
It is the day after I had managed to bring Rarity back home to Ponyville, and it felt amazing to sleep on a bed, to have a hot shower, and to relax now that I am relatively safe now.

But after my bath I saw myself in the mirror and for the first time after all this time I could see what I look like now.

I didn’t had a mirror or time to even ponder the existence of my transformation when I was in the forest, now that I do it was a crushing feeling of lost, and even though I had accepted the fact I was taken from my home and in my journey I ended up here, It still hurts to feel the sense of lost.

I enjoyed being human and although I wouldn’t mind some transformation shenanigans for fun, that’s what it would be, fun. But this isn’t a transformation shenanigan joke played on me, it is real I have to be this way for the rest of my life.

Although everypony is friendly and for that matter ponies, “They would not have accepted me being human, they will only see a monster if I was in my true form...” I said feeling even more sadden, and my ears confirm this by splashing back on my head while my eyes starts tearing up at the possible outcome of rejection.

And it was possibly the most adorable thing I had ever seen, or done!

“Gah!” I yelped startled at my sudden cuteness setting of eleven.

“Ok I’ll admit, I had always wanted to do that,” I’d admit chuckling to myself while I mentally checked the things I want to do in life out.

With my brightened mood I looked at the ‘me’ in the mirror and smiled a big goofy smile. “I guess it’s not so bad, I could get used to all of this, and I have time to grow into this body.” With my smile I dried and brushed my mane, then I went and opened and was about to walk out the door but before I could I was shoved out of the way by magic.

I was startled as a white unicorn filly with a purple mane ran into the bathroom, slamming the door closed. “whoops,” I said, now feeling sheepish as I may have been in there for awhile.

“Well today is a new day, may nothing bad happen, for it is good to be alive!” I said smiling at my happy announcement, something I always say in the mornings back home allowing some normalcy for me.

End of Chapter…

The young unicorn is finally back home, and the young pegasus got adopted. But just because both fillies are now in Ponyville, it doesn't meant their journey will be easy.

In the next chapter…

The path of an hero is not easy, and sacrifices have to be made. In the case of a certain chestnut brown mare, said sacrifice will be caching the interest of certain princess with a great love of cake.

Author's Note:

Co-writer: Pinklestia