• Published 2nd Apr 2014
  • 738 Views, 54 Comments

Virtue and Vice: Equestria - enigmaMystere

Based (loosely) on the JLA/JSA storyline of the same name, this recounts what happens before and during the most troublesome time in the history of Equestria's specialized taskforces.

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Stealthy Shades #37

At around the same time as everything else is going on, relic team find themselves in the stairwell heading down past the first floor. While the above ground floors were all lavish including in the stairways, now that they had to the basement, things quickly become more bare-bones. Smooth metal lines the walls, providing a sort of monotonous and repetitive view as they descend.

Luster pauses in the middle of the flight of stairs, ear twitching slightly. Do you hear that? She turns to look at the stallion on her back, concerned.

He shrugs as best he can while draped across her. I heard something, not sure what. Rats? And can I walk on my own now?

A lock of her purple mane wraps around his muzzle as the nymph sidesteps into the shadows, watching a guard start to make his way in their direction. Shoot. There seems to be more of them down here... She raises a hoof, silently placing it on the wall next to her.

The map pops up in their mind once more, updating itself as a small wave. At first, a few more guards appear, then a blank space in the middle of the third basement floor. Strange... why can't I get a reading on that spot? And... are the stairs on opposite sides, for each floor?

So it was designed with either incredible inconvenience or security in mind. Volt interprets. Well, at least it looks like we're going the right way.

Yeah... She frowns, closing her eyes in concentration, the map slowly updating itself once more. Come on... show me... Her eyes snap open, her body trembling in her stunned silence.

The guards appear to increase in number, in small packs outside the walls of the map. Every one of the griffons has a spear or sword at claw, prepared to defend whatever is on that lowest floor. The second basement floor houses a number of ponies who don't seem to be moving, each on top of numerous cots with a few guards among them. Further details include a number of fire-based torches, apparently the only source of light, and a steam-powered generator right on the edge of the void.

The indigo changeling quietly sighs, rubbing her temple with a hoof. It seems our job is a bit more difficult than expected...

If it was easy they would have hired local bank robbers to do this instead of us. He pays her back reassuringly. We just have to take it one room at a time while keeping an eye on our backs. We've worked spontaneously before. He looks back to the map, his eyes on the generator. This... this could definitely be useful...

I thought you said more would cause you to be overwhelmed, Surge? She slowly moves forward, the guard now past, and sneaks down the staircase to the first floor. I just hope there isn't some kind of boss fight, for each floor...

The duo end up at a hallway, the directions going left or right, and quickly vanishing out of sight as they turn inward. Luster checks the map again, noticing the pattern. ...though this first one seems to be a maze. How do they not get lost?

They cheat, maybe? He offers. And who said I was going to absorb the power from it? I'm not an electrical engineer for nothing. I can just make it do what we need it to do.

Fair enough. She checks the map, moving to the left. You'll need to help with directions, though... I'm having a bit of trouble figuring this mess out...

I guess you can't just let us go clear through the walls? He asks as he watches the map, able to focus on that with Luster doing the walking.

With you on my back? She rolls her eyes, flicking his nose with her tail. You'd be stuck behind, or lost inside it. Besides, these walls aren't completely metal. There's other materials inside them that'd prevent us from doing that.

Here, try left at this junction. And so the pattern begins as they wander down the twisting corridors, Volt offering a direction at each intersection. Soon enough, they reach a wall with a door with a torch outside it.

Luster slows down, hiding within what shadows there are. Great... there's five of those guys in there... She looks back at her teammate. If any of them see us...

Hmm... Can you soundproof the door for a moment? He starts rummaging the ought his saddlebags.

She nods, lighting up her horn a moment to get the job done. She steps over to the wall near the door, making sure to stay out of sight and pressing an ear to it.

Inside, voices can be heard. "You know, I wish I'd stayed in my little hamlet."

"What? Being treated to a luxurious life and some needy mares not enough for you?"

"You really shouldn't do that behind the Baron's back, you know." A sigh. "I just... don't feel comfortable with what he does to those stallions."

Luster? Volt tries to get her attention as he pulls out his canteen.

She blinks, turning to him once more. Yes? What is it?

He points to the door. The soundproofing?

I know. She quirks an eyebrow as the magic ripples across the wall. I was just listening to these griffons.

"Damn drafts." The voice almost makes her jump. "That one made the torch flicker... hope that bugger doesn't go out."

Yeah, keep hoping, buddy. Volt lifts up the canteen with magic and floats it near the torch. With a wave of his aura, he makes the roch flicker once more before suddenly pouring just enough water on it to douse it. He quickly yanks back the water-carrier and stows it, trying to shrink lower onto Luster's back.

"Fuck!" There's what sounds to be a slap. "You just had to jinx it, didn't ya!"

"Shut up. We can just re-light it, right?" Silence. "Right?"

"We don't have any tinderboxes left, idiot. We just have a lame firefly lantern."

Lucky for us. She slowly walks past the door as one of the paintings lights up. I suppose we can just do that whenever we come across something like that. You have enough water for it, Surge?

He nods. Yeah, I think so, but if we find any water bottles or something, I'm knicking them so I actually have something to drink later.

It's not like we're gonna be here that long. She stops suddenly, staring straight down the hall with a blank expression on her face. ...what the fuck?

Volt focuses back on reality instead of the mental map he had been looking at. What? What now?

I thought you said this would be the way? She turns to stare at him over her shoulder, confused. Why is this a dead end?

He rechecks the map. But this looked like the way out... it's literally a hall that sticks out from the rest of the maze. If this isn't an exit... I have no idea what is!

Then there has to be a secret. She frowns, slowly approaching the wall. A switch... a door... something!

Volt mutters as he rescans the map. I bet those guards knew how to get around... Right as he says this, one of the guard models on the map walks through a wall. Huh... I was right. They do cheat.

What is... how did they... They watch as the griffon walks straight from one staircase to the other, going through every wall along the way. Softly growling, Luster turns and storms back down the hallway, her still-feathered wings fluffing up in annoyance. I swear, whoever designed this place is a cruel being...

But you have to admit, they got us. Now, we just get them back for it by getting through it anyway. He grins in the darkness.

True. She turns the corner, boffing the guard there across the noggin before he knew what hit him. She floats his unconscious form in her magic next to a couple vats of wine, placing a mug in his claw. Still peeved at this lot, though.

Well, I bet I can help with that once we get to the generator. I plan on having a lot of fun with that thing. A conniving chuckle comes across the mental link.

You know what, go for it. She stops in front of the stairway up, staring at the wall opposite it. So this is it? Doesn't look like much, to me.

Try poking it. Volt replies helpfully.

Hmm... She consults the map again before picking him up in her magic, smirking coyly. Nah. She casually tosses him at the steel surface.

Like a stone into water, the stallion sails through the metal wall causing only a few ripples. After a moment, his voice calls over the mental link. I got one!

One what? She steps through after him and smiles teasingly. A sense of humor? Or someone special?

Eh, I don't know about special... Volt motions to the guard he landed on and subsequently knocked out. He seems pretty generic to me.

Well, the nymph shrugs, picking up the guard and bringing him as she goes through the next wall, too bad they aren't female, huh? Bet you'd like to brag how you successfully hit on one.

Surprisingly, the stallion catches up and gives her a small tap on the back of the head. Hey, I don't joke about hitting girls.

I said 'hit on'. Besides, you just hit a girl. She quirks an eyebrow at him. What do you have to say to that, Surge?

He blinks for a moment before answering back. I didn't make a joke about it. He sticks his tongue out at her in victory.

Whatever you say. She shrugs and dumps the guard on an old cot in the next hallway, continuing on without stopping. Now, the next floor will be a challenge, but most of them should be asleep. Think you can be quiet so you don't alert the guards in there?

Sure sure, I can do that. I was quiet this whole floor, right? He trots along behind her, pausing at the occasional wall to make sure he goes in at the right spot and doesn't just try a solid wall.

Yes, but you also had my mane around your muzzle for a good two-thirds of that time. She stops in front of the next flight, perking up an ear cautiously.

He catches up, stopping beside her and perking up his own ear. Hear anything in particular?

Nothing bad... but I hear... water? She frowns, slowly taking the first step down. It's like... a steady dripping, and... some hissing, I think?

Oh! His ears perk up and a grin appears on his face. That must be the generator! Here, let's see what the map says about what's between us and it...

She looks back at him as she descends, frowning slightly. I think it's where the stallions are kept... but I don't know...

Hmm... His mind is on the map as he follows. I hope that isn't the case. Those guys will probably be pretty noisy if they see us, and I'll need a moment to see what all the generator is connected to so I can tell how best to use it.

That's not my concern... She stops on the landing near the middle of the stairway, closing her eyes. I... I can barely sense them...

He looks to her, confused as to her worry. So... what? They aren't feeling emotions because they're asleep or something?

No, I'm using the metal to find them. She stares pointedly at him. Metal, which reacts to their heat, and vibrates with their pulse... and I still struggle to sense them. She shudders softly, turning her attention back to the darkness below. Something's wrong...

He still tilts her head at her. Seems pretty straight forward to me. If they're like that, it's probably because of the chalice, right? That's what we're here for. Like Rhino said, this guy has been using it drain others, I guess he just apparently leaves enough for them not to die... which might actually be worse now that I think about it... The stallion starts to look unsettled as well.

Now you see my point. She takes a deep, steadying breath and walks down the stairs once more. I just... worry what we might find...

In the interest of deadening you to things you might see, I'm going to take a leaf from my sci-fi novels I like and say... shriveled husks. He says this all with an air of disassociation, as if he's really just discussing one of the books.

Stopping once more, ignoring the stallion bumping into her back, she gawks at the scene before her in shock. No...

Before her lay rows and rows of sterile metal bed frames, a small, single-pony mattress upon each. On top of a number of those lay the stallions she'd sensed before, all apparently near the ends of their lives. Hesitantly, she steps forward towards the closest of the elderly-looking ponies, reading the card near his hooves to the stallion behind her. 'Sturdy Aegis, age twenty-seven... thirty ounces'?

Volt takes one glance at the pony and card before wincing and staring straight ahead and slightly to the floor. Yeah... so I don't end up a horrified mess on the floor, I'm going to not look again. He shivers, walking forward more. Optimism only takes me so far in this case...

I don't believe this... She moves down the aisle from pony to pony, card to card, frowning more with each one. He... he keeps them alive... but for what? She pauses at a cloth-covered one, looking at the card despite herself. Eighty-six ounces... She turns away and continues to the other stairway, grimacing slightly. Well... now we know what happened to the diplomat... poor guy...

Volt continues staring straight ahead. Not thinking about it...

Right. Sorry, Volt. She drapes a wing over his back, quickly leading him through the room and down the flight of stairs as soon as possible. You can look now... I promise you won't need to see any more. She embraces him with a foreleg as they walk down, hoping to cheer him up. Okay?

He blinks, taking a moment before reponding. Yeah... thanks... He shakes hsi head before scratchign it with a hoof. Huh... Rhino was right, disassociating yourself with something does help preserve sanity... makes me feel weird afterward though... Still, thanks, Luster. He leans against her a moment before pullig away.

What? She smirks, playfully bumping his side. You don't want a hug from a female? The nymph continues down before him, giggling coyly. No telling when you might get another chance...

He smirks. Heh, knowing my luck, if I say something like 'I'm sure we'll have a nice group hug at the end of the mission,' I'll somehow end up getting that in a bad way.

I don't know about that, myself. She shrugs, nodding down the stairs. The generator should be on our left upon entering the room... and that void should be right in front of us. I don't know about you, her tail flicks heatedly, but I don't like unsolved mysteries.

Well, since it is right in front of us, I guess it is in our interest to see what it is so we don't get a nasty surprise. He peers down the stairs, trying to see anything. Any guesses what it is?

Not sure. She frowns, continuing forwards fearlessly. Most of the things down here are metal, but this could be something plastic... I don't kn- She nearly slips in surprise, staring up in shock at the large, shiny black wall before her. How did he... it can't be possible...

Volt almost lets out a whistle, but catches himself at the last second. Is that what I think it is? Sheesh, this guy is more loaded than I thought.

Luster reaches out a hoof, gingerly touching the surface. After a few moments, she slowly nods, stepping away from it. It is... mythril... I've never seen so much in my life... She turns to the stallion, frowning softly. But the rarity's the least of our issues. Whatever's in there must be valuable, but we can't get inside with my magic. She nods to the four small boxes and the keypad on the door. And we sure don't know what the code is for it... but mythril isn't infallible, when used like this.

True, but neither are security systems. He peers at the electronics, rubbing his chin with a hoof. I think I might be able to do something with this, but let's make sure we have the privacy to do so, first.

She quirks an eyebrow at him. Will it take you as long to figure that out - avoiding potential alarms - as it'd take Rhino to get down here? She smirks, pulling her staff from her side and tapping the retractable pole. He can teleport inside, provided there's no rune circle in the metal to counter it.

Right... and it's a lot harder to set an alarm to that than electronics... He sighs, moving away from the locks. Yeah, I guess when we have a time limit, what I was going to do with this isn't the best option. What do you have your pole out for?

This. She swings, smacking a guard that was coming around the corner in the beak. She glances at him as he crumples to the ground. Saw him on the map. Anyways, we'll keep your idea in mind, just in case. She turns her attention to the building above, trying to reach out to their leader. Rhino, I think we might need your help.

The green unicorn, having found himself a dimly lit hallway with a very nice corner shelf to perch on, mentally messages back. What's up, Luster? He looks back to check on Ruby, nodding as she still sleeps.

There's a safe down here, and it's made of mythril. I can't use my magic on it. Her thoughts take on a disappointed tone, and she kicks the ground with a hoof.

As he gets up and starts following the map to the basement, he thinks back to her. Are you... pouting?

...maybe. She sighs, shaking her head. Oh, and... don't look around, in the second floor of the basement. Just... it managed to upset Volt.

...noted. Anything else I should be aware of? I just heading down the stairs. He looks around, noticing the change in design of the hallways.

Go straight when you reach the first floor. I know it may not make sense at first, but trust me, it will, soon enough. She turns to Volt, smiling warmly. So... what was your plan, anyways? Before I brought up bringing Rhino down here?

He points to the pad. I was going to pry the casing off and apply short bursts of electricity that I got from the wall in order to either short circuit the system or trick it into thinking I put the right code in. He then points to the generator. I hadn't decided on exactly what to do with that, but i was thinking of causing a complete blackout of all electricity in the castle, or in a pinch, breaking one of the steam pipes to cause a distraction for the guards to respond to.

Could work, or could injure us both. She shrugs slightly. Let's wait until he gets here to have his opinion on which is better.

Right... listen to the boss... Shrugging, Volt goes over to the generator, walking slowly around it. Hydro would have a field day with this...

I have the blueprints in our heads. Said schematics flash through their minds for a moment. We could always just share it with him, the next time we meet him.

He'd like that. I was more saying how if he was here, he'd probably either fine some way to turn this into a weapon, control the system like I wanted to... or he would somehow rig it to explode with enough time for us all to get out. He shrugs, looking at a few dials.

I'm sure he's got his hooves full, as well. Her ear twitches, and she looks up at the ceiling. Careful, Rhino, you've got someone behind you.

There's a moment of silence before he replies. Dealt with. Thanks for the heads up. Interesting hidden doors they've got here.

I know. If you see a torch, they're likely to be nearby. She sighs, sitting down and leaning forward against her staff. Wonder whether he'll react to the stallions...

About a minute later, a slightly strangled sound comes over the mental link. Ugh... A few minutes after that, actual words come through. That... was not pleasant...

Yea. I'd hate to see that sort of thing in action. She casts a glance at the stairs as he appears, sheepishly smiling. Sorry I didn't warn you, better... I just figured it might cause a worse reaction from you...

You did fine... better not to give my imagination more fuel. He shakes his head as he reaches the bottom of the stairs. Yay, another sub-basement. Still, better than an attic.

Luster stares at him, confused. An attic? Why do you say that?

He looks at her seriously. Because tend to be cramped, boiling in the summer, filled with fiberglass insulation that makes you feel like you're covered in pins and needles where it manages to get through your fur, and have a nasty tendency to draw trouble-making racoons. Also I keep worrying if I step wrong I'll end up on the floor below.

You realize it's night. She sighs, shaking her head and gesturing to the vault behind them. So here's the safe. What do you think is the best course of action?

Hmm... He walks along the one part they can see. Easily big enough to walk into. Complicated-looking security system. Impervious to most damage. He nods to himself. I guess teleporting would be the simplest option to try. I take it that why you called me down here?

Pretty much, though I have to admit... She rubs the back of her neck. There's the distinct chance of there being a large amount of gold inside there. Of course, it could just be one item... who knows?

He shrugs. If it's not what we came for, we leave it alone and check other likely places.

Luster frowns, racking her mind for information. I don't understand where else it could be. This is the most likely spot for it...

Well, then I guess we should check then cross the backup bridge when we come to it. He looks to the pink form on his back. Do you think you can be Ruby's substitute bed for a moment while I do this? Teleporting just gets more complicated with more ponies in it.

I don't mind one bit. She lays herself down fully, putting her staff off to the side. Don't think I'm as comfy, but I should at least feel familiar, right?

A bit, she could always tell between you and Gel even when she was asleep as a foal, but still, you are certainly a familiar figure in her life. With a bit of magic, the stallion manages to pry the filly off his back, her forelegs try to grab back at him in her sleep before he sets her gently on the nymph.

She grips her aunt tightly, whining softly at first from her lack of fur but soon settling in, tenderly nuzzling the changeling's neck.

"Did you hear something?"

Rhino's hackles raise high as his head darts toward the door. Crap!

"Stop being so jumpy, Yellowbelly." There's a loud smack. "Sit down and have a glass! You know none of those ponies come down here, even with a chaperone!"

"I know, but I still don't like wine."

Umm... that didn't come from the door... Volt points out as they all turn their heads towards the wall next to the safe.

"Come on! For me?"

"Daisy, you're drunk." A soft sigh. "I'm going for a walk to clear my head."

"No!" The griffon - a female, by the sound of it - whines plaintively to her friend. "Come on, Yellow, this is the only time we spend together! Can't we just... make it memorable?" After this, things go strangely quiet.

Are... are they... Luster wrinkles her nose, trying not to think about the possibilities.

Rhino scrunches his face as he calms his imagination. Try to think of eggs... not what makes them...

They sit there a moment before a soft thump is heard, followed by a groan. "Damn it, Daisy..." He sighs, and then there's a soft squeak of springs. "You're lucky I love ya so much..."

Volt wipes a hoof across his brow, silently thanking... well, anything that what they thought was not what was happening.

Luster taps the emerald stallion's foreleg, nodding towards the vault. It should be safe, just inside the door... but still, be careful, Rhino.

Yeah... apparently, I might not be alone in there... His tail swishes once as he faces the safe, his horn lighting up faintly as a circle begins to manifest around him before he suddenly seems to collapse inward ever so slightly, then disappear. He reappears just inside the door with not even a flash to announce him.

The inside of the safe is not as spacious as one would've thought. Mountains of gold line the back, and stacks of legal documents and other papers tower over him from the sides, all in little shelves labeled specifically for each one. Before him lay a path through the organized clutter, and, at the very top, sits a viewing platform, similar to what one would find on a blimp.

I'm in, no issues. He starts slowly making his way up the inside of the door, heading for the ceiling, but minimizing movement to avoid detection. Seems to be where he keeps everything important. Filled with all kinds of stuff.

Rhino, you might want to stay off the walls. Luster looks to the generator, watching the meters starting to rise. This thing's starting to build up power... and it's connected to the safe.

Eyes widening, Rhino quickly shimmies back down to the ground. Well damn... there goes my main way of avoiding detection.

Before she can respond, the walls start sparking as electricity courses through them. Closing her eyes, Luster replies to him. Surely you can sneak around without acting like a spider? And I doubt the Baron would hide the thing he uses to stay young very far in...

Maybe, maybe not. Still, I feel much more exposed now. Slowly, using the spell he would have used to climb to now muffle his steps, the stallion walks through the vault, eyes peeled. Got to be here somewhere...

Though he looks around for a good few minutes, the most interesting thing Rhino finds is a dozing griffon on a pile of fox furs. Guards in the midnight shift are not necessarily nocturnal it seems. Still, aside from the walls lined with various definitions of 'precious' items, still no chalice. Come on... it's in here somewhere... I can feel it...

After passing a rack of separate, rolled papers for the third time, he notices a recess. Following the niche, he finds himself in heading further inside, and that's when he sees it. Near the middle of the vault is an ornate pedestal, a silver pillar with gold, leaf-shaped accents. It looks as though it would hold the most precious of items in the world.

At the moment, it's completely bare.

Blanching, Rhino calls back to his friends. Guys... I think I found where it goes. Problem: it's not there.

What?! Luster jumps up, sending a flailing Ruby off her back and onto her rump. Then where is it?

I don't know! Rhino quickly starts making his way back toward the door, urgency pushing him on. The only reason i could think it wouldn't be here was if... it was being used...

Shit! The nymph starts pacing, much to the confusion of the still-drowsy pink pony. Why now? It's been weeks since the last reported incident!

It doesn't matter, what matters is that we get that from him before another pony has to go through what the others upstairs did. Rhino reaches the door, instantly teleporting back out and lifting Ruby back onto his back.

Volt's eyes widen. Wait, if he's using it... what does that mean for the abduction team? He won't be alone and asleep now!

We've gotta- There's a flash that interrupts her, and the filly is gone. Luster stumbles slightly, shaking her head in confusion. Wow, that... that was a lot of rage...

RUBY! Rhino's yell echoes in the mental link. Young filly, you get back here right now! This is not the time to go rushing off!

She quickly checks the map, watching as a dot blinks in and out rapidly, switching places each time. I... I think she's too far gone to listen... She gulps, turning to the emerald stallion. She's headed straight for the others...

Then so are we, she's a danger to both herself and the mission right now. He starts running towards and up the stairs, his hoofsteps muffled but his speed not so. Everyone, emergency call! Ruby's lost it! Find her, catch her!