• Published 2nd Apr 2014
  • 738 Views, 54 Comments

Virtue and Vice: Equestria - enigmaMystere

Based (loosely) on the JLA/JSA storyline of the same name, this recounts what happens before and during the most troublesome time in the history of Equestria's specialized taskforces.

  • ...

Stealthy Shades #44

'You're avoiding her.'

"I'm looking for her," Winter replies with a sigh. "Just because I haven't found her yet..."

'I understand.' He points over the stallion's shoulder at the table before them. 'But I don't think looking around the refreshments is a good way to find her.'

The unicorn sighs again before turning, trotting off to look elsewhere. "Okay, okay... I get it, I'm stalling." He glances back at the other one of the two forms resting on him. "How's the chocolate, Ash?"

She looks up at him, cheeks full of the treat that he got her. "...schweet."

"Good to hear." He smiles, turning his head enough to nuzzle her. "Just be careful not to get any on your dress, okay?"

"Okay!" She smiles, kissing his cheek and, looking at him, giggling brightly. "Oops! Sorry, Mister Solstice!"

He blinks before catching on. With a chuckle, he levitates a small cloth out of his pocket to clean the chocolate off of his cheek. "Don't worry about it, you cute little thing. It happens." She gives a small nod, resting against the back of his head.

'I still can't believe you won't let us eat fish...' Mercury huffs, pawing at the middle of his back. 'Especially since you-'

He gets silenced by a glare. "Number one: I've told you many times not to bring that up. Number two: you know I'm not..." He trails off and shakes his head. "Never mind. Just don't eat it around me, okay?"

'...I get it.' The fox groans, shaking his head. 'It's not like I can eat chocolate, though...'

"I brought a couple apples for you, and you can always go back to the refreshment table." The unicorn levitates out one of the red fruits. "After all, you're the one who insists on staying on my back until we find her."

'I don't want you to regret it if you chicken out.' He grabs the apple with his tails, curling up on himself to better eat it.

Winter just shakes his head. "I'm not gonna chicken out..."

'Is that so?' He points forward, to where a certain orange mare is speaking with the princess of friendship. 'She's right there. Go speak with her.'

The stallion pauses, biting his lip as he watches the two speak. After a moment, he sighs and looks to the two on his back. "...can you two go somewhere else for a few minutes, please? I'd rather do this without her or me being distracted."

"Let's go get some food, Mercury!" Ash leaps off Winter's back, then the two of them rush off into the crowd. The unicorn chuckles and shakes his head before turning his attention back to the two mares, casually looking over the room as he waits either to be noticed or for a good point to speak up.

Meanwhile, Applejack sips a bit of punch as she looks over to Twilight. "Well, it's a bit stiff from havin' so many military ponies around, but still better than than the Gala."

"I can agree with that." The alicorn smiles, taking a small sip from her glass of water. "At least we can be ourselves here."

"Yeah, cheers ta that." She nods, chuckling as she raises her cup to her royal friend.

Twilight giggles, raising her own cup similarly. "So, did you have any plans for what to do here or anypony you want to talk to? Or are you going home in an hour like Rainbow and Fluttershy?"

"Ah figured Ah might stick around a spell. There're still some ponies Ah want to talk to." She smiles, looking around the room. Her eyes pause a bit as she spies Winter, smiling a bit brighter and motioning him over.

The unicorn looks a little surprised, but smiles and walks over, offering a nod. "How's it going, girls?"

"Not bad, I'd say." Twilight takes another drink. "Where are Ash and Mercury?"

"At one of the refreshment tables, probably having a fish-eating contest or something." He resists the urge to make a face.

AJ raises an eyebrow. "That filly's gonna grow fangs if she keeps that up."

"If anything, I feel like they'd make her look even cuter." He smiles to himself. She giggles as she sees the look on his face. "What's so funny?"

She just smiles. "That doting look looks nice on ya. Says a lot, ya know."

"...if you say so." He shrugs, looking to the other mare. "Um... princess, any chance you could give us some privacy for a few minutes?"

Twilight tilts her head before smirking. "Only if you stop calling me that."

"Right. Twilight, any chance you-"

"Yes, Winter, I'll leave you two alone." She chuckles, turning to head off. "I'll see if I can go find Celestia before she gets too busy. I'll find you later, alright Applejack?"

The farm mare nods. "Sure thing, Twi."

Satisfied, the alicorn trots off, leaving her two friends. Winter hesitates for a moment, trying to think of something to talk about. "...so, having fun?"

She shrugs. "Eh, not exactly a hoedown, but nice enough. Company's what counts."

"Fair enough... sorry to have chased Twilight off, then." He rubs the back of his neck.

"Ah'm sure she had other folks she needed ta talk to." She offers him a cup. "Besides, you're one of the ponies Ah'd hoped would talk with me here."

He takes it, blushing just a bit. "Really? Oh, uh... w-well, what did you want to talk about?" He puts the cup to his lips.

She shrugs. "Figured we'd just talk. Ya seemed like ya might need a casual conversation ta be comfortable here."

"Well, thanks. I've never done well at formal events." He glances inside his cup and blinks, before nonchalantly setting it to the side with a small cough, muttering something.

She snorts quietly, flicking her tail towards the punch bowl. "Neither have Ah, though mostly cause I get bored."

"Don't worry about that happening here." Winter sighs, turning to the bowl and starting to actually fill his cup. "As you just saw, I'm a barrel of schadenfreude and entertainment."

Blinking, she tilts her head. "Umm… what was that first one?"

"Schadenfreude. Amusement or pleasure derived from the misfortune of others." He takes a sip of the punch. "For example, if a bucket fell on my head and you laughed, that's schadenfreude."

"What is it when Ah check if you're hurt?"

"That's called caring and forgetting about my thick skull." He smirks.

She lightly bops him with a hoof. "Ah'll keep it in mind."

He chuckles, careful not to spill his drink. "Hey, mind if I ask a question?"

She waves a hoof. "Go right ahead."

"At Ruby's party the other day..." The unicorn calmly takes another sip, smiling to himself. "...it seemed like you got into the hard cider a bit."

She instantly has a bit of pink in her cheeks as she looks off to the side. "Well, ah… regular is good and all, but sometimes ya need somethin' with a bit of kick…"

"I'm with you on that." He finishes his cup off. "So... why wasn't there any hard cider at the party?"

"Oh, umm…" The mare's ears flick as she speaks, eyes darting. "Ah, umm… drank… it all…"

He tilts his head. "Really? And yet neither I nor Mercury could smell the alcohol on your breath?"

Her tail flicks as she keeps her mouth shut.

Winter waits a moment, giving her a chance to speak, before continuing when he realizes she isn't taking it. "You know you didn't have to play drunk just to kiss me, right?"

Her face goes fully red as she runs a hoof through her mane. "It was one way to break the ice…"

"I'll give you that; it certainly was. If you hadn't, I might not have had the courage to do this." He quickly leans over and plants a kiss on her cheek.

Her eyes go wide as only her tail moves, the mass of hair flicking happily. The unicorn chuckles before giving her a small nudge to make sure she's alright. She giggles in response, a hoof going to his chest and pushing him lightly.

"Is this a shoving match now?" he asks with a smirk, leaning in to try and nuzzle her instead.

She nuzzles him back. "You started it."

"True." He breaks the nuzzle, but moves in closer to press their bodies against one another. "So... by now it's probably redundant to ask, but... any chance, sometime after the ball, you'd want to go out with me?"

"Well, it was either you ask or I chase you down, so yes." She chuckles, leaning against him.

He resists the urge to pump his hoof victoriously and instead just nuzzles her again. "You have no idea how long I've been wanting to ask that."

She snorts. "You and me both."

'Somehow, I figured.'

Winter jumps, looking over at the filly and fox walking up to them. "...hey there, you two." He chuckles sheepishly as they climb up onto his back. "I take it you two filled up?"

"We ate a lot." Ash looks back at where the table would be. "The griffon chefs chased us off…"

The stallion nuzzles her. "We'll get you two more food later if you're still hungry, don't worry." He finds his face hugged by the filly in her happiness. "...Applejack, think you could help with this before I go diabetic from cuteness?"

"Hmm… nah, think this is one of yer schadenfreude moments."

He rolls his eyes before plucking the filly off his face with magic and moving her to his foreleg. "That wasn't really misfortune. Just uncomfortable."

Applejack giggles, petting the filly, who leans into her hoof. "Still cute."

'...hey, Win? Where's her ring?'

The unicorn sighs, giving the fox a look as he moves Ash up onto his back. "Don't start pushing for that now too."

'Why not?' He smirks right back at him. 'Wouldn't her grandmother do the same, anyways, upon hearing you're dating?'

"Look, I finally asked her out. Let me go at my own pace for any steps beyond that."

'If you say so.' He taps his side. 'Though you have to wonder how this conversation sounds to her.'

The stallion sighs. "...and yet you wonder why I hate talking to you in public..." He turns back to Applejack, grinning sheepishly. "Sorry about that. Merc's being a tool again."

"Ah dunno, from what Ah heard he seems like he was bringin' some interestin' things up." She smirks.

"Let's just say I refuse to listen to him when he gets on that topic until we've been dating longer, and leave it at that. Okay?" He nuzzles her cheek.

She raises an eyebrow, but nuzzles back anyway. "So now what?"

"Well, we could find someplace a little more secluded... could also leave early, but I don't think we'd really have anywhere to go." He drapes a foreleg over her. "Well, besides our houses, obviously. But that could... lead to things." He bites his lip.

She bops him with her hoof again. "Easy there, let's just enjoy present company."

"Agreed." He chuckles and kisses her cheek, taking note of his other two companions. "If this gets too mushy for you two, you're free to leave."

'I won't be going anywhere.' Mercury huffs. 'We still have to do that debriefing, remember?'

"Right..." Winter sighs. "Speaking of which, I wonder where Luna is..."

'No clue...' He trails off, ears flicking. '...is it me, or did it just get quiet, here?'

Winter blinks. "...it did." He glances around before his eyes lock onto the dark alicorn that had entered the room. He chuckles. "Speak of the devil..."

The princess of the night glances around as well, searching the crowd before her eyes rest on the cobalt unicorn. She smiles, quickly walking over, the ponies between them swiftly moving out of the way. "Good day, Captain Solstice. Are you enjoying the festivities?"

He bows his head in greeting. "About as much as would be expected of me, Princess."

"That is understandable." She looks to the orange mare by his side, the duo on his back, and then the gathered ponies, griffons, and changelings around them. "Go back to your revelry, everyone. This is a time for celebration!"

The crowd is all too willing to return to their fun and chatter, only a few sometimes casting curious glances back over at the princess. Winter chuckles. "I suppose now's the time for us to talk?"

"This would be the best time, yes," Princess Luna nods towards the throne room, "before the conclusion to this party draws too near to do so."

Winter nods before looking to Applejack. "You don't mind, right? It'll only be a little bit."

She nods. "Go ahead, I'll keep an eye on Ash."

"Thanks." He levitates the filly off his back and onto the farmer's, then looks to the princess. "Should we talk in the garden?"

"No, we have a more private place in mind." She turns and walks out of the room, leaving him in the middle of the crowd.

'...did that sound suggestive to you, Win?'

The unicorn ignores him for the moment, giving Applejack one last nuzzle before trotting after the alicorn. "As long as she doesn't lead me to a bedroom or bathroom, no."

She takes him down a few different hallways before stopping before a lone door, emblazoned with a moon. "Here we are." She pushes the door open, revealing an orderly desk made of mahogany.

'...does an office count on that list?'

Winter shakes his head at the fox before focusing his attention on the lunar alicorn. "I guess this is more secluded than the garden."

"I should hope so." Luna sits down behind the desk, gesturing toward the chairs opposite her. "It's my private office, after all."

He settles down in one of them and nudges Mercury to take the other, which he does reluctantly. "I take it that, unlike my own, your 'private office' actually has the first half of that respected by others?"

"I believe that is because I only let those whom I want to talk with see it." She clears her throat, then holds out a hoof to him. "Now, I trust you have been doing well, leading the newly-formed Tactics group?"

He nods. "It hasn't been the easiest thing in the world, but I have a feeling that's why I was chosen to lead in the first place."

"That is correct." Luna nods as well, a small folder opening up in front of her, a quill floating over from a nearby cup. "Now, let's get to debriefing, shall we?"

He idly pats Mercury on the head. "What did you want to go over first?"

"How about the mission before last?" She taps her chin, looking at him curiously. "I haven't received your file for that, as of yet."

"Oh!" He winces. "Sorry... I just finished filling that out not even an hour before word got to us about the diamond dogs. Guess I forgot in all the confusion." He rubs the back of his neck. "There isn't a lot to go over... there was a cult of ponies worshipping this weird mask, and while we didn't see anything evil about it, we still confiscated it and I had it delivered to the vault. The cult members were arrested or given psychiatric treatment depending on whether or not they had been essentially brainwashed by the other members." He looks down at Mercury before sighing. "And Gilda tried to wear the mask."

Her expression hardens, and she leans forward, her quill scribbling furiously off to the side. "She did? You stopped her, yes?"

"More like her own beak stopped her, and then Merc grabbed it before she could try again." He withholds a chuckle at the memory. "But again, we weren't sure if the mask was magic or normal, and we still aren't. I've already given her a long reprimand about her actions, so as long as she doesn't try this again, I don't think you need to worry about her."

"This mask…" She sighs quietly, a hoof tapping the surface of the desk. "Did it look as though it was made of wood? With the interior a shiny green sheen?" He nods. "Be glad she didn't succeed in wearing it. For the sake of you, Equestria, and your sanity."

"That last one is already long gone."

"Trust me." She frowns. "I don't know of a single pony who can handle that artifact. Enough of that, though." She shakes her head, turning the page in the folder. "How about your latest mission? Did Applejack…" She trails off a moment. "...scratch that. She was with you, and looking as healthy as ever… but what was with that filly?"

"That was Ash. She was... being held captive by the diamond dogs." He elects not to bring up their true purpose for having her.

"Being held captive? Is that right?" She looks to her quill, watching it write for a bit. "Is there anything you aren't telling me about her, Captain Solstice?"

Winter bites his lip and glances to Mercury as if asking what to do. He can only shrug. "...can you keep this just between us?" He looks to the quill. "Off the record? For her own safety?"

The quill and the folder drop to the desk, and the princess rests a hoof on top of them. "I think I can afford that. Though if this has anything to do with her eating that yellowtail, earlier… it may be a bit hard to keep it secret."

He coughs. "...just say it was a dare?" He clears his throat. "Do you know what mamodos are?"

"Is that similar to your ice-spraying fox friend?" She glances at the creature in question, who is currently trying to curl in on himself.

"That's an easy way to put it, yes. He's a mamodo, as is she, and many other creatures around Equestria. I can explain more about them later on, but that's getting a little off track." He fidgets with his hooves. "Like how Mercury has ice powers, Ash has fire. The diamond dogs, specifically their Alpha, were using her to attack Appleloosa."

"Considering that she seems to be on good terms with you, can I assume that is no longer the case?"

He smiles. "I explained what they were doing, and after she realized how bad the Alpha was, she calmed down considerably. So yes; while her fire powers are still with her, I've taken measures to ensure that they can never be used again." His smile quickly becomes a serious expression. "This is why I didn't want anyone to know. If they learned she was the cause of Appleloosa's attack, or even just a part of it, it could be big trouble. Even moreso if word got out that she's a mamodo."

"I understand, Captain, but I don't see how being a mamodo could cause trouble." She shakes her head, then glances at the folder, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "Maybe you should explain what happened, but… forget the parts about mamodos? Were there any complications I should know of?"

"Not that I can think of aside from the obvious. Some of the diamond dogs were hostile, and we had to fight, but a fair number were only obeying the Alpha out of fear and joined our side once the revolution began. None of the prisoners were killed, though some dogs on both sides were lost. The hostile survivors went further into the desert, away from Appleloosa, where they won't be able to harm anyone; the peaceful ones are staying where they had been, and last I heard, were helping the ponies rebuild the town."

"Good." Luna nods, writing this down as quickly as possible. "Heaven knows they need it… is there anything else you'd like to mention, whether about your group or about your previous missions?"

He nods. "I've said about all there is to say regarding missions, but I have a couple things to mention about my team." He taps a hoof on the chair. "First, regarding Maud Pie. She did excellent on her first assignment despite her apparent lack of experience, and so I would like to have her officially registered as a member of Tactics, rather than remain a member-in-training."

"I'll look into that, Captain." She closes the folder, smiling warmly at him. "If that is everything, then you may go back to your marefriend."

He blushes, but shakes his head. "There was one more thing, actually. About Ash, in fact."

"Oh?" She taps her chin, thoughtful. "What is it?"

"I want to get her registered as an honorary member of Tactics," he says simply.

"That can be done." Luna smiles, nodding in reply.

"...oh. Huh, that was easier than expected." He chuckles. "I don't suppose I can sign adoption papers while I'm here, too?"

"...that would be a bit more difficult." She raises an eyebrow at him. "Not for the conventional reasons, either."

He tilts his head. "What do you mean?"

"One of the necessary sections for the adoption papers is species." She rolls a hoof. "And it's a relatively public form, as well."

"...can't we just write 'earth pony'?" he asks hopefully.

"Do you think officials wouldn't try to look into that?" She gestures to him. "Especially when you asked a princess to do the paperwork?"

He winces, looking down. "...then what do I do?"

"Take the form and get it notarized elsewhere. Or you can make sure she is seen as an earth pony for the pony writing it." She shrugs. "Other than that, I can't say."

'...can't she just make it a private document, or something?'

Winter's ears perk up at this, and a few other thoughts occur to him. "...not to drag this on, Princess, but Mercury brings up a good point. Couldn't you just make this a private thing? After all, Ash doesn't have any parents, and the Alpha - who is now dead - was her only guardian in this world. Keeping this private between us would not only avoid the possibility of her true species being found out, but it would also fly under the radar and keep anypony from growing suspicious. To them, all they'd know is this filly was saved from diamond dogs, and later on she was adopted, leading them to assume her parents were killed while in slavery. Only conspiracy theorists would bother digging deeper for clues, and we all know you can count the number of ponies who'd listen to them on one of Gilda's claws."

"...that is plausible." The princess nods, turning and opening a filing cabinet. "Alright, it should take you a few minutes to fill out this form, and then you can go back out to the party."

He smiles, scratching Mercury behind the ear. "Thank you, Princess."

Later on, in one of the many hallways of the castle, Honey points ahead to a maroon feather crossed with a pink one in front of a door. "There. If that isn't a sign, I don't know what is."

"...is that some sort of signal?" The white unicorn by her side scratches her head, utterly baffled. "Does that mean something for pegasi?"

The lone earth pony in the group shrugs. "Not that I know of. Different pegasi think different feather actions mean different things. I just know it means we probably found them."

"True..." Vinyl gestures towards the door. "After you?"

Honey gives a small bow, "Why thank you." She opens the door and strolls inside.

Inside, they see two ponies curled up against each other, the burgundy stallion instinctively drawing out his wing that isn't pinned over the pink pony he's holding against his chest. He relaxes upon seeing who it is, giving a small, nervous chuckle. "Don't startle me like that... I thought it was some drunk partygoer wandering in."

Honey giggles, "Well you didn't lock the door."

"...I was too lost in passion to think to do that..." Enigma laughs, pressing himself a bit more firmly against the pink mare's back. "So, uh, did Bagel make it to his duty on time?"

As Cotton tries to curl into a ball, Honey nods. "Yep, he now has the arduous task of keeping all the foals from running to their parents who want to do the same to them."

The stallion gently nuzzles the other pegasus' cheek, and the sight causes the unicorn next to Honey to raise an eyebrow. "...E, are you... trying to hide yourself?"

He stiffens up slightly, his eyes darting around the room nervously. "M-Maybe..."

Honey smirks. "Maybe not the best situation considering who's out in the hall."

"What?" He tilts his head to one side, confused. "Who's out in the hall?"

A unicorn steps into view of the doorway, readjusting the monocle on his eye. "Hello, dear boy. I see that you are busy. Should I leave you and this lovely lady alone to finish your... fun, shall we say?"

Cotton's squeak can be heard as she quickly turns into a pink ball of feathers and fur, the tips of her ears red from embarrassment.

Enigma gulps audibly, giving a small smile. "N-No, we're good. Thank you anyways, though."

"If that is what you wish." He shrugs, then, looking at everyone here, continues. "So, is this all of the members of your herd, or is someone busy elsewhere? Maybe this Bagel fellow you were talking about?"

Honey looks to the older stallion. "Things seem to be going that way. Strange how these things go so quickly."

"I have to say, I've seen stranger." He chuckles, holding out a hoof to the earth pony. "I'm Fancy Pants. It's nice to meet a new member of the family."

She giggles, giving him a polite curtsey and hoof shake. "Nice to meet the pony I've been quietly walking with for the last few minutes."

"Few minutes?" Enigma looks up at them, slowly pulling away from the mare in his embrace to sit upright. "How long were you searching for us? What time is it?"

"Late enough for the party to have mulled, early enough for dinner not to have started," she replies simply, walking over and nudging her pink and blue friend.

The burgundy stallion blinks, gently lifting the other pegasus into a sideways sitting position on his lap. He tenderly nuzzles her cheek, whispering to her. "Don't worry, princess... everything is alright..."

She peeks up at him, face still red. "Promise?"

"Promise." He smiles down at her, gently kissing her between her eyes.

"...Miss Suckle, was it?" Fancy takes a single step forward, drawing everyone else's attention. "Am I correct in assuming that he treats every one of you as lovingly as that?"

She nods. "Oh yes, ever since we met him he's been very sweet and always made us feel welcome. Vinyl's been so generous with him we sometimes feel like we need to push him back onto her."

Cotton nods at this, smiling. "She makes adorable faces when he gets lovey with her."

The unicorn in question bows her head, futilely trying to hide her glowing cheeks. "I do not..."

"I see." The older pony chuckles, shaking his head. "Then your little herd has my blessing... though I will have to meet this Bagel character before I can give my full approval."

Cotton nods. "You and us both. I still need to have some talks with him to get to know him." Her wings spread a bit, one of them covering E's head like a shelter.

Vinyl, giving a quick glance to her father, darts in and whispers to the pink pegasus. "Cotton, you're doing that thing again..."

"She must be quite protective of him." Fancy chuckles, a hoof raising up to stroke his mustache. "I dare say she's worried he'll like stallions more than mares." He winks and turns around, heading out of the room to the sound of his daughter's groan. "If you'll excuse me, I have to find the daycare this Bagel pony is at."

As Cotton blushes but poofs herself up regardless, Honey calls to the retreating stallion. "Careful, from what E's told us, half those foals can know exactly what emotions you're feeling."

"You don't say?" He pauses, tapping his chin thoughtfully. "A bit of a challenge, but one I happily accept." With those words, he departs, leaving the four of them alone in the room.

Vinyl watches for a moment before turning to the others. "...one of us should go with him to make sure he knows which one is Bagel, huh?"

Honey rolls her eyes. "I'll do it since Cotton's in momma bird mode. But I want snuggling later."

"I think that's a fair trade." She nods to the pegasi, one of whom has the other's face buried in the fur of her chest. "E's not going to be moving soon, anyways."

Cotton coos at this statement, nuzzling their stallion. Honey just shakes her head, giggling. "Adorable." With that said, she turns and leaves to head after the elder stallion.

Meanwhile, in the daycare, the twins Mystic and Serene sigh as they lay across the back of Melody. Serene lets out a sigh. "Melly, how long until we can go hang out with Mom and Dad?"

The teenage mare sighs softly herself, turning and patting the filly's head. "Just an hour and a half. They have to help out with some important ceremony near the end of the party."

Mystic completes the sigh trifecta. "So we don't get to go to any of the party? I thought since they brought us, we could be with them... I don't want to start feeling like they're on a mission again."

"I know it's not ideal, but at least you're not alone, right?" She smiles at him, gently patting his head, as well. "Plus, they gave us kids a hoofball field-sized room to play around in." She points up at the ceiling, where several pegasi flit about. "Just look at the amount of space that's available; enough that there's fillies and colts having a race!"

Sure enough, many pegasi have begun racing one another in circles. Bagel, the caretaker on duty, makes sure to keep a watchful eye on them in case anypony falls or gets dizzy. As it is, most racers are starting to drop out one by one from exhaustion and new ones are joining in; only one has been going since the race started, a green colt with teal hair that was messy long before he started flying earlier.

The twins shrug at the same time, Mystic replying. "I guess it's better than us all being cramped into Auntie Silk's place."

"Their place isn't that cramped, is it?" She looks back at them, confused, then turns her attention back to the ponies above.

The colt continues. "You were there too. There's just a lot of us."

"True..." She sighs, shrugging a bit. "Still, this is a chance to make new friends too, is it not?" Her eyes lock on to the green colt at the front of the pack, pointing up at him. "How about him? He seems fun."

Serene looks up at the colt as well. "How can you tell? He just seems fast to me."

"Look at the joy on his face. I can hear his laughter, even from down here." Melody pauses, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "...then again, he may just enjoy being competitive..."

"Yeah..." Serene scoots a bit closer to her brother, nuzzling him.

"Of course, we'll never know until we try, right?" She taps her chin, the looks to the stallion on watch, waving to catch his attention.

Bagel quickly notices and trots over, smiling brightly. "Hey, what's up?"

"That pony up there." She points in the proper direction. "The one in the front of the others. Do you know who he is? What he's like?"

Bagel looks up, blinking before speaking. "That's Phantom. I don't know anything about him except that he's definitely been making my job easier by tiring out most of the pegasus foals."

Mystic muses. "Isn't that what Mom and Dad said Ruby did with us when we were smaller?"

"I probably wasn't around when they said that." The young mare scratches the side of her head. "So, do you think we would be able to speak with him, when he's done?"

"Hey, that's up to you, not me." Bagel laughs. "But I don't think he'll be down for a while. If you want to talk to him, you should probably yell at him."

"I'd rather not yell." She smiles at the stallion, an ear twitching slightly. "But something else should work just as well." Melody looks up, her lips forming words that the others barely hear. "Phantom, is it?"

The pegasus in question suddenly stops flying, nearly causing a pileup in the air as the other racers avoid crashing into him at the last minute. After they finish giving him nasty looks, they continue on, the colt lowering himself to the ground and looking around in confusion.

"Over to your left, next to the nice stallion."

He looks around some more before seeing the small group, only glancing at Bagel as he waves and walks off. The colt - Phantom - starts trotting over, a scowl on his face. "What gives?!"

The twins tense up, the male one's fur starting to stick up slightly. "What do you mean?" The earth pony looks down at him, her expression unreadable. Her lips barely move, yet her words are as clear as a bell. "I only spoke to you. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?"

"You freaked me out! Did you see what happened up there?!" He gestures up to the still-ongoing race. "Somepony coulda gotten hurt!"

She tilts her head, bemused. "But they didn't, did they?"

"You didn't know they wouldn't have before you did it!" He stomps his hoof.

"You were a good few meters in front of them." She waves a hoof between them, as if to illustrate her point. "There was enough room for error. Anyone that didn't completely slow in time wouldn't have hurt you or themselves much." She gives him a small smile. "Kind of like running, yes?"

"Wha... no, not at all!" he snaps. "You don't have friction! You don't have your hooves to stop you! And you're travelling at top speed! Any skilled pegasus can tell you it takes at least a good five seconds to even slow down to a casual glide at the speed we were going! If even one of them didn't make the turn, at least two of us could've broken a wing at best!"

"...oh." She blinks, tilting her head to one side. "I guess I'll have to remember that, in the future."

"Yeah, good idea," he remarks coldly.

Serene speaks up quietly, her dragonfly-like wings flicking once. "Surely the adults would have prevented serious injury."

Phantom rolls his eyes. "From hitting the ground? Maybe. Not from the collision."

Mystic frowns a bit as he speaks up. "You didn't have to stop. You could have pulled to the side. You knew they were behind you."

"I froze, okay? It's not often you're flying at top speed and hear a voice so close yet quiet you think you're just daydreaming while sitting in a chair."

"That's a fair point." The mare shrugs slightly. "I apologize for startling you; I just wanted to speak with you, and I didn't want to raise my voice."

He sighs, flopping down onto his stomach. "It's fine... I was getting a little worn out anyway."

"Really?" She carefully lays herself down before him. "You don't seem that tired, to me."

He shrugs. "My wings are aching a bit."

"Is that so?" She shakes her head and pauses, watching a little leaf fall out of her mane. "...would you like to see a small trick?"

He looks up at her. "What kind of trick?"

"This kind, Phantom." Her last word is said just as the leaf nears the floor, the sound itself barely audible, but the effect quite visible. The leaf jumps up into the air, then again, as if it had been launched by two separate bursts of energy.

The colt watches the leaf with his now-wide eyes. "Whoah..."

"Interesting, isn't it?" Once more, it jumps in the air, this time with a little spin. "I've yet to find a good way to still be heard while doing this trick." Indeed, her speech appears to cut out every time that the leaf is sent flying.

He pauses. "...how do you do that thing with your voice, anyway?"

"You mean being heard while whispering?" She smiles warmly. "I just augment the sound waves as they form. It's part of my element."

"Wow..." He can only nod slowly in awe.

"Enough about me, though." She gestures to the twins, who have been quiet for a while. "Have you met these two?"

He blinks, turning to the twins. "Not until now." He waves, unaware that the leaf had landed on his head. They seem a bit more relaxed as they wave at him, Serene even giggling a little at the leaf. He looks confused before realizing, and giggling as well as he shakes it off his head.

"Boo." The leaf jumps one last time, landing back in Melody's mane. "Phantom, meet Mystic and Serene, my... cousins, shall we say?"

Mystic tilts his head to one side then the other before nodding. "Close enough."

Phantom smiles, his wings buzzing as he hovers about a foot off the ground and floats over, extending a hoof. "Hi there!"

Mystic is the one to raise his hoof and bump the other colt's. "Hi!"

He giggles. "You're Mystic, right?"

He nods, smiling now. "And you're Phantom. Neat name."

"Thanks! Don't know why my parents called me that, but I like it." He smiles. "So what do you two do for fun?"

"We hang out, read, play, do magic... just stuff." He shrugs. "Between our big sis and our other... cousins... someone always seems to have an idea."

"Huh... sounds fun!" His tail wags a bit.

Melody smiles, speaking up. "Serene can do shadow puppets."

"Ooh! Can I see?"

Serene looks to Melody a moment before smiling and nodding. She sits up, the shadows beneath them stretching and popping off bits that begin to form shapes. Phantom watches in awe, giggling quietly.

She creates a simple scene of two ponies playing. The silhouettes run around the floor and even into the flying colt's shadow, only to run out the other side. He jumps a bit, but keeps watching, grinning ear to ear. "This is cool!"

She giggles, the ponies growing wings and flying up the wall until they disappear into the shadow of a curtain. "Sorry, I didn't have a story thought up right now, so I just did something short."

"I liked it!" He smiles, giggling along with her.

She smiles back at him. "Thank you."

"Well, I can see that you are getting along well." Melody smiles, clapping her hooves together. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to talk with that… orange pegasus… with the guard armor. Over there." She walks off, leaving the three of them alone.

Bagel glances at her as she approaches and nods silently at her, smiling.

"Hello. So, uh…" She looks around, trying to find something to talk about. "...do you come to these things often?"

He tilts his head. "I don't usually go to daycare centers, no."

She smacks her forehead, groaning quietly. "I meant these Canterlot parties…"

"Oh. No, usually not." He shakes his head. "The Captain usually has Lieutenant Boots or somepony else come along to represent the guard. I'm only here because I think he was distracted when he gave permission."

"...is that why you were assigned to the daycare?"

"Nah, I volunteered to do that." He shakes his head.

"Oh. Okay, then." She looks out towards the main ballroom, tilting her head to one side. "...that sounds like a waltz." She sighs softly, her eyes closing. "I wonder if mom and mum are having fun…"

Meanwhile in the main ballroom, Octavia adjusts her bowtie, more out of habit than necessity. It never hurt to triple check such things at functions where high society potential clients may roam. Still, even that serves as an afterthought as the grey mare feels her deep purple gown swish around her as she turns, to her partner the the ball and life.

The indigo changeling looks back at her, an amused little smirk on her lips. You really shouldn't worry about that. She takes a single step forward, touching foreheads with the earth pony she cares so much for. You look perfect.

She hums, closing her eyes and leaning against the nymph. Thank you, Luster. That helps. Of course, I'd same the same about you in your lovely outfit.

She nods, glancing down at the tuxedo she's wearing with a smile. It should be. You picked it out. Her gaze turns back to Octavia. I'd feel a bit better if I could carry my pole, though.

Considering most of the attendees are trained in some way, so making sure nopony carries weapons is probably to avoid accidents, duels... weapon comparisons... She trails off in other thoughts.

Luster gives a quiet sigh, her head dipping slightly. Well, you can't say I didn't try.

Octavia moves to her side, nuzzling her. Now now, at least you can make others if you need to, or even retrieve your staff if you need to. Then everypony will be jealous.

It's one of a kind, though. She grins, bumping her side playfully. Kind of like a certain mare I know.

Oh you... She bumps her back, straightening the nymph's yellow bow tie afterward. "Shall we mingle?"

Her response is simply to gesture to the crowd.

She rolls her eyes. "Fine, but if want me to do all the talking, you have to be the arm candy."

That can be arranged. She looks around, doubt finally starting to show on her face. ...as soon as I figure out how to do that.

She chuckles and shakes her head. "What you usually do when we meet new ponies, dear."

So... smile and wave?

I also expect the occasional nuzzle, any important emotion information you get, and maybe you introducing yourself to those you like.

In that case, it'll be easy as pie. She pauses for a moment, tapping her chin thoughtfully. ...unless it's one Gel made.

She giggles, but holds a hoof to her mouth. She has gotten better over the years. Deserts just seem to be her challenge area.

Anything with heat is her challenge area, surprisingly. She shakes her head, then nods towards the crowd. So, mingle, right?

She waves a hoof through the crowd. "Would you like to choose our first interaction?"

Luster shakes her head. No, I think you should. You have a good sense for these things.

"Hmm... how about her?" Tje grey mare gestures to one that's white. Her model-like build is different to all the other ponies in attendance, though her position of being near a window by herself as she nurses a drink is not.

The nymph looks at the pony for a few moments before turning back to Octavia, confused. ...why does she look like a unicorn version of Diorite?

Hmm... think Dior had a bit of inspiration with her body? She muses in her mind.

If she did, I doubt she'd admit it.

There goes perfectly good blackmail... The cellist pouts a moment before startign to walk. But at least we can chat, right?

Probably. She follows behind her, keeping an eye on the mare. Though I personally would never try to blackmail her. Just saying.

It's not like I'd do anything bad, just amusing. She grins at the thought, a planning grin accompanied by a giggle.

The nymph stays behind her, eyes closed as she responds promptly. And she'd likely blackmail you back with stuff she's built up over the years.

She looks back with a raised eyebrow. What could she have on me? I'm fairly certain you know more of my secrets than she does.

She quietly gulps. ...she knows about fluffykins, but I swear I didn't tell her.

Octavia actually pauses midstep for a moment. ... we made sure no one ever saw.

Yet she somehow found out. She grimaces slightly. ...ease up on the emotions a bit, please?

The grey mare sighs, slowing down and nuzzling her wife. How about a different flavor?

She gently returns the affectionate gesture, though she can't help but notice something. I wouldn't mind... but what about the audience we seem to have gained?

We ignore them and proceed on our way. Erm... perhaps watch our facial expressions responding to a conversation they can't hear. She clears her throat politely to cover a small bit of pink in her cheeks.

Imagine if they could hear, though. Luster smiles playfully as they continue walking. Especially that one conversation we had a while ago...

Octavia more smirks than smiles. Half of them would gasp and turn away while they point their muzzles in the air.

I wouldn't doubt it.

Finally they arrive at their destination of the mare. Straightening her posture, the cellist walks up near the new mare, staring out the window as she is. "Anything out there striking an interest?"

"...I hear cicadas..." She continues to gaze through the glass, an ear twitching slightly. "...but there aren't any, in this town... my ears are tricking me..." She glances at the gray pony and immediately sits upright, putting on a practiced smile. "Sorry, Miss, I didn't see you there. May I help you?"

"Simply striking up a conversation with somepony else who seems... less than enthused by most of our company." The cellist keeps up her own smile, hoping it is relaxed enough.

"Oh?" She nods slightly, gesturing her closer. "Well, I'd say my own reasons are a bit more... selfish, but company is always appreciated." She blinks, looking at the changeling by the other mare's side. "...you look familiar. Have we met?"

Luster's wings snap to her sides, and she sheepishly smiles. Well... you wielded an épée at me once... Seeing no response from the tall mare, she simply shakes her head.

"Allow me to introduce us. I am Octavia," she dip her head, "and this is my wife, Luster." She gestures to the nymph.

She blinks once more, turning to look back at the earth pony halfway through her introduction. "It's nice to meet you, Miss Via, Miss Luster. You certainly have an interesting name." She giggles quietly, shaking her head as she brings a glass to her lips.

"Which one of us?" The cellist asks.

She opens her eyes, looking at the mare in confusion. "...pardon?"

Octavia tilts her head. "I asked which one of us had the strange name... are you feeling alright?"

"Oh, I'm fine, Miss Via." She waves a hoof nonchalantly. "And I was referring to yours. It's rare to find a pony with a name three letters long."

The grey mare blinks. "It isn't... my name's all one word... I didn't mention my last name, which is Philharmonica."

"So... Via Philharmonica?" She tilts her head to one side, thoughtful. "I would've pinned you as a Melody, but I suppose an eloquent name like that suits you quite well." She turns to the nymph, smiling warmly. "Did you say something, Miss Luster?"

The changeling in question pauses, wings up and pressed against each other, halted in the middle of rubbing against each other. She slowly shakes her head, wings retracting back into their covers.

"...strange... I could've sworn..." The unicorn shakes her head, turning back to Octavia. "Sorry, my mind tends to wander into flights of fancy."

"I... see..." Clearing her throat, she tries to put her smile back on. "Well, to correct one small thing, my name is Octavia, though Via might be one of the more interesting variants I've been called. Might I ask your name?" At the same time, she sends a quick thought to Luster. Are you doing something special with your wings? It certainly seems get her notice.

She quickly retracts her wings once more. Sorry, I rub them together when I get nervous...

"Oh, it's Octavia?" She thoughtfully taps her chin for a moment before nodding. "I see... that sounds much better than Via." The tall mare holds a hoof to her chest. "My name is Fleur de Lis. Charmed."

Things back on track, Octavia flicks her tail to give Luster a small stroke as she speaks. "Very nice to make your acquaintance. Enjoying the ball?"

"It's... okay." She turns back to the window, looking past her reflection to the garden beyond. "Public events like these aren't my cup of tea..."

"Ah, I understand. "I have quite a few friends who feel that way." Octavia takes another step forward, looking out the window as well.

Pink eyes watch her reflection, the unicorn nodding quietly. "I had a feeling that was the case... these kinds of parties are a bit too... what's the word I'm looking for..."

"Political instead of celebratory like they were advertised?" She offers.

"Probably." Fleur shrugs slightly, turning to look at the party over her shoulder. "Though I feel that the Princesses did mean well."

"Not quite the word you had in mind, then?"

She blinks, turning to look at Octavia in confusion. "...sorry, could you please repeat that?"

The cellist repeats herself. "I said, is political not the word you had in mind then?" Part of her wonders if the mare is distracted.

"Oh. No, I don't think it's a perfect fit, but it's better than any word I can think of, at the moment..." She laughs lightly, shaking her head. "Still, there are times when these parties do get lively..."

"I do still hear stories about the Gala nowadays." Giggling demurely, Octavia smiles. "As long as one stays out of the line of fire, I dare say those might be the better times to attend."

"I suppose that's the case." Fleur smiles, shrugging slightly. "I haven't had the chance to attend it during those times, I'm afraid." An ear twitches slightly, and she turns to the nymph, watching her as the purple changeling appears to noiselessly speak, wings rubbing against each other behind her, before nodding. "Yes, dear, I think you would enjoy those times, as well."

Blinking, Octavia once again turns to her wife before turning back to Fleur. "You read lips?"

She turns to the earth pony, eyes wide for a moment before they return to their normal half-lidded state, a sheepish smile on her lips as she nods. "Yes, that's correct. I was... wondering why she was doing that..." She looks away, her cheeks a shade darker than the rest of her face.

The grey mare thinks to Luster. I think I'm getting close to understanding what's going on here... what are your thoughts?

I think I am, too. The nymph nods once before gesturing to Octavia. I just had to be sure, so...

So... you mouthed something? I'm still wondering what that has to do with your wings. Speaking to Fleur so things don't get awkward, she comments. "Apparently my wife was testing something."

She glances back halfway through her explanation, she raises an eyebrow, speaking warily. "Testing... what, exactly?"

Octavia shakes her head. "She hasn't told me yet. But if you wouldn't mind indulging me for a moment, might I ask with whom you came tonight?"

"Oh, I came with my husband." She looks back over to the crowd of ponies, frowning softly. "I think he went off to discuss some business matters with another pony, but I'm not quite certain where..." She flinches, turning to give the silent changeling a mildly upset stare. "Could you please not whistle around me?" When the indigo nymph unpuckers her lips, she gives a grateful nod, then turns back to watch the garden.

Luster lets her wings fall to her sides, giving her wife a meaningful look.

Care to explain how you're being noisy yet silent to different ponies? The grey mare asks.

Have you heard of how certain creatures can create sounds when certain body parts rub together? She looks back at her wings, flexing one demonstratively. Some of us changelings can do the same... it's kind of like whistling, for your kind.

Okay... then why can't I hear it but she can?

If I had to say... She looks up at the tall mare's horn, thoughtful. ...she may not be able to hear it, either.

...she can feel it? Octavia tilts her head.

It's possible, if she's using a spell to enhance her sensitivity. But that begs the question... Luster looks to her wife, frowning softly. ...why is she using it?

"Hmm..." Octavia taps her hoof against the ground lightly to test. She can't hear the sound it makes, but the pattern is deliberate.

Fleur looks down, lifting a hoof before her ear twitches, turning to look at the other mare. "...what are you doing, Miss Octavia?"

"Confirming something. Do let me know if I'm prying but... is there a reason you're using a spell to enhance your senses?" She sounds genuinely curious.

She actually recoils at this, eyes wide in shock. "H-how did you..."

"We put some things together." She gestures to the changeling next to her. "We don't mind, we're just curious why."

"I..." She glances at the crowd, then sighs, shaking her head. "...I have to. I-I can't..."

Ears folding, the grey mare steps forward. "Hey... it's alright." She looks back to Luster. May I tell you about your own condition?

She gives a small nod in response.

"If it helps you be more comfortable, you are not alone in having difficulties. There is a reason I do the talking between the two of us." She points to herself and Luster.

Fleur glances from one of them to the other, brow furrowing slightly. "...is... is she deaf, or mute?"

"Mute." Octavia nuzzles the purple nymph.

"Oh, I see..." The unicorn slowly nods, though her perplexed expression still remains. "...is she..." She bites her lip, then shakes her head. "Never mind. I... I'm not mute." She nervously laughs, rubbing the back of her neck. "W-well, obviously. I'm... the other one..."

"Ah I see... that makes sense then. If you have to enhance it, that also explains why you're by yourself." She nods back to the rest of the party.

"That's... one reason, anyways."

"Is the other waiting for your husband?"

"Well... partially." She sighs, finally turning away to glare at the other guests. "There's just so many judgmental ponies out there... without Fancy, they'd simply harass me due to my... situation."

"Hmm..." The grey mare turns to her wife, speaking aloud for the benefit of the unicorn. "Would you say we do a decent job of fending them off our situation, dear?"

Noticing that Fleur had one eye watching them, Luster gives a small nod, smirking playfully.

"Think we can cover one more pony in our shroud of protection from ignorant rude strangers?" She smirks back.

When she nods once more, the unicorn blinks, staring at them in stunned silence for a moment, trying to find her voice. "Y-you... would do that?"

Turning to her, Octavia nods. "Why not? We're not exactly reveling in the middle of the room for all to see either. I think we can continue to chat if you'll indulge us. Maybe we can even track down this husband of yours."

Her jaw is agape for a moment before she smiles warmly, giving a small nod in response. "I'd like that."

Author's Note:

Thank you all for being so patient through the world-building chapters. This next one should be the start of the true "Virtue and Vice" storyline. I hope you all enjoy! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 2 )

*flails around on the floor*
Goddamn it! There's too many ponies to keep track of and so many of them are MIA right now! AAAAAAAAAARGH!!!

Don't worry. We're in the process of setting up a couple TVTropes pages for this story. :derpytongue2:

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