• Published 2nd Apr 2014
  • 738 Views, 54 Comments

Virtue and Vice: Equestria - enigmaMystere

Based (loosely) on the JLA/JSA storyline of the same name, this recounts what happens before and during the most troublesome time in the history of Equestria's specialized taskforces.

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Equus Tactics #49

In a different part of town, a well-known shade-wearing DJ leaves the stage to the cheers of her fans. The beat still having remnants echoing in her head, she bobs it lightly as she trots backstage. Weaving through the workings of the temporary musical stage, she heads back to the performers' rooms, having earned herself a break.

She enters the designated green room for the performers, taking off her shades as she prepares to relax. As she moves to sit down, a familiar voice calls out from the back entrance. "Let me guess; you're worn out from the EDM?"

She smirks, turning to look at the burgundy pony framed in the doorway. "Nah. Just giving the crowd a rest." She stretches as she sits down, gesturing to the feminine pegasus. "Haven't seen you in a while. What've you been up to?"

"Had to convince security I actually knew you." He rolls his eyes, moving forward and sitting on the floor in front of the mare. "What about you?"

"Eh, nothing much. Saving a town from a band of diamond dogs." Her face twists into a scowl. "Actually, just the leader. The other dogs were nice enough."

"Sounds exciting." He grins, rubbing his muzzle with a hoof. "Our group rescued ponies from a vile griffon. Had a chalice that stole life energy."

"Must've been dangerous." Her eyes dart down, an action the stallion catches. At his quirked eyebrow, she sighs, gesturing to his bag. "You have the flap to your bag open. You, yourself, told me that you never do that, for fear of someone getting into them when you aren't paying attention."

"Oh, yeah. I did say that." He taps his chin, playfully smirking. "Well, let's say I found a couple ponies I don't mind letting in..."

A small bit of rustling comes from within the back, accompanying quiet, but not hushed enough whispers.

Enigma clears his throat, setting the bag down in the same moment. "In fact, I'd promised them they could meet you." He nudges the side of the saddlebag, chuckling quietly. "Come on out, girls... oh, and leave your plush toys in there, for now."

A small whine comes from the insides of the bag, but soon the rustling gets louder. The first to crawl out is Cotton, the pink pegasus looking around in curiosity before her eyes rest on Vinyl. She immediately smiles nervously, sitting down.

Honey comes out next, her hooves tapping the ground happily as she does so. "Ah, nice to be out and about again." She notices the DJ. "Hello there."

She looks from one mare to the other, brow furrowed slightly. She quickly turns to the lone stallion in the room, frowning sternly. "No."

He blinks, stunned by the unexpected response. "What? But you don't even know what I-"

"We promised to save ourselves for a special moment in our lives." She gestures to the mares. "A four-way is not what I meant."

He facehooves, groaning softly. "That's not what this is about..."

"...it isn't?" She returns her attention to the mares, now utterly confused. "Then what is it about?"

"Actually, Mister Enigma here... he well, he saved us." One of Cotton's hooves plays with her mane as she speaks. "He rescued us from a life of being... well..."

"Personal sex slaves," Honey says bluntly. "Us and about thirty other mares. Your stallion here came in without a second thought, held off and didn't give into a herd of mares all trying to bed him for even the chance at escape, and he pulled it off."

The pegasus mare nods, looking to the male gratefully. "He made quite the impression... and he's been nothing but kind..."

"Even if he is a meany and a tease at times," the other mare adds.

"But he actually made us an even more wonderful offer after we got out." Cotton continues, speaking quickly. "Of course, only if its ok with you after all. You are his lover, his mare."

Vinyl adopts a thoughtful expression, eyes narrowing slightly. "Let me guess... he offered you the chance to be in a... herd, or something like that?"

Backing up a little toward E, Cotton nods, speaking quietly. "Something like that..."

The unicorn quirks an eyebrow as the stallion drapes a wing over the pegasus's back. "Well, then... I certainly didn't expect you to..." She gestures broadly at them. "Be this close, already." Violet eyes turn to the earth pony, a smirk forming on the lips beneath them. "So let me guess... she's the sugar, you're the spice?"

"She's the sugar alright, but I'm not exactly spice." She winks, smirking right back at Vinyl. "Think of me as the little savory something you put a bit on almost everything you can. I may be strange at first, but give me a taste and soon you'll be wondering how you got on without me."

Vinyl tilts her head to one side, curious, before turning back to Cotton. "So... let me start this off right." She holds out a hoof, smiling warmly. "The name's Vinyl Scratch. You may know me as DJ PON-3." She jerks her head in the stallion's direction. "The lovable foal is Enigma. I call him E for short."

He huffs, rolling his eyes teasingly. "Enigma's already a nickname, silly..."

Cotton's soft hoof takes the DJ's. "A pleasure to meet you, Miss Scratch. My name is Cotton Candy. I must say, Mister Enig-umm... whatever his full name is, has chosen exquisitely for his lead mare."

He leans close, whispering into her ear. "Between you and me, I prefer Enigma or E because my real name's too... strange, I guess?"

"Lead mare?" The disk jockey rubs her chin, thoughtful. "...I like the sound of that." She grins, using her magic to bring over a few glasses. "Why don't we sit down, have a few drinks, and, you know, get to know each other better?" She points to a small box near the back of the room. "Wine's over there, before you ask, Miss..." She trails off, glancing at the mare's cutie mark. "...I have no idea what that is."

"A honeysuckle blossom, my name as well. Honeysuckle." She opens the fridge, leaning down and grabbing the bottle inside. "Remind me, Cotton dear, how do you do with wine?"

The pegasus mare lets her wings spread a little as she looks down at the glasses. "I usually only sip on a glass... I only got into wine when I was... forcibly employed."

"Right... Well, probably a good thing. Don't want to hit it too hard." Honey brings the bottle back and sets it on the table. "Word of warning to you all, I'm sure both Cotton and myself are positively glowing when we realize we're free. I don't know what this means for her, but if I get drunk, I will get lovey. Just telling you now."

"Lovey, hmm?" Vinyl smirks, walking over to the lone stallion among them and whispers in his ear. He pulls away with surprise clear on his face, but she gives him a nod.

With this, he walks over to the earth pony, a soft smile on his lips. He sweeps her off her hooves, dipping Honey low before lovingly kissing her.

The unicorn steps next to Cotton, pulling her into a warm hug. "Welcome to the family. I think it's safe to say that it's an interesting one, and happy to accept both of you."

Cotton's eyes glisten as she sniffs, hugging back tightly as she responds. "Thank you... Thank you... I assure you, you won't regret this, Miss Scratch. I look forward to becoming your friend and more..." She tries to ignore the sounds coming from Honey and E.

The earth mare, while having squeaked in surprise at first, soon hums happily into the kiss. She wraps both forelegs and tail around the stallion, reciprocating the affection.

He pulls away, chuckling softly. "Planning on keeping me to yourself a bit, Honey?" He pecks her on the nose, a hoof teasingly caressing her hip. "That wouldn't be very fair to Cotton, now, would it?"

"You started it... you're still a meanie, tempting me like that." She gives him a lick before looking at the other two. "But as much as I have that side that wants to continue, there is the other part of me saying that it would be best for all of us to chat and drink." Despite her words, she doesn't detach from him. "Besides, if we did do that, I assure you, there's plenty of both you and me for the sweetie over there."

For her part, Cotton blushes, her wings spreading as she looks down. "I don't know whether to be more embarrassed or flattered... Help?" She looks to Vinyl pleadingly.

"Well..." The white pony playfully taps her chin, her horn flaring to life. "Maybe one of us should stay sober. E's probably going to, anyways." The golden mare's grip is weakened by the blue aura. "And you should learn to share, Miss Suckle."

In the time it takes for the first word to escape her lips, Enigma slipped from Honey's embrace and gently pressed Cotton up against a wall. By the second word, he's tenderly kissing her, a hoof playing with the feathers of her wing.

The pink mare practically melts onto him, her wings fully splayed. Surprisingly, her response with her lips is more aggressive than Honey's, if a little desperate feeling. Her hind hooves dance restlessly as she closes her eyes while doing all this.

Honey pouts at the loss of contact, muttering loud enough for everyone to hear. "Being the alpha mare already... making sure everypony gets their share." She looks a little at the two against the wall, shivering and taking her seat near the wine. "Making out followed by drinking... Not the usual order."

Vinyl laughs brightly, sitting down and rubbing a hoof against the mare's back. "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll get your time alone, soon enough... we just need to find the laws concerning herds."

Enigma pulls away slightly, a calm smile on his lips. "No need to rush, Cotton... I won't be going anywhere, any time soon..." He leans down, nuzzling and nibbling the crook of her neck.

"I know..." The pink mare nuzzles him back, giggling as he uses his teeth. "Still enjoying right now."

Honey pops the cork, watching it shoot off into a corner. "Surely any laws about something like our situation would be fairly old ones considering how ponies were way back when. What sort of things are you looking for?" She smirks. "And perhaps speak quickly, it seems as if Mister Enigma is making rounds of all his mares. I can only imagine what he'll do to the one he's been away from and known the longest."

"I dunno. Wedding ceremony stuff?" She shrugs, laying back on the couch. "Whatever he does, it can't possibly be as great as what he's giving Candy, there."

He stops a moment, the gears in his head visibly turning. After a few seconds, he pecks Cotton on the lips, smiling warmly at her. "...Enigmatic Harvest." He quietly laughs, touching his forehead to hers. "That's my ridiculous name. Apparently, my parents thought it'd be cool... well, my dad, more specifically."

She giggles. "It's certainly a mouthful... I'll remember to call you that only when I'm trying to make a point. Maybe I'll just drop the mister for now..."

"I'd be fine with whatever you'd like... as for why I said it..." He blushes gently, barely visible through his fur. "I bring it up as... compensation for what is about to happen." Quick as a flash, he's at the couch across the room.

"E, wh- oh!" The unicorn's back arches, and she's biting her lip in embarrassment. "N-not here! Ooh..."

He completely ignores her, hooves wandering and caressing her body. He snuggles up against her back, having snuck between her and the upholstery. His one visible eye peeks open, looking straight at the pegasus still against the wall in an apologetic manner.

Both she and Honey watch on, the latter sliding a glass of wine towards the former while she nurses a glass of her own. Cotton keeps her eyes on the couple as she slowly walks over, her wings still open. Both she and her earth pony friend sip at the same time.

"That is some of the hottest and most intense stuff still classified as cuddling that I have ever seen." Honey remarks, a slight bit of awe in her voice.

Cotton's face is still red rather than its usual pink as she nods. "Mistress Vinyl certainly seems to be liking it..." She hastily takes another sip. "I'm starting to see both pros and cons of a herd... I'm liking both."

"Amen to that, sister." Honey clinks their glasses together as she watches the two couch ponies.

Vinyl catches Enigma's hoof before it can continue its trek down her body, flushed with arousal. She leans back, stage whispering to him. "You know... I can wait until you treat them..." At his bemused look, she sighs, gesturing to the door. "I have to go on stage in a few minutes. I'm saying to have fun... maybe do that one thing you love to do?"

He blushes profusely, eyes darting up at the two mares nearby. "Are you sure? I mean... it's rather... embarrassing..."

"That you enjoy it? Maybe to others." She stands and stretches, smiling playfully at the mares. "So, maybe we could spend some more time together at the Heroes' Ball? We could find a quiet corner, or even a secluded room..."

To their credit, both mares blush, Cotton giggling nervously. "Oh my... things are certainly speeding along..."

"I would blame the wine, but we're the only ones partaking," Honey comments thoughtfully.

Vinyl shrugs, standing and reluctantly pulling away from the stallion. "I don't drink unless it's a special occasion."

"I just don't drink alcohol." He switches seats, picking up Honey and holds her back to his chest. He teasingly nibbles on her neck, his hooves gently caressing her belly. "I tried a sip once... didn't like nor care for it..."

The unicorn stares at him, bemused. "That's not what I was talking about." She sighs, shrugging apologetically to Cotton. "He has an... oral fixation, I think it's called?" She blushes softly, turning

"Wait!" Cotton reaches out a hoof towards the unicorn, blushing and pullign it back when she turns around. "Umm... you really... just want to leave us alone with him?"

Honey hums, pleased. "For Celestia's sake, say yes..."

"Well, yes." She smiles coquettishly, batting her lashes at them. "Surely you were worked up, back where he rescued you? It's only fair that we treat you right... or him, anyways." She pecks the pink mare on the forehead. "Don't you worry, Candy. I'll do my part when we get home." She sticks her tongue out and exits, sliding her shades into place on her face.

Gulping at a particularly pleased sound from behind her, Cotton blushes and scuffs the ground. "Worked up or not... this is faster than I'm used to..." This fact doesn't stop her tail from flicking, though as she smiles at the mare as she leaves.

Goldie's purple wings flap slowly, keeping her in the air and at a slow gentle speed so as not to lose her had or endanger her passenger. Simply wanting somewhere quiet for a moment before the party starts, she aims for the outskirts of the nearby Whitetail Woods, still within about a minute's flight of the town. Sighing as she alights on a soft bit of grass, she looks down at the silver form in her foreleg, smiling and nuzzling him again.

He smiles up at her, licking her nose before turning out of her grip. Black-furred paws land on the ground a second before he stretches, holding the pose with eagerly wagging tails, eyes trained on the filly.

She giggles as she watches him, bending down in a similar pose to his, almost looking like she's ready to pounce. "I wonder what you'd be saying right now if you could talk... probably something cute."

'Goldie.' He quietly laughs, dashing forward to paw at her nose. 'Hey, you were right!' He bounces back and starts to jump on a fallen log, grinning slyly. 'Can't catch me!'

Hearing his playful barks and yips, she gallops after him. "You won't get away from me that easy!"

He bounds away at the last second, landing on a stump and waving his tails teasingly at her. He leaps from one spot to the next, making sure to wait until she's almost upon him each and every time.

Though he is more agile than her, her larger size makes her leaps longer. "You know I'm gonna get you..." Her wings itch as they half-spread, her natural instinct being to dive with them.

He can't deny that what she says is true, and it's clear that she can easily keep up with him. In a last-ditch attempt, he leaps up against a tree, only to bounce back off and onto her head, nipping an ear before he slides down and uses her haunches as a springboard, taking off into the branches above.

She squeaks in surprise at the actions, turning around with wings unfurled. "Hey!" Flapping her wings, she springs up right after him, eyes narrowed even as she still smiles.

As it turns out, a silver fox can more easily hide among the shadows of the branches. Mercury curls up to make himself less noticeable, watching the young pony as she tries to locate him.

"Come out come out wherever you are~!" She calls out in a sing-song voice, flitting about the branches. "If you let me find you, I'll nuzzle you some more~!"

Mercury, staying hidden, quietly considers this. "That does sound nice... but then the game would be over..."

She peeks around, looking in various trees and clumps of leaves, but having literally about the same chance of finding a particular squirrel in a forest, she doesn't locate him. "Please come out? I wanted to play and talk with you... not just trying to find you..."

Hearing her say this causes a small pang of guilt in the fox's chest. Whining softly, he leaps out of his hiding spot and onto her back, gently licking her cheek in an attempt to apologize.

She smiles and giggles, landing back down on the forest floor and bringing him into a hug. She nuzzles him for a bit before a thought occurs to her and she brings a hoof up to where he licked her. "Hey... you're pretty smart... smarter than most foxes I think."

He tilts his head to one side, curious, and nods in response. 'I'd like to think that, yes.' He smirks, jumping up and putting his paws on her chest, tails languidly swaying behind him. 'You're pretty intelligent, yourself... too bad you can't understand me...'

Laying down on her stomach, she plays with his tails with a hoof. "Heh, you always seem like you're trying to say something... I think I can at least tell you like me, right?"

He happily nods, licking her nose once more as she plays with his tails. 'Wish I had unicorn magic... then maybe I could write my words in the air for you..." He nuzzles her chin, murring contentedly as he curls up against her.

She crosses her eyes, looking down at her muzzle, then to him. Leaning down, she nuzzles him, speaking with another question. "And... what about what they said? About you and foxes... and about you and ponies?"

He tenses up at this, his eyes popping open. 'Uh...' He carefully pulls away, nodding once. 'You... won't be mad, will you?'

"Huh..." She ponders this, raising a hoof and stroking his back. "So... does that mean every one of those licks you have been doing... is you kissing me?"

He sits silently, letting his head resting against her chest. 'Would she be mad... if I said yes?' He sighs, closing his eyes, getting lost in the pleasant feeling of her hoof on his back.

Sighing herself, the filly gathers him close to her. "Guess not... maybe I was just being selfish and desperate anyway..." She turns towards town, thoughts of affection turning towards a particular stallion, causing the associated down feeling.

Mercury, noticing her hoof slow down, looks up at her downcast expression. Whining softly, he sits up fully and licks her cheek. 'None of that. I won't have you frowning while we're spending time together.' He gets an idea and starts to claw at the ground, a determined expression on his face.

Her expression picks up a little as she is roused from her thoughts by the lick. They soon turn to confusion though as she looks down at him. "Huh? What are you doing?"

It takes a bit, but he successfully scratches a single word into the dirt. He looks up at her and gently licks her cheek, patting the ground just below his message - "yes".

Blinking, it takes her a second to process this, a small blush coming to her cheeks once she does so. "Oh... oh my..." Giggling shyly, she self-consciously straightens her mane and beret. "Well... that certainly gives it different context... well, if you mean anything by it..."

He gives as much of a shy smile as his fox-like muzzle will allow. Then he leans up and touches noses with her, tails slowly swishing behind him as he pulls back to lick her nose with his flat tongue.

She giggles again, kissing the top of his furry head lightly. "I'll take that as a yes?" Her own tail swishes happily behind her.

He nods once, happily nuzzling her neck. 'You should.'

She holds him tight, curling around him and nuzzling him back, giving the occasional kiss on the head. "I don't know exactly how to react to this other than be happy... you aren't exactly a coltfriend, are you?"

'I'm better than a coltfriend!' He yips brightly, but then his ears slightly dip. 'I don't know the first thing about dating, though...' He sighs, laying his head on her hoof and licking her again.

"You're so sweet..." She licks him back this time. "...ah, buck it. I don't really want to think about the future right now. This feels nice, and I'm going to enjoy it."

'You and me, both.' He smiles softly, letting his tails wag languidly as he simply enjoys the moment. 'Hopefully, Win won't be all twisted over this...'

"I still have no idea what you're saying... but I like the tone you're using." She looks towards the town once more, thinking of the time. "We've still got a bit of time before the party... I guess we have it all to ourselves..." She settles him against her. "Good."

Town fairs are usually for everyone, but as a certain party pony may tell you, parties are best with your friends. Such is the origin of the particular sectioned off area of the fair. The entire area is covered by a large canopy, the entrance guarded by the tall form of Flick and the well-built form of Luster. Though one would assume two changelings would make for excellent pseudo-bouncers, the fact that a small sea green filly sits inside rolling her hoof on a table suggests the list is simple enough to get if you know the right ponies.

The filly sighs, glancing at a yellow-tail filet a griffon chef had taken the time to make for her. Now starting to dry out after an hour sitting out in the open, she pokes at it with a hoof, hoping it will help stave off her boredom.

"...just seems a little off to me," a mare's voice, slightly muffled by the canopy, can be heard saying from outside, steadily increasing in volume. "I triple-checked all my sources, but I can't find what's wrong with it."

A stallion's voice responds. "Maybe run it a few times to see how it reacts?"

Ash turns her head to the source of the voice, seeing a unicorn with the same color fur as her and the resident princess of Ponyville. Of course, knowing neither of them, she simply goes back to playing with her food.

The drone at the entrance, however, does know them, his eyes lighting up when he sees them. He bows respectfully with his sister when they near, glancing at the stallion questioningly.

The princess smiles at them. "Don't worry, he's… a friend." She turns back to the stallion. "I've already tried that, but I must be doing something wrong. It's not working the way I'd..." She trails off when she sees the young filly, blinking. "Do you think that's her?"

Voltage shrugs. "Your guess is as good as mine. She certainly looks normal to me... but I haven't seen her before and the party is only for friends."

The filly in question takes a bite of her fish, sighing quietly. She rolls her hoof on the table once more, staring at the now-half-plate of yellow tail.

"... something's not right..." The stallion mutters, rubbing his chin with a hoof. "No filly that age should just be sitting on her own... we should talk to her."

Twilight nods. "Exactly what I was thinking." However, the expression on her face of barely-restrained excitement shows a different reason for her thoughts. She walks up to the filly. "Hello there!"

Ash turns her attention back to the mare. Glancing around quickly and seeing no one else, she gives the alicorn a confused look, pointing to herself. "Are... are you talking to me, Miss?"

The princess nods. "Yes I am! My name is Twilight Sparkle." She grabs the sea green filly's hoof and shakes it. "You're Ash, correct?"

She nods, slowly pulling her hoof back. "Y-Yes, I am... how do you know me?" Her eyes light up, and she jumps up, hooves on Twilight's chest as she looks hopefully into her eyes. "Did you see Mister Solstice? Is he on his way?"

Surprised, Twilight tries to figure out the best way to reply without disappointing the young pony. "O-Oh, you mean Winter? Um… no, I'm sorry… did you two get separated?"

Her ears droop slightly at this. "Oh... well, I came here to wait for him..." She sighs, sitting back down on her bench and turning to her meal. "He was watching Miss Applejack play a game with a rainbow pony, last I saw him..." She pokes at what's left of the filet, pouting.

Volt looks at the plate before looking back at her. "Lost your appetite for...fish?"

"No..." She looks at him, shaking her head slightly. "I'm just a little bored... and, maybe... a little lonely..."

Pulling up a chair, Twilight sits down beside her. "Well, we can keep you company until Winter shows up, if you'd like." She has a hopeful grin on her muzzle.

Ash considers this a moment before nodding, a small smile on her lips. "I... I'd like that, Miss Sparkle... thank you..."

"No problem!" Her horn lights up, and she procures a stack of papers from nowhere. "If you don't mind, though, I'd like to ask just a few questions..."

"Here we go..." Volt chuckles and rolls his eyes before sitting next to her.

The filly can only blankly stare at her a moment, confused. "Um... w-what kind of... questions?"

"Oh, just about you, your origin, your species...things like that. Nothing to worry about." She pats Ash on the head.

She eyes the purple pony warily, picking up her fish and taking another bite. "They aren't going to be too... personal, are they?"

"Don't worry about that, sweetie. If you don't want to answer a question, just say so. But anything you can answer would be much obliged." She starts flicking through her papers for a good starting point.

"Plus I'm here to reign her in if she gets too into it." Volt adds, looking at the questions himself.

Ash slowly nods, wondering what is on those sheets.

Twilight's eyes run over a card as she smiles before looking at Ash. "What are you, exactly?"

"I'm a mamodo." She shrugs, taking another small bite of her filet.

Twilight pulls out a quill and jots this down. "And what, exactly, is a mamodo?"

"I... don't quite know how to explain that..." She scratches her head, frowning slightly. "Mercury might know better than I do... he's older than me, so I'd assume that, anyways..."

"Mercury...that's Winter's fox, right?" The alicorn glances up from her notes, waiting for confirmation. "So he's a mamodo too?"

She nods, tilting her head to one side. "You know him? Has he ever said anything about me?"

The stallion blinks. "He talks?"

"I… didn't know he could..." She pauses and thinks. "Though this does explain why Winter is always talking to him… I thought he just had a thing with animals, like Fluttershy."

"Well, he talked to me quite a bit, in school..." She taps her temple, frowning a bit more. "So... neither of you can understand him?"

Twilight shakes her head. "I certainly can't. It all comes out as just barking and whining to me."

"Oh." Ash slowly nods, finishing her fish as she mulls this over. "I guess it makes sense... he resembles the foxes here quite a bit..."

Nodding, the alicorn glances down at her notes again. "Secondly...where do you come from?"

"Another world." She smiles warmly, pushing her plate away. "I believe it's called the Mamodo Realm."

"Are we talking other dimension or just planet?" Volt inquires.

"Dimension." She looks at him, tilting her head to one side. "I thought Miss Sparkle was... never mind..." She shakes her head, dropping the subject.

"I was what?" she asks.

Ash starts, about to deny saying anything before realizing how futile that would be. She sighs, gesturing to the mare. "That you were the only one asking questions, Miss Sparkle."

“Well, don't mind Volt. He's just curious.” She nudges the other unicorn. "Besides, I probably would've asked that question myself if he didn't."

"Volt?" She looks to him, then up at his mane. "Is... is that why he looks like the victim of a lightning strike?"

"Hey, I looked like this before I got hit by lightning." He huffs playfully. "It didn't really help, but still..."

She stares blankly at him before turning back to Twilight, gesturing to the stallion. "He's not for real, is he?"

The alicorn stifles a giggle. "As for real as you can get."

"Then he must be an odd one." Ash shakes her head, frowning softly at him in sincere concern. "I hope being struck didn't hurt your mind, Mister..."

"Nah," Volt waves a hoof. "It actually helped me earn my cutie mark. Got hit a few times since then too."

She stares at him for a few more seconds before her eye twitches. She turns to the alicorn, her tone almost pleading. "Do you... have any other questions, Miss Sparkle?"

Twilight snickers. "A couple." She glances at her notes. "This may be a bit odd, but… how old are you?"

"I'm eight." She smiles warmly at her. "I was six when I got here, before you ask... and Mercury was thirteen."

"Eight..." Twilight nods and jots this down. "Do you age any differently than we do? Or at the same rate?"

"I don't really know..." She scratches the side of her head. "I don't know of many older mamodo... and I've only ever asked Mercury his age..."

"Hm… I'll mark that as 'uncertain'." The alicorn writes something down before flipping to another page. "Here's one… are you originally the form you are now? Or do mamodos take on the appearance of something else to fit in, like a changeling?"

"I... looked like this all my life..." She shakes her head, frowning in confusion. "What's a changeling?"

Twilight smiles. "Don't worry about it. Just another one of many races in Equestria. Ask Winter about them." She scribbles something down. "How did you get here? To this dimension, I mean. And why are you here?"

"We're here to decide the Mamodo King." She looks up at the canopy, tapping her chin. "We have to destroy the others' books to send them back, and the last one here is the new ruler... and I think we were sent here by our teachers... my memory's a bit fuzzy."

"Books...?" Twilight slowly lowers her papers. "So, hang on… there's more of you, and you're all fighting to see who's the last one, and they become king?"

"Yes, that's the gist of it..." She tilts her head, thinking a bit. "There were a hundred of us at the start... but I don't know how many are left..."

"Oh..." Twilight pauses, finally writing something down on her notes. "About these books...do they have anything written in them?"

"Yes, they do." She holds up a hoof. "They have our spells in them."

Volt stays silent, but raises an eyebrow.

"Your...spells?" The mare's former expression of concern becomes one of curiosity.

"Yep!" She giggles, noticing their looks. "Mamodos are magically gifted. We learned spells, but we can't use them by ourselves outside the Mamodo Realm. So we have the books and our partners..." She trails off, suddenly forlorn as memories come unbidden..

Noticing her trail off, Twilight puts a hoof on her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

She nods, swallowing her emotions and gesturing to the mare once more. "P-please continue, Miss Sparkle."

Sensing this was a topic she should drop, the princess rubs Ash's shoulder comfortingly. "Do you want to stop?"

She shakes her head. "N-no, I'm fine... I'd just like to... avoid that subject, for a bit..."

Nodding, Twilight tries to think of something more casual, ignoring her notes for the time being until the filly calms down. "Um...how are you enjoying Ponyville?"

"It's been nice..." She looks at the crowds around them. "Didn't think it'd be this... hectic, though..."

"Don't worry. The town's usually pretty calm and peaceful. It's only like this because of the carnival." The alicorn smiles. "Where are you living while you're here?"

"I get to live in two places here." She taps one hoof with the other, as if counting them off. "Mister Solstice's house, and Sweet Apple Acres... the latter's only when Mister Solstice visits there for a while, if Miss Applejack is right... does he have a job, there?"

Twilight glances at Volt. "Not that I know of...I'd imagine his normal job would keep him busy enough." She blinks, then smirks as she rolls her eyes playfully. "Pretty sure there's another reason for his visits."

"Oh?" She scoots closer to her, eyes wide in curiosity. "What is it? I asked Mercury, but he said to ask someone named Win..."

"Oh, 'Win' is just Winter's nickname. Or Mister Solstice, as you call him." Twilight waves a hoof. "And I'm going to echo what he said. I think if anypony's going to tell you about what's going on between those two, it should be one of them."

Her ears droop at this, a small whine escaping her. "Aww..."

The alicorn giggles. "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure he'd be willing to tell you. Just about all his friends know about it, and he knows it. I think he's just come to accept that." Her ears flick at the sound of approaching hoofsteps, and she looks up to see a cobalt unicorn walk in, looking as though every step is painful. "Speaking of whom...there he is now."

Ash's eyes immediately light up upon seeing him, and she dashes forward, hugging him in her excitement. "Mister Solstice, you're here! I missed you so much!"

"Aww..." Volt leans against Twilight, smiling softly.

Surprised, Winter almost falls over as he tries to hug back, instead just working his way into a sitting position on the ground. He chuckles. "Sorry for making you wait...did you have fun?"

"Not a lot... one of Miss Gilda's friends made me some food." She looks up at him, positively beaming. "Things are much better, now that you're here!"

"It hasn't even been two hours since we separated, silly." Winter rubs her head playfully as he stands back up, holding her in one foreleg. "But I'm glad I can brighten your mood like that. It's great to see you again too." He begins making his way over to a chair, noticing Twilight and Volt as he does so. "You two been nice to her?"

The other stallion nods. "Of course, Twilight's been entertaining her with a rousing game of twenty questions and I've been sitting here being amusing eye candy."

"What kinds of questions?" Winter asks as he turns to the alicorn, a little worried. "Nothing too personal, I hope."

"Oh, no," Twilight assures him. "I made it clear she didn't have to answer anything she didn't feel comfortable answering. Most of it was just things about her true species I was curious about."

"Well...alright then." Nodding, the cobalt unicorn relaxes into a seat, keeping Ash in his lap. He sighs and rubs one of his hindlegs. "Don't think I'll be standing up for a while."

Ash looks up at the spectacle-wearing pony, curious. "Did you play that bell game too, Mister Solstice?" She looks at his hindleg, attempting to mimic the motions of his forehoof along it with her own.

"No, I'm not really into games like that. Besides, after E went, that kind of ruined any chance I had even if I did want to." He chuckles. "I've just been doing a lot of walking, running, and standing around today. Most ponies come to fairs to have fun, but the town's royal guard have to be on alert for any missing children or troublemakers. This is the first time I've sat down since I woke up."

"Oh. Sorry to hear that..." She sits in silence a moment before another question comes out. "Is that what you do at Sweet Apple Acres, when you spend a long time there? Protect her farm from troublemakers?"

Winter looks surprised. "Uh...not really." He glances at the other two, raising an eyebrow.

Volt holds up two hooves defensively. "I didn't say anything."

"Neither did I. She brought it up," Twilight adds.

Winter rolls his eyes and chuckles. "To answer your question, Ash, no. I'm not guarding her or the farm when I'm over there. I'm just visiting her...as a friend, I mean."

She tilts her head, considering this a moment before turning to the other two. "Does that make you two good friends, as well?"

The princess coughs. "Er...w-well, we are good friends, yes..."

Volt wisely keeps his mouth shut.

"As good of friends as Mister Solstice and Miss Applejack?" Her eyes dart from pony to pony, genuinely curious.

"Um...maybe?" Twilight rubs the back of her neck sheepishly.

"Probably better," Her 'friend' adds.

The purple mare glares at him. "Let's not talk about it, okay?"

"Shutting up."

Ash simply scratches her head, confused. "You can be better friends than them? How can that be possible?"

"I don't think we should pursue that topic," Winter interjects, patting her on the head. "Let's drop it, okay?"

She looks up at him, pouting cutely. "But I want to know..."

He sighs, trying not to let the cute face lower his defenses. "It's their life. They have the right to keep stuff to themselves."

The filly whines, but quietly nods, resting her head on his chest. "Alright, Mister Solstice..."

The stallion starts petting her mane with a hoof, glancing up at the other two ponies and mouthing 'You're welcome' to them. They respond with relieved and grateful smiles.

A short time later, Rhino and Gel have once again tracked down their oldest daughter, insisting she come with them. As they near a canopied area of the fair, the stallion looks to the pink filly, smiling. "By the way, I like the new look."

She beams at her father, reaching up to readjust the green fedora. "Thanks, daddy! I got it because it reminded me of you and mom!"

Gel glances at the blue ribbon around the base, giggling quietly before replying with a teasing tone. "Are you sure? That color seems more like Solstice's coat than my chitin."

Rhino chuckles. "That's just because ponies have trouble getting your colors right, love."

"Maybe." She sticks her tongue out at him. "I don't think they had me in mind when they made it, though." The nymph sighs, looking at the hat once more. "Too bad that one isn't made for unicorns... or maybe it's a good thing..." At her daughter's confused look, she rolls her eyes playfully. "Your dad just loves those. He might've snagged it if he could wear it. It complements his coat and mane stripe so well, after all."

As they approach their destination, the stallion chuckles. "I don't know, one that matches colors I already have much of seems a little silly." He ruffles Ruby's mane with a bit of magic. "I still think it work for you though, Ruby, and I'm proud it makes you think of us."

She giggles, leaning up to peck his cheek. "Thank you, daddy!" She looks to the enclosed area, her smile faltering slightly as she witnesses a pony emerge almost from thin air by the corner of the area. She slows to a stop a few meters away from the entrance, staring blankly at the mare. "How... did she do that?"

"Did what, sweetie?" Rhino keeps walking towards the entrance, resisting the urge to smile knowingly.

Ruby looks from her father to the earth pony and back, thoroughly confused. She hesitantly steps forward, quickly rushing to catch up to them. She regains her spot between them, muttering to herself. "I swear I didn't imagine that... a pony appearing from nowhere..."

Ready, love? The stallion asks as a gap into the canopied area looms in front of them.

Ready. Gel smiles softly at him. They step through the opening, into a surprisingly dark area. The filly looks around, curious and apprehensive.

Suddenly fabric is removed from the canopy, allowing the sunlight through as ponies all around are revealed. At the same moment, all of them wear big smiles as they shout: "Surprise! Happy birthday, Ruby!"

There's a squeak, a brief breeze, and then the creak of strained metal. When they look up, they see the pony in question hanging upside down from the metal frame of the canopy, eyes wide in shock.

Mystic chuckles as he stands in the crowd with his twin and Evergreen. "We got you good, huh Ruby?"

Winter looks up with concern, Mercury once again perched on his back. "Uh... should we help her?"

The fox chuckles, shaking his head. 'Nah, I'm sure she can get down.'

Ash, watching from her spot on Applejack's back, grips the farmer's Stetson tightly in fear. "She's falling!"

As Ruby slowly comes off the beam, an aura of green magic surrounds her even as she squeaks and her horn disappears in favor of feathered pink wings. She flaps her wings frantically, eyes squeezed shut in terror. When she doesn't feel the rush of air, however, she slowly peeks open an eye.

In front of her, a certain burgundy pegasus sighs in relief, tapping her on the nose. "You're lucky your dad caught you, Pinchy." He chuckles at her annoyed pout, slowly descending down to the ground.

A voice yells to him from the back of the area. "You're fixing the stage, E!"

The pink pony finds herself floating backwards into her parents as her siblings rush forward while the rest of the party gives her a little space. She gets nuzzles from all sides as her father sets her down, nuzzling her himself as he speaks. "You okay, Ruby? I didn't think that particular response was genetic."

The filly looks to her father, sheepishly smiling. "I, um... I guess I just... didn't expect it..." She looks over the crowd, relaxing with each familiar face she sees. "Thank you all for remembering..."

As her gaze passes over the lone alicorn in their presence, she tenses up, emerald eyes brightening up for a second. She scoops her siblings up in her wings and rushes over, glomping the lavender pony without warning. "You came!"

Taken off guard at first, Twilight stumbles a bit before she smiles, hugging the little filly and leaning down for a quick nuzzle. "Well, of course I did. Why wouldn't I?"

"Because you're a princess, now." Her grin falters slightly. "I thought you'd be busy with some royal duties, or something... and it's been ages since our last lesson..."

The alicorn pets her head with a hoof. "I'm sorry, Ruby... you're right, I have been busy." She sighs, looking guilty, but then manages to smile again. "I just had to get used to my new role. I promise we'll continue your lessons soon, okay? Consider that part of my present to you."

She squeals in delight, holding tightly to the newest princess. In her happiness, she doesn't quite notice that she pulled Serene and Mystic into the embrace.

As this goes on, a silver paw taps the shoulder of a cobalt pony among the spectators. 'Is that bookworm really that great a teacher, Win?'

"I wouldn't know. I don't attend her classes." Winter shrugs. "But considering she lives in a library, I'd say she's smart enough to be one."

Winter chuckles, nuzzling her. "I have enough trouble keeping adults in line, both in Tactics team and just the guard in general. Kids would be a nightmare to handle."

Ruby reluctantly lets go of Twilight, covering her sibling's ears with her wings. "You might want to be careful... you and you-know-who are brimming with restrained affection..." She winks and turns away, walking over to her father, smiling warmly. "Think we could do some rune tinkering tonight, daddy? I've had an idea in my head for a while I've been trying to get to work..."

Ears perking up, the stallion nods eagerly. "I would love to, Ruby. You know I'm always interested in helping my foals with anything." As his two youngest do their best to get comfortable while hugging their older sister, he continues. "Of course, you've got quite the party before then if the guests and presents are anything to go by. Try not to wear yourself out too much, alright?" He leans down, nuzzling her lovingly.

She holds a hoof to her chest, her face quickly gaining a determined expression. "I'll do my best!"

'...how can a pony be so cute and intimidating at the same time?' Mercury stretches and promptly jumps off his friend's back. 'Eh, I'm gonna go find the cake. Maybe I can sneak a lick of icing before they deny me any of it...'

Winter sighs and grabs the silver fox with his magic, wordlessly dragging him close and holding him in place with a foreleg.

Not noticing the squirming kitsune, Gel looks to her husband, smiling softly and nudging his side. What's first on the agenda, love?

Well... I would say music and mingle, but one of those I'm not sure is an option at the moment. As various party guests split into groups to chat, he motions over to the stage where a certain DJ sits with her hooves crossed.

The navy nymph follows his motion, seeing the burgundy pegasus carrying boards to fix the shattered section of stage. ...you're probably right about that. She blinks, tilting her head to one side. You know... we could always ask Pinkie about party games...

Nodding, he looks back down to his two remaining foals, Ruby having gone off to mingle, unable to help smiling proudly. Crouching down, he nuzzles them both. "So, any idea what you two want to do? Your mother and I were going to see about getting some games set up early."

Serene hugs her brother, looking up at Rhino with a hopeful expression. "Can Myst and I be on the same team?"

Chuckling, he ruffles both their manes. "Of course, I know you two always stick together. It makes me happy knowing you have each other's backs."

The male twin just smiles and leans into the hoof before he and his sister dart off, both tails wagging happily. As they do, they dash between a certain marble changeling’s legs.

Hydro chuckles as he watches this. "I wonder if foals always run everywhere because they can't get anywhere in decent time by walking."

Dior looks at him blankly for a moment before responding. "It's definitely faster than not moving at all." She rolls her eyes playfully, bumping his side. "Promise me you'll get more sleep, tonight?"

He chuckles, bumping her back. "Only if you join me."

"Then you wouldn't get any sleep." She sticks her tongue out at him before darting forward, patting his cheek with the tip of her tail.

Unfortunately, as she is not looking ahead of her, Dior runs straight into a surprisingly solid party pony. Before she can register this, the teasing nymph is wrapped in her husband's strong embrace. "Nope, you don't get to get away after that." He chuckles as his tail flicks her side. "Thanks, Pinkie."

The pink mare looks back, having been caught by surprise while blowing up extra balloons. Recognizing the two, she giggles. "You're welcome, Hydro! Whatever it is I did!" She blows into the balloon again, the air inside previously somehow not escaping while her mouth was off it, before tying it with a string.

Pouting quietly, the nymph slowly extends her wings, fluttering them against his sides. She tries to pull away at the same time, trying to continue their little game.

Leaning down to her, he whispers quietly. "We can play chase later. Right now it might be best not to cause a scene at one of your granddaughter's special day." Still, one of his hooves idly plays with her wings as he continues holding her, knowing how wily she can be.

She looks back over her shoulder at him, eyes twinkling in mischief. "So? We've never been caught, before... what's one more going to hurt?"

Rolling his eyes, Hydro gives her a small peck on the lips. "And Rhino says Gel is a hooffull at times..."

Pinkie tilts her head, tying another balloon. "One more what?"

Dior looks to the party planner, smiling warmly. "Another bowl of ice cream. He says it'd make me get fat."

Giggling, Pinkie turns and pats the stallion on the head. "Silly Hydro, she's made of rock! Rocks don't get fat! Or do they?" She puts a hoof to her chin in thought. "Where's Maud? She could tell us."

Skirting around the issue every stallion knows to stay at least a mile away from at all costs, the red pony doesn't correct her as he looks around. "I think that's her." He relinquishes one of his forelegs from binding Dior to gesture.

Perking up, Pinkie starts jumping up and down as she waves over at her sister. "Heeeeeey, Maud! Over heeeeeere!"

As the crowd does various combinations of wincing, rubbing their ears, or generally just shrugging and going about their day, the grey mare in questions blinks once before heading over. Like a rock in a stream, the other ponies part around her as she beelines for her sister. "You called?"

The pink pony jumps once more, pulling herself into a sitting position before she lands on a stool, rocking dangerously back and forth with no reaction before the furniture balances itself out and she speaks. "Do rocks get fat?"

Not batting an eye at the question, Maud answers. "Well, they do get bigger the longer we leave them to grow on the farm. So, yes."

"...oh." Pinkie looks at Hydro, then Dior, then back to Hydro with a large smile. "So, there you go! Just don't let her stand still!"

Dior, having slipped free, smirks coyly. "Well... I know who's getting a fourth bowl of strawberry ice cream, today..." She bumps Hydro's side. "And a stallion who's about to have as much vanilla as he likes."

Glad blushes don't show through his coat, the stallion clears his throat. "I wouldn't worry, Pinkie. The only time she really stays still is when she's bound. She seems to have endless energy sometimes." One hoof rests on her back, as if trying to keep her there. "Not that I'm complaining, of course..." His last few words have a slight growl to them as he flicks her flank with his tail.

"Rocks that explode easily have a lot of energy." The sister once again answers simply.

"Oooh, like pop rocks? I love those!" Pinkie looks around the somewhat crowded area, then grabs the stallion. "Come on, Hydro! Let's see if there's any pop rocks around here!"

"But..." Hydro reaches out a hoof towards his wife, both wanting to stay with her and not wanting to be alone with the hyper mare.

"Don't worry, I'll be just fine here with Maud." She waves a hoof to him. "You go have fun with Pinkie."

Grinning, Pinkie starts dragging Hydro away. "Let's go!"

The silver nymph waves as they disappear before turning to Maud, curious. "Your sister won't harm my husband, will she?"

"Not unless he's allergic to sweets," Maud answers, shrugging solidly. "She's mostly harmless."

"I don't think he's allergic to those..." She scratches her chin thoughtfully. "I think he's scared of how hyper she is... she doesn't really think I'm a rock, does she?"

"I think she does." A small smirk appears on the normally stoic mare's face. "She's not completely wrong."

"...there it is again." Her brow furrows as she glances around. Once she's certain no one else is paying attention to them, she looks to the pony by her side. "I felt it from you, before... it seems so close to affection, but, at the same time, it isn't..."

Looking around as well, yet not moving anything besides her eyes, Maud's voice quiets yet still maintains neutrality. "A mixture, I guess. Interest, fascination, wanting to be friends." She seems to chew on her next words before letting them flow out. "You are perhaps the most interesting thing, pony or rock, that I have ever seen. I like you."

Dior, briefly taken aback by this, recomposes herself and smiles warmly at her. "And I like you, too. I'd be happy to be friends with you, as well as co-workers." She holds out a hole-filled hoof, smirking playfully. "I'd also appreciate it if you extended that to my husband, too. I'm sure you two have something in common."

"As long as there's no obstacle courses." Still giving her small smile, Maud shakes the offered hoof, feeling the smooth stone. "Out of curiosity, do you keep yourself polished or is that natural?"

"Mostly natural." She giggles softly, looking off in the direction her husband had been dragged off in. "Hydro does like to rub me quite a bit, though..."

Maud only blinks, looking into the direction as well. "You are both quite free and open with your affection for each other. It's sweet."

"Thank you," she nods to her, smirking slightly, "though we do keep some parts of it out of view..." She hums brightly, her horn lighting up. "I hope they do still have ice cream left... who knows with that one stallion..."

"Pinkie usually keeps her parties well stocked." Seeing a blur of pink zip towards the party table, she is rewarded a few seconds later by a few of the younger party guests bouncing away with new treats. "Do you really like ice cream that much?"

"Yep!" She grins. "Chocolate, mostly. It's one of the few sugary things I actually like."

Eye flicking to the lit horn, the earth mare responds with a shrug. "Pinkie seemed to get most of the family's sweet tooth to herself. The rest of us only eat a little bit."

"Oh?" Her eyes flick to the side as a couple bowls of brown and white float over to them. "So does that mean I can have your bowl, too?"

"... I didn't say that." Maud's eyes lock onto the bowls.

"Thought so." She winks, handing her one of them. "So, you live on a rock farm..."

As the two continue their discussion, a cobalt unicorn walks by and over to the snack table, standing idly beside it with a silver fox on his back. He picks a cupcake up in his magic and bites into it, looking around worriedly.

'Relax, Win,' the fox says, patting his back reassuringly. 'She said she'd be back soon. All she needs is something from the apple stand, right?'

He sighs and nods. "I know... it's not that. It's the nervousness."

'Come on!' Mercury huffs, shaking his head. 'You like her, she likes you, what's to be nervous about?'

"How about the fact that her liking is probably a lot more platonic than mine?" Winter snaps. "Seriously, at what point has she ever expressed actual attraction towards me?"

The silver creature huffs at this, his tone turning sarcastic. 'I don't know. How about a few days ago, when she slept with you and purposely acted ignorant about your-'

"Hoooo-kay," Winter cuts him off, holding a hoof over his muzzle. "She was just being polite. And since when does sleeping in the same bed qualify as attraction? You and I do it all the time."

The fox pushes the hoof away, smirking coyly. 'Trust me, there was a bit more going on...'

"Merc, I'm already sucking it up and finally getting ready to talk to her. You're just going to make me more and more nervous." The unicorn picks up another cupcake once the first is finished and takes a large bite out of it.

'Alright, I'll lay off the teasing.' He sighs melodramatically, flopping himself across his friend's back. 'I still reserve the right to rebuke your self-criticisms, though.'

Winter stuffs the rest of the cupcakes into his mouth and swallows it. "Deal. But it won't stop me from believing them."

'But what about Ash?' He taps his nose, frowning at the frosting his paw comes away with. Shaking it in an attempt to rid it of the sugary topping, he continues, 'She looks up to you, and doesn't like it when you're self-deprecating, you know.'

The unicorn takes Mercury's paw and wipes the frosting off with a napkin. "I try to keep it down around her, for her sake. Though why she looks up to me, I'll never know."

'Well, you saved her, for one thing.' The fox gestures to his muzzle. 'You might want to get some of that off...'

"Thanks." He wipes off his muzzle with the other side of the napkin. "And actually, it was Hydro, Dior, and Maud who saved her. I just stalled Alpha until they showed up."

'You still helped save her.' He bops the stallion on the head, huffing softly. 'Besides, I don't recall any of them adopting Ash after the fact. Do you?'

"...no, I guess not." Winter sighs. "Everything's been changing way too quickly for the past couple days."

Mercury stares at him blankly, unsure what to think. '...changing? How do you figure that, Win?'

"Well, first we got a new member. Then we told the entire team the truth about you and mamodos. Then I got a daugh... new friend." He coughs. "And now, because of your insisting, I'm about to finally find out the result of this crush. The past week has been more hectic than my entire first year as a captain."

As he finishes saying that, the farm mare herself appears, looking around before spotting him. She quickly walks over, tossing one foreleg over his shoulder and pulling him against her side. "There you are! Where you tryin' ta hide from me?"

Yelping in surprise, the unicorn at first tries to push her away roughly before realizing who it is. He sighs. "Applejack, I only walked about ten feet from where I was last time you saw me. Also, please never do that again." He starts realizing just how close she's holding him, and his face goes a little red. Mercury, still perched on his back, chuckles and goes quiet to see how this all plays out.

"Do what?" She pulls a moonshine jug out from behind her back, offering it to him. "Bring you some cider?"

He blinks, starting to get an idea of what's going on. "Uh... sorry, I don't drink."

She waves that off, pushing the side of her head against his as she offers the jug again. "Don't worry, this ain't the hard stuff. That was back at the cart."

Slowly taking the jug in his magic, he looks at her. "Well... thanks, Applejack." He smiles, pouring some into a small cup from the snack table and taking a sip.

She narrows her eyes at him as she smiles knowingly. "Well~?"

"Well what? Tastes great, just like always." He chuckles.

Still not having let him go, she giggles. "True... but I didn't hear ya say thank you..."

He blinks. "...I did... but alright, I'll say it again. Thanks, Applejack." He smiles.

She smiles wider. "Hmm..." One of her ears flicks. "Ah don't know if I can rightly hear ya over everypony else... wasn't there somethin' that's louder than words?" She taps her chin in thought.

"...pictures?" Winter tries to divert the conversation away from where he thinks it's going.

"Nope." Her grin is only getting wider as she still looks at him knowingly. "Pictures are worth words, but they speak louder... try again sugarcube." Her tail flicks as she plays her game.

The unicorn's eyelid twitches a bit. "Y-Yelling?"

Pausing, she presses her muzzle against his. "Sugarcube, ya'll are either bein' thick or stubborn. Ah hope for yer sake it ain't the second, because you can't out stubborn an Apple." Her grin returns. "Ya can't outrun one either."

Winter's eyes suddenly shoot wide open, and he forcefully shoves himself away from the orange mare. "Talcum, let me go!" He ends up bumping into the snack table as he tries to put distance between them, leaving himself with little room to move.

Mercury, barely avoiding being smushed between the stallion and the furniture, taps his head. 'What was that about? Who the fuck is Talcum?'

The unicorn doesn't respond at first, just breathing quickly as though having gone through something strenuous. He looks back at Mercury, fear evident in his eyes. "...Tal...?"

'It's Applejack.' He pokes his forehead with each syllable. 'App. Le. Jack. There's no one by the name you shouted here.'

"...good..." Slowly calming down, the unicorn looks back to Applejack, worried. Her expression appears confused and abashed, but she keeps her distance, worried she may have gone too far. Winter attempts to smile reassuringly. "...Applejack, it's fine... I'm fine now, see?"

She still frowns, looking down and scuffing her hoof on the floor, not meeting his eyes.

'Seriously, what happened between you and that mare?' He taps him on the back of the head. 'She's not one of your seven evil exes or anything, is she?'

Winter sighs. "That is uncomfortably accurate."

'Well, the mare in front of you just had her feelings hurt.' Mercury points to the farmer, frowning at his friend. 'Apologize, and explain.'

The unicorn swallows nervously before nodding. Slowly, he starts walking over to the orange mare. "I'm sorry about that, Applejack... I didn't mean to hurt you."

She shakes her head, her voice clear. "No no, Ah'm sorry... I shouldn't have been so pushy. Ah just thought it'd be the nudge ya needed, ta be honest. Ah didn't know it'd upset ya."

"It wasn't entirely your fault..." He glances back at Mercury, then sighs. "I think I owe both of you an explanation..."

The fox lays down fully, curling his legs beneath his body. 'Go ahead, Win. I'm all ears.'

"Do you two want the long version, or the short version?"

Looking around them at the party, the farm mare answers. "Short might be best, long can wait for a private time."

He nods. "Talcum Powder was my girlfriend a few years back. She was nice, but sometimes got a little too close for comfort, and could be very forceful when she wanted to be."

Applejack flinches. "Oh..."

'And yet he's still a virgin.' He holds up his paws in response to the glare he's given, a nervous smile on his face. 'Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood...'

"Merc..." Winter sighs, before speaking to both him and Applejack. "Let's just say that, despite popular belief, my virginity isn't intact anymore… though I wish it was."

"...ah." The barest hint of disappointment is heard in the earth mare's voice before she continues. "Okay then... well, in that case... Ah think Ah might have something to say to ya."

"Yes?" Winter asks, confused.

Standing up, she quickly strides forward and gives him a peck on the lips. Nothing deep, nothing long, but still saying much as she backs away, smiling sheepishly. "Ya get all that?"

The blue stallion has gone about as frozen as an iceberg and as red as a tomato. The most he can move is his head, which slowly nods.

"Good." She nuzzle him as she walks past. "Once ya've let that soak in, feel free to come find me. We have a lot we could talk about." With a parting drag of her tail under his nose, she walks off, soon disappearing into the crowd.

Winter remains frozen still for several seconds, until he finally speaks again, this time to Mercury. "...what happened?"

'You just got a kiss from the mare of your dreams.'

The unicorn goes quiet again for a second. "...see what I mean? Everything is changing."

'Yeah...' The fox looks to where the mare left before turning to his friend. 'You know, that crazy Powder chick isn't the only thing that isn't here...'

Winter chuckles. "Yeah... like I thought. You didn't smell any cider on her breath either, did you?"

'Not a bit.' He nods. 'So... does that make it easier? And I swear, if you say harder, I'll smack you with my tails on your horn.'

"By this point? Much, much easier. Just means I'll have to wait a little longer." He smiles. "But it'll be worth it."