• Published 2nd Apr 2014
  • 738 Views, 54 Comments

Virtue and Vice: Equestria - enigmaMystere

Based (loosely) on the JLA/JSA storyline of the same name, this recounts what happens before and during the most troublesome time in the history of Equestria's specialized taskforces.

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Stealthy Shades #33

Leaves crunch under hooves as the group trek their way through the forest. While not as thick with trees as ones in Equestria, the canopy of trees still serves to help quickly darken the landscape now that the sun had set over the griffon lands.

Stopping in a fair sized area devoid of trees, Rhino lights his horn up in order to see more clearly. "This should do; any further and we risk running into something we can't see. We covered good ground today."

Ruby, concerned with how hard it is to see, lights up her own horn as well. Instead of just stopping there, however, she creates a ball of light, just big enough to show the clearing around them.

The burgundy stallion reaches into one of his saddlebags, pulling out a pair of tinted glasses. "Thanks for the light, but... won't that risk drawing attention?" He glances at the trees around them. "We don't exactly want to be discovered..." A black-clad hoof taps the grass beneath it, betraying its owner's anxiety.

Rhino thinks for a moment as he paces around the clearing, looking down at the ground. "Just move it down to the ground and if anything sees us, we're just a group of blissfully ignorant campers using a lantern." He taps his hoof on the ground at a certain area. "This spot meet everypony's approval for a tent spot?"

Atom nods, moving forward and sliding a bag off his back. "Looks good to me, no ants, no loose hanging branches, no random mole holes." He slides out a mass of fabric from the bag. "Let's go ahead and get this little life-saver of yours and Twilight's up."

Rhino nods as he takes a swig from his canteen. "True, it was definitely worth being the most time intensive investment of our equipment research." Looking over to the rest, he continues. "Everypony doing okay?" His gaze lingers on Ruby, but it is clear he is asking everyone.

Gel sighs, playfully bumping his side as their daughter does as told. "We're fine, love. You don't need to worry about a thing... after all, we're still a fair distance out from our target."

"Hey, Rhino..." Enigma stares at the sky, quirking an eyebrow at the dark clouds overhead. "That thing's waterproof, right? You know, for Gel and Luster's sake?"

"Just making sure everypony took the trip alright, love." He nuzzles her before facing the feminine stallion. "Yes, Enigma, it's waterproof. Twilight and I added that when we were making it sound-proof and insulated. You know as well as anypony else these things are what we live in most of the time, so we had to make it the best."

Atom calls over from where he is setting up what appears to be a single pony tent. "But of course you guys couldn't spring for a self-assembling spell could you?"

"Oh, I'll help!" The pink pony rushes over to the darker pegasus, eagerly lending a hoof and her magic.

He shrugs, casting the sky another wary glance. "I know... I just worry that the living lightning rod over there might attract a random bolt while inside it."

"True, that was something I actually had to add myself after we had that close call with the storm. It's grounded now, don't worry. Although," Rhino gives Volt a look, "the bolts are still going to seek you out before they hit the tent, just so you know."

The other unicorn stallion simply laughs it off, waving a hoof at his high voltage symbol cutie mark. "I think I can take another one."

"Speaking of another one," Octavia interrupts, "shouldn't you be starting to set up the second tent by now, Voltage?"

He nods, "Right!" Taking the bag off his own back, he rummages through it, slowly coming to a stop as he blinks at the insides. "Umm... right..."

Enigma sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose with a hoof. "You forgot it again, didn't you?"

"I... yeah." He laughs sheepishly. "Whoops..."

Rhino shakes his head. "Well, I guess it isn't the first time we shared one of these, at least they're roomy." He looks over to see Atom stepping back from the now complete simple one-pony tent. "All done?"

The black pegasus nods. "Yep, all set, boss."

Ruby pauses where she is behind the tent, staring at it for a few seconds. "Um... isn't this a bit small, Mister Vortex? Especially for eight occupants?"

Atom just smiles knowingly as the others approach, Rhino and Gel ducking inside. "Don't worry, we know just how to squeeze in so we can all fit."

She opens her mouth to respond, but the words die in her throat. She stares in shock as everyone, save for herself and the black pegasus, file inside the pup tent. "Bwa... h-how did..."

He chuckles, lining himself up with the front of the tent. "Come inside and see for yourself." With that, he ducks inside as well, the tent not bulging at all, despite the number of occupants.

Concerned, she slowly moves to the partially-open flap, grabbing the edge of it with a hoof and muttering to herself. "If this is some kind of hazing ritual, I'm going to be disappointed..." She takes a deep breath and rushes inside, eyes squeezed closed in an attempt to garner courage.

The first thing she notices is the sudden yellow light on her eyelids. Furthermore, she can hear everypony else, but some of them seem farther away than should be possible. Lastly, she feels two familiar presences as cool chitin presses on one side of her while fluffy fur presses on the other.

She blinks her eyes open, gaping in awe at the lantern hanging from the ceiling, five feet above her. She rubs her eyes, grumbling quietly and staying up only with the help of what feels like her parents.

Shockingly enough, the inside of the tent is more like the inside of an apartment. The walls are still made of the same green fabric the tent was, but now they rise high enough for anypony to stand to their full height and not get near touching it. All of the different ponies are spread out just as much as they were in the lounge of their base of operations.

In the center of the room, a lantern hangs from the ceiling like a tiny chandelier. Just below it crouches the black form of Atom as he arranges a pile of sticks before throwing a small red gem in the center of the small stone pit, which promptly lights a decent sized flame in the center of the pile.

Luster and Octavia can be seen off in one of the four small sections off of the main room, pulling out a large comfy-looking sleeping bag and arranging it how they like.

The room itself is fairly bare, but as Volt quickly pulls cushions and even a mat of cooking utensils out onto the fabric floor while Enigma gets out food, it starts to feel more and more homey.

A chuckle comes from one side of the filly as two heads nuzzle her affectionately. "Not bad, huh? It was a little work, but the comfort is well worth it."

She can only stare, stunned by this. "I... it's..."

Gel giggles, smirking playfully at their daughter. "Bigger on the inside, right?"

The pink pony blinks, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "I was gonna say 'smaller on the outside', but that works, too..." She turns her attention to the fire, frowning slightly. "Though... couldn't mom have set that up? I mean, fire, and all..."

Rhino just smiles, nuzzling the filly more. "Just because she can, doesn't mean she gets to do it every time. The others need to know how to do it when she's busy."

"I... guess that makes sense..." She moves forward from between them but stops. She turns and pecks her parents on the cheek, smiling softly. "Thank you both for this chance." She turns and rushes forward, approaching the other green unicorn. "Need a hoof?"

The navy nymph sighs softly, leaning against her husband and nuzzling his neck. "I knew she'd do that. Just like me, showing thanks with affection... don't you agree?"

He kisses her cheek as they watch their oldest foal, start setting items out. "Yes... she definitely our daughter alright. Still can't believe the two of you got me to agree to this..."

"You certainly didn't make it easy." She sticks her tongue out at him. "Seriously, though, she made a good case, and she's shown interest in joining for a while, now." She moves off to a section on one side, setting her bags down next to a floor-height bed already there. "Back when we first took this job, even. Remember?"

He rolls his eyes as he smiles, walking over to her and setting his own bag down, levitating a couple of pillows onto the bed. "True, but she was ten, she wanted to do everything we did at that age."

"Yes, and she carried that idea for six full years." She lays herself down, smiling wryly up at him. "You had to know she had her heart and mind set on it by the second year, at least."

"That may have been my first hint... she was still way too young though. You know the biggest thing you had to convince me of was letting her be at risk like this... she's still only fifteen." He lays down next to her, tossing a look at the fold that would soundproof them to the rest of the tent, but leaving it for now as he snuggles up next to her. One eye still glances over to the pink mare every once in a while.

"Yes, and next Sunday is her birthday." She nips his shoulder, whining softly at him. "So stop worrying, already, love. She's in good hooves - our hooves. And speaking of hooves..." She stretches out on her side before him, peeking one eye open. "I think I'd like to feel yours, right now... is a massage a fair request?"

Across the tent their daughter yelps and spins away, covering her ears and closing her eyes tightly. "Not listening!"

He raises up his head, lifting an eyebrow at her and the few other heads turned their way after her shout. "What's wrong with a massage?"

"It's not the massage, it's what comes after!" She sprints into one of the empty sections and flings the divider closed, leaving the rest of them to stare in silence.

The stallion leans down to his wife, whispering quietly amid a few chuckles from the others. "We don't always transition from massages to... that... do we?"

She blushes brightly, her ears dipping in shame. "You... do get turned on by my sounds, love..."

"The same to you about my massages, so we're both in on this." He looks up to the shut section. "Why don't we go check on her and... we'll do the massage later after we've eaten and said goodnight?"

"I... I think you should, love..." She covers her burning face, a literal wisp of steam forming from the top of her head. "I-I don't think I can face her, at the moment..."

He nods, sighing and stepping over her as he walks past Luster, who has started working with the ingredients after she shooed Volt and Atom away. Rhino debates the best way to handle this and ends up choosing to simply walk in, closing the flap behind him. "Ruby?"

The sight that greets him is not one he expects from his normally cheerful daughter. She is curled in on herself in the corner, trembling softly, her face buried in the green fabric.

Eyes full of concern, he quickly walks over, laying down and curling himself around her protectively. His voice is gentle as he asks, "Ruby, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing..." She keeps her head down, her eyes closed as she struggles to stay calm. "J-just a... a silly little hang up..."

"If it's bothering you this much, it's not silly." He nuzzles her like he always does when she's curled up. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

She stays silent, considering his words for a second. "But... I don't want to worry you with this one, daddy..." She embraces him with one foreleg, burying her muzzle in his chest. "I'm sorry..."

"There's nothing to be sorry about, sweetie." Stroking her mane and holding her close, he continues. "Though knowing me, I'll probably worry more trying to figure out what's wrong so I can help you. I don't ever want you to be upset if I can help you."

She takes a deep, shuddering breath, steeling herself. "I... I saw you two... y-you know..." She grimaces, wondering to herself if there was a better way to word it.

He blinks. "I assume you mean your mom and I, but... What do you mean you saw us?"

She groans, covering her face to hide the vibrant red blush on her cheeks. "P-please don't make me say it..."

Feeling a growing sense of dread, the stallion tries to narrow it down. "I take it... Mommy and I were alone and you saw us kissing deeply or something?" He inwardly prays that's as far as it goes.

"I-I don't... think you were able to... n-not the way you were... were..." Ruby whimpers, ears flattening against her head. "C-can we please drop the subject, daddy?"

"Oh..." His own ears fold as his fear is realized. He squirms in place as he tries to figure out how to handle this. "Well... Obviously you know what we were doing but... Is there some part that's upsetting you? Should I go get your mom so she can talk to you instead?"

"N-no, I'm fine..." She nervously smiles at him. "I just... want to forget about it... okay?"

"I understand." He gives her a gentle kiss on the forehead before trying a shot in the dark. "I suppose it wouldn't help to mention that's how you and the twins came to be, would it?"

The teen laughs, shaking her head. "Dad, I already know that. It's not what I'm concerned about, and I'd-"

She gets cut off by the sound of metal clanging against metal, which thoroughly confuses her. "I... didn't you say these were soundproof?"

"They are, but it's a one way thing like the outside of the tent." He stays curled around her. "They can't hear what's inside, but you can hear what's outside."

"Then... what was that?" She pokes his cheek with a hoof, frowning slightly. "You certainly don't seem that concerned..."

He chuckles, nuzzling her lovingly. "Well, you don't expect Luster to call when dinner's ready do you? She has to use other means."

Ruby blushes brightly. "Oh. Right." She clears her throat, gesturing to the divider. "So... s-shall we join them?"

Seeing her reflect another of her mother's common actions, he smiles and laughs again. "If you want to, we can. If not, I'm willing to stay here until you feel comfortable enough." He squeezes her once with the foreleg he has around her.

"I..." She shyly smiles, shrugging slightly. "I'd like a moment by myself, to be honest... I'll join you all soon, so please don't worry."

"If you're sure..." He nuzzles her once more before standing. "Let me know if you ever want to talk, okay? Oh, and what do you want me to tell your mom about what you were upset about?"

"I... I will..." She shakily sighs, laying down on the full length of the bed. "And tell her I just... don't want to imagine you two doing... that."

"Ok, I hope you feel better soon." He gives her one last kiss on the head before exiting the flap.

As it falls back in place, she turns to her backpack, placed off to the side. She opens up the side pocket, sighing wistfully. "I hope this works..."

Back in the main area of the tent, Luster levitates a steaming bowl of stew to Rhino. He smiles appreciatively as he sits down next to his wife, the only one missing of their number being Enigma, who took first watch with his own bowl of food. Chatter is minimal at the moment as everypony enjoys the meal.

"So..." The navy nymph puts her spoon to one side, turning to look at Rhino. "Is Ruby feeling... better, now?"

He takes another bite, humming happily before swallowing and answering her. "Yes, apparently she just temporarily scarred herself with images of what she said. We talked a little and she said she wanted to be alone a minute before coming out."

Octavia comments, having been concerned as well. "Poor little one, I don't think any of us really know why but none of us like to think of our parents like that."

"I don't have a problem with that." Gel shrugs, grabbing one of the steamed dumplings Luster is currently putting out with her magic. "It's part of the beauty of life. The way we are all created."

"So... what, the mental image of your parents seducing each other before diving into bed to begin your creation doesn't phase you in the slightest?" Volt says with his usual level of subtlety.

"Not at all." She stares at him, eyes narrowed dangerously. "Does it bother you, Surge?"

Ignoring the warning signs, he shrugs, picking up his spoon again. "To think of my parents like that? Yes, but I think I successfully repressed that concept in my head, or it was knocked out of me... hard to tell. Your parents? Maybe a little, since I have actually met your mom and it would be weird to picture her like that... especially since I know her current husband is another one of my friends... I think I'm going to get in trouble for going down this train of thought..."

Before anything else could be said or done, a metal ladle knocks the unicorn on the back of his head. In the moment of surprise, all there can feel an unexpected presence in their heads as the indigo unicorn finally puts in her two bits. Enough of that, Voltage. Or would you prefer to take over watch the rest of the night?

Going back to his bowl after the mental admonishment all of them had heard, he still responds in a chipper voice. "Ok, ok, message received, eating quietly."

Atom chuckles as he finishes drinking down the last of his stew. "Good stallion, you really have done much better at reigning yourself in since you and Luster met."

"It's not like I had too much of a choice..." The unicorn can't help but quip.

Rhino just shakes his head at the scene. "I'm fairly certain there's a saying somewhere about not irritating the chef, but for now I'll settle for a topic change." Nabbing a few dumplings and setting them in his bowl, he smiles winningly at the purple nymph. "Excellent food as always, Luster."

Thank you, Rhino. She sits next to the gray mare, gently nuzzling her before turning to Atom. Though, if we're talking about couples, I would like to know how you and... what was her name, again? I don't think I've met her, yet.

"Probably because she's usually busy. Being the current Captain of the Wonderbolts does have Spitfire doing either shows or a little time at the Academy to train the up-and-comers." The black pegasus smiles as he stows his shades away for the night. "She said he's due for some time off soon, so that'll be more than nice. Maybe you can all meet her then."

"That would be-" Gel stops mid-sentence, both her and the indigo nymph suddenly tensing up. She clears her throat, sheepishly smiling. "Uh... lovely."

Rhino furrows his brow, looking at the two of them. Something up?"

Just... a sudden wave of sorrow... Luster scratches her chin, frowning softly. I don't think I should expand on that thought.

As soon as she finishes that thought, Ruby appears from behind the divider, a bit shaken. She collects herself and strides forward, gathering her own bowl of soup before sitting next to Volt. The whole time she doesn't look at anyone, and she starts to eat in silence.

Noting his daughter's appearance, Rhino gives Gel a look, asking her opinion on what should be done. Volt appears similarly chastened, the aura coming from the filly making it clear now is not the time for his brand of humor.

The nymph clears her throat, sheepishly smiling at the pink pony. "Sweetie, is everything alright? You still aren't upset about earlier, are you?"

"No." Her voice, raspy as it is, causes her mother to recoil in surprise. "I'm over it. Mostly."

The two couples look to their partners in concern before looking back to the filly. Rhino's mouth opens a few times to speak, but, never able to find the right words, considering he just got done talking to her a few minutes ago, he only closes it without a sound. Still, the worry is clear on his face as he watches her eat.

She continues her meal for a moment before finally looking up, her eyes fixed on her father. "If you don't mind me asking... what are the sleeping arrangements?"

"Well..." He looks to the others before continuing, "your mother and I have our own section, the same for Luster and Tavi, Enigma, Volt, and Atom can pretty much decide where they want to sleep between the remaining two sections and the middle here by the fire. You have the right to claim one of the sections for your own if you want, or..." he motions to himself and Gel, "you could also stay with us. It might make you feel better."

"I... don't want to get in the way." She sheepishly smiles, patting the pillow she's currently sitting on. "I'm fine with this... thank you for the offer, though..."

Octavia scoots over and puts a foreleg around the teenager. "Luster and I also have room if you want..."

Ruby gently nuzzles her cheek, smiling softly. "Thank you, but I'm fine. Really." She blinks, looking around in confusion. "Say, uh... where is Enigma? Shouldn't he be eating, too?"

Atom nods, "He is, he's just eating outside as he takes his watch shift. Which reminds me," he gets up, walking over to the tent entrance and sticking his head out. "Hey E, you want seconds or dumplings?"

He glances at him, smiling widely. "Dumplings sound delicious. I'll take six."

The filly blinks, staring at him incredulously. "You... you've seen the size of these things, right?"

"Yep." He taps his chin before shrugging slightly. "Eh. Make it seven." He turns to look back out at the dark forest, completely missing the unicorn's jaw dropping in shock.

As Atom comes back in to retrieve the order, Rhino chuckles before taking a bite of his third dumpling. "You sure you're not still a bachelor, E? Because that's the sort of eating habit you're showing."

"Hey, I have a high metabolism." He stares back into the tent, smirking wryly. "Besides, you should see me at home with Vinyl. I swear, it's like an eating contest."

Ruby taps the ground a moment, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Hey, Enigma? Are... are you and Miss Scratch married, yet?"

"Uh..." He stumbles over the unexpected question, confused. "I haven't been able to... afford the engagement ring I've been looking at, yet..." The burgundy pegasus turns away, blushing softly. "There's only so much a teacher can earn a year..."

Octavia lets out a ladylike giggle as Atom brings back over the dumplings. "But being a teacher isn't your only job, so it must be some ring you've got your eye on. Careful though, if I know Vinyl, you wait too long and she'll be the one to propose to you."

"Maybe... still, either way, I'd be happy." He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. "I guess it's my fault for wanting to buy one with a spirit shard..." He takes the plate, happily starting to eat them up.

Volt offers his two bits. "Spirited jewelry for a spirited mare, seems right to me."

"Yes, thank you." He swallows the two in his mouth, exhaling in relief afterwards. "Sadly, the one I'm looking at costs... about fifteen thousand bits, I think?"

Atom lets out a small whistle. "Sheesh, why not put a down payment on a house while you're at it?"

"We already have a house." He coughs softly, shoving another dumpling in his mouth.

I don't think that's what he meant, E. Luster sighs, shaking her head.

The stallion jumps, eyes wide in surprise. "Woah, warn me the next time you do a mental link!"

Cracking a small smile, Rhino finishes his dumpling and lights his horn up, a glowing green script writing above Luster's head. 'Attention Enigma: I am now about to establish a mental link with you. This is not up for discussion.'

He gives the emerald stallion a deadpan stare. "Very funny. I suppose you also want to-" That's as far as he gets before a sudden bolt of lightning lights up the sky behind him. A yelp and a collision later, he finds himself staring up at the cloudy sky, a pink mass of fur clinging to his chest. "Um... Ruby?" He pats her mane awkwardly. "Mind telling me what that was about?"

Looking blankly down at the spot of air where there was once a filly in her foreleg, Octavia blinks. "I... guess she got spooked?"

Rhino's tail swishes as he looks to his daughter, a tiny bit of jealousy in his mind. "I suppose... a bit surprised she lept across the room to hold onto somepony though..."

The pink pony squeaks, jumping back from where she lay. "S-sorry! I just... I don't like storms..." She bites her lip, hurrying off into the treeline, tail between her legs.

Rhino immediately hops up, running over to the tent entrance. "Ruby, wait, where are you going?"

Enigma puts a hoof on his shoulder, grimacing slightly. "I... wouldn't follow her. She's got some... business to take care of."

"Oh... ok, I was just worried she was running off due to the storm." The unicorn relaxes, rubbing his muzzle bridge with a hoof as he heads back to the fire. He grabs another dumpling, chomping into it before commenting to the room at large. "She's certainly making things more interesting on missions..."

"I'll say." Gel giggles, elbowing his side. "And hey, look at you, letting her go out on her own at night."

Luster chuckles softly, shaking her head playfully. Maybe you really are starting to trust her.

Still munching on the dumpling, the stallion responds after a moment. "She deserves her privacy for this... but she's got ten minutes before I check on her to make sure nothing happened in the woods. It's not about trust, it's about keeping her safe."

"I think that's fair enough... if you give her another five minutes." The nymph quirks an eyebrow at him. "You know that mares take longer than stallions, after all."

"Of course..." He sighs as he looks at the remaining dumplings. "Throw in another one of those and I'll do it... I feel I need comfort food for this."

"Deal." She grabs one with a hoof and lifts it to his lips, smiling playfully. "Say 'ah'."

His wife's antics putting a smile on his face, the stallion opens his mouth obediently. "Ah..."

She quickly darts in for a brief kiss before popping the morsel in. "There you go, love. Enjoy."

Chuckling around his full mouth, Rhino settles down, laying prone next to his wife as he stares into the flames.

Luster smiles at the scene, teasingly elbowing the midnight black pegasus's side. Makes you wish Spitfire was here, huh?

The electric unicorn can't help but let out another chuckle at this. Atom's eyes narrow at him, "Hey, at least I have a marefriend!" This does little to stop the other stallion's smile, but he does quiet back down.

Luster taps her chin, thoughtful. Is there a mare who can even stand his puns? Because I'm blanking on anyone who can...

The pegasus shakes his head exasperatedly. "I'm sure there's some out there, but I do not want to be in the same room once they get going."

Volt just smiles all the smile as they talk about him.

Maybe, but there's also the fact that he's kinda... She pauses, her brow furrowing slightly. What's the word I'm looking for?

"Accident prone?" Octavia offers.

I was going to say geeky, but that's also true. She sheepishly smiles at the stallion in question. No offense meant, of course.

Volt just waves away their comments. "None taken, nothing that isn't true or hasn't been said before. I fully embrace that I am a geek."

Good to hear. She sighs in relief and glances at Octavia, smiling warmly before addressing the room. Would you all like some dessert as well, or are you all good, for now?

Various responses all ring out but the general consensus is clear: 'We're good.'

Rhino adds, "I will go ahead and save these last two dumplings for ruby, though."

Good, then I guess that-

A voice calls through the open tent flap. "I'd like some apple cider, if that's alright."

Luster blinks, tilting her head to one side. How'd he know I brought that? She shrugs and gets up, heading over to the section where she left her saddlebag.

Atom calls out to the requesting pegasus. "Nothing like warm cider to keep you company out there, right E?"

"Hey, I like the taste. The warmth is a bonus." He chuckles, shaking his head and looking back out into the night. He suddenly frowns, noticing something a little off. "Hey... the wind just changed..." He pokes his head inside, looking directly at Gel. "Do you sense anything?"

She blinks, tilting her head to one side. "I feel... apprehension... and a bit of excitement. Both outside. Why?"

Rhino's eyes widen, his ears stand straight up, and the fur along his spine starts to stand. "I take it those aren't from you, E?"

"No," he frowns slightly, "I'm just feeling concern. Should we check it out?"

"Might just be Ruby running things through her mind..." His face turns serious. "Both of you keep us posted if anything changes." In a lower voice he adds. "She's got five minutes."