• Published 22nd Nov 2014
  • 4,466 Views, 138 Comments

Sir Alonne - Lady Maria

I am sir Alonne and I was just slain by a undead who bested me at sword fighting. I died a honorable death and now I am stuck in a world of technicolor ponies and I am public enemy number 1. Now I have to survive and prove myself as a friend!

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Chapter VIII The curse appears again! Sir Alonne Vs The fume knight!

As I stepped out of my fortress I felt that the forest was darker then usual a shiver went up my spine as I walked out of the castle. I walked across the rickety bridge and to the other side. As I reached the other side I heard what sounded like groaning and moaning I looked to my left to see a undead pony. I was caught off guard by this as I fell backwards as thew hollow approached me. I then regained my composure drew my blade and cut it in half. I then smashed its skull so it couldn't come back one million thoughts rushed trough my head as I questioned what the hell a hollow was doing here.

I walked trough the forest and to Ponyville. I had a bad feeling that that town will have hollows swarming it. As I started to sprint towards a the small town I cut down anything in my path. Vines, bushes, trees, and sometimes a in no sent animal or two. As I started to kill things I felt souls rush into me. This was not good! I bursted out of the forest and laid my eyes upon Ponyville. Hollows were everywhere! I pondered to myself if I should help them. Weighing the wrongs against me I remembered how they imprisoned me, treated me like shit, and basically all around hated me. But on the other hand I just popped up out of nowhere barged into their homes, scared them to death and did a number of other things...

I then decided to sprint forwards and start to cut down hollows and slice them in half. I saw three little fillies about to be killed by a group of hollows. This was not going to happen on my watch! I Sprinted forward and cut the hollows to pieces. The three fillies looked at me in amazement.

"Who are you?" The little orange one said.

"I am Sir Alonne and today I am here to help you all." I said as I picked them up and brought them to town hall. I then saw the farmer mare cornered and fighting for her life against the hollows that swarmed her. I absolutely hated this orange bitch but, I hated hollows more. I then sprinted over to her and started to attack the hollows. As I cut through them and bashed their heads together Apple Jack looked at me in surprise. He jaw was on the ground as I smashed and cut the hollows into tiny pieces.

"W-why did yah save me?" Apple Jack asked as I looked at her.

"Look we may hate each other but, it is my duty to protect the innocent and slay the guilty. I have a grudge against hollows that is more powerful then all the emotions in the world!" I said as I bashed a hollow's skull in remembering how my parents got mauled by them.

"Now get to the town hall and gather the others I'll hold these bastards off!" I yelled as I launched myself towards another group of hollows. Apple Jack quickly complied as she warned many others and told them to get to town hall.

I continued to cut down the undead easily until a knight about my size approached me. The Knight was in hulking black armor with a tattered waste cloth. He held a huge black ultra greats sword covered in ash in his right hand and, in his left hand was a strait sword. As I stood before my challenger it became silent.

"Who are you state your name." I shouted as the black knight looked up at me.

"I am Ramie the rebel also known as the Fume Knight. I have been sent here by my queen Nadalia and, she wishes for me to capture you." Ramie said as I growled.

"Look here Ramie leave this place or suffer my wrath!" I shouted as I could see what looked like a demonic face scowl at me before readying his two swords and taking a battle stance.

"That is what I was hoping for!" Ramie shouted as he sprinted towards me at breakneck speeds. I quickly dodged and used my katana to deal a few light blows on him. However Ramie wasn't affected.

I charged towards Ramie and our swords clashed his Fume ultra great sword clashing against my Bewitched Alonne sword. Sparks flew as we clashed time and time again. He did 3 back flips before landing 15 feet away from me. He then raised his ultra great sword in the air and hell fire started to coat the blade.

I took this chance to impale several hallows to buff my blade as well. As we circled each other I looked for an opening to attack. I was starting to doubt there was one when Ramie made the mistake of trying to charge at me. I side stepped and used my katana to impale him. Ramie coughed up blood as I did so I then flung him into a wall of a house.

Ramie got up and shook his head. He growled as we both rushed each other. Our blades clashed again and again as we tried to beat each other to a pulp. Ramie elbowed me in the face cracking my mask and breaking it. I took my helmet off and wiped my nose. I then uppercuted Ramie in the jaw sending him onto his back. I stepped on his helm breaking it as I slammed my foot down on his face. H pushed me off and somersaulted backwards a few times. Ramie got back up and put away his ultra great sword as he unsheathed his fume sword. I two handed the blade and charged me. We slammed into each other as a huge mushroom cloud of dust sprouted out of the ground.

As we got up Ramie looked at me and huffed as he turned around then said, "Alonne this is not over!" Ramie said before disappearing into the fire. As he did so I turned around and rushed to town hall. I busted open the doors to see ponies injured I walked trough the room looking at the injured. I to my sacred chime out of my bottomless box. I then used my great heal to heal all the injured. After I finished healing everyone I walked out the door and back to my home in the everfree forest...

Author's Note:

Well the undead curse is spreading!!!! What will Sir Alonne do now? How will he cope with this and when will my fucking tablet stop being so laggy? All valad questions that will be answered in the next chapter of Sir Alonne!