• Published 22nd Nov 2014
  • 4,470 Views, 138 Comments

Sir Alonne - Lady Maria

I am sir Alonne and I was just slain by a undead who bested me at sword fighting. I died a honorable death and now I am stuck in a world of technicolor ponies and I am public enemy number 1. Now I have to survive and prove myself as a friend!

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Chapter XX Sinners rise

As Tore through the Lost Bastille killing everything in sight. I looked for obvious places that the so called Lost Sinner might be. I looked to the north and saw an isolated tower that had several guards/hollows on it. I knew this had to be the tower she was in I then turned around and called the others, "GUYS I FOUND IT!" I yell as everyone rushes over to me.

"Where is it?" Aracnoth asks as he looks around.

I lift my arm up and point to the most Isolated tower far to the north: "Over there its an isolated tower that seems heavily guarded." I said as Lucatiel nodded.

"I have been summoned here many times and, that is the correct tower." Lucatiel says as we all head down to the bridge towards the tower.

As we walked over the crossbow wielding soldiers loaded their crossbows and, started firing at us. I sprinted forward and jumped up as I slaughtered each of them. After that Lucatiel guided everyone down to the room with the elevator. 2 went down at time slowly we all got down to the bottom floor. As I got on the elevator one of the chains broke as I started to slide off the platform. I held onto one of the chains as the second one broke. I gritted my teeth as I jumped towards one of the walls. Everyone gasped as they saw my jump but looked at me in awe as I did godly parcore sliding down and jumping off of the walls. As I reached the bottom The elevator platform fell into the water below. I got down to where everyone else was as I waited for the wave of panic.

"How are we going to get back up?!"

"We're going to be trapped here forever!"

"We are going to die!"

And there it is I sighed as I drew in a breath and shouted: "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" All the ponies panic stopped as the looked at me: "There is a primordial bonfire behind the Lost Sinner's room. The bonfire will teleport us right back to Majula. Also you are the most powerful magic users in you world you could have just teleported us back to the top you idiots." I said as the ponies blushed.

"Now come we shall charge into battle!" I chanted as we ran forward. We split off into four groups slaying the deformed beasts ahead. As we did so I charged ahead and killed everything else. I then lead them all across the bridge in a single file to prevent any one from falling off. After we got to the other end Myself, Aracnoth, and Lucatiel put our hands out and traversed the fog wall.

Cut scene

Blood red veins cloud your vision as your sight zooms closer and closer to the lost sinner. She looks up as you see a bug on her mask the bug crawls in there and the Lost Sinner screams in pain. She then calms down and picks up her sword then slowly stood up. She then swung her sword making the flames extinguish...

End of cut scene

I commanded Aracnoth to take the mages and Lucatiel to take the archers and lighter knights under their command and attack her from all sides. I then took my guards and had them rush her. As they did the first 3 knights were slaughtered as the others were sprayed with the blood of their comrades. I jumped to the front of the brigade of knights and used my bewitched blade's ability to absorb her strength and power temporally. I used her speed to slash her about 10 times in 5 seconds.

I used My, Ramie's, and Her strength to lay devastating blows on the Lost Sinner. As I did so she was staggered and then fell on her ass. I took this opening to repost she jolted in shock as the shock wave from my blade went through her stomach renewing my sword's bewitched ability. As she got up pyromancers came out of the vents and started to attack my troops. She then went into a barrage of attacks each of them hit me getting more harsh by the second. I started to feel a burning sensation on my body as It heated up. I swear to the gods she applied hellfire to her blade!

I Caught her blade before it hit me again and I ripped it away from her hands. As I got it away from her I noticed the damn thing weighed a ton! So I kicked it away from me as it slided to the other side of the room. As this happened I used my katana to impale her several times as she roared in pain. As she did fire erupted from the ground as he punched me as her fist created a huge explosion. I was blown back several feet as she jumped 7 feet into the air and landed on my stomach. She picked up her sword and rose it into the air preparing to shove it through my heart.

But before she could do that Aracnoth tackled her and shoved his sword through her neck. The Lost sinner choked on her own blood as she held onto her neck as her hands spasumed. She then fell limp and turned to dust leaving her soul and the old witch's soul behind. I picked both up and smiled.

"One down three to go." I said as the others finally killed off the pyromancers. I sighed and slumped against the wall breathing heavily. Aracnoth walked over then sat down next to me.

"Hey Sir Alonne are you okay?" Aracnoth asked as he nudged me.

"Yeah I think I have 3 broken ribs but other then that I'm fine." I say as Aracnoth pulls out a golden flask then hands it to me.

"Here drink this it will heal you." He said as I took my helmet off brought to flask to my lips and, gulped some down. As I did this I felt my ribs go back into place and my wounds heal. I felt my energy return as the golden liquid rushed down my throat.

"Thank you Aracnoth." I said as I handed the flask back to him.

"No Sir Alonne you keep it. You'll need it more then me plus I have a lot of other healing items." Aracnoth said as he showed me a bag full of life gems.

"Oh thank you Aracnoth I appreciate your generosity." I responded as I got back up and walked to the other side of the room and pushed the large stone/iron doors open. I walked down the stairs and towards the bonfire. As we all huddled around it I reached my hand out and lit it. I then activated its teleportation ability as we all went back to Majula...

Author's Note:

Well one of the four great souls have been collected but what challenges shall Sir Alonne face? Next chapter shall be The Skeleton Lords and, Mytha the Baneful Queen!