• Published 22nd Nov 2014
  • 4,470 Views, 138 Comments

Sir Alonne - Lady Maria

I am sir Alonne and I was just slain by a undead who bested me at sword fighting. I died a honorable death and now I am stuck in a world of technicolor ponies and I am public enemy number 1. Now I have to survive and prove myself as a friend!

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Chapter XXVI The children of the dark

"Now be one with the dark..." Nashandra says as she swings her scythe as I feel a wave of bone chilling air hit my face. Aracnoth applies sunlight blade to his sword as I use my new found powers to buff myself and my sword tenfold.

Elana put her hand out to the side summoning her wrathful Axe, Nadalaia buffed her sisters and herself while Alsanna shyed away slowly. I clutched my katana tightly and charged forward to Nashandra, I swung my blade but it was then blocked by Nashandra's scythe. Aracnoth ran up to Elana and swung up sending her flying into the air.

Nashandra pushed me off of her and then hit me with the back of her scythe sending me flying into a stone wall. I hit the wall making a small crater and then fell to the floor. I growled as I spit out blood and charge forward again with the same tactics but at the last second made Nashandra think I was attacking her shoulder but I then shoved my blade into her gut. Nashandra screamed as I pushed her off my blade, a black aura formed around her as she was instantly healed.

“HOW IS SHE DOING THAT?!” I screamed as Nashandra chuckled.

“My sisters and I have made it so we can regenerate lost health so we can defeat you easily.” Nashandra says chuckling darkly.

I growl as I use my angelic wings to launch myself into the air, I lifted my hand up as I floated and generated a huge ball of dark blue crystalline magic and threw it at Nashandra sending her flying into the back wall. Aracnoth smiled as he let out a war cry, and rammed into Elana with his sword. I looked at the small woman in white for a split seconds then decided to ignore her for she was doing nothing wrong.

Aracnoth flung Elana off his sword and huffed as he charged up a sunlight spear and threw it at Elana. Elana dodged the sunlight spear and shot several small balls of darkness at him. Aracnoth was hit by each orb sending him down to the ground, Elana got up as Alsanna gasped and ran over to Aracnoth.

“Chosen undead you need to get up my sisters are going to kill so many innocent people and ponies! Please get up!” Alsanna begs.

“Don’t worry Alsanna she hasn’t worn me out yet!” Aracnoth says as he gets up and uses a divine blessing as he heals he buffs himself with miracles, and then charged forward. Aracnoth clashed with Elana as Alsanna went over to me as I was now in a heated battle with Nashandra again.

“You just won’t die will you, you dark ass kissing, back stabbing, kiniving bitch!” I roar as I feel the corruption travel closer to my soul as my anger fuels the darkness to corrupt me faster. Alsanna comes over noticing I was seconds away from corruption and uses her magic to make my mind resistant to Manus’s corruption, and insanity.

Suddenly I feel my body scream in pain as Darkness starts to devour my angelic form. The dark purple and black mist swirled around me as I roared in rage. My left eye changed from gold to white as I grew horns on my head and my feathers on my left wing became blackened and dark. My skin turned to blackened flesh and bones on my left side. I felt my teeth grow sharper and longer as a metallic taste formed in my mouth.

The darkness consumed me causing Nashandra to smile and Elana to laugh. Aracnoth looked over and saw what was happening and gasped, “ALONNE DON’T YOU DARE SUBMIT TO THE ABYSS!” He shouted as he stabbed Elana in the gut and rammed her head into a wall.

The darkness clears as my demonic and angelic form is shown my armor completely changed on one end, and became black and covered in spikes and decorative jewels and covered in obsidian. My katana was spiked and had a dark aura around it as if a black fog. I look up still surprised I could think for myself. Nashandra was surprised to see I wasn't completely corrupted.

“H-how is this even possible?!” She screams as Alsanna comes out from behind me and crosses her arms holding a two bladed curved sword: “Alsanna what are you doing?! You are siding with them and not you’re own family!” Nashandra yelled completely furious as Alsanna scowled.

“I’m siding with them because what you’re doing is wrong and I cannot allow you three and my own father to kill and corrupt anymore innocent beings. Now I have made Alonne immune to our darkness and gave him all of our abilities.” Alsanna says smiling as Nashandra growls.

“YOU FOOL DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?!” Nashandra screams as Alsanna smiles.

“Yes I am setting things right, the world will go back to normal and I will have the first flame relit, and get rid of our father’s curse on Oolacile, and the whole undead curse with it.” Alsanna says snarling.

I smile as I cast a spell that cancels out Nadalia’s buffs and made Nashandra and Elana a lot less powerful. Nashandra backed up as Elana retreated to Nadalia and Nashandra backed up to them as Aracnoth and I had a twisted smile on our faces. Alsanna just crossed her arms and watched as her sisters were now cornered by myself and Aracnoth.

“You have no idea how pissed I am with each of you!” Aracnoth roars as he used his greatsword to behead Elana. Elana fell to her knees and then to the ground vanishing and turning to ash that was blown away in an unseen wind.

I walked up to Nadalia and shoved my katana in her chest as she let out a huge scream and fell apart. Then Aracnoth and I turned to Nashandra who was trembling in fear as she watched a pissed off godlike Samurai and a furious undead who has fought off armies on his own approach her slowly growling and gritting their teeth.

I rammed my sword into her chest while Aracnoth cut off both of her arms. Nashandra screamed in pain as she was mutilated my Aracnoth, and I. Nashandra gave one last scream as I pulled my katana out of her and then used it to cut off her head. Nashandra’s head flew off her shoulders and hit the ground making blood, grey matter, brains, and bones explode all over the place as her body and limbs turn to ash and blow away.

I sigh as I look at the three souls laying on the ground and then scoop them into my bottomless box. I then look to Alsanna who smiled at me, “Well done Sir Alonne now we just need to take care of my father and all of this will end.” Alsanna says as she walked over and lit the bonfire.

Alsanna screamed as she was blown back as the floor was now on fire around the bonfire. A huge monstrosity rose from the ground and looked at us, “Well what do we have here? the chosen undead, Sir Alonne, and Alsanna the Silent Oracle... And all of you have just defeated major threats to our world and a world filled with ponies.” Aldia said in his distorted voice as he looked at us with his glowing blood red eyes.

“Who are you?” Aracnoth asks.

“I am Aldia Scholar of the First Sin. I have come here to meet the two heroes who have fought off the dark. Not only does fighting off the dark for so long impress me but Sir Alonne you have been corrupted by the Abyss and still have full control of you’re body. Tell me Alonne how does it feel to be both an angel and demon possessing the most powerful souls in the history of the world?” Aldia asks as he stares at us with his one eye.

“I feel like I’m ready to take on that bastard Manus and rip his fucking heart out!” I hiss as Aldia chuckles.

“Do not underestimate him Alonne Manus is a literal god as old as time. His knowledge surpasses yours tenfold and he knows what to expect from you.” Aldia warns.

“I won’t ever underestimate my enemies ever again Aldia trust me.” I say as Aldia sighs.

“Then I wish you luck Alone... Aracnoth you need to relight the first flame you need to head to Drangleic castle... But take this you’ll need it.” Aldia says as one of his tentacles drop a ring into Aracnoth’s hand, “Now I bid you farewell, may we meet again soon.” Aldia says as he sinks into the ground as the flames roared below him. I sighed as Aracnoth lit the bonfire and teleported us back to Majula...

Author's Note:

The final battle will soon begin and nothing will stop Alonne and Aracnoth from completing their goal... Or will they fall to Manus's power?

As always comments are much appreciated and please tell me of what you thought about the chapter!