• Published 2nd Apr 2014
  • 738 Views, 54 Comments

Virtue and Vice: Equestria - enigmaMystere

Based (loosely) on the JLA/JSA storyline of the same name, this recounts what happens before and during the most troublesome time in the history of Equestria's specialized taskforces.

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Equus Tactics #45

The sun has almost begun to set when the freed slaves and Tactics team finally begin heading away from the mine. As the large crowd of ponies make their way towards the train station, many of them flinch and look back as they suddenly hear a howl emanate from every dog at once, all of them crowding around the grave marker for a single one of their own kind.

Dior smiles softly, stopping to look back at the mine. “I hope we meet again, Fluffy…”

“It’s not like they’re heading off to some mysterious other place in the world,” Winter tells her with a chuckle. Since leaving the mine, he had acquired a pair of saddlebags, which now holds the two books and Equinox. “They’re staying in those caves. Pretty sure you can remember how to get there.”

“It’s not remembering how to find them.” She sighs, leaning against the pony on the side opposite the unicorn. “It’s finding the time to do so…”

Winter smiles. “You can always take a day or two off, you know. We don’t need to do this sort of thing every day.” He adds in a mutter to himself, “Even if it feels like it...”

“In that case,” the nymph says as she smirks, bumping his side playfully, “why don’t you take time off to see a certain farmer?”

The unicorn glares at her with a flushed face. “That isn’t-”

‘I agree with Dior, Win.’ The fox taps his friend’s head. ‘You really gotta let her know how you feel.’

A growl escapes Winter’s throat, followed by him shaking his head in irritation. “Since when did my love life become the topic on everyone else’s minds?” He suddenly cringes and blushes further when he hears his own words. “...I mean...”

“Love life?” From the red stallion’s back, the filly from the mines pipes up, confused and curious. “Do you have someone you like?”

Hydro chuckles. “Dug your own hole there, Win. Might as well accept it.”

“I’m going to stab somepony at this rate.” With a sigh after vocalizing this empty threat, Winter looks at Ash. “Yes, there’s someone I like. Big deal.”

“Oh.” She tilts her head, considering the cobalt pony for a moment before following up with a question. “What’s it like? Having someone you like, like that?”

“Apparently it’s akin to having your friends learn a dark secret about you and holding it over your head for the rest of your life,” he grumbles. “Seriously? I don’t know how to explain it. You see someone as more than just a friend, but you’re too scared to ask if they see you the same way. That’s my only experience with it.”

Ash frowns at this. “That… doesn’t sound pleasant at all.” She sighs, resting her head against the earth pony’s neck.

‘We’d only be able to hold it over your head until you went through with asking.’ Mercury sticks his tongue out at Winter, who responds with a grunt and continues walking forward.

The earth stallion rolls his eyes before focusing them on his wife. “That’s just Win’s experience because he hasn’t ponied up enough to get to the good part yet. We could tell you what it’s like.”

She perks up slightly, looking at him curiously. “You can?”

“Oh, joy. Mind if I just walk really far in this direction while you do that?” Winter asks, not even waiting for a reply before he starts walking more to the right, heading off to join the half of the team that was helping guide the freed slaves.

“For me,” the marble changeling begins, tittering slightly, “I found out I liked Hydro after I spent a little time with him…”

Hydro takes up the story. “At first, I really didn’t think I’d ever feel that way about her due to the circumstances and how she was back then...but you’d be surprised how much some ponies, or changelings, can grow on you when you just have fun together.”

Ash looks from one to the other, unsure what to think. “So… how was she back then? And what circumstances?”

Dior blushes softly, scratching her cheek with a hoof. “Well… I think that’s a whole other story…” She blinks as the filly re-adjusts her position, getting more comfortable. “Though you seem to not mind.” She laughs quietly, nuzzling her stallion’s cheek before beginning. “If I’m not mistaken, it started one fall, a while back…”

As she tells her story, the stallion who walked away specifically to avoid it now finds himself just awkwardly trotting alongside groups of battered ponies he fails to recognize. He sighs, trying to look like he’s actually being helpful, when in reality he’s just running mostly irrelevant thoughts through his head.

‘Win.’ The silver fox bops him on the head. ‘Win, you almost walked into a cactus.’

He sighs and trots around the plant. “Thanks. Really don’t need another prick on me.” Normally, he’d follow a comment like this up with a laugh or a smile to show he isn’t being serious. This time, he just keeps his neutral, even downcast, look.

Mercury frowns, slumping down his friend’s back. ‘Great… he’s lost to his self-pity again…’ He sighs, poking at the stallion’s back with his nose, hoping for some way to end the boredom.

“No, not self-pity. I smile when I’m being self-pitiful, because it’s funny. I’m just annoyed.” The unicorn sighs again. “I don’t know what at, but I’m annoyed.”

‘Hey, you saved the day, kept a mamodo from being harmed…’ Mercury shrugs slightly. ‘What is there to be annoyed at?’

“Hm, I don’t know. Maybe a certain fox, nymph, and pony sticking their respective muzzles where they don’t belong?” Despite his words, he doesn’t sound angry so much as he sounds tired. “The more you pressure me into doing something, the more nervous I’m gonna be if I finally do it.”

‘But if we don’t, you’ll never do it to begin with.’ The fox huffs, curling up on Winter’s back. ‘If it really bothers you that much, I’ll try to keep my thoughts to myself. Okay?’

The stallion sighs and shakes his head. “No...you’re right. I just don’t like that you’re right.” He looks back at the kitsune. “I probably wouldn’t have even realized myself that I liked her if you hadn’t been teasing me about it.”

‘Speak of the pony…’

With hat low over her eyes, the familiar form of a particular apple farmer comes into view just before she plows into Winter. What should have been just a clumsy bump ends up taking the distracted unicorn by surprise and knocking him over, causing the red book to fall out of his bags open and onto the ground. Mercury is sent sprawling as well, stopping when he bumps into a rock.

“Whoops, sorry ‘bout that partner.” Applejack straightens her hat and shakes her head. She smiles at the stallion. “You alright there, Win?”

The unicorn’s response, whatever he wants it to be, is muffled by the sand he has to spit out of his mouth. He settles for just nodding as he stands back up, heading over to help the silver fox without noticing the fallen book or the identity of who exactly bumped him.

Tilting her head at his lack of response, Applejack looks down to the book. Her eyes glance over the words inside for a moment before she noses it closed and picks it up in her mouth. Taking a few steps forward, she pokes Winter in the shoulder with it.

The stallion looks back and freezes; partially from finally noticing her, and partially from realizing what she’s holding. “Oh, um...y-yeah. I’m fine...can you please put that down?” He speaks the last bit in a nervous rush.

The fox prods his foreleg, frowning in bemusement. 'You could just grab it.'

“...right.” Blue face gaining a red tint, Winter wraps his magic around the tome, taking it back when the farmer releases her grip. He slides it back into his saddlebags carefully. “Sorry about that.”

“About what? Ah’m the one that ran into ya.” She tilts her head at him. “Somethin’ wrong? Ah’d think after all that nonsense you’d be a bit happier.”

The unicorn shrugs. “I was happy until about half my team decided that since we were done with Alpha and the diamond dogs, their next mission should be to get involved with my private life.” He silently prays she doesn’t prod for details. “And I meant sorry for not responding to you, and for having that little freak-out when I saw you with the book. It’s...just kind of important.”

She shrugs. “Must be. Can’t see any other reason a pony would carry around a book filled with gibberish.”

“It’s...kind of a long story.” He rolls his eyes a bit. “One I don’t think I’d even be able to tell you if I understood half of it myself. Let’s just say I need to get it back home, safe and sound, and keep it that way.”

'And if it gets destroyed, Ash vanishes.' Mercury cringes slightly. 'Sorry, it just slipped out...'

Winter makes a point of ignoring the fox, making it clear that he both does not want to think about that and does not want to make Applejack question the one-sided conversation.

She holds up her hooves, smiling once more. “Alright, Mr. Big Government Secrets, Ah won’t question ya. You and everypony else did good today.”

“You know full well that isn’t my name.” He smiles back at her, finally showing some of his usual sense of humour. “But thanks. From what I hear, you didn’t do too bad yourself with guarding the safe room.”

Pulling her hat down to cover her eyes, she smirks. “Eh, it weren’t too bad. Ah just made sure that everypony stayed safe. Still, Ah wasn’t exactly in top condition, so Ah’m glad your guys showed up to give me a rest.”

He nods. “Yeah...I’m glad too.” He shudders a bit. “I didn’t really expect anything less when we arrived, but it was still pretty brutal. And tiring.”

There's a loud growl from the fox, who looks down at his stomach. 'And not very filling.' He looks up at Winter, hopeful. 'Think they have any fish around here?'

The unicorn raises an eyebrow at Mercury, then lifts his hoof and slowly gestures around them, motioning to the apparently endless desert in all directions. “If you want to go looking, be my guest.”

He whines. 'You know what I mean...though...' He blinks, looking toward where the town once stood. '...yeah, I guess some apples would be good enough.'

Winter chuckles and starts to speak, but gets interrupted by his own stomach producing a growl almost imitating Mercury’s. He glares at his belly, then looks back at the silver fox with a smirk. “We’ll grab you something once we start bringing the slaves home. Or even on the train, if they have anything there.”

He paws at his friend. 'I may eat a lot, but you need some food, too. Actually...' He glances at the Stetson-wearing mare, smiling widely. 'Can we make a quick stop at Sweet Apple Acres? I hear their pies are amazing!'

The unicorn blushes a bit, sensing deeper motives. He glances back at Applejack. “Give us a moment?”

She nods. “Sure thing, sugarcube.”

Winter picks Mercury up with his magic and trots a fair distance away, getting out of hearing range. The silver critter looks at his friend, legs dangling helplessly in the air. 'You know I don't like being carried like this...'

“Sorry, but to be blunt, I didn’t trust you to just follow me away from her so we can talk.” He puts the kitsune on the ground gently. “Just to get the first thing you said out of the way: I’m fine without food for a bit. I can wait until we get back to Canterlot.”

'I don't like you starving yourself.' He points at him with a paw. 'Especially since we have to make sure everyone gets home safe before getting back. Not to mention rebuilding Appleloosa.'

“The princess will tell us if we’re needed for rebuilding Appleloosa, but I doubt it. We’re not construction workers, after all.” He laughs a bit. “Besides, I can handle a little hunger. Might be good for me.” He pokes himself in the stomach.

'...Win, you're not going without for what can be a day or more.' The fox shakes his head. 'Besides, you keep banging on about those pies. At least have one of those, so I won't have to worry as much.'

The unicorn sighs, rubbing his temple. “Fine, fine. I’ll pig out when I get the chance if it’ll make you happy. But on the topic of apple pies, that brings me to my next point.” He pokes the fox in the chest. “I know I admitted that you urging me on about her is probably for the best...but for the love of Celestia, don’t do it in front of her! You know I have to respond out loud to you, and if she starts asking what we’re talking about - assuming she even believes you’re actually talking and I’m not just insane - it’s gonna be really hard to worm my way out of that.”

'Fine.' He rolls his eyes. 'I won't urge you to kiss the mare in front of her. Can I do it when she isn't around, though?'

“As long as it’s not interrupting other work, yes.” Winter pauses, then sighs and pets Mercury on the head. “Sorry for snapping like this...”

'Hey.' He jumps up, tapping his nose. 'Don't apologize for that. It's my fault for not letting up when you said to. Alright?'

The stallion shakes his head. “It’s not even that. I just let that stress of dealing with Alpha and Ash bottle up, and now I’m taking it out on you. You haven’t done anything any differently than you normally do.” He sighs again. “I think I just need to get back to someplace I recognize better, feel more comfortable, and let it sink in that everything’s done.”

'Someplace like, say... Sweet Apple Acres?' Mercury grins slyly, tails happily wagging. 'It's your home away from home, at times.'

“No, the office is my home away from home. Sometimes I’d say it is my home, and my house is my home away from home.” He chuckles. “But you know what? Fine. When we get to Ponyville, we’ll take Applejack back home personally, and then maybe stick around long enough to buy a couple of those pies you’ve been bugging me about. Fair?” He rubs the fox’s head playfully.

He murrs, leaning into the hoof. 'Sure... if one of those pies is for you. And we stick with her until then.'

“Sheesh. You could make a career out of blackmailing.” The unicorn’s features harden. “Don’t even think about it.”

He hums brightly and smiles slyly, dropping back onto all four paws. 'Think about what, Win? I don't know what you're implying.'

“Good. Keep it that way.” He pokes Mercury’s snout, then looks back to the group slowly getting farther away. “But fine. We’ll stick by AJ, I’ll eat something, and you can keep pushing me at her as long as she’s not within earshot. Deal?”

'Deal.' He turns on his heel and runs into the crowd, making a beeline towards an iconic hat. Winter follows behind him, half irritated and half laughing. The cobalt pony catches up just in time to see the kitsune jump onto the orange cowpony's back. 'Wow, this is comfy... despite her toned body...' He yawns and curls up, tails flicking over his muzzle.

Applejack looks back at the silver fox curiously. “Well, hey there little guy. What, Win send you here to keep an eye on me or somethin’?”

“No, he just decided to race me back here,” Winter answers for the fox as he approaches. “Sorry about the sudden departure there.”

She waves off his concerns as they continue walking with the crowd. “Hey, it was fine by me. Seems you keep getting back to yer usual good mood, so whatever it was you two did, feel free to do it again whenever ya need to.” She casually hip checks him. “Sad don’t suit ya.”

He pretends to stumble more than he normally would from the hip check so he can look away and hide the blush on his face. “R-Right...thanks...” He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. “Er...you don’t mind Merc riding on you for a bit, do you? He seems comfortable...” He shoots the fox a look.

“Nah, he’s fine.” She chuckles. “He ain’t the first critter Ah’ve had to carry around for a bit, but he is a nice one that Ah like, so he can stay.”

Mercury peeks an eye open at his friend. 'Hey, you now have an excuse to stick close to her. Be thankful, not suspicious.'

The unicorn manages to smile, put at ease by both responses. “Alright then.” He continues to walk forward, subtly moving slightly closer to the mare as he does so.

Finally, the group arrives at the station, where a train is already waiting for them. Winter had thought ahead, sending a short message via magic to Princess Celestia of their success as soon as Alpha had been defeated. She had, in turn, contacted the Ponyville train station through her guard, since that would be the group’s first stop as they brought the former slaves back home; well, for the most part. The buffalo slaves had already gone off, but not before thanking the team for helping them. Chief Thunderhooves even told them they were always welcome in buffalo territory.

Just like the one that took the team to Appleloosa in the first place, this train is empty except for the engineer and the conductor. However, within minutes, that changes; ragged-looking ponies and griffons begin filling up space, taking up a good portion of the bedroom cars and preparing for the likely overnight trip.

Dior slides the door to their booth closed, sighing quietly as she moves to one of the beds. "That... was more tiring than I expected..." She lets herself fall onto the mattress, bouncing a couple times before settling.

Hydro pulls her over into an embrace, settling down comfortably himself. “Hey, we got through it didn’t we? Which means we’ve got plenty of time to rest now.” He accompanies this phrase with a soft nuzzle.

The nymph giggles, nipping at him teasingly. “Wish we had time for more… but we do have company, after all.” She turns to the gray mare across from them, smiling warmly. “So, how was your first day as a member of Tactics?”

“It was interesting.” She responds flatly. “We saved a lot of ponies, Boulder made lots of new friends, and I got some nice souvenirs.” She pulls out a bag from one of her frock pockets, the clattering making it clear what is inside. She starts pulling out a rainbow of different rock colors. “One of their tunnels had quite the variety of quartz.”

Dior blinks, staring blankly for a moment before pointing to one of the stones. “That one’s got a soul gem as a flaw in it… I hope you realize that.”

Maud looks down at the flaw. “I knew there was a flaw, and that it was a gem, but I’ve never gotten to see a soul gem before. Hmm…” She gets down close to it, sniffing it and poking it with a hoof.

Hydro chuckles. “Well, looks like you’ve found something to keep her entertained for a while, Dior.” He nips her ear once to pay her back for nipping him.

She shivers at this a moment before blushing softly, looking around the booth. “Hey… where’s that filly… Ash, right?” Her tail flicks slightly before curling back behind her.

Resting his head on her, Hydro comments idly. “She said she was looking for Mercury and Win. Think our fearless leader is soon going to find himself with a cute little filly to take care of full time?”

“Maybe… it’d be a while before he gets one the normal way, with how he’s acting.” Dior rolls her eyes and smirks coyly, her tail tickling along his belly. “So… if she’s not going to be here, and Miss Pie’s occupied… what say you we draw the curtains?”

“Sounds great to me.” His tail flicks as well as he nips her ear again. “Might need to soundproof too.”

“Good thing Luster taught me that spell, then…” She draws the curtains, the fabric shimmering a moment before her magic disperses.

“You know,” Flick begins, resting on his cloud in the middle of the booth, “I never really got to see the inside of the mines. Not that I’d want to, but I do want to know… how much diamond dog ass did you two kick?”

“I only beat up five.” Vinyl sighs, shaking her head. “They learned their lesson after the third wave tried to push into the safe room.”

Gilda polishes her talon on her chest feathers. “I kicked enough ass to cause both physical and mental scarring.”

“I see.” The drone chuckles, resting his head on his crossed forelegs. “Did you get those two to help out? The ones that we pointed out on our way over?”

“Yeah, Chief Thunderhooves really helped rally everyone. The griffon… eh,” she shrugs, “girl didn’t really say much.”

“Oh?” Vinyl tilts her head to one side. “I figured you two at least had one word with each other… maybe I was thinking incorrectly…”

“Well… really, all I heard her say was ‘Can we maim them now?’ Once she got an answer to that, she was off.” Another shrug. “Didn’t exactly seem like the talking type.”

“I see.” Flick sighs, picking up a puff of cloud. “Still, I wonder why she was in Appleloosa to begin with.” He gestures with his hoof, accidentally sending the wisp at Gilda’s face.

“Watch it there, cloud boy.” The griffon swipes at the fluffy material, separating it into strips before sending it back at him. “Wouldn’t want to lose some of that after you worked your wings off getting it in here in one piece.”

“True.” He catches the pieces in his magic, putting them back on the original. “There’s a plus to being a changeling, though.”

The door to the booth opens, revealing a small, sea green filly. She looks up at them blankly before shaking her head. “Where’s the unicorn?”

Vinyl raises a hoof. “Yo.”

The mare flinches as the young pony glares at her. “The other unicorn. The knife one.”

Leveling her predatory stare at the filly, Gilda responds. “Look, kid, he ain’t here. Check one of the cabins around ours, and cut the attitude. It doesn’t suit you.”

“I did look around.” She turns her gaze to the griffon. “I walked in on a bunch of ponies, a donkey, and a griffon who acted much like you… except nicer.”

“Not exactly sunshine and rainbows yourself there, kid.” The current griffon shoots back.

“Being bullied for most your life does that.” She huffs, turning to go down the hall. “And my name’s Ash. Dumb bird…” She mutters the last sentence to herself as she storms off.

“Well. That was awkward.” Flick nervously chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. “But hey, at least you kept your cool, Gilda. That’s always nice.”

Grumbling to herself, the hybrid settles down into her blanket next. “Kid’s too young to have an attitude like that. They should only get like that once they hit teens.”

“Well, that’s just your opinion, G.” The white mare stretches, leaning back along her cot. “Let’s just get some sleep. We’ve got quite a bit to do in the morning.”

“Yeah…” Curling up into her usual sleeping ball, Gilda soon becomes a mass of fur and feathers, leaving no hint from the outside as to where her head is.

“You know, I’m pretty sure these rooms aren’t supposed to be co-ed unless we’re related somehow,” Winter says with a chuckle as he flops down onto his chosen bed, smirking at Applejack.

She smirks right back at him, her mane unbound by its usual tie and her hat off to one side of her own bunk. “Ah’m pretty sure after bein’ ordered around fer who knows how long, most ponies ain’t gonna give a damn about that rule. Hay, some might even want the company; make ‘em feel safe together, ya know?”

The stallion nods. “Yeah, I know what you mean...so, how about you?” He sits up somewhat and looks at her. “You rooming with me for the company, or just because Merc didn’t want to get off your back until we got here?”

“Can’t it be both?” She smiles at him as she gets comfortable. “Better to room with friends any day. Plus, Ah don’t see you complainin’.” She winks.

“Of course I’m not complaining. Never said I couldn’t use a little company myself.” He smiles back at her, then jerks his head towards Mercury. “And before you say anything, he’s with me so often he doesn’t even count as company anymore. He’s practically just another part of me.”

“Eeyup. Gotta be nice havin’ somepony to talk to besides him, too.” The farmer clarifies quickly. “Don’t get me wrong, Fluttershy talks to all her critters and Ah do the same with Winona, but… just ain’t the same, ya know?”

Winter actually takes a moment to think before he shrugs. “I dunno...Merc and I talk just the same as two ponies would. He’s got a personality, likes, dislikes...I almost see him as a pony in all but appearance. He’s just...well, always around, so it’s good to have someone else there to switch things up.”

‘You wound me, good sir.’ The fox huffs, smirking playfully. ‘Here I thought I was a really fun guy to be around.’

“Never said you weren’t,” the unicorn replies with his own playful smirk, not caring if the farmer in the room gets confused. He glances out the window. “Huh...getting dark already.”

“Yep.” The farmer flips onto her back, shifting a little to make sure she’s comfortable. “Gonna be one heck of a sleep, actually having something soft to bed on…”

There's a yelp, followed by squirming beneath her. 'Help! Too much Apple!'

Winter sighs and rolls his eyes. “Applejack, you’re crushing Merc’s paw.”

“Whoops,” she rolls off it, “Sorry, little guy.”

He whines, holding his hind leg close to his body. 'I really don't want to chance being crushed by too much Apple bottom... could I just sleep by myself, Win?'

The stallion groans and facehoofs, just light enough to avoid actually hurting himself. “Great...now Merc wants that bed to himself so he doesn’t wake up as a pancake.” He pauses. “His words, not mine...though I tweaked them slightly so I didn’t feel like a rewind button.”

'And got rid of a great pun.' He huffs slightly. 'I thought you loved those...'

“Only when I don’t feel like I’m gonna get slapped for repeating them.”

“Alright, Ah guess Ah owe him fer squishin’ him a little.” With a quick hop down, she walks over to Win, tilting her head at him. “Ya don’t mind sharin’ with little ol’ me, do ya?”

His face begins to go red, and he briefly glares over at Mercury, starting to get the feeling he wasn’t as scared of being crushed as he acted. “...I...n-no, not really, I guess...” He rubs his neck. “Assuming you don’t mind sharing with not-so-little old me.” He attempts to cover his embarrassment with a grin.

“Hey, Big Mac and Ah used to share a bed when we were little, so unless you double in size during the night, Ah think I’ll be fine.” She waves a hoof. “Scooch on over then.”

The unicorn nods and moves over until he’s almost against the wall; not much of an overreaction, given this particular bed was made for only one pony. He lights his horn and levitates his glasses off, laying them on top of his saddlebags. His watch soon follows, and he puts his head on one of the two provided pillows, gesturing for Applejack to join him.

She smiles serenely at him as she climbs onto the bed. She lays down with her back to him, mane cascading across her back as she snuggles down into the bed. “Ah… nice and cozy…” Her tail flicks a few times.

Happy she’s facing away from him and thus doesn’t see his face go red once again, Winter makes himself comfy as well. “If I disturb you during the night, just elbow me in the ribs. If it keeps happening, you have permission to just punch my teeth out.”

“Ah doubt it,” she murmurs, “Ah’m a heavy sleeper…”

'And you should tot-' Merc clamps a paw over his maw. 'Oops. Sorry. Almost let one slip.' The glare Winter shoots his way is enough of a response. 'Hey, at least I didn't complete it. It was a cute one, too, not perverted in the least.' Now the unicorn has a raised eyebrow.

The door slides open before the fox can continue. The sea green filly there looks at the room's occupants before walking forward. She stands at the edge of the currently-shared bed, staring blankly for a moment. She then points to Winter, looking right at Applejack. "Is he your Alpha?"

There’s a thumping sound as the stallion’s forehead connects with the wall.

Letting out a long chuckle, Applejack eventually calms down enough to answer the filly. “Nah nah, ponies don’t have alphas. He’s a good friend.” She thinks for a moment. “Though, Granny Smith would probably be the closest thing to an alpha since she’s the head of the family…” She turns her head over to face Win. “What do ya think, Win? Wanna try to win against Granny to lead the Apple family?”

“I’d rather not try to lead anything except the team of misfits I currently lead, as badass misfits as they are.” He looks over at Ash. “Is something wrong? Weren’t you with Hydro and Dior?”

"Yes, but I wanted to spend the night with you." Her eyes flicker to the farmer. "I didn't mean to interrupt what you were doing, though. I'll just use the other bed." She turns and walks over to the bed with the fox, picking him up with ease and taking his place. The filly then brings him close to her chest, nuzzling the confused kitsune.

Winter smiles and chuckles. “Keep her out of trouble, Merc. Though I think she’ll be filling that role in regards to you even more.” He lights his horn, taking the light switch in his magic. “Night, all. Sweet dreams.” With a flick, the lightbulbs in the room go out, followed by his horn.

The sound of deep breathing announces that the mare in their company has already crashed, her ordeal having tired her out just as it had the other slaves. However, after about a minute, she slowly starts to scoot backwards. She finally stops once she is tucked up closely against Winter’s chest, sighing contently before going still.

Surprisingly, the unicorn barely blushes, instead smiling and making a tired move of his own, draping his foreleg over her in a loose hug. He nuzzles into the pillow, ready for a restful night’s sleep.

A small voice calls over to him through the darkness. "Enjoy the night with your lover, Mister Solstice."

He mentally groans, sensing it wouldn’t be so restful after all.