• Published 2nd Apr 2014
  • 738 Views, 54 Comments

Virtue and Vice: Equestria - enigmaMystere

Based (loosely) on the JLA/JSA storyline of the same name, this recounts what happens before and during the most troublesome time in the history of Equestria's specialized taskforces.

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Stealthy Shades #35

As the stars continue to twinkle in the dark night sky, a pegasus with a coat to match it snoozes away peacefully. Curled as he lay on his stomach, the pegasus known as Atomic Vortex can be seen in one of the rare times he doesn’t have his vest or shades on. He simply sleeps, wings half extended and covering himself as his chest expands rhythmically.

The soft sound of fabric moving underhoof can be heard mere seconds before the flap to his section of the tent opens, a head poking inside. Violet eyes fall upon the sleeping form, and matching lips curl into a soft smile. The nymph steps in with a few items behind her, letting the divider close by itself, and gently prods the stallion’s side with a hoof.

The ‘not quite so gentle as she thinks’ prodding quickly raises the stallion from the dream world as he shifts away from the offending appendage. Years of being in the guard kicking in to wake him up in a timely manner, his eyes flick open, looking at the nymph in here with him. He groans once before speaking. “What is it, Luster?”

She offers him the items she brought, a couple apples and a water bottle, before responding - or, attempting to respond. All that comes through is a gentle pressure in the stallion’s mind, clearly more so than the earlier poke.

Feeling the familiar sign that the mute changeling wishes to speak, he mentally pushes back against the pressure, accepting the link.

Thank you. She places the fruit and the bottle on the bed before him. I know how you get when I wake you up early, so I brought a peace offering. She smirks playfully, patting him on the head. We do need to get going, though, and soon.

Rising to his hooves, the stallion stretches, thinking as he does so. Thanks for the sustenance. Guess I’ll be taking it in on the wing then? He shakes his head as he finishes stretching, picking up the vest on the floor and slipping it on.

Most likely. She picks up his shades, putting them on before exiting the section. I’d have given you a banana or orange juice, as well, but someone seemed to have hid them.

Tucking his provisions in various pockets, he enters the main area of the tent. Probably Volt, or E now that I recall his appetite. We all know what Rhino hordes, and it’s not bananas or orange juice.

Between you and me, he has a specific source of that substance. The nymph chuckles, shaking her head. Anyways, if someone had eaten the bananas, there’d be peels everywhere… unless they hid them. She wrinkles her nose, trying not to think too much on that.

He scrunches his own muzzle. Bleh, visions of rotten bananas… After stowing his food, he spots her looking at him from across the room. You know, green really isn’t your color.

Oh? She smirks at him as her form slowly ripples; tiny hexagonal pieces, shiny as metal, appear to flip like coins from her hooves to her head, indigo chitin being replaced by midnight fur as it goes. She holds up a hoof, inspecting that part of her still-feminine form before responding. How about now?

Atom grins at what, for all intents and purposes, appears to be a female him. Damn, I look good as a mare. I suppose you deserve to wear the shades for that.

Thanks. She rolls her eyes as she moves towards the exit. Don’t expect to be banging yourself anytime soon, though.

Of course not. He follows her out, tossing a glance backwards as they exit. Wonder where Ruby ended up sleeping…

As they step out, they almost run into the pony in question, walking back from a tree nearby. “Atom? Aunt Luster?” The pink filly standing before them stares, confused. “Where are you two going?” She glances at the pegasus before leaning in close to the nymph, whispering into her ear.

Luster turns to the teen, an eyebrow quirked in bemusement. No, and I hope you don’t ever think of saying that to anyone ever again. She gestures to the treeline. We’re scouting ahead to check out the castle. I want to be able to form a good floorplan of the place when we’re planning, later.

Atom raises an eyebrow at the filly. Out hunting for more griffons to take out, you little assassin?

She looks at him, her cheeks puffed out indignantly. No. Her gaze falls to her hooves, her cheeks turning a brighter pink. I had too much milk…

He chuckles, shaking his head. I’m fairly certain your father would tell you there’s no such thing.

Maybe… She looks into the tent, curious. So… is your sleeping area empty, now, Atom?

The pegasus nods. Yeah, all yours if you want it.

“Yay!” She jumps up and hugs him, nuzzling his cheek before dashing inside, zipping the entrance closed.

Luster stares blankly at where the entrance was, glancing up at the stallion in concern. We’ll be able to find it again, right?

He looks around the area, trying to find something noticeable to offset the magically camouflaged tent. I think so… if nothing else you can sense their emotions through the tent, right?

Well, yes, but with the magic compressing the size of the tent… it’s kind of difficult. She sighs, shaking her head as she nods towards the forest. It’s best if we head off, now, and worry about that, later. We need that info.

Good point. I wanted to start on breakfast anyway. He pulls out an apple, taking a bite. So, hoof or wing first?

I’ll say wing. She starts to flap her borrowed wings, steadily rising into the air. That way we can get an idea of the landscape, find the highest point to observe from, and you can eat with your hooves. She smirks, raising the green shades to wink at him. Win-win, right?

He smiles back, flaring his own wings and quickly rising. Wins all around, plus I get to fly with myself. Should prove an interesting experience.

Truth be told, I’m not that strong a flyer. They soon break free of the canopy, making their way to the castle under the cover of night. So, what’s this place called, again? I wasn’t paying attention during that part…

Depending on what you mean… He muses as they blend in perfectly with the night sky, We’re in the Griffon Kingdom, Hookbeak region, and… I’m not sure if the forest has a name. About what I expected the place to be called if I’m honest.

She turns to him, an eyebrow raised, before turning back to her flying a second later. I meant the castle.

Oh… well you didn’t say. He finishes his first apple and flaps harder a few times to come up alongside her. Hmm… the castle… it was something grandiose and eye-rolling… ah yes, I remember. The Eternal Keep. Gave the castle an ego to reflect his own it seems.

She stares at him blankly, nearly stopping in the air from the sheer incredulity. The Eternal Keep? Seriously? What, did the guy’s kid name it?

Atom shrugs, or at least as much as one can shrug while flying and biting an apple. Don’t look at me, I didn’t name it. There’s probably some ‘stood the test of time’ thing to go with the name, but honestly I’m with you. Sounds to me like it belongs in a game.

It’d probably be cooler if it was in a game, too. She chuckles, quieting down as she holds up a hoof. I think we’re close.

Sure enough, as they continue flying, a dark silhouette becomes apparent in front of them. In sharp contrast to the rolling hills and forests around them, the large structure jutts upward, as if defying them all with its presence. A large wall encompases the area, forming an outline within which reside a number of smaller buildings and a castle in the center. The moonlight glints off various surfaces as small lighted shapes betray the presence of windows in the building the manages to look both archaic and modern.

Luster, thinking quickly, flies up and grabs a piece of cloud big enough for both of them from the thunderhead above, bringing it down to the pegasus. She promptly sits down on it, observing the stronghold below. If we stay up here, we should be fine… besides, something just seems… off about that place…

Alighting next to her, Atom looks at her curiously. “What do you mean, off?”

She shoves a hoof into the pegasus’s mouth, silencing him. No talking. She leans forward and lets her hoof fall from his lips, eyes narrowed at the dark silhouette. It’s just that the castle’s metal seems… polarized. I don’t know why, but there’s a magnetic field around the whole place…

His own eyes narrow too, but partially in confusion. That’s… different. I’m not even sure how you would do that to something this scale, or why you would want to. Maybe Volt will have an answer.

Let's hope so... The disguised nymph turns to him, frowning in concern. With the interference, I might not be able to tell what the layout further inside is like... Her eyes glimmer for a moment, the solid violet of her true eyes showing through. All I can guarantee is three to four meters in, without getting closer.

Well, considering all we’ll get from here is wall and about half of an outside hallway… He looks to her searchingly. How much closer would we need to get to get more information?

We would need to be within three meters for a full scan of the place. She shakes her head, scoffing in annoyance. And that's if we're lucky. Otherwise, the magnetic field would distort it.

The pegasus silently gauges the distance between them and the fortress, for that is what it undoubtedly is. A full scan would be best, but the element of surprise is more important. Be honest with me, how close do you think we could get without alerting even one griffon?

Frankly, we're pushing it, as is. Luster groans, letting her head fall to the gray cloud below. So I can't do anything else... how long do you think it'll take to memorize their patrols, or whatever it is that you do?

He shoves her lightly with a hoof. I observe, the same as you, I just wasn’t born with an elemental talent to help. You can help too, you know.

I'm not so sure. She turns on her side, whirling an eyebrow. I was trained to subdue enemies, not avoid them. I'm still struggling with that, and you know it. She stiffens, glancing to the castle to see a duo of griffons circling the highest spire, their path steadily growing wider. Damn it. They must've just started their shift!

Not even looking at her, the stallion digs into the cloud with his hooves, pushing and spreading the fluffy material. You’re not claustrophobic, right? There’s not a whole lot of cloud to work with. His movements are smooth and precise, trying to be fast but not noticeable to those above.

She bites her lip, her eyes glancing from him to the patrol and back. It's not like I'd have a choice if I was. I just hope whatever you're doing works.

Finishing his work, Atom nods at the now only slightly larger, but now hollow, cloud. Think of it like a small fluffy sleeping bag. He scoots back a small bit before ducking his head and crawling inside, much like a foal worming under a blanket. When only his green tail remains outside the cloud, a black hoof comes out and pulls in it, sealing the cloud behind it. Come on in.

She works her way in after him, sealing it in much the same way. She tries to keep calm, hooves trembling. Being forced to stick so close to a teammate helps a little, but still not that much, especially with the sound of flapping wings drawing closer and closer.

Try to relax, Atom reminds her. You're the emotion sensor out of us, just keep tabs on where they are and what they are feeling. As long as we know that, we can know more about what they’re up to.

"What's this cloud doing here?"

She nearly jumps at the proximity of the voice, heart hammering away so hard she can feel it in her ears.

"Eh, it's just a drifter, Beak." This one sounds much more feminine than the former. "Put it back and resume your rounds."

The duo suddenly find their hiding spot moving, clearly hearing the first griffon grumbling to himself. "The things I put up with..." A flash of light fills the air, lighting up the cloud, and a squawk comes from behind them. "Fuck! That nearly hit me!"

"Stop being a baby and take that up there!"

"Are you insane? It just got struck by lightning!"

"Fine, I'll do it!" The cloud starts moving again, much faster than before, and abruptly halts mere seconds later. "See, that took, what, ten seconds?"

"Shut up, Quill!" Their bickering fades away, leaving the two pegasi in relative silence.

Well, Atom begins, still not moving an inch, that happened…

Yea... She sighs softly, turning her head enough to look at him. Hey, at least we weren't discovered, right?

He turns his head to her, not entirely necessary since their proximity has them side by side and pressed against each other, but it’s polite. Right. Now we just hope they didn’t put us in the middle of a huge cloudbank so I can still see everything. At least you can get a better sense of the place now. He starts scuffing away at a small bit of the cloud just below his face with the short jerks of his foreleg that he can do without showing movement outside their cover.

She frowns, brow furrowed in confusion. What makes you think that? We could be even further away, now...

It felt like they were taking us toward the castle, judging by the momentum direction. The cloud gets thinner and thinner where he scuffs at it. Shouldn’t you be able to tell, anyway?

It's not like I'm constantly searching for metal, Vortex. She shakes her head and grabs some of the thick cloud layer above, pushing it to the side as she starts to make some more room.

Careful, he warns, I stretched this thing fairly thin as is. I don’t think it has much left.

I realize that. Luster scoops up a bit more gray fluff, redistributing it to the section of floor he wasn't digging through. That's why I'm using the cloudbank to make it more stable, and more roomy. She pauses, cloud wisp in hoof, and glances at him with a blank expression. Unless you wanted us to stay that close together... which makes me wonder if you're a closet narcissist...

I see nothing wrong with being comfortable with myself. That was not the reason though, we also have to get out of here at some point. He successfully gets his bit of cloud clear and lays his head face down on it, peeking downward. I was thinking just staying in our tiny cloud and ‘drifting’ away again.

Then I'll keep it as it is, now, with enough room to crouch. Though part of me still wonders how comfortable you were trying to get... She goes silent as she watches him, curiosity piqued. So... how far would you say we are from the castle?

I’m not sure you’d believe me if I told you. He continues looking downward.

She crosses her forelegs, unamused. Why don't you try me, first, before assuming?

Well… we’re right above the tallest spire. Can’t get much closer than that without being on the ground. His mental voice is calm but tinged with a hint of a smirk.

She blinks, staring blankly at him before pushing him backwards. Let me see. Quickly taking his place, she looks through the peephole, grinning in excitement. Well, I'll be... we're close enough to touch it! She bites her hoof, muffling a happy squeal. And dead-center! This is perfect!

He shakes his head, adjusting from where he had been shoved aside and now has to half stand awkwardly over her. Glad to hear that, can I have the hole back now? I was using it.

Hmm... nah. She chuckles softly, the sound dampened by her hoof. Her tail swishes idly as she continues. I need this one to scan the building. I'm sure you can find another hole to use... so you can stop trying to push me.

Not trying to push you, trying to push me off you. You got under me so now I’m squished between you and the ceiling while still trying not to disturb anything. He growls lightly in annoyance as he lifts his left legs and tries to tilt off her.

What? No way that's what you're doing, unless... Her thoughts grow quiet for a moment before shakily resuming. Please tell me that's just your attempt to cop a feel...

What are you talking about? He throws his weight, falling off onto his side with a quiet ‘puff’ of the cloud. There we go. Now, what are you going on about?

She looks over to respond but freezes, eyes so wide behind the borrowed shades the stallion could see the whites around the rim. Uh... nothing. Nothing important. She turns back to the peephole, burying her muzzle in the soft, gray cloud. It's clear she can't keep her thoughts focused, however, when her wings slowly begin to extend from her back.

Shaking his head, Atom rolls back onto his stomach and lifts upward into a crouch. You’ve have been all sorts of excited and giddy for this scouting trip, weird to see that go back into your usual mysteriousness when the perkiness was rubbing off on me.

I'm not the only one who's a little excited... She lets a small wave ripple out from her forehead, tiny metal plates flipping end over end and curling upwards to reform her horn. And it's my first time seeing a castle almost entirely made out of metal... please cut me some slack. Her now-rigid wings flap awkwardly as she tries to get them under control, hoping he won't think anything of it.

The former guard walks over, placing a cautionary hoof on her back. Excited is fine, but keep your wings still, we don’t want the cloud disturbed. We still need to get this done unnoticed. His other hoof starts digging a new hole for him to look through.

It's your fault they won't go down... She shivers at his touch, curling in on herself a bit. Spitfire'd sure be lucky... well, probably not as much as Gel, but I digress...

...Are you hitting on me? He asks without a hint of subtlety or shame.

No, she sighs, looking up at him, pink filtering through the fur on her cheeks, but I found out you were, in fact, poking me, earlier...

Oh… He removes the one hoof from her while the other finishes digging. Well… I blame you for shoving yourself under me.

I blame your body for being so sensitive. All I did was move to see what you saw. Luster huffs, turning to the side. Finished the scan, by the way. I've got all but an apparent basement. She pokes the ceiling, trying to keep her eyes off his side of the cloud.

Good, now give me like half an hour to memorize what I can about patrols and any other security measures I see. Try not to get too distracted by me. He shakes his flank mockingly. Plus, what does it say about you if you’re excited by me, when you are me?

It says that I'm a healthy female. She narrows her eyes, horn lighting up to tease along the edge of his wings. Besides, you're more aroused than I am. Just ask your little friend. She turns around, coyly caressing his cheek with her tail. It seems as though you're the one who gets excited seeming himself.

Says you, for this, you’re just a mare with my color palette. He tenses as he holds himself steady while still doing his job. Plus, you have no proof anything you say about my state is true.

Don't I? Luster lets her tail curl around his side, teasing along his belly. Want me to present Exhibit C, or will you just come clean?

His tail flicks back and forth as he keeps his head in the cloud. His mental voice is thick with teasing tone. You are truly a cruel nymph to taunt a stallion who doesn’t see his mare for months at a time like this.

You started it. She slowly moves backwards next to him, playfully nipping his ear. I'm just monopolizing on your excitement for a little fun. She pulls away, chuckling softly. Though, honestly... I thought you worked any attraction to me out of your system a long time ago.

He stays silent for a few moments. What? That one time means that after that I have to suddenly find you unappealing?

She flinches at this, fumbling to catch the shades falling from her face before staring at him in shock. I thought you were just... trying to pick me up, back then. She nervously chuckles, rubbing the back of her neck. I thought the drinks were influencing you... besides, she places a hoof on his back, gently brushing it along his fur, you have a marefriend, now, and a sexy one, if I heard correctly. The mare shrugs, hoping he wouldn't see her blush. I just... figured you'd grow out of it... or just forget...

I think you’re focusing too much on some parts. He keeps watching, the situation reminding him of some stakeouts he’d been on before. Think of it this way: I’d bet my tail that if you asked Rhino, happily married for going on about sixteen to seventeen years now, he would not tell you that any female that isn’t his wife is ugly.

That's not what I meant, Atom. She raises a hoof to her face, groaning softly. I just... I remembered how you were... and what you were feeling. With Tavi, it was simply lust, but with me, that first time... She trails off, hoping he would catch what she was inferring. I thought it was just a silly crush... ^

Maybe it was, I was young and lonely, so it's possible that's all it was. The stallion is glad he kept his head down now, but he still feels calm, having come to terms with most things. Let's face it, you are easy on the eyes and because of what happened we will be closer than friends who didn't do that. It doesn't mean I love Spitfire any less, or like you any less since being with her. With us, I'm content.

She sits silently, her gaze burning a hole in the back of his head with its intensity. Is... is there something you're not telling me? She frowns softly, leaning down to gently nibble his ear in an attempt to bring back the playful air. Does it have to do with how long you lasted? We didn't mind that... and I found it rather endearing how you tried to make up for it.

He coughs awkwardly, flicking his ear in her grasp. I hardly see how a first time performance has anything to do with this conversation.

I'm concerned for my friend. She lets go, moving in front of him and sitting down. Please look at me, Atom. I want to help you... Her thoughts trail off, part of what he said registering. ...first time per... oh... Her eyes widen as realization dawns on her. You mean... I... when you... She gulps, trembling like a schoolfilly after asking out her crush. ...I was your first?

Yes, and I'd be lying if I said that probably didn't influence my feelings for you in some way. Still, hell of a way to break me into that sort of thing. I was definitely grateful when my first time with Spitfire came around. He actually looks up at her for a brief moment with a smile.

She shyly smiles back, tucking a lock of her mane behind her ear. I thought you'd at least had some experience... you had quite the way with words, after all... She averts her eyes, holding his shades out to him. And... were an amazing kisser... even Octavia thought so...

He chuckles, pushing her hoof back to her as he puts his head back down. Glad to know I had some natural talent. Are you really so hung up on that? I mean, it doesn't bother me, it was quite the experience.

But it was yourfirst time, Atom. She grimaces, squirming in front of him. That's supposed to be something special, and I just... took it without thinking... She turns to the side, tracing the hole in the cloud with a hoof. It was great, and I loved every second, but... I regret taking that privilege from Spitfire...

Luster, it's fine. It was, and is, special to me. It got me one of my best friends, and it's certainly a night I remember. He tries to reassure her. It was my first time, and if I'm fine with it being that, why aren't you? I think I turned out pretty well.

I... I guess it's because... She closes her eyes and faces him once more, her blush visible in the dark, and smiles sheepishly. Never mind, it's a silly little thing. She smirks, leaning forward and teasingly pecking his forehead. Unlike you, Vortex. So tell me, how did it go with Miss Wonderbolt Captain? Is she a screamer? Was she in charge the whole time, like I was, or was she more like Octavia?

Well, you are a close friend so you are entitled to this type of gossip. His chuckle is even heard in their mental link. I don't think I've figured all of her fetishes yet, but one thing she loves is passion...

Despite the time being near the middle of the day, the clouds above make it seem like morning. Outside the tent, a couple unicorns wait for their teammates to return.

The smaller of the two has found a way to entertain herself, batting at the stallion's yellow and black tail. She does her best to catch the moving mass of hair, emerald eyes narrowed, crouching like a cat toying with its prey.

Volt, unaware of his backside’s new role as prey, swishes his short tail back and forth as he looks around the landscape. “Where are those two?”

"Beats me." Ruby finally catches him, giggling brightly as she pins it beneath a hoof. "I know you've asked that forty-nine times, though. Are you really that bored?"

“Pretty much, yeah.” He notices his tail tugging when he tries to move it. “Hey, what are you doing back there?”

"Finding my own fun." She grips the strands a little tighter as she looks over her shoulder. Leaning close, she whispers into his ear. "We could always talk about your mystery marefriend, if you're looking for something to do..."

He chuckles nervously, almost sweating. “Let’s… not tempt fate more than I normally do on a daily basis…” Looking quickly for a change of topic, he grasps at mental straws. “So… what are you doing lately, besides this mission stuff?”

The filly pouts, looking up at him before shaking her head. "Not much. Dad and I made something, over the summer... and I started studying a bit with Twilight. Alchemy is an interesting subject to learn about, but I'm trying to see if I can combine it with runes, somehow..."

The electric unicorn laughs. “What? Not satisfied with being a prodigy in light magic, you need to master alchemy too?”

"Not necessarily." She shrugs, looking up at the gray sky overhead. "I just want to know all I can. We made one thing with alchemy; I simply want to see what else can be done."

“I guess that makes sense.” He shrugs, trying to slowly slide his tail away from her. “I mean, just because you got that mark, doesn’t mean that’s all you can do.”

She sits down on the mass of black and yellow, smiling brightly. "Yep! Glad you agree with me!" Her ear twitches slightly, her attention snapping to the treeline. "Did... did you hear that?"

“Huh?” He follows her gaze, ears pricked.

Mere seconds after they look, a pair of pegasi emerge from the brush. Ruby stares blankly at the one wearing shades, tilting her head in confusion. "Why is Aunt Luster... disguised as Atom?"

“I have no idea… letting him indulge in a bit of narcissism?” He tilts his head as well at the gender-swapped pair. “I guess it’s not the oddest thing I’ve seen a changeling do.”

The filly looks at him at they near, brow furrowed slightly. "I don't follow. How would that be indulging in narcissism?"

“Letting him hang out only with himself. Maybe it wasn’t that good of a joke…” He rubs his chin as the two black pegasi get closer, the female slowly shifting back to her regular self.

"Oh. It... was a nice try?" She sheepishly smiles and turns to the pegasus stallion, nodding to him. "Welcome back!"

Atom smiles at the filly. “Good to be back.” He chuckles at the scene before him. “Good to see you’ve got Volt on a leash. Keep him out of trouble.”

She stares blankly at him. "Leash? I don't have a leash... and definitely not one on Volt."

The indigo changeling leans close to the black pony, as if she'd be whispering in his ear. A moment later, she pulls away and heads inside the tent, a sway to her hips missed by the unicorns.

The pegasus shakes his head, both to clear it and show his exasperation. “You have him held by the tail… that’s what I meant by a leash.”

Volt shrugs. “She’s not exactly been willing to let me go. Apparently I’m her cure for boredom.”

She pouts, a dark pink tint to her cheeks. "It was taunting me, swishing like that... I felt the need to put it in its place." She clears her throat, gesturing to the darker stallion. "So, how'd the trip go?"

He thinks for a bit. “Risky, informative, and revealing sums up everything nicely.”

Ruby blinks, looking at him as her demeanor slowly turns in on itself. "Oh, uh... okay... though, if it's not rude to ask... why are you... antsy?"

“You know, I sometimes don’t think it’s fair, you using your changeling half to read emotions…” He mutters before speaking more clearly. “Oh, you know, time for the big plan, the mission’s getting underway, changeling nymphs making mysterious statements in your ear that leave you slightly confused as to their future intentions… the usual stuff.”

Ruby stares once more, baffled. "Nymphs... what? You said that last part a little too fast for me, Atom..."

He shakes his head once more. “Mission stuff. I’m sure you’ll be antsy too once Luster and I deliver our report.” He walks past, ducking into the tent.

The filly watches him leave before turning to the other unicorn. "Seriously, did you get that last part? It sounded off..."

Volt shakes his head. “Nope. Not really sure what he said. Maybe it was something like… ‘you should get off Volt’s tail, because he’s a nice guy.’”

The pink pony giggles, booping his nose. "Has he called you nice before? Because I thought he had a different word or two..."

He laughs. “Hey, you never know. I may win him completely over one day, I may even get him saying puns.”

"I think that's a long time coming." She stands up and gets off him, nodding to the tent flap. "Shall we join them, Volt, or are you content sitting in the rain?"

"Uh uh, I am not getting caught in rain." Now free, the stallion zips inside the tent before the filly can.

Not wanting to be left outside by herself, Ruby rushes in just as the sky opens up, releasing a downpour upon the whole forest.

Inside, everypony is gathered around the firepit, in which only ashes remain. Two steel boxes sit on opposite sides of the pit, and everypony sits next to one of them. Volt, Atom, Luster, and Octavia make up one large gap while Engima sits with a space between him and Gel, who sits next to Rhino.

Ruby approaches the feminine stallion, giving him a shy smile before turning to her mother and father, curious. "So... how does this work, exactly?"

Gel gestures to the empty firepit, smiling softly. "Watch, sweetie. Everything should be clear to you soon enough."

The two boxes flow up into the circular depression, slowly building upon itself as it begins taking the shape of a large castle. Tiny figures float in the air around it, and the details become sharp enough to see a figure moving in one of the windows.

Atom clears his throat. "Alright, as all of you can see, this is no simple building that we'll be infiltrating. In no uncertain terms, the guy has turned his home into a fortress in all senses of the word." He gestures to the building with a sweep of his hoof. "Solid metal walls, thick and impregnable to all but specialized tactics. Multiple buildings, which means multiple places to keep our eyes open for potential hostiles, as well as meaning we've got open ground we need to get past." As an afterthought, he adds, "Oh, and of course the wall we need to get past initially while still staying unnoticed."

The buildings slowly split into layers, each section holding a single story. Ruby stares in awe of the masterful manipulation of metal, slowly shifting forward, a hoof outstretched to touch one of the miniature griffons. She pauses, staring at it in confusion. "Wait... why is this guy pushing a cloud around?"

"Because, for whatever reason, our target apparently like to constantly have a few storm clouds above the central spire of his castle." Atom shrugs. "Whether that's for looks or he actually uses the lightning for power, I have no idea."

"Oh..." She looks to him, then back to the model. "...then why is he arguing with someone?"

"Ruby," the burgundy pegasus taps her side with a hoof, "why don't we let him continue the debriefing? You can talk about the griffons' bickering later."

"Right, I would like to point out that any questions about why the model is doing something can go to the one actually controlling it since she has creative license." He continues. "Now, as you can see, there is no shortage of guards, but, neither is there an excess. They are all equipped with flashlights at night, and there are one or two large spotlights that look out from the central building. Now, onto the building itself..."

The roofs move off to the sides, revealing the top floor of each building, as well as the small forms within. Sitting and laying in the central tower, and the most notable thing, is a large number of ponies, pillows, and mattresses. Every single one of them seems to be a female. The indigo nymph looks to the darker pony next to her, as if expectant.

"As you can see, there are fewer guards inside, but they are still present. As for this particular collection of forms..." he motions to the females, a small grimace on his face, "I'll let you draw your own conclusions. Now, from what we can tell, our target will most likely be in this center structure here, presumably his bedroom from the details Luster told me. Due to its location, there are a number of ways in and out of it, so that presents both possibilities and risks. As for the object..."

She looks at him, shrugging helplessly. She lifts up all but the main floor of the central tower, pointing at the staircase going down with a makeshift arrow.

Ruby looks over to her father, confused and concerned. A few words appear before him in soft neon lights. 'Are those ponies...' She doesn't continue the sentence, almost as if she's afraid to do so.

Rhino closes his eyes and lets out a quiet, troubled breath. His own horn lights up and small green script appears before her to respond. 'I don't know... if our mission weren't so reliant on secrecy I'd say we investigate, but...' His sentence trails off as well.

"Best as we can tell, it's in the basement somewhere. Because of where we gather intel from, we couldn't really get details on it, so any attempts on that will have to be blind and improvised." He looks to Luster. "Anything to add?"

She tilts her head to one side before nodding, looking to one of the corner towers and pointing to a group of beds on the second floor. She repeats this with each of the outer towers, revealing the same style of room for each, as well as spears and shields by the wall closest the door.

"Ah, right. Apparently some guards sleep in the towers, so any entrance into those is strongly advised against." Atom nods to himself. "I think that should be everything."

Rhino nods as well. "Excellent work as usual, you two. Everyone, double check your gear then pack up. I want us to head out as soon as possible so we have as much time as we need tonight."

Luster bows her head respectfully and stands, turning to head past Atom and Volt to one of the sleeping areas. The pink pony tilts her head to one side, slowly walking over to her father to whisper in his ear. "D... did you see that? What Aunt Luster just did?"

The stallion looks to his daughter curiously, whispering back. "What? What did she do?"

"I..." She shakes her head. "I must've imagined it." She turns away, muttering to herself as she walks off into a separate section, as well.

Watching her walk away, Rhino quietly remarks to his wife as he stands, his mind whirring as he plans. "Do you think she's keeping more from us these days?"

"I don't know." She sighs, leaning against him as the others go to prepare. "I wouldn't doubt it, but everyone needs at least a few secrets, right?"

"I suppose... I just miss her feeling like she could tell us anything." He shakes his head. "But, I suppose now isn't exactly that best time for thoughts like that. The mission is now. Did you have any wise counsel I should heed?"

"Keep the teams you send small," she taps her chin, thoughtful, "and the fastest ones as roamers, ready to help at a moment's notice... oh, and I have a feeling that Luster might need Volt's help."

"Hmm... all good ideas." He gives her a quick kiss. "There's that beautiful brain. The teams should be fairly simple, now it's just how to get them in... might have to wait until we get there to have concrete ideas for that."

"Well, I have one..." She smirks, kissing him back before turning to their own area. "After all, this place is an iron fortress, right?"

"Well, yes, but while I think dealing with the initial wall might be simple thanks to a certain member of our group, I doubt the inside of the castle walls themselves are just solid metal." He shakes his head as he follows her. "Still, let's hear your idea, you know I tend to ramble when I'm thinking like this."

"Well, I figure that there's bound to be at least one way in." She bumps his side, giggling brightly. "And I kinda like when you ramble."

"Heh, glad to hear that." He smiles and nudges her back. "So, explain a little more about what you mean 'there's one way in'."