• Published 2nd Apr 2014
  • 738 Views, 54 Comments

Virtue and Vice: Equestria - enigmaMystere

Based (loosely) on the JLA/JSA storyline of the same name, this recounts what happens before and during the most troublesome time in the history of Equestria's specialized taskforces.

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Stealthy Shades #40

In the basement of the Golden Oaks library in Ponyville, once merely looked over as a curiosity but now regarded with more awe in light of the ascension of one of its inhabitants to royalty, there are many things. Mostly what one would see would be books, but down in the basement is where the local Princess performs all kinds of experiments. Here, among the machinery, sits a pristine plinth, runes etched into its sides and onto the archway that goes over it. While not very notable at first among everything else, this item would arguably be called what gets the most consistent use down here.

Suddenly, the runes begin to glow with a white light. The glow gets brighter and brighter, until suddenly a flash emanates from the center of the archway. When it fades, three silhouettes stand there. The single stallion among them groans lightly as he puts a hoof to his head. “Ugh… I have no idea how anypony would get used to that…”

The indigo nymph wobbles off the raised surface, grabbing one of the machines to keep herself from falling over. Neither do I… why won’t the room stop spinning?

“Hold it together now…” says the grey mare as she slowly steps off as well. “It always wears off in a moment…” She leans against the nymph for support.

I know… but I hate the disorientation… She shakes her head, turning and tenderly nuzzling the bow-wearing pony.

Octavia weakly nuzzles back, but the action seems to steady her. “Focus on other things… like Melody for instance. She should be very happy to see us.”

That’s true. Luster smiles, quietly giggling. I hope the little ones didn’t give her and Goldie too much trouble…

“I hope the bigger ones didn’t.” Tavi laughs. “Spark may not be tiny anymore, but that filly is still a scamp when she wants to be.”

Too true… The nymph sighs, looking up at the basement stairs. Should we wait for the others, or check on Melody?

Before her wife can answer, Atom shakes his head, now stable, and steps off the platform. It immediately goes off again and two more shapes appear before he’s gone two steps. The sea-green unicorn shakes his head once before stepping off. “Well, a little dizziness, but I think you guys exaggerate too much when you complain about getting back home this way from Canterlot.”

The burgundy pegasus shakes himself, wings ruffling slightly. “I don’t think you’re the best judge of that, Volt. Surely a unicorn is better equipped to handle it.”

The electric stallion shrugs. “No idea. I just figured with you and your speed, you’d be used to suddenly being somewhere else.”

“And I am. Just needed a couple seconds.” He steps off the raised surface, glancing around curiously. “...I wonder what all of this stuff is for, anyways…”

Looking around, Volt comments idly. “Nothing too shocking. A couple of scanners, diagnostic printers, a few things that look like they’re just for tinkering… lab stuff. Trying to get your mind off all those mares you had to let go?”

“Nah, I’m content. Why do you think I’d be upset?” He looks to the unicorn, smirking slyly. “Or… are you trying to displace your feelings onto me?”

Volt shivers. “No… I mean, they were nice, but I wasn’t exactly begging them to stay when we got them all tickets back where they came from. Honestly I’m just trying to forget that awkward time…”

“Hey, it’s not like you slept with any of them…” He trails off, his playful grin faltering slightly. “...right?”

“Technically I slept with all of them… not like that!” He quickly amends himself. “Purely sleeping, nothing else. I became a pillow…”

“Why are you being so…” He pauses, trying to find the right word. “...nervous? We know you wouldn’t actually sleep with them… though that one mare was rather upset about that.”

“Yeah… she was insistent…” Before the unicorn can say anymore, the plinth lights up yet again.

This time it reveals three shapes once more, the largest of them not even shaking as he steps off. “Ah, home sweet home. Well, town home, house home in a bit.”

The navy nymph opens her mouth to respond, but is cut off by the form between them as she races off the platform, running up the stairs despite being on what should probably be shaky legs. She stares after her, and the red pony rushing to make sure she’s fine, before turning to Rhino, frowning slightly. “I can’t believe she’s still not used to that…”

“Yeah… I guess she got that from you, but worse…” He looks at the door Enigma left through, various emotions going through his head as his eyes slightly narrow.

Gel looks from the door to her husband and back, frowning a bit more. “Love, I know what you’re thinking, but you’re being silly.” She steps off the plinth, turning back and holding out her hoof to him. “He’s just making sure she’s alright.”

He takes her slightly shaking hoof, putting his side against hers. “Maybe I’m just being protective again… but I feel like there’s a reason I should be. I just don’t know why.”

“Look, we’ll discuss it with her when we can.” She sighs softly, gently nuzzling his neck. “For now, we should… should… mmm, fluffy... what was I talking about?”

“Joining us and retrieving your other foals?” Octavia offers.

“Yeah, that.” Gel hums happily, continuing to rub her muzzle against the emerald stallion.

The other changeling in the room quirks an eyebrow at this. Do we need to give you two some time alone down here?

The navy nymph squeaks, quickly pulling away and standing up straight. “N-no. Sorry, kinda got lost for a moment, there…”

Atom shrugs, flexing his wings once. “Well, we are off-duty now, do what you want. I think I’ll go wander in the general direction of my house, maybe grab a coffee on the way.”

Sounds nice. Luster smiles warmly at the other couple, gesturing to the stairs. Would you like to check on Ruby before we go pick up the little ones?

“Well of course, we aren’t going to just leave her here.” Rhino walks toward the stairs. “Do we want to just go pick up all our foals at once? We’re all going there anyway.”

“I think that’s a good plan, love.” The smaller of the nymphs rushes to catch up to her stallion, gently nuzzling his cheek. “We’ll wait in the first floor of the library, okay?”

He nods, kissing her quickly as they ascend the stairs.

“It’s okay, just let it out…” Enigma soothingly rubs the pink pony’s back, his other hoof holding her mane back as she leans over the porcelain throne. “I’m sure everyone’s gotten ill the first few times they teleported…”

Ruby whimpers softly, her ears flat against her head. “T-this is… my twelfth time teleporting…”

The stallion blinks, taking a moment for her words to sink in. “...oh.” He grimaces slightly, unsure what to say. “Well… next time I could fly you back from a mission, maybe?”

She laughs disheartedly, shaking her head. “Thanks, but we both know you’re not good at it… hay, Fluttershy is faster than you…”

He frowns softly, turning and muttering to himself. “Only by half a wingpower…” He stops as she looks at him, her eyes twinkling playfully. “...you know, you could’ve told me you were kidding.”

“But that wouldn’t be as fun.” Ruby giggles, grabbing a worn linen cloth and carefully cleaning off her muzzle.

At that moment, a young purple alicorn familiar to them both steps into the room, a look of concern etched onto her face. “Ruby? Are you alright?”

She nods, placing the wash rag on the edge of the tub. “Much better… though still a bit nauseous…”

Enigma looks to the princess, sheepishly smiling. “It was just a case of teleportation vertigo, Twilight. Thanks for the concern, though...”

“If you’re sure...” She still steps closer to help rub the young filly’s back. “Maybe you’ll get used to it more as time goes on?”

“I can only hope…” The unicorn sighs before something occurs to her. She turns to look at Twilight, brow furrowed slightly in confusion. “...Princess Sparkle? W-why do you have... excitement around you?”

The alicorn blinks, then backs up a step, giggling sheepishly. “N-No reason...why? I’m just happy you’re back, that’s all.”

The pegasus quirks an eyebrow at her, smirking slyly. “This wouldn’t have to do with a certain electrician, would it?”

“Volt has nothing to do with this!” she replies quickly. “Don’t make assumptions, Enigma!”

“You know, we both figured it out on our own.” He chuckles, nodding toward the filly. “She clearly isn’t surprised to hear this. That’s realization on her face. And you got defensive when I brought him up. Your excitement would make sense, then, because we obviously teleported here, and that increases the chances that he’s here.”

She growls lightly, facing away to hide her blush. “Just...where’s the rest of you, then? Still in the basement?”

“That’d be correct.” He smiles softly, gently resting a hoof on her back. “Don’t worry, only Ruby and I know… and we won’t tell anyone else.” He looks to the pink pony. “Will we?” She shakes her head, causing him to chuckle in response.

Twilight sighs. “Thank you...sorry for snapping at you like that for just asking questions...” She kicks the ground awkwardly. “I’ll go say hello to the others, then.” She offers a small smile, then turns to go.

“He’s really lucky.” Ruby giggles quietly. “To be with someone as great as you, I mean…”

She looks back, smiling a bit more despite her even more pronounced blush. “Th-thank you, Ruby.” She continues to the door and opens it.

Immediately on the other side is a veritable conga line of ponies, an emerald stallion and sapphire nymph leading the way. Rhino blinks at the alicorn, confused by her blush for a moment before he speaks. “Oh, hey Twilight. How’s your day been?”

“Oh, Rhino!” The alicorn steps back in surprise, looking at the line of ponies. “Um...are you all in a rush, or…?”

“I hope not.” Enigma helps Ruby up, walking over with a wing over her back. “You’d want to let the place air out a bit, first… not a pleasant smell, right now.”

The father’s eyes lock onto the two. “I see…” He walks over, his expression soft as he nuzzles the filly gently. “How are you feeling, sweetie?”

She giggles, affectionately nipping his nose. “Much better, dad… a bit hungry now, but otherwise better.”

“I’ll be heading off, now.” The pegasus nods to the taller unicorn, carefully squeezing by the large group before the door. “Vi could very well be waiting for me, after all… see you later, everyone!”

As everypony waves goodbye to the red pegasus, those who kept their eye on Rhino might have seen him relax a little more, his tail swishing, his smile more at ease.

This was the case with Ruby, who looks at her father in confusion. She quickly shakes her head, smiling softly and gesturing towards the door. “Are we getting Mystic and Serene, dad?”

He smiles widely at her, “Of course we are. Tavi and Luster are coming along as well to pick up Melody. It’ll be a nice couple of reunions.” He looks toward the door, tail swishing happily.

Atom nods. “Yeah, you guys have fun with that. I’ll see you later. Volt, want to join me for some coffee?”

The electric unicorn shakes his head. “No thanks, I’m good. I think I might actually stay here for a bit… browse for some new books.” He looks to the librarian with a small smile.

Ruby tilts her head to the side at this. “You spend a lot of time in here… you must really enjoy reading…” There’s a coy little smirk on her lips that no one besides the sea-green stallion seems to notice.

“Sure do!” He admits readily. “Of course, the same can be said of anyone of your family too.”

“He does have us there,” Rhino idly comments.

“That he does…” Gel sighs, shaking her head. “Doubt he likes the genres we do, though… he seems to be the kind to enjoy joke books…”

“There’s also science fiction and electrical engineering books too, you know.” He smirks. “I’m not all puns, no matter how much they pretty much fall from my mouth.”

Octavia gives a small giggle. “Well, perhaps there is hope for you after all.”

However little it is. Luster playfully winks at Volt and turns to the door. We should probably be going, now…

The filly looks to her, curious. “...is it because you’re missing Melody?” The nymph stumbles at this, causing the pink pony to giggle. “I thought so. I can tell dad feels the same, so you’re not alone in that, at least.”

“Yeah, but I wear mine on the outside.” The stallion chuckles. “Luster’s more like a chocolate filled with caramel.”

You, of all stallions, would definitely know that. She pauses, frowning slightly. ...I wish I could’ve worded that better. I just sounded strange.

“Yes, yes it did. Change of subject?” Her wife offers.

The indigo changeling nods, ducking her head in embarrassment. Yes please.

Octavia only grins. “Then why don’t we all bid a fond farewell to our Princess, and go get our children before you and Rhino hug them unconscious when we finally do get there?”

Brilliant plan. She turns and waves a wing to the alicorn, smiling sheepishly. Have a nice day. Tell Spike I said hello!

“What she said!” Ruby giggles, bumping the purple pony’s side teasingly before walking after her aunt.

“Agreed.” The grey mare bows her head slightly. “Good day.” She trots out after the others.

Soon the door closes, and the only ones left are the librarian and the electrician. The former looks at the latter, confused. “What did Ruby mean by that?”

Volt explains. “Luster still had the leftover mental connection from the mission. She said goodbye and to tell Spike ‘hello’. I’m actually surprised we didn’t see him while they were here.”

“Oh.” Twilight nods in understanding. “I’ll be sure to let him know, then.” She smiles, then looks away self-consciously.

Smiling, he steps forward and nuzzles her. “Away on official Canterlot business again, or is he helping Rarity?”

“Canterlot,” she answers as she returns the gesture. “Not sure what it’s about, exactly. I think he told me, but it was early in the morning, so I wasn’t really listening...” She blushes a bit.

“You are usually pretty spaced until you have your tea.” He chuckles, looking around. “So, if Spike isn’t around, and we’re alone… are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

She smiles back at him. “I think I am.”

His horn lights up, pulling a thick tome from the bottom drawer of her desk as they exclaim simultaneously. “Next chapter!”

Enigma strolls along the street, looking around carefully. “Okay, so I don’t know if we will be able to see her, today. Normally, when she’s here before me, the whole town knows.” He chuckles mirthfully, shaking his head and ignoring the odd looks passing ponies give him.

“I guess the fact she’s so well known is the reason we get to stay in the comfy bag?” replies a voice from his side, startling many of the staring ponies.

“She’s actually a little infamous.” He scratches his chin, thoughtful. “If I’m not here, she just blasts her music from our house… or her father’s music. Either way, ponies tend to stay awake.” The red pony shrugs. “I guess you could come out, but I figured you girls wanted to stay inside, where it’s comfortable, like you said. I think there’s candy somewhere in there, too… can’t remember where, though.”

A different voice calls out. “You could always come back in and we could have some eye-candy…”

He stops, biting his lip as he looks back at his saddlebag. “...that’s a tempting offer… but there’d be no one to watch the bag and make sure it’s safe.” He smiles slyly. “Once I get home, though, I’d be happy to oblige.”

“Maybe…” the first voice says, “but once we get there, we want to come out and see your place! We don’t want to live in the bag you know…”

“Of course, Miss Cotton.” He chuckles, wings flapping a few times. “I’m just a couple blocks away, anyways. Just need to get past Sugarcube Corner without being tackled by a certain party mare…”

Suddenly a sing-song voice calls out. “Oh Enigma~!”

The burgundy pegasus blinks, his irises shrinking to pinpricks. “...please tell me that was one of you girls…”

“No…” Both voices say at once.

The sound of light hoofsteps reaches the stallion’s ears just before the voice does once more. “Sorry about the call, darling, but you do have quite the trotting pace. I had to get you to stop somehow.”

Enigma sighs, turning to face the white pony behind him. “Hello, Miss Rarity. Long time no see.” He turns to the side, muttering to himself. “Not long enough, in my opinion…”

“It has been far too long hasn’t it?” The alabaster unicorn titters. “I was actually just thinking about something when you passed in front of my store, so I have a very important question to ask you.”

He levels his gaze at her, slightly miffed. “No, I’m not going to model any more mare’s clothes for you. The one time was enough, and you ogled me quite a bit.”

Rarity gives a demure blush at this. “Well… rest assured this is not about that incident. This is more of a possible friendly gesture that depends on your answer to a simple question as to your plans for an upcoming occasion.”

The pegasus quirks an eyebrow at this. “I already have a present for Pinchy’s birthday, if that’s what you’re asking. If it’s not… well, go ahead and ask, then.”

Clearing her that, she asks, “What are you going to be wearing to the Heroes’ Ball?”

He stares blankly at her, as if he didn’t hear her. “...the what now?”

She blinks. “The Heroes’ Ball… the one that the Elements and you and your…” she gives a light cough, “associates were sent invitations to? For service to Equestria?”

“We just got back from a meeting. We… haven’t exactly checked our mail, yet.” Enigma shrugs. “Thanks for letting me know about it, though. I’ll probably just wear what I have on.”

A dramatic gasp rips from her throat. “Certainly not! There is no way you can attend this exclusive event… bare!” Steeling herself, she points at him. “I shall make you something to wear, and I shall not take no for an answer!”

He blinks, staring blankly at her. “...how about iie, then?” He glances behind her, noticing the midnight-black pony approaching. “Or maybe you take care of Atom, instead? I’m sure he needs something to wear.”

The other pegasus stops in his tracks, staring at them through his shades. “I’m sorry, what?”

With her horn lighting up light blue, Rarity lets out an excited laugh. “An excellent idea! I can make something for both of you!” Turning her immaculately curled tail, she canters happily back towards her shop, dragging them with her.

Atom can only stare at E, unamused. “What did you just rope me into?”

“...apparently, we’re both getting fitted for the Heroes’ Ball.” He shrugs. “Hey, at least you’ll get to look good for Spitfire, right?”

“...What’s a Heroes’ Ball?”

“...and that’s what the Heroes’ Ball is, apparently.” He looks over the letter to the other pegasus currently being tended by the mare. “Does that make sense?”

“I… guess?” Atom holds out his wing straight as Rarity takes measurements. “It’s a little vague and frankly it sounds like one of those stuffy parties the nobility have. Does it say how long the guest list is?”

He flips to the next page, his eyes traveling across it. “Not how many, but it does say who all’s invited… yet it doesn’t mention our group specifically. Just ‘Specialized Groups’... and the Wonderbolts, apparently.”

“Oh yes, it’s all very exclusive, darling.” Rarity comments as she takes a few more measurements.

“Well, maybe it’ll be nice then. Sounds basically like all our friends, mostly.” The former guard nods to himself.

“...and the few ponies who help fund our missions.” His eyebrows suddenly shoot up. “Oh. Vi’s dad is one of them…”

Atom raises an eyebrow. “Huh… didn’t see that coming.”

“Well of course, he is one of the most important ponies in Canterlot, perhaps Equestria.” She giggles to herself gleefully before composing herself once more. “Now, what sort of style were we thinking? Tuxedo, two piece...oh there are so many options…”

Looking decidedly uncomfortable, the dark pegasus answers quickly. “Maybe something like a dress uniform?”

She stops. “Military? Well… it’s certainly not my usual… but it does sound like a fun challenge.” She brightens up once more. “I’ll do it! Now then, Enigma, your turn. Get up here please and strip down so I can get your measurements.”

He rolls his eyes and pulls his bag off, setting it on the couch, which starts to creak. “Fine… no ogling, though.”

“I promise.” Atom gets off the stage and puts his vest back on while E takes his place. “Now then, hold still for me, and tell me what you would like.”

The burgundy pony flares his wings out for her. “I honestly don’t know. I’m pretty much the worst when it comes to fashion… in fact, you know those dresses you made for that one fashion show with Hoity Toity?”

“The ones the girls and I wore to the Gala?” She looks to him curiously. “What about them?”

“Actually, I meant the ones made before those. There were photos in the paper.” He looks away, his cheeks brightening slightly. “Still better than what I could ever make. If I could say what I’d like… I’d only choose a button up shirt, for fear of causing some form of faux paux.”

She frowns for a moment, thinking. “Could I at least get you to wear a jacket and tie as well?”

He gives a small nod. “I think I would. Probably would take the jacket off if I get too warm, though.”

“At least you’ll start with it on…” she mutters quietly, setting the tape measure on his back. “Hmm… still not much muscle mass growth… are you sure you aren’t maintaining your figure on purpose?”

Enigma stares at her a moment before reaching out under her midriff with a hoof. He lifts her up easily into the air, smirking wryly. “I think I don’t need much more muscle mass, Miss Rarity.” He tickles her nose with his wing before putting her back on the floor.

Blushing, she dusts herself off and smacks him with her tail. “One does not simply pick a lady up without permission, Mister Enigma. Also, your strength is not what I questioned, as I am well aware of your muscle density. I spoke of its mass.”

He simply shrugs, brushing off her action. “I just don’t exercise that much. If I gained too much, I don’t think I’d be able to live a normal life; breaking jars, ripping doors off hinges… all without trying, you know?”

She huffs, going back to her measuring. “Perhaps Bulk Biceps can offer tips for that problem.”

Enigma huffs, his tail flicking slightly. “And have my wings shrink? No thanks. I’m happy with how I look… besides, bigger muscles wouldn’t affect how my face looks. Could you imagine a pony with a feminine face and a big stallion’s body? It just… seems off, to me.”

She hums thoughtfully. “True… Fair enough, I conceed to your point.” Whipping the tape off him, she nods. “Very well, simple as these are, they should be done by tomorrow.” Looking over him once more, she taps her chin. “I wonder if my next line should be suits for mares…”

He quirks an eyebrow at her, uneasy. “And just what is going on in that mind of yours?”

“Just some inspiration, dear. Nothing to be concerned about…” She continues looking over him and nods. “Say… I know you said you won’t model dresses, but…”

He sighs, shrugging slightly. “Sure. Go ahead and do the suits.”

She lets out a quiet squeal. “Excellent! Let me get my fabrics and we’ll get a nice prototype going!” She skips out of the room and into the next one, humming happily.

He looks to Atom, frowning softly. “I’m gonna regret this, aren’t I?”

The other pegasus nods solemnly. “Oh, yeah…”

A golden pegasus sits on the couch of the apartment, gently sipping at a cup of tea. Her eyes occasionally dart to the door, tufted ears flicking at whatever noise caught her attention. She always ends up disappointed, however, when nothing happens, and sighs softly, staring into her reflection in the chestnut-colored liquid in her cup. “Patience, Golden… you can wait…”

After another minute, a series of three knocks comes from the door. She quickly jumps up and rushes to the door. Taking a moment to smooth out her skirt - as well as grimace at the puddle her drink made on the floor - she grabs the door and opens it up, smiling sweetly. “Hello, there!”

The emerald stallion at the door blinks at her. While some might take a second glance at the fact the teenage filly has leathery wings instead of feathery ones, as somepony who had known her for her whole life, Rhino is confronted by something else. Namely, the fact that Goldie is wearing the kind of waitress outfit donned by the mares down at the maid cafe her mother used to run.

He stands there speechless for a moment. “Oh… hey Goldie. That’s a very... lovely outfit you have on there…”

“Thanks!” She giggles, turning and giving a little shake of her hips. “I got a part time job, and this is my uniform!” She faces him, a warm smile on her lips. “The new manager is a little odd, but the pay is good!”

Again, he finds it difficult to come up with words for what, to him anyway, is an odd sight on this pony. Complicating the fact is that he actually knows this particular uniform well… given that his wife used to work at the same restaurant, still has the uniform, and enjoys wearing it to tease him. “Ah… ok… well, I’m glad you’re enjoying it… I didn’t think the cafe hired 15 year olds…”

“Oh, they do. I’m just the pony who helps seat the customers.” She turns to walk inside but pauses, frowning softly. “I… I forget what they’re called…”

“Hostesses.” He answers reflexively, moving to follow her and pointedly ignoring her naturally swaying hips.

“Oh, yeah, that’s it.” She giggles, passing the puddle and giving it a frown, her nose crinkling slightly. “I should get a towel before that sets in… anyways, make yourself comfortable. Melody should be finishing her performance for Mystic and Serene, soon.”

At the subject change, his mind latches on. “Ah, good. It’ll be great to see them again. I’ve missed them.”

“They’ll be glad to hear that.” She giggles, turning back to him and freezing, eyes wide at the sight of the mare and nymphs behind him. “O-oh, um… h-hi, there?”

Tavi smiles at her. “Hello, Golden. Oh my, don’t you look precious in that.”

Gel tilts her head as the young mare runs into the kitchen area, confused. “...isn’t that the outfit from…” She looks to her husband, an eyebrow raised. “It is, isn’t it?”

He nods. “Yeah… pretty much exactly it… apparently she works there now, too.”

“I hope she knows what she’s getting into…” She frowns softly as the bat-winged pony rushes back inside, quickly working to clean the tea up.

He looks over to his wife. “Well, she’s just the hostess, so nothing too bad should happen.”

“That sounds better…” She blinks, tilting her head at the filly before raising a hoof. “Dab, don’t rub. And you really don’t have to bend so low. We don’t exactly want to see your panties.” The yellow mare squeaks and spins around, tail tucked between her legs. “If you want, I can probably take care of it…” She takes the cloth in her magic, moving forward and gingerly dabbing up the liquid.

As the mare and other nymph take their sets, Rhino resigns himself to simply stand for now. His eyes roam all over the room, though they tend to start avoiding Goldie in favor of his wife. Things are much more straightforward that way.

Seeing him avoiding looking at her, she decides to make a new plan on the spot. She gently taps his shoulder, smiling shyly. "I'm kind of embarrassed, but... c-could you possibly help me with something? I-in private, please?"

Seeing the opportunity to do something, he nods, smiling at her. "Of course, Goldie. Whatever you need."

She nods and turns away, heading to the hallway. The young mare leads him to a room and opens the door, entering the room beyond.

Rhino nuzzles his wife as he passes her. "Just going to go help Goldie with something. Won't be long, love." She nuzzles him back and he follows the young mare. The room he enters is fairly standard for a bedroom. It even has that cozy sense of comfort they usually offer.

She closes the door, sighing quietly. "Mister Nexus... R-Rhino... I just..." Golden Dawn sighs, bowing her head. "C-can you keep a secret?"

Seeing the normally happy mare acting like this, he nods, speaking quietly and kneeling down to her level. "Of course, Goldie. What's wrong?"

"N-nothing, really... I just... I..." She looks to him and, before he can react, leans forward, tenderly kissing him.

The stallion freezes up, not in the least bit expecting this. After she breaks the contact, his mouth falls open. "I.. you... what?"

"...I'm in love with you... a-and it hurts..." She turns away, silently cursing the hot tears that roll down her cheeks, the hard lump of emotion lodged in her throat. "B-because I know... I can't be with you... I-I'm sorry, Rhino..."

With a loud inward groan and a small curse at the situation, Rhino lets out a slow breath. "Ok..." He raises a hoof and sets it on her shoulder. His mind starts being extra careful as he chooses his words, trying to come off as a parent or friend, but nothing else. "Goldie... are you certain it isn't just a crush you'll be over soon? Love is a very strong word."

She sniffles, nodding her head, her voice soft as she responds. "I... I've felt it for a while, now... f-four years, to the day... I..." She shudders a bit, lifting his hoof and hugging it, as if for comfort. "I just... wanted you to have my first kiss... if nothing else..."

Well, there went that small hope that this would be easy. Ok... more information. "But... why? Why me, why not someone your own age?"

"...you don't remember, do you?" She laughs quietly, shaking her head. "Of course you don't... helping someone escape the Everfree was probably nothing special for somepony as amazing as you..."

It takes him a moment to remember the day she speaks of, if only partially. "Ah, right... you did get lost that day and we came and got you out. This is because of that?"

She nods, blushing softly. "You rescued me from that... that awful creature... carried me out on your back like a valiant knight..." She squirms slightly, wings rustling quietly. "And then... you continued being kind... being earnest... I just... I loved it..." She turns away, blushing hard enough for her face to look like a peach. "If it wasn't for that dare... none of this would've happened..."

Rhino sighs heavily, sitting down against the wall. "Oh dear..." A million different words rush through his head, but all of them either seem like they would only make her like him more, or crush her heart. "Goldie... look, you're growing up, so having these feelings appear is natural..."

She bitterly laughs, shaking her head as she climbs onto the bed. "I tried telling myself the same thing... but these feelings have never wavered... every time some colt would ask me out... every time I'd see a couple, or some famous actor..." She looks to him, tears in her eyes. "...all I could think of was you. Being near you, being embraced as I slept, being loved..." She wipes her eyes with a fetlock. "I know that it's wrong to feel this way... you're my best friend's dad, for crying out loud... but while my mind can be persuaded, my heart just..."

He chuckles grimly, shaking his head and walking over. "Yeah... the heart can easily override the mind when it wants to. Easiest way to be done with this would be to make you hate me, but neither of us want that. Have you tried talking to anypony else? even vaguely?"

"No..." She whimpers, hiding her face behind her forelegs. "I'm too embarrassed... i-it's taking so much courage to keep myself from flying out the window..."

He tries to ease the tension a little. "You want to go flying around in that outfit?"

She curls up on herself. "N-no... I don't want anyone else to see my p-panties..."

His face twitches as that plan backfired. "Right... I'm surprised you took that job at your mom's old work then."

She flinches at this. "Y-you shouldn't be... I-I don't have a job, there... n-not in the front, at least..."

He starts to worry a little, fatherly instincts rising a bit. "Surely not as a waitress?"

"A-as a dishwasher..." A purple eye peeks out at him from behind her legs. "I... I borrowed the costume from mom's store... I-I heard about how you like skirts..."

Much as he tries to fight it, he can't help but flinch at that. "And umm... how would you know something private like that?"

"Aunt Luster had a few too many, one night..." She blushes brightly, clearly struggling to keep her one visible eye on his face as memories come unbidden. "...a-are all stallions that big, Rhino?"

Clapping a hoof over his eyes in mortification, Rhino slumps to the ground. "How is fair that the mute one is the one who gave away all my secrets? Seriously?!"

She leans down, tenderly nuzzling his mane. "I-it's not all that bad... j-just those two things... and, well, Gel's love of roleplaying... then she passed out..."

He thumps his head on the ground. "You should not be hearing any of that... especially at your age."

"Maybe..." She gently lifts his head up, pecking his injured forehead. "...it's not like it's the end of the world, though... right?"

"I guess so..." He sits back up next to her bed. "There still remains the issue about what to do with you and your feelings, though..."

She sighs, resting her head over the edge. "Like I said... I know it's pointless... but I don't think they'll go away on a whim..." She closes her eyes, groaning quietly.

"Yeah..." he nods slowly, thinking of how to help her with this. "I know it's a secret, but would you mind if I brought it to the attention of a few others? One in particular comes to mind and I would like to hear their input on it."

"...a-as long as they won't... be mad at me... g-go ahead..." She flips her pillow over her back and onto her head, using it in an attempt to hide herself.

"Hey now," he lifts one corner of the pillow up, "you know know I'm not mad at all, right? There's nothing wrong with what you're feeling."

"B-but... y-you're married... a-and I'm h-half your age, and..." She bites her lip, whimpering softly. "...t-that just makes it... more desirable..."

"I meant more the fact that you are having feelings like this at all and are still keeping your head about it..." He gently starts stroking her mane to try and keep her calm. "What do you mean by that last part, though?"

"I... I kinda..." She blushes brightly, even the tips of her ears turning pink. "I've i-imagined... w-what it'd be like to... y-you know..." She taps her forehooves together as if in demonstration, hoping she wouldn't have to say it.

He grimaces, a small blush coming to his own face. "Oh goody... it's not just personality, it's physical attraction too..."

"Blame Aunt Luster... and the time I, uh..." She clears her throat awkwardly, turning her head away. "...h-heard you and Gel, once... y-you should really make sure your bedroom door is closed..."

His face thunks into the bed. "Oh great... first Ruby, now you, and both of you are awkward around me now, if for completely different reasons." He groans loudly.

"...s-sorry, Rhino..." She whimpers softly, ears flat to her head. "I... I ramble, when I'm nervous..."

His ears flick in her direction as he hears her whines. "Hey, come on now, this is a strange situation for all involved. I don't want you to cry anymore, ok? We'll figure out what to do... it just may take a bit."

"I hope so..." She covers her head with the pillow once more, body trembling from a mix of embarrassment and anxiety.

"Ok then..." He takes a deep breath, trying to settle his mind. "So, do you want me to stay in here with you until you calm down enough for us both to go back out there?"

"I'll just... s-stay in here, thank you... y-you can go ahead... I know you want to see your twins quite a bit..." Her tail flicks slightly. "I'll just... c-change out of this... m-maybe sneak it back before mom notices it's gone..."

He tilts his head. "Are you sure?"

She nods and tries to respond, but now her voice is muffled by the pillow.

He cleans closer, still worried if she's ok. "What was that, Goldie?"

She lifts up the pillow and leans close, gently touching noses with him before stopping herself. "...I-I'll be fine... t-thanks for the concern, though..." She turns and throws the quilt on the bed over her whole body, hoping to avoid his gaze.

The stallion stands up, looking down at the bed with a slight frown before breathing deeply once again. He moves to the door, shooting back one last glance before opening it, leaving through it, and shutting it behind him.

Once the door is closed, the filly lets out a shuddering breath, her wings suddenly flaring up and tenting the cover. "...t-that was too close... I-I almost lost it..."