• Published 2nd Apr 2014
  • 738 Views, 54 Comments

Virtue and Vice: Equestria - enigmaMystere

Based (loosely) on the JLA/JSA storyline of the same name, this recounts what happens before and during the most troublesome time in the history of Equestria's specialized taskforces.

  • ...

Stealthy Shades #38

On the top floor, the feminine pegasus finishes up his plan. Having gotten the majority of the mares to calm down and listen, he is significantly more comfortable around them, though he doesn't come down off the bed canopy.

"...and that's the gist of how we'll get you mares out of here." Enigma chuckles as he looks to the pink pony by his side, gesturing with a hoof. "Any questions, Miss?"

She wears a small frown, one eyebrow raised as she stares at him. “You want us to escape… in your bag, which is apparently a pocket dimension with no gravity. So, we will literally be floating in the middle of nowhere until you let us out?”

"Hey, half of you are pegasi." He pokes at the air. "You could use your wings to get yourself and others out... or even use one of the rope ladders, if that appeals to you more. Besides, it's not completely 'nowhere'. I have a bunch of stuff in there that can entertain, even without gravity, and you can bring things with you, too..." He blinks before sheepishly smiling. "Though... I'd appreciate if you don't open the black journal in there..."

“I doubt we’d find it.” She looks down to the others. “What do you girls think?”

While most of the pegasi seem ok, the unicorns and earth ponies seem much more skeptical as a few of them voice their opinions.

“I dunno, just floating around? Not knowing where up or down is?” An earth pony shudders.

“Wouldn’t we go crazy like that? Maybe if I shut my eyes and try to not think about it…”

The stallion sighs, his head dropping to the beam once more. "If you really want, I'll see about somehow getting gravity in there." He jumps down off the canopy and to his bag, opening it up and poking his head in. "Maybe Pinkie installed some kind of switch..." He squirms his way inside, his tail soon disappearing into the bag one-eighth his size.

Another mare in the crowd muses out loud. “Huh, guess it is bigger on the inside…”

One mare from earlier pouts. “He never answered me about helping with my heat next week…”

Cotton rolls her eyes. “Come on now girls, surely being here hasn’t reduced you to only thinking with your back-halves.” A few tails flick irritatedly, but most of their heads nod reluctantly.

"I agree with Cotton. To answer your question, Miss, uh... soon-to-be-in-heat," the androgynous voice replies, filtering out from the bag's opening, "I regret to inform you that I'm currently in a relationship... though she might have a thing for that. I don't dare ask for fear of what she might do."

“I understand…” Her reply is sullen but accepting as many of the mares let out similar tones of disappointment.

"I did say there's a chance. Just... don't tell her I said that." A pillow comes sailing out of the bag, smacking the unicorn on the bed in the back of her head. "...I heard that hit something. What did it hit?"

“Me.” The older mare tosses the pillow back up with a bit of magic. “Kindly keep your shenanigans to yourself. We’ve already said we’ll have no part in them.”

"Sorry, just grabbed one of the pillows from this pile to test the gravity with... at least it wasn't this blue shell, here, right?" He nervously chuckles. "As it turns out, there was a switch - right between the books and the records. So... watch where you step, I guess." His head pokes out of the opening. "That being said, it's one-sixth the pull of normal gravity. That's not a deal-breaker, is it?"

One of the earth ponies shakes her head and replies. “No, I don’t mind feeling lighter and jumping high, just as long as I know there’s ground.” Sounds of agreement come from the rest of the mob of mares.

"Good to know." He turns his attention to Cotton. "Could you help me get everything sorted, Miss? I have a few things that should probably be put away, before you girls come in..." He disappears back inside.

“Oh, umm, sure.” She raises the lip of the bag hesitantly before taking a deep breath and slipping inside.

Yet another mare down below huffs. “Why does she get alone time with him…” A lasso comes from the bag and catches the mare in question, pulling her inside.

Enigma watches as she drops onto one of the beds, an eyebrow quirked. "Now it's not alone time, and you're gonna help us organize this place." He gestures to what can only be described as hills of different items with beds scattered among them. "Happy?"

She nods, slightly dazed as she tries to wiggle out of the rope. “Can I get another look at that flank for motivation?” Her eyelashes flutter at him as she shifts into a pose on the bed, the rop still around her middle.

The burgundy pony stares at her blankly for a second. "I'm betting you want to see something else..." He sighs, turning and shifting a few items around. "Where did that thing go to..." He tosses a sink off to the side, landing somewhere among the flags. "I know it's rude, but... I never did get your name, Miss." He glances at her, pausing in his search.

“Honeysuckle.” Her eyes are glued to his tail area, her own swishing. “Glad to meet you…”

“Honey…” Cotton says warningly, “he said he’s taken. Is this really what I’d be like if I wasn’t the newest one here?”

“Hey!” Honey huffs. “Excuse me for dreaming optimistically for the first time since I got here. Mister Engima is literally a dangling bait in front of us after having given us the promise of escape. If I want to get a good mental picture so I can at least fantasize later, I will.”

Taken aback by the mare’s aggression, Cotton backs down. “Okay, I see your point…”

"Guess it can't be helped." There's a flash, and the stallion holds up a hoof, now clad in silver metal. He turns to the light yellow mare, a red plume of energy escaping from his hoof before turning into a short blade. "Hold still, please."

Honey’s pupils shrink to pinpricks as she seems to shrink in on herself. She covers her eyes with her hooves. There's a swift breeze, and she feels the rope around her slacken. She peeks, seeing the rope around her now cut. “Oh…”

"There we go." The dagger vanishes, and he holds the hoof out to her. "You really didn't need to be scared, Miss Suckle. Just helping you out, there."

She blushes lightly, taking his hoof in her own. “You sure are…”

He blinks, looking at her curiously as he helps her up. "You... have beautiful green eyes." He shakes himself, gesturing to the piles around them. "So, yeah, cleaning. Think you can help?"

“Yeah, sure…” Before he can react, she darts forward and gives him a nuzzle before jumping off the bed and heading towards the pile Cotton is working on. For her part, the pink pegasus doesn’t seem to know how to react and simply shakes her head, getting to work.

The stallion blinks, watching her go before a thought occurs. He chuckles slightly, heading over to the two of them. "You know, I think we only need to organize three of these piles. It should be more than enough room..." He taps his chin, a playful smirk on his lips. "And hey... maybe we can make a game out of this."

Both mares look to him curiously. “Go on.”

"We each take a pile and see who can finish first." He grins, tapping the book filled one he's on. "The first one to finish can request anything of the last one. Within reason, that is." He nods to them. "What do you think?"

“Deal!” Honey immediately dives into her pile, hooves a blur as she works.

Cotton shrugs, but smiles nonetheless as she gets to work on her own. “Better watch yourself Mister Enigma.”

He sits down on his stack, casually picking up a book with his hooves. "I'm not worried."

This should be the right floor. Gel alights on the top step, glancing back at her friends. So we just go in and grab the guy, right? Doesn’t really seem that difficult.

Octavia comments as she works her way up the stairs. It really shouldn’t be, but some of these guys are hardier than most, so it pays to be prepared in case of trouble.

Like guards that come in if they hear a struggle. Atom finishes.

Speaking of guards… The nymph frowns, looking at the map in her mind. We may have a couple just outside our target… and one more patrolling the halls. She looks to the stallion, eyebrow quirked. Think you can handle the roamer, if it comes to that?

He nods, flaring his wings once. Easy. He won’t know what hit him.

Good. She sighs, rubbing the back of her head. Times like these, I wish I knew Luster’s soundproofing spell…

It certainly does come in useful for many things… The cellist muses as they walk. Still, we’ve worked without it before and we probably will again. Just another day of making the world safer.

True... Gel stops, staring at the guards before her. She watches them intently for several seconds before nodding to herself. Got it. Octavia, you go for the one on the right. I'll get the one on the left. She holds up a hoof. Do not strike until I do. They're both jumpy, and we don't want to raise any alarms.

Understood. The cellist quietly moves into the shadows.

Gel sneaks off to one side and checks the map, waiting until the roaming guard is far enough away to make her move. She closes her eyes and brings up her wings, rubbing them together.

Crik crik.

The guard on the left turns to the side, frowning softly. "The fuck is that?"

"Just a cricket." The older of the two yawns, shaking his head. "Must've snuck in earlier, or something."

The first growls, walking away from his post. "Hate bugs... let one in, and the whole of the food stores go bad in a few days..."

He walks off into the shadows, his eyes slowly adjusting to the low light. "Come here, little bug..."

A midnight-black paw lashes out of the darkness, striking his throat. Step one: paralyze vocal chords. The guard stumbles backwards, gurgling a moment before a sharp blow connects with his side, a sharp snap coming from the point of contact. Preference for left side in gait suggests injured rib cage; fracture ribs. The griffon gasps before he crumples to the ground.

Gel steps out of the shadows, looking upon the unconscious form. Youth suggests inexperience with being a guard. Pain from the injury should be enough to keep him out for an hour or so. She lays the mace she used upon his side, glancing at the armor right next to her. No one calls me a bug. Nodding to herself, she makes her way back to the bed chamber doors.

The older bird looks to where his subordinate had wandered off. “Hey Junior, you find that bug yet?” Unfortunately, as he looks to the side, he has no way of noticing the reinforced cello bow swiftly slid in front of his neck and pulled back harshly. As he is dragged back, his struggles swiftly become weaker until he simply flops onto the floor.

A small muffled ‘thunk’ comes out of the spot before Octavia herself does. There we go, gave him an extra knock to make sure he stays out.

Atom flies over from where he had waited down the hall. You girls just get all the fun, don’t you?

Before either can respond, steps can be heard coming down the hall. Gel glances back and jerks her head towards the sound, smirking coyly. All yours, Atom.

He grins, dark wings spreading as he silently rises. He is back within a minute, looking much more content. Ok, I’m good now.

Great. The nymph turns and faces the double doors, quirking an eyebrow at the symbol etched on it. ...that can't seriously be his family seal, can it?

The seal is two crossed feathers, one brown, one white, over a book. A few vines crawl around the edge of the circle.

Octavia holds in a giggle. Looks more like something Princess Twilight would have as a seal to me.

Precisely why I was confused. Gel steps forward, resting a hoof on the door. Once we get in, we grab him and get out. Everyone ready?

Atom holds up his hoof. Wait, how are we going to do this? Subdue him, I mean. We have a number of options, but it’s best we’re on the same page.

The navy changeling blinks, thinking about this a moment. I... hadn't considered that. She looks to the stallion, then the mare, curious. What would you two suggest?

Well… She looks through her various equipment. Let’s see… bombs, no, boomerang, no, cello bow? Well, a good knock to the noggin can work, but then again, particularly thick skulled individuals require more strikes. She rattles a bag of marbles. Perhaps I should see about some kind of sleeping gas pellet for next mission… Shaking her head, she looks up at the nymph. Really, all I’ve got is cranial trauma and cutting off his air supply.

Atom just shrugs. Yeah, between those two is mainly what I was referring, since I’m not sure any of us have anything other than that. I mean, I’ve got a sword and wings, not too many options. I don’t suppose you can turn yourself into something that produces chloroform fumes out of their hooves or something crazy like that?

She stares blankly at him. Whatever I change into requires some basis in reality, Atom. I'm fairly certain the only thing that comes close is a cockatrice, but I can't copy their ability.

He holds up his hooves. Hey, it was worth a shot. I’ve said crazy things before and you changelings were perfectly capable of doing it.

She can only blink. ...you've asked me to change into a khajiit, but that was only once. She furrows her brow. What, exactly, did you have Luster turn into? And why haven't I heard about those in the debriefings?

Octavia quickly mentally clears her throat awkwardly. Let’s just move on from things not exactly pertaining to this mission shall we? So, do we beat him or strangle him? I assume either way, Atom gets to carry him afterwards.

Gel sighs, rubbing the back of her neck. We try air deprivation, first. It's less likely to draw attention, and only needs one time to work. She nods to herself. Two of us pin him down while the last does the job. Sound good?

The two ponies nod. The nymph takes a deep, calming breath, and pushes the doors open. The three of them step inside and let the door shut behind them.

The room is rather dark; the lights on the walls glow faintly, as if they were recently turned off. The room is lavish, from what can be seen, tapestries and assorted weaponry hanging from the walls. On the plush, king-sized bed lays a single form, hidden by the thick covers.

Gel perks her ear, listening carefully. All she can pick up, however, is a soft, even breathing. I think he's asleep... Sighing softly, she turns to Atom and nods. You can do this.

He nods, not even speaking mentally anymore as he quietly pads forward, eyes focused on the target.

As he nears the bed, Gel checks the map, wary of any guards that might approach. Her eyes fall upon where the bed would be and pause, something catching her attention. ...odd...

Octavia looks to her. What’s odd?

The file said the Baron's four and a half feet tall... She frowns, looking at the room's scale on the map, compared to the sleeping form. The guy sleeping here is at least five feet tall...

Maybe the chalice increased his height? Atom offers as he gets right next to the bed.

The nymph scoffs, shaking her head. Somehow, I highly doubt that... She trails off as she realizes something. Her ear flicks slightly, and she turns to the mare. Do... do you hear that?

Hear what? You’ll have to be specific. Octavia’s ears flick nonetheless.

That's the thing. She looks around, concerned. I don't hear anything. Anything, Tavi.

That quickly changes, as the sound of rustling cloth suddenly reaches their ears, the covers on the bed flying off and a heavy weapon passing within inches of Atom’s muzzle. The form on the bed leaps up. “Who are you and what is your business here?”

Instead of responding, the former guard tackles the griffon off the bed, using his full body weight to crash into him. He hopes to hold him long enough for his teammates to finish this quickly.

The griffon drops his mace, using his talons to try and pry the pony off of him. “This really doesn’t answer my question, you know!”

Gel leaps forward, forcefully turning his head to face her. "Answer one of ours, first. Where is the Baron?"

“Somewhere in the castle, probably? I don’t know!”

"That's not very helpful." The nymph frowns, letting go of his head. "Answer me this, then. Why are you in his bed, instead of him?"

The griffon grumbles. “Baron had a feeling he was gonna be attacked, so he sent me to pose as him and capture anyone who came in to attack ‘him’.” He looks around. “...something tells me I wouldn’t have been very successful with this many of you.”

“Certainly not.” Octavia draws her bow and stows the mace on her belt. “But are you sure there isn’t more you can tell us?” She slowly walks toward him, swishing her bow meaningfully.

“Aside from the fact that your friend here is crushing my ribcage? Nothing I’m particularly inclined to mention at the moment.” He tries to push Atom off again with no success. “Mind asking him to ease up?”

Gel looks to the stallion and nods. "He's not our target. Let him stand, but don't let him go anywhere." She turns to the mare, smirking slightly. "You'll avoid vital organs, right?"

“Whoah whoah whoah, can’t we talk about this?” The guard glances around as if looking for his weapon.

Gel raises an eyebrow at him. "If you want to avoid injury, then tell us what we want to know."

“Testicles aren’t vital if I recall correctly…” The cellist’s smirk goes from devious to downright malicious.

Okay!” The guard covers his groin with a talon. “What did you want to know?!”

Atom asks the first question. “Are you sure you don’t want to change your answer on where the baron is?”

The griffon grumbles to himself for a moment before replying. “I still don’t know exactly, and even if I did, I wouldn’t be allowed to tell you.” He glances at Octavia. “...so if anyone asks, you didn’t hear it from me that he’s probably on the fifth or sixth floor.”

There's a beep and the doors to the room light up, a circle forming between the two of them. The light dies down but the symbol stays, etched into the black metal.

Gel stares at it a moment, confused. "...what the fuck?" She walks over to it, grabbing one of the handles and tugging on it. The door doesn't budge.

Octavia growls. “Atom, hold him.” As the pegasus once again grips with rib-crushing strength, she walks over narrowing her eyes. “I don’t like being tricked…” Looking at her bow, she puts it back in it’s strap before drawing the mace. She hefts it a few times to gauge the weight before setting her eyes south on him.

“I swear I have no idea why that happened!” the guard practically shrieks, trying to squirm away. “Let me go! I-I’ll find a way out of here or something!”

"He's telling the truth." The nymph traces the symbol in the center. "This is a bit too complicated, for a griffon like him. He's covered in fear, and no malice..." She turns to them. "And why trap himself inside here with us, especially after seeing how violent Tavi can be?"

“Loyal to a fault comes to mind,” Atom mutters. “Fear can be based on his employer too.” He looks to the griffon’s face. “Do you actually have any idea as to how you would get us out of here?”

He squirms again. “I-It must’ve been voice activated! I need to say something else, probably?”

“It’s a start…” Tavi plays with the mace more. “But in case you haven’t noticed, we have a changeling. That comes with voice mimicry too. A little more if you please.”

She stares blankly at the mare. "I'm not a toy, you know."

Octavia turns to her simply. “Dear, I’m interrogating, please don’t interrupt.”

“H-He probably made it something he thought only he would know...though I’ve overheard him talking a lot, so maybe I can remember something...” He struggles again. “I think better when I’m standing upright, you know!”

"It's a start." Gel moves over to a nightstand, pulling open a drawer. "Does he have a journal, or a diary? Or maybe something he mentioned with a distant gaze?"

“He doesn’t keep a journal, no...let me think...” He grumbles and rubs his head. “What was it...Satin Sequin?”

They look at the door, but nothing happens. Atom squeezes tighter for a moment. “Try again.”

“C-Cotton Blanket?” Still nothing.

The cellist raises an eyebrow. “Are you guessing?”

“No! I know it’s something like that! Uh...Silk Tease?!” Much to no one's surprise, that wasn't it.

"That's my friend's wife." Gel steps closer, eyes narrowed dangerously. "What, are you guessing pony names? If you don't take this seriously, I'll put you in a coffin. I'll make sure it has velvet along it, because I'm thoughtful like that." Gel growls, the air above her rippling a bit. "But if you say one of my friend's names again, I'll make sure you just take a dirt nap six feet under. Got it?"

He swallows nervously. “V-Velvet...uh...” His eyes widen. “Velvet...Lining?”

There's a click, and the doors creak open. Gel huffs, poking his chest. "You're lucky."

He nods rapidly, looking only slightly relieved. “I know...please don’t let the gray one near me...”

"Okay." Gel grabs the mace in her magic and smacks the griffon over the head with it. She turns and pulls open the door as he crumples to the floor, out cold. "Let's find the Baron and get out of here."

“Agreed.” Octavia flicks her tail and follows. Atom does the same after stowing the body in the sheets and pulling the covers back over him.

"Looks like you win, Miss Cotton." Enigma chuckles before turning to look at the tired, yellow mare. "Probably should've warned you about that fridge. Sorry, Miss Suckle."

Panting on the floor, but not for the reason she wanted, the earth pony sighs, laying her head back. “I think you cheated…”

"Cheated?" He puts the last book in place. "I finished last. How could that be cheating?"

“You… rigged it… meanie…” She pouts, but can only hold it for a moment before she goes back to breathing deeply.

"I had no idea you would choose that specific pile." He shrugs slightly. "At least you didn't choose the one with the carriage. Now," the stallion turns to the other pegasus, bowing respectfully, "what would you request of me, Miss Cotton?"

“Hmm…” She puts her hoof to her chin in thought before a devious smile crosses her face “Rut Honey senseless?”

The mare in question sits straight up, all fatigue gone.

Enigma, meanwhile, just blinks dumbly at this. "I did say within reason; I vowed that I'd save my first time for Vinyl..."

“Aww… that’s so sweet…” The yellow mare coos.

“I’m glad you feel that way, Honey, because I was joking.” Cotton grins at the two of them.

Honey’s jaw drops before she pouts hard, crossing her arms. “Meanies, both of you.”

"...though..." He gains a devious smirk of his own. "We already explored each other one way..." He chuckles and sticks his tongue out at them.

The earth pony gasps. “Naughty stallion!” Her astonished face doesn’t last long though as she dissolves into giggles while Cotton does the same.

"Which means..." He walks over to one of the beds, hooking up a rope to it. "That first time has already been had." He drags the bed behind him to the area they just cleared out.

Cotton’s giggles slowly fade as her eyes widen. Meanwhile, Honey hasn’t noticed, still giggling and blushing at the mental images from the stallion’s previous implications.

"So, if you'll stop laughing," he looks pointedly at the earth pony, "I might consider doing that for the two of you. Might."

Both of them shut up immediately out of shock. Honey’s blush goes full red as she stutters. “B-but…. the Baron never did anything like that… he only made us do it to him…” Still, she can’t deny that her tail is swishing excitedly. Even Cotton’s raises a bit at the thought.

He approaches the two of them, smiling warmly. "Then he's even more of a jerk than I thought." He nuzzles Cotton's cheek, then Honey's, passing by as he heads over to another bed. "Now, I am not free to rut you, so I'll give you another chance to name what you'd like, Cotton." He looks back at her expectantly as he finishes hooking up to the next bed.

Getting more and more flustered by his actions, the pink pegasus finds herself at a loss. “I… I umm… well, that is… I…” She simply stands there, blinking when the sound of chuckling reaches her.

"I'm just teasing, Miss Cotton." He drags the bed over, not visibly straining in the least. "I just enjoy seeing your blushes. They're... cute."

She continues blushing as she titters. “You are terrible, you know that?”

Honey, realizing she probably will just keep getting yanked around, lays herself down on her stomach, tail swishing back and forth as she watches E pull. “Strong…”

"Thanks." He chuckles, getting the bed in place. "Why the long face, Miss Suckle? I wasn't lying, if that's the problem." He shrugs slightly. "If she wants me to do that for either or both of you, I will. I honor my deals... it's also why I rarely bet, but I digress."

Giggling to herself, Honey responds. “Well, I think I’ll just expect it not to happen so if it does I’ll be pleasantly surprised… but what if she wants you to do it for all of us?” She winks.

He stares blankly for a moment before looking around. "I dunno if I could handle that... maybe if I still have those stamina potions..."

She only giggles more. “Silly stallion… I won’t force you into anything. But umm…” she blushes lightly, “maybe you could join the girls and I for a cuddle session on the way home? I’m fairly certain they’ll behave themselves once they get less focused on you and more on being free.”

He smiles warmly, approaching the yellow mare. "I'd like that." He ducks his head under her and lifts her onto his back, carrying her to a bed. "And I'm glad you won't make me pleasure all of you... though I feel like I should express my thanks for your help, somehow." He lowers her onto it and, a split second later, he's where Cotton is, the pegasus on his back. "Though I don't want to be smothered by all of you during the cuddle, so could I extend that invite to a few friends of mine?"

Cotton inquires. “Are these some more stallions that are helping you?”

"Just two of the other three." He puts her on the bed with Honey. "The last guy's married, and his wife's on the team. Might not be liked by her anymore if I invited him."

“I can understand that.” She nods. “I think the girls can go for that.”

“Fair warning though,” Honey adds, rolling a little on the soft bed, “they might act a bit like when they met you at first, but at least they’ll be split between you and two others.”

"Yep." He places a hoof on the belly of each mare, smiling playfully. "You sure you can't think of anything, Miss Cotton?" His hooves move in small circles, rubbing the fur of each gingerly.

As Honey coos, Cotton can only giggle quietly. “What I really want is to see where you are going with this.” She looks at him, her eyes half-closed in comfort.

"So you're asking me to continue this?" He chuckles, his hooves moving a bit further down, playing with the belly fur on each. "Is that right, Miss Cotton?"

The two mares squeak simultaneously as the pegasus nods. The stallion smiles warmly and removes his hooves, leaning forward and tenderly trailing kisses along the chest and belly of each. "Well then..." He kisses the area just above the mounds of the pink mare. "Who do I..." He moves and does the same to the yellow pony. "Tend to first?"

Looking over at her friend, Cotton nods to her. “Do Honey, she’s been without a... gentle touch longer than I have.”

Enigma smiles and moves up the earth pony's form, looking to the other pegasus. "As you wish..." He focuses on the mare below, surprising her with a quick, gentle kiss. His hoof sneaks down between them as he looks at her questioningly. "May I, Miss Suckle?"

She nods rapidly, her blush ever present now as she stares at him. “Please do…”

He lowers himself as he kisses along her jawline, teasingly brushing himself against her belly before going lower. He pulls his body back before he gets too lost in his own actions, pausing as he reaches her belly. His crimson eyes look into her blue, giving her one more chance to back out, just in case.

She nods again, slower this time, even as her breathing quickens. Then she feels his lips pressing against her belly...


“Ahhh!” She squeals, flailing about and laughing uncontrollably as he gives her a raspberry. Cotton can only watch in shock before he suddenly switches and does the same to her, causing much the same reaction.

Immediately after he stops, the two mares sit up and start playfully beating him with their hooves. “Meanie! Meanie! Meanie!” All of them laugh the whole time.

"Hey, I just did what Cotton said! Oh," he turns to her, smiling coyly, "speaking of, something to make it even." He gives her a chaste kiss and pulls away, laughing brightly. "Gotta say, you both have soft lips."

They both giggle, batting their eyelashes at him while Cotton speaks. “Careful, Mister Enigma, keep treating us nice and you’ll never be rid of us.”

"Why would I want to? I find myself enjoying the time I spend with you two." He glances up at the closed opening, grimacing slightly. "...just you two. At least, so far... I'm glad this place is soundproofed, right now. Anyways!" He claps his hooves together. "Maybe we can meet outside of this mission? I'm sure Vinyl would love to meet you girls."

“Oh of course,” Honey smiles winningly. “We have some things we want to discuss with her as well.”

"Oh?" He glances at the beds scattered around them, half-listening. "Such as?"

“Oh, a number of things.” She waves him off. “But, right now, you have to go about rescuing us, don’t you? Can’t sit here in a bag chatting with us all day.”

"Nope. One sec." He turns into a blur as he gathers the beds and bring them to the center, scattering pillows among them. He pauses before them and nods, flying up to the entrance. "Beware falling mares. I'll leave the flap open so you know when it's safe to come out, okay?"

Cotton smiles and nods at him. “Got it, Mister Enigma!”

He pops out of the bag, shaking himself a bit before looking to the room at large, smiling warmly. "You can go in. There's a bunch of pillows and mattresses to cushion your landing."

The crowd of mares, having lost most of their interest in a bag that made no noise anymore, have spread throughout the room once more doing any number of things. At the stallion’s reappearance though, they all snap to attention, instantly stampeding over to him and almost bouncing in place.

He jumps, still not used to that. "L-later, ladies. First, we need to get you out of here." He opens the flap, nodding toward the opening. "Besides, I have a couple friends who might join in. Both stallions, before you ask."

Every single one of them squeals as they start to slip into the bag, chattering excitedly among themselves while the room becomes less and less crowded.

Enigma looks to the unicorn, an eyebrow raised. "You sure you don't want to come? No telling if the guards will come once the Baron's out of the picture. And I can tell you from a glance that they've been pent up for a while..."

She flares her horn once at him. “Don’t worry about us, you actually have given us an opportunity. Even if we don’t pick the same option the others did, you still changed more for us than you know.” She smiles. “We’ll be sticking together, it’s safer that way, and we’ll be able to get what we want.”

He stares blankly at her. "...are you a gold digger?"

She stares right back, defiantly. “No. I enjoy a certain lifestyle and this was able to provide that. Now that it will no longer, I am making my own arrangements.”

"In other words, you're a gold digger. Got it." He grabs his saddlebags and slips them on, calling in once it's secure. "Do you have anything you’d like me to throw down for you? Nothing's shifting around in there, right?"

“No! We’re good! We’ve got everything we need!” Cotton’s voice calls out over the muffled sounds of what seems like a pillow fight.

"Good! Don't want anyone getting motion sick in there!" He turns and bows theatrically to the unicorn. "Well, Miss Digger, I suppose we'll be off, now. Give my regards to the guards who deign to plow your field."

She sniffs, turning away from him haughtily. “Go get gelded and finish turning into a mare.”

"Nah, been a mare once. Didn't like it, and preferred my old self." He grins at her and turns to leave. "Besides, I thought you liked the kitties?"

“Just leave before I lose my temper.” Huffing, she curls up in the bed with the others who decided to stay.

“Whatever you say, Miss… whatever your name is.” He flicks his tail and picks up his bowling ball, considering putting it into his bag for a moment. With a shrug, he tucks it under his wing. “Good luck with whatever hair-brained scheme you came up with.”

Suddenly, a door on the opposite side of the room opens, a silhouette of feathers and beak framed within. The burgundy pegasus stops mid-stride, staring at this newcomer in trepidation. His eyes narrow almost imperceptibly at the familiar face, taking a step back in caution. This guy… he’s…

The mare in the bed with the others speaks quietly. “Baron Fletch Wing…”