• Published 22nd Nov 2014
  • 4,470 Views, 138 Comments

Sir Alonne - Lady Maria

I am sir Alonne and I was just slain by a undead who bested me at sword fighting. I died a honorable death and now I am stuck in a world of technicolor ponies and I am public enemy number 1. Now I have to survive and prove myself as a friend!

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Chapter XIV dream scape

Author's Note:

Just so you know I'm going to give sir Alonne a Japanese first name so try not to flip shit because I gave him a first name.

Also this was way back hundreds of years before drangleic.

It was silent for what felt like an eternity I was enjoying a dream of mine. I was in my home land visiting my memories. My father and I were playing around and using kendo sticks to practice sword play. My father was a brave samurai like myself everything I've ever been taught was from that man. He was my only company sense my mother died when I was three years old. I sat down in the grass and watched as the past me and, my father fought with wooden swords. Eventually my father disarmed me and held the wooden sword inches away from my neck.

"Got you Hiroto!" My father said as he chuckled then helped me up.

(Hiroto is a Japanese name that means "large, great" or 博 (hiro) "command, esteem" combined with 翔 (to) "soar, fly" or 斗 (to), which refers to the constellation Ursa Major. So I kinda thought it was a fitting name for Sir Alonne also Hiroto Alonne sounds good.)

"Yeah you did get me this time father. Best five out of eight!" I said as I raised my wooden sword again and took a mediocre fighting stance. I watched as my past self clashed with my father in a battle. Again I was disarmed but I lasted a little bit longer then the last round.

"Okay I think that is enough training for now Hiroto. Lets take a break for supper." My father said as him and my younger self walked into the house. I then got up and followed them into my old house. The house was about your average house. Three bed rooms, 1 medium sized kitchen, 2 bathrooms, and one large family room. My father and, Hiroto walked into the kitchen and started to make a thing of fish, some sliced fruit and, a side of rice. I smiled remembering that was one of my favorite meals when I was younger. Every time we had it I got so exited and while it was cooking sometimes I would sneak some fruit or under cooked fish with a handful of rice.

These times were peaceful and happy I was always the most cheerful young boy in the village. I was friends with everyone and, everyone was friends with me. I then heard a crack of thunder and, lightning outside as it started to rain. I was never really fond of storms when I was young I was terrified of them. I looked at the younger me/Hiroto who had fallen flat on his ass as my father chuckled. I was about 15 years old and, was heavily protected by my father. Ever sense my mother was killed by a hoard of undead my the only thing left for my father was me.

"Don't worry Hiroto the thunder can't hurt you. It is the sky god Gwyn of Cinder who has summoned a storm to refresh this land with new water." My dad said as I loosened up a little.

"Father?" I asked as I stood up and looked at him.

"Yes what is it Hiroto?" My father asked.

"Is the sky god Lord Gwyn of Cinder real?" I questioned as my father turned to me with a smile.

"Of course he is. Lord Gwyn brings us his almighty sunlight and his black knights protect us from the undead." My father said as he smiled. A tear of joy fell from my eye as the memory was interrupted by a darkness that blackened my sight. I heard a familiar voice that belonged to one being and one being alone Manus! Manus chuckled behind me as he walked up using his staff for support.

"Those are some interesting memories Sir Alonne or should I say Hiroto Alonne." Manus said as he sat at my side in his deformed monster form Manus sighed as he spoke again, "I have been told that you have made friends with the ponies. You are a brave and worthy warrior indeed I must say after all you have done you would definitely put up more of a fight then Artorias did." Manus said as he chuckled and sat still for a few seconds.

"Manus what do you want? Why do you want to cover this world in darkness? What did these beings or anyone ever do to you." I asked as I glanced at him as he scowled.

"I was tortured by the people of Oolacile. They found my resting place in the chasm where I live. I was dead when they found me but for some reason they decided to bring me back to life. After they did that they felt that I was evil and they took me to their dungeons and tortured me mercilessly. For a few months I held my sanity but soon I snapped. I lost everything I had and I went mad. The wardens and guards came to get me one day but found me in a corner laughing. As they approached me I went berserk on them. I used the dark arts I made and used it to kill them then use their art of reviving to bring them back and turn them into deformed monsters. They attacked and killed others spreading this new curse I created and corrupted others. Soon the prison was taken over and my minions spread into the town. They killed and corrupted others the monsters I created killed every living thing in the town. With the souls of the ones who tormented me I turned into what you see before you today." Manus said as he sighed then slammed his staff on the floor showing me everything that happened.

"W-wow I thought you were just a beast of darkness and corruption but they turned you into the beast you are before me." I said dumbfounded.

"Yes the disturbance I caused was so great that the word of my awakening spread like a wild fire around the lands. Lord Gwyn of Cinder send his best swords man Artorias to slay me. He fought through all of my forces and, eventually reached me. The battle went on for a good thirty minutes before I defeated Artorias and corrupted him." Manus said as he lowered his head then he lifted it up as I felt his anger build back up.

"But that is all you need to hear. It has been wonderful seeing you Hiroto but I have to go." Manus said as he slammed his catalyst on the floor as I was shaken out of sleep by a pony known as Pinkie Pie.

"Come on Sir Alonnie wake up the wedding party is about to start and the guest of honor shouldn't be late!" Pinkie Pie said as she continued to shake me. I pried her off me and got up I brushed myself off and, strapped my katana to my belt.

"Okay Im ready now lead me to this party Pinkie." I said as she smiled then said.

"Okie dokie loky!" As she led me to the ball room...