• Published 2nd Apr 2014
  • 738 Views, 54 Comments

Virtue and Vice: Equestria - enigmaMystere

Based (loosely) on the JLA/JSA storyline of the same name, this recounts what happens before and during the most troublesome time in the history of Equestria's specialized taskforces.

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Stealthy Shades #39

Baron Fletch Wing.

The name echoes through Enigma’s mind, his body trembling from the weight that comes with it. He takes a breath to calm himself, remembering the ponies in his saddlebag. The ponies who are currently depending on him. His mind made up, he strides forward, determined gaze fixed upon the griffon. “So... you’re the Baron?”

The predatory eyes of the smaller-than-average hybrid lock onto the feminine stallion, peering at him from beneath the blue shadow around them. A smile creeps onto his face as he walks into the room, a golden necklace glinting in the light. “Well well, the boys didn’t tell me we had new arrival. Shame on them. I suppose I’ll just have to take you with me so I can introduce you to your duties properly.”

The burgundy pegasus stares blankly at him, fur bristling slightly. “What.”

Rolling his eyes, the griffon stalks forward. “Oh, come now, dear. Surely my guards imparted you with how foolish it would be to deny your position at this point?” He talon reaches forward.

The pony smacks it away, frowning deeply. “What the fuck are you doing?”

Shaking his talon, the bird narrows his eyes. “Now really, this is starting to get very irritating. Like it or not dear, you are here for as long as I say.” His other talon comes forward, a single claw pressing itself underneath E’s jaw. “Get used to it.”

“Why do you keep calling me dear?” He grips the griffon’s talon in the crook of his foreleg, twisting it backwards over the predator’s shoulder. “I’m not your anything, you S.O.B.”

As he yells in pain, quite a few things become abundantly clear to the baron. He squawks out as he starts trying to pull away. “You! You’re one of those intruders!”

Enigma bows, smirking coyly. “At your service. Well, more like taking you in, really.” He lets go of the talon only to spin on the spot, hindleg kicking the griffon’s elbow before he can respond.

The baron, squawking again and clutching his arm in pain, backs away swiftly from the clearly male pony. Without another word, he spins on the spot and gallops out the door.

The pegasus blinks at this but dashes out of the room. He easily passes the Baron and stops in front of him, smacking him over the head with an aluminum candlestick from his bag. “Hey, you don’t run from a duel, you idiot! Surely someone with honor would know that!” He stops, frowning and smacking the piece of metal against his injured arm. “Or are you saying you’re more of a pussy than an eagle?”

Letting out a roar, the baron smacks the pegasus away with a surprisingly strong strike. With his opponent away for the moment, the griffon puffs himself up before letting out an ear-splitting screech that echoes through the hallways. “Honor is well and good, but I prefer to stack the odds in my favor.”

The stallion seemed to teleport closer as the griffon blinks, delivering a solid uppercut to send him flat on his back. “What are you getting on about now, you old geezer?”

Coughing, but getting up quickly, the griffon smiles. “Oh, wouldn’t you like to know? I’m sure you’ll find out soon.”

Enigma’s eyes widen as the sound of the griffon’s screech replays in his mind. “Fuck!” He growls and leaps forward, aiming a kick at his beak.

Fletch Wing ducks, dipping his head under the pegasus and suddenly tossing it and his opponent up and over him. As he falls to the ground, Enigma feels the rumbling of numerous footsteps just before he sees their owners.

He sighs quietly, raising his voice just enough to be heard in the bag. “You girls hold tight, okay? This may get a little bumpy…” He smacks the forelegs out from underneath one of the guards, his wings flaring out and pushing him off the ground, meeting the griffon’s falling head with a straight right before spinning and righting himself. “You feathered bitches want to rumble? Then let’s go.”

Accepting the challenge, the ten griffons already there charge at once as still more come from the hallway. He knocks the first one flat on his back with a well-placed headbutt. There’s a flash, and then a metal-clad hoof smacks another griffon clear down the hall. “That the best you got?”

He elbows another in the gut, turning and bucking a hindhoof into his foe’s groin. “Probably never have chicks, now.” He activates his gauntlet and stabs straight through a guard’s talon. “I’m not even sorry.” The red energy flows around the injured limb as he swings around and slams the female into another couple of enemies, huffing softly. “You all brought it upon yourselves, after-”

He’s cut off as a guard slams a morning star mace into the side of the stallion’s head, sending him sliding across the floor. While not really causing any visible injury, it is enough to disorient him for a while.

The one moment is all the remaining griffons need as they and their freshly arrived comrades grab the pegasus. Each one of them latches their talons onto a different part of him, stretching him out and holding him still, spread eagle in the air.

The baron chuckles as a guard yanks E’s head up to face him. “A good effort. A sprightly lad like you will make a fine supplement.” Taking a small pouch off his bag, the griffon reaches in and pulls out a chalice familiar to all those in attendance. Smiling, he advances on the pegasus, putting the cup under his chin. “Now… to take what is mine…”

Surprisingly, the cup is flung away with the sharp smack of a hoof. The pink hoof then turns and slams up against the Baron’s face, a bright flash and an even harder force accompanying it less than a second later.

All of the guards blink in surprise as the baron flies into a wall, sliding down it with a groan. Shaking his head in a fit of recovery, he looks up as he starts to rise. “Who dares strike me?”

“Me.” The pink filly glares at him, emerald eyes ablaze with fury. “And I’ll do as I please, you insolent bastard.”

“Heh.” He rises to his full height. “And what would a little filly like you be doing around here, getting lucky shots in on your betters?”

“Lucky?” The voice comes from behind him, another, identical pink filly, this one without the horn, kicking his knee and jabbing a shining dagger into his flank. “I don’t think that’s the case, bucko.”

A third one, a pegasus, drops down onto his back from the ceiling, putting all her force into the first hoof to make contact. “I prefer to think of myself as…” She grabs his ear between her teeth, biting sharply as the unicorn in front continues. “Extremely prepared.”

Falling to one back knee, the griffon’s eyes blaze as one talon reaches back and cruelly grabs the pegasus filly. He savagely swings her around into the unicorn before doing a 180 and continuing the swing into the earth filly, flinging the winged one away afterwards. Despite the slight bleeding from his flank and the bruise on his back, he gets up yet again. “Foolish filly, you don’t know who you’re dealing with.”

“Do I?” This voice comes from the stairwell, the filly there scowling harshly at him. “Maybe you should watch your blind spot.”

As soon as she says this, the battered pegasus grips his face, covering his face with her body and wings. Then she explodes with a bright flash of light directly into the griffon’s eyes.

Enigma, who knew to close his eyes at that moment, quickly shoves half of the guards off his back. Before they could react, he’s gone from beneath them, right next to the chalice as he picks it up with a hoof. “Hard to believe such a thing can be powerful in the least…” He shrugs and tucks it under a wing, turning his attention back to the guards before him.

Meanwhile, Ruby strikes at the Baron with her small metal knife, the other two joining her in rushing around the blinded griffon to further disorient him.

With one talon over his eyes, Fletch Wing strikes out randomly with his other one, hoping to score a hit on the filly. Surprisingly enough, he still doesn’t seem to be anywhere close to going down, despite how she keeps attacking him.

The ground below starts to rumble, signalling the arrival of backup. More guards rush up the stairs, staring at the scene for a moment before one of the ones in front points to the unarmored one. “Get that brat off of him!” Three nod and run forward, attempting to grab at the filly while the others approach the pegasus standing alone among fallen guards.

He turns to them, crimson eyes slowly shifting to a glowing green. “Can’t wait your turn, can you?” He vanishes, and a strong breeze goes through the corridor right after. He chuckles from behind them, holding up a hoof with a bright red dagger on the end. “Fine then.” The luminescent knife evaporates, and the swords and maces the griffons held quickly fall to pieces, much to their horror. “No more waiting.”

One of the guards around Fletch Wing finally succeeds in grabbing one of the fillies, holding her by the neck. He huffs heavily as he glares at her, a fresh cut over one of his eyes. “Little bitch.” He brings up her crystal dagger, pressing it against the squirming pony’s chest. “Let’s see how you like it.”

Suddenly, a boomerang soars from down the hall, knocking the weapon out of his talon, then knocking him over the head on the return trip. As it soars down the hall, a familiar grey cellist catches it in her mouth, stowing it as she draws her bow. She swing it into the griffon’s neck, causing him to gurgle before he passes out. “Ruby, are you injured?”

As another griffon tries to hit her when her back is turned, Octavia doesn’t even flinch as a sharp gust of air barely precedes the arrival of Atom. He swings his green sword hilt, now with a blade seemingly made of swirling wind, cutting open a large gash in the attacker and tossing him away.

The fillies all turn to her, grinning widely. “We’re fine!” Then the one closest to the Baron’s hindquarters delivers a well-placed kick between his legs.

Snarling, the small griffon lashes out reflexively with a clawed hind leg, making contact with the filly just before he is brought to his knees. He hisses through the pain, working his way slowly back up, smiling as even more of his guards show up.

A harsh punch across the face quickly wipes that smile away. He’s quickly forced back down as an axe kick slams his face straight into the floor. A paw grabs at his feathered hair, and an angry growl sounds in his ear. “If you ever touch my daughter again… then bruised nuts will be the least of your problems.”

For once, the unnaturally durable griffon is stunned by both actions and words. He glances over to see that his guards, of which there were many, had fallen in the few seconds his face was in the floor, the pegasi and earth pony standing where they once stood.

Ruby steps forward, pouting at her mother. “I had him, mom…” The khajiit rolls her eyes and throws the griffon back against a wall. The unicorn who was kicked there there stabs him in the back with her steel knife, while the other two fillies keep a safe distance, a crystalline dagger slowly forming in the air between them.

Gel, the soothing voice arose in their minds, you have to start dealing with the guards. We’re on the fourth floor; we’ll be there soon! The cat-creature nods and moves to the fallen soldiers, grabbing their heads one at a time, a blue light flowing from her paws into their bodies.

"Tell me." Ruby scowls at the griffon before her, shooting the dagger into his talon as another one forms next to the earth pony filly. "Why did you kill so many ponies? Was it really worth the side effects?"

Snarling, the baron rips the dagger out, flinging it at her as he pants. "Getting really tired of getting stabbed..." He shakes his head and catches his breath, standing up tall. "Those side effects have let me weather your assault with little wear, so I think I quite like them."

The pink earth pony grabs the flung blade in her teeth, scowling at him. "You'd think so." They throw the knives at him, pinning his talons to the floor. "But you haven't read those runes properly."

"We have, though." The filly behind him jumps onto his back, stabbing the iron kunai between his wings. "It's meant to be used by a third party. One who doesn't gain or lose anything. You broke that rule."

Screeching in pain, the baron stops moving for a few seconds, pinned to the floor. "So what? It still works perfectly! I am all but immortal!" Despite the knives still in him, he takes a few steps towards the unicorn filly, murderous intent clear in his eyes.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that." She pats his cheek, smirking wryly at him. "I'm sure you'll believe it, eventually."

He snaps at her, just barely missing her hoof. "Considering you haven't come close to taking me down, you have no room to talk." He lunges forward with his beak open, only to find himself completely immobilized by a green aura.

Ruby blinks, staring at the luminescent beak in confusion. "...is that..."

A green muzzle suddenly nuzzles her head affectionately. "Glad to see you're still thinking even when you're steaming mad."

She looks up at him, suddenly brightening up at his face. "Dad!" Two of the fillies hug him, happily nuzzling each of his cheeks.

He nuzzles them back, chuckling softly. "Good to have my sweet girl back, and in great numbers. Now then... I believe you were in a fight that was taking far too long. Shall I even the odds for you? I think you deserve to take him down." He motions to the baron who struggles against the magic.

She nods, hopeful. "Yes, please! He already hurt one of my light clones..."

He nuzzles her briefly. "Well, at least it was only one of them and not you. Now... where is that troublesome cup?"

"Over here!" Enigma waves a hoof before using it to clock a guard, the navy nymph quickly moving in to fill his mind with her magic. "Ruby managed to knock it away when the guy tried to use it on me!"

Rhino nods, keeping the griffon in his magic as he walks over, picking up the cup. Ignoring the muffled shouts of protest from the baron, he peers closely at the chalice. "Let's see..." He walks back over to his daughter, ignoring the melee around him. "Ruby, can I borrow one of your knives? I can't form my dagger with all the magic required to hold Mr. Stronger-than-he-deserves-to-be right here."

The earth pony behind the griffon tosses him her kunai, moving away from the spot now that she no longer has her weapon.

"Thank you, dear." He catches it with a small bit of magic, bringing the point around to the chalice. He looks at it a moment longer before etching a few new runes and altering some already present ones on it's surface. After a minute of scratching, he nods, setting the cup down in front of the pink unicorn filly. "Put a little magic into it, sweetie. The honor, is yours."

She nods and does as told, nearly jumping as a strong pulse suddenly flares out from the chalice. It runs through all of the beings there, causing most to just stare at themselves in confusion. The griffons who did this were swiftly knocked out by members of team Stealth present.

The baron however, is another story entirely. He lets out a hollow scream as he writhes in the unicorn's embrace. As the magic let him fall to the ground, he can only spasm as a rapid change comes over him. Lustrous and healthy feathers becomes limp and drab. His shiny, thick coat thins and turns a dull grey. Muscles of a being in their prime shrivel and shrink to those of a predator with years of muscular abuse nearing his end. His beak opens, shouting out a hollow moan as he sees his talons wrinkle and feels his eyes grow tired.

The shell of their formerly threatening target, shakily gets to his feet, gingerly stepping on his injured legs. "You... give it back... give it back!" He lunges toward the unicorn filly, not caring how futile the attempt might be, only desperately acting.

She smacks him across the face with the back of a hoof, frowning deeply. “It wasn’t yours to take.” She looks to her father, curious. "Would you like to fight him with me?"

He shakes his head, waving her forward. "No, I think you've got this. You deserve it." He looks back to the others, noting Luster and Volt having arrived just in time to help knock out the last few guards before the purple nymph joins the blue one in doing a little mind magic. "You shouldn't have any interference."

Ruby nods, turning back to the Baron, eyes narrowed in anger. She lowers her stance, crystalline daggers rising up from his talons to orbit around her. "Now tell me... why did you do all this?" A blade zips forward, slashing alone one of his cheeks. "Why hurt those who did nothing to you?" The other blade goes across the other cheek.

Rather than virtually ignoring the injuries like earlier, the griffon groans at each new one, glaring with hate and growing fear. "They were worthless! Peasants such as them should be glad to further the life of one such as me!" He tries to back away.

The pink earth pony leaps forward, slamming a hoof into his injured hindleg with an audible snap. The filly grimaces, looking at her now-awkwardly-bent leg. "Guess I hit him too hard..." She limps in front of him, staring up at his tired eyes. "The life of what? A filthy coward? Someone who is afraid to face his inevitable demise?"

"Someone who found the power to cheat death." He aims a slash for her snapped leg.

She takes the attack, not even reacting when it lops off her leg. She looks blankly at the stump as light shines from it. "Guess my time's up, for now." She leaps up and grabs his face, her legs holding his eyelids open. She sneers at him. "And I can't help but think yours will be, soon." She explodes in a brilliant flash of light, all of Stealth turning away or closing their eyes to avoid being blinded.

The baron lets out a weak roar of pain, bow talons going to his eyes as he stumbles around. He falls to the floor, rolling around slowly.

One of the unicorns rush in, grabbing his forelegs by the shoulders, holding him in place. The other steps forward, a small frown on her lips. "You know... I almost feel sorry for you..." She stabs his thigh with a crystal dagger, growling angrily. "Almost."

The aged predator rattles out a scream again as he collapses onto the floor, his eyes bleary as he breathes heavily. "Fuck... you..."

"Language, Baron. If that's the way you're going to talk..." Emerald eyes narrow as her magic pries his beak open, pulling out his tongue. "...maybe you shouldn't talk at all."

Gel snaps head towards the three of them at this, eyes wide in horror as realization dawns on her. Love... his hatred...

Nodding, Rhino steps forward, placing a hoof on his daughter's shoulder. "Easy there, he's done."

She blinks, all the tension in her body flowing out at the gentle touch. Her magic simply stops, tongue and dagger falling from her grasp as she stares at her trembling hooves. Oh dear Luna... w-what was I about to do?!

Something you likely would have regretted, but the point is you didn't. He squeezes her shoulder lightly. Knock him out and lets get out of here.

Ruby nods and grabs a mace head from one of the fallen guards. She slams it across the Baron's face before letting it fall to the floor. She turns to Rhino, eyes slowly tearing up. "Can... can I rest on your back, daddy?"

Smiling softly, he ducks his head under her, scooping her up onto his back. "Always, sweetie." He nuzzles her soothingly as he sees Atom picking up the baron with distaste and putting him on his own back.

"And... done." Gel nods to herself, standing up and facing the rest. "No one here will remember a thing that happened tonight."

And I got the one you missed in the honorable Baron Fletch Wing's bed chamber. Luster smirks as the khajiit gets flustered before turning to Enigma, frowning slightly. What were you thinking, staying up here like that?

"Well..." He chuckles shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I was sharing the chance for freedom with the ones on this floor..."

The green unicorn shakes his head. "I have a feeling I know who you mean, and I'll want details once we're safely out of here. For now though..." he looks to Luster and Volt. "Let's head down to the basement. There are some victims we should check on before we leave."

Luster stares blankly at him. ...I thought you didn't want to see them? You spazzed out the first time, didn't you?

He clears his throat awkwardly. "That's not the point... my point is that they should be feeling a bit more lively now."

Enigma raises a hoof, frowning softly. "I'm sorry, but could someone please clarify what you're talking about?"

He motions them to follow, and he explains in short. "When I adjusted the runes on the chalice," he waves to the cup in his saddlebag, "I rewrite them so they would make an infinite feedback loop once magic was introduced, overloading it. As you could see with the baron, part of the effect of that was undoing what could be undone. If the life energy was taken from him, then it stands to reason that it went back where it came from, if possible."

The burgundy pegasus looks at him, raising an eyebrow. "So... the rightful owners get it back, then... is that who's down in the basement? The ones he stole from?"

Volt is the one who answers. "Yeah, judging from what Luster said, seems they’re his little life bottles he drank from. I guess they got refilled."

The team and captive quickly move down to the base, not wanting to be around when the rest of the guards wake up. They reach the room where the victims were and find all of them staggering about, holding their heads, and wondering what's going on. The ponies and griffons are gathered up and promised safe passage out of the castle. With the majority of guards dispatched, the way out is relatively simple, if a little crowded.

When they return to the camp, one of the victims, a vermilion unicorn, speaks up, looking to the taller emerald one before him. "Thank you, whoever you are. You saved us..." He grimaces, looking to the rest with minor hope in his eyes. "...but... are there more of you? A team getting the mares out of that forsaken place?"

Rhino is only able to open his mouth before a voice calls out from inside Enigma's bag. "Grassy? Is that you?" The mare from earlier who had commented on her heat pokes her head out of the bag, peering around. At the sight of the stallion, she lights up in a gigantic smile, running over and embracing him, kissing him many times over. "I thought you were dead... I had given up..."

"Maple!" He happily returns the affectionate gestures, holding her close. "I'm here now. I'll never let you go again..."

Gel turns her attention from the couple before her to the pegasus to her right, concerned. "...why was that mare in your bag?"

"Actually..." Enigma chuckles sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "She's not the only one..." He looks to his bags, making sure the flap stays open with a wing. "Alright, ladies. It's safe to come out, now!"

Everypony and changeling present takes a step back as about 30 mares suddenly start pulling themselves out of the bag. They chatter excitedly among themselves, a couple heading over to stallions rescued as well, but most of them milling around Enigma or eyeing up the other three stallions on the team.

"Everyone, this is my team." The burgundy pony gestures to the group before them, pointing to each one as he names them. "Octavia, Luster, Gel, Ruby on her father, Rhino's back..." He stops, shrugging slightly. "Sorry girls, he's taken."

A few mares that had been edging closer to him fold their ears. "Aww..."

"It's not too big a problem." He nods to the last two stallions, smirking wryly. "Volt is single, and Atom hasn't seen his marefriend in a couple weeks. They probably won't mind being your pillow for the night."

About half the mares squeal and rush over to the two stallions, crowding around them and starting to coo at them. Atom flares his wings and holds up his hooves to try to calm them down. This only partially succeeds as several pegasus mares in the crowd start complimenting his wingspan. Still, despite this, the stallion seems alright as he tries to keep the females from actively mobbing him.

Volt is understandably nervous at his own crowd of mares as they crowd around him, stroking his mane and coat. The females' tails swish as they giggle at his nervousness, many calls of 'handsome' can be heard among their chattering.

Luster stares at them, an eye twitching slightly but otherwise visibly calm. Her unseen emotions, on the other hoof, have Gel and Ruby turn to her, eyes questioning.

Tavi simply blinks at the sudden female element added to their party, even as the prisoners from the basement leave with the few mares that had known them. "Enigma... is this what you were doing the whole mission?" Honeysuckle and Cotton Candy stay on either side of the stallion in question, nuzzling him.

He quirks an eyebrow at the cellist, wings flapping twice before draping across the affectionate mares beside him. "I was making sure everyone who wanted to get out could." He nuzzles one, then the other, smiling warmly at both. "These lovely ladies helped me with the preparations... and I promised them they could cuddle with me..." He leans close to the yellow earth pony's ear, whispering softly. "Among other things..."

As the mare giggles, Rhino raises an eyebrow. "Aren't you already in a relationship?"

"Yes, I am." He tilts his head to one side. "It's not like I'm forgetting about Vi. I just figured we could at least talk with her before anything big happens." He shrugs nonchalantly. "It's the least I can do..."

"Um... Enigma?" The filly speaks up, brow furrowed in confusion. "You know that..." She trails off, gesturing to the stallions being crowded.

"I know." He chuckles slyly, a twinkle in his eye. "I'm sure she won't mind, since they're just thanking him."

Sighing as the mares continue, Rhino rubs the bridge of his nose. “Well... our trip back suddenly got more populated…” He looks up at the moon, seeing it at about it's midway point. “Our ride doesn't arrive until dawn, so we've got a bit of time to catch up on a bit of sleep once we get back to the clearing.” A good number of the mares smile at this and close in on their chosen stallions.

The feminine stallion brings the mares at his sides closer with his wings, but otherwise doesn't try to deter the mares crowding around him, Atom, and Volt.

Volt still seems quite nervous around the mares, but Atom seems to have started taking things in stride. He lets the mares touch him and agrees to be their snuggle buddy for the night.

One particularly brave or perhaps just determined young mare, looking to still be in her late teens, sneaks forward, giving Rhino an affectionate nuzzle. Hardly expecting this, the stallion looks at her in confusion.

The mare gets a surprise when the navy nymph steps between them, frowning deeply at her. "Just what do you think you're doing to my husband?" There's a fire in her eyes, unmistakable with their message.

The mare’s eyes widen, darting between the angry changeling and the stallion, conflict easily seen behind them. Still, at a shake of his head, she sighs dejectedly, muttering quietly. “Sorry…”

Gel pats her on the head. "You'll find somepony, don't worry." She nods towards the unicorn beside her. "It's just not gonna be this pony. Maybe you should give that other unicorn a shot?" She gestures to the flustered stallion being crowded by mares.

“I guess… he’s not as fluffy, but he is cute…” Tail wagging a few times, the mare trotts over to join the group of her fellows.

Gel rushes after her and leans close, whispering slyly into her ear. "You didn't hear this from me... but I hear he's never had a special somepony..."

The mare perks up quite a bit as she smiles, trotting over much more happily. The nymph watches with a smile before turning and heading back to her emerald stallion.

As the tent comes into view, Enigma glances at each of the mares in his feathery embrace. He chuckles softly, an eyebrow playfully raised and his voice low enough for just them to hear. "If you girls don't want any interruptions... we could always head back inside... maybe I can give you a massage?"

Their tails flick as Cotton speaks for them. “Oh~... that sounds very nice…” She giggles and gives the pegasus another nuzzle. When he takes that moment to peck her on the lips, she squeaks, blushing heavily. “That was nice too…”

To be fair, he turns and gives Honey a similar kiss, chuckling softly as his wings brush along their backs. "I look forward to cuddling with both of you beautiful mares." He looks forward, watching as Luster opens the flap to the tent for the rest of them. "But first... let us head inside."

The large group all heads inside, Octavia and Luster go first, securing themselves a section of their own and closing it quickly. Atom and Volt follow, each getting into a section with their groups and the mares close the flaps themselves with giggles. Rhino, Gel, and Ruby enter next, the last still riding and nuzzling the first affectionately, a feeling he happily returns.

The emerald stallion looks out to the remaining mares and Enigma. “Hmm… you might have to take your little fanclub back into your bag there, E. We’re running out of walking room and I’m fairly sure the only reason the others fit is that they’re going to be sleeping in piles.”

"Not a problem." He steps inside and sets the pack down on the floor of the tent, chuckling warmly. "I think we can gather all the beds together so we can sleep comfortably..." He grips the two closest mares around the waist and leaps inside with them, the other mares following suit.

Rhino shakes his head. “No matter how much I see it, my mind still says that isn’t normal…”

"To be fair," the nymph by his side speaks up, "it is a gift from Pinkie."

“Fair point,” he concedes.

Ruby watches the rest of the mares vanish into the bag in silence before slowly getting off her father's back. She gathers the pillows from lunchtime and carefully lays herself down, smiling up at him softly. "Good night, dad..."

Having half-expecting this, the stallion leans down and kisses her forehead. “You sure you don’t want to snuggle up with Gel and I? We won’t be doing anything but sleeping.”

"I know." She shyly chuckles. "I just know how much you enjoy time with each other... I don't want to interrupt that."

“Pinchy…” she flinches at the nickname he gave her, “you know we love spending time with you too… right?”

"Yes," she bites her lip, "but you two tend to... switch gears quickly..."

Gel sighs, turning to Rhino and nodding towards the last section. "I don't think she'll be budging any time soon, love... could I have a moment with her? I'll join you in a few moments."

The stallion closes his eyes, nodding. He gives the filly one last nuzzle, and receives a peck on the cheek in return. Smiling softly, he heads into the last empty section of the tent, letting the flap close behind him.

Gel turns to her daughter, eyes filled with concern. "I know what you're thinking..." Her voice is low, soft, wanting to be sure they aren't heard. "I won't try to discourage your feelings... nor will I encourage them." She gingerly places a hoof on the filly's shoulder, as if she were the most delicate crystal. "I just want you to consider everything before you make a decision... okay?" A nod. "Good..." She gently pecks her on the forehead. "Sleep tight, sweetie..." She turns and heads through the divide where her husband waits.

A few hours later, the majority of the tent's occupants are sound asleep, enjoying the warmth and comfort of their sleeping partners.

There's one pony who isn't, however. She sits up, frowning softly as she looks to the bag. "...why do they get to sleep with him? I knew him longer..." She stays there in the deafening silence before she makes her choice.

Slowly standing, she quietly moves across the floor, opening the flap and looking inside. She blinks, stunned by the sheer size on the inside. With a soft gulp, she lowers herself into the bag, letting herself drop to the pillow mountain below.

Climbing her way out of the pile, she looks around, confused. "Where is he?" She lights up her horn and jumps at the sharp teeth before her. When nothing happens, she peers closer, realizing that it was a bear costume. Rolling her eyes, she starts to search the surrounding area.

It doesn't take long for her to find him, as well as the six mares who joined him. He lays flat on his back, mouth open and snoring quietly.

Cotton and Honey are on either side of the stallion, cuddling up against him. Another mare is curled around his head while two others each snuggle an outstretched foreleg. Finally, the last one lays curled around his hind legs, forming an almost complete frame of mares around him.

Ruby gulps, carefully stepping over the mare around his legs, hoping that they wouldn't notice the shift in weight. She moves to go further but stops, eyes wide at the object before them. "B-big... h-how can it be bigger?"

It seems to twitch as her breath brushes it, causing the teen to blush brightly. "I-ignore it, Ruby... y-you know why you're here..." She cautiously moves over the stallion, laying herself down on his underside and folding her legs to her body. She stares at the pegasus' face, but, mostly, at his soft-looking lips.

Steeling herself, she closes his mouth, leans down, and gently kisses him, pulling away after the split-second contact. "T-there... now I ca-"

She gets cut off when he suddenly leans up, capturing her lips with his own and muffling her quiet squeak. This was longer, warmer, and more tender than hers, and the filly simply melted at the love within it.

He lays back and smiles, still very much asleep. "Oh Vi... you rascal..."

Hearing this, Ruby frowns in disappointment. She got this far, though; she's not going to let that get her down. She curls up against his chest, listening to his soft, even breaths, the peaceful, rhythmic beats of his heart. "I will learn all I can about love... I promised..."