• Published 22nd Nov 2014
  • 4,466 Views, 138 Comments

Sir Alonne - Lady Maria

I am sir Alonne and I was just slain by a undead who bested me at sword fighting. I died a honorable death and now I am stuck in a world of technicolor ponies and I am public enemy number 1. Now I have to survive and prove myself as a friend!

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Chapter XXII Smelter Demon and, The Old Iron King

(Warning this chapter is going to get really bloody and emotional. This will have my personal views on how Sir Alonne would feel towards The Old Iron King after death.)

As my eyes took in the mighty castle that was in ruin. I felt that same hatred build up again I marched forward and up to two Alonne Knights that straightened up then soluted to me. I signaled for them to follow as I went through the castle gathering up my knights. Sense they are more loyal to me they had no problem leaving their posts and, following me into the depths of the keep. As I had my knights turn off the furnaces and, lower the bridges Twilight came up to my side.

"Sir Alonne how do you know this place so well? Its almost like you built it." Twilight said as she stared into the lava below then looked back up at me.

"I did help build it Twilight. In fact the very man at the end of the keep is the bastard I was the right hand man of." I snarled as I walked across the Iron bridge and, towards the fog wall.

"Is there a reason you keep snarling and becoming angry at the slight mentions of this place or that man?" Twilight asked as I turned to her.

"That man killed me!" I hollered as she recoiled.

"Oh that would explain why I can sense I so much hatred..." Twilight muttered as I pushed her aside and, stepped forward into the fog wall.

As my 4 Alonne knight captains came in the readied their great bows and pointed them at the giant demon made of black iron. I gripped my sword with both hands and grit my teeth as the thing came to life within seconds. But then I felt a familiar wave of force flow over me. It's aura almost seemed like it belonged to me...

I shook this off thinking it was just a coincidence I then charged forward. The smelter demon leaped 10 feet into the air did a flip and, then plunged its sword into the ground. I jumped backwards and barely avoided the attack. My Alonne knights loaded their bows and let loose their iron great-arrows. The force of the mighty arrows staggered the Smelter demon and sent him falling on his ass. I was about to attack but my gut told me to stay back. One of my knights then charged and plunged his blacksteel katana into the things fiery stomach. However this was a grave mistake because as this happened the demon let out a roar and a shock wave sent my knight flying.

I then took this chance to charge forward while the demon was still recovering. I laid several blows on the thing's stomach then used my foot to send it falling onto its back. I then used my weight to keep it from getting up as I used my katana to impale the demon and use its fiery blood to enchant my blade. My blade became hotter then the sun's own fire as I pulled it out of the demon's chest. I jumped in the air then did several back flips and, landed. The smelter demon then got to its feet then plunged its blade into its gut. I heard it groaning then it roared as it pulled the blade out of its stomach. His blade was now as fiery as mine was I then put both hands on my katana as the demon charged at me.

I smiled at this as I side stepped and commanded my knights to nail him in the back with a barrage of great-arrows. My knights nodded their heads as they drew three arrows each and strung the great-arrows up. They fired the arrows as they pelted and blew chunks of the demon's armor/body off. The Smelter demon roared as it fell to its knees and turned to ash. I then walked up to where the demon once stood and picked up its glowing soul. I felt that familiar sensation again as I felt a instant connection with the soul. My eyes shot open wide as I realized that it was my soul! The Iron King must have used my soul to create a new me.... But somehow he failed...

I brought the soul to my chest as it shifted slightly and moved slowly into my chest. As this happened I felt the raging flames of the volcanic wasteland that surrounded the Iron keep inside my body. I clenched my fist as my blade started to glow brightly it was soon set ablaze as the heat and power of my new soul lit it on fire. I then sighed as the heat of my new soul died down and my body returned to normal temperature. I looked behind me as the others came forward and stared at me.

"What?" I asked as they all stared at me with dumb looks on their faces.

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she bounced up and down excitedly.

"What happened?" I asked confused about what they were all so amazed about.

"You.... well how do I put this in a nice way.... Different Sir Alonne." Twilight says as she showed me a reflection of myself.

My jaw dropped as I saw that I now had horns and, two demonic wing that was blacker then the night sky. The ends of my fingers were now pointed and, razor sharp as I had developed claws. I stared in complete awe at my reflection as my jaw hung open. I quickly dequiped my helmet and saw that my eyes were red and snake like.

"What the hell is happening to me?!" I roared as my voice seemed deeper and more intimidating.

"It must be either that new soul you absorbed or the abyss is corrupting your body and mind at a faster rate then expected." Twilight said as she tapped her hoof on her chin.

"WHAT?! YOU SAID I HAD TWO FULL WEEKS! IT HASN'T EVEN BEEN TWO DAYS!" I yelled as the others covered their ears.

"Calm down Sir Alonne! You need to stay calm! I think that your massive amounts of anger has helped speed up the process of your corruption." Aracnoth said as I looked at I but then sighed.

"Yes that seems like a logical explanation." I said as I sheathed my katana and walked forward and up the stairs.

As Aracnoth lit the bonfire most of my knights sat down and rested. A few minutes later I gathered up my captains and a few others as we continued forward and trekked deeper into the Iron Keep. As we came upon more of my knights they simply joined us as we went forward and farther into this hell hole. As we came to a slim passage way I led them in sending Aracnoth first and everyone else after. Aracnoth pulled a lever and caused a giant metal cleaver to move towards the roof. I quickly ushered everyone past it and finally ducked under it myself. As we pushed forward Aracnoth had to kill 2 turtle knights and climbed up a latter to turn off the flames in the Iron keep. A few minutes later he came back down and I lead the others out into the area where he was.

I set up the others as they drew their bows and waited for my signal. Aracnoth and I then walked towards the fog wall but we stopped as we heard the voices of the main six call us out.

"Aracnoth! Sir Alonne wait up!" They shouted as they ran up to us.

"What is it guys?" Aracnoth asked as they stopped in front of us.

"We want to fight with you!" Rainbow Dash said as the others nodded.

"No its too dangerous. If the man in there was able to kill me he will defenently be able to kill you!" I said as I scowled.

"We don't care we are helping you defeat this monster!" Fluttershy said as she gave me a stern and forceful stare. Of course this had no effect on me but I sighed.

"Fine but be careful!" I commanded as they smiled then nodded.

Aracnoth and I then travaced the fog wall as the others did the same and followed us through the fog.

Blood red veins cloud your vision as your sight zooms closer and closer to the lava waves as a giant demon emerges as he breaks the surface of the molten lava. The demon shakes his head then looks over to us as he wades through the lava slowly moving towards us. As It reaches the edge of the stone platform he roars at us.

The cut scene ends...

I growl as I felt that uncontrollable anger boil up in me as I see my old demonized king before me. I grip my katana as it is set ablaze by my anger it burns a unbearable heat as my fury makes it glow brighter and brighter. I charge forward and lay a barrage of attack on my former king. Aracnoth follows my lead as he attack the Old Iron King as well. The Old Iron King roars as we lay blow after blow on him he then swings his arms knocking Aracnoth and I back. I got back up then charged him again and through my blind fury I laid dozens of blows on the Old Iron King again.

As I did so I felt the temperature in my body rise rapidly as I was now practically on fire. My blood was literally boiling as I let our a roar of fury striking the Old Iron King again and, again and, again. The Old Iron King roared in pain and tried to swat me away from him. But I was way to quick for him. I hissed at him as he tried to swat me away from him again. I then jumped onto his back and stabbed his neck several times before he dived into the lava dragging me with him. I closed my eyes and waited for the extreme burning sensation to come but it never did. I opened my eyes to see I was still holding on to the Iron king but we were in the lava.

I hissed as I jumped off of him and swam up to the surface. As I bursted out of the lava and climbed up onto the platform the others stared at me in awe as they saw I came out unscathed. The Old Iron King bursted out of the lava sending globs of the stuff everywhere. I growled as The Old Iron King narrowed his eyes and roared at me before a bright light engulfed his body as he transformed into a new form.

As the Light died down I saw the true Iron King I knew and hated. He held his scorching Iron scepter in one hand and a pyromancy flame in the other. He chuckled as he put the head of the scepter on the ground and laid his head on his arms as he balanced his weight on the scepter so he could stay in that position.

"Well well well look what we have here! The scum that left my kingdom and betrayed me!" The Old Iron King said as I snarled at him.

"I only did that because you were full of yourself you cheeky bastard!" I snapped back at him as he smiled.

"It has been too long Sir Alonne or should I say Hiroto Alonne?" The Iron king said as I flinched at my own first name. The others muttered my name and looked at each other in shock.

"How dare you use my first name you scum bag! You shall call me Sir Alonne and nothing else!" I Shouted at him as I charged forward.

The Iron king side stepped and hit me in the back with his hammer. I then groaned as I stood back up to face him: "Tisk tisk tisk Hiroto you have become rusty at fighting! What happened to you hmmm? What happened to that once great and honorable Samurai I knew?" The Old Iron King taunted as I started to grind my teeth.

"You let me up I'll show you how rusty I am you cheeky dick!" I snarled as the Old Iron King laughed.

"Sorry my friend I can't do that! Now it has been nice seeing you but now I must kill you again!" The Old Iron King said as he picked up his giant hammer and raised it up in the air preparing to crush my skull with the thing. I closed my eyes and waited for death but before the Old Iron King could crush my skull with his hammer he was hit by Aracnoth and sent flying back into the lava.

"Thanks Aracnoth." I said as I stood up again and picked my katana up.

"AAARRRGGHHH!!!" The Old Iron King roared as he jumped out of the lava and landed in front of me: "THATS IT! YOU ALL DIE NOW!" He roared as I gripped my katana harder.

"All of you stay out of this. This is my fight and my fight alone." I say as the others looked a bit hesitant but then backed away.

I looked at the Iron King again and then dashed forward at break neck speeds. I rammed into him breaking several bones as I use my blade to stab him several times. The Old Iron King gritted his teeth as he pushed me off of him. I regained my composure the charged forward again this time the Old Iron King was ready for my attacks. He blocked the first few attacks before countering with a few of his own. I was hit by one or two of them before I parried one of his large swings.

I then rammed my blade into his stomach and used my katana's bewitched ability to absorb his blood and make my attack more powerful for a short amount of time. As I pushed him off my blade I jumped back as he got up. The Old Iron King growled as he charged forward once more. I smiled as he left himself wide open this was a fatal mistake. I waited for him to get close enough before using my blade to attack. One swift and powerful slash was all it took to behead the Old Iron King. As his head fell off his body his body turned to ash leaving behind his soul, Gwyn's soul and, his crown.

I sighed as I sheathed my sword and picked up the two souls and put them away. I then looked at the crown that laid on the ground I walked forward and picked it up feeling a faint heat still lingering within the crown. I started to feel a pit in my stomach I haven't felt this in such a long time. I felt... Regret. I took the crown and placed it on my head and turned around to face the others.

I looked at them then smiled weakly as I started to cry silently as I fell to my knees. The others slowly came to my side and comforted me as I weeped tears of sorrow and joy...

Author's Note:

Well there it is I know y'all wanted that fight and now you have it. The two old friends have faced off for the last time and now their grudge is settled...